CONGRATULATING the president of the Women's Aux- tliary, Oshawa General Hospi- tal, Mrs. R. W. Bassett tcentre) at the Maytime dance Happy Crowd T For Hospital Auxiliary's Maytime Ball The Maytime Dance was held last Wednesday under the aus- pices of the Women's Auxiliary Oshawa General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wilson, Mr apd Mrs. R. W. Basseft and Mr. and Mrs. A: E. Johnson greeted the guests until 10.30 p.m. - Prize winners were picked dur- ing intermission. Those who re- ceived the attractive prizes were Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wilson, Mr. Roy Hopps, Mr. William Fitches, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Annand, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. MacFarlane, Mrs, V.- Kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Burns, Mr, and Mrs. B. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. G. Roberts, Dr. Rena Dowson Wed To Garnet Palmer, | Toronto Ceremony Queensway United Church, Toronto, was the setting on Sat- |urday afitrnoon, May 21, for the | marriage of Rena Beruice Dow- |son, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. | Alfred George Dowson of Port | Perry, to Garnet Alfred Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George The chape'. of St. Memorial Anglican Church wasjand the usher was Mr. Clifford the scene of a wedding on Friday William Kelly. evening, May 20, when Joan <The reception was held at the Louise Kelly was united in mar- parish hal' of St. George's An- riage with Reginald Bruce Rid-|glican Church where the bride's Jo Aldwinckle, Joan Kelly, Reginald Ridout HOUSEHOLD HINT Don't let dust seep into 4 framed pictures; se of the frame to the mat with a al the Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony se « eelossane toe George's/was best man for his brother, ont mother received wearing a at 'The bride is the Spugnier of Mr. fashioned sheath dress topped { Dial RA 3-3474 and Mrs. William (Nord Kelly of with a+ matching duster coat, Women's Editor Alfred Palmer of Osh . The '| Reverend W. H. Wylie officiated. Given in marriage by her fa- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 25, 1960 7 the son of Mr. and Mrs, Aubrey hat and a corsage of pink™and Ridout of West Hill, white feathered carnations. | ther, the bride wore a princess gown of white lace over satin featuring a V-neckline and long sleeves. Her matching headdress edged with seed pearls held her veil of tulle illusion. She carried a cascade of pink roses and white carnations. Mrs. Jack Rodd eof Trenton was matron of honor for her sis- ter, She wore a gown similar to the bride's of pale blue em- broidered nylon over satin. She had a matching headdress and |@arried a cascade of pink and {white chrysanthemums. | Mr. Robert Miller of Columbus |acted as best man. Mr. Jack {Dowson and: Mr. Neil Palmer {were ushers, | A reception was held at the Masonic Temple in Oshawa. The |bride's mother received in a {sheath dress of blue chiffon over {printed silk with matching. ac- |cessories and a corsage of white carnations, 'The bridegroom's mother assisted in a dress of " Iblue embroidered crystalette and Ei Va {navy blue duster coat, matching accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. ! For their honeymoon trip to the | west coast, the bride donned a black tailored suit with a white | coachman hat, matching acces: | sories and a corsage of pink | chrysanthemums. On their return Mr. and Mrs. | Palmer will reside in Oshawa. | Guests were present from Osh-| awa, Port Perry, Columbus,| Trenton and Peterborough. | Albert Bradford, Bathe, Mr. and | Mr. and Mrs. be used to bolsier the fund of $25,000 the auxiliary has pledged to the hospital Oshawa Times Photo are Mrs, Harry Taylor, Mrs. £. A. Reed, Mrs. A, E. John- son and 'Mis. M. L. Morris. One of the season's most popu- lar dances, the proceeds will hrongs Jubilee Dance Floor |Powell, Mrs. S. A. Henry, Mr.|Mr. and Mrs. {and Mrs. L. Gouldburn, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A Mrs. Douglas Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. W, Wilson, Mrs. Elmer Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. |L. V. Kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Ron-| G. Williams ald Alden, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ward, Marks, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Arm- Mr. and Mrs, Ray Stephenson, strong, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Nes- |Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacFarlane, bitt, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Magill, |Dr. and Mrs. Peter Riordan,/Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson, | Miss Linda Strong, Mr. D. Rior- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wragg, Mr. dan, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mc-/and Mrs. Harold Cornish, Mr.| Daniel, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. William Fitches, Dr. and| Steen, Mr. and Mrs. George Rus- Mrs. Ralph J. Kimmerley, Mr. WEDDING PRINCIPALS § Married recently at St The double ring ceremony was, Assisting was the -bridegroom's| performed by the Reverend Clin- mother who chose a sheath of |ton Cross, and the wedding music mauve silk linen, complemented was played by Mr. Alan Reesor. with a short jacket. Her flower) Given in marriage by her pat and accessories matched her |father, the bride wore a suit of ensemble, and pink and white |gardenia white basket we av e carnations comprised her corsage. {French wool. Her bandeau hat The newly wedded couple left wes complemented with a white later for the United States and on vei! of white corded silk bows. their return will live in Oshawa. She carried a bride's prayer poak crested with white roses and lilies lof the valley with ribbon ream SOCIAL NOTICES ers Mrs. Roy A. Nesbitt was ma- tron of honor for her sister we: ing a suit of sapphire blue basket | {weave French wool. A brimmed (white hat, matching jes| completed her ensemble. Lois y her cousin, wearing a suit of) E: Harris of Toronto and the late | {navy blue crepe with a white Mr. Baris. The ar inge willl |cloche hat and matching acces-| (AK ro Snoriad sories. They both carried nose- |S ol turday, June 18, at gays of pink and white sweet > © clock: peas Mr. Peter Ridout of West Hill | GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES KNOX PRESBYTERIAN WMS ise! The Afternoon Auxiliary of the Frantisco, i ---- ee ENGAGEMENT Mr. and M ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Benson L. of Oshawa e the engage- {ment of their daughter, Mary Douglas Brain, son of Mrs. Julia | R. Brain of San Francisco, Cali-| fornia. The wedding will take 8 Cases, * [Church held its monthly meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Donald % | Polson, Masson street | The president, Mrs. Leslie Bee- croft, presided and opened with a poem. Mrs. Leslie Parkes led in the devotions. The secretary and |treasurers reports were read. | The members were reminded #4" © of the sectional meeting to be : a 5 | held at West Hill Melville Church we lor. May 26. Your door salesmen nor telep fl. ls a Christianity, race and na-| tionalism from the study book| NATURAL GAS RENTAL WATER HEATER MOST HOT WATER Oshawa, and the bridegroom is She wore a small white straw LOWEST COST with a : Dunn ONLY $1.75 MONTHLY i {Ione Elizabeth, to Mr. Richard) Fully Guaranteed FREE |place on Friday, June 24, in San) SERVICE, MAINTENANCE and INSTALLATION (in som there may be a charge for extrs piping.) ater heats 3 times faster Costs less, Too! Gas company doss not employ doorts- hone canvassers. F information about dealers licen: Ontario Foel Board to sell ju equipment call or write partment of Consumers @as Mrs. A. H, Dancey gave a talk| RA 3-3468 COMING MONDAY! | Hed- | Oshawa and Mr. Felix Maslo- |"The Way in Africa", SUPPORT THE sell, Mr. and Mrs. John Borrow- and Mrs. Walter Famme, Mr. and dale Mrs. R. H. Broadbent, Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Gardner, Mrs, John C. Howson, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Larmer, Mr.. Mr, and Mrs, G. L. Kane, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Ogden, Mr. and and Mrs. R. W. Mills, Mr. and in, Mr. and|Mrs. Donald Storie, Mr. and Mrs. Collacutt, Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Sturgis, Mr. and Mrs, D. J. Cro- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cranfield, Mr. and Mrs. T. E, Swherland, Mr. and Mrs. K. McMahon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Black, PERSONALS | ,(negie avenue, accompanied by/| . Ri-|her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Mathe- ,|son of Timmins, left this week by | .|plane to spend a few days in Mr. |New York city. | J. Tay Miran Mr. and Mis. W. G, Jack . J. Ta , Mr. Mrs. ir, Mrs. W. Jackson, vier. and Mrs. E. J|Herbert avenue, spent the holi- . D. Alday weekend in Ottawa, the y A . R. W.|guests of ir son, Constable , Mr. end Mrs. Harry Tay-|R. C. Jackson, RCMP, and Mrs. . Kenneth Jack-|Jackson. Mr, James Bishop, Miss Elva| You are invited by the Social Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.| Department to send in any little Stephenson, Mr. amd Mrs. Nor-|items of interest. News of teas, man Wilton, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.|surprise parties, showers, anni- Johansen, Mr. and Mrs. William |versaries and comings and goings Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.|are always very acceptable and Haley, Mr. and Mrs, George Tay- for which there is no charge. lor, Mr. and Mrs. Myrlin David- | Please write or telephone RA son, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lovelock, 3 3474, local 18 Mr. Gordon Steel, Miss Marilyn Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald] Out of town guests at the Skiteh, Mr. and Mrs. CW. Good- | Ridout - Kelly wedding were Mr. win George Ridout, Mr. Fred Litch- Mr. Mrs. W. J (field, Mrs. S. Wagner, all of To- ad Mas Reade OD: | vente; Mrs. Ruth Johnston, Fort and Mrs. H. Thompson, Mr. and |Stuart, Ontario: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. B. D. Hitchens, Mr. and|James Kelly, Mount Forest: Mr Mrs. J. W. Rupert, Mr. and Mrs, |and Mrs. S. Hubenig, Oakville; Robert J. Werner, Mr. and Mrs. |Mr. and Mrs. George Polston, Sidney Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. Aub- seph Bino. rey Ridout, and Mr. Peter Rid- Miss Anita Attersley. Mr. John out, West Hill. Preston, Miss Jean Webster, Mr. LODGES AND C. Edward Houck, Mr, and Mrs. Steckley, Mr, Edward Plummer, | Mr. and Mrs. J. Almond, Mr. | SOCIETIES and Mrs. Robert Gray, Mr. and Mrs. D. Boyce, Mr. and Mrs, John Chmara, Mr. and Mrs.| The regular meeting of Vie: George Boychyn, Dr. and Mrs. toria Loyal True Blue Lodge No. William Boyko, Mr. and Mrs. 55 was held recently in the Morley Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Orange Temple, Bruce street, R. W. McDonald, Miss Patricia D. §. Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. VICTORIA LODGE George F. Vice, Mr. and Mrs. with worshipful mistress, Sister Stewart McTavish, Mr. and Mrs.| Mary Thompson, presiding assist-| § Alden Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. ed by Deputy Mistress, Sister H. G. Roughley, Mr. and Mrs. Ruth Gatchell. T. C. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.. Lodge was opened by the chap- Risebrough, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. |lain Sister Gertrude Logan. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. D. Town- The minutes were read. The send, Mr, and Mrs. A. Mcintyre, bingo report was received and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vice, Mr. | buses for July 9 were booked. and Mrs. H. M. Cranfield. Sick report was given and Sister Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson, Mossie and Brother Leo Keeler Mr. and Mrs. Jon Jenkins, Mr.|reported sick. Sister Florence and Mrs, Peter Cook, Mr. and White was home from hospital E. G. Storie, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd | -| thers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen, Mrs. R. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Luke, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Murphy, Dr. and Mrs. W. D. War- ren, Mr. and Mrs, G. G, Curley, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Norton, Dr, and Mrs. C. D. Russell, Dr. E. H. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Suarez, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bas- sett, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cay, Mr.| & and Mrs, P. L. Horton, Dr. and| § Mrs, G. E, McLaurin, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Schoenau, Mr. and J, Be So, Hs i , Mr. RE, Lajog, Dr, and Mss, C. S. Camp- bell, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Laing, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Millen, Mr. and Mrs, R. F. Aker. is BRIDE-TO-BE 'The engagement is aonounc- ed today of Miss Phyllis Jane Sutton and Mr, Robert James Harris, The bride-to-be, who is a graduate of the School of Nursing of Oshawa General Hos- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Reed, Dr. and Mrs, C. H. Vipond, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Alger, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Culp, Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Rundle, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Stew- art, Dr. and Mrs. Brian Doher- ty, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Kane and others, |g % | f § | #0 4 Mrs. Barnard Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barbarik, Cap'ain and Mrs. J, S. Corcoran, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. D. E, , Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rose- , Mr, and Mrs. E. Kuntze, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald F. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Powless, Mr. Mrs. Robert Skitch, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hall, Mr. and Gwyn Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. John Perry, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jen- ins, Miss Meryl Hartley, Mr. Donald Morgan, Mr. and Edward McComb, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. onth. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sheriff, Mr, and Mrs. H. S. Sliter, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Sugden, Dr. and Mrs. C. M Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. James MecCansh, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wal. ker, Mr. and Mrs. N. W, McAl- pine, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mac- Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Mrs. | and Sister Laura Bailey ill in| hospital. | Mrs. Vera Price was initiated | into the lodge. Members were asked to re- member tag day on May 28. It was announced that taggers could get in the Orange Temple upstairs to collect boxes around 88.30 am. "Happy Birthday" was sung | |for Sisters Ina Milgate and Diane Cowle. Draw prizes donated by Sisters Mossie Keeler, Elda How- MR. AND MRS. WIL .|ard and Brother Thompson were ee nen ma coe Gis Celebrate 55th Anniversary At A Family Dinner Party Sister Vera Price spoke briefly. Prizes for home bingo were do- pated by Sister Kate Glover, Refreshments were served by Sister Mabel Blow and her com- mittee. Degree team was remind- " ed of white degree practice next|lon. Clarke street, meeting on June 7. thei Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bran-| Tumey, Mr. and Mrs. James O'Regan, Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Wells. | Mr. end Mrs. E. A. Collins, | Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Sutton, Mr.| and Mrs, C. R. Lum, Mr. and| Mrs. L. O. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Macdonald, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Moyer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. a family d SHARP FREEZE | ily dinner party held at the | Hotel Genosha. Among the guests|ouise Hunking, pital, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew William Sut- ton of Oshawa and her fiance is the son of Mrs. Robert E. Har- ris of Toronto and the late Mr. Harris. The marriage will take place at Christ Memorial Church on Saturday, June 18. LIAM A. BRANTON Following the dinner the guess , Cl ¢ celebrated | gathered at the home of the host! ir 55th wedding amnniversary|and hostess for a musical even-| ---{Tecertly when they were hosts at ling. Mrs, Branton, the former was born in H you have a large quantity of Were their only daughter, Mrs.|Bowmanville and is the daughter food to freeze at one time, have 4 anddaught Miss it sharp frozen at a locker Stor-|Soott and Mis. Bro your freezer, advise Ontario De. Tonto. Mrs. Alec Mackie, Nestle ton, and Mrs. Ernest Brown, Osh- Ellen Hunking. Mr. Branton's three |; ; age plant before placing it in sisters, Mrs. Harry Spry, of To- in Brvogiin, Je so Rh ue y Scot (Helen) and their|of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Branton was born Branton The couple were married on partment of Agriculture special awa, and her only brother, Mr. May 17, 1905, at the bride's par- iste. |Harry Hunking. {ents' home in North Oshawa. wicz, and the bridegroom is the The June nesting a be held " 1 ~ a ie home Mrs. aicolm Mc- son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gregor, street. Mrs. D. A.| Maiski of Oshawa. Wilson, Whithy, wig"s Roman Catholic Church were Mr. and Mrs, Martin Mal- ski. Formerly Miss Helen Mas- iy HOSPITAL DRIVE! will be guest] =" lowicz, the bride is the daugh- | ter of Mrs. Edward Reszka of | --Photo by Mary's Studio (speaker. The latest General Electric 13 cu. ft. Refrigerator-Freezer really packs in the food and it takes up no more space than conventional models. Wait until you see the wonderfully roomy Swing-Out shelves -- the sturdiest shelves you can get. A touch of a finger and they swing the food right out to you. This up-to-the-minute Refrigerator-Freezer has so many exciting features: huge capacity Zero-Zone Freezer com- partment; refrigerator section that never needs defrosting; \ THE GOLDEN VALUE LINE OF THE 6 oencaa @ rier REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER Li HAS MORE SPACE THAN EVER WITH ROOMY SWING OUT SHELVES RIE SHELVES OFFER EASY STORAGE, EASY SELECTION, EASY CLEANING adjustable, removable door shelves; imdividual butter, ice- cream and cheese keepers; magnetic door closes safely and securely; convenient foot pedal door opener, and many many others. You'll only have to see it once at your local G-E Dealer's to realize that it's for you. You have a choice of beautiful Miz-or- Match colours -- and you'll be so proud of the elegant arance ight-li i grovd of the eg appe of the Straight-line design. | oan hide away and be forgotten. They're [) MODELS NEW SHELVES GIVE SWING-OUT CONVENIENCE . . . The big swing-out shelves bring food right out to you -- so smoothly. Nothing HUGE ZERO-ZONE FREEZER HOLDS A MONTH'S SUPPLY OF FOOD... The G-E Zero-Zone is not like ordinary freezer compartments. It is se| 3 msulated and refrigerated. You can quick-freeze pi iden pind and keep it safely for up to one year. The temperature in the oro-Zone Freezer remains constantly at the level specified b: leading Canadian food authorities as ideal for the long-term storage of A ice-cream retains a perfect consistency always, MADE IN CANADA OTHE From strong each can hold as much as 135 Ibs, and you can adjust them up or down with ease. When you want to clean the interior of the Refrigerator, Just swing the shelves out of the way. It couldn't be easier. . ML 0.6 APPLIANOES AND TELEVISION GARRY A PAOTORY WARRANTY ILLUSTRATED ONLY 499 R MODELS 199.00 "Manufacturer's suggested retail price Fi oud CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED MORE CANADIANS CHOOSE GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES THAN ANY OTHER MAKE -- SEE WHY AT THE FOLLOWING G-E DEALERS ... "ee OSHAWA APPLIANCES, 78 Simcoe St. N. INDEPENDENT SALES AND SERVICE, 309 Brock St. S, "ue RA 3-2815 * MO 8-2081