THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 2, 1960 9 ---- Elizabeth Arden's Blue Grass Time, [Summer is acoming in.,.and with it comes the wor [derful time of Blue Grass, the fragrance that is most / floved by most women everywhere. And now, you { [can use it profusely...for here are special values iy [that make this most appealing Perfume even more 80, MEMBERS of the intermedi. Professional Women's Club clency; Gaile Dafoe, our, ate year class who will receive | prize for highest standing in The "Best Friend" prize. Blue Crass is a Fragrance Set special prizes are: From left to | theory; Peggy Gower, Oshawa, | (Chosen by her classmates as --a pale blue plastic aerosol right: Barbara Taylor, Rex. | the Supervisors' prize for high- | the one most noted for her bottle of Perfume Mist plus a Jule, Ontario. The Business and | est standing in nursing profi- | cheerfulness, helpfulness and kindliness to other students.) purse flacon of Blue Grass Perfume, Special Price, 5.00 } ||OGH Supervising Staff Honors [gach Morning (hn 30 vie wh DR © SER || New Graduates, Friends At Tea Rise And Shine pra i 4 Flows i to use lavishly for coolness, snot A ; AE ; : : : The pervisors and Head Jones: Mrs, E. Jones, Mrs. C.| Shoes get harder wear, more a CIURED 270 sie he are: Beverly Grant, Osh- Oshawa, the Dr. F J Rundle Dr. W. H, Slasiey prize for N = pose Oshawa Gen-(Brett and Mrs. N. Stith, Osh. |abuse, less attention than any- 4 on. 2.00, 8 oz. 355 ol § ¢ awa, the Dr. W. G. Watt prize | prize for surgical technique. | obstetrical nursing; Mary Mar- HC oxi entertained at a tea|awa; Kathleen Keenan: Mrs. J. thing else in apparel lines. (regular price 2.50 and 4.00) graduating fom the Soul for efficlency In paediatric | Back row: Dorothy Fraleigh, | tin, Sunderland, Ontario, the |at McLaughlin Hall on Tuesday Keenan, Mrs. A. Keenan and Their care actually begins with Hospital who will receive prizes | nursing; Norma Dyke, Ja- | Bloomfield, Ontario, the Mazo | Dr. G. L. Bird prize for surgi- |afternoon in honor of the mem-|Mrs. E. Wilson, Oshawa. fhe sign Soles of sae lor the ot the graduating exercises to | maica, B.W.L, the Adelaide L. | Wiliiams memorial prize for | cal nursing; Joy Ford, Osh- (bers of the Faduating class off Marylin Kelly: Mrs, P Kelly, Sasion i Foner iE. ith be held at the OCVI tomorrow | McLaughlin prize for general | highest standing in theory, | awa, the Class of i prize for [1960 and theif inte a Goirte Me. x Kelly ang | Mrs. C. bis, AS, Te firs Wash ol aie i p, f (142 bed . ith \ | rou p | cd i i A Reced I H 4 evening. Seated left to right | proficiency; Barbara Stacey. Ruth Brown, Peterborough, the | efficiency in bedside nursing Telford, director of nursing, Mrs. |Labus and Mrs. F. Krysa, Och- Yosh waxing with any goed GH 4 w i / na | R. J. Gulliver, associate director|awa: Peggy Leveridge: Mrs. E.|5hoe polis 0 preserve an | GROUPS CLUBS of nursing service, and Miss [everidge and Mrs. R. Mont- maintain the fine appearance. 7 [] Gladys Hill, associate director of| gomery, Ajax; Bonnie Jean| This-should be done twice weekly, 4 aa -- AUXILIARIES nursing education. Mv. B Long: Mrs. Everette Long and with sly Workout is petween nh (Blue Grass is a Dusting Powder, Pouring tea were ric Mrs. H. Ki Oshawa: Sheila protect your investment, } 2 Dean, president of the Alummae| Manuel: Mes ow. F. Manuel, Mrs, make sure the shoe kit which J the most refreshing after-bath ARDENT WORKERS Association of the Oshawa Gen-|R, I, Mark, Mrs. H. T Saywell [should be standard household i} treat. In a lovely big box, 2.00 I! The regular meeting of the Ar-|eral Hospital School of Nursing, |and Mrs. S. G. Saywell, Oshawa, | equipment, is stocked to meet J 78 (regularly 2.50) dent Workers group of King|and Miss Jane Cole, operating| nary Martin: Mrs. F. Pilking-| YOU specific needs. IE 1 Street United Church was held|room staff. Serving were the in-|y. "Sunderland, and Mrs. J, Pil There's a cleaner or polish for recently with 15 present. structors of the School of Nurs-|yinoton Oshawa; Beverley every shoe today--smooth or tex- Mrs. Ewart Clemence opened jog and heat nurses of the hospi-|pagon:' Mrs, J. Mason and Mrs. ved leather, suede, buck, pig- the meeting with a hymn follow- . J. Heffer, Picton; "Carole|skin korkette, lustre finishes, ed by prayer, also a short read- Mrs, Telford announced the | Gshorne: Mrs, D. Osborne and | fabrics. ling "I'm Fine". members of the graduating class|yre Nancy Osborne, Belleville,| The spray-type suede cleaner Mrs, Hubert Chase led in the who are to receive awards at the nr.' p Fleming and Mrs. R.|renews as well as prevents rain. devotional period. Mrs. Joshua graduation exercises tomorrow. (poiton' West Hill; Jane Patton: | spotting, Use a soft sponge and Kinsey gave a reading, "Stran.|,, Tbe following are the names of Mrs, Edward Patton, Cobourg, gentle with-the-nap motion, to ger. at the Peace Table". | the members of the graduating|and Mrs. Amy Clark, Oshawa; |brush suede. A story of famous hymns ang|Class and their guests: Ruth | Geraldine Quinn: Mrs. J. W| Lemon juice or a little wood gl- "Thoughts in Mediation" was | Drowh: Mrs, A. Brown, Mrs. K. Tune, Toronto, and Mrs. M. cohol usually lifts ball-point ink given by Mrs. Wilfred Harris. Jt) Ses iy re. 3 Yam, Milne, Blyth. aines at gum removes marks | Peterboroug argare! an. . rom leathers such as pigskin; The treasurer's report wae read ning: Mrs, J. H. Canning of Osh. | Margaret Russell: Mrs, A. Rus- , 1 D l 1 A talcum or flour applied to grease by Mrs. William Ward. |awa; Donna Chamberlain: Mrs. [go and Mis. B. hig ard, Ash spots for four or five hours; will The next meeting will be at|jack Chamberlain, Mrs. Grace erase them, the home of Mrs. Leshe Guy.|Reesor, Mrs. Isobel Perry, Osh. [Dianne Speneess Mos 5 so| Adjustable trees are a must for Refreshments were served by | awa; Maureen Coulter: Mrs, J.NZiohe "Oshawa; Barbara|men's shoes. Many women use | | Mrs. Chase's group. E Coulter, Lindsay, Mrs. M. Ki. Stacey: Mrs. E. R. Stacey, Mrs. [the padded toe fillers, or stuff 5 ton and Mrs jerson, Os Mrs. ; -|with tissue paper. Store off the #4 8) E EL "dy LA le 3 Son awa; Frances Curlette: Mrs. F.|: Swallow an ¥. E. Sm floor in plastic or cloth bags. e } EE DELIVERY : held y meeting| Curette, Picton: Barbara Dobro.|C¢Y; Oshawa. 4th. , 8 KING ST. E OSHAWA 530 SIMCOE ST. S |at the home of Mrs. Ronald Cole-|shinsky: Mrs. J. Dobroshinsky| Georsina Stone: Mus. @. Stone PHONE RA 3-2245 PHONE RA5-3546 man, eland Mrs, W. Zilinsky, Oshawa; an va wh i a rs A. Tu ROYAL NAME STORES IN |} | president, Mrs. Melville Henry (Norma Dyke: Mrs. A. E. Flin.| Barbara lurpin rs r-| Lake Louise in the Canadian i id 7 7 Gil aaa 77 A ; Hang ional tod ed dall, Brighton; Joy Ford: Mrs. yn, Bloomin, vita Roties Isl saved afte Privegss BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PL AZA : levotic wa uise, wife of MEMBERS of the junior year | Association, Oshawa General | Certificate -- The Canadian |hy Mrs. Henry, ey I W. | pickeric, Mrs. wie R, Coie, K. W. Vail and Mrs. P. Clark, |Lorne, governor « general in class who will receive special | Hospital School of Nursing prize | Nurse -- for second highest (Wrench and Mrs. Kenneth Math-| awa. """|Oshawa; Dorothy Van der Bent: 1873.88, prizes are (left): Katharine | for general proficiency; Miriam | standing in general proficiency. lews. | |{Mrs. William Van der Bent, Mastin, Mastin, Oshawa, the Alumnae | ! Kosten, Toronto, The Award | --Oshawa Times Photos | The secretary's report vos par uthy Fraleish: Js. a | Rishimona TT, and Mes. 2. Van ~-- |given by Mes. Coleman and the| Bloomfield; Sandra Fraser: Mrs.| Jor Dont: Unicwvile. pion accordionist, played two se- treasurer's report by Mrs, Adam|W, H. Fraser, Mrs. William Group Entertains Large RAudienc tection with style and assurance.|Morris. Gilkes and Mrs. Jerry Hyslop, INHERITED Suvils Those who sang and danced| The main part of the evening (Oshawa; Beverly Grant: Mrs.| Gold and platinum designs on . were the Misses Irena and Luba|Was spent discussing ideas and|Harold Grant, Mrs Clayton Den-|fine English bone china have to W Wolek, Jezmette 1 and Veron- Projects for the fall bazaar. by and Mrs. Charles Nichols, ith Polish Folk Songs, Dance ika Orlowska ex SSIS iv | It was decided that the June Oshawa; Mary Guernsey: Mrs, be burnished by hand after their |meeting would close with a "Pot|A. MacNaughton, Richmond Hill, final firing. At the Royal Wor- A of youn, Je mostly young lovers: the tearful girl | Romanczyk, Josef Goralczyk, Bo of St Hedwis mA the ee fellow coming 3 ol = Zbigniew Dranski and Jordan Her- [Luck Supper", IK G 5 Buch, Basin, and Mrs. |cester works in England, this Roman Catholic Church sang stern parents for her hand in |onim. Singing in the cast were wes, BG. Da were served by| Ag Ss Hart- | special skill is pabsed down| ad danced their way wough 8 me rige. All ended happily and fhe Mi % ¢ Uist 2 Reon Sowgke, rs . ( Davidson. =. ley and Mrs. W R Hartley, Osh.|through several generations of a ) CHAIRSIDE LEGS ively musical presentation in the gave cast an opportunity for a » y lawa; Diana Ivanoff: Mrs, J.|family, together with the tools, DETACHABLE IN Polish National Ha Sunday fine singing a ATG Helen Wolek, Mary Rejczak,| SHAKY CHURCH d ish National Hall on Sunday ae fine singing and dancing at ho Kuichs. Holos Deca | THRONWOOD, England (cpy| Ivanoff, Mrs. A. Ivanoff and Mrs. which include blood-stones and SECONDS fternoon. e marriage feast. P a, n 22% | 5 el h |B. ow. Petron, Oshawa; Edna'olher semi-precious gems. Written and arranged by Julian! The whole show was lively and Laudis Grabars Messrs. Jo.|/A church in this Essex village is Mutu EC Rishi is Dobranowski the theme was spontaneous and the piv My yooh Rolie z w Uszy) eat oa Dy i Sau " au aamowie " Fmunt de 3 : a a 'Courtship in Crakow'" and open-|packing the hall, gave generously; 40% Pater Gazda Tum y foundations were sunk only six ed with a springtime set'ing, the with applause. fi azCa, Joset Li-linches, and i d Al ng | vieec and Henry Sochs it , and £800 is needed for| girls in their full, red skirts and| The singers were directed by ! A y a ary 4 2 renovation before vibrations from| PLAYS ALL were bvi ] enjc y : I sequined basques and the men in njoying pascing traffic knock it d | their red velvet tunic coats and Mrs. Laudis Gra ski and Miss| themselves and wir enthusiasm gon. = 35prevs TIME AT $129 00 VALUE! square caps sporting peacock fea- Irene Wolek accompanied at the was reflected in the audience SPRING "BLOOM i FOR : | h 4 LIES Interwoven with the dia- Piano. For the dancing and|-- | The marsh marigold, akin tol h \§ wind ON SALE NOW logue were all the songs of the| choruses and orchestra composed| HOUSEHOLD HINT the buttercup, is one of the first| 4 Sr 3 : fighting services; old army songs of Messrs. Socha, Lipiec, Pat-| Hu spring flowers in damp areas. ERS introduced by 'the in/erek and Debicki and Mrs, Gra.| Help along a permanently. ------ asthatoue don Idier" IN 3 i «ts barska, supplied spirited musical Pleated drip - dry garment by; TAPPING BIRD | green and shako, with the soloists a vi The flicker, most familiar carrying the story in verse and support. | creasing each pleat with thumb | the chorus taking up the refrain.| During intermission Richard) land forefinger while the fabric \etuhes of the Soidpecer sev ECONOMICAL FLOOR COVERINGS The second act introduced i ie Eastern Canadian cham-/is still damp. robin. SPECIALLY PURCHASED FOR THE SUMMER COTTAGE TRADE -JMANUFACTURED SPECIAL DELTOX AB =" "& 3 ~ . Ne : " LA 4 7 ¥ . . £4 on 4 # ER PLASTIC COATED FIBRE Colorful Carpeting that will give you Years of Satisfaction BRASS 9 FEET WIDE FINISHED \ I AUTORATICALLY ALLY CHANGES 10 WITH BRASS FERRULE » INTERCHANGES A W [/ NOTE THESE AN \& | E PER SQ. FOOT...... c FEATURES NO OTHER HI FI PHONOGRAPH RADIO \\ }. XTERIOR WHITE / 4530 Wh 8 | HAS ALL THESE FEATURES! i I PIARERS - 4 " nn Non ANGIE 401 SES 10 ANY GRAIN FINISH. TONAL QUALITY IS EXCEPTIONAT. HAS : | ; far on on le INTERMIX 'ENGLISH' CHANGER PLAYS ALL SIZE RECORDS. «y 3 ph Sg ha { BF 4 SPEEDS 45 33%16% 78 R.P.M. INCLUDES REJECT BUTTON. x MR. BEN ABRAMOFF nie TWIN SPEAKERS PLUS HETERODYNE RADIO. CHARSIDE LEGS |B \ 9 feet wide only. 3 colorful floral alughoviz URIAGL DETACHABLE IN SECONDS N le order t . | [Geos danas ..CHANGING FROM FLOOR MODEL TO ] n oraer . | » sol L 3 TWN PL you Sor an f designs reg. 1.00 CLEARING PER cl ONTRUCTION | HANDY PORTABLE. WE EXPECT A SELL-OUT-SO GET YOURS NOW! | Eide , John, © oe oo I oe) | se varo ........... : s Proud io JAAS 49 GALLON VINYL SURFACED LINOS staff of skilled artists, : : | BEN ABRAMOFF | ; | Discontinued Patterns. | "ration || PATTES PAINT & WALLPAPER LTD, [| =7=cswne 139 i Over 85 Years at 85 Simcoe St. N, Styling PHONE RA 5-3529 OR USE OUR PAVED | ROSS E. MILLS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. by John PARKING LOT AT he Onn FOR FREE DELIVERY 2EAR OF STORE COMPANY LTD. 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7022 RA 8-0951 80 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 8-6218 HERE IS A MODERN UNIT IN ATTRACTIVE WOOD mont sews NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT comank