ve wr Vee Mathematical Congress will also meet Saturday. TO HONOR PM The Royal Society of Canada is to meet from Sunday to Wednes- day, Prime Minister Diefen- 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 2, 1960 Scout Mother's Auxiliary Wide Discussion Meets At Maple Grove MAPLE Shove --- The newly i i ri : i in 3485 tie i ii li i i 3 3 i =3 Holmes, Mrs, Mrs. D. Bailey, read the minutes of the former meeting. There was a goodly number of mothers present, The meeting closed with the official closing prayer. The regular monthly meeting of Evening Auxiliary of WMS was held on May 26 at the home of Ron Pingle and| -- to Bowmanville Hospital with a |fractured ankle and Maureen on| Whalen is confined at home with ,|a foot injury. Mr. and Mrs. William John- ston, Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. .|Robert Johnston, Douglas and Lynn, Dundas, were weekend guests of Mrs. Robert Jarvie and accompanied her to Peterborough to visit Mrs. C. Bridges. Mr, and (Mrs. Gordon Jarvie and family | were also present, Miss Jacqueline Mutton, Bow- manville, Robert Allison, Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Alli- son on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Swallow | were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes, Whitby, on Sup- day. Mrs, Jack Hurrle. The meeting opened with the call to worship by Mus. Cecil Mills and a hymn, followed by a Scripture reading by Mrs, Harvey Metcalf, Mrs. Stephen Jeffery gave a reading, and the Lord's Prayer was, re peated in unison. A chapter from the Study Book was given, about five ac- complished African Women BUSINESS SESSION The president, Mrs, Steve| Doyle, conducted a suort business | period. Secrelary Mrs. Percy) Flintoff read the April minutes and roll call was taken. Treas-| urer's report was given by Mrs. W. H. Brown. It was dread that the June meeting would be| held one week earlier than usual, | June 16. Birthday greetings were sung | w Mrs, H. Metcalfe, Mrs. Tom| McGuirk, Mrs. S, Jeffery The | president closed the meeting with | |lin, the Brooklin Baptist Church candid ates moved into the home | R, L. ROXBOROUGH New Ministry 'To Be Started BROOKLIN -- On Friday, Ji, 3, in the Township Hall, Brook-| a prayer. Lunch was served by| |#s holding an introductory serv- Mrs, Jack Hurrie's group. GIRLS' 4-H CLUB NEWS Teens group was held at Mrs. [¢ Ray Dubeau's home. President). Carole Greenham opened meeting with the 4-H Pledge and |g roll call. Mrs. Ron Brooks was absent because of illness. Notes... | on facings and sewing pamphlets the worshi were given to help with the proj |e ect, "Cottons May Be Smart." The girls did some work on their dresses, Next meeting will ceased and it be held at the home of Carcle|ihat the Baptists Greenham. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Swallow called on Mr. and Mrs Will Smith, Oshawa, on * Jack, Vernon and Harry Cham bers and Wayne Parks, enjoy 1 thea ed | | worship held by [sce to officially commence the| ministry of | The fifth ie of the. Hi burgh. The church recently call-|said in Truro that the Liberals | meeting he "led Mr. Mr, Robert Rox- Roxburgh as its first full me minister. Mr. Roxburg ame fo this district tha and Is at present a theology Jen Toront« he Baptist work stablished in 1884 pers met in t ? sireet eas in Brooklin and hurch on Kir is now the Township Hall in Brooklir wasn't until again tool In 1916 the church ithe work. Meeting only as a A n- |day school for childr {was slow but progress encouraging. In 953 there began a weekly Bible| | ame for adults. The first meeting for public | the present the Air Show at Trenton, on|church was in 1958. For a time Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Moore, Oshawa, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Colliss. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holmes and family were guests of Mr, Mrs. Mervin Storie, Saturday. Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Freeman attended the United Church Conference at |" Kingston last week and spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Otis and | growth by Rev. C. Uxbridge, on |the Bible 'Club movement who, al-| ready a of his spare time to the church | and led the regular Sunday serv- Hall, Pritchard and sons at Manatick. | church, the Bapt |the group worshipped as a com- | munity mission, ; ling themselves the Brooklin Bap-| hack until the last week and pub- | tist Church. eventually call- The church was helped in its R. Nelson of busy mam, devoted much | ices for a time. Now meeting in the Township which once was their t people of the Mrs B Cole, a local teacher, [district are seeking to enlarge) is reported improving in a Toron-|their church to hospital since her operation |edifice to serve the growing com- Vhouse to a saier spot. and erect a new last week. Alex Laird is confined munity in and around Brooklin, Columbu s WA Hold Meeting COLUMBUS -- The Columbust WA held its may meeting in the lower hall of the church on Wed- nesday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Beath was pianist and the meet- ing opened by ggg "Take Time to be Holy". . J. Me- Kenzie, president, = a poem entitled "Best Song'. Mrs. Walter Holliday presided for the devotional period. She was assisted by Mrs. George Scott. Mrs, Elmer Powell and Mrs. James McKenzie gave reports on the Presbytery meeting which was held recently in Port Perry. Mrs. Ray Scott presided for the program. Caroline Webber gave a piano selection. Mrs, N. Mec- Master, Zion, was the guest speaker. She gave a talk on "Spring Cleaning" comparing it with "Our Spiritual Cleaning". Caroline Webber favored with aa- other piano selection. The meeting closed with the On Friday evening a very suc- cessful Auction Sale was held in $740 were given to the Organ Fund. Along with the sale of many articles, a home-baking fable, a rummage table and a re- freshment booth were also fea- tured. The auctioneer was Mr, Ted Jackson and donations were given by the Oshawa dairies and other firms in the district, An Explorers meeting was held in the church basement on Wed- nesday evening with eleven girls present and one leader, Miss Gwen Shaw. OPEN MEETING The meeting opened with the repeating of the Explorer's Motto and Purpose followed by the singing of the Explorer's Hymn "This Is My Father's World", The worship service followed with Dorothy Davey in charge. Patricia Webber read the scrip- ture and a poem was read by Dorothy. The business section of the meeting followed. During the business the girls discussed going to the Oshawa Library in the near future. Plans were also made for the Explorer's Open House which they intend to have | at the end of the year. After the business the girls| read from the missionary book called "New Magic". The meeting then closed after the group played a few games| together, Brooklin Baptist Church (TOWNSHIP HALL) ROBT. L. ROXBURGH "Minister" District Ministe INTRODUCTORY MEETING Speaker: REV. W. N. AITKEN Musical Talent -- Refreshments AN OPEN INVITATION TO BECOME ACQUAINTED WITH OUR CHURCH rs Participating | Fully Guaranteed Mac Laverty, Dunnville, Mrs. Charles Nesbit! and Ross called on Mr. and Mrs, D. Laverty and family on Monday. Mr, Charles is, Port Bessy: is spending a few days Wi son, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allison and family, Mr, and Mrs, George Robertson, attended the Willett- Webb wedding in Peterborough, |! last Saturday. Danny McDonald enjoyed an all expenses paid trip to Toronto over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Colliss and sons, Minden, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Tom Col- liss Mr. and Mrs. William Barlow, West Hill, called on Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swallow on Sunday eve ning. Ken Brooks of Flint, Michigan, was a weekend guest of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stacey, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Oley. Mf , and Mrs. Mercer, Mr. John Baliss, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Calling were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson and family, Mr. and Mrs Roy Colliss and sos, Minden, called on Mr, and Mrs, Jim Geddes and family, on Saturday | Rose-Ann Paterson was a week |end guest of Cheryl Symes, Bow- Imanville. | ANNOUNCEMENT There will be a joint meeting of the three Church Circles at the |Church on Tuesday evening, June |g at 8.30 p.m. All lades are wel- come. NS. S. Campaign | Grows Hotter HALIFA X(CP)--The tempo, of the Nova Scotia election cam- paign picked up Wednesday as| stretch for the June 7 voting. Speaking in his home riding of Colchester, Prem ier Stanfield levelling "illogical" charges | ¢ Progressive Conservative were Stanfield said there "are| onal voices of gloom | heard in Nova Scotia to-| We have heard those voices | fore profe b At a rally in Sydney, sioerall} leader Henry D. Hicks said fed- eral subventions--treasury assist. ance to move Nova Scotial coal| i sito central markets -- could be applied to production of coal at| a cost low enough for use as a generator of cheap power. |at Newport Station, 35 miles northwest of here, the manifestos lof both the Conservatives and Liberals are "inadequate." "It is more than a coincidence | that both opposing parties held platforms on the Loomer said. lished their same day," Mr. "It is (obvious they are both the | same.' CLIFF-HANGER BARTON - ON - SEA, England] (cp) Erosion has narrowed the | gap between Alired Burridge's| {bungalow and a 50-foot drop to| the beach to three yards. The {lecal council hopes to move his MOST HOT WATER at LOWEST COST with a NATURAL GAS RENTAL WATER HEATER ONLY $1 75 MONTIALY FREE | SERVICE, MAINTENANCE and INSTALLATION On some Sua, te there may be a charge for extra piping.) | Water heats 3 times faster : Costs jess, Too! ' Your Gas company does not door salesmen nor a canvassers. For Information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to sll ahd latall atural [| 5 equipment call of write apartment of in 3 RA 3-3468 SUPPORT THE | HOSPITAL DRIVE! { [ A CCF leader Ralph Loomer sald By Many Experts By GERRY FREEMAN Canadian Press Staff Writer KINGSTON (CP) -- Delegates to the Conference of Learned Societies today began a series of meetings, seminars and discus- sions that will keep them busy until June 17. The delegates are Canada's top men in a score of fields, scholars, scientists, businessmen and pro- fessional men drawn together at Queen's University by the com- mon denominators of brains and earning. More than 2,000 are expected to attend sessions of about 30 separate organizations. papers they will read will repre- sent the cream of Canada's re. search crop. Canadian Association of Geographers today was to hear discussions of such diverse sub- jects as the efficiency of Jamai- can peasant land use and the an- ticipated effects of Ottawa's greenbelt, ESNTERIC STUDIES The Canadian Psychological The baker, to be made an honorary A Association will split into groups tor seven sessions and will pon- der some of the more esoteric problems in their field: Forced choice technique in personality measurement, the motivational effects of non-reward, conditioned] suppression as a monitor of fear|the groups. fellow, is to attend a M night banquet with his wife, Participation in the conference for most groups means they hold their annual meeting here. Many delegates are members of more than one organization and will attend functions of a number of Wesnédoxy June 14-15 Goby TRAIN and SAVE! BARGAIN COACH FARES BETWEEN OSHAWA AND ROUND TRIP You 33 aud sex differences in school ex- aminations. The National Conference of Canadian Universities and Col- leges this afternoon was to hold a symposium on the creation of new colleges. Speakers in the symposium were to include Education Minis- ter John Robarts of Ontario,|p Very Rev, E. E. Bouvier, presi- dent of the University of Sud- bury, Robert Winters, chairman of the board of governors of York University and Dr. W, H, Johns, president of the Univer- sity of Alberta. The geographers, psychologists and university administrators are .{to meet until Saturday. The Canadian Association for Adult Education and the Canadian In Bam Fire The, Wod: blazing barn on property Children Die SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP)--Two young children were d to death day in a by their families five miles north here. wr 6.55 MONTREAL 12.25 8.85 Jaigoin fares also opply between TORONTO OUND TRIP YOU SAVE HAMILTON . i }.55 $1.20 INDON 4.7 3.40 owER SOUND | 5. 44 3.65 WINDSOR 9.15 6.65 Tickets valid on all trains Return Limit--7 Days sesescnn shared Ragu 130 Ib baggage allowance. Children 5 and under 1 travel half-fare; under H free. fh = Grad Watch for Bargain Coach Fares effective July 12-13 STRENGTH = FLAVOUR ~ PURITY New, handy, flip-open Capto-Cop is hinged to bottle. Tamper-proef seal, aise LTS) Canadian Pfc i. [rr Gold Bond Special! ALYMER JAM 24.0Z. JAR PECTIN ADDED Special! Ty's PEANUT BUTTER Special! York BRAND STEWS SPECIAL! BETTY CROCKER , CAKE MIXES ¥ 39°, cr. 29° |, SPECIAL! STOKELY'S » 0 EY] G om id ng BY 2-25 235 SPECIAL! MONARCH worm 29° + 11° OPE Pon Special! GARDEN PATCH CHOICE GREEN BEANS Special! miss CANADA CHOICE TOMATOES SPECIAL! ©600D-LUCK %* J MARGARINE 2.5.39" Special! GOOD TASTE » GREEN GAGE | PLUMS Progen Pood Specials FRENCH FRIES 2 > 33¢ FANCY PEAS 2 i 39¢ ". woz, or 27¢ 400 EXTRA POWER GOLD BOND STAMPS 1-48. CARTONS THURSDAY an fo FRIDAY 9 OL os. 12.0r. KGS, THIS COUPON GOOD | FOR 50 GOLD BOND STRIPE } TOOTHPASTE ! Vell to Next H Gold Bond STAMPS does Wh 1 FELS INSTANT : GRANULES Vaid to Mase uy, dons 00 THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 25 GOLD BOND I MacINTOSH APPLES = SI BARBECUED ! CHICKEN ! Coupon Valid to Next Wednesday, June bh rm em meee eet mn --- MILK-FED BONELESS FRONTS OF VEAL" PERFECT 49 LEAN, TENDER « BONELESS STARS IN *i 3 YOUR FLAVOR "x INSPECTED - PERFECT "SELECTED - PERFECT! PORK LOINS"DD ACCEPTED-PERFECT! R.J.LUCAS - RINDLESS BACON _:: 9 SHOPSY'S +ALL BEEF SALAM LEAN -BONELESS * POT ROAST MAPLE LEAF-COOKED MEATS 1-18 Le 49° 1:95 Mock on vg Pieuls andy TENDER - MILKY- U.S ro pp FLORIDA 10:59 NS...2-35 59-iiiiice 2525 * %rec/ HAMPER OF »,GROCERIES TO ALL J UNE BRIDES of 1960 i# FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ENQUIRE AT,YOUR POWER LARGE CALIFORNIA GROWN- CANADA Not ==] NE W POTATOES TENDER-TASTY = No1 Grade VALENTINE i= GREEN BEANS... POTATO | CALIFORNIA- SUNKIST Dozen .HP-UH ORANGES THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 25 GOLD BOND STAMPS B With the purchase of @ PACKAGE OF 60 { ] PETER POWER pr TEABAGS |o Valid to Next Yo June Bh THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 2 Aid BOND With My vil ofa) 70%. PKG. OF FRENCH'S 13% v STAMPS Ti With the purchase of 7) 4-3anDED sans of | PALMOLIVE, REGULAR : 28 > or CASHMERE BOUQUET TOILET SOAP J 4 Coupon Valid to Next Wednerdoy, June 3th "J an : NIAGARA INSTANT LAUNDRY > STARCH REGULAR SARAN WRAP *¥ fou SO-BOTTLE CARTON OF THIS COUPON GOOD [|] FOR 50 GOLD BOND 39 7 CAR OR PATIO Coupon Valid to Next Wednesdoy, June Bh : 2 « 39° zr 23° = 6-0Z PKG