Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 May 1960, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 30, 1960 13 . ° . : | ? ™2, on ©." i's Steck Market Listings on Toronto Exchange : TT a wo VORONTO 11 A om » . Net Sales High Low 11a.m one Sock Sales High Low oi a Stock Sales High Low 11 bing hes CCF Makes Bid | TOKYO (Reuters) -- On sale in Vl h Low 11 a.m. ON Stock By The Canadian Press wool . i we byt wif Ocean Cem 400 $11% U% 11% Home Oil A 850 850 850 +5 fron Eay 200 252 28 Ford m ithe frequent earthquakes and ty- toronto Stock Exchange--May 30 Office Spec ~ 100 $14% 14% 14% + ¥ Home Oil B 7s TS TIS Jacobus 3000 110 10 110 --d . oo ictutions 18 ents BOC market: Toa Dy ail Queriand pr' 100 S04 Bt oe N Superior 52 +8 Kerr Add 216 $12% 12% 12% -- % n ova CO 1a |p po islands, Tie x-div xr--Ex- 3atine 2 5 % -- % N 4 Ye N Supe " hoons these Ge a yun, pt Gatimp 0% i Bl ON Ot Can sb $3 Sh OU NCO ts 43 L. Dufault 53 +1 |houses, assembled in Osaka, sell Gen Baie us 148 Royal Bank 255 $69% 69% + Pac Pete 0 Latin Am 54 --1 3 ns . _ for about $1,500 INDUSTRIALS 3 Mack 8 Royl Bk rts 1700 288 LA Pamoll ' } Is Las 5 10 9 HALIFAX (CP) -- The CCF, Nova Scotia has a population ------eer : 4 ; 15 $18% % ps 1s Tn wld . Stl Corp Wh ne 2 : Ponder 8000 : P Magnet [1 ; {steadily declining in popularity in|of 700,000 and is about 500 miles Net ir Wig G 9 " 4 1 206 206 1 Malartie 500 80 2 i | " sek Sales High Low 11 a. m. Ch'ge - W I ; Saladas 3B Dw on 1 Prove Gas . Jalastie 5 : [Nova Scotia since 1945, is mak-long from tip to tip. It offers a Aviom x 78 So ow S05 ; ) ml nD 25 . W Decalta : Martin 1 2 1 ne a silo ston} i] the June relatively smal organizational ta Dis ] -5 F DM: 25 2 + Min- % 4 yincial general election. Alls Ui 20% 20% 1 ; cering 100 350 3 LB SKD Miz 9 : Murray M 51300 68 i p | general election. 1,005 It has a farm belt running Alg Cen wis 25 $34% 34% 3h +) Lig Southau % 2% 2 Nealon 0 | The province, with its mixed along the north shore into Cape \ Alumim 2 A 1 1 ) Tor-Don. Bk 52% | 52 : : 7 N Dicken 3 Bo leconomy and small area, is ideal | Breton, fishing and lumbering Atlas Bieel Z om : TA zg y 3 New Jason {ground fo determine whether the area. along the south coast, Auto Elec n 200 - : : ] ! : ; fo Be ot gh imp Tob exd 1 LY ax Con 3 : : bi . 7 N Msiama 1 {new party proposed by the CCF heavy industry in Cape Breton i% YOUR Bank 3 Y " on gl 3 385% Un Gas 300 13 3 x k Bay 3 ie Be nn rr . 7 land labor can cross economic|and Pictou County and business el 202 44% 44% + ny 390 3% 13% 0 Uae A pr 50 8 ' . O mh clase lines and attract all types!j ifax Brasil oR ' inland C pr $1 -y Un. Sieel y 835 55 264 ? of voters is Haliag BEST BUY BA Of - 0 3 E. Jian iH 4 Yanadium ) 165 16 i up 8 hib 13 "3 : a 2 i : The CCF laid down its mani- 3 f 344% b 6 6 x 100 : The CCF has had at least one fest shortly after Premier Stan- r BCE 44 pr 8 h . 5554 ¢ Westee! " 2 y a v love Keoti i fo , t A 3 i Wood J A $25% 25% 5 : 1000 3 3 gh ite 16000 4 | [meuher in the Nova Scotia legis- | field announced his Progressive Jockey C 1 0 Weodw A . 0 2 nt 0 "1 ature since 1939 but never more Conservative government would Emo Com 3 Kelly DA 10 6 ao " 3 ny 5 4 Sherritt 52 365 365 36 {than three. Its showing in the ask for a new mandate, Party C Cel $1.75 pr 2 4 Jatarde A +a Anzlo-Nfld " 7% - Py 5 p Siscoe 0 i popular vote reached a high of |gpeakers have included national C Coilieries 1 4 » 1 - C Paper 1 1 8 8% + 3 ; 5 % 17% P > ) L 14 r cent i 945 ' C Fairbks A 2 9 hig Beg 3 2% Lob Inc = 4 12% hy Jon Negus 5 16 1 Sui Cont 4 : 11966 provincial ed So cade M J ey jue HEATING CPR 138 , 5 LauEa = Price B: 75 $43) : + Regeourt 7 . mag 1 1 1a, Argue, party chief in the House 1 5a a LobCo A 2% yi x 1 1 { o ban! Gre bar y 6% 6 LobCo A : Coprand 2 3 Thom % 2 {dropped to three per cent of Commons, and Ontario Leader - ol Ce! 1 ¥ A J MB and PR 3 ¥ Daering 4 4 r | The party has nominated 34|Donald C. MacDonald. Cire Bar - D' Aragon | : ] Col Cell 2 15 kK 1 N S04 pr p g Ajax 3 78 4 D'Eldona {candidates for next month's bal-| "It's time for a real change," ) Conduits 3 2% 12% 1 - a 4 Ty East Sull 55 1 5 5 ala {Toting, the most it has Br ell | gg 3 1 - Mass-F 5% 99 Alminex 1 3 o troy ; | Ng, 0 § ever el- said the party platform in asking " ie : A 2 2 2 Elder § y : 3 , areas confi : party 'p alo as Mex LF Sy 1H 1 oe 13 s $3 : " Wiltse {tered. The only areas confined t0|for election of a government Falcon 1oht H Mid-West Grandros " A : pa 3 a two-way fight between Liberals| "that will plan for the use of our $44 , ; . una ¢ Y 1 lan rv s wi N'si Ca ; loo 178" 18 18 + r ; i . young HG |and Conservatives will be the resources for the benefit of Nova N St Oar 4 : 500 3 : a : I south and southwestern coasts Scotia: -instead of high profits for | 14 r 8 18% 18% > 9 y 355 4 " ann . 3 No Star A » e 95 : 5 - Sales to 11 a.m.: 257,000 and two rural Cape Breton rid- oyutcide corporations and exploit e st 355 355 3 Tg 5 12 Irish Cop 1 0 ings ers | Fam Play = ey t : LEE : Automation Era Stel Gut Douglas Charges po 2 "cr wi E EE : : ouncil Ii aro American Labor Council are "x "Adiates were elected. | Plan For Unions Drops In Us. 'Hack Attacks [ DETROIT (AP un I eal crimination. i MacDonald go in NOTHING DOWN PITTSBURGH (AP)--Cutbacke conven'ion of the Negro Ameri- fo seek greater representation for Breton Centre, was elected in N P 928 NORTH BAY (CP) -- A toplong o Payment service employees of the in steel production in some sec-| N MIS. § ' y " i i an Labor Council turned into a Negroes in union affairs. The § a . ! 1S. Sask. (CP) -- Pre- carry authorization he pre Ps # ty a A n . EE | radivvay » forced to subsidize ti , TRY wiled tou OKO! " A 3 P loor battle Sunday marked by a council estimates there are 1,250,-] The Conservatives held 24 of . sanadian labor leader has of-| railways be forced tions of the U.S. have ni . +" Douglas said Satur-/mie; added, He did not amplify Sunday 250, ; vatives he of ' fered an avtomation-era platform those who would otherwise be un- cands of steelworkers. er a gis 5a Medical " Douglas aid he ye in legen ysis Wit 0) Negros bn Americon avon tre $3 scat in 16 10st House, | Until September ne for unions, particularly railway employed 3 roducti allv. de) Ax innit "wo hag A an 4 *| crimination against her sex. unions, and the Liberals 18 ot uous Particulafiy Te be- a we must do is convince Steel production usually de Association has sent "two hack medical plan propaganda is be-! Voices rang loud in argument - Easy payments over aie ¢ technological progress. the general public that manage- Clines during the summer months writers" to Saskatchewan to at-\ing spread by the medical pro- and some of the convention's mse ©! o ment and government share a/but some areas have been hit|tack the CCF government's pro-fession because the profession be- business, including action on a 5 YEARS A step-by-step program was responsibility to provide people harder than usual because of posals for a compulsory prepaid|jjeves Saskatchewan's plan will resolution supporting '"'sitdown" ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE on monthly gas bill yutiined Sunday by Donsig ¥- with gainful employment." plentiful steel supplies medical care plan spread across the country demonstrations of southern ¥ ils Secord, national secretary-ireas: | In the Youngstown, Ohio, area,| Speaking at a public meeting, <7} United States Negroes, was lef Installs _eompiots : a ia efitoond . > Youngs ) | 8 ! , ey know that in five years od + 2roes, t .80 mpiots gas urer of the ( anadian Brotherton] BASIC PROBLEM production is scheduled to drop|he identified the men as Basil|the medical plan will cover all Undone because of delay You're ne 14 forced air furnace, e of Railway 1 Tp and 1 Mr. Secord said the problem to 92 per cent of capacity mext/McLaughlin and F. B. Strachan|western Canada and in 10 years| A fight broke out when A. | i d und Ry eral Workers y in an ad-| os automa tion, unemployment week which will make it the 1ow-| and called their writings "shame all of Canada.' Philip Randolph, elected presi- 19th longer insured under nearest existing Mase ' o your parent's Hospital dress to an educational confer-|.o4 prosperity is a basic trouble oot rate since the depression of fy) prepaganda.' dent, offered an all-male slate of lk deh, ence of brotherhood locals in North America today the 1930s He Suggs ted the men consult In Toroni Ken ( Cross, public nominees for 15 vice-presiden- BIRTHDAY? In C riff | 3500 aan! ' : a ." 4 -s : nah . ? > pg p>, n ) ) 8 ? | od . . The brotherhood, Canada's big-| In the long run, he said, it may About 4,000 additional workers theiy lawyers. "This literature|reiations directBr of the Canadian" Sulunce Lenvaue gest transport union and a ma-|be that as a nation Canada are to be released and thousands, : otha " . tical 0012 hip Randolph, 71, president of the -- When you become 19 jor voice in railway union coun- benefits from all ideas, good and | are to be 8 & and advertising is violating the Medical Association with which Brotherhood of Sleeping Car keep y ' CHANGE-OVER CAN BE Tok hae more than 40.000 mem-|bad, that management introduces of others will go on a shorter|glection Act because it does not{the OMA. is affiliated, said Mr. |p ioc ong member of the AFL insured! separate premiums are re- DONE IN A FEW HOURS . " 'This will be so if enough in- : wh 4 » "4 i it election without opposition, H i COMPENSATORY CLAUSES 4 ec ae created to give em. |g two blast furnaces at Brad- NET EARNINGS Saskatchewan Medical Associa-| Govoral women among tie ap- available from hospitals, FREE BURNER SERVICE for retraining workers whose jobs {4 covoc "At present, we're fall- making facilities at its plants in| pejnite Mines, Ltd., year ended as the public relations director sented his list Ontario Fue! Board to sell and install natural those who are required to trans- is being done to ease the transi- n sources estimate some 3,- Mi. McLaughlin was in Saskat-|cago said the council had been | READ © N p , " arch he was helping Mr. Strachan and added "I'm tired of you dis-| YOUR ® notice of projected changes, pro- Sharon Steel is suspending all tion, Ltd., 3 mos. ended March 3 . 3 Rp rell : of new methods so that staff cuts house in this Suffolk town that cents on 2,742,393 shares. . 2 . i ol 3 BURNABY, B.C. (CP) -- Some time there was noisy conf s vd a a aw GUIDE ONTARIO HOSPITAL raya ~~ : . : i i A water y re hire he | . SERVICES COMMISSION "The railway industry alone|into apartments, The owner, a|lly, equalling the low point of the 20CE0 FETC To 1050. $2,770,520, | let waterfront here have hired a dolph added two women to the! _if you haven't one, ask RT THE that makes it impossible to re-|1925, said it was the only way to| The rate stands at 67.5 per cent | work week rachan - is tl owly | . dati bers across Canada in its search for efficiency os Strachan is the newly appointed| orn" ovecytive board, had won quired. Application forms Units for all types of home heating The platform calls for working ployment to the thousands who dock, Pa. Earlier, it announced tion, also a CMA affiliate. proximately 1,000 delegates arose most banks or any office Your Gas company does not employ door-te 5 oquipment cell or write the Sales Unio 413 "2 . her "alities or or 4 3,5 4 4 hnasy " A FH : fer to other localities or to lower yo, 000 to 3,500 men were out of chewan he did not know whether organized #o fight discrimination " po : ™ y as 5 v |eriminating against me because | visions for early retirement at CHANGED SCENE iron and steel production at Far-|31, 1960. $1,385,509, 90.1 cents on I'm a woman.' ONAN J RA 3-3468 oD Dace natural attriti nce belonged to the novelist] In the Buffalo area, production Tolon 'Gas & : ed ; | keep pace with natural attrition. ol 2 Unior as Company, year|,,, squatters on the Burrard In-| Quiet was restored afier Ran-| should not be penalized by a rule relative of the writer who died in|1958-59 recession. law firm to try to delay for one slate. making it 17 members. The| duce staff, Neither should thel!save it from demolitoin. lin the Birmingham, Ala., district. IJuly 1, |New York and Lole Belle = ne a, U.S. Steel announced it is clos- public relations director of the sontracts that in le provisions =" ininated from established the temporary shut down of steel-| By THE CANADIAN PRES He identified Mr. McLaughlinin protest when Randolph pre- ot te Commission Jor sales i, ot Ee iv disappear. compensation forly,. gteadily behind, and nothing Clairton, Pa., and Donora, Pa Dec. 31. 1959, $70,416; 1958, $106, of the OMA but said although, Mrs. Jeannette Strong of Chi- partment of paying jobs, maximum advance _"__ » si work. Indusirial Acceptance Corpora- full pension, orderly introduction BUNGAY, England (CP) Pa.. for at least one week. |2767,668 shar 1959, $1,147,695, SQUATTERS RE Other women joined in. For a INSURANCE Mr. Secord said Rider Haggard has been turned s down to 69.9 per cent of cape ended March 31, 1960, $3,118,828, g : TORONTO 7, ONTARIO | |32 cents. year their eviction, now set for|women are Mrs, Agnes Willis of | your employer or write | HOSPITAL DRIVE! en BE ars and Trucks! When Better Cars are Built, BUICK will Build Them! This Buick 1957 METEOR SEDAN : 1955 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN slogan is sitivel on in this 1957 BUICK 4. i a o H : . " Hoohop ye, Dyistiow IO a ince 2door. Blue with Radio. bi 4 ' > i Ro brakes and steering. Automatic. 1957 was a quality year for Pontiac and this beautiful : a Crocus Yellow and Black beauty is ready to go at the >= my t00 . 4. plus $1 575 $1495 | . Fa . $1395 full price (one owner car too) % Gages 1956 BUICK roan J --o---- 1954 CADILLAC 1395 1958 OLDSMOBILE SUPER SEDAN $1295 ae NTC flier |) i 1956 SUPER OLDSMOBILE SEDAN with power steering, radio, $2445 1956 CHEVROLET Hyd tic, et t-door r ter 4 Complete with Hydramatic and Power -- x wry clean ne-owner <i - 4 bi x : Smart 1954 BUICK B \ Steering. The Price Only 4 HA $1 495 $1445 ori. pass Yee an Be | SPECIAL! 1958 CHEVROLET Aub lh : $795 PRIA, 1956 PONTIAC : 1954 PONTIAC 2 door Special. Can't be a 4-door Station Wagon, complete with Radi like Ne Al I i Just like New! We Yeom Blue Shor In 210re 1 y, Wh $1395 EXTRA! THIS 1957 OLDSMOBILE SUPER SEDAN is truly A 'gledming Black Beouty with Redio com Tn $ lue and Ivory. a luxury car. Power Brakes, Roto-Matic, Power Steering, Jet. $645 complete with custom radio. A sure pleaser ot 1955 CHEVROLET __ ee amr? paint ute just sme oF 1958 CHEVROL 1 2-door Special Sedon in sxcellent TY I varence, prov n Olde $1 505 1954 PONTIAC CHEVROLET 2-D00R SEDAN $895 RE oo Fora or es 1957 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN ith radio on wer "EE Df 9 : iy. with rede end poversice ST GQ 1955 PONTIAC 1956 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN 340s cme wih overt SEDAN v-8 with Radio and Power Steering 1953 PONTIAC 1957 CHEVRO r Automatic. Radio. One Owner A luxury car at an economical Heater. LET 2-D00R S575 4 $1345 $395 1957 FORD STATION WAGON me ns remorse vie «$7405 1955 BUICK 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1954 BUICK AE | £- 4-door Hardtop. Radio and Dynaflow One Owner. o . N 1957 FORD 2-DOOR FA4E 300 $1175 ghou 1585 $799 1958 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON With radio. an . Combine: oominess: with sconomy, to. 8 1495 § 140 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA RA 5.6507 § «===o mn $1595

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