18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Moy 25, 1960 | 47 --Automobiles for Sale |50--Articles For Sale 150--Articles for Sale | '59 FORD four-door, automatic V8, low | FIVE only complete outfits, new, 1959| VARIETY of girl's clothing, like new, | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING mileage, radio, new tires, reasonable. 35 he Merc. electric ii 15 ft. |sizes 10 and 12. RA 3-4131, RA 38-6803 between 12 to 7 p.m molded plywood boats and trailer, com-| Sa | plete $1099.00 each, One only to a -cus-| UPRIGHT piano, used every day, good | M CHEV Belair sedan, a0 fudy tomer. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48(1Y0ry keys, good tone, $75. RA 3.2446. | matic, mechanically good, eds 3 -- meeer--s work, best offer. Apply 288 Elgin Street i PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. | | West after 8 p.m. ammunition and hunting sup-|All colors. Guaranteed. Flat, gloss. ({45--Real Estate For Sale , afte Brim ---- J | , 45--Real Estote for Sale | Ole | FINE Foviin Zui Taos Tow bles; vee Sud, seh lei 10 gor Lent haw Harbeate, go Eleisc, 8 . two-bedroom, stone front|INCOME home with four self-contained | ;jjoage, private. Call RA 3-7606. Street West. RA 5-6511 4 | . VERY nice, two d | apartments, now rented, close to Shop- nhl diet are | Street West. RA 5.6511. ~~ _| SPECIAL 2° | hed garage and |°% reury. 6 Austin, |g AL 21' cabin cruiser, 100 H.P.| bungalow, with attached garag ith | CHOIC of "53 Mercury, '5 x ry c | ed drive. fully decorated and land.|Ping Centre. Total price, $17,500, with To/Oumr, © 0 0 Cth radio, only SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re-| Buchanan motor and trailer. Excellent | paved drive. 18 {$7000 down. RA 8-4733. ord automatic radio, frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, condition. Apply George A. Loring, | (Continued from Page 17) |scaped, near school, $12,600 full price. |MO 38-5783. ped, excellent condition. RA 3-9026. |arapes, five DANALD DUCK TOWN AFIRE IN QUEBEC Heusen Motors, opr Wary © ¢ i m---- Ai Ra astute edd ea a J i i pe DS a ; savings on floor coverings! B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat-| Flames race through a street | hat caused nearly $25,000,000 | No one was killed but 265 | troyed and 900 families were |K Street, One full year irranty, M D 4 y ; y A FOR SALE I Taily equipped, like | Glearalice of last Year's patterns, Many| ries, Kelvinator To iserators, trie | at Rimouski, Que., the night | damzge. At its height the fire | the St. Lawrence River town. | left homeless, heeriy . homes and buildings were des- | ~--(CP Photo) Reduced for quick sale, 25c per foot. ny Harding heavy quality broadloom, rub: |X Sets for anytime altho . MO 8.4534 Adi PRIVATE '57 Chev. Belair four-door | -- cme distributor for Filter Queen Vacuum.| FEATURING: 169 Kent Street, West {sedan, two-tone, radio, whitewalls,|WF LAT, ver stocked on alumipum. R 8-401. | LINDSAY, Ontario. aulomatic, fender skirts, original mile. Special prices on combination WM BOAT motor and trafler, in perfect 3 , b_condi- | COWS y 3 ure / ¢°% | condition, tlly equipped. Phone RA| or a -0798. | Doctor's residence and ot- [Drew & 3 tached office, centrally loca- [;;" BUICK hardtop sedan, priced for |berized back and moth proof, six decor-| ah ing West RA or rid : Highest location, close to age 31,000. This car is in suj mL A 4 . | 2 p doors, $29.95, self-installed. Call fac- schools, divided basements, | _ Telephone FAirview 4-2193. tion throughout and must be gen to MC § 301 of Osnaws Ra Sa7IL |B F e new, § ,000 miles. RA 5-8132. 369% Cc {humidifier from Parkway TV. 918 ontact: | - Wo Te = 9704 | green nylon frieze Lazy Boy chair, at-[Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3043, | Apply 1326 Cedar street. RA 35-2763 | BT r. at- Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3043, aC dal WHITBY | FROST, FROST & RICHARDSON tached foot rest, excellent condition, NU-WAY Rug Co. has been appointed | FLECTRIC refrigerator, seven cubic An odd feature of this cere. tors/mony is that the bouquets de- livered to the Queen, Mme, Geor- scaped, fruit trees, only $12,500 fuM| = 95. Van Heusen Motors, Opposite gioves ete. For top cas i ' price. Joseph Bosco Realtor, RA $550 DOWN, three-bedroom bungalow prewery on King. Soves Se. 4 2 lp Sash, offer, con Orono 34R12. 5 5.9870. NHA storms, screens, decorated, land- _ ---_ i TTY -- de ull * -| BOATS, motors and trailers, new and! . | DODGE Regent, 6 cylinder, four-|g electric guitar, {BOATS, Tn A i IM door, automatic transmission, ev~ellent|, ke new, originally priced at oo co. pels og Hy ance Fre eo --_ | condition Robinson Motors Ltd. -ls st offer. Call RA 3-3780. our own accounts. Terms to suit your BRAEMOR GARDENS |iis LEVEL workable acres with 80| 0th, "pit 000 0 0 00 hin, 4 all RA 3-3780. _ |budget. See Dominion Tire Store, | |rods frontage on Lake Ontario, located -- ae --- - cere | Saxophone, tenor, reasonable, 179 Church and Bond | (Stevensons Rd. N. and between Oshawa and Bowmanville PLYMOUTH Savoy, 8 evlindess, | wverly Street, RA 8-0316, | CoE varie Bnd Tonal Tor oi Sakon 4 3 4 th 4 Be cop gassan | Annapolis) | Just south of 401 Highway. Stone house | automatic transmission, lots of . equip- |=: SCTRIC cream separator, in good|of wringer type washers, % HP motors| | - 100 x 36 | ment, one owner. Robinson Motors Ltd, " overlooks lake, hip-roof barn, » " _. teed nditi | Registered lots available in d 32 x 28 with silo This is an excel- | (Oshawa) 574 Ritson Rd. South condition. Fred -Schoenleber. Stevenson |$3 to $10, guaran foconditighed egIs i {A er Ded 1 Ro Ly Road North of Airport. |washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, this prestige location. N.H.A. lent Savestment, Priced 8 eos Mc-|'33 DODGE Regent, 6 cylinder, 00d | om sno ----r ioce and | Hampton, CO 3-2241 i r acre. . Mec- ; . only $595 3 . pon -- approved. For information ey ad Kidd, , Bo lle, | © on sale for only $595. Robin. step stool; 'electric refrigerator, 10 cu,|ONE double-neck Gibson Hawaiian elec- Y son Motors Ltd. (Oshawa), 574 Ritson A 1 He 2 ith 30] Fours lan woe: MA 3.3393. Road South ft., Crosley-Shelvadore; Adding ma. |tric guitar, with amplifier. One panish | RA 5-7272 WHITBY -- Private deal, three-be -- : en - -- | ehind, Remington, All in excellent con. Buitar, electric box, radio controlled) --- room NHA brick bungalow, Hollywo:d|'d7 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, top con- dition. MA 3-3914 after 6 p.m. node] aeroplate, Sith all equipment, > Kitche electric stove and refrigerator | dition, low mileage, Sin, wilson YAWNCHAIRS -- Children's grove Lis new. +5125, . included. Bargain, $1500 down. MO washers. .A bargain 3e5 2 97 with tables, lawnswings, picnic tables HIGHEST prices paid for used furni-| a IC er 8.5332 evenings and weekends. 755 CHEVS., coach or sedan, $895. Easy ctr. custom made, 248 Cordova Road |ture, aiso sell and exchange. Contact N room bungalow, Harmony terms. Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's. RA south. Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince STATE--INSURANCE |Heights, aluminum windows and 55646. URED Terao roa Tor san | Street. Phote RA 31131. Ei] A en ED refrigerator, suitable for sum-| ------ i ----_ REAL E screens, paved driveway. Near school. |ji; Ton tow truck with 12 ton power Wh hong Hod RA 5.8706, SUM" ELECTRIC r r service, cutting 46 KING ST WEST RA 8-5206. winch and 250 seated cable, fully equip-|¢ swivel rocking chair. pair lined Beads, cords °e a for all makes of or hh tice sale. well.kept. Vi electric razors. Trade in your ol razor RA 8 6228 SIX - room house for sale, well-kept, rr bus D695, on a new model. Meagher's, 5 King ig small down payment, well landscaped, |'z7 CHEVROLET station w n, fully 155 CONSUL ode Street West north east section.. For more informa- equipped, can finance. RA 5-7715. ____ | condition, $65 1053. BINCHE . wa = 2 storey home, oll conven- Hon telephone RA 52729. | %7 PLYMOUTH hardtop automatic and FOUR . burner Hotpoint heavy duty |ft. NE table 9 Sa Westiaghouse iences situated on 32 acres DETACHED, $175 down, immediate | rad 0, 2 Plymouth Belved ere Suse | stove, automatic timer, Queen electric |deluxe 30 inch electric range, new con- of choice land just outside |possession, sparking six-toom bunga-imatic and radio, Your choice, S119. sewing machine, portable, with attach-|dition. RA 8-4333, d $12,- | low, NHA mortgage, full basement, |Van Heusen Motors, ng Street. ments. Apply 114 Wellington Street, | sere tt ------------r------ city limits. Paved roa = | choice location, must be sold quickly. | scr y--geiuce sedan. perfect, 52 | Whitby $30.60 Smooth top mattress for only 5c 500 cash, Phone Mr. Walker |r. Lauzon, MO 88311 Brethour Real|pr i" iy new motor, only $395 each TEI EVISION a rial, all channel, six | vate Se To. oO tn A ty ) - Ista Ltd, Members of the Canadian| "" ~ i ¢ ro TOW. CLEVISION aerial, all channel, six suite over . Our nniversary WH 2-5253 er RA 8-6228. | ad: of Teal Estate Boards, {van Jieusen Motors, opposite Brewery, |, ning old, $25. Phone RA 8.0917. Special! Barons' Home Furnishings - - a FE ing Ail 1 . FOUR - room brick house, Call even- : hie TWO beautiful silver foxes, $50. Call 424 Simos Strest South, ss. 155 Olive Avenue. BEFORE you buy any car, check theig, "sg 4,69 |VE FORD truck, motor complete ing 1 5 ______|prices on ail the windshields at Van te meister VOC AFCK. VE motor, block a \ | BEAUTIFUL six-room 1% storey, base- Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on THREE piece chesterfield, carpet, | ang heads, 57, Apply 555 Kin . : | ment apartment with private entrance, King Street, one full year warranty,|dishes, lamps, saucepans, lot '$45 Mod: | rrp parr : : ai 3 | almost central in good area, fully mod- "FORE nig roar, check o|ern two-piece chesterfield, limed oak h and cider barrels, all sizes, REALTOR {rn inside. Many extra's, RA 3.3889. |CLFORE you buy any car, check (he |iables, carpet, rubber underpad. RA [solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard. GENERAL INSURANCE posed -- Prices on a h rv + on | 3-889 |ware, 8 Church. RA 3.7624. WHITBY MO 8-3337 BUICK sedan, poigy ; p Bud, i : | 3], Sesighs {or home and couse 5 May 6, 1950, in a disaster | raged over several blocks of OPEN HOUSE | b h, | ambridge Street [quick sale at $1300. MA 13-3394, Bow- [ator colors, large 9 x 12 size. Very|™ ET ones N i or 25 = Si fi for |manville, special price $79.50. Ends of wall cover- SEWING machine Singer, portable, | THIS Ww {0 Now, nidsay, Su 55 PONTIAC conch Tadio good condi. |inEs. clear out price, 37c per foot. Wil- electric, excellent condition, from $25 0 a ues | professional offices or apart- | PONTIAC conch, Fac. Kool Parts (son's Furniture, 20 Church Street. |up. RA 5-2591. CRESTON PARK | ments with off-street parking, for" sale. Phone MO 5-4500 BOAT, new, 14 foot with 5 it. 9 inch KEEP your basement dry with a de- Ig - TTY mn beam, bargain. lawn picnic table, new, | {'53 PONTIAC in immaculate condition Sci hh, ---- |be appreciated. Can be financed. shawa, ai. : fully decorated Nya fines | [ply 1239 Meadowvale Street. GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- | © 200d condition at 235 Bruce Street.| DETROIT. (AP) -- Teamsters' By ALEX MORIN traction after Niagara. Falls, c 5 q 3 cs, new 1, terms 10 per cent|'®®! Bodin * i : Q ing 6% idewolis, bt $2200 |/33 PONTIAC, deluxe, four-door sedan plies, ow 20d used tort 18 Bond | PAINT, Inferior, exterior. $2.95 gailon,| President James R. Hoffa is su-| Canadian Press Staff Writer | Last year some 216,000 visi onstruction, soll y . ONE 6% MORTGAGE I OR OT Fath trons poviiStreet West. 'RA_ 5 [#1 colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss.(ing the National Broadcasting OTTAWA (CP)--Ottawa's love With cameras and walking shoes oe 0 resi speaker, in perfect mechanical FOR a dry basement, rent an Oasis Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Company, Jack Paar and Robert! affair with the tulips is more ar-| Look in the two - week show along 8¢s Vanier, the governor - gen- 3 bedrooms, colored ceramic bath, natural trim, services, etc, Location--North side of No. 2 Highway on East side of Whitby. How about a {Eautoh. Street, RA 3.7924, Kennedy, for $2,000.00. Heldent than ever this spring. the 45 miles of federal parkways, eral's wife, and Mrs. John Die- New! decorated, one year condition, $600 or best offer A2EPly dehumidifier. These remarkable ma-| bd dnb em ia-- {fenbak d M Lest B y ' T7 Kingscourt, Apartment 7, Ajax hines will remove gallons of water SET of books (Encyclopaedia Ameri-| | og i 3 : " i A enbaker an Mrs, ester . : : § in/daily from your basement. Meagher's,| cana), one year old, reasonable. Tele- charges them with libel and yt began with a gift of gratitude] The National Capital Commis. Pearson must be bought from a I RA 8-5214, slander. ' po te rincess oi 4 jel ars ds 1 } : - {phone RA 8-5214. ; from a Dulch princess to the sion, owner and official gardener florist, The law protects flowers cheap for cash. RA 3-3592 MOTOR scooter, collapsible type, can|(HEST of drawers, Hoffa said Tuesday he had been city that sheltered her during the of the more than 1,000,000 tulips, on the federal parkways ed. Ranch style, six rooms. | pona automatic, A. shape be carried in car or boat, $85. RA{beds complete, dining room and kitchen|qomaged by statements made on/Second World War, plants 200,000 new bulbs each fall| . § | Tulips have been given con- old bungalow, completely sod- |4§ CHEVROLET hali-ton pick-up r ded lot, landscaped and fenc- good condition, needs new licence,' King Street West. excellent condi LaSalle after 5 ssphalt drive, good garden, ear. | 5 ain 7. is r | roto T.V. antenna, $5,000 y [cellent condition, & months old. low | FIBREGLASS your wooden boat for Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. ment, thereby generating and| : rn DON'T BE TOO LATE! | mileage, private. Telephone MO 85187 carefree boating or we will do the ioh| vacuUN er Fesalte I wie Lo ulating hatred and ereating a) am u during weekend for you. We carry a complete line of parts attachments, brushes, guar: public elamor for punishment." | drive up this weekend? Even- ings call W. Schatzmann, MO Sato ir 1 2 ra chair, 4 : ar 3953, | Wonderful volue. Many ex- |thioughout, fully equipped will accent 330 duty iN: | coment entry tabs vacuum cleaner, |four Jack Paar television shows| Now i's an annual amour that and rearranges many more, ps : tras. A beautiful home. All |e tur 22 ET tric stove, excellent condition. Apply SmAL space heater, gasoline motor,ion which Kennedy was a guest.|reduces such formal attractions) Centrepiece of this year's shows! erable attention for about 20 onveniences 3¢ FOUR © door Bick ad 116 Barrie Avenue or phone RA 5-1458. : |iorescent ana Caer Kennedy is the former counsellas the Parliament Buildings or|is' one huge flower bed at Dow's!Years, particularly since 1945 A. J conve i | Phone COlfas 26 BOAT trailer, Tee-Nee OB40, with sup- North. for the McClellan committee/the National Gallery to passing Lake--a big lagoor along the old When P ¥ ncess Juliana, now RA 5-8831 | port and tilting ton; also Mercury Mark | av highest prices in the city for| Which conducted an exhaustive flirtations. Rideau Canal -- where 120,000 Queen of The Netherlands, re. Member Oshawa ond District 2, Snibosty motor With €OB-| ed furniture. Pretty's Used Furni-|investigation of Hoffa's activities.| The ninth Canadian Tulip Fes- blooms are set up in contrasting |tvrned home after wartime resi- Real Estate Board. W. T. LAMSON | ah -- REAP Tonio Toi od Tas re Store, RA 3.3271, 44 Simcoe South. | He is a brother of Senator John|tival, sponsored by the Ottawa blocks of solid color. The largest/dence here and sent 20,000 bulbs, ---- Se -------- EAL ESTATE LT 35 BSA. 650 CC motorcycle $250. CHEAT Telenbone Hoole we: Oldsmo.| ONE rubber tired manure spreader, 50-[K ennedy of Massachusetts, board of trade, runs from May of a dozen such beds, it is flood- Promising 16,000 more annually ' i REAL ATE LTD, I bile discs; 8 it. car aerial; '50 Pontiac a tor lite, ne (Democratic presidential nomina-|1% to 31 with the official opening|lit at night. eid long 2 Be Hiyeg. So this the -- - -- re $800, 4 i | o ch- | 5 . : *ridav , si y T Ralph Vickery nos ondimn MA soma" 0 or, chev. fender skirts." Phone RA| ments; Ariens Jet Toto, tillers, 'power tion candidate. _ Friday, May 20, presided over|poUQUETS ARE BOUGHT (People of Holland added another ---- _-- hte . lawn mowers, one man's bicycle; quan-| Hoffa's suit, filed Tuesday inby Ann Heggtveit, Ottawa's. The Friday noon opening is at- dtd REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 989 D WN RE re er I (BEECIAY, awning prices, 30 her contility of cement chimney blocks. Apply |toderal court in Detroit, charged Olympic ski champion tended by embers of 'the diplo.| That was when Edward Wood J mileage. Will consider small cz off retail. Call factory, Whitby, Ferguson's BA Station, Hampton. CO : : J a ' | "| ahi . i : 46 KING ST. WEST |trade in. Call RA 5-847] 8-5861 or Oshawa RA 8-3711 : a conspiracy by the defendants MORE TOURISTS matic corps, representatives of chief landscape architect for the Y -- RRR RIE ei 4 Ligh 4 ; : : . i i . ONE MORTGAGE | ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up 10 {560 GALE outboard motors, mine RCA VICTOR stero record players,|l0 ridicule, degrade, defame and| The festival is credited with all levels of government and "ommission decided to "break RA 8-6228 SPRING OCCUPANCY |20 per ot ik Hionths 10 ay, For models, 3 to 60 h Bi of bargain prices four speed, with auxiliary speaker, humiliate Hoffa as being un-jjongthening the Ottawa tourist mayors and reeves from muni- with Victorian standards of |personal ser yo J from SI 3 up. Cy Preoee S3rage. 345.95, Terma. Arsiied, Meagher's 5| worthy of holding office Or MeM-|gaagon to 3% months from two, cipalities within a 300 - mile rad- small, inricate floral designs in $12,000, Division St, -- 5- While they last, new N.H.A. |i ers Tmmacuiate, black with Gliddon Avenue and Verdun Road. RA it --one --_|bership in the Teamsters' interand helping to make the city the ius in Ontario, Quebec and New/favor of w at now is called the room bungalow with extra bungalows, very limited num= |green, offers. Day RA 56521, evenings(S951. | ;ie "or only 3¢ with the purchase of |Parional . . . they portrayed him second most popular tourist at-'York state. | "flowering mass display. bedroom in basement, garage, ber to be constructed this Morewood, RA 8-5706 D tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. any chesterfield over $149. Our stn| (Hoffa) as perpetrator of a fraud| - -------------------- ------ VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, beige, ex- |S. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543, | Anniversary Special! Barons' Home|on the American labor move- . down, $85 monthly principal, Executive interest ond taxes, Open lo a r *54 Cadillac 1 yer | materials, plus easy to follow instruec-{teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. 3 7 ® mortgage FULL PRICE $11,995 Li aac oo Cen tions. Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser.| The suit branded the offending hl Hd ' BP' Tex BIO) Street South, Whitby. | vice. RA 80591 anytime. statements as "false and untrue rl 1C € 1TES - $ : y - ---- ATS hull ns 3 ." $10,800 each ng Hortop, RA 5-883] Vo For ie dio, white: | AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. and said that "by reason of Ye Hibbert and Philip Streets -- walls, customline, A-1 condition, clean SALE Prompt service. Free estimates. Order | defamation of character," the la- : Ne | 2-bedroom brick bungalows. W. T LAMSON 348 Stevenson's Road North P Fotis fod delivery. Comir and table hor leader had 'been injured in By WILLIAM GLOVER critics like a lot more shows than . sahil - oli | rentals. Ci » coe rth, | n i ng, "' | Reusonable gown payments. REAL ESTATE LTD. | 58 1000 hardtop as new, radio. | Plominum ee re best |oWN vour own bisinessi Get stare | 00d name, fame, and reputa-| NEW YORK (AP) -- Brook the Dablie does. dooms. The) resi ent ery g value. smn een --|white walls, etc., 35 per gal., 17,000 t al ) St JON. your Own Dusiéest Sei Stated ii, [Atkinson. dean of Broadway e slender man | s, $2653 new, sell $1950, trade, fi prices, fully guaranteed. |now. Take RY ole 0 e A ifin, Irie ' + Times has seen more than 3,000 § made Sooo biden. | Doudlasl. CG gance, Rev, Karlechner, RA'34835, 151 Dounle hung windows only (busihess boris scuaiuied, eday| drama critics, retires next month Times has seen more tan BO! gyn atts (CP) -- Douglas o ert or 462 Cr n | ay : 3 ! Dre gr > ci Notes oug as L. sower "8 METEOR automatic, power | Bie i Th C tion. SEVEN FLOWERS not from writing. ' from the theatre in 1943-45 as a|Walkington, a Montreal sales ex. ment apts. in each. $14,500 REALTOR nering: netceent condos. "fase Lymer Aluminum Co. \rnge oom of fies anv ss "I'm realy inferested in news.|(oreign correspondent). After ccutive was elected national f ' | older ca trade. RA 8-1716 - is inc 8 0 re ¢ J § i and $15,500. Owners onx- jouer: car on trade + ____lchrome set, bedroom suite, mattress, | ON TULIP STALK papers, that's what really in. each he has hurried to his des pe School and Parent-Teacher XT] ble off BEING BUILT YOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, hoster; ---------- |spring, step and coffee table, boudoir | terests me," says the man whose t0 Write the comments--in pencil ious to sell, reasonable otters 3-bed brick bi 1 heater, sun-roof, A-1 condition. Phone : |and table lamps, pillows, etc. $25 down| BRANTFORD (CP)--George riowi launched on yellow copy paper--which sub-| Federation Tuesday. d edroom brick bungalows, 51 114 Colborne Street East.| Boat, Mot d Trailer | le 1 nn ) reviewing career was launched : considered RA S183 or 1i1 Coluo oat, Motor an ratler |delivers! "Guaranteed Best Value!" erouch found in his garden ; | sequently suffused producers with] He succeeds Maritimer Harold low down payment. Choice of |io NASH Rambler, %ood car, $395.| , |Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe 3 : by chance just 35 years ago. 3 Juent.y su h i Modem ranch-style bunga- design, N.H.A. financing, |Fasy terms. Try "Stew" at Mike| Excellent for family. 17' [Street South. Tuesday a tulip with seven Atkinson, 65, is continuing as a|JoY or anguish. Simpson, now residing in Port | cedar strip, beautiful hand- ---------------------------------- ----| flowers on one stalk, member of the staff of the New| "Ditterence of opinion about a| Credit, Ont. lows, well planned and well featuring: built, comfortable and relax- ing. Attached garages, large lots. $15,500, $16,000 and 19,900 each Ajox -- 1Va-storey frome house, all conveniences, gar- Starr's, RA 5-5646. rubbed mahogany finish. 25 Mr, Crouch has grown tu- York Times. He will write sev-Play -- sometimes total, some-| . prembers of a special commit- --Stone front ~--Ceramic tiled bathrooms --Heavy-duty stove cable ~--Tiled splash back in kitchen --Choice of tile ----Forced air oil BUYING OR SELLING SEE | TED CAMPIN | MOTORS I [ROTARY POWER MOWERS h.p. and accessories, good as | SEE HOME APPLIANCES lips for 25 years. He has seen |eral articles weekly on a wide|{imes partial--derive from the| jee Tuesday brought down in new OSHAWA LTD, 61 SANDRA ST. W. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH -- HH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE fore but not seven, This year he has several of them. 50--Articles for Sale three and four bloomers be- [assortment of topics. |be of the Stratford, Ont., Shake- | speare Festival, ; § Succeeding him as drama critic| Price we pay for creativeness, munications between the three | biological fact that no two people|ooncise form the result of hard- His final theatre reviews will|are identical," he recently ob-|pitting self-criticism sessions, in | served. "This puzzling phenome-| which the 60 delegates took a non has to be accepted as the|gerious Jook at the failure of com- Eh -- | will be Howard Taubman, previ- imagination and personal inde. levels of the federation. RA 5.5332 J5, BOAT, 1859, #5. HP Evinrude motor. | jusly music critic for The Times, |Pendence in a free civilization."| "committee chairman Kenneth frame bungalow, lorge lot. $1,000 down. Full = price 4 Res. 5-5574 y - TR Ly ae . ALITY STILL GOO Parker of Charlottetown said rep- $1,000 down $12,000 RA 3-4494 Res : MARINE Tole ON a es on Sat | DOUBTS INFLUENCE GREAT quaLiTy nL 3000 although | resentatives had agreed the fed- : All oluninuin: products. ='. [TEST 0% 12; steering wheel, cables| Atkinson is probably the lead-| oo "hoc on" Th ked de. | eration is falling down at the pro- and lights for a boat, RA 5.5354. 204|ing deprecator of the theatrical crease in the number of produc vincial level failing to interpret age, large lot. $8,300 Call Sally Wallace RA 8-4652 | yeti sun SARYAN MOTOR! SSeS a , LIN, oors, windows, shower doors, | Gliddon Avenue |influence widely attributed to him |. = 5, © Fr heen no appreci- national programs to local asso- TL mo ass 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Ajax -- Modern 3-bedroom --Choice of lots (Just East of Wilson Road) | Domestic and Commercial $37.95 up Industrial, commercial and residential lond, farms ond builders lots, large or small. Duplexes and 5 14-suite opartment houses WHITBY i Mader 6.ro0m brick bungo- SALES LTD. | OL 5-3641 Es Qunings, TV. fowers,. peving | transistor radios, wide range by everyone from star to stage- able Yoss of quality over the years oilivns ar sll Ye feels. tt modern kitchen and bath. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN FOOD PLAN For free estimates coll -- Street Wes | "Critics have some influence, | 5 Jie began reviewing. Times| future of the home and school room, tastefully . decorated 334 RITSON RD SOUTH THAT SAVES | SUNBEAM electric Mixmaster| but I'm sure no one knows what | from Boston in 1922, and for the|!ies in providing a nationwide link throughout, on large lot 66' | OSHAWA. ONT. | Aluma Seal Co. (Chrome modeD), 'like new, $30; also jt is," he comments. "It certainly next 21% years headed the book- of ideas and personal contacts in also batteries for all makes ||, or radios, Meagher's, § King hand. | t. For further information phone evenings: Ernie Allin .. RA 3-3053 Evelyn Walker RA 5-1442 Pat Donevan RA 3-7313 | yore - LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want! others how we can save the |47--Automobiles for Sale cars for wrecking. Highest prices Pa. | cost of the freezer with our 5-1181 |i980 MORRIS Oxford, excellent condi- air | proven plan. Canadian man- $9,000 FULL PRICE |tion. reasonable. Phone RA 3.7914. i i EE | ufactured freezers, guaran- i T HOUSTON GARAGE teed by Good-Housekeeping. | | Government i ted meat: D SERVICE STATION | i nspected meats. CASH AND S CES 0 Well | | Lovely 5 room brick bunga- | low all conveniences, good down payment required. $9,500 FULL PRICE Good income; 5 acres ideal for market gardening (3V2- acres plonted with rasp- berries, 2 acre strawberries) small barn, 3 room bunga- low, 1 mile from Whitby on good road, open for offer. known branded pro- FOR YOUR CAR BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- ducts, all part of our plan PLETE BRAKE SERVICE to eat better for less. Phone VAN HEUSEN MOTORS MOTOR TUNE-UP AND. | RA 5.3709. No obligation. 149 KING ST. W. GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 Freezers $189 up. Compare before vou buy. SPOT CASH | | | German 2-Seater Car On Market TORONTO (CP) -- The first shipment of a German two-seater car which looks like an airplane arrived in Canada Tuesday. The Messerschmitt, made by ELVIS'S COUSIN the company which made the Alonzo (Pat) Presley, 66- | Presley family moved to Que- | Second World War fighter plane PAID FOR LOT ON GIBBONS | Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off | DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] Reasonable price suitable for tandard bungalow LOT NEAR WILSON Suitable for $5 plex, low io | . | While they last -- Canadian priced TEST DRIVE FIAT 600 | Explorer camp trailers, - AT YOUR FIAT | Wilbak Motors plete _p $405 - $319, Once a year clearance of TV PLEASE CALL: DEALERS 137 KING W. {| Trades accepted. Terms ar- floor samples, limited quan- ART WEINBERGER | ranged. tity, also radio. and record DON: ROBINSON |... A >-0732 RA 8-5145 players, at prices to clear. ESSO 50--Articles for Sale AJAX MARINE After 6 p.m, RA 3.7244 x 164', close to schools and o Government inspected Red | convertible top and motor block for|ic't any ability to make or break 15 hi education that cannot be pro- OPSPErt eo oe oo Tel: RAndolph 3-346) ? ond Blue Brand beef. Com- RA 5-9365 ANYTIME Morris Minor. RA 3.3487, > y y says: his tendency has been to vided formally by a school sys- / | | ition, shes, Ri i know. The|except on rare occasion. rand) AA Call John Rowe, RA 8-465] ANDY NAGY"S mects, 'Tish, "omit, grocer || ATES 11 FREE 11 (tes ion ue Sees crass One Wing 1 30 Riow. Thelescep ministered at the provincial level, ies etc. Buy in bulk and save. 3 * * lable, Apply 65 Division Street. Canada is one of the few large Alice Broadbent RA 5-5405 RA 8-4651 BODY SHOP with ; Tae ry countries' in which there is no kn 5 Jie Welser ois CORNER OF El 20th CENTURY FOODS Beautiful ceramic , plaques, condition. RA 5-3769. | | paren of cat A 8. or WH 2-525 KW i LECTRIC air ww Foo or best o give unity, Mr. Parker said. b 0 i ph GLADSTONE AND BOND SALES & SERVICE FAIRBANKS MORSE for holding Plaque Party in ELECTRIC guitar, new $100 or best ARTHUR 46--Real Estate Wanted | "08 KING W., OSHAWA DELUXE FREEZERS your Yim; concer FINDLAY-- Apartment size hexvy duty Mo me------------------ RA 3-7132 Guaranteed by MRS. TAYLOR, RA 3-7941 [automatic timer. Like new. Reduced Saskatchewan WEINBERGER WANTED DOWNTOWN Arr ww TE Ee STH Vol R d Sl i REALTOR We are looking for a Seet | TED CAMPIN RA 8.1128 OSHAWA LTD. SoA Sk ve ee Earle SolF ecord olate level location in the down- a ---------- i oi or a priitntodind? a rau MOTORS | | 90 SIMCOE SOUTH TWO complete matching beds and X ( \ 7x9. Call RA are from 2,200 to 3,000 sa. FOOD AND FREEZER COR FR! Hy es. Ca RA yas! Lina. ft. of space. We have been in | Oust Ecst of Wilson Reod) PLAN . OR FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC range, $25. Ideal for_sum.| in the June 8 Saskatchewan gen. $8,000 FULL PRICE | Husiness Jn Oshawa for 27 st oe a |" Complbte lines of meats ond SALES AND SERVICE mer cottage, also cord wood. Phone | Years ond are prepared to | : es. oceries., S t t ee mE voting for a northern seat, Atha. EN aig dlorey, on big | Considly, © Jorg term Vease, {48--Automobiles Wanted | 0% pet re 10. vou RA 5-5332 OE Si ivy Behe Dion baska Will be later. iences, centrally located, i Meagher's, 5 King Street West. | CCF. Liberal, Progressive Cons $1,500 down ALUMINUM servative and Social Credit, are 51--Swap and Barter contesting every seat, There are WINDOWS, $16 [Efi e piece "modern bath sets, Communicts Jn fhe e356, oh cos $70; id fitth : lawn mowers; , See s - DOORS, 39.95 pol Mi bi gr igo Ph secutive victory, held 36 seats in heater, cash register, Trade or terms. mae ove elit | party Jormied the Sitielal oppost . |52--Legal Notices | tion with 14 members and Social RA 3-7679 i will not be responsible {or any debts | Credit had three i incurred by my wife (Daphne V. y seats, making a total of 55 fr : ; TT mot be. Feaponsible Tor an The previous record for nomi- BOATING Now is the time to I will not be responsible for any debts 1 : 1 nations was set in 1956 CLEAN CARS r have a beautiful home [or Aer his date, May: 2t: 180 without as hey 71 NTED | SPECIAL h | {my written consent, -- Gerald T. Kemp. WA | with aluminum doors seg ee ois | 12-ft. tibre-glass run-a-boats. TENDERS FOR dian Explorer trailer, com- quality, lowest price in E | pletely equipped, $895. i i FUEL OIL i Do J town. Quick service. 13 oulded pl od LIENS PAID OFF 25 Piney yin yuosd oat Alex Vaida RA 3-9851 Tenders for fuel oil will be TRADE UP OR DOWN{ controls and equipment, 6x vada g ! Every job guaranteed. ES a -- | a show, i i i ments of $75 | plete line of name brand |ONE40" Beech electric cook stove in * look at offerings in kindly spirit, tem in which authority is ad- FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, excellent MERCEDES-BENZ Tian Yeeteh federal department of education sndui-- range; Thor wringer type washer, with LOCATION BUYING OR SELLING SEE | CALL NOW SEE HOME APPLIANCES one jacket heater with pipes, and 2 town area. Our req t mplete ma REGINA (CP)--A record 221 J . Our uirements dressers, one wine rug, x 32 PARK RD. N. 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Comnestic ond Commercial RA 3.0547 eral election. Nominations and lot, oil heated, oll conven- Box 517, Oshawa Times as we have to thousands of tube, $99. Terms $10 per month. Four parties, the governing STORM SPECIAL ONE gas, one electric stove, two-inch also three independents and two Completely installed. It's all H. Chinn, 288 Hillside. the last legislature. The Liberal Redistribution has added two |son), May 25, 1960. -- William Ibbitson. candidates contested 53 seats. 12 h.p. Scott motor, Cana- and windows, best TOP PRICES PAID received by the Y W.CA, $995 199 Centre Street for 1960- 61 supply of fuel oil. Tenders will close June 3rd. Quantity -- approximately 18,000 gal- lons; tank capacity -- 5,000 gallons . Light Industrial Fuel or Dome year-old blacksmith at Dawson estic -- please include speci- Creek in northeastern British PARKWAY TV. HH ith Higgins, 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-3043 ec fn 44 Mo of that name, has a plexiglass c from Ireland. Most of the roof and two seats one behind the other. There are two models--a three. | wheeler with a one-cylinder ene femily later settled in Western Canada, but 'Elvis's grand- father went to the United Columbia, says he is a second cousin of rock 'n' roll singer | States. gine and a four-wheeler with twe SIMCOE AND BRUCE STS, |ONE used Easy wringer washer and | NO. 2 HWY. AT AJAX Elvis Presley. "He says the | * ~--(CP Photo) do one Lloyd fully convertible carriage, | RA 3-9531 -- QSHAWA |encenieot condition. RA 3e1oL = 5% | Ph. WH 2-4080 Executive Director, Y.W.C.A, Oshawa