HOUSEHOLD HINT SINGER'S MUSEUM Line up graduated beads, in| LONDON (CP) -- Moscow Rae the order they are to be re-|dio reports a museum has opened strung, on a length of cello-/in the Leningrad Academy's op- phane tape, sticky side up.|era and ballet theatre to tell the Anchor tape at both ends. Then|life story of the late Feodor the beads won't roll out of posi-|Chaliapin, the great Russian tion, basso. TO MARRY IN CALIFORNIA GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES ST. GEORGE'S CIJWA The June meeting of George's Catholic Junior(g Women's Auxiliary was held re-|" cently in the parish hall with the|f president, Mrs, Edward Hyr. canuk presiding. / The Reverend J. C. Pereyma lopened the meeting with prayer The secretary's report was read by Mrs. Alex Korkush and Mrs, Stephen Bonfordi read the treas-|§ anisms olf MR. AND MRS. STANLEY KINSMAN, MR. A Surprise Anniversary Dinner Honors Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopps Twenty - five years ago on June 8, 1935, a double wedding in King Street United Church performed by the Reverend Lorne Me- Tavish, DD, united Susan Echlin| and Roy Hopps and her sister, Lucy Echlin and Stanley Kins- man, Every year since the couples have observed their anni- versaries together, On Tuesday evening, to mark the silver anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalziel honored Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopps by present- ing them with a surprise dinner| party at Sandalwood. As the couple arrived, the assembled guests sang "For They are Jolly Good Fellows" and a background of soft dinner music was provided by Mr. William Dalziel at the| | 19nd " plato, [Russell Mollon and Mrs. Roberi| William Pierce takes place to- A presentation of a silver money tree, dangling with silver| dollars was made by Mr. Robert| Singleton. The bridegroom of 25 years ago responded to the pres- entation and dinner with love and gratitude to his friends and in- vited them all to their home. Their only son, Denis, a student at Donevan Collegiate, was pres- ent and fully enjoyed the occa- sion. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopps had planned their anniversary and in- vited guests to their home, not knowing that there would be a suprise dinner first. They received guests and many friends and neighbors for the re- mainder of the evening. Mrs. Edgar Wilson poured tea and re- freshments were served by Mrs. Douglas Lander, Mrs. Robert Singleton, Mrs. Clayton Denby, Mrs. Ronald Flintoff, Mrs. Dalziel. The honored pair many gifts and flowers. reeived| Church, A fo dil ND MRS. ROY HOPP! Women, THE OSHAWA TI MES, Friday, June 10, 1960 7 'Trousseau Tea Mrs, E, George Perkin enter tained on Saturday, June 4, at a trousseau tea for her daughter, |Miss Sandra Madeline Perkin, |whose marriage to Mr. Ronald |morrow in Northminster United Mrs. Russell Pierce, mother of the prospective bridegroom, as- sisted in welcoming the guests. Mrs. J. W. Perkin and Mrs. Her-| and Showers 'Honor Sandra Madeline Perkin bert Hawley, grandmothers of the future bride, poured tea in the afternoon and Mrs. Edward Hawley and Mrs. Mervin Perkin, aunts of the bride-to-be, poured tea in the evening. Tea assistants were Miss Brenda Stevens, Mrs. William Hayes, Mrs. Madge Horne, Miss Millie Gallagher, Mrs. W. Frank- lin Taylor, Mrs. Ted Phillips pre- sided in the trousseau room, urer's report. Mrs. Hrycanuk thanked the women for their help with the arrangements of the annual spring daiice, which was held oh June 4. The League was pleased to honor one of its new mothers, Mrs. S. McPhee with a lovely blue carnation. Plans were made for next Com- munion to be held on Sunday July 31, at the 8:30 Mass. It was agreed to hold the regular meet- ings in each other's homes and that the hostess for each particu- lar month has to supply some- thing interesting, such as a speaker, movies, tips on baking, etc., as part of the social hour following the meeting. The idea of this was to bring the attend- ance up at the monthly meetings. Ideas were brought forward for fall projects and will be further discussed at the next meeting, |September 12, at the home of Mrs. Michael Kakas at 8:30 in {the evening. RITSON H and 8 ASSN. The new executive of Ritson Home and School Association met at the home of the president, Mrs. Carl Creamer, to appoint commitiee chairmen for the com- ing year. The committee chairmen are as follows: program convener, Mrs. Joseph Hart; finance, Mrs, George Cuthbert; membership, Mrs. Borden Slack; press and publicity, Mrs. Wilbert Dart; grade mother, Mrs, William Win- field; health, Mrs. Stanley Sar: gent; parent education, Mrs, John Jenkins; music apprecia- tion, Mrs. William Milne; civil defence, Mrs. Leonard Head; safety, Mrs, Frank Zarowny; hos- pitality, Mrs. J. R. Warnica and Mrs. Stephen Minacs; publica- tions, Mrs. William Marlowe. It was announced that a meet- ing would be held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Hart at a later date. SA HOME LEAGUE | OF INTEREST to Oshawa is the announcement of . the engagement and forthcoming marriage of Roland Keith Mulligan and Joyce Jeannene Rowe. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. Arthur Wilson Rowe of Corona, California, and the prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mulligan, Oshawa, Miss Rowe is a freshman at La Sierra College where she is majoring in commerce, She has'been a member of the Sigma Phi Kappa and is a member of the Teachers of Tomorrow Club. She is assist ant treasurer of the American Temperance Society, La Sier- ra Branch, Her fiance received his previous education in Otta. wa and at the OCVI and is now attending . La Sierra College where he is majoring in the- clogy. He has been a member of the Mu Beta Kappa, holding the office of chaplain, He has recently been elected pastor of the Ministerial Fellowship. He is residing at 518 .W 8th street, Corona, Calif. The wedding is to take place at the end of this month. i was held on Tuesday afternoon June 7. Mrs. Major Rankin led in the singing of a few choruses. The devotional period was led by Mrs, William James, who had 4s her topic "Roses". The hymn "My Jesus I love Thee" was sung, followed by prayer by Mrs, Wil- liam Allison. Mrs. Ernest Sargeant sang a solo "Jesus Rose of Sharon". Mrs. James read the scripture, then read a story, "How the Rose [got her thorns", she gave a reading, "Fragrent Thoughts'. She led in the singing of "Give to Jesus Glory", and closed with the Lord's Prayer. : Mrs. James gave a demonstra- tion on making roses. Tea was served by the Sunshine Group. Next week the members of the Cheerio Group under the leader- ship of Mrs. Thomas Salisbury, The regular meeting of the|will have charge of the devotion- Salvation Army Home League al period. TEA BAGS Tea bags were accidentally in- troduced in 1904 by Thomas Sul- livan, a New York tea merchant who distributed samples in small silk sacks. . ALDSWORTH CLEANERS have o NEW DRIVE-IN DEPOT in the WESTERN TIRE BLDG. 145 KING ST. WEST Prive In Now TAKE ADVANTAGE of their OPENING SPECIALS TWO MODERN § RETAILERS TO THRIFTY wt SVS Lem Mm S Lm Ln SVS mV LumiVL TORES IN OSHAWA CANADIANS Long weekends and sunny skjes are the "order-of-the-day" ! HURRY FOR THESE BIG PICNIC & COTTAGE NEEDS! Mr. And Mrs. Stanley Kinsman Hold Reception on Zth Anniv.| SOCIAL NOTICES Mr. and Mrs Stanley Kinsman|Leslie Kinsman assi sted the who were present at the surprise hostess. Zuniyarsary difmer SI Yeroplion A presentation of a Swedish celebrated their own 25th an. Jain coffee table was made k by the y and i diat niversary with an at home at members. of the family presented Wednesday veening. | eri.1ignt lamp. Kinsman's Over 'a Hundred friends called relatives made a presentation of| to extend congratulations and good wishes. Miss Bonnie Kins.|3 Modern tea cart, man kept the guest book. Mr. and Mrs. Kinsman have a Arrangements of pink and|daughter, Mrs. Bruce Down white carnations - graced the re-| (Joan) and two sons, Morris, Osh- ception rooms. Pouring tea were awa, and James, at home. There ment of their daughter, Shirley Mrs. Albert Kinsman and Mrs.|are two grandchildren, Susan| yvonne, to Jack A. Wallace, son Ira McNaughton and serving|Down and Stanley Kinsman. lof Mr. Frank Wallace of De- were Mrs. Morris Kinsman and| In attendance with Mr. and troit, Michigan, and Mrs. Doris Miss Reva McGill of Enniskillen. Mrs. Kinsman at the reception Wallace, Oshawa. The marriage Mrs. Cleve Kinsman and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopps. |is to take place in Northminster P E R S 0 N 1 I S United Church on Saturday,July 9, at 3 p.m. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pick of The staff of Ritson school en- Norwich, Ontario, wish to .an- tertained on Tuesday evening at a dinner at Sandalwood when the automatic toaster and the Young honored guests were Mr. J C.|People's Union presented a host. Plan to choose your picnic, camping, vacation and summer cottage needs now . . . Come see Zeller's assort- ments at Thrift-right prices! . . . They're Value-right ! Mrs. Barry Henderson and Miss Diane Pierce in the wedding and shower gifts room. Miss Karen Hawley kept the door. Mrs. George Fairhart held a miscellaneous shower at her home. The Misses Pat Pearson and Rose Fairhart assisted in serving. Mrs. Mervin Perkin, aunt of the future bride, entertained rela- tives at her home, and presented the bride-to-be with a mixmaster and cake mixes. Co-workers from the London Life Insurance company and friends from Roughley Insurance company entertained at a dinner party at the home of Miss Brenda Stevens and presented an electric frying pan and kitchen gadgets. Mrs, Ted Phillips and Mrs. Barry Henderson held a miscel- laneous shower at the former's home in Toronto. Mrs. W. Franklin Taylor held a shower at her home and present. ed a silk comforter and pantry shelf articles, Mrs. Robert Thompson of Toronto assisted the hostess in serving. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs, Eldridge Per- rault, RR 1, Hampton, will be at home to their relatives, friends and neighbors on Saturday, June 18, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., on the occasion of thelr silver wedding anniversary. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hogel, Oshawa, announce the engage- STURDY HAMPERS 1.98 ZELLER-PRICED FOR THRIFT! «= Just right as @ and beverage -"'carry~ "GOLA COOLER" IVE CHEST * Excitingly NEW! Lip Quick' the world's first Em roll-on lipstick by Richard Hudnut United Church presented Mr. Pierce and Miss Perkin with an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Edith Kathleen, to Mr. Fetterly, principal and Miss Alice Hartston who are retiring this Marvyn Charles Clarke, son of year, Miss Muriel Veale, a bride- tobe, and Miss Margaret Kerr, Mr. Lloyd aGskin and Mr. Larry, Haisell who are being transfer- ess plate, Louie Hogarth Aux. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Clarke, Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, June 25, 1960, in St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Woodstock, Ontario. Mrs, William Stonehouse, aunt of the prospective bridegroom, held a pantry shelf shower at her home. Mrs, Madge Horne and Miss Rolls on flowing eolor quickly, smoothly, automatically. Can't break off. . . like lipstick! Can't melt... like lipstick! Gives true 49 FIBREGLASS INSULATION keeps foods and beverages cold! Splits food all"! Durable metal in gay plaids or two-tone colori About 13% by 9% by 8 ins, Complete with hinged lid; earrying handles. Millie Gallagher held a shower .lat the home of Mrs. Douglas Harnden and presented the bride- to-be with a chenille bedspread, table cloth, sheets and pillow slips. Mrs. Stanley Meyers pour- ed coffee and Mrs. Douglas Harn- den assisted the hostesses. Mrs. Edward Hawley, aunt of the bride-to-be, held a shower at her home and presented a set of oven ware. Miss Karen Hawley, Mrs. John Nailor and Mrs. Her- outline to your lips! In 8 fabulous shades. "LinQuick' in slim, elegant, golden case $2-00 Refill $150 level design for upright storage, Complete with sliding tray, carrying handle. Choice of or red enamel fine hd ENGAGEMENT t is of Laura Ann Lee, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee| 3/of Whitby to Mr. Francis Patrick | Morrissey of Tillsonburg, son of| red to other schools in the city. All received parting gifts. Mr. Marks Anniversary, Fett: ented with _ The tenth birthday dinner meet- i was pres at the ing of the Louie Hogarth Auxil- staff reviewed his years at the|lary of the Women's Missionar: school since 1946. Miss Harston| foclety of Albert Sivest, Unite! was presented with a standard Church was held recently. ; : ini Bg the conclusion of the| The president, Mrs. Wilbur| VT: and ig Reywand, Morris-| party the 27 guests present were| Down, welcomed the members SY Of Guelph, Ontario. The mar. led in a singsong with Mr. Tom|and guests. Mrs, Henry Hogarth |Fi2ge is to take place in Whitby Park at the piano. |cut the birthday cake and ex. united Church on Thursday, {pressed her best wishes to the June 30, 1960, at 7.30 p.m. Out of town guests at the Rus-| Auxiliary and spoke of the many| Va by 12V5 16 ins, Lightweight! sturdy 22-PC. PLASTIC PICNIC SET sell-Hill wedding were Mr, and Mrs. A. Fillatrer, Mr. and Mrs. | George Russell, Mr. and Mrs. | Thomas Howell, Miss Sandra De| Shane, Mr. Kenneth Howell, all of| Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas| Roy, Beamsville; Mr. and Mrs. A. Gower, Port Whithy; Mr.| and Mrs. Paul George, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kirby. Cobourg; Mrs. B (Barney) Prit-| chard, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gallipeau, Smith's Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geer, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dav- idson, Raglan. Mr. Ronald William Pierce whose marriage to Miss Sandra Madeline Perkin takes place to-| morrow has been entertained at several pre-nuptial parties. Mr. Barry Henderson and Mr. Ted Phillips entertained at the for- mer's home in Scarborough and | presented the prospective bride-| blessings the church worker had in doing missionary work, Mrs. L. M. Akin was the guest speaker, taking as her topic the meaning of the word "mission.| ary", the home town missionary land the missionaries on the for- eign field. e town missionary could supply the financial aid and clothing so urgently needed and prayers could give strength to those laboring on the mission fields in other lands. The satis- faction of seeing men's and women's lives change is the re- mittees were read and members ward of a missionary, she said. The words of the Master, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel" was meant even for the home town missionary. Miss Eleanor Calvert sang two solos, "Think on Me", and "Fath-| Auxiliary will be held in Sep- er in Heaven", and later in the tember. program sang "Oh What a Beau- tiful Morning", accompanied at the piano by Mrs. W. G. Kins- man. Mrs. John Lowry thanked the {speaker and those who took part in the program for their contri- bution to the birthday dinner | The worship service was led by Mrs. William Stalliprass,, Mrs. Samuel Gibbs and Mrs. Lawson Parks read a poem, "Strength for| Today". | The minutes were read by Mrs. | | Walter Cole. Reports from com-| | were reminded of the WMS Pres- byterial tea on June 20 at Eben- |ezer United Church and the School for Leaders to be held at |Ladies' College at Whithy August 115-21. The next meeting of the groom with a bridge table and chairs. From his fellow workers in the Vigor Oil company Mr, Pierce received a garden chaise lounge, Mr. William Blight enter- tained at his home and personal gifts were presented. The Sunday School staff of Northminster Remembrance Association The Oshawa & District "Silver Cross" Are Hold Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Electrolysis and the newest, fastest, Kree Century Series shortwave, revecling your true self, free || of worry and ember POISE lotion MARIE MURDUFF | will be In Oshawa aot the I Genosha Hotel, June 14-15 PHONE RA 3-4641 for appointment an these dates = & - ene ANNUAL SATURDAY, Proceeds disabled veterans and their dependents REMEMBER THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR "TODAY" FOR ing Their TAG DAY JUNE 11th in aid of YOUR "TOMORROW" bert Hawley assisted in serving. After the wedding rehearsal this evening the wedding party will be entertained at the home of Mrs, William Stonehouse, aunt of the prospective bridegroom. TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA ZEL LER RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. INSULATED! -- Sturdy "vinyl ing handles. About 102 by wearing. DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. Phone RA 3-2294 SPECIAL! PICNIC BAG 2.47 I" Picnic Bag in attractive stripe designs. Fibreglass insulation. Heavy-duty carry- 17 ins. Washable. Long- ZELLER'S LIMITED USE OUR CONVENIENT "LAY-AWAY" PLAN A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE UNTIL NEEDED SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. S. Phone RA 3-2209 98: SUPER VALUE! -- Sturdy plastic in bright "speckled" colors, Set consists of 4 sectioned plates, 4 mugs, 4 knives, 4 spoons, 4 forks, butter knife and spatula. Smart for Home and Cottage. laid metal jug, insulated to eep your favorite bever- ages cold. About 10 ins. high. Metal handle. Smart EE "BEVERAGE SET BIG 65-0Z. JUG AND 4 10-0Z. TUMBLERS to the set. Colorful. In re-usable 98° DEY ..iesihsvvisrnedadi PLASTIC CUTLERY SETS SERVICE FOR FOUR! -- Easy to take along on picnics and camping trips. - Useful at parties, : too! Colorful ...cve... se 29° SPECIAL ! CHAISETTE ] 4 4 : | i Aluminum frame -- 68 ins. long! Easy to adjust to your most comfortable position, J "Saran" webbing in green, blue or yellow. Lightweight! Sturdy! Sure to be the fam- ily's favorite easy-chair this § Summer! Special low price. DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. 8. PHONE RA 3-2209