'in the hall, on a table, or, come|a sharp edge can sometimes be to the rinse water or use am- MARRIED STUDENTS summer, in the fireplace. It al:|filed down with an emery board. monia in the suds, 4 _A survey of Norwegian college | ways Igoks beautiful, even when| Rinse glassware in the same, Water softener in both suds and and university students in 1960 empty," and' no household ever temperature water as the wash rinse waters is another good | showed that 18 per cent are mar has too many of such fine,' bigiwater, |id 'ried. glass vases. | | : e glassy [CLEANING CREVICES a these days is an artistic delight. BEST CARE Clean crevices in patterned | 7 | But.it is apt to be somewhat| As for the care of glassware, it pieces with a brush, ' |bewildering too, because of the|deserves the best. | "Stand glasses on a towel to wide variety of shapes, designs| Glasses should be washed in|drain, rather than directly on * |and decorations available in even|light 'suds, in warm, but not boil-| porcelain, If they are-very fine _: |quite modestly-priced pieces. ling water. pieces, a towel should be placed | Shape, clarity, decoration and,| Don't wash in quantity, lest the!in the bottom of the dishpan, too. || of course, use, determines the pieces knock against each other.| If you'dry the glassware with a selection, especially if one is Surface stains yield if rubbed towel, use a lintless variety. gift-shopping. with a piece of lemon. | To add to the sparkle and PRIME IMPORTANCE | If a piece of crystalware slivers'luster, add a few drops of bluing Whatever the type chosen, sym- ~ melry and balance are of prime| importance. Feet, bowls and| OSHAWA AND AJAX hf § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 25, 1960. New President And Officers Named By Harmony H&S Assn. | Mrs, George Russell was elect- led as president of Harmony Home and School Association at ité May meeting held recently, She succeeds Mrs. Ronald Ogden, who has been president for the last three years. " The other officers are: Vice presidents, Mrs. Joseph Sapinskl and Mrs. Murray Sparkes; rec. (ordi secretary, Mrs. Jack treasurer, Mrs. Lawrence e; corresponding secretary, . Stewart Mackie; executive members, Mrs. Keith Krantz, Mrs. Kenneth Whiley, Mrs. Doug- ? las Hart, Mrs. T, C. Henderson, Mrs. M. D. Abbott. Mrs. Ronald Ogden presided at the meeting. The secretary's report was read by Mrs. Jack Neill and Mrs, 7 | Lawrence Crowe gave the treas- a |urer's report. | Announcements were read re- |garding the Home and School | Workshop being held at Courtice ® |and the leadership training camp MRS. GEORGE RUSSELL lin June. President) As for shape, while fancy| The attendance shield for April| : |shapes may be eye-catching at was presented to Miss Eleanor executive members and parents the moment, remember that the | Hughes' room and the prize for|for their co-operation in the past classical shape, whether period or| most parents present at the year Mrs. Ogden called on past-\modern, but always with clear meeting to Mrs. Robert Harris' |president Mrs. Edward Rose who outlines, is best, grade 7. installed the newly elected offic-| As for decoration, Dr. B. G. Doherty spoke brief- ers. Imatter of taste. ly on the Hospital Campaign. | The school choir sang four| When shopping for a wedding | Plans for the school field day songs: "One Morning in thelgift, it is wise to steer clear of and the Grade 8 graduation Meadow", "42nd Psalm", "Olelaborate decoration and stick to party were discussed. Verm-Land" and * They U|fine, undecorated glassware or Annual reports were given by Call it Canada" with Mrs. Robert | ieces with the merest suggestion - the secretary, treasurer, president Harris as director and Tom Fit- {of a pattern. The quality of the| RE he __ r d bershi " 3 ches ssisti th i W . Pred 1 | " E. A Lovell H&S Re-Elects Ee Ronan tiole Cum te re- : rem oly imine' py |SHSsWare Sell 1» Nil Hoag : Mrs. Nicholas Lakas, President | port was read by Mrs. Ogden | Mrs. T. C. Henderson and moth: or Sos variet ? Mocs dads . a ety of table and after thanking the teachers, /ers of the pupils in Grade 3. glassware available: when gift. | Mrs. Nicholas Lakas was in- stalled for the third term LODGES AND SOCIETIES See is # 60% school | A iati tit ¢| COURT CHARLENE L 1750 and School ssociation at its 2 ' p fC {Mrs. Iva Cliff, Mrs. Ethel Mar- i rec i| The regular meeting of Court . 3th annual meeting held recent- ons Teguiar eld at ™ |tin, Mrs. Nance McLeese, Mrs. i ior officers aver. vice the Orange Temple with Presi- | 15cbel McDonald, Mrs, Dorothy e other cers Pe: re dent Sister Elsie McCabe presid- Haley, Mr. F. Train, Mr. Harry presidents, Mrs. Jack Pearce ing. ? Shelley and Mr. William Hender- and Mrs. Everett Graham; re- | | hip son i | Prior to the official opening of * | «cording secretary, Mrs. Richard the Court, Sister McCabe wel-| Mrs. Eleanoi Train PM was| How To Choose ' Table Glassware By ELEANOR ROSS | Shopping for table glassware You Can Afford WALL-TO-WALL BROADLOOM ONLY 90 T0 2.00 FT. COMPLETE INSTALLATION BY OUR OWN CRAFTSMEN stems must fit together with aj pattern that follows the shape of | the piece. Edges must be satin- smooth. Very faint marks, such as tiny |bubbles, shear marks or mold marks add, rather than detract, from the glassware. Such marks are evidence of hand-crafting. Good glass is always lustrous and sparkling-clear, the result of {repeated firings. [mca SHAPES Includes: SPECIALS : THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY APPLE PIE 39+ HONEY COFFEE CAKE 37+ | FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. Broadloom Underpadding Modern, Tackless Method and Labor Holden Broa) FURNITURE CO. 63 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA } DIAL RA 5-3514 4 that is a SISTER AND BROTHER Children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, Geneva avenue, are Catherine Diané and Ste- phen Robert, Cathy, three years | old, and Stephen, four, are the grandchildren of Mrs. Ernest Bourne and Mr, and Mrs. James Allen, all of Oshawa. Photo by Ireland Specials are Also Available At-- BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe Street North | suggestion, Settle for a fine glass vase, (tall, clear and strong enough to| {hold heavy foliage branches. | Moore, | Such a vase is at home wher-| |ever placed, whether on the floor, | Bestwick, Mrs, Evelyn ' Lack; treasurer, Mrs. Robert © Smith; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Cyril Powell; executive members: Mrs. John MacDonald, Mrs. Stewart McConnell, Mrs. Byron Worden, Mrs. R. J. Jel- frey, Mrs. E. G. Clark; program chairman, Mrs. R. G. Bell; pub- lications, Mrs. Seigfried Weiss; grade mothers' chairman, Mrs, Allan Tuton; membership, Mrs |comed Mrs. S. C. Berridge; wife Visiting from Bowmanville, also) of the Fraternai Director of-the visitors from Havelock and To-| Order, who were visitors in this (Tonto. city to attend the first Eastern| The meeting closed with Mrs, | {Ontario General Assembly of the Isobel McDonald giving the fare-| Canadian Order of Foresters. wells, The WM thanked Mrs. Dun- | sister Ethel Ferguson, in the ab-|lop and Miss Purdie for filling | sence of Sister Dorothy Orpwood,|stations. {reported fruit or gifts were sent] Mrs. Ethel Martin gave a show- |to those on the sick list or had|/ing of films taken on her trip | welcomed new arrivals. Thank cverseas. William McCarthy and Mrs. Alan Atkinson; social, Mrs. Robert Pritchard, Mrs. George Milosh, Mrs, Charles Todd; teaching staff representative, Miss Mari- lyn Reynolds. Mrs. John Gaskell installed the you cards and communications) Refreshments were served by |were read by the recording sec-Mrs Cora Lyons and her com. |retary, Sister Margaret Smith mittee. | and Sister Ferguson read a letter| -- --h - from Brother S. C. Berridge, . HCR, commending the Court for h HOUSEHOLD HINT o assisting members of the com- Now available for dusting is ow gg gon wae presemies foundiandl fol. song, and. the munity in lieu of sending the an- a special model of a sponge, wi 3 ¢ Sv t 4 i » Cancer «| whic edge 8 o Graham hymn "Guide Me O Thou Great nual, Jonation to the Cancer Re-|which is wedge - shaped, perma- Mrs. Nici s Lakas welc Jehovah." These choirs sang. re- a . i |nently treated and attached to v Dae. ig hi as We one cently at the Festival of Music, Sister McCabe asked the assist- a Jong handle which enables you s of last year's annual meet./and they and their leaders de- ance of all members with the a to easily reach ceiling corners, i g were read. also current re. Serve great credit for the pleas- nual bazaar in aid of cerebralitops of doors and other high rports Teachers' roll call showed|Ure they gave to many people. (palsy to be held on Tuesday, Oc-|areas that up to now have been Mos M EC Class the winner|. A film called "High School ~ tober 25, in the Orange Temple. difficult to keep dusted. with 35 parents present. Mrs.| Your Challenge" was shown, and The Court approved a $100 do- Moore also won the prize for the |it showed the feeling of satisfac- jation 2s the Oghawa Senoral best yearly attendance, and Miss tion and accomplishment felt by| lospita) J ukging un wor e ¥. McLeod's room was second, [pupils who finished their courses |&5 & $25 Building lo the omens : at high school, rather than quit- : > rd was Gecides tial Wb for ting before graduation, and find. Nominations for the slate of of- thy aa a 1 Soman ing themselves at work without ficers for the 1960-61 season were Fae & OMe. and Schoo, £SS0cia ion Ye Iecessary aral i a/held and election will take place) and given to the children. Mrs. '1 SSary preparation of a; th and installation of of-| "Jack Pearce, delegate to the con-|full education go ake lace a oo > cers w a . em- | vention in Toronto this year, read| A workshop is to be held at Hh : 4 P an interesting report covering Courtice, May 28 at 10 am various meetings attended covering all phases of Home and SUNBEAM CHAPTER OES Mrs. Everett Graham gave a School - work The regular meeting of Sun- membership report. Membership) Mrs Lakas thanked everyone heam Chapter was held in the was higher during 1959 than it Who had helped her during her Masonic Temple. Mrs. Betty Mc- previously had been. Mrs. Cyril term of office. Kinstry WM presided, assisted by Powell spoke on Mr. Frank Train WP. The corresponding secretary, | : Mrs. Agnes Kemlo DDGM was Mrs. Richard Lack, gave a | Pruning Helps given a special welcome by the et ol Sofus a ig sent ou N E Chapler iso Mrs. Arne Creigh p re was also| ton DGM and as it was Past areport of the number of ew vergreens Officer's night the following PM's lunches provided It irks and PP's were given a very warm Mr. Robert Broadbent, princi 3 : welcome and a memento of the pal, said it had been a year of siew evergreen looking more dead oecasion by the worthy matron: wonderful achievement, with al|than alive--especially when he Mrs. Martha Dunlop, Mrs. Agnes series of outstanding programs, thinks of the price he paid for Kemlo, Mrs. Meta Moore, Mrs. planned and prepared by Mrs. the thing. What's wrong? May Lang, Mrs. Laura Stewart, R. G. Bell. He mentioned pro-| Horticulturists with the Ontar- Mrs. Flora Purdie, Mrs. Ruth gress reports which had been io Department of Agriculture ™ : sent out on the children. These say that evergreens in such a were new this year, and helped » may be revived with a keep parents informed as to how s t trim. In pines, the wilting well their children were doing. |"candles" may be shortened; in He said there would be further spruces and firs, the new growth June exams before school closed may be trimmed back, except for the surnmer the leader, which should be left The Grade 7 choir, under the alone. Evergreens with feathery leadership of Mrs. M Moore | Erowth Chinese cypress) may be sang "One Morning in the sheared lightly Meadow', "The 42nd Psalm', "O Shipping damage usually shows #ermeland", "The Prayer" and|up about three weeks after "They All Call it Canada."" Miss planting. Most typical are broken E. A. Found's Grade 8 choir sang ends that turn brown. Remove "The Bells of St. Mary's", "We'll them with a sharp knife or prun- Rant and We'll Roar" -- a New-/ing shears | | lig we 2 MRS. NICHOLAS LAKAS * VENETIAN BLINDS "DRAPERY TRACKS publications.| SHORTENING BAKES BETTER / a gardener to see his because it's made from CLEARANCE SALE!! THURS. FRI., SAT. Shop WOOLWORTH'S First Broken Sizes and Discontinued Styles 100% PURE VEGET] SEE Grouped at . . . oe fog 2 FIZZIES DELICIOUS INSTANT JET ACTION DRINKS Monarch gives you perfect results every time you bake!~ CAKES high, light and tempting--PASTRY light, golden and delicious. Monarch: fried foods are crisp outside --tender inside--and so digestible! g : - 51.52.5395] (no refunds) Flavors: Cola, Lime, Orange, Grape, Cherry, Lemon Lime and Root Beer. OUR FAVOURITE FOOD STORE TO GROCER: You are author- ized to act as our agent in the redemption of this coupon. : Monarch Fine Foods Ltd. will refund you 10¢ plus the usual handling charges provided you and the consumer have complied with the terms. SHORTENING #5 LULL LAREETI IIL) mn SHOP LADIES' WEAR RA 5-1221 8 Drinks to package 29¢ package 9 SIMCOE ST. S.