(My are back m our community with the status of sister church would mean 'more effective com-| STURDY HORSES 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 24, 1940 Lutherans Ask to the Missouri Synod munication within the church in! Percherons, the large, strong | . 7 again, . . urcil er V 1Ce Miss L. Knight spent the week The move also takes the form Canada and from the church to breed of cart-horses, originated CROSSWORD PUZZLE end with her sister and brother- of .a recommendation to the third|he community." in France oA T n-law. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I d P d convention .of the Lutheran ----t (ACTERFICIOE Oo Be Dela ed Brown, Toronto, and tea guests n e en ence Church-Canada which starts here : ; : 3. Avec LIAIBIOIEE 1 vith their cousins, Mr. and Mrs WINNIPEG (CP The. con today 7 STAR MATCH OF erty " + . Arthur Thompson and family, ference of the Lutheran Church, Final step in the move to- ut 3 9. Let it stand T a BURKETON Sunday School|guests of Mr, and Mrs. B. Hub- Haydon of Canada set a timetable Wed- wards independence will be pre- oF THE CENTURY. print.) . Affi Al [SIE Rv E i vill be 10.15 a.m. next Sunday bard Films are shown once a month nesday for gaining its independ- sentation of the organizationa in a romantic sizzler OlT(T E morning. Church service will bel Mr. and Mrs \lbert Adams " ence from the Lutheran Missouri acked with gun-blazin ; y Film Board at Bur- © action! n National hdrawn on account of Ennis- and fam A meeting of directors of mem % 4 METRO-GOLOWYN. MAYER sresects % wmanville, were 5 : Synod. " da S MOLE en anniver Sungay guests and Mi ton SS No. 7 from October lo of the Lutheran Church-Canada , Footed vase a . Il be on Thurs- FE M. Adams Mas Many ery nteresting pear hoard of Canadian digiricts of Rev. Arne Kristo of Port Credit, | ' n ims have been Marco Polo", the Missouri Synod reaffirmed vice-president of the Lutheran aq FRANK GINA 20. Roman (EE EIN if 0 Bre Jia 1 Dracrse family i" Whitby, a Sunday Gi. Lawrence Seaways', "Open- Plans to form a Canadian body|Church-Canada, said the break| 7 , / SINATRA . LOLLOBRIGIDA Plans have been made to hold iss Ona and Frank Marchand, i-g of Parliament", "Water Safe- structures to the 1962 convention 7.30 p.m. All chil] Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter and Sunday School anniversary Toronto. spent the weekend with y Bicycle Safety 'Cinder wh DIRE cn on Sunday, May 29, at 2.30 p.m. Mt and Mrs Eric Marchand ()jz. 'Making Birdhouses" and a Nr We, 4 7 and 7.30 p.m. and on Wednesday a v The Discovery of Insulin, by I DICK i DEBBIE 7 5 ' 1 i evening Junie 1, The WA are spon ise Margaret Argue spent the prs. Banting and Best". | POWELL REYNOLDS 5 Yi bs soring a cold supper with con- weekend with. Misses Pat and \ in { cert following June Turnbull | DORIS. ye \Susan Slept : RT . " M % harles Graham is in Me Mi Han Larme Toronto 1 DAY TONY RANDALL oria Hospital Bowmanville. spent veekend with his par al on =~ Here -- iz] PETER: LANFORD- STEVE MoQUEEN We hope h condition will soon ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lar- | DENY, BSI THELMA RITTER ET A (INemaSCOPE un fo in be improved ; Zi mer \ | NLEYY - DEAN JONES Mrs. Greta Bailey is visiting CIS CT TS THURSDAY 2 st Sh GW TON var. | * TOM & AT MEET F vi Agnes Carte vith mem Mr. and Mrs. Wytze Vanderley Ene! IRSRL nen 1 fapily. 'M and Mrs. Jasper bers of Oshawa Silver Cross Chap- ane amiy an! vas ter, attended the National Con Vanden Bos and Nellie, were re { + oan ts of Mr and Mrs, p. Yohtion and banquet of the 14th > D Sm a an ad annual conventional of the Re oe JERRY livesteyn ' membrance Association at Pelfer- C Ha Mr. Kenneth Roblin is on the borough Empress Hotel with " A : : COLOR CARTOON NEARER LAER LAE ARE sich Mr. Dave Archer is in 1580 members when the guest Pa | 0. Memorial Hospital. Bowmanville. speaker was Col. M, E. Clark i» es We hope his condition will soon ED and Bishop B. I. Webster COMING MONDAY [] beer 3 we improved : p. relatives in Oshawa 1:40 - 4:05 - 6:30 - 8:55 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomp A J I'rick, son, } ui, were Thursday guests vi Alb o 4. Splicing pin ivan, Courtice ere Sunday Mr. and Mrs vans and fam . i : * A 5. One-spot Sumi id Mrs 2} fam : BRANDO--MAGNANI--WOODWARD Ontario / "THE FUGITIVE KIND" ad BIG 3 UNIT COMEDY AND ACTION SHOW! wonwe wewne | 4 | | gr rover rane character ANTHONY NEWLEY A Fr EW WWW wy ' THE gy ; . THEATRE GUIDE PLUS ! mg wunrz HALL | Adley 4 Friday - Saturday Only : The Greatest Fun B . BURT COOPER S---- m-- : owery Boys Brock -- "Killers Kilimar a . 3 "aro," 7.9 and 10 pu, "Israel" d Festival of a IN THER PLUS MORE THRILLS! LANCASTER COOPER An Let cm AD Lifetime ! J | hsest pi -- "VERA CRUZ" Biltmore -- 'Susan Slept Here PE | 20. Stan Oliver N / 2 . COLOR AND CINEMASCOPE veg LS Wo ont | Laurel X Mardy | "FOLLOW RANDOLPH sousie-inaina-, RIDES ALONE PLUS ADDED WIT Chow, a 315, 00 and 0 \ ; SCOTT \*"7 "sam coron "APACHE" 8.25 pm pi 1 8 ll rr . Tl 4 50011 BROWN MODUCTION BURT oupams Driven -- ana o gE -- oad BONNIE SCOTLAND | THE LEADER JOIN OUR BUMPER CLUB AND SAVE! LANCASTER PETERS The oe thanan Ries COLOR AND CINEMASCOPE Alone." Show starts at dusk Membership admits Car and Driver free every Monday, : Tuesday, Wednesd d Thursd (with th i f pe Se ENVOY FOOD SERVICE --Extra-- Sie, YAOI outer (the wreepten 4 Technicolor. Shown da a 322 RITSON RD. 3. COLOR CARTOON rr beng RA 59173 COMEDY CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR (ARTOON a tal Ck elt complete show at 8.40 p.m i ; : i ArTa sollard and friend o and Mrs. K. G. Roblin ied ed > Ga 4 I A ed relatives and Mr: and Mrs. Irwin West and a - * frien I e on Sunday. Lenore, Cobourg ere Sunday BOX-OFFICE OPEN 8:00 2. Repulsive 7 / a and V er Hubba sts of Mr. and Mrs. Jack S pH H 3. Exhibition / y Junard igsests of Mr. 90d Mey, Jpch SHOW STARTS AT DUSK é Last Times Today p.m. Last complete show at 'g / COLOR by KIDDIES FREE GIFTS SATURDAY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED. YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT + | | All Day Friday . . . or es long es items lest " v X. & All Day Set , . . | Friday or os long as item lasts 16-PIECE 1 ; Top Quality Brand, All Metal Lawn Croquet Set Ps a * ROLLER SKATES | OSHAWA 4 clubs, 4 balls, 8 wires, Reg. 2.29 £ rr Rea.' 1.99 ANNIVERSARY | AJAX 21 BOND ST. W. QO A | § SPECIAL HARWOOD NORTH 99- AM Day Friday, May 27, All. Day. Friday. May 27. tad EK ne - Sh All Day Saturday, May 28. or as long es items lost. or as long as items last pe ) 4 Sa All Day Saturdey, May 28 | or es long as item lasts ' ' 4 or as long ox items lost Seturdey MEN'S MEN'S TYCONDA : " > Reversible indion : Famous Brand STRETCHIE SOCKS DRESS PANTS 7 C CAR BLANKETS OSCILLATING 100% NYLON ig Aol i Ao SU tf SPW) Vico! for house. cottage, beach, ete SPRINKLERS Reg, $2.98 Vaal dress sacks for 1 QO Sturdy, Cool, Comfortable [ QQ 1 Yeor guarantee. Water 1600 sq. feet. Reg. 6.95. Father! D On Whats. Sar. tn . 5 Strand Saran Webbed Lounge * size fits all. 107; te - -- ---- You'll want te add one fo your summer furnitur his low price. Mighly )\ 3 13. Reg. 79¢ Made In England bode flan ---- Molds PA seliure na ob . Highly A Hay Aus, May 18 FAMOUS LI-LO | Saran. Riveted to trome tor longer, stronger wear, Colors: Green and White COL LA PSIBLE ® ; J 9 AIR MATTRESS ait ti BARBECUES Sizes 72 x 29. Canvas covered Reg. 10.95 Bawl 15047 Height 227 3 position grill stand on 3 legs, Reg 4.95, A 3 pair $1.00 7.99 | _ ENC C 2.99 ------ HOUSEHOLD MEN'S ART INFANTS | _ MISCELLANEOUS m-- BATHING SUITS os SUToE LEATAR BULKY KNIT CARDIGANS AI? sort 1 a ee CHENILLE BEDSPREADS | \WINDBREAKERS | whe ov SOFT BOOTS LIGHTERS JAMAICA SHORTS Young Ladies. Reg. 3.98 2.69 Reg. 5.95 4.49 Cedar 6.99 Reg. 9.95 In attractive rayon poplin plaid checks. . Sizes 36 to 52. Sises 08 ¢ ¢ Smartly styled for looks and com. FEATHER PILLOWS 1.11 Rey. 15.95 11.99 LL Reg 1.69 94 39 SS er A . 88° 0s MEis's WOOL -- L SILICONE KAPOK PILLOWS 99° ; WORK SOCKS FOLDING SARAN WEB SOCKEES KLEENEX -- a -------- IRONING BOARD COVER | ~~ = == 399 | ks 3. 1.00 GARDEN CHAIRS o'r hey ave Spain 1.00 2. 3¥ LADIES! 2.PIECE PRINTED Ironing is easier, foster because Silicone re 49¢ flects twice as much heat. Fits stondard metal BEDSPREADS By McFarlane Gendron with 1' tubules "NIGHTIES SUN GLASSES BLOUSE AND BELTED or wood board MEN'S 1st QUALITY 15 x 54 inches. 69° 80 x. 100 Cotton home 2.99 SANFORIZED JEANS ane somlenable Bin es, 5.99 a9 1 49 Rea 9° CHINO SKIRT SETS Reg. 1.49 spun. Reg. 4.98 29¢ ) A Kingeoty,_ Giant Size, Cory Warm Rives into 9" 5.00 Il | II ies INFANTS MYLON REINFORCED PACKAGE 10 Reg. 4.98 2.99 -- FLANNEL BLANKETS | 2+ for OOS: uN TRAINING PANTIES BALL-POINT PENS Tm "PILLOW SLPS | 7 so O99 | STRETONY SOCKS SLEEPING BAGS | 5 '* 7. 1.00 [1% 59° DE SATIN COMFORTERS Sizes 10% to 13. Qe | Wool beck filled. sixe 70 x 36 Corduroy Overalls HUNTING LANTERN SAND PAIL AND SHOVEL 93 Reg. 79¢ Reg. 5.95 3.99 " Takes 4 batteries, complete with Bright lithographed metal pail ¢ Reg. 1.49 3 shades 1st quality. Attractively printed mp en uphay mana | 19 Reg. 5.95 3.99 MEN'S UNDERWEAR TTTTTTTTTTTITITTITT Reg. 1.79. Sizes 6-12-18 1 00 fd Hicker: Rey 2.98 (bat 1.29 Pp vel. Speci 101000 A TOPS & SHORTS Aor month oid | TIT Be sure of hot meals with the ROSAMON BLANKETS Sizes S-M-L 3 1.00 CHILL CHEST PLASTIC PANTS BARBECUE GRILL Reg. 79¢ each MEN'S COLEMAN 2 c hable. S$, ML, XL. ¢ -| Cook, fry broil ! OLEMA BURNER Sempletaly a pp 3.417 MEN'S WAIST Tall bottle capacity, heavy duty, non- Reg. 25¢ 20 Bor BO. Res. & 95 3.99 PLAY SHORTS CAMP STOVES LARGE SIZE WAIST JACKETS runing. gelvenized Viner, pliable Plast, BABY PLASTIC FOOLSCAP For cool comfort, made of smooth chine 15.49 HAND TOWELS TRC I J ro COMMODE WRITING TABLETS | coven. vashabic in lan. grey. brown ' a de oki 199 (=F foo gow on" 8 6,00 [SniE"188.,280