THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 2, 1960 3] 45--Real Estate for Sale ,45--Real Estate for Sale FIVE NHA approved lots, 50 by 100,] prepaid services and registered, Ready 58 - Soom prick bungalow, decorated, | io bud on. Pall pice 2s pt lace, close to school and bus stop. 45---Real Estote for Sale mortgage for ome year. RA 59478. Avie fil RA ssn) WARM for sale, 133 acres, brick house iNCOME Tome near shopping centre, FIVE- ROOM with aluminum roof, eompletely re two electric stoves and refrigerators, modelled, painte and ecoral ea quiet street, $12,000. No agents please. BUNGALOW buildings A-1 eondition, big barn, g i for beef- or dairy' cattle, good land, 'oom , all Phon RA 5-2820 for appointment. : yer : i plenty of water, Pidgeon River passes|conveniences, full basement and gar NEW, six - room bungalow with ear-| This modern Whitby home through pasture. Come and see. Apply|age, large lot, vicinity Port Perry. Ap: port, Private sale; is centrally located in resi- |owner, S. Hussel, RR 3, Omemee, Ont. ply to Box 641 Oshawa Times. dential district = close 10 school and shopping. Five rooms, heated hot air from $13,900, Telephone [2 100: #900 FULL DOWN BSix-reom NHA re A AICIINT . ANE. po! . A Tee MADISON AVE. sale brick bungalow, nicely decorated, oil furnace. Sewer and water. Overall priced $11,300, Apts., Flats |45--Real Estate for Sale _|AS--Real Estate For Sale 44--Houses, | PICTURESQUE setting for this seven-| $600 DOWN, NHA resale, only $12,900 cs For Rent room ia] with rage, makes sodded back and front, fenced, rec-room {ONE room, fOr this home a must for anyone looking| has ceiling and floor completed, with {gentleman or couple, one block from for country living in the city. $18,900. smart bar included. Three bedrooms. Glecoff's. Apply 125 Clark Street. Joseph A 5-9870 This is what vo re looking for. RA |. MODERN apartment, refrigerator and BEAUT ranch bungalow, |>0544 or RA 34164 stove, four rooms and bath, suitable for 2 bedrooms, large rooms, brick and| teacher or nurse, private entrance, natural stone, attached garage. 484 RANCH BUNGALOW close to hospital, high school. Vacant Lowell. RA 5 Sa709. July 1. 338 Mary Street. [FOUR room brick house. Apply ¢ even ONE MORTGAGE |BASEMENT apartment, furnished or| ings. 155 Olive Avenue. $1450 DOWN unfurnished, within Jaising distance of FIVE large rooms, brick kc bungalow on 69 MONTHLY SGM Call RA 8-6016. a big fully landscaped lot, very close $ Decorated in oils, large open basement with recreation room windows. Sodded front I. A 213 Banting '|FoR RENT -- One and tno bedroom Hitson seiool. . Apply Pay rent at the same time ond back. W. T. Lamson ough al e world fo Th h all th id forgets, be buying your own home. Real Estate Ltd --Lovingly r ed by -in-} Vision antenna. 101 Craydon Road. Margaret, son-in-law, Fred. Whitby, MO 8.4221. Six-room bungalow. All ser- Vv 5-8 vices at your doorstep. For LUKE -- In loving memory of my _-- A dear and great-grand- BASEMENT tment, wi : bath, RA NTURY complete information, call-- OVER A QUARTER CE UR RA 5-8831 mother, Mary C. (Minnie) Luke who y | W. T. Lamson SCHOFIELD passed away June 2, 1958. In my heart your memory lingers Real Estate Ltd. Insurance Associates Ltd. REG. AKER--Pres Always tender. fond and true; BILL McFEETERS--Vice-Pres. There's not a day, dear grandmother, We do not think of you. CENTRAL NORTH END --Lovingly remembered by grandson 7-room, brick, 2Y2-storey Ajax, Harvey of Ajax, Florence (Mrs |Tommy and wife, Josie. M. Gonneau) of Deep River, Alvin of| NOTT -- In memory of a dear friend, Ajax, Charles of Deep River, Elsie| gilli, who passed away June 3, 1959. (Mrs. W. Griffith) of Ajax, Violet (Mrs.| Anq while he lies in peaceiul sieep J. Ferrante) of Emsdale and Reta gis memory we shall always keep. | (Mrs. A. W. Grenke) deceased. Miss| __Ajways remembered Amy, Dave, Ariss will rest at McEachnie Funeral | ponnie and Barbara, Home, 28 Kingston Road West, Pick ering, after 2 p.m. Thursday until! NOTT -- In loving memory of a dear ncle, Bill Nott, who passed away June home with 4 extra large bedrooms with closet space galore. Spacious living room with natural fireplace. Lorge family size dining room, ex- pensive broadloom in living and dining rooms, front ves- tibule and stairway. Screened in sun porch at rear looks out 9 p.m. Saturday. Then to the residence 1959 STEPHEN onto a private back yard. of Harvey Ariss, Rosseau, Ont, fiom | M Just a lovely big home in 10 a.m. on Sunday. Funeral service in|---Sadly missed and lovingly remem- the Church of the Redeemer, Rosseau,|bered by Nora, Jack and family. REALTOR | good condition, very close to | schools, churches ond trans- 187 KING ST. E. on Monday, June 6, at 2.30 p.m. In- " a NOTT -- In fond memory of a dear FOUR portation Call Bill Mc terment Union Cemetery |iriend, Bill Nott, who passed away FovR room apartment separate "en. Feeters, evenings, RA 5-1726 June 2, 1959. jr hs deny duty wiring, vicinity | ROSMERE STREET MISSIONARY Adults only. Phone! Always a smile instead of a frown, Whi opie Py | Always a hand when one was down; |RA 86279; evenings RA 3-1992 In this most desirable tion, we offer this' beautiful bungalow Always true, thoughtful and kind, Wonderful memories he left behind. 6-room brick bungalow with lorge living room and stone attrac large --Ever remembered by Alice, Bill, of [Ma Foskett. NOTT -- In loving memory of Billie ,who passed away June 2, 1959. We cannot forget your smiling face, | oor pos AVAILABLE July Your happy, carefree ways, A July 1- The smile that won you many friends | '9°™ ararment; sees Ju In those happy bygone days. 5 i One of the best the world could hold, it * fireplace. Also dining room and very modern kitchen, 3 large bedrooms. Tile bath, } Lo nd i. Holl This location offers: schools, overhang ndscaped. Holly- : ean ang A oo store and transportation, rooms, ii bathroom fix- poe $17,900, Buon at was here apartment, linen, Vacant,| tures and built-in vanity. /2 % mortgage. Co nry Am who is just as south, end. Parking Dial RA| |iving room with built-in i fl ings, dear 4 bookshelves N.H.A. mort- eV S1ovinaly semenersd by wife Sally 75 large, nice unfurnished rooms: | gage at- old. rate of interest couple or w 6% Immediate possession $2 000 down payment Eachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston| your cherished smile, your heart of Road West, Pickering after 1 p.m gold; Thursday, until 9 pm. Saturday. Time Aloe oo cond, INCOME PROPERTY RA 8.6462 CENTRALLY ii gd CLOSE TO LOCATED SOUTH GM Seven-room house, split-level and place of funeral later What wonderful behind p in kept loved you too dearly 5-room brick bungalow with 2-car garage ond basement apartment, located in the design Large living and east end of the city. Close to dining room with sloping schools, bus and shopping. ceiling, large Youngstown Apartment rents for $65.00 kitchen, three lovely-sized bedrooms, colored 4-piece modern bathroom, also fin- 45---Real Estate For Sale NEAR Ajax six-room house, $8000, pri vatg, best terms accepted. On Y%acre lot. Whitehall 2187. IN MEMORIAM | LUKE -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Mary. C. (Minnie) Luke who passed away June 2, 1958, There's a daughter who misses you BIRTHS ._ ASHWORTH -- Norm and Muriel, 'Whitby, Ontario, are happy to announce the arrival of their baby daughter, Jayne Suzanne, 8 ibs. 14 ozs., on June 2, 1960, at Oshawa General Hospital Many thanks to Dr. J. Anderson. GORRIE Allan and Carol (nee Roddick) are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Dawn Elizabeth 6 lbs. 12% ozs., on Saturday, May 21, 1960, at North Bay, Ontario. DEATHS ARISS, Myrtle Roseanne -- Entered into rest at Oshawa General Hospital, on Wednesday, June 1, 1960, Myrtle Roseanne Ariss of Ajax, beloved daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ariss of Rosseau, Ont, and dear sis- ter of Gladys (Mrs. R. Pepper) of sadly And finds the time long since you went 1 think of you daily, but try to be brave and content The tears I shed in silence, and I breathe a sigh of regret, For you were mine and I REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Must be experienced -- hon- est ond have a good car, Apply to Lloyd Metcalf, ot LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL RA 8-4678 N.H.A. RESALE 6% MORTGAGE Aluminum storms and screens. Aluminum storm doors. RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. pt F. DE WITH ATOR YD NONE CLEANER | GENERAL INSURANCE | NEWCASTLE PHONE 3341] 10.700 = fvo ond a holt storey home in tip-top condi- 325-acre DAIRY FARM, 200 tion both inside and out. Four ocres plowable, stream, 50 bedrooms and 3-piece bath acres wood, 100' x 40° bank- up living YOO, dining barn, steel stanchions, water- room and kitchen down. Oil bowls, silo, bulkcooler; 10- fired furnace, storms, screens. roomed house with running Private drive ond garage. water, 50 milk cows. Price Only minutes to shopping, $30,000 schools, transportation. Nothing to compare with it. 325-acre DAIRY FARM, 250 Don't wait, coll today. acres workable, large bank- barn, silo, bulkcooler, stream, OPEN EVENINGS AND drive shed, etc.; 10-roomed brick house with all modern conveniences. 65 milk cows. Asking $70,000. Terms. 200-acre DAIRY FARM, 140 acres workable, 25 acres wood, stream, L-shaped bankbarn, drive shed, bulk- cooler, silo, etc; 9-roomed brick house with all modern conveniences. Asking $25,- 000. Terms arranged. 213-acre DAIRY & POUL- TRY FARM, 140 acres work- able, stream, 60 acres wood, lorge L-shaped bankbarn, steel stanchions, waterbowls, bulkcooler, silo, drive shed; 8-roomed brick house with all modern conveniences. All buildings in A-1 shape. In- cluding all cattle, hens, ma- chinery. Price $55,000. Terms arranged, 200-acre DAIRY FARM, 140 acres workable, stream, bankbarn with waterbowls, bulkcooler, cement. silo, drive shed, hen house; B8-roomed brick ouse with running water, All cattle and Se sindnls ment included, Price $30, SIMCOE ST 000. Terms arranged. 2-room cottage, completely 200-acre DAIRY FARM, L- decorated, 1-pce. bath, lot shaped bankbarn, water- 40 x. 148 ft. Cash price bowls, steel stanchions, silo, $4,600.00 drive shed, bulkeooler, $10 500 p 7 streams; 8-roomed home with all modern conveniences, In- Close to King St. --8-room cluding cattle and machinery. brick home, forced air oll Price $36,000. Terms or- heating, 4-pce. bath, garage, ranged. son Sencition, Asking $i,- LLOYD AYERS REALTOR--RA 3-2254 BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S, RA 5-6544 MODERN RANCH STYLE Exclusive features now ready for inspection, living room with dinette, kitchen with kitchenette, three bedrooms all with large closets. Ceramic tile bathroom with colored fix- tures, oll large wide double glass sliding windows. A per fect basement for future use. With @ modern thermostati- cally controlled forced air oil unit. Propperty finished with @ beautiful lawn, Also side- walks to front end back. One NHA mortgage at 6%. Op- portunity is knocking now, Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, BEGINNER'S CHANCE Owner hos purchased a new home. Very anxious to sell present dwelling, a stucco two-bedroom bungalow. Re- cently modernized with full basement, end oil heating. Phone ond arrange to see this bungalow now. Phone Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, DONEVAN HEIGHTS New 6-room brick bungalow, only $12,900. 3 large bed- rooms, oil heating, divided basement, 100 amp. service, stained trim, built-in valance BUY LEASE FURNISHED basement apartment, ve | frigerator, stove, TV outlet, very cen- tral. Working couple or two ladies preferred. RA 3-9128. ROOM for rent with some land, child-| ren welcome. Phone RA 5-7285 be- | twees 6 ad 7 9m . [SAND a and gravel, two acres with TWO - room furnished apartment, building, near Courtice, only $2500. W. modern, private parking, close to down-|McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince Street. town, adults. July 1, $70. RA 8-0369. RA 3-2512. MO 8-5765. room solid brick home, ve, double garage, barn, creek, two acres, fruit trees, two bathrooms, three kitchens ~ Rest home, apartments or country home. Ten minutes from Oshawa Trade on small house or store, $18,000 {OL 5-3469. LARGE Jot 220 frontage by 100 depth, | sewers and water, suitable for duplex or triplex, with plenty of parking space in well built up residential section. RA 3.3807 {FOUR - room, self-contained apart-|TEN r ment, private bath, private entrance. Apply 476 Cromwell Avenue. FOUR rooms and bath, rent reason able. Apnlv 393 King Street East JUST WEST OF THE CITY New brick bungalow situated on a lot 120 x 125 and con- sisting of 3 drooms, live ing room 20' long, kitchen ond dining room, 4-piece both. All this for only $13,000. See this lovely home now by calling this office. ARISS, Myrtle Roseanne -- Entered into rest in Oshawa General Hoswital on Wednesday, June | Roseanne Aris Ajax, ter of the late Mr. and Mrs Harris of Rosseau, Ont., and dear sis- ter of Gladys (Mrs. R. Pepper) Ajax, Harvey of Ajax, Florence (Mrs. | M Gonneau) of Deep River, Alvin of | Nott Ajax, Charles of Deep River, Elsie (Mrs. W Griffith) of Ajax, Violet (Mrs. J. Ferrante) of Emsdale, and Reta (Mrs. A. W. Grenke) deceased The late Miss Ariss will rest at Me- SELF - contained flat, three rooms and bath for adults only. Separate entrance, all conveniences, heavy duty wiring, seven minutes walk to four corners, occupancy July 1. RA 5-1658 or 205 Celina Street. 1--One or two bed: | modern | Simcoe | "furnished, Dundas | Phone OL HOUSE to rent, x West, Whitby, from July unslefish and kind, |5 3746, memories you left FURNISHED three room apartment, | our hearts your memory is private entrance and bath, east end BROWN, Donald James -- " close to bus 57530 | short illness at the Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, May 30, 1960, Don. 0 #ld James Brown, of Gilbert Street West Whitby, belo husband of Lil-| lian Parker, dear ther of Nicholas, Penelove, Kim, in 40th year. Crema tion Wednesday June at Toronto Cren atorium After al RA 5 ca- to ever for a room apartment, centrally lo at one or two girls wanted to share n two girls. Telephone 3-2311 after 6 FOUR od and [vated apartment wit RA ge Lovingly remembered by Iris Joe NOTT--In loving memory of a dear _ husband, Billie Nott, who passed away one year ago \ Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for thought to reach Sweet to remember him who once FUR NISHED Six-room m with attached garage tive stone front and artment, in private reasonable, no Immediate wiring. RA 120 Elgin Street WATSON, John Henry day, June 1, 1960, pital, John Henry berland Fusiliers, World War | Alice Bulman, 1920 Bloor Str loved father of Mary .Irene Mrs, Reginald Guthrie (Mar Mrs Wm. Rolson (Susan) of Mrs. Wm. Marshall (Li Mrs. Brenton Haggett and Mrs. Jack Sloan (Alwyn t France. Resting at the Yorke Chapel of Turner and Porter, 2 Bloor Street West, from Thursday roon | where friends may call from 2 On Wednes. vbr 0k , 7 before 7 p.m., World W Last . | beloved two - room basement | dishes; etc space though absent, Large 3- bedroom brick bun- galow, landscaped and dec- orated, on a large lot 52 x 143 ft, Cedor Valley Blvd. Features forced air oil heat- ing, No. 1 ook and tile floors. Full price $13,200.00 Terms, Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254, MAYNOOTH, ONT. Large 9-room insul brick home and 100 acres of land, plus barn, machine shed, good well, house wired. Ask- ing $4,900.00 with $500.00 down and $45.00 monthly to carry. INCOME HOME Spacious 8-room brick home, north-east location, immacu- lote condition throughout. Five rooms down with 4-pce. bath, 3 rooms up with 3-pce. bath, recreation room, forced . air oil heating, fireplace in living room, nicely decorated Ji gughout. Cash price $12,- lashed kitchen, livin, $9,800 full price, lovely five fun.-wpiag chen, large & sions needed, 6 per cent mortgage, imm: floors, oil heated, low down d fate possession, je Aon, MO 88311 payment, For "further infor- terms. Gr7gngec. Toronto Real Pitate Board ana Asso: ciation of Real Estate Boa 31 Gerald Barrow Broker RA 5-3852 North end, close to NGM, diy Pui : REAL ESTATE BROKER low dolrn payment. Joseph Bo PHONE MO 8-2874 1 PLANNING TO BUILD? CALL WI 1 SO N WHITBY PLAZA HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION - R | t OPEN 9 - 9 MORTGAGE ARRANGED eo a O I Taylor Road, Oshawa, Ont. WHITBY MO 8-3414 or a ara, bn FREE ESTIMATES RAVINE ACREAGE Beautiful 48 acre sub-divi- LIST WITH LLOYD frontage, stream through entire length. Ideal for 2 THEN CALL YOUR MOVER miles from Whitby and 26 WITH miles from Toronto City Hall $7,000 -- $7,000 nen 7 2 gore 101s i is bu low with attached gor greg, So» \ pply natural fireplace, SILVER GRILL londécoped with A much envied business in in 19 nt Locored in reet hone fo I la cellent location ond returns st RA Pos v Bill Millar Long term lease available room modern apartment. RA 8-5123 -- RA 8-5124 RA 8-5125 VERSATILE BUILDING in Town of Whitby makes OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL this a first class commercial ESTATE FIRM used os light industrial fac- SATURDAYS tory. 3,000 sq. ft. including house Oil steam heating, room for expan- full dry basement, no qualifications room brick home, ocak, tiled Brethour Real Members of the mation contact JOS. E. SHIELDS VERY clean six-room brick home Ia McQUAY & KIDD RE EVENINGS MO 8-2473 313 BROCK ST. S. CUSTOM BUILT HOMES 8-64 OSHAWA SHOPPING TORONTO EM 3-9603 CENTRE sion site, treed, 3100' road acre lots or larger. Just 4 FOR THE BUYER Investigate now -- the de- $13, 500 for this ranch brick Only $28,000 with terms, m large lot 5g' X r d o i i the Town of Whitby. Ex orth end of City on quiet building which includ Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 1 t. N. Located on No. 12 Highway 0} Simcoe § location, Presently heing OPEN EVENINGS AND offices, plus 48 x 18' ware- ly priced with lian) pl reliable WwW, ¢ two children good district Phone good, In loving memory of dear rent, brother-in-law, Bill Nott, who passed |weicome FULL PRICE $6400 In Oshawa, buses and shop- ing Two - bedroom, huge family sized kitchen, extras, large panelled living room with plenty of window space, open stone fireplace, garage, excellent condition, DON'T MISS THIS ONE RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. NOTT suit 2 YEARS OLD This three bedroom solid brick bungalow carries for $73 per month plus toxes Private driveway, Close to Highway No. 401. Only $2,000 down, full price $13,500 Members of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board CUSTOM HOMES By S. GUJDA, BUILDER Modern 3 Bedroom Brick Homes CHECK THESE FEATURES: MAHOGANY KITCHEN CUPBOARDS DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINK 4-PCE. CERAMIC TILE BATH WITH MIRROR OVER VANITY NATURAL TRIM OAK AND VINYL TILE FLOORS DIVIDED BASEMENT SODDED LAWN DOUBLE SLIDING WINDOWS WITH STORMS AND SCREENS 2 ALUMINUM STORM DOORS CHOICE OF COLOUR--BRICK, ROOF PAINT, TILE, ARBORITE LOOK AT THIS BUILT-IN STOVE AND OVEN FREE KITCHEN FAN AND DOOR BELL i ON ATHABASKA -- EAST AREA 1050 SQUARE FEET 50 FOOT FRONTAGE DOWN PAYMENT $1545 FULL PRICE $13,835 | | | | | 'f you look for large homes we have lots north west area | | | | | room apartment, RA 59870 - room apartment with pr in private home, TV ae floral electricity, heat adult] to Public Ask- c with monthly payments of $62.00 Principal and Interest. Rea- sonable Down Payment, LOTS Ballard Street, 45 x 170--Sewer and water, $1,450. Westwood Subdivi- sion, 125 x 150 $1,950. After hours please call OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statut: f oll t 1435 KING ST. E. Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, J [pm yet within recch of all. Please Note | ie--Towm For Rent | Deadli In eff | FURNISHED single room, sui tl RA 8-6226 | Peodites Tow In vie for | RY 390 KING STREET WEST | June 2 ,1959 SMALL apartment, Paneth Yo remembered by Bron, Bob apie for business couple, 7 - 9 p.m. Thurs and Friday. Fu.| oT. omy [RA 55133 or RA 5-267 eral service 1.3 clock Saturday| NOTT -- In loving memory of a dear (IHREE - room apartment on No. 12| afternoon. Interment Veterans' Plot. brother-in-law, Bill Nott, who pessed Highway, Brooklin, north of bridge Sanctuary Park Cemetery away June 2, 1959 {OL 5-3654 | Ever remembered by Cassie, Fatiy FAR OCVI, three LOCKE'S FLORIST and Billie [tile bath, private entrance. REE Funeral arrangements and THREE - per month, and the tenants requirements for all CARD OF THANKS | Is80, including would like to stay. One 10- ccasion: | water. RA 8-1445 year open mortgage. Call 0 Seasons BOWMANVILLE -- Three-room apart-| ished recreation room. All Don Stradeski, evenings, RA OSHAWA SHOPPING or rd ah lo thank oll the; ent" and bath, Deated, hardwood 'and| clothes ets with sliding 8.8423 ! ' CENTRE pital for their kind services turing my [ile floors, sink, euphoards, stove nl doors. 'T {short stay in hospital, also Branch No, hitchen. Phone MA 3.3134 after 6 decorated : s a oratec 24-HOUR PHONE SERVICE | 112 Canadian Legion and the Cinnamon COSY, , ground "floor apartment, scaped LAW STREET RA 8-6555 | family for their beautiful flowers, La-{home, three rooms, bath, private en- nd 1-year-old, &-room brick | dies Auxiliary Branch 43, Canadian Le- (trance, Teligersior, stove, central, ab. screens and rarch-style bungalow with 2- gion and the Boys at Ontario Hospital [stainers. RA 5-5676 Nice view y g ry | for their baskets of fruit, Ladies Aux-|yHREE - room, self - contained Tr eparate schools car garage. Large bright | illiary Branch 112 Canadian Legion and | nent, immediate possession, near Shop- kitchen, 3 good-size bed- Renevolent Rebekah Lodge No, 132 for | ping Centre and bus, RA 5-6106 | rooms, one 4-pc. and one | their cards and my thanks to Dr. Pic ES 1 TYRE tove,| h I | ering for his services. FOUR-room apartment, frig. stove, 2-pc. bath plus extra stool --Fred James | Washer, drier, TV outlet, parking. | in basement Large come $92 5¢ monthly. North district. RA| letel finished STOLAR -- The parents and grand. [3 1310. pletely inished rec-room, win parents of Joey Stolar of Malton, [Fore room apartment, private bath, with bar and built-in sink. vpe whose life Pid gadenly 1aken AWAY | yainless steel sink, heavy duty wiring, Aluminum storms and screens. wish to expres r appre- 4 5 ciation and thanks fo the many friends |BTivate entrance. RA 81723 after Call Russ Reeves, evenings, and relatives for their acts of RA 5-4840. words of condol- rou Oe Team i apartment, errow Funeral Home [203 ree 'est, couple only, 4 for their lori fg reintegration, sym. (availabk mediately A FOR diel pathetic and untiring efforts. CENTRA rnished four-room apa $3,150 DOWN PAYMEN | ment, private bath. RA 8-591 after § | BG AA ih] OP HURRY FOR CHOICE LOTS RA 3-2265 or RA B-1624 List Co-op Through This Office Member of Oshawa and | District Real Estate Board. furnished, 84 Oshawa Boulevard North, . Macke or phone RA 3-3237 Steve Moko. RA S46] oi | LYLIA M. McBRIEN SINGLE room for rent, use of kitchen | and washing machine, central. Clean, quiet home, Telephone RA 5-8150. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE BROOKLIN, ONTARIO TEL. OLiver 5-4971 TWO self - ¢ contained, furnished rooms, for gentlemen, at bus stop. RA 8-0263 ba apply 20 Harmony Road South IN COUN small fr bath | THREE newly decorated ie and church 50-acre farm, & miles from Port Perry, 40 acres work- able, stream, 75' x 65' bank- barn, drive shed, hen house, silo, etc.; 10-roomed brick house with furnace, running water. Asking $13,000. Terms, Thanks -- 9 AM, DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 SAME DAY Births, Memoriams, Cards of | TWO or three nice clean rooms, or Jack Sheriff RA 3-3775 ¢ IN MEMORIAM For more information call In loving memory of a John Bolehood Real Estate at RA 5-6544 or Builder at RA 5-9839 John Fred| 1956, BRESS dear husband and father, Bress, who passed away June 2, four years ago today. He bade no one his last farewell, He said goodbye to none, The Heavenly gates were opened, A loving voice said, "Come". I often sit and think of you, The things you use to say, I wonder why you had to die Without a chance to say goodbye Though out of sight, you're ever Still missed, still loved, still mine You will live with me in memory rent, two rooms and bath, Until the end of time to suitable party. Apply ~Your wife Mary, children, and family Street WHITBY CLASSIFIED ©." tes BOOKCASES, china cabinets, end Drew Street or RA 3.4152 after 5 p.m tables, coffee tables, all styles. Lots 10 LARGE choose from. Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock North, MO 8-4981 ROOM and board for 3 901 Walnut Street ATTEACTIVE: |gentieman, with FOR RENT -- Two unfurnished rooms, central location ground floor, with garage; suitable for|Avriue, RA 5-1 couple, Phone MO 8-5149. ROOMS by the week, kuoy "and board for gentleman at 901 bath, maid service Wolnut osha Hotel GARDEN work with 15 Contact Len Crowder, Street, Whitby BOX 22 TRY -- 7-roomed frame 1V2-storey with furnace end Wonderful view. On paved road, near school rage, chicken house, workshop. Excellent garden Early possession. Terms. ranch type, 2 and 3 bedrooms, -- 6%. One with garage ond patio, rooms heat, light and water included, | $50 monthly, Apply 204 Division Street 44--Houses, Apts., Flats FURNISHED rooms, light housekeep For Rent ing, men only. Apply 261.Celina Street room unfurnished apartment, | RA 8-5683 located, five minutes ' fro; available July 1. RA 2.4181 | SINGLE room with {without breakfast upstairs for South RA 8-0852 reasonable, 154 Bruce |TWO large roomed apartment, ed, stove and refrigerator, private | trance. Also single furni shed room IE al. Apply 9 Centre Street i large room, close to Shopping OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2 P.M. TILL 5:30 P.M. FEATURES 6 ROOM BUNGALOWS BRICK INTEREST 6% FINISHED REC-ROOM SODDED LAWNS -- COMPLETELY DECORATED STORMS AND SCREENS, 2 WEEKS POSSESSION DIRECTIONS WILSON ROAD SOUTH TO SHAKESPEARE AVE E. TO MACAULAY AND LORING AVE. Call TED CUNNINGHAM RA 5.6544 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED _ REALTORS INSURANCE LOOK OPEN HOUSE MODELS AVAILABLE 50-acre farm, located 11 miles from Oshawa, 45 acres workable, stream, 70' x 30° bankbarn, water in barn, 2 garages; 7-roomed home, heavy wired. Price $10,000. erms, John, | or centrally downtown, evenings ELDERLY couple has rooms for rent: one .arge two single beds, with or 74 Oshawa Blvd 75-foot frontgae, furnish ale Early pos- en- cen 200-atre farm, workable, stream, 20 acres wood, large L-shaped bank- barn, waterbowls, steel stan- chions, drive shed, hen house, etc.; 8-roomed brick house with all modern con- veniences. All buildings in good repair. Asking $25,- 000. Terms arranged. 135 acres 10-acre lots, near Oshawa, Good terms. LYLIA M. McBRIEN REAL ESTATE TELEPHONE OLiver 5-4971 2,900 ,800 DOWN ONE MORTGAGE FOR BALANCE AT 6%% Carries for $75 monthly, Principal and Interest EXCLUSIVE NORTH END LOCATION Services in and paid for--Thus Lower Taxes Several suitale for business Centre. RA Two "part y - furnished housekeeping WANTED two or three bedroom house in Whitby area. Phone A. Leslie RA 8.5611 during day FOR RENT ~-- One-, and two-bedroom apartments on Mary Street East, $85, $90 and $100. Adults preferred. MO 8.039! two gentle Ap room for ore or ladies, cooking privileges Warren Avenue men or ply 66 200-acre farm, 160 acres workable, 10 acres wood, large stream, bankbatn, drive shed, hen "house, etc.; 8- roomed brick house, heavy wired. Asking $14,500. Easy terms. 95-acre farm, located 5 miles from Oshawa, all work- able, 100° x 48' bankbarn, drive shed, hen house, etc.: 7-roomed home, heavy wired. Takes house in Oshawa for down payment, gentleman at room, for garage Highland re-decorated or without ---- -- Apply 356 SODDING and landscaping, rototilling 200 Free estimates. Call WH 2-5134, Ajax, after 4.30 EXPERT ro'otilling for gardens and lawns.. Don't call unless you want the best. Dick Devnich. Phone MO 8-2614 "FOR SALE -- Rotten manure or com. post, odorless and weedless for flow ers, shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone MO 84514 CREME cold wave, $6.95 includes style cut, oil shampoo and set. MO 8.5124 for appointment EMPLOYMENT wanted--For all your garden work, plowing, rototilling and landscaping or clean up jobs. It can't be too small. Call MO 8.4880 or MO 8.3937 ROTO-tilling done by experienced gar dener Reasonable rates. Telephone MO 8-3870 LIVE poultry also feathers and Gen tiled shower RA 3-4641 HP " roto-hoe.| THREE unfurnished rooms 305 Anderson|vate bath, abstainers, re tral. RA 5-1607. brown toy terrier, TWO furnished rooms for Please call Mo!men, close to Shopping Centre 63 Grenfell Street good motor, all| ONE room and Kitchen, private front Telephone [and back entrance. Apply 27 Park Rd | South adults, nable, pr cen two gentle. LOST -- Trixie, Apply family heart broken 2.3036 WRECKING 50 parts for sale, MO 8-4500 FOSKETT Chev., . reasonable gentleman, central Street 3-bedroom on Ritson Road §., Oshawa, with tile floors, fur- nace, 3-piece bath, running hot and cold water, etc, Price $7,700 with $2,000 down. Co-op listing Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 Frank RA 5-2974 PETER FEDDEMA "For shingling, siding, SINGLE room for eavestroughing, painting, decorating. |APPly 38 Nassau Free estimates. cash or finance plan,|ROOM for rent in quiet home, lady! all workmanship and material guaran: |preferred, evening meal supplied. Tele- esc A. Foskett and Sons, MO 8-2341; [plune RA 5-9 4558 ees oom pi pena ATWO 12128 ROOM and board wanted for nine. end, close RA 5-6204, | year-old b E Fear tle on at Jing Street. school. 3-0" rooms, unfurnished, bedroom, Highe market prices paid |ki'ehen and private bath, no heavy wir- Parker, MO 8-3644 collect HOUSE and bungalow , Good |ing, suit business couple. Apply 151 NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. ft, Vio? payments W MeAuley Realtor [Oshawa Boulevard South or less. parking lot facilities. Call $3231, Dawa RA 3.2813 AT 24 Colborn~ Street Whitby Professional Building, MO 8 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary furnished bedroom, use of unfurnished to bus. Phone rooms, east wanted Jake Hunter West, single kitchen if 3731; evenings. MO 8-4003 Feb 12 WAITRESSES wanted, shift evenings, married women Apply David's Drive-In MO 38-4066 FOR SALE truck, 800 gallon water WH 2.2417 CHESTERFIELD and two chairs, tric stove, chrome kitchen set Bayview Avenue. MO 8.2280 ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS Reserve ment ne boats trailer all aork and preferred Restaurant '53 Chevrolet 3-ton dump tank. Phone elec 908 equip d motors boat tents, canoes trailers campin yuipment rent den equipment, cement mixers, Lown power etc WILDE RENTALS SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8-3226 way, new tanks installed Walter Ward, (desired. Young business 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563. |preferred. RA 3-493. SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes THREE unfurnished rooms, , suitable from only $279.95. For special prices for couple, heat, light and water in on ranges. fridges, washers and dry |cluded. RA 5-1454 ers, contact Mid Town Furniture, The CLEAN, Newest 'Appliance Dealer in Whitby |[CLEAN, quiet MO 84981 or MO 8-5740. month, two room apartment, or unfurnished. 74 Church Street WR ] C y ot ECKING "30 Chevrolet. good motor, TWO furnished rooms, light housekeep all parts for sale, reasonable. Phone MOhawk 8-4500 v ing, all conveniences, adults. Also one - |bed-sitting room, private entrance; be |tween Hospital and four corners. RA GRAVEL < | ONE lovely room for gentleman, in pr | Cement Gravel -- Driveway vate home. Apply 444 Fernhill Blvd Gravel coarse or fine -- dlso RA "37070 fill. Delivery Monday to Sat ATTRACTIVE noon furnished rooms, avail able in private home, ERIC. €. BRANTON MO 8-2660 | North, § 57 p. m RA 8 8671 BED - FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter town, RA THREE unfurnished rooms Paint & Wallpaper 107 Byron Street heavy duiy wiring, ess MO 8-5231 gentleman week or partly rooms, by | room with light | to hospital for lady house- | down- | 5-5228. ard coup! pind 143) sitting close itable floor, | busin ferred Central, $45 monthly | Agnes Street | TWO clean rooms aes | |ing with refrigzrator and stove. Apply [side door after six. 165 Ritson ns South FURNISHED bedroom, central, gentleman 73 Gladstone all convent abstainer, Avenue. RA Store < COMPLETELY furnished Sout! : uth | kitchen with 'refrigerator, one gent as, central | Athol East. bedroom and suitable for Apply 237 BRAND NEW NHA BRICK BUNGALOWS --Three Bedrooms ~--18 ft. Living Room | --4 pc. Ceramic Tiled Bath | --Storm Windows--Sodded Lawn ---Partitioned Basement | --Plastered-in Valances --10 year Guaranteed Furnace --Sidewalks--Gravel Drive | | | | | | ALL FOR $12,900 Contact . HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE -- 11 ONTARIO ST. RA 8-1679 AFTER HOURS CALL: Winse Brad RA - 3-2006 Groce Van Courte RA 3-2834 Charles Smith RA 8.8254 Harry Millen RA 3-2524 THURS. FRIDAY 2 P.M. TILL DARK SATURDAY ONLY 3 LEFT FEATURES: $1,900 DOWN SODDED LAWN 100 AMP SERVICE VALANCE BOX STAINED TRIM DIVIDED BASEMENT CUSTOM BUILT BY JESS HANN & SON CALL HOWARD McCABE RA 5-6544 RA 3-4164 RA 5-9934 DIRECTION CORNER FAREWELL & TAYLOR AVENUE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOHN A. J. REALTORS LIMITED BOLAHOOD INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres north of Bowman- ville; 10-room brick house, fully, modern, large L-shape barn, good soil, ample water. See us for information. Owner will sell or trade 50 acres with $1,320 ft. loke frontage, shade trees, sandy beach. A real buy at $7,- 000.00 4V2 acres with two contained apartments to. sell. tion. 2 acres with 2-bedroom bun- galow, Bath, furnace, small barn, on good road. A real buy at $5,500.00. Terms Lot 90 x 280, nice view. Priced at only $600.00 Lot 78 x 200, near Whitby. Price only $2,000.00. 3-bedroom bungalow, 'fully modern, near school. Price only $10,500.00. Terms. 191 Scugog St., Bowmanville MA 3-3644 Salesman: 'G. Blyleven MA 3-5300 seif- Priced See us for informa- box, ceramic tiled bath, sod- ded lawn, we con give you possession in two weeks. Contact Howard McCabe ot RA 5.6544, or RA 3-4164 or RA 5-9934, APPLE HILL * 5Va2-room brick bungalow with finished recsroom, storms and' screens all around, exhaust fon in kitchen, landscaped, full asking price only $13, 990. Must be sold. Call now ond ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342. HOME OF THE WEEK Beautiful split 'level home, at the unbelievable low price of $15,500. 3 large bedrocms, living and dining room. Mod- em wife-saving kitchen. 4-pc. tiled bath, partly finished rec- room in basement. Garage ond paved drive. For ap. pointment to view, call Ted Cunningham at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-2358. Members of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board. Continued on Page =