2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 2, 1960 HAT FOR BOER WAR VETERAN Receiving a hat from Jimmy | Charles W. Dyer (left) of Re- By DON HANRIGHT Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)--The Commons debate on the contentious anti- combines legislation began to de- velop Wednesday as largely a re- construction of the 1951 argument over resale price maintenance. In that year the former Liberal government ushered through Par- liament legislation against manu- facturers setting retail prices for their products. The Progressive Conservatives, then in opposition, opposed the measure vigorously. Now the Liberals complain, and the CCF is following the Liberal line closely, that the present Con- servative g o ver nment through amendments now before the House is seeking to undo every- thing accomplished by the 1951 Liberal enactment. The amendments would change the 1951 ban and make it possible for the manufacturers to refuse to sell goods to stores persis- tently using those goods as loss- leaders--articles advertised and sold below cost in order to at- tract buyers for more profitable merchandise. CCF ARGUMENT | The CCF position was summed up this way Wednesday by Arn- old Peters, Timiskaming: "The proposals will effectively eliminate the ban on resale price 'Price Effects Of Combines Law Debated ciations and small businessmen had asked for the change. "I believe it would be a death blow for many small businesses right now if they were denied the benefit of some protection against Jose eater selling," Mr. Aiken said. GIVES EXAMPLE M. Douglas Morton (PC--Tor- onto Davenport), a Bloor Street businessman, gave this example of the type of merchandising that is aimed at in the proposed amendments: Overnight, someone organizes a store and buys large quantities of electrical appliances, in many cases selling them at a price lower than wholesale. Quite often, after a short operation the store would go out of business, often in bankruptcy and owing credit. ors a lot of money. 'Somehow or other the money is got out of the business but the damage to the business section] of the economy has been great," Mr. Morton said. Under the present law, manu- INTERPRETING THE NEWS Obscenity Definition Test Case = NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)-- Until a test case comes before the courts, persons will have to interpret for themselves the meaning of obscenity under the Criminal Code, Attorney-General Roberts said Wednesday night. Speaking at the 67th annual mee'ing of the National Council of Women of Canada, Mr. Rob- erts said it will take time to see how the 1959 amendments to the code affect the present law, The code states that any pub- lication in which the dominant characteristic is undue exploita- tion of sex, crime, horror, cruelty and violence shall be deemed to be obscene. Meanwhile, Mr. Roberts said, a four-member advisory commit- tee will review reading material to determine its suitability for By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer A preoccupation with the grow- ing might of Communist China may underlie General de Gaulle's latest reference to a European entente. In his national television broadcast Tuesday, the French president went further than he has before in ouilining his far- sighted, grandiose-sounding plan for a Western confederation stretching from the Atlantic to the Urals. Such a confederaiton, he said, is the "indispensable condition" of world equilibrium. "The organization of a West- ern group at least equivalent to that in the East might one day permit the foundation of a Euro- pean entente between the Atlan- tic and the Urals, without threat- China Could Be Entente Reason Some French commentators are saying without qualification LOST LABOM BONN (Reuters) Strikes caused a loss of 9,831,000 working cays in West Germany between 1950 and 1959, says the federal statistics office. About 61 per cen. of the total was due to eirikes by steel and metal indus- try- workers. that Chinese pressure was the chief reason for Nikita Khrush- chev's arbitrary action at the failed summit conference. INCREASING INFLUENCE China, with a population reach- ing toward 700,000,000, can be expected to exert increasing in- JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist HARE OPTICAL 8 BOND ST, EAST, RA 3-4811 fluence in the years to come. When it is remembered that the United States can often be em- barrassed by some of its smaller Allies, it should occasion little surprise if Khrushchev occasion- ally bends an attentive ear to Mao Tse-fung. The idea of a "European en- tente"" obviously has great ap- peal for de Gaulle. He knows that this is the day of the big battalions, and he apparently iders that his beloved public distribution, This is not a censorship board, he added. The ittee would recommend the removal of ob- jectionable material to the pe- riodical distributors of Canada, which has agreed to co - operate with the attorney-general's de- partment. "I think it will turn out to be ening the ind dence and fre- dom of anyone, and taking in'o t the likely evolution of political systems." TWO HOSTILE BLOCS At another point, he said the division of the peoples inhabiling Europe and North America is the principal factor in the world facturers couldn't refuse to sell goods to such an operator, This | | situation would be overcome by the amendments. In opposition, Mr. Peters raise this point: It would be perfectly legal for d | | maintenance. They will provide {no effective protection, either | short or long term, for the small | dealer, "They will open the door to] discriminatory practices and] strengthen the position of ols| large distributor who controls private brands, and will place in| the hands of the manufacturer a| degree of control over the final price of his product that is de- gion, The six-day meeting with {1.5 5 other groups in the econ- Mcl.uckie of Celgary, Alta, (right) is Boer War Veteran gina, Sask,, at the 18th biennial convention of the Canadian Le- 1300 attendi ends June 3. omy." Not so, said Gordon Aiken Mayor's Brief Urges Auto Industry Help OTTAWA (CP) -- Faced with:try's plight against the back- (PC -- Parry Sound-Muskoka). He claimed the opposition has turned to *'historical rhetoric and technical arguments to conceal intended to help the small busi- nessmen." Retail merchant asso- Lowest Point ing that revenue depariment offi- | one store to spend millions of dollars edvertising its products in an attempt to attract customers: | but a competing store would be| acting illegally if it offered "spe-| cials" to accomplish the same end. "The big stores can afford to spend millions, but the small stores cannot," Mr. Peters said. today, and "the greatest evil of our times." With two hostile bloes confronting each other, it depended on Moscow or Wash- ington whether mankind sur- vived. Characteristically, de Gaulle did not go into detail, and he is obviously looking a long way ahead. But it is plain that he ic thinking hard about the implica- tions of the cold war. The idea of an entente from the Atlantic to the Urals sug- gests that he visualizes the time when Russia may draw closer to Western Europe. In foreseeing a practical ard sensible proce- dure established to assist the public to clarify its own opinion on what is objectionable mater- ial," Mr. Rcherts said. "If, for any reacon, a particular publisher or distribu'or dees not see fit to withdraw the material objected to, a member of the public , . . will have the oppor- tunity of initiating court proceed- ings in proper cases." He said the public also has the right to institute charges if it disagrees with the pamel's de- cision. | {The National Council of Women [of Canada will ask the federal| gevernment for tax exemption on school fees paid by parents of retarded children. School Fee Aid Asked By Council the fact that this legislation is| NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)--!also be asked for legislation as- | this, he perhaps feels that Com- munist China will become the core of a group unfriendly not only to the West but also to Rus- sia. France can only achieve great- ness as part of a larger enlity. Apart from the vision of his tory, one of the most interesting things about the speech was the eontrest it provided beiween the French leader and Prime Min- Did You Know . .. In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you can nave a Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95¢. FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Fred's Refrigeration RA 5-6235 ister Macmillan, De Gaulle showed himself as one who had no illusions about summitry and saw things turn out pretty much | as he expected; Macmillan still | seems determined to conlinue along the same path, if possible. | Tractor Accident Kills Boy Of 11 MARKHAM (CP) -- Gordon Pike, 11, of Markham Township, northeast of Toronto, was killed Wednesday when the tractor he was driving rolled over on top of him. He was towing another tractor out of a muddy field when the accident occurred. suring safety measures in the sale of poisonous carbon tetrach- |loride. Warning labels and un- breakable containers are advo- (VI=P-G aR VPN-13=h 5 le Gther motions passed by the| ated. The national council will ask counci' Wednesday at its annual|the internationa! council to make| RA 5-3564 ALWAYS GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER HOTEL LANCASTER NATURAL GAS IS YOUR BEST BUY for HOUSE HEATING sagging employment and un-|ground of a 20-per-cent increase certainty over the future of the|in imports of auto parts in 1959 Canadian automobile and auto/to a record value of $319,000.000 parts industry, heads of munici-|--60 per cent duty-free--and a palilies where these indusfries 46-per-cent rise in imports of are centred have called on the completed vehicles. federal government for help. {136 HOURS WITH PM They urged Wednesday in a The prime minister spent al- brief to Prime Minister Diefen-| t 1% I Ath a delegati baker, Labor Minister Starr and|MOS: 72 ours with a ce'egation Defence Production Minister posed, of Insyore Missal 3 ¢; fin oh | Patrick, Windsor; L. A. Gifford, O'Hurley that specific steps be aye: Ww, R, Bad, St. Cathar. taken to place the aulomotive in-|. ° 7 W And Oakville: dustry in a better position to com. | mcs: Wo A BCE LS 0M, DAVIE; pete with rising imports of for-| Reeve F. A. Phillips, Trafalgar eign-mde cars and of auto parts Tow ship; Alderman William that go into the manufacture of Riggs. wo ria Canadian cars | er, indsor industri com- . missioner, Their brief outlined the indus-| Mr. Elder said after the meet- mecting here dealt with penal re-'a cludy of the conditions of sale| form, cducation, safety welfare|of the product in their respective | anc cilizenship. |countries jected to apparent unre In the field of penal reform the mination or Inploveniest of values placed on imported cars| " ational i ' its|level crossings am uminous for duty purposes. | TORONTO {CP)--On the stock pote, fhvoushout Canada ac.| marking of freight and flat cars He said the delegation gained marke: Wednesday industrials) o2inted with the need for more |Were urged. Local governments the impression that this was an Were off more than 13 points|oiohiened treatment of the 75 Will be asked to tighten safety opportune time to present t z xd western oils, after hitting | pa. cent of cffenders who require|measures at level crossings in ¢ their lowest point since 1955, re-| minimum secu rity and spe-| view of deaths caused by these] scheduled for this fall among|c¢2ined only a few decimal|siniized treatment. | hazards. case, in view of negotiations |th signatories to the General Agree- places, : tito] ment on Tariffs and Trade, index changes: Industrials off] , The resolution is in line with the government's proposed new Street Ladies The brief suggested Canada 1.88 at 496.75; golds off .22 at| Are thirtt negotiate with the U.S. so Cana-|7 : base metals up .51 at|System of penal institutions. LONDON (Reuters) --- Last year's lady of the pavements has |dian parts suppliers could pro-|155 2, and western oils off .96|STUDY DEATH PENALTY become this year's club woman vide components for both domes-|at 15.46, The council also voted to stud: tic and U.S. markets on a du'y-| Volume was 1,637,000 compared capital punishment. A oy in London, a baroness told the House of Lords Wednesday night. free basis, at least to the extent| win 1,770,000 Tucsday frcm the Cal i i a, 1 : i 770, ceday. gary council asking of ithe dollar value of imported| Steel Co, of Canada dropped|the national council to support By "club woman," the Baron. | ess Ravensdale said, she had in| cials will look into the possibili-| ties of action on certain points| By Industrials Jgsened [a the prief wich ob | Felt By NATO 46 SIMCOE ST, N. ® OSHAWA LEAN BONELESS BRISKET POINT POT ROASTS LUCAS RINDLESS 1-LB. PKG. uw. 99° BACON" o. 49° PRESSWOOD'S READY TO SERVE BONE-IN SKINLESS SHANKLESS 5-11 LB. SMOKED HAMS .59° FRESH STORE SLICED COOKED MEATS MAC & CHEESE LB. 49: NOTHING DOWN No Paymént Until September !! Easy payments over 5 vEARS on monthly gas bills Insalls complete $14.60 forced air et Ta cluding labour and ma» terials to connect nearest existing bases ment ducts. of Cc DUTCH STYLE MOCK CHICKEN PICKLE & PIMENTO monthly installs $5.60 conversion burner. most furnaces. Among other proposals were: |at 34%, and National Steel Car| A change In residence laws for ® * | Claim On Bridge Ly % at 43, Great Lakes and St. % at 44% residence in a community for a 'giris." [ automatic transmissions in the 1s; at 7414, Atlas was off 1% at imi by 8 at , Atlas { treatment for the criminal sex) previous year. 2 Canada Foils dipped a psychopath was referred to the) 1. Review of the valuation pro-|27d Pomition Poamdnes Wen! | the Lencfit of those needing so- cedures under which more than(down % at 13% and 45%. ial assistance was supported. |mird a prostitute or stripper in 100,000 imported cars entered In 2D Provincial governments will bel night club part of a "sordid | OTTAWA (CP) -- Montreal rebuilding or repair of the bridge duty purposes of less than $1,100{La were off engineer Rothwell Grant 'is tak-iand an injunction to prevent it each. The brief said one-third of 2nd 17%, and Eddy was off %|cneeifi i v ad ban ¢ £ I Trai vy , specified time before a person is " A | in; to the Supreme Court offbeing used. 2. AbUibi gained Y's at 41. eligible for social assistance. The baroness, 2 6f-vearold so. * Engineer Pushes URGE VALUATION REVIEW [Poi at 19, Alzoma dropped % executive for further study. 5, Bathurst A was off Canada last year at a value for |asked to change laws requiring|racket of pimps, ponces and call-| !these ca fi wi Ger: Canada his claim that the -high- aN A Y, 9.67. | al : Mr, Justice J. M. King of the| level bridge built by the St. Law- rence Seaway Authority at Corn. | collapsing, The claim of the former' sca-| way inspector was described as| unfounded in August of last year by a special board of independent Ontario Supreme Court rejected | a motion b; be heard. Ontario Appeal Court] reversed Mr. Justice King's de-| cision, stating that Mr. Grant had no reasonable cause for his| actian, | Mr. Grant will ask the Su- |preme Court of Canada Monday |duly entry of parts for assemb valued at an average of $ 2. Manufacture this coun try's 7'%-per-cent excise tax i the Canadian content of the carat 47 is 50. per cent or more. 3. Either increase the require- ment of 60 per cent Canad content in order to obtain in Canada of |B 1 : y the scaway author-|foreign vehicles should be en- wall is unsafe and in danger of|ity that Mr. Grant's action not couraged by reducing cpped 12 at 69%, ontreal lest ¥4 at 503%. Teronto-Dominion improved 3; at -|531 J General Dynamics was off 2Y 74 1, Erie Floor off 1% at 5, Molybdenum off two points at |47'2, and Alberta Gas off 1% at 1an | 18%, Canadian Tire escaped the gen. rley said Wednesday | eral trend to gain 1% at 181%. ling in Canada or exclude some Ncranda gained % at 38%, Fal- of i ur hive A Pg ON conbridge was Ap % at 324, ing the 60-per-cent requirement, | € iant Yell owknife lost 15 cents 4. Offer incentives to have at(@ $9.60 while, among Senior least some Canadian content in| Uraniums, Gunnar dropped 20 imported cars. Tires were given Ccis at $7.20 and Algom lost % | as an example. at 11. | 5. Manufaciurers could stand-| Home A and Pacific Petroleum ardize their vehicles, reducing both were off 30 cenis at $3.15 the style, horsepower and acces- and $8.85. Home B was off 25 sory options in each price range|cents at $7.55 and Canadian and increasing the volume of the Husky and Central del Rio were rema'ning models. both off 15 cents at $5.75 and 6. Since Canadian auto com- $4.95. panies are owned and controlled| Calgary and Edmonton traded from the U.S., Canadian plants jate to gain 3 at 14%. !could enjoy increased activily if | one model or make of vehicle | ands mae New Mortgage DEATH TAKES | Money Sought vy ten at on several occasions that investi-| for leave to appeal against the| Mr. Grant's action is his third|the seaway authority and the! nel of the St, Lawrence River "is COURT SEQUENCE OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern- stability and strength to safelv arnia, Defence Production Min- He asked that action be taken| However, he did not indicate in He also asked for the removal:| Earlier this session, Mr. ected. Pl Fo Mr. O'Hurley said Wednesday FINAL MOVE OTTAWA (CP)--Public Works Minister Walker confirmed Wed- NEW YORK (AP)--The quiet cial worker, said the racket| SALAD LOAF Present laws were said to be a hardship to immigrants and {the mobile labor force required | {by the Canadian economy. They were also said to interfere with the right of freedom of move- ment. A uniform course of instruction for citizenship applicants was favore¢ in another motion. WOULD TIGHTEN RULES The federal government will Safety Rules Given Hearing TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario department of labor today will describe provincial safety regula- tions at the opening of royal com- m.ssion hearings on industrial safety. Representatives of the compos- ite insvection branch, the factory inspection branch, the elevator inspector branch and the boiler inspection branch will explain existing regulations to the thre. member commission. The board of c¢perating engineers will also be represented The commission was appointed by Premier Frost earlier this year following CCF charges in | y that the government is of a chess game in a Green- g for new ways to raise wich Village literary haunt was ey for National Housing Act) broken Wednesday by an argu- loins, without going to the com-| ment, a fight and the death of mercial hond market. a kibitzer. the legislature that provincial safely laws and enforcement are inadequate. Its purpose is to study tLe regulations with a view engineering consultants. Trans- gations show the bridge to be| Ontario Appeal Court ruling. His | safe. attempt to bring before the| attorney-general of Ontario, courts his claim' that the $7,000 a structure whose impending and | Polymer Study probable collapse causes grave In an Ontario Supreme Court action last July, Mr. Grant said ment has set up a committee to ider the future of the Crown- carry the superstructure and c traffic loads to which they are ister O'H by the Ontario attorney-general| replying to George Mellraith (L-- against the seaway authority for|Ottawa West) whether sole of the {O'Hurley sald an offer had been {made last year to purchase the that the prime minister and the government, "having at heart the By FREDERICK COLEMAN port Minister Hees also has said application will be opposed by| 000 bridge across the south chzg- iil | Now Promised | INOW I'Tomise the bridge's piers "lack the|op vncd Polymer Corporation at subject." in the Commons. maintaining a "public nuisance." | corporation is contemplated. Fi Y chemical plant, Inf ts said \ {chemical plant, Informants sai ive-1lear [then that the bid had been re- Jecle future development of Polymer," KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters)-- Malaya is planning a second five- year development plan which is expected to cost at least $336,- 000 000, The plan, to be submitted to Parliament later this year, it aimed at raising living standards, improving communications and generally building up the coun- try's present economy. The Malayan government, with its economy basically a rural one is enjoying a period Of prosperity and expansion. It hopes to con. solidate this by the completion of the second five-year plan and at the same time raise the already comparatively high living stand-| ards of the people. One section of the plan pro- vides for construction, near the capital of Kuala Lumpur, of the country's first major jet airfield. {had established a committee to consider the future of the cor- peration in view of the large ex- | ports that would have to be made {to keep it in business. | Later, outside the Commons, Mr. O'Hurley said in an inter- | view that there has been no new {offer to purchase the company. Beheaded Corpse In Drowned Auto | TORONTO (CP)--The headless {bedy of a woman was found | Wednesday behind the wheel of |a car tha* had probably been ly- {ing in 27 feet of water in Toronto {harbo for six years. | Toronto homicide detectives |are Investigating suspected foul | |play | The two-door 1952 car contain- {ing the body was discovered ac- lentally by a Toronto Harbor |eia {Commission barge dredging at a lakefront pier. He said in a Commons reply| The scene was Chumley's, a |!0 J. R. Garland (L--Nipissing) | restaurant rendezvous for au- thors, editors, newspapermen, poets and chess players for 32 years. Bartender Ray Guillano, 61, who has averaged 10 games a night, year after year, was playing chess with Loren Dis- ney, 54, a freelance reporter. Clinton Curtis, 43, a freelance book editor, was looking on. Into the place strede Michael George, 34, a chess - playing merchant seaman, "I can whip any man in the house," police quoted him as say'ng, in reference to chess, "I'll play for any amount--$10, $100, $200." Disney declined to wager, but played him a game and beat him. Curtis, looking on, got into an argument with George over the seaman's sira- tegy. Pclice said Curtis swung at George and that George, ap- parently forgetting he was holding a glass of beer, swung that the government has under consideration the problem of rais- ing funds. Informed sources said two weeks ago that the government has asked experis to consider ways of raising funds for hous- ing construction, through small investors. One plan being con- | sidered is establishment of sne- cial securities in which individ- {uals ean invest at a good rate | of interest to provide the funds which the government loans tn | house-builders who cannot get loans from the usual trust and insurance company sources, Mr. Walker also informed Wil- liam Benidickson (L -- Kenora- Rainy River) that 440 govern- ment-insured - NHA loans were made by lending institutions, other than banks, in municipali- ties of under 10,000 population during the Jan, 1-May 31 period. This compared with 391 loans in the corresponding period of 1959. FAST DROP Work will also continue on ex | Police said the body was that tending the western Malayan port {of a fairly large woman. She of Port Swettenham to enable a|was sdated with arms upraised greater part of the country's im¢|as though to protect her face. ports and exports to be handled | The car, bearing 1954 licence in Malaya itself rather than plates and largely undamaged, through Singapore to the south.!was raised by a crane, i cide charge. LONDON (CP) -- Five para- chute club members have claimed a new British record for ielayed jump. The team back. The glass shattered .and cut Curtis's jugular vein. He was dead when an ambulance arrived. to their improvement and clarifi- caijon. The commission is headed by Judge P. J. McAndrew of the Thunder Bay district court. WATER TOAST NOT FOR QUEEN TORONTO (CP)--Six British film indusiry officials refused Wednesday to toast the Queen with water. Condemning the practice as "absolutely mon- sirous," they instead toasted Her Majesty dry. One of the Britons, former Labor MP Sir Tom O'Brien, said a water-toast to royalty is "an insult--ignorant stupidity. . . . The Queen should only be toasted in good port or wine. Michael Frankovitch, British- erican citizen who is of Columbia bemeaned that "so autiful and promising a prov. | ince as Ontario should be dic- tated to by a narrow-minded minority who are against lig- uor." The film officials were at- tending a luncheon at the Va- | ped from 19.500 fect, and fell {17,500 feet in 92 seconds before 'opening parachutes, George was held on a homi- ritey Club's international con- | stemmed from a law to clean up CHANGE-OVER CAN BE the streets by jailing prostitutes caught soliciting, The girls now operate out of clubs, she said, and anyone can open such a club for a 5s fee. "These wretched girls rush CHICKENS FRESH KILLED ROASTING OR FRYING 3-LB, AVERAGE EVISCERATED LB. DONE IN A FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVICE Your Gas company does not employ dour so. nor infor ti bout dealers licensed by the ation abou Ontario Fuel Board to sell and Install natural 39° rom one smoky, beer - stained cellar to another," she said. "They are offered fabulous fees to give 'special' (anything goes) performances." The baroness said she would CELLO PACK SPINACH s equipment call or write the Sales Bepartment of 59-38 CELLO PACKS 2 res 29° not name specific clubs "because | 1 don't want to be slashed or have vitriol thrown in my face." Viscount Kilmuir, speaking for the government, said it has al- ready been announced the club FRESH IMPORTED CANTALOUPES 25° law would be amended. (Consumers Cas RA 3-3468 SUPPORT THE HOSPITAL DRIVE! AISA I AAS 34 SIMCOE THE ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS PRIME RIB Cut from Red & Blue Brand Beef FOOD MARKE ® HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS o Ih. 4 9 ST. NORTH GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS EXTRA FEATURE 2 Ibs. 29: BONELESS BEEF (POT ROAST) SHOULDER STANDING PRIME RIB (6th &7th) FRESH PORK BUTT PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS FRESH PORK LEG HALF OR WHOLE vention here. ALL AT THIS EXTREMELY LOW PRICE GRADE "A" LARGE 39 c EGGS SIZE DOZEN Loose or In Your Container CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE oz BREAD 2 LOAVES 35 id Delivery Service Sop for vour $20 and over FREE end have it $10 to $20 -- 25¢ delivere 49 anywhere Oshawa $5 to $10 -- 35¢ Under $5. -- 45¢ SLICED BRE EACO AKFAST N 29° 1B.