18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, June 11, 1960 EATO N'S Store Wide ON SALE 4 AT 9. 30 A M. MONDAY AND ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Please, no telephone or mail orders HAND EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES 25% Reduced! Reg. 2.98 Please, no telephone or mail orders Fine quality cotton pillow cases, expertly embroidered. An end-of-line clearance; approx. 22 x 36". LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, Pair in Cellophane Pkg. EATON'S, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT.436 Manufacturer's Clearance ! Men's Sample Shoes, Much Below Usual Price Please, no telephone or mail orders In this group you'll find an excellent selection of stylings in black or brown smooth leathers; all have leather soles and heels. Size 7 only LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, pair EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 237 SEED AND FERTILIZER SPREADERS Please, no telephone or mail orders An exceptional value! Spreaders of heavy steel construc- tion, have 30-Ib. capacity :. . . make planting lawn or other seeds, spreading fertilizer, easy and quick. With 7" wheels. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 253 "ARBORITE" TOPPED OCCASIONAL TABLES Reg. 19.95 Please, no telephone or mail orders End-of-line to clear . . . Handsome coffee tables and step-end tables with hardy ""Arborite" tops in walnut grain finish. Hardwood legs, brass ferrules. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 470 REMNANTS TO CLEAR--Reg. .20 to 7.95 Please, no telephone or mail orders Odds and ends of bolts from all around the department . . . greatly reduced for quick clearance. Included: rayons, silks, cottons, wools, plains, prints, tweed-effects, and many more. Widths from 36" to 54"; lengths from Vs yard to 2 yards 10 to 4. % LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON"S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT.233 nylons; Men's "Kroy" Botany Wool Socks--Reg. 1.50 Save 50% ! End-of-line clearance Please, no telephone or mail orders ' Ankle socks of fine Botany wool . , . in plain shades or with small design. With nylon reinforced heel" and toe, elasticized tops; colours of beige, grey, navy, black or wine. Sizes 102 to 12 in the group. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL. pair EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 2017 GLADIOLUS BULB SPECIAL! Please, no telephone or mail orders There is still time to plant your gladioli -- and_have beau- tiful blooms this year! Large, healthy bulbs in mixed colours LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, Doz. EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 280 . AUTOMATIC STEAM AND DRY IRONS Exceptionally low priced ! Please, no telephone or mail orders Lightweight, easy to fill and empty. Polished aluminum finish; cord attached; 15 steam vents on sole plate, evenly distributed for wide dampening effect while ironing; indi- cator dial sets correct temperature for various 1 9 fabrics. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each " EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 277 WOMEN'S COTTON SLIPS Size 34 only, reduced to clear Please, no telephone or mail orders Cool, easily laundered white cotton slips broidery at bodice ond hem LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each with dainty em EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 1/2 Price Clearance ! 45 R.P.M. RECORDS--Reg. .98 Please, no telephone or mail orders One-or-few-of-a-kind; many titles from recent Hit Par- ades; a good variety of popular bands and artists. Shop early for best choice! LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 560 27" Wide Hardiwist Broadloom to Clear Please, no telephone or mail orders Excellent quality broadloom with the 'hardtwist' kink that defies footprints, smudges, wear! 27" wide for hall and stair treatments; two colours only -- turquoise or green greatly reduced for clearance LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, yard EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 TECO SPECIFIED AUTO ENAMEL Discontinued colours to clear ! Please, no telephone or mail orders Suitable for cars, bicycles, garden furniture, etc. Colours of deep green, grey, wine, black, blue-black. Shop early quantities are limited! LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, '2 Pint EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 WOMEN'S REVERSIBLE CAR COATS Unusually low priced to clear! Please, no telephone or mail orders blue, green or brown plaids re- Two pockets on either side; 11.95 "Two-in-one"' carcoats -- verse to beige corded cotton smart metal button closing. Sizes 10 to 18 in the group. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON"S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 244 BOYS' REVERSIBLE WINDBREAKERS Please, no telephone or mail orders . . two-in-one jackets at a very low clearance price. Colours include red, brown, grey or beige; sizes 10 to 16, but not all sizes in each colour. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 Polished cotton reversing to neat checks CLEARANCE OF HOUSEHOLD SCISSORS Please, no telephone or mail orders Imported scissors of good quality steel; 5", 4° and 7" sizes. included. Purchase one or more pairs for many household uses. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL. each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 515 PRE-PASTED WALLPAPERS TO CLEAR Much below usual price ! Please, no telephone, or mail ordery Excellent quality papers in a good choice of patterns for every room . . . all are semi-trimmed; all plastic-coated for washability. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, Single Roll EATON"S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 LITTLE GIRLS' PLAID DRESSES Greatly reduced to clear! Please, no telephone or mail orders Well-woven cotton dresses with neat collar ending in a bow at the neck; short sleeves; button front to waist; skirt gath- ered into waistband. Plaids in blue, red, or browns;sizes 3 to 6x in the group. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 PLASTIC BEACH BAGS Please, no telephone or mail orders Roomy bags to tote your sunglasses. suntan lo- tion, etc. Moisture-resistant plastic in a variety of small, neat patterns. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each swimsuit, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 222 Reduced to clear « . . WILDROOT CREAM OIL HAIR TONIC Please, no telephone or mail orders Discontinued style container . . . save on this well-known hair-dressing for men! In dispenser bottle. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 GOOSENECK LAMPS--REG. 5.49 End-of-line . . . Save V3! Please, no telephone or mail orders Handy gooseneck lamps for student's room, den or office. Base, arm and bullet have polished brass finish; lamp stands approx. 15" high. 3 66 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ....,... ¥» EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 377 LITTLE GIRLS' 2-PIECE SLIP SETS Exceptionally low priced for clearance Please, no telephone or mail orders Pretty lingerie just like mummy's! Dainty cotton slip and matching half slip are easy to launder, quick to dry. Sizes 2, 4 and 6 in the group LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, 2-pc. set 4' WOODEN PLATFORM LADDER 18 only -- reduced to clear Please, no telephone or mail orders Solid B.C. fir construction, with wire-reinforced rungs. Well-made, sturdy, useful for many chores in and out of the house. 30 25 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ...,..cs.. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 V2 Price Clearance ! Fender-Mount Rear View Mirrors-- Reg. 2.50 to 6.50 Please, no telephone or mail orders Discontinued lines and display samples are 'included in this group. All are heavily chromium-plated to resist rust and salt spray corrosion, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each 1.5" 3.25 EATON'S MALL. LEVEL, DEPT. 261 Floor Covering Remnanis--Reg. 1.96 to 3.60 Half-Price Clearance of Sandran, Inlaid Linoleum, Congoleum ! s, Please, no telephone 'or mail orders ~ Ends-of-lines . . . hard-wearing, easy-care floor coverings in useful 3' x 6 size; suitable for hallways, landings, children' s foo. A good choice of colours and patterns fet 981.80 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 273 Ee ees