Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 26 May 1960, p. 3

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CITY AND DISTRICT TWO-CAR COLLISION A two-car collision on King St. W. Wednesday evening caused minor damage to the cars in- volved, William C. Marchand, 360 King St. W. and George K. Con- ner, 566 Rossmere St., Oshawa, were the drivers of the vehicles. AUTOS ENTERED Two autos were broken into while parked in the Ontario Motor Sales used car lot on Bond St. early this morning. A radio and aerial were stolen from one car and light switches from an- other. The break-ins were noticed by PC Kenneth Ostler at 4:30 a.m. while making his regular rounds. BANKERS AT RALLY Vernon road fo Wilson road south; Chadburn street closed at Olive avenue; Central Park Blvd. south, closed at Olive av- enve; La Salle avenue, closed at Oiive avenue; Cadillac avenue closed at Olive avenue; Highland avenue, closed at Olive avenue. Streets will be kept open for local traffic whenever possible. Emer- geney conditions such as wea- ther could require the closing of sireets mot on this list. NURSING GRADUATE Miss Barbara G. Hamilton, of Blackstock, was one of the 73 nurses who received their diplo- mas at the Hamilton General Hospital on Wednesday. RECEIVES DIPLOMA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 26, 1960 3 WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy, Showers Fog On Friday tario, Lake Huron, Niagara fe- gions, London, Toronto, Hamil- ton: Extensive fog liftin, this morning, becoming with cloudy instrvale, Fog form- ing again tonight. Variable cloghi- ness Friday with scattered show- ers. Little change n tempera- ture. Winds light. wn] TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- Synopsis: A disturbance centred in eastern Iowa has weakened considerably but should cause some showers to spread into southwestern Ontario later today and Friday. Regional forecasts valid until midnight Friday. ; Western Lake Erle region, A number of Oshawa bank managers are among the 53 bank- Donna Marie Logan, of Osh-\yingeor: Mainly cloudy today awa, was one of the 23 nurses|and tonight with scattered show- : Sunny with a few cloudy COMMUNION AT ST. HEDWIG CHURCH bury intervals today and Friday. 65 CHILDREN RECEIVE FIRST A class of 65 children receiv- | Mary Anczarska, Katherine Beatty, Vanda Babiarz, Ther- esa Cassibo, Isabelle Derkacz, Brenda Farrell, Rita 'Gorski, Patricia Henry, Wanda Hulaj, Debra Jamroz, Irene Jagoda, Dawn Kennelly, J hine Ko- ed their first communion at the 9 am. Mass at St. Hedwig Roman Catholic Church last Sunday, The class was in- structed by Rev. Felix Kwiat- Anne Murczek, Christine Mirk- ovie, Christine: Masternak, Eu- genia Nowak, Madaline Ros- saue, Irene Rogozinski, Olga Szydlowski, er, Christine Sosin, Elizabeth Sze ki, Michelle Wiecha, kowski and Sister Mary Rachel. Seen with Father Kwaitkowski are the children. They were: Jean Adamcewicz, CAPSULE NEWS 4 Drownings Ruled Mishap BURKS FALLS (CP)--A coro-|of folding, manager John W. ner's jury found Wednesday that Filion said Wednesday. He was Richard Forszen, 27, of Guelph, conmentinz on the decision of was drowned by accident in Six Ottawa Philharmonic Orchestra Mile Lake May 7. Three other to suspended operations. Mr. El- Guelph men also died after over-|ton said the Toronto deficit would trrning of a boat which the jury be met by donations and broad- found to have been overloaded, casting revenue. Svervowered and withiont lite Pre VOTE TO STRIKE ervers. The jury made a number of safety recommendations TORONTO (CP) -- Local 112, United Auto Workers (CLC), rep- resenting 1,300 workers voted Weduesday night to go on strike at de Havilland Aircraft of Can-| ada Limited here. No strike date has been set. Major issues are wages and union security. POLIO RATE UNCHANGED TORONTO (CP)--The number of polio cases in Ontario so far thie year is at the same level as in 1959, Health Minister Dymond $175,000 deficit last the|s2id Wednesday. He did not give can, Charlotte Kwiotek, Irene Krysa, Elizabeth 'Lagodzinski, Viola Liugis, Cathy Meringer, RESUME MERGER TALKS PETERBOROUGH (CP)--Most Rev. H. H. Clark, Archbishop of Edmonton and Primate the Anglican Church of Canada, said Wednesday in an interview that discussions of a merger with the United Church of Canada will re- sume shortly WON'T FOLD IN TORONTO TORONTO (CP) Despite a of season Toronto Symphony has no thought the figures. Dr. Dymond urged REE ---- adults to get salk vaccine inocula » | tions. To Discuss NEW BEAR HUNT BEGINS TIMMINS (CP) -- A band of hunters led by Leo Del Villano,| I former mayor of this city, will aby 's Death: slay {hats BEAVERTON -- Village Coun-| ham cil, Children's Aid Society repre-|were shipped to England. | sentatives and Beaverton's medi-| | cal officer of health will meet DIVORCE PROGRAM TONIGHT Friday to discuss the death of aj TORONTO (CP)--The CBC said | month-old girl and the illness of Wednesday a filmed interview om| her twin sister. vorce, will appear on Close-Up Shiella' Rielly, daughter of Mr. [tonight on the national television and Mrs. Edwin Rielly of Beaver- network. The program, which in-| ton, died Tuesday in Soldier's | Memorial Hospital in Orillia of man who says she earns $100 a Nouse refused to rec night posing as a co-respondent, leader of the opposition, Osm Is was sidetracked last week in fa-|Bolukbasi gastoenteritis and chronic mal-| nutrition: her twin, Sharon, suffering dehydration and malnu- trition The twins were the 10th and 11th children of Edwin Rielly, 42, and his wife Florence, 38, of Beaverton. The twins were born on St Valentine's Day Dr. A. C. Baillie ed the birth, said tt mal twins weighing almost five pounds each. When brought to hospital Tuesday by two Beaver- ton women, Mrs. Irene Still and Mrs. Clifford Lodwick, weizhed four pounds Ames of | vor of a program on the summit {condference. The by church groups. Historic Site Under Investigation who attend- were nor- site at the mouth of the Albany | 10| River will be investigated by two each twin Ontario archaeologists in June to see if the site is the early location | of Fort Albany. | i The site may be the same as| 4 that of the original fort founded by the Hudson's Bay Company in| |the 1670s. Walter Kenyon and Kenneth Kidd will conduct the search un-| der Ontario government sponsor- Wednes- Ship. The site is near the present at's how Hudson's Bay post on Albany Is into) Beaverton the family last Fridav The Rielly home on the vil- lage's main street is a converted store a one-room frame build a. 1n2" front a's burial rther said: * I just buried my father land where the river empties ago today." James Bay. COMING EVENTS ing. and n Church day: her it goes a week BAZAAR tea, RUMMAGE Sale and children's cloth- Ladies | ing after opposition deputi for 15 minutes with fi interview has Chairs Elizabeth Zmudzka. Richard Antoniak, John Bochulski, Pgul Bryant, Peter De Pratto, Ed- ARTS GRADUATE Edward Read, of Toronto, husband of the former Joyce Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright, Wood reet, Oshawa, who received his bachelor of arts degree from the University of Toronw today. Turkish House In Adjournment ANKARA (Reuters)--The Turk- into the bush Saturday to|ish National Assembly today went| bears to provide more fur into a four-weeks for the guards at Bucking-|affer a violent session during trend throughout the various Palace. Last year 82 skins which the opposition party rioted fhe ren g adjournment against passage of the adjourn- {ment measure, The adjournment was voted nesday night by 226 to 117 ies fought sts, chairs and broken benches. The clash clues an interview with a wo- occurred after the Speaker of the recognize the an Fighting broke out on the floor began fly and the to been criticized in the Senate and|SPeaker stopped the session. The fight came after more than a month of anti-government dem- onstrations throughout Turkey Martial law was imposed in Turkey last month. Other meas-|Pital building program in a highly ures in various parts of the coun- | commendable way, by subscrib- try include a curfew, censorship TORONTO (CP) -- An historic|of mail, bans on marches and po-| litical meetings, closing of univer- ties and suspension of the pub- ication of some newspapers, ward Dubrowski, David Flagel, Stanley Grabarski, George Gra- nak, Stanley Przysiezny, Thom- as Rowinski, Theodore Rowine ers from the area bounded by Oshawa, Kingston and Peterbor- ough who are attending an agri- Isabel Sztajdoch- | bowski, Vladimir Gjerkes, Henry Horbacewicz, Michael Kellar, Daniel Klosinski, Ri- chard Kasperczyk, Harry Kruk, Richard Krechowicz, Stanley | Lampa, Richard Lasek, Robin 'McLaren, John Malczak, Ger- ald Miller, Matthew Master- cultural field day in Northumber- land County today. The party visited the horticultural station at Smithfield and later toured a cheese factory and a farm. Hom. W. A. Goodfellow, minister of |agriculture, will speak at a bar- beque supper tonight. STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be clesed for construction today: HOSPITAL GRANTS |=: FFE 22% ski, Richard Rogozinski, Victor Smida, John Stauf, Brian Sme- gal, Walter Sikora, Jan Szmyr, Henry Szyszka, Raymond Try- pue, Richard Wallis, Edward aba. --Photo by Mary's Studio who received their diplomas and| pins from Most Rev. B. I. Web- ster at the graduation exercises Wednesday of St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Peterborough. WHIST DRIVE WINNERS Winners of prizes in the Whist Drive held Monday night at the Bathe Park Clubhouse were Mrs. Waldinspeiger, Mrs, M. Blow and Mis. Mason. EUCHRE WINNERS Winners in the euchre party held last Saturday at Bathe Park (Continued from Page 1) coe street north to Hortop street; "As you are aware, the lastfor the new addition. Due to the Wilson road south, closed from addition to the Oshawa General urgent need for beds, we wish to|Oiive avenue to Shakespeare av- Hospital saw the facilities, such start construction in August of enue; Olive avenue, closed from were M. Goodman, E. Goulding, Mrs. Swithenbank, Mrs. zlly, Mrs. C. McLean and Mrs. 'Lockhurst. as laundry, kitchens, etc., expand-|this year, but it is necessary to ed to service this present wing. |have our financing assured be- "By this planning, we are now|fore we can have approval of able to offer the County, and the| Government Grants, Since the citizens of Oshawa, the maximum | $320,000 grant from County Coun- amount of additional beds, at the cil is an integral part of our fi- minimum cost of $12,000 per bed, |nancing, it is necessary that we We feel therefore, that the great- have a decision on these funds est return on your tax dollar, in before we can start construction, regard to hospital care, can be even though such funds will not obtained by supporting the Hos- be available till after the current pitals presently serving Ontario tax year. "Sing Along County. "We respectfully suggest that it is important for the County to establish a policy regarding hos- pital capital expansion, so that your individual Municipalities will know exactly what the Coun- |ty share of such capital expendi- |tures will be in their tax budget, botk now and for a period of years ahead, if the Council Ishould decide mot to pay their full share of the capital cost. It lis suggested that a ten-year per- jod is the number of years that| should safely be considered at| the present time. We would sug-| gest that it might be the best| plan to set aside a definite | amount for purposes of financial | assistance in providing County Hospital facilities over the next| five or ten years. This, of course, | is only an estimate which you in your wisdom will adjust accord-| ing to your full knowledge of the Couniy's present and future re- sources, | "May we call your attention to By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP)--NBC re- ceived over 350 telephone calls Tuesday night about its Sing |along with Mitch show. They loved it. | It was an hour of old, familiar |songs, sung by a 25-man chorus P arty Draft lin a key that most of us could |stay with easily.' The chorus |danced a little, wore period cos- By JAMES MARLOW |tumes, and there was a beguiling WASHINGTON (AP) -- New chorus of cute youngsters around York's Governor Nelson Rocke- too. But my family, and I'm sure feller has finally said he will ac- millions of o'hers, had a wonder- cept the Republican nomination|ful time singing along with Mitch. for president of the United States| --if i is offered. | Observers said he was taking became of Hal March since the out insurance--just in case mir-|collapse of the big quiz shows, acles can happen--when he made |he'll turn up as a dance contest- the announcement Wednesday. |ant on next week's Arthur Mur- At this moment Vice-President|ray Show . . . Ted Collins, Kate Rockefeller Open For Richard M. Nixon still seems to|Smith's manager-partner, took an eight-foot fall from the terrace of his Lake Placid home and in- jured his spine. He'll be in hos- pital for months, but it won't in- have the nomination sewed up. Rockefeller conceded that his chances of being drafted by the Republican convention in July appear slim. This seems to be his only chance: If something goes badly wrong for the Eisenhower admin- istration between now and July, such as a foreign crisis. MIGHT SWITCH Then the professional Repub- lican politicians might give up on Nixon--so long a prominent part of the Eisenhower administraton --and turn to Rockefeller. No longer ago than the begn- ning of May it made sense for terfere with the Kate Smith Show. 'TV-RADIO COLUMN With Mitch' Still Top Crowd Pleaser (It's taped through June 6 and !then will go into repeats for the rest of the summer season. . . {Shooting of Hall of Fame's two- |hour version of Macbeth, to be {shown in November, starts this week on location in England and |Scotland. Stars are Maurice Evans and Dame Judith Ander- Recommended tonight: Philadelphia Orchestra, CBS, 10-11--Eugene Ormandy conduct- ing a concert of Bach, Beethoven, Liszt and Wagner. CROCKETT BAGS BEAR NORTH BAY (CP)--Bill Crock- ett of West Brownsville, Pa., shot the first bear of the Camp Cham- plain season. He dropped a 200-| pound black bear Wednesday. Dr. Bernard Glass of Lima, Ohio, dropped another 200-pound black bear within minutes of Crockett's kill, Rockefeller to stick to his Dee. 26 decision not to be a candidate. At the beginning of this month {all signs pointed to President | Eisenhower's finishing out his| [term n a burst of glory which, | of course, would be reflected ! beneficially on his administration and Nixon. | There was to be a summit con-| | ference which, if it didn't solve i anything, at least would melt the cold war a little more; then a/ hero's welcome on his visit to| Russia. ' | Republicans in the campaign could point to all this and say: Look, we kept the peace. SUMMIT INSULT But it didn't turn out that way. Instead, there was the admin- istration's bungling of the U-2 spy plane episode and the insulting ; 3 ; roughhouse inflicted on Eisen- ana the International Woodwork hower by Premier Khrushchev ers of America (CLC). when he blew up the summit con- In fiery legislature speech, the ference and called off Eisenhow- premier called James Hoffa, head er's trip to Russia. of the international teamsters, | It was the grea'est humiliation the anti-Christ of North Amer- ever suffered by an American 10a' {municipalities in Ontario recently, with particular reference to the | action of the Counties of Peel, Halton and York. For instance, Peel County has decided to accept | fun responsibility for al. approved hospital construction up to $8,000 |per bed, while in Halton County, grants of approximately $6,000 [per bed are being made. In York | County also, it would appear that |a decision has been made to pro- |vide a proportional allotment for capital purposes to hospitals |serving residents of their mun- | icipality. | "The residents of this area| | have' already shown their willing-| |ness to support the present hos- ling their full share, over $850,000 I share, over WO) Nfld. Premier Lashes Out At 2 Unions ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--Pre- mier Smallwood of Newfound'and lashed out at two of his old foes Wednesday--the teamsters union VETERAN Rev. Peter Dawson has served 23 years consecutively 2s Speaker of the Alberta leg- Aid Simcoe South 28, 230 pm Saturday, CONNAUGHT PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSC PARK OPENING SATURDAY MAY 28 6:00 PM BINGO, VARIOUS BOOTHS NOR STREET DANCE, 8:30 - 10:30 PM to be held West Group, Centre Street Church, May | Friday, May 27, 12 noon. TANNERY Ladies Auxiliary Bingo at). the Avalon Thursday, 8 p.m. Six Jack- pots I~ Coats & Dresses $1, Suits $2 TABLE OF 25¢ ITEMS FRIDAY, 1 P.M. THMINSTER CHURCH HARMAN PARK BINGO, FRIDAY NIGHT 7 WILL TEACH Beverley Elizabeth McLaren | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald McLaren, 135 Highland av- | enue, Oshawa, who received her degree in physical and health | education on Wednesday at the | University of Toronto convoca- | tion. She will teach in a Kit- | chener high school commencing | | | | picable body." Mr. Smallwood's speech came|last eight months in effice, Eisen- tolhower will be lucky if interna- contentious labor laws enacted to/tonal problems, particularly with snuff out the violent 1959 woods Russia, don't get worse. as he unveiled amendments ike in central Newfoundland. While the amendments showed softening towards the Team- , they stuck to the decertifi- iion of the two IWA locals, one of which struck the Anglo-New- foundlaud Development Company. "I woula personally resign as premier , , . before I would be agreeable to changing decertifi-| cation of that brutal, despicable| body--the IWA," Mr. Smallwood | said. a and the IWA a "brutal, des- president in modern times. {by as much as one-third in the | iertilizers will help overcome the fa Now, islature, topping by one year the modern Commonwealth rec- ord set by Sir Robert Nicholls, Speaker of the South Australian house of assembly 1933-55. Mr. instead of a triumphal Macln-| -|he served with the Canadian t | Robert G. ers or thunderstorms this after- noon and tonight. Friday cloudy with sunny intervals and scat- tered showers and thunderstorms. A little warmer. Winds light. Eastern Lake Erie, Lake On- E. R. ELLIOTT (Continued from Page 1) He was born in Sydenham Twp., near Kingston, a son of Robert Killaloe .... and the late Agnes Elliott. In|Earlton .. 11926, he married the former Olla Sudbury . Froter, in Owen Sound. North Bay For the past 20 years he has| Kapuskasing . been a resident of Whitby. In ear- White River .. lier years he had lived in Detroit| Moosonee and Barrie. Mr, Elliott had been business agent for the Carpenters for 15 years, For many years he was president of the Oshawa Trades and Labor Council and was its president when the organiration amalgamated with the Oshawa and District Labor Council three years ago. For the past three years, he has served as vice president of the labor council. He was a member of the Whit- by United Church and the IOOF in Whitby. During World War I, Warm. Winds light. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Friday Windsor . 55 St. Thomas London .. Wingham Toronto .. Trenton ...... . St. Catharines . Hamilton .... Muskoka . 555588855288 8 3333333333280 NATURAL GAS iS YOUR BEST BUY fo HOUSE HEATING Mounted Rifles. He is survived by his wife and one son, Howard, of Whitby. Also surviving are his father and three brothers, Albert and Osborne, of Owen Sound, and William, of De- troit. Surviving also are three grandchildren, Lynda, Karen and Timothy. Mr. Elliott is resting at the W C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel on Friday, May 27, at 2.30 p.m. Conducting the service will be Rev. John Smith, of the Whitby | United Church. Interment will be lat Mount Lawn Cemetery. The members of Eastern Star Lodge, No. 72, will hold a service at the Funeral Chapel at 7 p.m. today while the members of the United Brotherhood of Carpen- ters of America, No. 397, will hold a service at 8 p.m. today. Area Pastors Ordained KINGSTON (CP)--Seven minis- terial candidates were ordained and a woman missionary was ded- icated by the Bay of Quinte Con- ference of the United Church of Canada Wednesday night. The service at Sydenham Street church, was conducted by Rev. M. C. Fisher of Newcastle, con- ference president. The woman missionary was Muriel Evelyn Stevens, a regis- tered nurse from Bowmanville. Ordained were William Spar- ling and Gordon Rajotte, both of Kingston, George Richardson, In- verary, William Avery, Baltimore, Nicholls, Cobourg, James Peyton, Gananoque, and Robert Werry, Oshawa. NOTHING DOWN No Payment Until September !! Easy payments over 5 vears on monthly gas bills $14.60 [0 hee, to commect with CHANGE-OVER CAN BE DONE IN A FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVICE Your Gas company does not employ di door salesmen nor telephone canvassers. For Information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to sell and Install natural i equipment call or write the Sales partment of 59-38 (Consumers (Has RA 3-3468 MORE HAVE JOBS LONDON (Reuters)--The num- ber of unemployed in Britain fell by 50,000 between April 11 and) May 16 to 341,000, the labor min- istry announced Wednesday night. SUPPORT THE HOSPITAL DRIVE ! SPEAKER Dawson, 68-year-old United Church minister, has been a Social Credit member of the legislature for Little Bow since 1935, He was named Speaker in 1987, --~(CP Photo) bol) os R= eN i PNT = = = : ) STA 16 Shwe RA 5 ERY = OE ST. N. @ OSHAWA More Fertilizer To Offset Late Seed | GUELPH (CP) -- An increase rate of application of commercial Guest Soeaker handicap of late seeding, Ontario | M by Sind Schoo) usic unday 00} rmers were told Wednesday. | Professor N. R. Richards, head | ELDAD SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY WILL BE HELD IN THE SHED SUNDAY MAY 29th SERVICES ...2 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. . REV. STANLEY SNOWDEN, of Millbrook under the leadership of MRS. J. SMALES, of Harmony FRESH BONELESS DOUBLE LOIN u 69° -7 LB. AVE. LB. FRESH PORK SHOULDERS " * ." 32° ST. JOHN'S HALL Co r Corner ossisted in the evening by Harmony Church Male Quartet ON MONDAY MAY 30th A VARIETY CONCERT WILL BE HELD IN THE HALL AT 8:30 P.M. ADMISSION . . . ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25¢ RECORD "SULLIED" of the OAC's soils department, In proposing changes to laws said extra nitrogen and nitrates | affecting the Teamsters, the gov-(W)'] help spring grains. Seeding | ernment was removing "the only|iS 2lready two weeks or more be- rart of our record . . . which was |hind normal schedule, and may su'lied" during the strike. be delayed another week by con- The premier said Hoffa is "'the|'nued wet weather. anti-Christ of North America, the = . ng embodyment of all that is| en in North America, the filth| and rottenness and immorality of in September. NDAY, MAY 30 BS AUCTION SALE | AT | COLUMBUS UNITED | CHURCH GROUNDS | ON FRIDAY, MAY 27 | AT 7:00 P.M, BOOTHS RUMMAGE HOME BAKING REFRESHMENTS Farm ment, Bloor and Simcoe games $6 ond $10. > the Wealth. 5 - $40 | E FRESH OWN MAKE SAUSAGE uw 39° PRESSWOOD'S--SMOKED SKINLESS WIENERS ne 37° PKG. | GOLDEN VALLEY RINDLESS BACON BREAKFAST Ha. HOT HOUSE TOMATOES TENDER CRISP TRY TO UNSEAT COUNCIL TORONTO (CP)--York Town- |ship ratepayers voted Wednesday [night to take legal action to un- scat the township council. More! [than 700 cheering persons voted |for the resolution put by members |of the York Township Citizens |Committee. The committee was [formed after release of Judge North American life." [Joseph Sweet's report listing Paramount in the revisions is abuses of power by the council, ©%¢ which transfers from the cab- | U.S. ACCIDENTS urt the power to dissolve any | CQST BILLIONS {union in which a substantial num- | | ber of its officers outside the prov-| (luce have been convicted of | {crimes such as "trafficking in | Edward H Schroeder, n narcotics manslaughter, extor- surance executive, quoted in 107 embezzlement OP. perjury "Automotive Dealer News", sta'es that total dollar cost of U.S. accidents in 1959 went over the $7 billion mark! Aimed the. Teamsters, cable to other unions, It's no accident that you reach more sales-minded cus- amendments also provide that a union can within three months of | tomers when you use the Osh- awa Times Classified Section {dicsolution regain its status by af- | {filiating with a bona fide union. regularly to advertise Re- | member, the folks who read the | | | A Special meeting is being held at Harrpton Township Hall, Sat., May 28th Films LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE 1. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct, as local improvments, sanitary sewers in the following streets between the points mentioned: ESTIMATED COST Size Total Per Lineal Name of St. From Te and commentary at Rossland Rd. E, Unnamed Street, through part of Lots 17, 19, 20 and 22, J. T. Conant's Plan E. Simcoe St. S, South limit of Annis St. 8" 1,160.00 5.92 and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land ebutting directly on the work. . The estimated cost of the work is $1,822.30. The special assessment is to be paid in fifteen equal : I and the esti d | rate per foot frontage is 16.5¢. . Application will be made by the Corporation te The Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work, and any owner may, within twenty-one days 'after the first publication of this notice, file with the Board his objection to the said work being undertaken. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so it Foot 7:30. Main meeting ot 8 Gorevale Cres. Oshowe Railway Right-of-way 8" $662.30 $9.74 45° p.m. sharp. Public discussion | | | on pertinent matters. Please but the | 1 { at plan to attend a af tepayers Assn, Darlington Ra ---- mr S----------y NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M. at ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jockson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $2 May be doubled or t produce, farm equip- household effects, 43° mony other useful articles. PROCEEDS IN AID OF ORGAN FUND | | | | | | | | decertification of unions whose of- | i: ficers remain { ce after being | Among existing clauses to be removed is a provision calling for| V ED| J } 100 JACKPOT INCLUD TED JACKSON, Auctioneer Door Prize $15 Want Ads have al ip their minds to buy! / made ( a strike, n offi ted o' offences under the | riminal Code in connection with | DATED at OSHAWA this 19th day of May, 1960 may appoint a time and place when any objection to the work will be considered. L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of OSHAWA GREEN BEANS . 27-

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