"A STUDY IN PERSONALITIES Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 2, 1960 PERSONALS Among those from Oshawa who| attended the graduation exercises of St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing, Peterborough, last| Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Dcpald Logan, Mrs, E. Newman, Mrs. James Hickey, Miss Diane : |Hickey, Miss Martha Michna, Mrs George King, Mrs. N. Hess, Mrs. James Sloan, Mrs. Harry 4 |Canfield, Mrs. Harry Peleshok, Mies Luanne Peleshok, Mr. and Mrs Hyacinthe B hemin, Mr. R. Carey, Smith's Falls and Mr. and Mrs. J. Carey, Smith's Falls; Mr. and Mrs. D. Marks, Mr. and Mrs. L. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. R. Harmer, all of Perth; Miss Adele Carey, Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. Les Smale, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs Ted Plaskitt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, Mr, and Mrs. D. Mesh, Mrs, M. Brown, all of Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown, Ajax. Gary Logan, Miss Sonia Dychuck, missioner, and Mrs. R. E. Wilson, divisional commissioner, were jamong the guests of the Lieuten- Women, Girl Guides Association. Mrs. E. A. Collins, area com-| ant-Governor and Mrs, Mackay at' a reception at their suite at Queen's Park yesterday afternoon in connection with the annual meeting of the Canadian Guests from out of at the Byers - Clark wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Clark, Miss Laurence Clark, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Heayn, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Heayn and Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Heayn, all of Port Perry; Mr, and Mrs. Harold Sanders, Peter- borough; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Ross Clark, Mrs. Elsie Willetts and Mr. James McGhee, Whit- by; Mr. and Mrs. Forest Byers, Mr. Brent Byers, and Mr, Gar- nett Byers, Saskatoon, Saskatche- wan. You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little, items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, anni- Lon, are always very P and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone RA 3-3474, local 18. The Friendly Couples Club of Albert Street United Church met at the Church on Saturday even- ing, May 28, and later a tour was made of the David Dunlop town | Observatory of the University of Toronto at Richmond Hill. Mem- bers were reminded by the presi- dents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sulli- van, fo register for the June 24 on Sparrow Lake. employed at the dawn of history with the most up-to-date meth- ods. At the Royal Worcester works in England, clay objects are "thrown" on the potter's wheel, then passed on modern trucks through gas-fired tunnel kilns for 56 hours, at a temper- iversaries and comings and goings ature of 2372 degrees F. Shop WOOLWURTH'S week end to be spent at a Lodge | Bonnie twin children of Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Turpin, Hib- bert avenue, are Rhonda Ber- nice and Ronald Elmer. Rhonda and Ronald celebrated their first birthdays on April 18. They Mrs. W. H, Colton and great- grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Turpin, all of Oshawa. --Photo by McKinley | Bridesmaids And Flower Girls Attend Roma Panas, Bride In St. Hedwig's Roman Cafho- lic Church recently, the Rever- end Felix Kwiatkowski solemn. ized the marriage of Roma Panas and Mieczyslaw. Emiljanowicz. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josef M. Panas and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mojzsaz Emil- janowicz, all of Oshawa. Miss Irene Wolek played the wedding music for the choral ser- vice. The bride was given in mar. riage by her father. She wore a long gown of lace over satin and nylon net with lily-point sleeves and a scalloped neckline trimmed with sequins. Rows of ruffled gathered. cape-style, nylon over- skirts. They wore headdresses of matching flowers, white accessor- jes and carried cascades of light blue carnations. The flower girls, the Misses Sofia and Jeanette Adamcewicz were in short nylon and taffeta dresses in melon tone with match- ing bandeaux and carrying nose- gays of blue-tinted chrysanthe- mums. Mr. Stanley Kitras was best man and the ushers were Messrs. Marian Reszka, Michael Adam- cewicz, John Szymanski, John Michno, Stanley Kykwa and Mar- ian Kawalko. A reception was held in the Po-| nylon net and scalloped lace cas- caded down the back of the full skirt and a sequined crown held her cathedral veil. She carried a| cascade of red roses and white] pompoms. Miss Oksana Lukasewich, the| maid of honor, was in melon tone and the bridesmaids, Miss Jean| hone Michno, Miss Mary Gregorcewicz, | left Miss Helen Bogdanski, Miss Theresa Michno and Miss Jean-|S lish Hall, Olive avenue. The] bride's mother was wearing light | blue taffeta with black and white accessories and the bridegroom's Eileen J. Clark Wayne E. Byers Exchange Vows The marriage of Eileen Joyce Clark and Wayne Everett Byers, both of Oshawa, was solemnized recently at Northminster United Church. | The bride iss the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Clark of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Forest A. Byers of Saskatoon, Saskatche- wan. The Reverend H. A. Mellow officiated. The wedding music was played by Mr, John Robert-| son. Given in marriage by her fa-| ther, the bride wore a street- Miss [vate party ai the Maison d'Or. Sharon Logan, Kenneth Logan, Among those] who graduated was Miss Donna! Marie Logan of Oshawa. Mrs, Donald Black, Laracor| street. was in Toronto yesterday | attending the celebration of the | 25th auniversary of her class graduation from Wellesley Hos- | pital. hTe class of '35 attended the graduation exercises for the class of "60 and then held a pri- Out of town guests at the Cockerton-Carey - wedding were Mr. Archie Erin, Mr. and Mrs. L. Levine, Mr, and Mrs. Garvie, Mr.| and Mr. | 9 and Mrs. K. Erwin, Mr. and Mrs. | E. Barrie, Miss L. Paley, Mr.| and Mrs, C. Marks, Mr. and Mrs. | N. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tripp, Mrs. Dell Nott, Mr. Walter Carey. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tripp, | Mrs. Dell Nott: Mr. Walter| Carey, Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Trwin, | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lepper, Mr.| G. Barrie, all of Toronto; Mr. length dress of brocaded satin featuring an empire waistline: a round neckline and long pointed sleeves. A sequin and pearl crown held her waist - length veil and she carried a bouquet of pink| | mother was also in blue. Their|roses and white chrysanthemums. |flowers were pink carnations, | The maid-of-honor was Miss| SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Monery of Oshawa announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Barbara | | | Later the couple left for a Laurence Clark, cousin of the|Ann, to Mr. Norman Jack Del- styling a round ymoon in Florida. As they|bride. She wore a lilac brocaded|yea son of Mrs. Frank Delyea| the bride was wearing a|taffeta dress . mauve sheath dress, white acces. neckline and short sleeves with zr. pelyea. The marriage will| ories and a corsage of red roses. (short white gloves. She wore ali vo place in Northminster Unit-! Mr. and Mrs. Emiljanowicz| White picture hat and carried a| 3 opurch on Saturday, July 2, of Flinton, Ontario and the late | SPORTSWEAR LID. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THE GAYEST, NEWEST AND SMARTEST TOGS FOR "FUN IN THE SUN" YOU'LL FIND WE HAVE THE LARGEST COLLECTION BY FAR, IN OSHAWA dresses of brocaded taffeta with ette Lipski, were in beige sheath| will make their home in Oshawa. | bouquet of yellow roses and yel- lat 2 p.m. | low chrysanthemums. us | Mr. Garnett Byers acted as| | best man and Mr. Bruce Steven- ries, Both wore corsages of chry- | jem ushered. santhemums. A reception was held at The When the couple left for the | Acres, Hampton. To receive, the wedding trip to points west the € | bride's mother wore brown fig- bride was wearing a sapphire BE ured silk with a pale green hat blue suit and matching hat, black |and gloves and a beige duster. and white accessories and a cor- 743 Gods 2 A ee 'MARRIED IN BOWMANVILLE Veronica Harriett Rosario and Wiliam Laskaris, both of Bowmanville, were married re- cently at St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville The bride is the daughter of Mr. The bridegroom's mother assist-| sage of pink roses and carna- ing was in pale blue with a navy |tions. The newly wedded pair blue duster and white accesso-' will live in Taunton. and Mrs. Stanley Rosario, Edin- burgh, Scotland, and the bride- | groom is the son of Mr. and | Mrs. Louis Laskaris of Bow- manville, --Photo by Allan Moffatt, To. Sarong WILL JUNE MISS MAY BUDD The EVELYN SHOP 9 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH TO-DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY CONSULTANT BE AT 2,34 BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 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