Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 May 1960, p. 2

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tueidey, Moy 24, 1960 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR "Everything From Soup To Nuts' Kaufax Gains His First One Hitter |" THE PREAKNESS is once again history for another year and across the border, where the "racing bug" is perhaps nc more virulent than here in Canada--it just happens there are a lot more victims--they're now talking up the Belmont Stakes, Bally. Ache was just about that to those who wagered on the favorite or for that matter, all those who had a ticket on any of the other five entries. E. P, Taylor's Victoria Park did even better on Saturday than in the Kentucky Derby, finish- ing second in the Preakness. If he improves one more notch--that"s it. Venetian Way, winner of the Kentucky Derby, made a good run of it with Bally Ache up until they hit the turn for the home stretch, then faded to finish a well-beaten fifth, Here at home, Anita's Son won the Swynford Stakes, big event at Old Woodbine yesterday afternoon, with over 25,000 fans on hand to watch the gee-gees gallop through the fog. Speaking of fog, not that there aren't dozens of other more interesting topics, it was a bit unusual and certainly disappointing to the fans who ex- pected to see Leafs and Rochester Wings play their doubleheader yesterday, to have the game blotted out by fog. The Buffalo-Toronto game at Maple Leaf Stadium was also fogged out, five minutes after they got started. As a matter of fact, the weatherman took a lot of mean swipes at major league baseball fans over the week-end. Oh several fronts, the games were marred by rain, in drizzles and showers that spoiled the action and made it uncomfortable for all concerned. Actually, there weren't many games actually called off but it took them several hours to play some of them. It seemed every time we took a look at the TV, all you could see was a bunch of groundskeepers, either removing or putting back a tarpaulin. OSHAWA MINOR Softball Association's Bantam and Midget Leagues will open their schedules, as plan- ned, one week from tomorrow evening, Wednesday, June 1st. All Kiwanis Bantam League teams and all Midget League teams are asked to send a delegate to Victor's Sports Store, 38 Bond Street West, tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, at 7:00 o'clock sharp. The pur- pose of this very short meeting is to 'pass out player certificates to each team and also to make the draw for "home grounds" in the opening games of the Bantam and Midget schedules. All team managers or represent- atives, are urged to attend this meeting tomorrow, at 7:00 p.m sharp. Every player must sign a certificate before he can participate in a league game. BRIGHT BITS: Oshawa Wilkinson's Juveniles back- ed up a nifty pitching performance by young Pete O'Connor to win their "home opener" in Leaside Junior League schedule action here Saturday afternoon but the 3-2 win was even more valuable than just any game, since they defeated Richardson's Sports, the 1959 Lea- sifle League Junior champs. O'Connor pitched 'a five- hiéter and fanned 11 batters. . . . RUGGER FANS, take ngte! Wigan defeated Wakefield Trinity 27-3 Saturday toswin the English Rugby League championship final. . m+ DETROIT TIGERS benched Rocky Colavito Mon- day. He's batting a lowly .161. Wonder if the Cleveland falls are still unhappy with Mr, Lane? ROCKET RICHARD is going fishing this week--to be alone and think over whether or not he will retire from hockey. He promised to let General Manager Frank Selke know his decision, within a week or so. . . . FLOYD PATTER- | League leading Pirates 1-0. By ED WILKS (ble by rookie Tommy Davis-- Associated Press Staff Writer who had been hitting .138. Roy Success has come slow of late Face finished for the Bucs. for Sandy Koufax. But when he's| Koufax, 24, now has 43 strike- sharp, Sandy's spectacular. outs for 38 2-3 innings this sea- And he never has been sharper son, good for third behind team- than he was Monday night, stop-|mate Don Drysdale (77) and Bob ping hot-hitting Pittsburgh with Friend (55) of the Pirates. He the first one-hitter of his major fanned Don Hoak end Bob Skin- {league career as the Los Angeles ner twice. Bob Clemente, the NL National | patting leader ¢.272), was among the other strikeout victims and It was Sandy's first victory was held hitless for only the third Dodgers defeated the |since he tied the major league time in the last 28 games. strikeout record of 18 in a 5-2] decision over San Francisco last GRIM DEFEAT : Aug. 31. He had lost six in a row| Cubs dealt reliever Bob Grim since then, four this season. a defeat in his first NL decision The bushy - browed lefty, a with Altman's second home run Brooklyn kid with speed and a of the season. Aiiman came on curve, struck out 10 and was per-|as a late-inning replacement for fect over the last 6 1-3 innings. |Walt Moryn, who had belted a It was the Pirates' first shutout |two-run homer in a four-run first of the year and trimmed their |off Cal McLish., lead over idle San Francisco to| The Reds hit four home runs, 90% Som Ed Bail nd im Brosnan, ey a LONG. CAVE Vada Pinson for @ 44 tie, and In the only other NL game, |g on squaring it 6-6 on Gus Bell's Chicago's Cubs beat Cincinnati |¢ vo in homer in the 12th, Ben 7-6 in 13 innings on George Alt-| yohnson (2-1) won it. man's home run. The Yankees, blowing a 3-1 Just one game was scheduled |jead, scored the winning run in in the American League and the |the ninth without a hit, Two | battling back on shots by reliever On Saturday, Cleveland beat Boston 6-1, Baltimore defeated Detroit "7-4 and Kansas City downed Washington 5-2. In the National League, Cincin- nati and St. Louis Cardinals split a Sunday doubleheader, the Reds losing the first game 5-4 and tak- ing the second 5-3. The Dodgers beat Philadelphia Phillies 9-6, Milwaukee Braves defeated the Cubs 3-1 and the Pirates edged the Giants 8-7 in 11 inni HOME OPENER Pete Connor, a young man who says what he means and then tirns around and does what he said, was the hero on Saturday afternoon when Wilkies beat Ri- chardson's Sports 3-2 at Alexan- dra Park, Before the start of the 1960 Leaside Junior Baseball League h , between the Oshawa The Braves picked up a 4-2 win over the Cubs Saturday. St. Louis edged Cincinnati 6-5 and the Giants beat the Pirates 3-1. The Dodgers and Phillies were rained out. Klu Back To Old Style, Leads AL. Wilkinson Juveniles and Toronto Wilkies Juveniles Edge '59 Champions off the 5th with a 'give single"| but was caught stealing. The rest) of the batters were retired in order. | seventh in which Wilkies scored | to first via a walk and Butch| Dowe followed with another walk. The rally was stopped momen- Richardson Juniors, the crew-cut tarily as Service whiffed captain batsman with Campbell This set the stage for the big|!® bolster their averages Cannon, hurler stated Wilkies could beat Reid, but Myron Mech, rifled a any team in the LBA with a few got to centre field scoring both clutch hitters, some solid pitching|odridge and Dowe to tie up the and Qetansive work, ' o contest. Connor had a chance f Prove, mhic ended Service's stay on himself when manager Jim Shaw the mound and starter Berbeck nominated the rookie hurler to| take the mound. He certainly had | his work cut out for him and many fans thought he had bit off| more than he could chew as he was facing the defending cham- pions Richardson's. However, this didn't appear to| bother him as he turned in nine| post to pitch to left-handed Ted | third. NEW YORK (AP)--Ted Klus-| zewski, recovering the form that| him a feared National complete and striking out 11. A Connor's statement almost 3-2 which eventually proved to be backfired in the first inning when |the winning tally. came back from his rightfield Totals Whiteley. He got him on an easy godridge, ¢ grounder which moved Mech to Dowe, ss Up stepped Ronnie Bell, who| whitcie failed to hit in five official trips|Bell. if to the plate this season. Bell sin-| ik: 2 innings, walking four|gled sharply over second base to|b. Reeson, cof |give Wilkies a one-run edge at Connor, p Bill Ezwicki Qualifies For U.S. Open Golf NEW YORK (CP)-Bill Ezin- {icki, former National Hockey League star, was one of more than 400 golfers who qualified Mech, Campbell and Lloyd each Monday in the first round of had two hits to be the game's top eliminations for the 60th U.S. and|Open golf championship. Mech each contributing doubles) puinicki's sparkling five-under- par 145 for 36 holes was one of idle next the bet'er performances by 2,480 Wilkies are until three times. Godridge started the Thursday, when they travel to entries in the regional qualifying ball rolling by getting a free trip|{Talbot Park, visiting Moore round held at a number of U.S. courses, | The qualifiers must take part in a second elimination round June 6 or 7. Drugs. RICHARDSON'S Sinclair, 2b 1b McEuan, If Campbell, ¢ Lloyd, 3b Norman, cf Whelan, ss Service, rf. a rris, Berbe®, RBI Ea PES OT 'Pick Weightlifters Represent Canada Olympic Games | QUEBEC (CP) -- Three Mont- |real weightlifters, all with pre- | vious experience in international competition, were chosen Satur- |day to represent Canada in the | Olympic Games. | Each lifted more than the | Olympic standard at the Cana- dian championships and Olympic P rf , of, cosoco~~oo® cocoon --sc® 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pp 2 w WILKINSON'S > WRN W RWW TE RBI Reid, Ib ch, of, rf y, 3b 2» on, rf wl ococcomomun » alocco~onconl wl 0 0 0 2 0 1 [] 0 0 3 Ble Totals |trials here. New York Yankees won il. walks, a wild pitch and a sac- | made sweeping a two-game series at Kansas City with a 4-3 decision. hitter Elston | League slugger, has taken over| the visitors scored twice. With the e American League batting lead |first two batters easily retired, Pete McEwan lined a rifice fly by pinch Howard did it against loser Ray th ! They are heavy- weights, Dave Baillie and Bill E |Swaluk and light . heavyweight | The contest itself was strictly a - Replaced Service in the 7th a pitchers' battle between Con-P + Replaced Wilkinson in the 8th nor, Berbeck and Service. Richardson's 00 0000 + 3 | Norm Larker and a two-out dou-'shortened to five innings by rain. The only hit off Koufax was a second inning single by losing pitcher Bennie Daniels, It came between a pair of walks that loaded the bases with two out, but Koufax escaped by getting Dick Groat to hit into a force out, Sandy walked six in the first 2 2-3 innings, then retired the fi- nal 19 men in order The Dodgers had four hits, all off Daniels (1-2), who gave way |0TS to a pinch-hitter in the seventh. | Daniels had a two-hit shutout un-| til the seventh, when he gave up|w 1 " the run on a leadoff: double by |Cleveland Indians 7-6 in a game ler Yankees took their sixth in a row from the A's, four this year. SOX LOSE TWICE league-leading Swicago White Sox Saturday. The White Sox dropped Sunday, 7-5 and 3-2, | big way--from one extreme to Rc another. Royals' Manager Loses Beard, But- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Red Wings was called off after Montreal Royals do things in a three innings because of fog. hester led 5-0 at the time. Even with Montreal's heroics, The Royals snapped a 14-game Herbert (2-2). Rookie John Gab-|with one of the most productive leftfielder (2-3) won in relief as the | one-week performances of his 13- sharp sin year 'career in the majors. | In six games covering 25 times | at bat last week, Kluszewski col- .|lected eight singles, four doubles however, in the run down between iioreq 3, The Yankees beat the Athletics|and two homers for 14 hits and a|second and first Bobby Reid, the 9.7 Sunday after losing 9-8 to the| 560 average. He also drove in 10 first baseman, dropped the ball, |runs and scored six times. ashing Se. id) The surge increased the Chi-|to first. This was the break Ri- hits in nine innings and the com- connor (W) two games to Washington Senat-| "white Sox first baseman's chardson's were waiting €or as pination of Berbeck and Service, Umpires {batting .mark from .308 to .406, Boston in third place at .358. GAIN FROM PIRATES Kluszewski, 35, was acquired from Pittsburgh last Aug. 25. He | helped the White Sox win their first pennant in 40 years and hit 1.391 in the world series Los Angeles. He batted | than .300 in seven of 10 seasons {with Cincinnati Reds, The league-leading Pirates dominate the Le Clemente rushed up to take the | lead, gaining eight points to .382. Pittsburgh National Buffalo first baseman Fred Hopke | Clemente, in third place a week Sfarte losing streak Sunday with a 19-8 stole the show with two home| ago had 12 hits in 29 tries victory over Buffalo Bisons in the runs in each game, raising his | Smoky Burgess, f I irst game of an International total to six, and went five-for-five League doubleheader. Then they in the nightcap, adding a double took a 12-5 lacing in the night- and two singles to his homers cap. The victory was the Royals' first in 10 home games and their 19 runs were the most by any team this season. Montreal gen- eral manage ern Dubois shaved for the first time since soon after the losing string began May 4.| ] r Dubois shed his growth at home real pitcher, was the winner and |-- plate between games. Havana Sugar Kings scored a 3-2, -10-inning victory over Ha- vana Sugar Kings when pitcher John Anderson wild-pitched the winning run across the plate. Columbus Jets won their fifth straight game with a 2-1 victory Joe Altobelli hit two for the Royals in the opener to raise his league-leading total 'to 10. Dick Sanders alse homered for the Royals in the opener, while Bill Taylor smacked his fourth for Buffalo. Bill Hunter 2-2), fourth Mont- |Ed Keegan (1-1) lost. Don Erick- | son (6-3) won the nightcap for | Ithe Bisons with a 10-hit perfor-| | mance and Bill Kunkel (2-3) lost. Singles by Dan Morejon and Larry Novak, plus a bases-filling walk to Jim Pendleton preceded |Anderson's decisive wild pitch. | Pittsburgh despite a 25-point drop to .354. Bob Skinner, Pirate outfielder, climbed from sixth to third posi- tion on a 14-point increase to 351. Willie Mays of San Francisco|were -- sports chairman Mr. their attacks were weak aroun | Giants, the leader a week ago,| Andrews: {tumbled into a tie for sixth place| py are hitting .341, Mays had only four hits in 22 times at bat last|Crowells and guest speaker, Mr, [the United week and lost 39 points. Rundle Park Fetes 'Pee Wee Team The members of the Rundle Park Pee Wee hockey team and their fathers were honored at a e batting race. Roberto] over Richmond Virginians. A|Howie Nunn, in relief, was g 4 le getting the game's {first hit. | Connor then tried to pick off McEwan at the gateway sack, |allowing the runner to get back clean-up batter Ted Campbell Detroit Tigers twice beat Bos-|He holds a comfortable margin lashed a double to centre-field, ton Red Sox Sunday, 6-2 and 5-2, [over runnerup Norm Cash of De- [scoring McEuan with the first hile Baltimore Orioles defeated |troit .359 and Pete Runnels of run. | Campbell scored later on John- |ny Lloyd's single. | These runs completed the scor- ing for Richardson's as Connor {worked a nifty two-hitter over the final eight frames and wasn't in against x : Eh ted 3 water from the first inning on higher [194 ater fri ing The Wilkies who gained few {hits in their first start against | People's Credit Jewellers, looked as if they weren't going to do |much better in this encounter. In the first six innings, Wilkies bad only two base-runners as r Marv Berbeck and reliever Johnny Service had faced the limited number of 18. | Cliff Godridge led off the first inning with a single however was picked off. Myron Mech started day Kickers defeated Hungaria TIGHT MATCH > lunder Berbeck was top man striking out 13 batters in the seven in- nings he worked; Connor had 11 in nine innings and Service regi- In all, the pitchers whiffed 27 batters. Connor allowed just five allowed four, i 3 | Mike Lipari. : | Lipari won the light - heavy- Bells Lefton base -- Wilkinson's 3, nv. Weight title with 9 pounds to chardson's 5; Double-plays --Whiteley | SPare over his closest rival, Mur- Wilkinson's 000 000 30x - 3 4 [to Reid: twobase hits -- Campbell, [ray Veno of Sudbury, He had a Mech; "Stolen Base--Whelan, Cannon; |combined lift of 870 pounds, 60 Sacrifice Bunt -- a above standard. Lipari was also 0 chosen the top weightlifter of the meet, Lyle |. Seventeen-year-old Aldo Roy of Jack | Sudbury won the lightweight title with a lift of 700 pounds. H ER R 30 1 1 31 3°23 B 80 Berbeck 13 Service (L) 9 2 53.0 41 Ab Barnes (Plate); Mcintyre (Bases); Scorer Fisher. Hungaria Gains Top In Weekend Action | Strila and Hollandia played in the first match on Saturday with Hollandia coming from behind in a tough game to win by 2-1, Strila had a very good defence the direction of Lupic at centre-half, but failed to capital- ize on the attack. Scoring for Hol- landia were Denhertog and Wes- terink, while Bolotin was the lone Strila marksman. In the second match on Satur- Taking a two-goal lead early injup with a tie at 2-2. There was the game the Polonia squad held no scoring in the first half and on to win, although Kickers came|a penalty gave Peterborough close sc veral times, but justitheir first goal from Hardie. could not capitalize. Strila tied the score on a goal The first goal came from a from W. Ihnatowych and took the mix-up in the Kickers' defence lead later on a shot from N. and Rawski got the second. The Ihnatowych, but the Petes tied strong Polonia squad seen last the score before the final whistle right may yet prove a threat for when Udo Hess scored on a beau- top honors tiful drive, The second discipline meeting is, scheduled for next Sunday coach and manager Morrison, Clements secretary, Mrs | Fred Etcher. Mr. Ethcer, who played for the side, giving the Petes the game and |by a score of 3-2, | Whitby Dunlops this year represented Canada at Squaw Valley, spoke to the boys, and hockey. He then showed films of his trip which delighted the young 4 Mr. Jerry Jack-|were the goal-getters for Kickers. with Bill White of St. Louis. Both nan: vice - president, Mr. Jim| At Peterborough on Saturday, After |and Payne while the Unite his speech he let the youngsters [goals ask him questions about the trip Syn. A very close game! |2.0. Hungaria play very well, but While Hollandia defeated Hun- | d garia in the second game 4-3, and Jockel|they had to do it the hard way with Hungaria playing all out displaying®nice soccer as they have in all their games, but they are still looking for a win in three starts, | i from a 2-0 deficit at half-time, Hungaria were able to /| "Scoring for UEW were Hardie|ti€ the game early in the second d period and the game see-sawed from Shand and|iom then on with Hollandia fin-| ally coming out on top. This was a very rough game with some robust tackling by both sides. Scorers for Hollandia morning, but so far this season the players have been on excep- {tionally good behavior, with no- one ordered off, The Council will also have a meeting when the suspension of J. Mosbauer will be reviewed and the United Club is scheduled to appear to straighten out their sponsor trouble. Thanks to some very hard work by the "work party" on Friday and Saturday the field |was cleared at the Stadium in time to accommodate games on Saturday and Monday. Several tons of mud was clear- ,|the goal. W. Sweet JUEW got a break when one of players scored the winning goal against his own ving came On Sunday afternoon at Alex- {andra Park in a very wet ses- |sion, the All-Stars defeated Italia |were Lamers, Westerink, Paas-|e {huis and Vesters, while for Hungaria were Kiss, Kamondy and Sebok, hockey players. |in a trial match by 3-0. Mr. Andrews presented the POLONIA UPSET team with crests on behalf off The games last night at the the Neighborhood Park. The play- Stadium were prose bin and hard banquet held in the club house on May 17. Among those at the head table d from the playing area, enough the goals tg allow playing, but even so, scored by the teams found it heavy going doubleheader at Toronto between winner. Woody Smith homered | eT : ; SON (apparently at the instigation of adviser 'Joe Gorgias rr May, | Louis) will not consent to Ruby Goldstein being the third man in the ring when he meets Ingemar Johans- son in their return title-bout next month. Louis says Gbldstein lost control of the first bout and that the referee didn't send Ingemar to a "neutral corner" every time he knocked Patterson down, as required by the rules. . . . DODGERS nipped Pirates 1-0 yesterday to. shave the Pittsburgh lead in the National League to otfly one game over Giants while the American League race continues a real sizzler. . . . JACK CHRISTIE, for yéars the secretary and efficient "work horse" of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association, along with Bill Han- ley, current OHA Secretary, are among the five men who will contest the post of secretary-manager of the CAHA, at the annual meeting, today in Sydney, N.S. Others seeking the top salaried job in Canadian amateur hockey, now vacant due to the recent death of George Dudley, are CAHA pres. Gordon Juckes of Melville, Sask., Bob LeBel, of Chambley, Quebec, past-pres. of CAHA and R. W. Alexander, of Winnipeg. BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS MONDAY American League {New York 030 000 001-- 4 7 1 Turley, Maas (6) Gabler (2-3) (7) Duren (9) and Brera; Her- bert (2-2) and Chiti. National League Chicago | Cincinnati | Anderson, Elston (7) Morehead |) Ellsworth (12) Johnson (2-1) [(12) and Taylor, Rice (1) Averill | (9); MeLish, Brosnan (1) Nuxhall (8) Grim (0-1) (13 and Bailey. HR: Chi-Moryn (2) Altman (2); CAHAR MEET Pick Dudley Successor (3) Bell (4). Los Angeles 000 000 100-- 1 Pittsburgh 000 000 000-- 0 Koufax (1-4) and Roseboro; International League Rocheter at Toronto (2) ppd fog. Buffalo Montreal 123 140 80x--19 17 Smith, Keegan (4) Phillips (5 {Surkont (6) Mason (7) Hacker (7 {and Lonnett. Birrer, Peranosk ( 400 000 000 002 1-- 7 13 0] Cin-Brosnan (1) Bailey (3) Pinson | 40 Woodeshick 12 (Grant 1-1) (N) Daniels (1-2) Face (8) and Smith. 001 160 000-- 8 10 3 | Saturday's Results |New York 8 Chicago 9 | Washington 2 Kansas City 5 | Baltimore 7 Detroit 4 Kansas City 100 002 000-- 3 7 0|Boston 1 Cleveland 6 Sunday's Results | Washington 7-3 Chicago 5-2 |New York 9 Kansas City 7 | Boston 2-2 Detroit 6-5 | | Baltimore 7 Cleveland 6 (first 5| innings, rain; second ppd, rain) | Today's Games (And Probable Pitchers) {Baltimore {Barber 3-1) at Chicago (Score 1-2) (N) | New York (Short 2-2) at Detroit (Moss 1-3) (N) Boston (Monbouquette 3-3) at Kansas City (Daley 3-2) (N) | Washington (Kralick 240 or| 10) at Cleveland | Wednesday's Games New York at Detroit Washington at Cleveland Baltimore at Chicago | Boston at Kansas City | National League W L Pet. GBL 657 .636 S77 500 .441 )| Pittsburgh -- )|San Francisco 2 ) | Milwaukee 1| Cincinnati 1 3 5% % | By DOUG HARKNESS Canadian Press Staff Writer SYDNEY (CP) -- With battle lines drawn, five candidates enter the race for the top job in Cana- dian amateur hockey here today. (5) Valdes (5) Hunter (6) and |Los Angeles |Teed. HR: Buf-Hopke 2 (4) Tay-|St. Louis lor (4); Mtl-Altobelli 2 (10) Sand- | Chicago .393 res (1). Philadelphia 21.364 Buffalo 136 011 0-12 14 0 Saturdays Results Montreal 001 004 0-- 5 10 1 Chicago 2 Milwaukee 4 Erickson and Lonnett; Kunkel, Cincinnati 5 St. Louis 6 secretary-manager more jurisdic- tion than ever before. The job would entail taking over the duties of registrar-treasurer, held by Hewitt for 39 years. Hewitt, father of Toronto sportscaster 424 8 8% 10 Los Angeles at Pittsburgh Chicago at Cincinnati Milwaukee at St. Louis International League W L Pe 15 7 68 Toronto Y Buffalo Havana Columbus Rochester Richmond Miami 364 9 Montreal 10 20 .333 9% Games behind based on Buffalo's won-lost record. Saturday's Results Rochester 5 Montreal 3 Columbus 1 Miami 0 Richmond 1 Havana 4 Buffalo at Toronto ppd, rain Sunday's Results 82 655 -- 586 2 .548 .500 412 3 y T% 8 |Richmond 4-4 Havana 1.7 {Columbus 8-14 Miami 7-1 Buffalo 20 Toronto 4-0 (Second suspended after 7 innings, cur- few) Rochester at Montreal (2) ppd, | rain Today's Games Rochester at Toronto (2-TN) | Buffalo at Montreal (N) Richmond at Columbus (N) Miami at Havana (N) | American Association Saturday's Results Minneapolis 0-2 Houston 3-11 St. Paul 2 Denver 1 Charleston 8 Dallas-Fort Worth 7 Louisville at Indianapolis ppd, rain t. GBL The successful candidate, to be ch the Canadian A Hockey Association executive, will succeed the late George Dud- ley of Midland, Ont., as secre- tary-manager of Canada's policy- making committee for amateur hockey ' Selection of the new secretary- manager will be the major issue on today's agenda as the CAHA gets down to serious business in its five-day annual meeting here. Committee meetings were held Monday after a short opening session. Speculation is that East will oppose West in a no-holds-barred battle for Dudley's position. The Ontario lawyer, who died May 8 of a heart attack, had held the The executive Monday what happens. port from man delegation of Pius BOWL \ for COOL SUMMER FUN IN AIR-CONDITIONED [qe] 1 Jol: 8) Hewitt, veteran CAHA registrar- treasurer. Leading candidate for the va- cant post is Gordon Juckes of Melville, Sask. paper publisher, who pressed his desire for the job. It probably will pay $6,500 plus ex- penses. Juckes is now completing his first of a two-year term as president of the CAHA. Other candidates are past pres- ident Bob LeBel of Chambley,| Telephone RA 3.2631 CAHA'S| EVERY WED. NIGHT 8 P.M. Foster Hewitt, is planning to re-| tire. y Pro-| Richmond posed the two jobs be combined, | Cotumbus but an amendment to the CAH constitution must be approved by Shantz: Ch the general assembly. Hewitt is on Shanti eney and Hall. expected to remain at his post Havana for another year regardless of Anderson and Green: Al Eastern officials feel that the secretary-manager should be a resident of either Quebec or On- Chicago tario, because of their central Baltimore position in Canada. Western dele- | Cleveland gates claim its time the secre-| New York tary4treasurer was a western na- | Detroit tive. The West is hoping for sup- Washington the Maritimes two- | Kansas City Cal- | Boston laghan of Charlottetown and Bart| -- Yerxa of Sussex, N.B. Both were non-committal Monday night. Oshawa Bowling Lanes Stevenson Rood & King St. W. f7<73 EXPERT INSTRUCTION Hoskins (3) Perranoski (7) and |San Francisco 3 Pittsburgh 1 Coleman. HR: Buff-Hopke 2 (6). Los Angeles at Philadelphia ppd, 000 000 001-- 3 3 0 rain 010 010 00x-- 2 4 Of Sunday's Results Bronstad, Kipp (6) Flowers (8) Cincinnati 4-5 St. Louis 5-3 Los Angeles 9 Philadelphia 6 001 001 000 0-- 2 6 1 San Francisco 7 Pittsburgh 8 010 000 100 1-- 3 8 0 Chicago 1 Milwaukee 3 Pena, Today's Games (And Probable Pitchers) Milwaukee (Buhl 2-2) at St. Louis Pct. GBL|(Sadecki 0-1) (N) 600 -- [Chicago (Cardwell 2-2) at Cincin- .581 % [nati (O'Toole 3-4) (N) 571 1 |Los Angeles (Podres 2-4) at Pitts .556 1% |burgh (Gibbon 8-1) (N) 481 3% [San Francisco (Jones 4-3) 429 5 Philadelphia (Roberts 1-4) (N) 387 612 Wednesday's Games 385 6 San Francisco at Philadelphia - Nunn (8) and Azcue American League L 2 at Sunday's Results Louisville 2-3 Indianapolis 4-0 | Minneapolis 9 Houston 1 {St. Paul 8-2 Denver 3-3 Charleston 3 Dallas-Fort Worth 2 Monday's Results Indianauolis 5 Dallas-Fort Worth 8 Houston 7 St. Paul 8 Louisville 4 Charleston 2 { Denver 9 Minneapolis 4 ers presented the coach with a gift, Venetian Way 'Better Horse? 'Belmont Test | CAMDEN, N.J. |Vie Sovinski said Monday Venet- {fan Way is a better horse than Bally Ache and will prove it in |days to come Venetian Way won the Ken- tucky Derby but Bally Ache led all the way 'in capturing the Preaknese« Saturday with Venet- ian Way fifth | Sovinski said that the mile and a half Belmont Stakes in New York next month would be the |real test. "Those who think Bally | Ache can lick Venetian Way by a icity block may have to swing |over after the Belmont." Sovinski now is readying Venet- ian Way for the $100,000 added Jersey Derby. The trainer, who after the Preakness said jockey Bill Hartack gave his charge a bad ride, s2id he didn't know who would get the assignment. Is Hartack definitely off the horse? he was asked. "1 wouldn't say yes and wouldn't say no," Sovinski re- plied. Then, he remarked, '"'Har- tack doesn't like to ride a sore | horse, does he?" | This was a crack at the jockey's {comment after the Preakness |that Venetian Way was sore, | Sovinski also took time to deny |vehemently stories which said | Venetian Way received butazoli- |din, a drug allowed in Kentucky {but banned by Maryland racing officials, The horse allegedly was Itreated for a sensitive knee cap. (AP)--Trainer v I on Saturday evening in the grassy ong with Polonia upsetting STRILA-UEW TIE creas where the silt is still fairly ickers in the first match by| In a very good match at Peter. deep: 2.0. ) (borough, UEW and Strila wound LEAGUE TABL Becerra Retains World Bantamweight Crown TOKYO (AP)--World bantam | weight champion Jose Becerra ¢ [Mexico gained a split decision |over Japan's Kenji Yonekvrs in| . 15 - round title bout telecast roughout Japan M~~"<v » had Yonekur , ] *kura ahead, 148 to 1 ed of shout 25,000 in the, For his second title ey: 0 seat Korakuen bas :all Becerra received a $50,000 guar- | Sia um sop the hard hitting antee, The 25-year-old Yonekura 3 mpion chase the retreating in his 11th professional fight, w s cl allanger throughout the fight. |8uaranteed only $2,000 ? at But Becerra, 24, w' ' of 40] Yonekura's record i |fights by pRockouts, didn't even pared to rs aa score a knockdvwn, It was his|lost- y | ighec : | Lg [osc log. Each weighed 11715 | | The broad shouldered cham-| "I ea : : sh cham-| "I can't understand why Yone- | [ion won Je Lispomd, division kuras second let him | [ \ ocking t Foz ¢|the ring when he has Alphonse Halim) in ig and he hand," said "dl ona mi down for the fulllkura w cha " 4 count again in their return bout!ghoyld or he hallenger 5 oe last February. title if he wanted it." ¥ ° [MACERONI'S VOTE DECIDES | Anthony Maceron', the presi || dent of the National Boxing Asso- |ciation, from Providence, R.I., cast the deciding ballot. He had E Boe Sm | Hollandia UEW Thistle Strila Italia Polonia Kickers | United Hungaria -- 3 2 COCO gg == Bono mo ue --- |Becerra the winner, 147 to 141 under the 10-point scoring Sys tem, Referee Ramon Berumen of | Mexico voted for Becerra, 146 to 142. Judge K. Toyama of Japan LyugoaaS ad» crew vanaad [ TT MOST HOT WATER at LOWEST COST with a NATURAL GAS RENTAL WATER HEATER OSHAWA Motor Raceway Taunton Rd. 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