Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1960, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 25, 1960 37 3 45--Real Estate for Sale _|45--Reol Estate For Sale, - room brick bungalow, decorated, FIVE - room brick ungilon. Most fire- (sell immediately. Apply 325 d, storms and screens, to school and bus stop. Avenue. close pie | pole Hill RA 83-8640, 45--Real Estate for Sale |45--Real Estate for Sale EXCELLENT building lot, between ATTRACTIVE five - room Samosa ($1300. Terms ara Oshawa and Whitby, 76 x 200, very nice in THREE lots on Farewenl Avenue, Dial view, $1700, Apply 255 Athol Street, |of shopping centre, swige, pate OLiver 5-3055. ing lot, extras. No WELL kept, six-room two-storey home SPECIAL rg Da heat, only w! ow nN pay- $7,200 buys -8 room brick duplex, oil heating, conven ment. Joseph Bose» Realtor. RA 5-9870. iences, garage and over 2 ROSSLAND MANOR acres high ond dry land. On : asd the Main St. in Port Perry. Choice residential lots, com- $3,500 down ad nh id pletely serviced, some wooded, . : 6%. A real bargain. location, For informa- |W. McAULEY, REALTOR Snes 26 PRINCE ST. 44-----Houses, Apts, Flats [45--Real Estate for Sale For Rent {LOT ope mile east of Taunton 78 x 218, nged, RA 3-9269, CARD OF THANKS | SANDERS --- I wish to sincereiy thank Dr. E. J. Rundle, Dr. John 'Davies, Rev. D. Allan, nurses and Ann | staff of 3B, {iriends, neighbors and relatives, during my stay in Oshawa Hospital and recovery at home. ~Marion Sanders. WHITE May 1 extend special ® | appreciation ¢ to the 1 members of Oshawa "| Rebekah Lodge No. 3, and the True Blue Lodge for kindnesses extendsd to me during my four months stay at Oshawa General Hospital. Your kind |sou acts will never be forgotten. , Florence White, 487 Albert Street, Oshawa, Ontario, DEATHS KNIGHT, Harvey Walter -- Entered on W Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Bite, Memoriams, Cards of 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 FOUR - room Wil- son and , vieinity King, Jha gi ii heavy auiy only, 585 King Street East. THO. _ ai and three a close to Giobons. Street, RA 8-1 RA six or Valk $6500 at low dows Jayment buys three-bedroom bungalow, large Enns room and kitchen, hid FOUR room bungalow, Trull's Road drive and garage. A Sool b buy, central- North, Courtice, conveniences, tiled ly located. Call Bob RA floors, two acres of land, price $8500 06-6286, 8. D. Hyman Heal "Estate, For information call RA 86156. EXCHANGE ut 3. 2 ew Domne ROSSMERE Street, preity three-bed- ote Of Otha home, wis "nalng ocations vacant Ive brick ulifalo, lage large living room | oynawa, Whitby, or sold this week. Clare to offers, Asking $12,900. cal 5.30 i... RA 1 . CRESTWOOD SiX-ROOM moders bungalow, old, $19,000. Cash to mortgage Chill, Croscent. A ST, 0 room furnished | he, Shopying Centre, unfurnished apartment 0% third floor, suit adults, Suen after 7 SL PLANNING TO BUILD? CALL HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILT HOMES MORTGAGE ARRANGED MODERN three-room apartment, ground and floar, pi ivite Baths adults only, Pp NEW six-room ranch Sonelon: ih tion, Mr, Street atlached garage on King East, walking distance of dovwnown, Easy terms. Apply 238 Kaiser FUR NE room a hasiielor apart ment, all privileges. RA SINGLE furnished room, BIRTHS stove and| = Pearl who. paseed 'away mother, Eva Pea pa away DIEMER --- Egon and Margaret (nee May 25, 1950. Hi to us is a McAfee) are happy to announce the er With which we will never part Though God has her in his keeping We have her in our hearts. ~Always remembered by the family. MASON ~ In loving memory of a arrival of a daughter, Cristal Ann, 6 Ibs, ozs, on Tuesday, May 24, 1960, at Oshawa General Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. Ross. aS ray ~ Bob and Gennle are to announce the birth of their ter Karen Elizabeth, on Monday, May 23, 1960, at the Oshawa General Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. Anderson. SUTTON ~ Donald and Phyllis Sut- ton are pleased to announce the birth], i assed away May 25, 1956. sadly Missed by son Charlie and family. SHAW ~ In loving memory of a dear dear mother Elizabeth J. Mason Wie WHITTLE ~ I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for Centra) Street the many acts of of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received during my bereavement the death of my dear wife. =Arthur Whittle, |44--Houses, Apts, Flats For Rent in (able, Apply 242 Court Street. THUEE large unfurnished basement apartment, three - piece bath, private entrance, parking space. RA 5-1371, 421 Riageway Avenue. TWO room furnished apartment, sink in kitchen, centrally located, reason- TWO furnished rooms, with kitchen, suitaile for two. RA 8-1127. 378 King est. LARGE, bright furnished room and m tre. Dial 8-0028 between 5 and 8 PRIVATE apartment, three rooms, four - piece bath, washer, aerial, park- ing, $80 monthly, adult., near Shopping Centre, 212 Stevenson Road South, and of a daughter, Janet Lenore, on Mon. : (Sandy) Shaw, "who passed away May day, May 23, 1960 at the Oshawa Gen. of 5 al Hospital. A sister for Carol and "spinoiy garewell you fell atlaep, a. faving Memories for. 10 i a: WILBUR -- Frank and Irene (nee n our hearts youll always stay, Loved and remembered every day. Palmer) are happy to Ye missed by daughter CNSY little flat, three rooms and bal 3 private entrance, heavy duty Poasersion June 1, RA 3-3078. THREE - room basement apartment, pr'vate entrance, immediate posses. sion, Call RA 8-1114 after 4 p.m. Brad Franiiin, arrival of their son, won.» w Don, and grandchildren at the Oshawa Bobbi. on Sunday, May 22nd, General Hospital. A brother for Susan|D080% Bev. Pat nd and Brian. AW = In loving memory of a father Alex (Sandy) Shaw who passed away May 25, 19051, Deep in the heart 'les a picture Of a loved one laid to rest. In memory's frame I shall keep it Bécause_he was one of the best. CHURCHLEY, David Ross -- Sudden. --Ever remembered by his daughter ly at Calgary, Alberta, on Monday, Grace, sondnlaw Tom and grand! May 23, 1960 David Ross, infant son of daughter Nancy. Dr. and Mrs, Frank E. Churchley,| grandson of Mr. and Mrs, C. Church.| SHAY = ob Jovitg wm: ny v lo My, Law Street Oshawa, Shaw who passed away May 25, Dear grandfather, you are not for- gotten memory of a (Sandy) ELLIOTT, Elwood R. (Doc) -- At] the Oshawa General Hos ital on Tues-| ay 24, 1960, Elwood Robert Though on earth you are no more; .,) Elliott of 127 Pine Street, Whit: | Still in memory you are with us by, beloved husband of Olla Fretter,| As you always were before. dear father of Howard of Whitby, dear --Ever remembered by Alex and Violet son of Mr. Robert Elliott of Owen sound and the late Agnes Hutchinson,| SHAW = In loving memory of my brother of Albert and Osborne of Owen dear husband, Alex (Sandy) §haw, who spe passed away May 25, 1951. Sound, William of Detroit, Michigan. oT iE Those whom we love go out of sight Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whithy, for service in the| But never out of mind; They are cherished in the hearts CENTRAL, furnished four-room apart. mént, private bath. RA 83-5016 after 6.30 THREE-room heated apartment, cen- |tral location, Bowmanville. Phone MA 3.3573. 440--Rooms For Rent ATTRACTIVE, furnished bedroom, in quiet, private home, central, gentleman, RA 3-2454, p.m, MODERN seven - room two « storey Rome. centrally located, vacant June , $100 monthly, Call RA 85145. Eve- ky RA 3-724, LARGE room for one or two gentle: men or ladles, cooking privileges. Ap- ply 66 Wi drren Avenue. 1HREE - room, s~f - contained avart- {ment, immediate possessi oie. Shop- ping Centre al and bus, R {81 - room hou 1051, [available immediately. Phone. "RA 5:4923 7 | large room unfurnished apa +- (Tk ) Apply heavy wiring, adults. Cs dita South. |SUBLET two-bedroom apartment for {June and July. Call RA 5-2161 or RA | 8:5707. JOASTLE, fully modern, heated apartment, $15 monthly. 9, Bowmanville. MODERN three room apartment, ground floor, near North Simcoe School, iN THREE unfurnished rooms, adults, pri. vate Jinn, Shetaivers, reasonable, cen- tral, 1607, ™WO wall housekeeping rooms for adults, heat, light and water included, $35 per month. Apply 500 Drew Street. : TWO large unfurnished rooms, all con- veniences, south of Geneva Park. RA 86598. :| FURNISHED room, central, suit gen: , Telephone RA 3-0225. tor, very central. Apply 96) kitchen, close to shopping cen-| Pm. 40 KING ST. E. RA 8-6246 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED DIAL RA 8-4678 OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS New Store and apartment in modern new Shopping Centre -- Stone front, modern throughout. 20' x 50° store plus 20' x 50' apartment complete for $16,500.00, Contact this office for further particulars. NORTH SECTION -- Beautiful location,, large lot, ronch style with attached garage, 6 rooms, mahogony trim and ceramic tiled bathroom. A real buy ot $20,000.00 with $7,000.00 down. $1,920.00 DOWN -- Only 2 left of the modern 6-room bun- galows with walk-out basements on beautiful ravine lots. Pane oramic sashless windows with storms and scerens, ceramic tiled bathroom walls and floors, large kitchen with plenty of eating space, hood ond fan, dinette off living room. $13,470.00 with $1,920.00 down. SIMCOE ST, -- Exceptional value, 3-bedroom bungalow with attached garage plus 3-room apartment in basement with sep- RA 3-2512 or MO 8-5765 TOOM for vent, for young gentleman. one RA 5-3309 between 10 a.m, and 30 p.m. men, cloce to Shopping Centre. Apply 63 Grenfell Street ONE room and Kitchen, private a front and back entrance. Apply 27 Park Rd. South, ONE furnished bedroom, gentleman preferred, close to Noyth GM, hospital. | TWO furnished rooms for two gentle arate bathroom. Broadloom in living rom, tiled bathroom walls. Just listed ot $14,200.00. HIGHLAND AVE. -- 5.room, 2-bedroom bungalow in immacu- late condition inside and out, aluminum storms and screens, oil heating, nice dining room -- $12,000.00. . | After 5:30 Call WES ELLIOTT, RA 8-4678 LLOYD METCALF, RA 5-6983 MARION DREW, RA 5-7610 EVERETT ELLIOTT, RA 3-9290 JOE MAGA, RA 5-9191 DICK BARRIAGE, RA 5-6243 Taylor Road, Oshawa, Ont. RA 8-6475 FREE ESTIMATES LOTS LOTS LOTS Kaiser Crescent 70 x 150 -- Sewer and water Ballard Sst. 50 x 130 -- Sewer and water -- $1,450. Scott Rd. 75 x 330 -- $2,000 Westwood Subdivision 125 x 150 -- $1,950 Glover's. Road 110 x 150 -- $1,900 Homes -- 2-storey and bun- golows urgently needed. Please contact this office. Stephen MACKO $1800 ONE 6% MORTGAGE Newly decorated, one year old bungalow, completely , landscaped and _ fenced. Ranch style six rooms, Walkout basement. Alumin- um storms and creens. Wone derful value. Many extras. A beautiful home. All conven iences. RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. HEIGHTS The 1960 trend is for custom built homes ond we gre following this with a variety of 1 rr to the discriminate buyer, Featuring the exclusive Red- wood kifchane with built-in stove ond ov: Priced or "13,500 with $2,000 down, JAMES O'MALLEY Contractor RA 3-7122 A. J. SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE WHITBY MO 8-3337 APARTMENT SITES available in 10 ond 12 Choice sites WHITBY for 9, suites, also suitable for bachelor apartments. These sites ore located behind Whitby's newest Shopping Centre. Easy terms available on the lots and financing CRESTWOOD, HEIGHTS. Pive-room N.H.A, brick ven. eer, featuring redwood kit- chen, ceramic tile bathroom with vanity, storms, iron rail- ing on porch. Many extras. Price $13,790., down $2. 479. JAMES O'MALLEY CONTRACTOR RA 3-7122 LLOYD REALTY RA 55679 before 3 pm, 278 Jarvis| | Street, THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable for couple, heat, light and water in- cluded. RA 5-1454. chapel on Friday, May 27 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Osh- awa, Minister the Rev. J. Smith. A B8-0445. THREE unfurnished newly decorated s rooms, private entrance, quite central, | Immedia . Phone RA 5-5898 THREE-r0 irnished apartment, * [business couple, hp only, heavy wir- CLEAN, ¢ quiet rooms, ng, heated, central. RA 5-2817 after month, two - room apartment, 6.30 p.m. __|or unfurnished, 174 Church Street. WELLS -- In loving memory of a AVAILABLE June 1, tv room bun dear sister, Gwen, who passed away galow with electric hot water tank. CENTRE May 25, 1950. |One child welcome, Telephone RA A tribute of love and remembranc 7416. 24-HOUR PHONE SERVICE Of a sister, one of the beat; PPER duplex apartment, four large RA 8-6555 eon that 'she missed on tea tiled kitchen and bathroom, May she find in God's garden of rest. separate entrance, new electric stove --Lovingly remembered by her sister, [And refrigerator, TV tower, laundry Marjorie, brother-in-law, Bill, and To0m, for couples only: i +e s children. I 9114 or RA 3.7202 for appointmen Must be seen to be appreciated. WELLS -- In loving memory of our | TWO furnished rooms for single gentle. darling daughter, Gwendolyn Mary, who man, in new house, cooking facilities, passed away May 25, 1950. | parking, close to Shopping Centre and Past her suffering, past her pain, | SGM. RA 81439. 76 Rosehill Boule: Seas hog edp for tears ate vain di ie who suffered is at » vi REDUCED rent, June, July, sub-let Gone to heaven with the blest. | Parkwood, two-bedroom apartment, ap- | LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER EXCELLENT LOCATION $2,500 DOWN Ranch style bungalow with large living room and natural fireplace, roomy kitchen, Basement partitioned for rec around, nicely decorated. reation room ond den com- plete with corport and large ISTOW & OLSEN WHITBY landscaped lot. For appojnt- REALTORS | ment to inspect call Irwin AGENTS FOR | $17,000 only for this lovely | Cryikshanks at RA 8-5123. ranch-style bungalow with BEAU VALLEY HOMES attached goroge, Lishoped $5,000 DOWN BY living-dining room, 3 bed- BUYS 5.SUITE APT. H. KASSINGER' 9-year-old TE rooms, tiled bath, beautifully decorated and landscaped, ping centre, all 5 suites rents CONSTRUCTION LTD. Don't pass this invest JUST FACTS Of those they left behind. Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of days. Sincere and true in.heart and mind Beautiful memories he left behind --~Ever remembered by his loving wife, Agnes, available for the apartments. Call now while they lost. AJAX $7,500 full price buys this lorge 4-room bungalow with modern kitchen ond bath- room, storms and screens all Realtor 187 KING ST. EAST RA 8-4661 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING 5, by week or partly Quality Homes by JAMES ALLEN 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOMES FEATURING: Ravine lots with walkout basement. (Quantity limited.) Elev- ated balcony across back of house, oak and vinyl floars, pon- oramic sliding windows, storms and screens, Hollywood kitchen and mahogany cupboards, double stainless steel sink, ceramic tile bathroom with vanity. Many other features normally found in a house of this calibre. DOWN PAYMENT $1,883. ONE lovely room for gentleman, in pri- vate home. Apply 444 Fernhill iva. | RA 3.7070. Tene ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail. able in private home, 82 Park Road North, 57 p.m, RA 68-8671, BED - sitting room with light house. keeping, close to hospital and down- town, suitable for lady. RA 5-5228. AT 21 Colborne Sireet West, single furnished bedroom, use of kitchen if desired. Young gentleman preferred. RA 34 ROOM for rent, a gentleman, pri- vate qulet home, parking. 308 Elgin West or phone RA 5.7854. ONE comfortuble furnished light house. OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all types. 1435 KING ST. E. ousiness storms and screens all around, awnings, venetian blinds. ment up. Phone Bill Millar ot RA 8.5123. Ph. RA 8- 311 n or RA 8- 8876 pkoviagly remembered by Mom and GERROW FUNERAL WELLS -- In loving memory of our sister, Gwendolyn Mary, who passed away May 25, 1950. plances, lease available. RA 5-2161 or) |RA_s-5787. |TWO + bedroom, ultra modern apart- ment, near Shopping Centre, electric- | keeping room. Apply after 6 pm. a { Ontario Street, LARGE bed . keeping privileges if preferred ally equipped. Apply Metro Apart ment, Apt. 4, 208 Cromwell, gentleman, h./ private home, 514. sitting room, light house- from central, FULL PRICE$13,500 Lo Salle Ave., a five-room, two-bedroom brick bungalow for only $10,700. Modern kitchen, spacious living OSHAWA $1,000 full down payment and move into this lovely 5- room bungalow with 3 bed- Lloyd Realty Ltd. Reoltors RA 8-5123 -- RA 8.5124 RA 8.5125 101 Simcoe St. CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST Dial RA 3-7. a TWO fully re rooms, ground floor or bachelor apartment at 106 Wil- liam Street West. Immediate posses. sion, Private entrance and bath, refrig. erator, hot and cold water, sink, Apply in person or phone RA 35-8384. COMFORTABLE, clean room for fined 1 spring mattress, huge closet, very central, parking. 114 Elgin Street East. RA 3.9767. Wonderful memories of one so dear eet Are treasured still with a love FOUR - room apartment, private bath, sincere. stainless steel sink, heavy duty wir. Still in" our hearts she is living yet, ing, private entrance. RA 81723 after For we loved her too dearly to ever 5 p.m orget. |THREE or four room apartment, 0yinay remembered b by Joe, Win, heavy wiring, private bath, cupboards , and sink in kitchen, near hospital and North GM, RA 3-3177. MODERN two - room apartment for rent, no children. Call RA 3-2233 or after § RA 3 ished rooms and extra large liv- ing room and kitchen. Alumi= num storms and screens, Car- ried for $85.00 monthly, $11,800 full price. For in- formation on this and the above, call Sam Blower, even- ings, WH 2-2154, D. W. WILSON LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 CUSTOM HOMES by W. E. ROTH room, separate dining room and four-piece bath. Many extras included such as storms, screens, venetion blinds, oil furnace, new wa- ter tank and nicely land- scaped lot. Down payment $6,600 with balance at 42%. Be sure to see this OSHAWA'S BUI, REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS * re. WHITBY CLASSIFIED UNFURNISHED ri "apartment, self-contained, attractive, reasonable. ROOM and board for 901 'Walnut Street. A gentleman at | Wott, and board for gentleman at 901|5- 1356. |ONE large furnished room and kitchen, only, near South GM. RA FOR RENT --- Completely furnished FOR SALE --- Westinghouse electric |suit couple. Also single furnished room private entrance, apartment, Apply 1121 (tage. Phone MO bath, heavy duty stove. private stove (ivory), suitable for summer cot- for gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street 8.3493 after six. au Dundas Street East. MO 83692. No children. | BUNGALOW, $10,500, three bedrooms, | ot he heating, garage, corner lot. MO! GARDEN work with 15 HP . roto Contact Len Crowder, 305 FR Street, Whitby. SODDING and landscaping, rototilling. Free estimates. Call WH 2.5134, Ajax, after 4.30. POR RENT -- Onebedroom apart: ment, self contained. 610 Dundas Street West. LOST -- "Trixie", brown, toy terrier. Panty heartbroken. Please call MO Sout! LOST -- Trixie, amily heart broken. brown toy "terrier, FOR SALE Please call MO door, adlo, no offer refused. Apply 1009 Centre Street South, Whitby. MO 8-4440. EXPERT ro'otilling for gavions "and lawns. Don't call unless you want the best. Dick .Devnich Phone MO 8-2614. FOR SALE -- Rotten manure or com- post, odorless and weedless for flow- ers, shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone MO 84514 CREME cold wave, $6.95 includes style- style- cut, oil shampoo and set. MO 8-5124 for appointment. HOME owners, shingling, siding, in- stallations, eavestroughing, Phil Harper, MO 8.4558 EMPLOYMENT wanted--For .all your garden work, plowing, rototilling and landscaping or clean up jobs. It can't be too small. Call MO 8-4880 or MO 8-3937 APARTMENT for rent. four large | rooms unfurnished, refrigerator and |j stove supplies. Private entrance. Apply 231 Palace Street ROTO-tilling done by experienced gar- rates. Ti --'56 Fairlane Ford, two |g r Son RENT Apartment, ground | floor quiet, one bedroom, large living: room, kitchen with stove, bathroom, | hot yter supplied. Private entrance. MO 8-243! HOUS SWORE in | Whitby "for three days a week Call 1 MO 8-2466. FOR RENT -- Three rooms, self con- tained apartment. Phone MO 8-2776. BOOKCASES, china cabinets, end choose from. Midtown Furniture, nm Brock North, 8-498! FOSKETT -- For shingling, | Siding, | » decorating Free estimates, cash or finance plan, | all workmanship and material guaran teed. A. Foskett and Sons, MO 8.2341; 8-4558. ROOM and board wanted for nine. __ | year- old boy, near King Street school. Telephone MO 8-4340. FOUR - room apartment, "newly decor ated, . spacious yard, central location, $65 monthly includes lights and water. Arvly Eric Johannson. MO 8-4494 Whit. y. dener MO 38-3870. LIVE poultry also feathers wanted Highe market prices pald Jake Parker, 8-3644 collect NEW office space in'Whitby. 800 sq ft 3 Barking lot facilities Fal HOUSE and bungalow wanted. Good down payments W MeAuley Realtor MO 83231. Oshawa RA 3.2512 _ |SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary ,| way, new tanks installed Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, phone MO S258 ONF unfurnished room for rent. Phone '----- MO oi -4487 or apply 817 Brock Street bln {5-0303. ALBERT and Elena streets -- seven:| tables, coffee tables, all styles. Lots to cxcellent condition. TWO bedroom apartment in apartment {building, Cedar and Thomas Streets. Modern, all conveniences, Available (now. RA 3.4368, sou TAREE oom rooms, sink in Kit ren Welcomed, $53 a month, Fi RA 8.5 vate entrance, fully equipped' + P kitchen, heavy wiring, TV aerial, busi-| central. ness couple preferred, very 209 Bond East, side door. TARGE four-room unfurnished s basement apartment, full bath, windows, on bus line, non drinkers. | Muet be se to school and shop 5 Bloor room house, clo. ping. Vacant, reasonable rent East /THREE.room apartment and bath, pri- TV outlet, on bus line, Available June 1. vate entrance, RA 8-1445 STORAGE SPACE Available Immediately 3 separate warehouses, each 12,000 sq. ft., in Ajax, Ont. DUFFINS CREEK ESTATE LTD. AJAX, ONT. WHitehall 2-2550 ME being for club -- varied activities, Club room and lawn space available. For information write Box 608 Oshawa Times. SPECIAL. new Kelvinator deep freezes from only $279.95. For special prices on ranges, fridges, washers and dry ers, contact Mid Town Furniture, The Newest Appliance Dealer in Whitby. MO 8-4981 or MO 8-5740. GRAVEL Cement Gravel -- Driveway Gravel coarse or fine -- also fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. noon. ERIC. C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter MO 3731; evenings, MO 8.4003 Feb i MODERN QUIET APARTMENT EXCELLENT LOCATION APPLY 105 Craydon Rd. Apt. 2 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY 28, 1960 Household furniture, consist. ing of bedroom suites, rugs, tables ond garden tools, etc. The property of Mr. Allan Colwill, of 224 Brock St. N., Whitby, 1:30 p:m. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally lo- cated in downtown area. Moderate rent. Leases now available. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 Auctioneer: Loyal Pogue, ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS Reserve your holiday equip. ment now, outboard motors, bca.s, car tops, canoes, boat trailers, cabin trailers, tents, oll camping equipment. SALE ENDS THIS WEEKEND MEN'S ALL WOOL WORSTED SUITS Sizes 36 to 46. Regular Price $59.50 SALE PRICE $45.00 We also rent Lawn and garden equipment, power tools, cement mixers, etc. WILDE RENTALS SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E MO 8-3226 MERCANTILE [PEPARTMENT STORE| WHITBY, ONT. | PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING ST. DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION Quiet, residential street. Children welcome 1 & 2.-bedroom Apartments, Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, drapes, parking, etc Rents from $85 monthly room Eat "bungalow apart- | semi-| large seen to be appreciated. RA: 45--Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE Executive custom ranch-style home, excellent matured treed location in Whitby. Spacious living area with - fireplace, three bedrooms, divided base ment, double garage, many extras including twin win- dows. Apply: Owner, MO 8.3127. OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. President -- Reg. Aker Vice-President--Bill McFeeters FAMILY HOME 1,600 SQ. FT. Just 6 years old, this beauti- ful 2-storey home. Located off Harmony Rd. North on a large landscaped lot with plenty of shrubs and hedged. All rooms extra large,, living room 13 x 20 with fireplace. Lovely dining room with glass doors opening onto patio. Kitchen ond bedrooms all extra large. Truly a lovely home, price just reduced to $17,900, for top value see this home. Call Henry Stin- son, evenings RA 5-0243, XTRA GOOD VALUE| Cosy 5-room bungalow, con- sisting of 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and 4-pc. tiled bath. Forced hot air oil heat- ing. Recreation room with bar. Private drive to a large size garage. 442% mort- gage. Bus service every 20 minutes, shopping 3 blocks. Call Don Stradeski, evenings RA 8-8423, EXECUTIVE HOME 8-room brick, 2Vs-storey home with 2-car garage, lo- cated on a quiet resid al street off Simcoe St. North, This beautifully appointed home is in first class condi- tion throughout. Features in- clude: 4 bedrooms, den with fireplace, shining oak floors, natural fireplace in living room, modern 4-pc. bath, plus extra stool in basement, hot water oil heating. Grounds are nicely land- scaped with trees and shrubs. For _ appointment call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5.1726. LAW STREET 1 yeor old, 6-room brick ranch style bungalow with 2-car garage. Large bright kitchen, 3 qood cize bed- rooms, 1 4-pc. ond 1 2-pc. both plus extra stool in bose- ment. Large completely fin- ished rec room with bar and built-in sink, Aluminum storms and screens, call Russ Reeve, evenings RA 5-4840 to see this home Modern 3-Bedroom Brick Homes Check these Features Built-in bookcase; mahogany kitchen cupboards; double stain- less steel sink; 4 pc. ceramic tile bath with mirror over vonity; natural trim; oak and vinyl tile floors; divided basement; wired for dryer; sodded lawn; double sliding windows with storms and screens; 2 aluminum storm doors, Choice of colour. Brick, roof, paint, tile, arborite. DOWN PAYMENT--$1,500 FULL PRICE $13,790 D. W. WILSON LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 CUSTOM HOMES By S. GUJDA, BUILDER Modern 3 Bedroom Brick Homes CHECK THESE FEATURES: MAHOGANY KITCHEN CUPBOARDS DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINK 4.PCE. CERAMIC TILE BATH WITH MIRROR OVER VANITY NATURAL TRIM OAK AND VINYL TILE FLOORS DIVIDED BASEMENT SODDED LAWN DOUBLE SLIDING WINDOWS WITH STORMS AND SCREENS 2 ALUMINUM STORM DOORS CHOICE OF COLOUR--BRICK, ROOF PAINT, TILE, ARBORITE LOOK AT THIS BUILT-IN STOVE AND OVEN FREE KITCHEN FAN AND DOOR BELL ON ATHABASKA -- EAST AREA 1050 SQUARE FEET 50 FOOT FRONTAGE DOWN PAYMENT $1545 FULL PRICE $13,835 If you look for large homes we have lots north west area For more information call John Bolahood Real Estate at RA 5-6544 or Builder at RA 5-9839 H. COLDSTEIN | REAL ESTATE BROKER 31 BOND STREET EAST RA 8-5161 FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW, DOWN $500.00 DOWN Located in north end of the city, and ready to be moved into. Close to schools, shopping, churches and bus service. A real buy so hurry on this one, N.H.A. RESALE SUNSET AVE. Bungalow with five lovely rooms, and garage. Completely decorated and landscaped. Possession the end of June. Moder- ately priced for a quick sale BUNGALOW TWO YEARS OLD -- $800.00 DOWN Five rooms with three bedrooms. Very modern and cozy. 4 piece bath, with hardwood floors throughout, Oil heating and a spa- cious basement. You can have possession in a short while. DOWN $900.00 DOWN Bark brick bungalow with a finished recreation room. Fenced in hack yard and also has brick barbeque, This is a privately built home, and has all natural finishing inside. Five rooms, ond is priced right CALL TO SEE OUR MGDEL HOMES IN BRAEMOR GARDENS List Your Home With Us List Co-op through tihs office Member of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board PHONE RA 5.7272 RA §5-5787 RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 We will sell it the some day, as we have a long list of clients waiting AFTER 6 P.M. CALL: Som Goldstein RA 5-6782 Mike Dubyk RA 8-5690 } John Penicke RA 8-5161 Bert Pavton RA 8-516) bungalow before you buy, so call Ray for an inspection at RA 8.5107. LOCATED IN SUNSET HEIGHTS Choice north district spacious modern three-bedroom bun- galow, attractively decorated and well maintained. If you are looking for a fine home in a good location see us about this one. Owner is being transferred. Call Roy Flintoff at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3454 evenings. OSHAWA BLVD. N. Six-room, two-storey brick home in excellent condition throughout. - Garage, large lot, Listed at only $11,500 with $2,500 down. Please call Carl Olsen at RA 8-5108 or evenings RA 5-3412. 100 ACRES $5,500 is the full price for this farm close to Lake Scu- gog. Approximately 75 acres suitable for cultivating and 25 acres bush with large stream and spring-fed trout pond. Located on a good country road accessible all vear round. This is a real buy, so call now for appoint- ment. Call Ray ot RA 8-5107. N.HA. LOT in Crestwood Heights, all services prepaid. Call Carl Olsen at RA 8-5108 or even~ ings RA 5-3412. DO YOUR OWN FINANCING $9,800 is the full price for a six-room, one and a half storey brick home on Jarvis St. Large modern kitchen, separate dining room, living room dnd bedroom all on the first floor. Two large bed- rooms and bath up. This home is in very good condi- tion and nicely decorated. Seeing is believing so call now for an appointment. Call Ray at RA 5-6165 796 HORTOP A brand new six-room Mc- Cullough built bungalow with attached garage. All large rooms, tiled bathroom, land- scoped, N.H.A. mortgage ot only 69%. For inspection please call Carl Olsen at RA 8-5108 or evenings RA 5-3412, INCOME HOME Close to the Shopping Centre, a six-room, two-storey home with two self contained apartments. This home has separate entrances, two kit- chens and two bathrooms, with all the rooms a good size. Included in the price of $11,400 are two gas ranges, venetian blinds, gar- age ond nicely landscaped lot. Down payment $3,400. For appointment to inspect call Ray at RA 8-5108. Phone either office 19 Athol St. W.,, Oshawa RA 5.6165 209 Brock St. S., Whitby MO 8-5823 Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate A. J. SCHATZ Member Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board. HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 11 ONTARIO ST. RA 8-1679 HORTOP ST. $13,900 Five-room brick bungalow in spotless condition throughout, ond with oll the work done for you -- no landscaping or painting needed. Living room, full dining room: and two good-size bedrooms, nice modern kitchen, tiled 4-pc. bath, Excellent terms avoil- able to responsible buyer. BROOKSIDE ACRES Nearing completion, but still time left to have your own choice of brick, tiles, arbor- ites, etc. Three-bedroom bun- galow with attached garage, beautiful kitchen with built- in stove and oven, bropd- loomed living room ond sep- arate dining room. Stone planter, patio, storms and screens, sodded lawn, are among the many extras. Asking price $18,500 with excellent terms including in- terest rate of only 634%. For further information call this office. EXECUTIVE HOME $27,000 Modern three-bedroom home in spotless condition. Very lorge rooms throughout. Broadloomed dining and 1 y- ing room with gracious marble fireplace. Attached garage, asphalt drive, nicely landscaped, located in one of the best districts ir the city Over 1,800 sq. ft. Shown by appointment only. Exclusive listing. LAW ST. If you like the very latest in home design, we have the dream home you have been looking for. Ultra-modern kitchen with built-in stove and oven, adjacent to large family room. Huge living room with natural fireplace, two large bedrooms with bathrooms for each. Finished rec-room with fireplace, two patios, garage and carport, completely landscaped, close to schools and transportation. After H-urs Call-- Winston Bradley RA 3-2006 Charles Smith , . RA 8-8254 Horry Millen .. RA 3.2524 Wilson Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE pis RA 5-6588 PRESTIGE AREA $21,900. FULL PRICE This is your opportunity te purchase a beautiful 6-room ranch style bungalow with at- tached garoge. This home has everything you could de- sire, including a finished rec- reation room with bar, vanity type bathroom, ultra modern kitchen with built-in stove and oven. For appointment to view call today, OWNER TRANSFERRED $1 0 ' Five-room ranch bungalow, decorated and finished with natural trim and cupboards, Living room 19 x 15V5, kit- chen 19 x 12. Three lorge bedrooms, 4-piece tiled bath with vanity. Situated on quiet street. For further par- ticulars call today. Open Evenings ond All Day Saturday Ranch bungalow for sale. This is the nicest ranch bungalow | have had the pleasure of selling. House proper with garage is 60' long and 26° wide. Heating cost $130, toxes $237, walkout base- ment to rear garden, full cel- lar and fruit cellar. Alumin- um Louvre front and rear doors, Pierson windows, large lookout windows at front and rear of living room and large window in kitchen. Kitchen is modern with fon and mahogany cupboards, rench style fence under construc. tion, fully landscaped with lovely garden at rear of lot which is 822" wide x 2647 in depth, 3 piece cer- amic tile bathroom. Lots of cupboard space. You will. be happily convinced of the above description, when you inspect this country resi- dence. | can back up every- thing | say even to Price of $19,200. Phone today to be convinced and inspect. K. S. Donevan RA sd or even- ings RA 3-7313 Five Suite Apartments For Sale. Now under construction will be ready in about twé weeks, Sound-proofed, equip- ped with refrigerators and stoves and washing machine and dryer in basement for tenants use. For more infor- matipn and price, phone K. S. Donevan RA 8-6228 or RA 3-7313. Ralph H. Vickery REAL ESTATE 46 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA, ONT. (Continued om 'Page 18)

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