Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 May 1960, p. 22

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t 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, May 24, 1960 Today's Stock Market Listings TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The C ress ansdisn P Toronto Stock Exchange--May (Quotations in cents unless ma: 2--0Odd lot, xd -- Exdividend, rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Stoek Abitibi Acad-Atl A Alta Dist Alta Gas 195 115 gEgange (331 = Brockville Brown Cal Pow Can Cem LEE LE SFETESF $20 $7% $50 $35% $11% Cdn Celan C Collieries C Curt W 8Y4 5 $25% $185 185 Cockshutt Col Cell Comb Ent Con Gas Con Gas B 235 $39 Creative Tel 2400 D Bridge 100 D Dairies 100 $10% 10% 10% $18% 18% 18% $l1% LU% u% - Net Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 460 $19% 19% 19% $814 8% 225 20 220 + $13% 13% 13% $138 13% 13% a1 a Mn 5 $102% 102% 102% i i caf EJ) irked §. xr--Ex- SERRE NERS FEF BE 38888, Lon Hos Lon Hos A Mass-F 1 Mass-F 5%p Mex LP Mid West Milt Brick Jor 985 $43% Star 57 wt Office Spec Ont Loan Overind pr Page Hers P¢mbina Pres Elect QN Gas Roe AV C Royal Bank Royal ris Stl, Corp Salada 8 Salada wis Shawin Simpsons Slater St Pav Stedman + % -_ +1% an wl $3 BYekEsy Stock Steel Can Steinbg A Stuart Off 11++ 8 Texaco Can 100 Tor-Dom Bk Fin A T Trans Mt REFERS wel SER + w » L t $3 i + + * EF » & Home Oil A HBOlG Mayfair NCO wis Pac Pete Pac Pete w Y 3% --% Sales High iow 11 $75% 75 Net a.m. Ch'ge 3 + % 26% 16% 7 25% 1" 41% Frobisher Geco Mines Geo Scien Giant YK on Toronto Exchange Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 260 260 WRESTLING TRIALS Ontario Stock Hasaga Headway Hoyle Sales High Low 11 s.m. Ch'ge 2000 15 15 15 3 30 » -2 320 320 320 + $46 - 46 $54 107 g3sks wEgk ubgh MONTREAL (CP)--The Cana- © pEgh¥ Irish Cop Iron Bay Iso J Waite Jacobus Jellicoe Jonsmith Kerr Add Kirk Min Labrador L Dufaulg L Shore Lamaque Latin Am Lorado Lorado wis Louvict Olympic trials concluded Satur- day with Ontario capturing ex" actly half the honors. Ontario grapplers won seven of the 14 titles in free-style and Greco-Roman wrestling and also claimed seven of the 14 runnerup S. Quebec won four championships and British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan one each. Free-style wrestling, in which §eve tasdsl) ww gSugiiade gerpBaBuenale = = ge gBaBue Se eebifsyegs lusdis I) » ++ + "a ES l & 3 HogruBEspenzoEusliins <B Baal - = NS dian wrestling championships and | Chosen Wins 7-14 Matches following the. free - style finals were Robert Steckle and Kurt Boese, both of Xitchener, and Ray Lougheed of Moose Jaw, Sask. Steckle, 20-year-old veteran who owns a big dairy farm just out- side Kitchener in ip with his fa'her, won the 191 ns A light-heavyweight title. It was the placed fourth In Greco-Wrestling seventh time in 11 years that he cluded: has won this championship. He . in the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne, Australia, and came second in the freestyle wrestling i 2 954 Empire Games in Vancouver. Gérman born Boese, 30, a plumber, won the 160% welter weight section end Youghe~', 75, a railway brakeman, won the 147% pounds lightweight title, ! Jim Trifunov of Winnipeg, chzirman of the wrestling divis- ' ..> Amateur Athletic Union |of Canada, said he will press the C~ ~~~ Olymnic Committee for additional members for the wrest- un aa, "We should be sending seven members," said Trifunov, who will act as team manager. rGeco Roman champions ine 147%: John Jansen, ig + Bruno Ochman, 'Sault Ste. Marie. Mz=cassa Macdon Malartie Martin Maitagami gEgeniissalising the combatants may use any part of the body, was staged Thurs- day and Friday and Greco-Roman aos CIES 13 95 95 95 $12% 12% 13 13 13 Mcintyre McWat Midrim Min-Ore Murray M New Alger N Dicken New Hosco New Jason N Mylama Noranda N Coldstrm v Rank 9 62 4 273 Ki] 6 $3888 nest wv - ° 53 53 83 $39 39% 39% 104 104 104 4 80 Opemiska Orchan Urenada 120% 120% 24% 24% 950 940 94 142 142 115 115 $31% 31% % T% 1 "a 6 23359 13 170 625 $17% 17 50 75 75 200 $10% 10% 10% + % 1500 19 19 19 Patiny wis Paymast Placer Portage Pronto Que Cop Que Lith C geizslals 1000 1475 500 675 500 7000 650 $91 91 91 | Lew Hayman Voices Ideas On AFL Invasion By JACK SULLIVAN Canadian Press Staff Writer Talk about an American Foot- ball League franchise settling in Toronto is leaving some people A FEW IFS The NFL? That's a switch, and it adds up. Of course, there are la few "ifs" attached to it. | If Toronto interests get a fran- cold. Even Lew Hayman refuses chise in the embryo AFL in 1961 to panic at the prospect. -- and this probably will be Lew isn't the excitable type, known in a couple of months-- but as managing director of the|the fight for the football dollar Big Four Toronto Argonauts, jt|in the city will be on. If Argo- fizures he should take a long, nauts lose out, their 33,000-seat hard look at the situation. Foot- stadium would become available. i al tter and,| 'Perhaps an NFL club might ball is fis DvS0 a bY find this x territory it would like to move in on," Hayman said. Argonauts' ace in the hole is that they hold a 10-year lease on the [Canadian National Exhibition Stadium, a park that could easily be enlarged to 40,000-45,- or more --entirely suitable to the NFL. The other football park in the city is the 27,300 - seat Varsity Stadium, a trifle small for a pro American club. And there is little lor no prospect of Varsity increas- |ing capacity. |T00 PRECARIOUS "For anything as doubtful as the American Footbéll League, I as a stockholder in Argonauts, his bank book--according to gos- sip--has a healthy look about it. "I am definitely not alarmed, although I am a little concerned about this situation," Hayman said in an interview last week. "If the AFL comes into Toronto in 1961, one club will have to go by the wayside, and I don't fore- see a Canadian team being knocked out of Toronto. . . . "But basically, it's up to the fans. They are the ones who will decide what game they want to see, Should they determine they prefer to watch the American game as played by Americans, then who is to say the N. Football League won't come in here?" ational [don't see why we should spend a half a million dollars or more to double-deck a stand," said Warren Stevens, athletic director at the University of Toronto. "Besides, I don't think we'd be allowed to increase capacity be- cause we'd be infringing on pri- vate property." Stevens said the university had been approached by Toronto in- terests gn the prospect of renting Varsity if they were successful in their AFL bid. "We're interested in renting it at our terms," Stevens said. One of these is that there is no Sun- day afternoon football such as is permitted at the CNE. "We've never had Sunday foot- ball at the stadium and I doubt very much if the university's |board of governors would allow it now. It would be a major change in policy and I'm sure they'll stick to the principle of no Sunday games," Stevens added. | The Toronto promoters inter-| ested in the AFL franchise prob-| ably kmow all about this, but ment. A. J. Bennett, the group's| spokesman, is in Bermuda until the end of May, his office in- |formed eallers. Bally Ache Wins Ii! Victoria Park Second GOLFING TIPS By ALEX MORRISON Teacher of Champions Set Ten New Swim Marks By THE CANADIAN PRESS Campbell, finished the women's Women swimmers performing] 400-yard medley relay in the rec- half a continent apart apparently ord time of 4:32.5. set 11 Canadian records Satur- Miss Stewart also set two rec- ay; Bk 3 souliet reduced the ords in the 13-14 age group, post- |ing 58.3 for the 100-yard freestyle In Vancouver, Katy Campbell and 26.8 for the 50-yard freestyle. churned through the senior| In London, 10-year-old Louise women's 400-yard freestyle event| Kennedy set marks of 44.1 and in 4:47.2, knocking 6.9 seconds off|38.2 respectively in the 50-yard the Canadian record held by Sara| breaststroke and 50-yard zack- Barber of Brantford. |stroke for girls aged 10 and un- But the record will never see der. | Golf challenges you to learn | important things about your- self along with the right way of striking the ball. WHAT DOES golf mean to you? This is a good question at the they weren't available for com-iheginning of a new year. When you began playing golf it seem- ed a most fascinating pastime. Soon you felt the compulsion to score better. This put you on the treadmill of constantly trying new clubs, different grips, stances and ways of swinging. HK you've been searching from one to 30 years chances are you're still on the same tread- mill. You haven't found a' com- pletely satisfactory playing technique and you're not scoring anywhere near as well as you the books as the 19-year-old Miss| The last record was also in ing championships at London, Barber, swimming in block D of the Ontario swimming and div- London by Wilma Mittelhamn |who captured the 100-yard free- |style event for girls 11-12 in a wrestling, where only the upper part of the body may be used, was held Saturday. PICKED FOR OLYMPICS Canada's three representatives for the Olympic games in Rome this summer were selected in the early hours of g Golf Balls Fail To Pass Tests NEW YORK (AP)--A spokes- man for the United States Golf Association said Friday several makes of golf balls failed to pass recent tests and can not be used in next week's qualifying rounds for the U.S. Open. Makes of the discredited balls were not given gut by the USGA, except that '"'one is a nationally known ball and others not quite as widely known." Sterling Slappey, assistant ex- ecutive USGA director, said balls could fail to qualify in various ways--by being too heavy or too light, by being too large or too small or by having too much flight, Slappey said the unidentified nationally known ball is used by many pros who are among the 48 l \ \ IM CRN N ling. Top dressed in spring, it protein content. players exempt from the qualify- ing tests next Monday and Tues- animals grazing sooner... gains and bigger milk cheques Del-Hi Spaulding time of 1:05.2. FREESTYLE RECORD |SWEEP FOR BARBER However, in the 40-yard free-| Miss Barber swept all three style Miss Campbell set a record Senior women's events at London. of 5:15.7. Another Canadian rec. Saturday, at Vancouver, Paul- ord went to her teammate Marge|in€ McCullagh of Montreal and a Iwasaki who posted a mark of Sextet from Quebec swept honors 1:03.5 in the 100-yard butterfly, |in the two-day Canadian synchro- Four other Canadian records Nized swimming championships. fell on the coast. Miss McCullagh, 22, a recent The women's 400-yard freestyle| McGill University graduate won team of Miss Iwasaki, Pam Wil-|the grand aggregate trophy. son, Miss Campbell and Mary In team competition, third place Stewart set a time of 3:59.9. [went to Ontario's John Innes The same team, with Carol Ann{Marlin Club, represented by Jay Morrow swimming for Miss|Rasing and Carolyn Jennings. Ont., sped through the event in 4:46.2. Towers Antennas ©® INSTALLED MOVED ® REPAIRED SERVICE TO ALL SETS LEN & LOU's T.V. RA 8.5804 -- RA 5.7844 « +» while you save on feeding costs! Ask your fertilizer dealer for Aero Urea. mn OTM. Reg'd. 0 A) s// \IW ie ae ui Th | UNL i mr |/ Dia = lll ll ¥ J Deep in high protein pasture up to 3 weeks ahead of schedule! New, active AERO UREA®* helps you grow lush, nutritious grass pasture . . . get your animals grazing profitably up to 3 weeks ahead of the normal time. Aero Urea is a 45% nitrogen fertilizer, prilled for easy hand. releases immediately available nitrogen to get the pasture off to a quick start--yith high Pasture is your cheapest feed. So let Aero Urea get your they make profitable weight FULL EFFICIENCY NITROGEN CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED This Product Available From MASTER FEEDS WHITE & SON COOPER SMITH CO. Anita's Son Cops YESTERDAY'S Swynford Stakes STARS TORONTO (CP)--Anita's Son, owned by Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Boylen of Toronto, won the $7,500 |882 1ydryrbyl monday's stars 24d {Sport P 12--Yesterday's Stars By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BP Your family will fove &P the Dart Station Wagon, Comes in 6- and 9-passenger oe) sizes, Sport P 12--BALLY ACHE lier. Venetian Way, the Derby|Fruchtman. Victoria Park Won should. Swynford Stakes before a Vic| Pitching: Sandy Koufax, Les Changes from play to a3 work in a flash, Great BALTIMORE (AP) -- Before Bally Ache gives the equine ver- sion of the laugh and claims three - year - old racing honors, the Preakness winner a few more finish lines to cross. The next stop for the bay colt, | who was second in the Kentucky Derby to Venetian Way, will be the $100,000 Hersey Stakes at(tou Garden State Park May 30. Then on to the $125,000 Belmont, last of the Triple Crown series, on June 11. he whipped by more in the Preakness Saturday. In addition, Tompion will be back in action after a short rest wit a chance to further complicate the three-year-old picture, Victoria Park, a Canadian-bred, was second to Bally Ache in the Preakness, one place better than its Derby showing two weeks ear- TOUGH GRIND Bally Ache moved into the front as soon as he got out of the gate and stayed there throughout the 1 1-16-mile race. But it was a gher grind for Victoria Park, who started as third betting choice behind Venetian Way and Bally Ache. The Canadian colt owned by E. P. Taylor of Toronto was in or| fifth place at the mile as the field |started into the stretch. Then jockey Tony DeSpirito moved him hiup into second, 1% lengths ahead edy |of Celtic Ash at the wire. | The win was worth $121,000 to {Bally Ache's new owners, a syndi- |cate headed by Joseph L. Arn- old who bought the colt for $1, {250,000 a week ago from Leonard winner and favorite in the Preak- ($30,000. ness, rambled home fifth in Sat- urday's field of six. Bally Ache paid $5.40 and $2.80 and Victoria Park returned $5.80. There was no third money. Venetian Way's loss knocked out any chance of a triple-crown winner in U.S. racing this year. And for the Belmont, Tompion complicates the picture, | Tompion was favored in the {Derby, but threw a shoe and {wound up fourth, His hoof was slightly damaged by a nail, so |Tompion sat out the Preakness. Joining Bally Ache, Venetian Way and Tompion in the 1% miles Jersey Derby will be Celtic {Ash third in the Preakness. Victoria Park, and Divine Com- fourth in the Preakness, |were shipped to Belmont, but {Horatio Luro, trainer of Victoria Park, noted that Garden State was just a short trip away--in- dicating he may start his colt in the Jersey Derby too. Bruce Castator 'Eager Beaver' Tourney Winner TORONTO (CP)--Bruce Cas- tator of Weston sank a 25-foot putt for a birdie two on the second |extra hole to win the Eager Beaver golf tournament in a playoff with Gary Cowan of Cedar Brae Sunday. Castator, now a three-time win- ner of the tournament, and Cowan, last year's champion, tied at the end of 18 holes with two over-par 72s on the Uplands golf | course. call or visit CANADIAN FOR FAST GUARANTEED * SAFETY GLASS INSTALLATION expert installavon by qualified mechanics permits CPI to guarantee all windshields against leakage for one full year [ prrrsBurGH 273 Simcoe St. S. ,Oshawe--RAndolph 5-3577-8 LANDER-STARK OIL LIMITED 43 King St. W. Oshewe | makes it easy for you to have a BRAND wr NEW LiL FURNACE 5 NO MUSS...NO FUSS NO INCONVENIENCE ...and 5 years to pay! Phone us for Why? You may claim that the game is too complicated and difficult or that it hasn't been taught properly. In this case the painful truth is, you haven't learned the right things about golf or yourself. Your performances. on the course are greatly influenced by your emotions instead of being governed by reason. By King Features Syndicaie Inc. Angeles Dodgers, ended losing toria Day erowd of 25,762 at Old), no": civ with one-hit, 140 de- Weodnine Moiay, ald ail SHOE isin aver Se Jeagie , aging Tyha Seco! Piltsbur, irates boy a distant third. | Hp ' 8 on third sixth races were| Hitting: George Altman, Chi- run under slightly hilarious cir- cago Cubs, beat Cincinnati Red- cumstances as the horses dis-|legs 7-6 with solo home run in |appeared into the fog at the club|the 13th. inning. house turn and couldn't be seen| wyITSTABLE, England (CP) again until they had turned into The wing of a wartime Spitfire the home stretch. |plane with two live rounds of Menantic won the $7,500 Star ammunition still in its guns was Shoot Stakes Saturday. hauled up in a fishing boat's net, [ fo Flight Lieutenant Hoover the Air outlined (a) (b) (ce) YOUNG MEN lo) (b) YOUNG an estimate RA 56-3589 LADIES (e) L Obtein complete information on career opportunities in "THERE'S A FUTURE FOR YOU IN AVIATION" ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE » OSHAWA ARMOURY on Wednesday, May 25th 11 AM. TO 6 P.M. RCAF Career. Counsellor Force o below. Aircrew training--Pilot or Observer Trades training in electronics, mechanical (aircraft and automotive) and clerical Employment for skilled or semi-skilled tradesmen such os; Radio operator, motor vehicle operator, motor vechicle mechanic, plumber, photographer, water and sanitation services operator, metal worker or firefighter, Employment for Registered Nurses as Commissioned Officers (pay $374 per month) Training in such trades as: fighter control operator, (supply, teletype, clerical, and Air Force police. Employment for skilled or semi-skilled applicants in one of 22 trades including clerk accounting, tailor, end Laboratory, medical or dental assistants, Seneca 4-Door Suburban all these fine-car features, and investment a family can make! 574 RITSON RD. S. 916 BROCK ST. N., 60DOD fun &® for everyone~inexpensive, @ tool Fun-packed and family-priced! a quality product of Chrysler Corporation Engineering with its bigger 122-inch wheelbase, Dart is still in the low-price field. It's the best (;EDART 3 GREAT SERIES -- SENECA - PIONEER PHOENIX Dart station wagons are not only good- looking, but extra strong and roomy (thanks to Unibody construction). They give you the latest features. One-piece tailgate. Roll-down rear window. Rear- facing "Observation Lounge", Yet with The new Dodge Six - Cylinder engineisslanted a full 30° to squeeze extra miles out of every gallon of gas. SEE YOUR LOCAL DODGE-DE SOTO DEALER ROBINSON MOTORS (OSHAWA) LTD. OSHAWA, ONTARIO McMAHON & ELMS MOTORS WHITBY, ONTARIO

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