Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 May 1960, p. 7

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'Mrs. Eileen Wilson, President 'B&PW Club For Second Term Mrs. Eileen Wilson was re- installed as president of the Osh- awa Business and Professional Women's Club at its annual din- |ner meeting held at Adelaide |House on Monday evening, May 16 The other officers are: first- vice-president. Miss Gladys Hill; second-vice-president, Miss Beryl ¢ |Bassingthwaite; recording secre- tary, Miss Emily Scott: corres- ponding secretary, Miss Madeline Kelly: treasurer, Mrs. Albert Wilson Chairmen of committees representatives: Program: Miss Jennis Pringle; ways and means, Miss = Gladys Frise; publicity, Miss Grace Anderson: interna- tional, Miss Mildred Davidson: United Nations, Miss Marie Shantz; civic relations, Miss Rose Hawkes: entertainment, Mrs Allan Morgan; sunshine, Miss Cora Cruse Employment practices, Miss | Audrey Lawler: penal reform and jury service: Mrs w Jack. lin: business women's week, Miss Florence Hawkes: Canadian As- sociation of Consumers, Miss Holmes: emblem, Mrs. Geo Fleming: bulletin editor, Mrs George Telford Miss Rose president was |ficer Mrs. Eileen Wilson {presided at the meeting were presented which the club's activities for year showing them to ontstanding The regional District 5, held month was very and Hawkes, a the installing past of president Reports reviewed the past be very conference of earlier in the well attended MRS. EILEEN WILSON and proved helpful and interest Ing. A letter of read regarding $200. to the Hospital Miss Betty Thomson presented the budget for 1960-61 The club was pleased to learn the appointment of Miss Jen Pringle as regional adviser for District No. 5 It was announced that the an nual picnic would be held at the home of the President Mrs Eileen Wilson, late in June appreciation was the donation of Oshawa General of nie South Simcoe H&S Re-Elects | Steindal, her twin, Ingrid, has dropped the fly-swatter in favor of repellent A CONTRAST in beach wear, modelled by two Oshawa girls, | a highlight of a recent | swim suit preview. In addition | to discarding most grand- | ma"s costume, worn by Evelyn Newest Swim Suits Will Create Sensation at Canadian Beaches nh ¢ 1 Yas Mrs. Robert Lewis was re elected as president of South Sim- coe Home and School Association at ammual meeting held re- a suntan lotion and insect of CP Wirephoto its cently I'he are: vice presidents, Mrs. Arthur Sargant and Mrs. Dmytro Luchak; trea surer, Mrs. E. J. Ostlé; recording secretary, Mrs. William Blake; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ar- nN chie Black: program convener hit. Mrs. Richard Gifford: executive were members, Mrs. Charles Cowle, hair Mrs. Alex Nickiforuk, Mrs. Wil- 'toe- liam Watts, Mrs. George Bell Mrs. Robert Lewis presided at as the meeting ntro The minutes annual meeting treasurer, Mrs, William Watts gave her report. Mr. W. F. Wendt reported that the books had been audited and were in order The room attendance was won by Miss C. Thompson's class. It was decided that a banquet be held for the Grade 8 pupils. A committee was appointed to look after details. The banquet is to he held at the school on Wednes- June 1. Mr. Kenneth |, igi spoke brief-| {ly of the need for support of the | {Hospital Building drive. } Annual reports were read by the various officers and conven- ers | Miss Agnes Strickland led the choir in singing three songs. Mrs. William Blake expressed the thanks of the association to the choir, Mrs. Richard Gifford introduc- ed Mrs. Loyd Akin from Jamaica as the guest speaker. The chil- dren present took great pleasure from the sports described, which are played in Jamaica. Mrs Akih described Jamaica as the most romantic and colorful island in the world. Following her talk she showed some slides, assisted by Mr. W. F. Wendt. Among the pic- tures shown were those of the many beautiful parks and flow ers, a cement factory, a modren university where the undergrad uates wear red frocks, and the mountains other officers two-piece made nother-and-daughter, vlon leopard skin For the designing miss paraded n old water-proof flowers for the wim suits at which can also serve a at Vine- bows" to conceal an ugly writers Mr. Donald Tucker acted master of ceremonies and . luced Mr. William Morton Garden 1 . sol. at. Vineland president of the Noxema Chemi ; cal Company who spoke of 32 ncluded a ' " buffet newly perfected creamy lotion display which will produce an even tan Cath. without burning and guard against mosquito and insect bites CLUB CALENDAR TUESDAY Vienna bor ia and a indel of Osh- created 'a bit of a sensation 1 Evelyn Ste awa when fashioned a display of land th Arran and was Cent they and new toe veek of the were previous read. The sed for men's editor ¢ show ai the ndoor held ovely vice ¢ and the program scenic blossom lurnehon and an aquatic hy the Synchronettes of St arines Mr. W. B. McCullough of Osh- awa, president of Cole of Cali- fornia, introduced the models which this summer will trans- form Canadian beaches into sun- shores 8 Is- drenched of South Sea Is TOPS Club . The splashy prints and Rexel Xodse vibrant colors have been inspired ga He Ladniié by the flowers, skies and waters gi Matthew's Guild of Hawaii and tropic isles, result- Christ Church WA ing in bikini and classical suis Ont, Regt. Assn. Aux called coral-reef and kelp brown, Holy Trinity WA : ibiscus and frangipani and alll H and S Council he blues of sky and lagoon. Jessie Panton Aux. Bikinis with draw strings for Court Oshawa, I0F extra exposure were accompan- Albert Street WA ied by little slip-over tops or Calvary Baptist YWM( roomy jackets. Many suits had King Street WA strapless tops or shoe-string ties Arvilla McGregor with plunging backs all safely Women's PC Assn controled by the famous built-| Rendezvous Club in continental bra Little Boy" First Baptist WA shorts and permanently pleated Friendship Group vere introduced dis-| Beta Sigma Phi figure flaws and compared Dorcas Group knit Nellie Dearborn Group and OT WEDNESDAY onied Victory Lodge, LOBA birt' in glowing Rebekah Lodge No. 3 ir in glowing " tangerine wit shim Cheerful Givers 'Storie Park Auxiliary trousers for a stunning holi- outfit. THURSDAY Ankle-length and Calvary Baptist WMS gions of the mu-mu, the unfitted (9th Group Committee garment worn by native women, Christ Church Eve was enthusiastically received as Albert Street WMS an ideal slip-on for back lawn or Oakleigh Lodge, LOBA patio St. Stephen's WA Canadian prefer Couples' Club but a Eva Alexander Group tou Aux. <kirts to helenca hold he speath that mould the figure 6 'Captain's from a mar with styles I Jacket" « teamed vhite da In closing her talk Mrs. Akin asked the children to realize the privilege of being able to go to high school.. In Jamaica educa-| tion has been free only the last three years, she said. Miss Hazel Barnie extended the thanks of the association to Mrs. Lloyd Akin Mrs. Robert Lewis horte er Guild vomen swim introduced 5 TRI the one-piece id pees -- = a MRS. JOHN MacLACHLAN AND MRS. GEORGE THOMPSON President Of Newly Formed NUPSE Auxiliary Receives Gavel From UAW Auxiliary No. 27 National Union of Publicjlt would also help to promote a|president, Employees Local 50 {rettor understanding of the aims| recently in theland objects of the labor move-| to consider the ment adies' Auxiliary.|- Mrs Mr. Leonard! membé man ex No. 27 J I'he Service held a meeting Steelworkers formation of Vice president Crowder a that a Ladic \ ry o as n the Ur 0 to bring the € into closer contact with the Local.) Mrs. Harry Norton; secretary, Mrs. Leonard Craw- ford: treasurer, Mrs. Robert Co neal; social committee Mrs, Ver non Claus and Mrs. Thomas Cor nael: sick committee, Mrs. Ken neth Bent Mr Lloyd Clark M an a George the presented hn Thompson UAW Anvil the gawel VacLachla y elected presiden the formed NUPSE Auxiliar The other officers are a ry to chai plained d ind | o n are held the ond and fourth Tuesday month at Simcoe Hall Ine 3 ) of the Vice Mis. Robert Lewis, President 3 ba X ¢ b MRS. ROBERT LEWIS Mrs. A. J. Allen, vice-president jof H and S Council who installed | the new officers. Mrs. Allen was) -------- presented with a gift Lewis, by Mrs. (Lad o Women, Jo Aldwinckle, Dial RA 3-3474 | Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, Mey 21, 'GROUPS, CLUBS, RUXILIARIES| ST. STEPHEN'S MC Lean presided and the minutes | The monthly meeting of St. were given by Mrs. Lloyd and | |Stephen's Mission Circle was held Mrs. M. W. Perkin gave the {on Monday; May 16, at the home treasurer's report of Miss Marilyn Hendershot, who Plans were finalized for the | also read the call to worship. The|trip to South Landing Craft Cen-| [theme was World Refugee Year. tre. Queenston in June | [The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. B. Bayly and Mrs. L. H.! Kay Wallace. A special Westwood gave an account of prayer for refugees was read by their trip to the Spinners and Mrs. David Duchemin Weavers conference in Ottawa The study book chapter con- this month cerning "The Impact of Commu-| Several members had brought nications in Africa' was read by handwoven articles for the mem- Mrs. Joan Godfrey, bers to view, yard goods, stoles In the absence of the presi-|and place mats dent, Miss Dorothy Fish, the vice The group will re-convene in president, Miss Carol Alexander the fall with the first meeting on presided. Monday, September 19, at the Roll call and the minutes were home of Mrs. A. KE. Hornick, read, Reports were given by Miss Grandview avenue south. Kay Wallace, community friend tim: Dany Nat. Chapter 10DE Diamond Jubilee May 28, in Toronto tary. A letter thanks was re- The National Chapter of Can- ada, I0DE, will hold its 60th An- ceived from Mrs. Edna Green of Jamaica for clothing sent by the nual meeting in the Royal York otel, Toronto, Ontario, May 28- members. Baby clothes were col June 1, 1960 1960 7| Be . a " | WED IN D Pictured after their wedding recently at St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lloyd Weir. The bride, the former Miss Helen Louise Grant, is the daughter of Mrs, | Joan Godfrey Refreshments OUBLE-RING CEREMONY SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McKnight wish to announce engage- ment of their daughter, Cath- erine Jean, to Mr. Jeseph Edward O'Malley, son of Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth O'Malley, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, June 25, at 11 o'clock in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church. { HOUSEHOLD HINT | To remove dark film from an laluminum pan, fill with hot ater, .add ome or two table {spoons of cream of tartar and | boil 10 minutes. Then wash with | soap and water. PRESENTE \ARPEGE N FAY DE LANYIN 2 0ZS. $3.50 Harold W. Grant of Oshawa and FOR A LIMITED WEE OMAY the late Mr. Grant and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Milton Weir of Osh- awa. THE GEST PERPONS . PARIS BAD TO O00 Photo by Ireland lected for another layette to be sent to the Dr. John Neil Hospi tal, Cold Lake, Alberta Mrs. A. K, Richardson, Nation- al President, will preside during the general sessions, commencing The next meeting will be held were served by Miss Marilyn May 30, which will be open to all Hendershot PERSONALS EVA ALEXANDER | The Eva Alexander Group of St Stephen's United Church held its regular meeting recently with 16 members present Mrs. Robert Ambrose and her group were in charge of the devo tional period. Mrs. Gordon Love read the scripture, Mrs Am- brose read the topic Forgive on June 13 at the home of Mrs members of the Order Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Wil will take place on Saturday, May tained for ten guests at a supper 28 at 8:30 p.m, in the Canadianiparty prior to the Maytime Room Royal York Hotel, 10 Dance at the Jubilee Pavilion which all members of the Order|iast Wednesday and their friends are invited. The nvoca®on will be by The Most Reverend Francis V. Allen, DD./ihe Jubilee Pavilion last Wednes eral The official opening ceremonies jjams, Someiville avenue, enter- Pavilion street Airport holiday weekend in Detroit Hospital, at the Jubilee Miss Cecelia Casey, Brock east, flew from Malton| last night to spend the Mich- | Prior to the Maytime Dance at|18an Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, and day, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cur pecial prayers will be led by ley were hosts at a cocktail party The Right Reverend F. H. Wil- a their home on Hillcroft street kinson, MA, DD, Bishop of To- ronto. Greetings will be brought you are invited by the Social from the Government of Canada |pepartment to send in any little by The Honorable F. Alvin G.lijtems of interest. News of teas Hamilton, Minister of Northern|gurprise parties, showers, anni- Affairs and National Resources; |yersaries and comings and go- from the Province of Ontario by lings are always very acceptable the Honorable James N. Allan, |and for which there is no Provincial Treasurer of Ontario,|charge Please write or telephone from Mr. Frederick G. Gardiner, RA 3-3574 local 18. QC, Chairman of Metropolitan Toronto, and a welcome to the! pr and Mrs. J. W Spragge City of Toronto by His Worship |King street east, were hosts at the Mayor, Nathan Phillips, QC. |a Chinese dinner at their home H . On this evening Frances Shelly | following the Maytime dance at shawa Weavers Guild was held |wees will address the assembled |the Jubilee Pavilion last Wednes- {recently at the home of Mrs. |iembers. Mrs Harold A. day. Fred Lloyd with 13 membert| Greene, Regent of the Municipal presem Chapter, will extend the official| Mr, and Mrs. Donald MacDon The president, Miss M welcome on behalf of the chap- ald, Keewatin street, entertained Spi re {ters of Toronto, and Mrs. w. R.|at a dessert and coffee party on Provincial President, Wednesday evening and with ness'. Mrs. Oscar Burgoyne gave reading Sorry Mrs Harry Van Luven closed in prayer a The president, Mrs. S. C. Run dle, presided. The various reports were given and correspondence was read Refreshments were served by Mrs Oscar Burgoyne, Mrs. W. J. Butt and Mrs. Robert Ambrose, The next meeting will be held on Thursday evening, May 26, at 7.30 p.m. WEAVERS' GUILD The regular meeting of the ry Mac- held her fingertif veil and she Morrison, JORDAN'S GREENHOUSES Top Quality Spring Plants ALL VARIETIES We Grow Our Own 120 ARLINGTON AVE. (OFF SIMCOE ST. NORTH) roses Will add a welcome from the | Province of Ontario. Mrs. Rich-| ard Palmer, President of the rovincial Chapter of New Bruns- ck, will reply on behalf of the A notice from H and 8 Council carried a cascade of red announced a work shop to be held |and white carnations. on Saturday, May 28, at 10 a.m.) The maid of honor was Miss | Lunch will be 50 cents a plate, |Ruth Ellis. Miss Bernice Behan |P their guests went on to the May- time Dance, sponsored by the| RA 3-3243 Circular Driveway RA 3-3243 Women's Auxiliary, Oshawa Gen-| The annual council meeting will| was the bridesmaid and Miss Wi a be in the form of a pot eek will | Brenda Bowler, flower girl. The many members attending from | per. October was announced as maid of honor was In yellow and (across the Dominion, Rabbi Home and School month for the|carried yellow and white chrys-| Abraham L. Feinberg, DD, LLD, year 1961 anthemums and the others were will pronounce the benediction Refreshments were served by|in blue and carried blue and! On Sunday, May 29, at 12:30 Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED the mothers of the pupils in Miss|white chrysanthemums. Their |p.m., the National President will Margaret Davidson and Mrs. Wil- dresses were made of fine cot- {place a wreath on the Cenotaph, liam Wendt's classes ton and lace with full skirts of|and at 7:00 p.m. the Service of unpressed pleats and short Intercession of the Order will be sleeves and they wore headdress- held in St James' Cathedral, To- Carol Talbot Wed es of white flowers ronto. the service being eonduct- Mr. Carl Behan was best man|ed by The Right Reverend F. H T R d and the ushers were Gerald and |Wilkinson, MA, s 0 aymon Behan Keith Behan - -- : : A reception was held at the In Two-Ring Rites home of the bride's parents. The | bride's mother was wearing a Carol Deanna Talbot and Ray-|black and white silk-blend suit mond William Behan were united | with beige accessories and a cor- in marriage recently at St. Greg-|sage of pink carnations. The By Electrolysis ond ory's Roman Catholic Church. bridegroom's mother wore a the newt, fo t The bride is the daughter of Mr. sheath dress of navy blue silk re Sd A and Mrs. William Talbot of Osh-|shantung, white accessories and | your true self, awa and the bridegroom is the|a corsage of white chrysanthe- | of worry end ember. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Behan|mums rassment. of Schone Ontario For their wedding trip the FREE Consultation i ie Reverend Lawrence Mc-|couple went to Niagara Falls Gough preformed the double-ring Buffalo and other points in New MARIE MURDUFF ceremony York. The bride travelled in a will be iv Oshawa ut the Given in marriage: by her|lavender suit with white acces-| Genoshe Hotel, May 24 - 28 ater, te bride wore a full-|sories and carnations in a cor PHONE RA 3.4641 gth portrait gown of white or- | sage ganza over satin, sweeping into| Mr. and Mrs. Behan are mak for uppoitiment on these dejee a train of lace. A jewelled crown ing their home in Oshawa. To The Public Of Oshawa And District! HORNSBY STUDIO Has Moved To: 40 KING ST. EAST all Most Modern Photographic Studio. Mr. Hornsby's 25 years' experience in the Photographic Field assures you the BEST. For your Photo needs visit Oshawa's Grand Opening Special! Next Week Only! Present this advertisement and get a 8" x 10" Portrait in a beautiful folder for only 2:50 FOR APPOINTMENTS PHONE RA 5-0151 THE GREATEST ENEMIES OF YOUR DRAPES 1. SUNLIGHT. Constant exposure to the bright, hot rays of the sun. OXIDATION. Natural chemicals in the air combine with high humidity and form a mild acid causing drapery material to deteriorate, FUME FADING. Gases and fumes in the atmosphere of the home react upon certain dyes in fabrics con- taining acetate and generally cause a reddish color. Drapes Are Expensive, So Take Good Care of Them Frequent Cleaning Will Make Them Last Longer Satisfaction Guaranteed by the DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF wing members of INSTITUTE (ONTARIO) ard AUNDERERS AND CLEANER® ALDSWORTH CLEANERS BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS, LTD. HARWQOD CLEANERS, AJAX GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS

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