Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Jun 1960, p. 15

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his wife. The Barreftes have|for his relaxation from the stres- hi-fi and, when he has time, goes|chinists, he has represented Joli ses of being premier. He has i or fishing. efi'e in the legislature since 1936, 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 2, 1960 | pi Te os Ee ; je § J ; | arre 2) ed girls. magnificent library of 5,000 vol-| - A card-carrying member of the winning re-election at five eon E ; 4 He has maintained his outléts 'umes, enjoys good music on his | International Association of Me- secutive elections, | Wide In Quebec --= imi | QUEBEC (CP) -- When An-|members of the party as one of CONGRATULATIONS TO | Best Wishes To tonio Barrette, 61, was chosen by |its founders. At the same time | |his Union Nationale party sup- he was regarded by Younger | porters to succeed the late Paul members as an open-minded per- | y "|Sauve as Quebec premier, a son. i 4 i|large French-language daily| Thus, when conflict developed | - | newspaper described him as the over the choice of Mr. Sauve's| | ® a Tt 1 - I - | FRIIS Ran | The exprestion Suits him, He 2 he man po Sold ay fen | jis well known correct (eral support from member- mee, polished "mamers and ap FU) 32 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA 32 KING ST. EAST -- OSHAWA Yet the party chose him chiefly Mr. Barrette is familiar to many | Dea 2 H | because > his appeal 10 he pes: Workers in the Provinies, having n Kelly is using our A ple. He is a man wi e for-| acted as mediator a num a a al, Teun dispiler. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE : H. W x GOURLEY LTD. | enced i - [SYSTEMATIC APPROACH | thoroughly experienced in Poll PL" stepped into his new job at | AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY; "WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS" " a difficult time. The legislature | 7 DAYS A WEEK oF of the 93 seats in the last legisla-| Was in session and an | election : ture, is banking on this appeal as (was in the offing. Mr. Barrette OSHAWA ! test of his leadership in the June ministrator. He was willing to : "SOUND SYSTEMS" $122 Guchos election. and. surrounded nmeett wi per. || TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE | "INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SUPPLIES" FOCUS OF SUPPORT sons well informed in govern i . sol, Though he had been in the ment. He overhauled the organ- Serving OSHAWA, WHITBY, HAMPTON 222 BOND STREET WEST PREFABRICATED BUILDING UNDER SNOW of the late Maukice Duplessie' Instead of charging at his work 143 KING ST. EAST ; . administration -- political) i "the fury of a Paul Sauve, PHONE RA 5-1101 Rf Mr. Duplessis--he bounced back. nim "to spend one weekend an Y S ed into the limelight when Mr. |i the provincial capital and the Sauve took the reins of goverm-|,..i at his home in Joliette with - ment. Carelessness Mr. Barrette had the advan- 2 n er (o) ar ap tage of being known to old-time of ' t ner's jury Wednesday night ruled Ping lg Writer Fig Mg the drowning of Harold Hearn, 4,| SHEFFIELD, England (CP)--| hd CAMP TUTO, Greenland (CP) [cluding dormitories, cafeteria, in the Avon River here May 18 mye Australian trade fair in this y { was. due te carelessness ampli-| oo ire city last summer was H ered city, believed to be the first reation centre, seni nl Balen Toy |so successful that another will i 'gentleman of Quebec politics." | successor, Mr. Barrette appeared | on the opening of his new store at ; gi i : pening on the opening cf their new store at-- |speech, polished manners mal education but self taught on The Union Nationale, with 71 aches Fhe fre rove himsel a systematic a RADIO T.V. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES and surrounded himself wih per- | { ing the last years |j i ice. background during Vi ization of his office. . OSHAWA, ONTARIO sources say he was at odds with he arranged a schedule permit- | STRATFORD (CP) -- A coro- BID FOR TRADE ~The nucleus of an atomic-pow-|gymnasium, workshops and rec- fied by the use of alcohol on the of its kind in the world, is being Ny CLEAP, FUEL The Jury was investigating the held this summer. coistructed inside © 35 @ ulands) The 1,500-kilowatt nuclear Te- drowning of the young boy after|-- poiak ise 2p actor, built in the United States|s cance, also containing his| oft and once it became wet the n : [at a cost of $6,300,000 is being father Gregory and uncle Joseph|jines could not be untied, | One hundred men and a dog 1 ; ; will move in mext fall to spend poued vere Lin oe slog Hearn, overturned. The father and uncle said the yA the winter there. They'll have hot + a It was also ruled that the ap-| canoe overturned when young] ; runners. It will have sufficient romGLe! | The uncle said and cold water, flush toilets and |p. about 200 pounds--to pro parent remcvai of a life Jacket Harold Stood up, ay aie y jluel-s vy "| from th contributed to his had his hands on d wall on streets of ice and snow| i. light and heat for about two on. e boy contributed to laren ie Ha Oe ro] J ea I | about 32 feet below the surface| { | £ {vears. i tipped, lost him and then reached 2 ne pod maintenance jobs Treuches for the streets and vies Wiss, ~ out house] to save the father who could will be to shave the walls periodi-|}2SSa8EWays are being dug 'te aj operalor Why rene € canoe 10 ¢ swim. i cally. Snow tends to. flow like |CePth of 27 feet. Arched corru- the Hearns, told the inquest in| Several witnesses, including breed dough and fill in cavities, 32ted steel will serve as roofs his opinion the life jacket he tied | Siratfopd policemen, testitied toc. | Without shaving thoroughfares | 1d then a five-foot layer of snow on the boy must have been re-|in, their opinion the two. men ; : will be blown over the whole : 7 : he influence of alco-| moved before the drowning. The were under the might narrow gradually and| a PERE : sd A a eventually close Fag el WIL increase jacket, he said, would not come!'hol at the time of the accident. | ATOMIC SURVIVAL year, engineers estimate. H The only entrance to the buried M\ | } Some of the U.S. Army engin-| eers engaged in carving out the community will be through [ 16 streets believe the experiment hatches leading to circular stair- may point the way to survival in|cases. From time to time, the > {to . . i the event of a rp reo gl Quality LASTS LONGER... Quality PERFORMS BETTER... Quality MEANS LESS SERVICING "We are convinced," said one|W: ; es a . of the project officers, "that we'ag¢ promenading. Winds of 185 can build cities the size of Wash. Tiles an houd and 60-below-zero ington inside the polar ice cap. |iemperatures are not uncommon. 7 " . We know we are capable of stor- Maintenance crews will be ro- : ing grain here for 1,000 years." tated every four months on the 1 - CL 9 i Id p ne uni ure But the technicians prefer to average. : : emphasize the purely scientific] "But the men will be snug in aspects, such as examination of their city," said an officer. "The : Net ice cores, of work in the commu- a will be clear of dust. hi will ING » / 4 nity called Century. e a paradise for those who suf- wi ; " ¥ yo arent oa fet aay aa ot : : Pa a | FINE VENEERS and TRADITIONAL EARLY coast of Greenland 130 miles east lengies, OF THE NEW STORE Tn HARDWOOD SOLIDS AMERICAN STYLING of this U.S. military research| First inhabitants, to move in Oct. 1, will be selected care- rubbe y % ! Carefully chosen hand- ed veneers C fully. Rejected will be men who ond hardwood solids are skillfully crafted Console into Zenith's deluxe cabinetry. Each mounted on Full Circle Stow signs of wanting to escape / ; {their environment or display . / i : i i = 3 2 it elegant cabinet radiates a th, |mevrtal quirks, They'll have a . Nm EsL, Jal | ? dn ; rich natural beauty, that is A heavy-duty For Lesa e |mascot, probably a husky. # a | ure to behold, casters g | There will be problems. Green- "as land is Danish territory and the i - In Politics us. Bases, operating under a bi- I . a ' ateral agreement, will be per- i 4 5 i I 1 rend WN Loy eg | | TWO ZENITH 20,000 VOLTS OF ge's politi yield atomic waste in the arctic oo Jage's politien] . Yas grea. High- yield waste will have ; ; : QUALITY SPEAKERS PICTURE POWER Eien eq Es MHS EA HARLEIGH SUPPLIES I : June 22 a Beton, the Lib- | the way back to- the U.S. for dis- : : for richest for Super eral party leader is back in the 052. LTD bright provincial arena where hel Temperatures will have to be (OSHAWA) \d quality tone ict darted 29 years ago. |regulated. Too much heat could . . 2 ili if his pictures Along the way, his aides say, Salige snow walls to buckle. Building Suppliers . . . Flooring Specialists he has never known defeat. He|Bui'dings, insulated to prevent was personally successful in fed- (escape of heat, will be kept at OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE, OSHAWA eral elections and, from the time |60 above, RA 5-3012 be began as a 19 - year-old ap-| The main thoroughfare of 1,000 HANDCRAFTED HORIZONTAL CHASSIS prentice on the hustings, cam-|feet and the side streets ranging Th Ri h d M d | 0 : paigning for such as former Lib-|from 500 to 800 feet will be kept |\\__ e icnmona-- oae E235 Only standard handcrafted quality is used for operating de- pendability and less service headaches. Full power transformer. eral premier Adelard Godbout, 2! no more than 20 above zero.' candidates he supported always|-- ---- eee en won. He was crown . . . . during the Godbout sdminista- MW 21" overall diagonal measure. 262 square inches "Fringe Lock" circuit, tion. '@ of rectangular picture area. Deluxe console in 2 gk poles a OSHAWA'S I «cn want, Mahogany, ZENITH QUALITY EXTRAS a seat i Se Quebes legisiatare where is followers TT e Maple, or Cherry veneers and 95 ® Sunshine Picture Tube ® Gated Beam Sound System . ® "Capacity-plus" Components for longer life official opposition to the Union f resem "| WALLPAPER AND PAINT STORES | seats in al . | i CABINET MINISTER | hardwood solids. Only. «vv. ® Tone Control ® Spotlite Dial ® Cinelens Picture Glass Mr. Lesage, 48 on June 10, was a member of the House of Com- mons for 13 years, representing Mo:zimagny-L'Islet. He spen. 3% | : EOP dae SPACE COMMAND ter. I He became Quebec Liberal] leader May 31, 1958, succeeding | Georges . Emile Lapalme (small | Remote TV Tuning a ai ¥ Me. Toone had oo meat. | RELAX! TUNE TV FROM ACROSS THE ROOM In the last couple of years, the government called a number of Byslections sid @uiied Mr. Le-| 4 \ | Touch a Button on eo Wil Dot Sep nko the bear control unit you hold | lig in your hand from the late premier Duplessis. | Be gp Lio, oe Dijon Np y 30 N 0 ON I i i tionale w defeat him, f 1 : I | , ® Change channels nstead h "RULLM o Turn set on and off ALL NEW SLIM CLASSIC Instead he travelled around the Bra) pasts, so eking the wove | During June, July, August cad September and remain open | ® Adjust Jolume to two levels LE Vv ment in speeches, guiding opposi- Wednesday till 6 p.m. in accordance with by-law 2430. "Ng wl ° i pind fmate No PORTAB 1. . Hon Jaclics in the Jegislsture and] calling for a gen election as) i Batteries! The Caribbean -- Model F-1805L ong gr vy MRS. W. W. PARK » soni 4 i The Plaza FARM VOTE | Born in Montreal, his parents 55 BRUCE STREET MODEL D3005 17 inches diagonal measure. 155 square had farm backgrounds and he : or sit } 21" overall diagonal measure. 262 sq. inches of picture viewing area. In beige has emphasized this in his | specches in Twa aress. ail ol ; GORDON"S PAINT STORE i inches of picture viewing area. In TL Rell 28 BOND STREET EAST | - | gone Walnut, Mahogany, Blond al and maroon or charcoal. Sate? ad ven am revi Fon § mae, sedied aiter coming ol PRESTON DECORATING SUPPLIES | 220 As a practical politician who Only 459.95 Only 95 19 BOND STREET WEST realizes Quebec's rural ridings] hold the key to power in the a large port of his program a N. H. EDGAR & SON LTD. -- a a session wer 4 34 KING STREET WEST : Liberal government i be Rip SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. LTD. ' 32 KING ST. EAST A husky man who hos made 16 BOND STREET EAST Sousidersble effort Ber 2 | slot, he fn somesmes so PATTE'S PAINT & WALLPAPER LTD. PA 85153 or RA 8-5154 a y i LJ - when he does he can be an fm-, 85 SIMCOE STREET NORTH | - passioned speaker. Martied to the former Corinne | Lagard, he is the father of four children, |

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