Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 May 1960, p. 15

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TAKE TOP FESTIVAL AWARD HONORS J Pictured are the girls of St. tival in Peterborough recently, | tory Music Festival in Ajax. | Andrew's Senior School, Ajax, | This is a repeat performance by | Front row, from left to right who took top honors in the triple | the group, which took first | Beverley Walker, Lorai | EY z " class at the Kiwanis Music Fes- | class honors at the recent Ro- | McGinnis, Patricia Frost and 400 Attend ne Marlene West. Back row, Bar- bara Thompson, Priscilla ticjohn, Gayle Ge + Sheila Goslin and Valerie Wright Fog Causes (Canadian Alliance Elects President OTTAWA | | [$300 damage resulted from the 18 Weekend Accidents BOWMANVILLE -- There were more than 18 weekend accidents in this area. Nine of them were under $100 damage. More than other nine. Two cars were mvolved in a collision on Highway 401, at the Purbam County line, at 5 p.m., Monday. One car, driven by Rob- ert Alridge, of London, had an es- timated $400 damage, It had hihi highway guerd rails. The other car was driven by Dennis Pim-| mermann, of Oshawa. There was no damage to this car. There wés extensive damage to three cars involved in a collision on Highway 401, at the Highway 115 interchange. One car was driven by Thomas Davidson, Toronto. A second car was driven by John McIntosh, -Photo by John Mills Brantford, The driver of the| | third car was L. Patterson, of | Toronto. Traffic was heavy and slow {moving all weekend. Montreal Wins 2 Bridge Trophies OTTAWA (CP) -- Teams from Montreal won two of six cham pionships at the Easiern Canada- northeastern United States re- gional bridge tournament held here during the weekend. In open pairs competition, Al- words like swords, and bludgeons, reminiscent of lively times im long - likely will be deleted from the Canada { 1 Elections Act Wording Obsolete OTTAWA (CP)--Some archaic| staves past elections, the an; poll | "swords, staves and bludgeons" crease, fo $250 from $100, the " was made on the suggestion of court deposit that must made decided to use| Richard Bell (PC--Carleton), who|by candidates seeking a judicial s 'offensive weapons of said the law "app to have unt of ballots in a federal situation, [reached back into antiquity." lecti aw now provides a maxi-| He said the law, as changed, fine of $2,000 or a two-year still - would cover election day| Members of the United States persons found |"goon squads" armed with base- (cabinet are responsible solely to ons within a |ball bats. ithe president and may not speak Jolla wouh. Ir) The committee decided to in-lin Congress. mile gem | committee decided the hailf- should apply to every- A The A es i Elections Act. | commie deci NOW SHOWING The Commons elections com- miitee proposed their deletion Monday as being obsolete. But it will still be against the law for COLDS Sore Throat INSTANT RELIEF of Conodiom mothers. eo Penetrates Yost pain o Apply it worm --rub It in @ Nothing like ¥ for fost relief! DR. THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL lan Derby and Frances Tt of Montreal finished first, | Mr, and Mrs. Richard Edoey {of Kingston captured the mixed | pairs title, while Carl Lemvig of | JOANNE Mackin Woaowaro MARLON Brawoo MEMORIAL STADIUM FRI-SAT. MAY 27-28 "FRIDAY--4:15 & 8:15 SAT.--2:1588:15 24 BIG ACTS 24 OSHAWA SHRINE CLUB PROUDLY PRESENTS AND NOW THE SCREEN, IS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING! 3 Academy Award Winners Together On The Screen ADMISSION Adults 1.50 -- Children .75 For Ticket Information Phone RA 3-3518 or RA 5.7731 SHME, | Accidents AJAX (Staff) -- Fog was a con- , (CP)--Toronto bus-| yiawa was high in the individ-| nessman Gerard Godin was |, a1 classification. elected national presidnet of the ---- -- | Ready for "a big tim" ! CENTRE Ajax Service |all present that they must con- tributing factor in some of the tinue to grow in the faith and many traffic accidents in this Holy Trinity last Sunday morn-|suggested several ways in which|area over the weekend. ing for the Sacrament of Con-|to assure this. Regularity in| At 2.05 a.m. Saturday four per- firmation, Over 400 were present| church attendance and the Holy Sons were injured in a two-car to welcome the Lord Bishop of To- | Communion, in daily prayer and|collsion at Green River on High- ronto, the Rt. Rev. F. H. Wilk-|in service to the parish were all|way 7. inson. as he administered the] commended to the attention of his| Gerald Raymond Booth, RR 2 ancient ceremony of the laying] listeners. Proper stewardship of | Brampton and James Hoban, 53 on of hands to 43 candidates. For | the blessings which were their lot| Flamboro street, Toronto, were | | the past several months the rec-| was also named as essential | the drivers of the cars None of ( tor. the Rev. H. R. Perkins, had] Next Sunday will be observed the injuries was serious C been preparing the class for as Anniversary Sunday at Holy At 9.35 a.m. Saturday their new responsibilities as adult| Trinity. The special preacher sons in a car from Quebec members of the Anglican church. | both services will be the R e badly shaken up in a near In his sermon the Bishop re-| Morse Robinson, recently appoint- head on collision west of minded his congregation of Paul's | ed assistant secretary of the Mis-| Brougham on No. 7 highway words to Timothy when he adjur-|sionary Society of the Anglican| John Bennet, 92 Notre Dame, ed the younger man to "stir up | Church, Evensong will be Templeton, Quebec, on his the gift of God" which is the re-|tended by the Junior Auxi to see friends in Ontario sult of Confirmation. He warned | the Church Boys League, and sith his load of passengers was the confirmed group and, indeed, Knight Counsellors of the Cr n collision in the fog with a car A EC - - - driven by Williarn Arthur Trim of Linsmore Crescent, Toronio. One | driver suffered face cuts and pos- | sible broken ribs On Saturday evening, Raymond Derek Seger of 120 Elm street, Whitk was taken to the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital Yukon Morality Feared Too Low Ba rom WHITEHORSE, Yukon (CP)--|with this person for two or three|into a deep ditch. Seger is in| Welfare and government officials |years, until her beauty has de-|Satisfactory condition according are doing some soul-searching parted. In the meantime they|!o hospital 'reports. about reasons for what they de- make an undertaking to pay us| Of Monday evening a dense » seribe as low moral standards in| for the maintenance of the child|bank of fog rolled inland from | v the Yukon Territory. lor children, then change their | the lake and shordy after five, F. H. Collins, government-ap-[Dame. to Smith or Jones and| ors Were TERBIIeC 1% & Beves O| - AJAX A record number of people filled the Church of the ( sity speaking Canadian Alliance Monday. | Mr. Godin succeeds Msgr. as head and French - "anadians The closing session heard re-| alliance sections in Ottawa, Tor-| Winnipeg. | nine | About 100 delegates attended. ! from Montreal, Sudbury OES Juebec nto and [LEVELANDS HOUSE 22° { Sake Posi Wiskoka Ont Altitude 1000 fest SEASON: A distinguished fun-filled resort hotel in the fam Muskoka Lakes, Ontario's premier vacation land. Private beach, dancing, riding, gol, weanis, water skiing and other fun Only $57 w $84 weekly including delicious meals RESERVATIONS. Box T-4, Minett, Muskoke, Cen, or Your Travel Agent | y A us ision: ighway | pointed eommissioner of the ter-|toddie off to British Columbia, | got oo po Ee do ritory, says Yukon welfare pro- leaving us with the net result of) "g;erty damage was high, but . visions tend to subsidize loose this subsidy and never pay &|., one was injured. Traffic was o BVing : cent, : | tied up for some time while pro- | » Speaking at the spring session| Mrs. Moffatt said many of the}yincial police tried to sort out the| w of the territorial council, he|social problems concern girls|sioppages and have the battered | = ealled for a reappraisal of Yukon|Who are Indian or part Indian|cars towed away. ® morality and a re-examination of ad Who have little opportunity EE ,. » welfare ageney operations. |of getting jobs and must find| ® His remarks were welcomed %0meone to support them, ®by Mrs. Grace Moffatt, ease| She added that it must be rec-| 4 worker for the Yukon Children's|08nized Indian men in the terri- = Ald Society, who said: "'Bringing|tory are not generally good risks ® this out in the open for public|28 breadwinners, spending their a discussion 1s the first step in|MmOnEy as soon as they get it. As » olvi " {a result the women tended to turn| BRO ¥ w solving the problem [2 eau as Women tend | BROOKLIN -- Thursday morn- » | hi 1, any of them ir-lj, ay 26, w p ® WELFARE SURVEY |responsible individuals who come ing or I See Be pan; . Amy Leigh, who set up New- io the Yukon, perhaps leaving|General Store on Baldwin street | w foundland's welfare program, will [families on the outside (formerly owned and operated by Pov Plan Opening Of Store By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT Arthur Maheux of Laval Univer- of the alliance formed in 1953 to foster better | tunderstanding between -Buglish-| speaking | | DIFFERENCE A new picture tube would make . , . For price, etc. consult our service department. MEAGHER'S 5 KING ST. WEST RA 3-3425 this summer? HOW ABOUT YOUR DANCING? DON'T LET poor dancing tuin # | good party for you. Come to Arthur Murray's now and learn all the latest steps. You'll find it's quick and easy to learn the | Arthur Murray Way. Be sure of more fun...enroll kh at Arthur Murray's, BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:30 TONIGHT ! SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! PROADWAY'S BIG BOY-LOVES the p, ™ PAJAMA-GIRL SENSATION = WARNERCOLOR a IS ON THE SCREEN! pros WARNER BROS. | a G A itt: Ca on £ Dor IS Day jim rol on Plus Added Happiness! 77 | ss i \ ~e Will YOU ACCEPT A % Wour' Coleman - | A Genuine gas-lite, Forced Ain = (ADULT) THEIMA RITTER . A IIR T585TARTS TOMORROW § Gas Furnace 'during © W's 60th ani -| wersarv celebration. Act now! ' SHORGAS 4 LIMITED Victoria & Galt Sts. Whitby-----~MO 8-3328.9 Goo Dooy COMANCHE STATION" - "FURTHER UP THE CREEK" ® spend a month in the territory at| . : y K - * the government's request making | PREDATORY MALES Rm), et ev Wa . a survey of the situation Dr. N. D. C. MacKinnon, head The new manager is Mr. Eri w Public health records last year |0f Public health in the Yukon, |g oo formerly of Toronie. ® showed the Yukon had the high-|5aid the situation can't be COT | he has been in food bus: . P : "est per capita venereal disease|rected 'as long as we have a the past 20 Si Cini el « rate in Canada predatory, unsettled male popula-| and former rop a ® Mr. Collins told a meeting of |!ion running in in the spring and. ore Ray Ho Pe to EESRREISERRORAIS GES -. Phi : " w the Whitehorse Board of Trade out in the fall. . reside in Brooklin in 1953, with w many couples are entering into a e suggested that edueation|y. "ie "ong family and in April w geommon-law relationship and employment for the girls| © that year entered into Rn ® "They're deliberately having a|Would help solve the problem. Io, Nid #5 AVI he? BEFIISC ehild in order that the sympa-| Some religious leaders are re- i ie slo hus wm chi sympa-| *% ta Tala ness then carried on as MacDuff w thies of all of us, which are very Ported to believe the lack of opi" wennedy. until April ® tender, I am sure, are aroused [moral responsibility is directly | \¢ that ti "Ra K P i % ® suitably to look after them." linked with absence of spiritual} sed Piping y Sanedy pars bo {responsibility. Others tend to| Chased the interests of the store «DESERTION COMMON [think education of the Indians|To™ his partner, Jack MacDuff, Referring to the men so in- will serve to raise moral stand. | Who Tetired from store business volved, he added: "They stay ards and became the sole owner and| to ei, ty A -- |proprietor. The store became | {known throughout the community ' hd |as Kennedy's store, Oo ov t ction | The store was closed for busi- [ness on May 14, 1960, owing to | {business being sold, and retire- | O Di B 111 ment of Ray Kennedy, owing to | ill health n 1vorce 1 G] The store has been re-modelled, | for the benefit of its customers By JAMES NELSON | The lae J. S. Woodsworth, [and staff, and is completely | Canadian Press Staff Writer founder of the CCF panty, almost changed in many ' ways since w OTTAWA (CP) A highly [single - handedly forced Ontario [Alfred Charles Elliott opened it "placed source says the govern-|imto establishing divorce courts in|as general store, selling hard- wment intends neither to break the | the 1930s by similar blockading ware, paint, groceries, clothing, | ourTent CCF Hibustes in the tactics. | medicines, staples and almost wCommons against parliamentary Fo (anything that w Id i 93, | "divorce bills nor to propose any (HOW THEY'RE HANDLED J a 1, "mew way of dealing with them. Divorce actions from Quebec | wacom On his retirement in 1923 « After considering all possible and Newfoundland are initiated |") direc was carried on by waiternatives, the government has (DY petition to Parliament by the |p oon "Charles H. Elliott, for a | "decided i should do nothing to|@8grieved party. The Senate di- time in partnership with Fred | iston make it any easier for Parlia- | Vorce Sumer Jevken into sev- { wment to deal with individual cases | eral subcommittees, hears evi- h weoming to it from those provinces ent under rules almost as strict | In 1926, the store was sold to "which do not have divorce courts, [28 regular court rules. Bills | Reuben Besse, who operated it Quebec and Newfoundland {passed by the Senate are sem to for a couple of years = Any other system, the govern- the Commons for concurrence, | In 1928, A. B. MacDuff and wment is convinced, would tend to| The principal objection raised | Sons purchased the business, "make divorce easier in those by CCF members to parliament. |Making several alterations in provinces which, by long-standing lary divorces is that the federal |SuPplies and staff. Upon the practice and deep rleigious con-| Parliament has no power to re- [death of his father in the early wviction, refuse to recognize di- quire that the children of divorced | 1930's, the business was con- "vorce. | couples be provided for. This is a tinued by Jack MacDuff, his a . | matter of vy and civil |brother Thornton and sisters, PHURCH, POLITICAL SUPPORT |ricive. sirictly reserved for pro. [dean aod Mildred. - The source said that this €o0~|vincial jurisdiction by the British | Several years later it was oper- HO epporied not only by | North America Act. |ated by Jack MacDuff and his vinces, but' by the church) In recent years, the Senate has | Partner, Thearon Kivell, and of more than one denomi- sought to have a provincial judie- | known as MacDuff and Kivell's| mation {ial separation order, providing |General Store, and later as Mac- ® More than 300 divorce bills now | [of the children, precede con-|Duff and Kennedy's. | wait action in the Commons, | Sderation of 2 paskiameniary Gh SR me for discussing them is lim.[ Occ: But Parliament has no ed to one hour a and | POWer to enforce this condition. #ridays. Seven bills have passed | FS -- rough the CCF blockade since BUFFALO ROAM arch 31. Elk Island Park, wu The CCF campaign to force the dreds of wild buffalo roam the|crew members who were taking it ®ommons into finding some other parkland with elk and moose in up on a training flight. No one NEW PLANE BLOWS UP ATLANTA (AP) -- A Convair | 880, the newest American jet air-| $50 to $5,000 Without Endorsens or Bankable Security Loans Life Insured i$ YOUR Baring "== RED SKELTON JOIN OUR BUMPER CLUB NOW AND SAVE MONEY! ONLY $1.00 FOR MEM- BERSHIP ADMITS CAR AND DRIVER FREE EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY WED- NESDAY AND THURSDAY (EXCLUDING HOLIDAYS). CHILDREN under12 FREE! ALW see | TRIAL LESSON? 5 | : | ARTHUR MURRAY 11V2 Simcoe St. South RA 8-1681 Open 1 to 10 p.m. Daily Air-Conditioned y | | A Jumping Jamboree of teenage fun! INTO LARAMIE wn TEOHNICOLOR 3 BIG HITS VIRGINIA FIELD DOUGLAS KENNEDY -- WITH -- LES BROWN & HIS BAND SEST BUY HOUSE Meany Plame and repayment schedules to suit your budget. ES yrERIOR FF. NANCE 17 Simcoe St. North RA 5-6541 OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO | Science Now Shrinks Piles Without Pain Or Discomfort Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Toronto, Ont. (Special) --For the first time ice has found a new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain and itching, Thousands i been relieved with this inexpensive substance right in the privacy of their own home without any discomfort or inconvenience. In one hemorrhoid ease after another, "very striking Improve- ment" was reported and verified by doctors' observations. Pain was promptly relieved. And | while gently relieving pain, actual | reduction or retraction (shrinking) Sook place. And most amasing of allthis 8 improvement was maintained in |liner, exploded and crashed on| cases where doctors' observations where hun- takeoff Monday, killing the four| were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results were so thorough that sufferers were able to make such statements as "Piles have ceased to be a problem!" And | among these sufferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid con ditions, some of even 10 to 20 years' standing. | All this, without the use of nare | cotics; anesthetics or astringents of | any kind. The secret is a new heals | ing substance (Bio-Dyne)--the discovery of a famous scientific in= stitute. Already, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue on all parts of the body This new healing substance is offered in suppository or ointment form called Preparation H. Ask for | individually sealed convenient Preparation H Suppositories or Preparation H ointment with special icator. Pr tion H HEATING | NOTHING DOWN No Payment Until September !! Easy payments over 5 vears on monthly gas bills $14.00 ju rei $5.00 most furnaces. CHANGE-OVER CAN BE DONE IN A FEW HOURS | Units for all types of home heating | FREE BURNER SERVICE Your Gar company does not employ door-to- door hor For information about dealers licensed by the | Ontario Fuel Board to sell and install natural s equipm call or write the Sales partment Hn | Consumers Pas | is sold at all drug stores. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, ay of handling divorce bills is a the woods, is 30 miles east of|eise was aboard the $4,000,000 g-stansing one. | Edmonton, |Deita Air Lines plane. [} to RA 3-3468 SUPPORT THE | HOSPITAL) DRIVE ! | WETRO-GOLOWYN-MAYER posse never so few are the moments left for love never so few are the chances of coming back! inl CANTERRERY NHR Co-Storring PETER LAWFORD. STEVE MeUEEN- RICKARD JORNSON PAUL HENREID- BRIAN DONLEYY- DEAN JONES CINEMASCOPE - Cotor/ Calin TOM & JERRY COLOR CARTOON 8:55 Je 2 26 2 2 26 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 Xo 2 2 he 2 2 2b

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