Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 May 1960, p. 20

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, Mey 21, 1960 Advi 836% Toronto Stock Exchange this WAN bu tie 5 % halla de (y " a Snged totalled 316, 3 Pac Pete 4 Jellicoe RreativTel 40621 8% L to Quonto 25 6 4 9 Kirk Min 4090 30 Creativ Tel 40621 $1 Hd 8% Laba $25 2% Ranger 120 1 1 50 12 Kirk Town 500 10% lov Ahomin nm i 2 Bah $Ir 38 i] Rocky Pete ay xm, 2 Labrador 1840 $20% 20% 4 + 4 Canadian Press Staff Writer [in paper stocks. an RCAF order for airplane fire- BADD sus ta iw 3 Royalite 5 5 Lake Cin 11200 67 65 -5 % 6 No, it wasn't the summit con-| The industrial picture as a control equipment. ference--it was the drop in the|whole was looking brighter. On| Liquors and motor stocks angi 31400 67 63 66 8 0 6 were chasing defence issues--|improved more than a point. Mic Sm 2 2D 5 28 Aan WN 5 2 3 missiles, steels and aircraft--| Western oils, althogh attempt- Among mines. Iolcruativnst 2 after the summit meeting was|ing a comeback at the end of the c oo med _stealy, me fi 38 2 Volume for the week was 6,994,000, down from the 27 65 IX ams Toba 634 a a% bP) 29 Sapphire L Dufault 6125 56 25 85 Lexindin 1000 ne 4 ade declared a non-starter, Toronto|week, failed to make the grad after a selling spree at the begin. is Weel i TORONTO WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES Sales yO ares Hi Ag Stock Sales High "Low Cleve Chang Change meh Low Stock Sales sles High a Thane: By The Canadian Press 80 45 45 45 125 40 Northcal 5150 9 Tso 138800 Y NCO wis 3600 45 " " i J Waite D I P 1 fo date are' TISIT1T. (Quotations in cents unless a 2 Joliet » ow Pp ' marked §.) 2290 5% 5 58 58 Jonsmith 3 » b WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS - "% hs 9350 75 A : % By The Canadian Press i 5 Kenville 5500 6% 5 g oon or ar 3 Ya This Week 1960 3600 36 35 35 --2 5 38 : 15 53 Kerr Add 35124 $12 11% 124 + %Stock Sales High Low Close Change High Low ; Th 6 52 17 Kilembe 5775 250 225 Ya A OVSTRIALS Md 3 9 Provo Gas Kilem C wt 37850 34 o% + By JOHN PICTON a year, thus the mild excitement strength of the company potting Bell Phone 18842 $44% MB and PR 16760 $16% 15% iB 9 5 7 id 1 Me 15 14 - dollar premium. That was the in-|Index, industrials were ahead|showed slight gains, while there South U 4 314 1 1575 415 00 fluential factor on the Toronto/more than two points during the were declines in the banking,- Spoouer, 3 2 bh. x We 00. 5 ] stock market this week, |week, with base metals ahead food and retail stores sections. Sub Oil 3200 : ama 2600 330 Although New York investors more than 1% points and golds|\yoppy, FIRM LL Lac 3600 167 Tots 2% 1 1m + 310 : 50: ; ; y : 3 lode va oe businessmen saw more promise|and dropped three-quarters of a 98 : ; 2 1 Lyndhst 9 in key export industries such as|point. ning of the week. Industrials 17% - 13 'C - : vox S300. he gon 250 gold and paper. Although production and steel| Iron ore, uraniums, asbestos : 4 1 pg Hl Macdon + 8 1 The premium on the Canadian capacity were lower for the week, |and nickel stocks were og A - Mace | = 10300 (oo ; dollar shrank to less than two|steels were quite strong, and ately active, while western Naci 2000 E 55 Madsen 5675 335 per cent, the lowest it has been most utilities showed fractional could manage two = Sossiny Windfall ( 9.9 ! Magnet 6000 in years, and there is consider-|increases. but did not make grade. yar can M4 9% 3. Molastie | W% able speculaton on its dropping| Aluminium's quarterly increase BLS wine in hog og od re to par. in earnings--compared to a loss|6,994, pared +088,» According to a recent survey, |last year--brought support to the|000 shares traded last week. Dany ie 1900 16% J Marcon 6600 Maritime 53635 one cent of such a premium trims stock, while Canadian General| Value was $22,800,151 compared $7,000,000 off newsprint revenue/Electric went ahead on the|to $21,758,075. a Martin 51900 Mines Matateh and' B Mattagami 9 Maybrun Mcintyre Is your child irritable, restless and picky with food? If so, the cause may be WORMS. Worms, a common ailment with Tio 234 Abacus Analog y NQ Pow $ 24% 25 a Aug Fup y. 5 3 Nor Phone : rar 3800 Ockan Com. #05 SINE Th ; Ang Rouys , 4000 i6y S, 1 A Mea ket retreat to 8 . Mt Wright By WILLIAM P. SNEAD the New York mar! retrea If children can be easily destroyed Overland pr 2100 R Ye 9 ¢ EJ Page-Hers 1810 4 Ain Rif 1 Nealon 9000 Nello 3000 some of the heaviest trading the|been mildly reflected in the New York market has seen for piices of paper, distilling and} At Your Drug Counter Acad Uran N Phone w Am Nephe 16900 Office Spec 4 14% ks 3 Arcadia wis 2 1 3 5 se 0 fea Multi-M 0 3 3 59 Research Director tet the support levels marked by [§ 04a nelled with Millers Worm Bell Phone 18843 $443 Parker 700 # Aumaque 9 8 g Nello hii a 5 es Lab 1645 Bow Mer p33 $47 h Pembina pr 75 $ 4 1% Junior. 9% 8% 8 Va w 4 i a New Ath 12075 30 28% + 35 months. metal stocks. d ; 7159 6 2 4 2% 2 3 3 by " 5 a Advocate 9025 5 328 3 4 365 ¥ ' 9 8 8 L 5 AG 1 1 Agnic 7 1 i Mc Ms ) : : a 3 Nor Star pr 305 Y 4 ' n Akaitcho 5 : jo t A 0 ¥ 7 i 1s Heav ra 11 Nthid Util 1 1 6% 15 A 250 3 , Bank - Mont 230 soi 3 3 Area 2 9 3 : 1 = 6% |i Murray M 796000 J. H. Crang and Co. [597 and 134. Further declines in (§ powder. Used for generations Bowles $7% 1% Ve Pembina 1540 $7% 4 ? Ama New Alger 12000 Bowater pr 115 $44% Penmans 80 3 y Bankfld 45 " ew Bid Aun 1 2 N St wis 57 42347 7 Akaliohe i Midrim 766 5-8 5 5 Milliken 1 101 ) 9 h 3 } Min Corp 7 $10% 10% Y + Y 25 n ar =) 705 3054 Hw w util Min Ore 63175 1 > + : . » Bank NS Arjon Nama Cr 7650 1 ! The abrupt termination of the the Canadian dollar premium, [§ by, Canadian mothers. At your Bowat 5% pr 355 si Alum 2 pr + " 9 5 NO NGas 125 x yi Algom . : pr 5 oo, She 5 313% J %s Ang Hur » I ? 7 15 Moly $62% Bath Pow B it $31% A Arcadia 31025 Nama Ot Re summit conference stimulated now under 1% per cent, have Drug Counter. 25 $32 23131 395 Br Tank pr BA Oil BCE 4 pr BCE 4% pr Pow Corp P Pipe Mig Prem Tr Premium Pres Elect Reichhold 3060 775 250 Barnat Bary Expl Base Mets New Bid New Cal New Delhi N Dicken Goldvue Harri Hosco Jason Kelore | Wednesday when a peak of 5,420, Volume increased steadily until 000 shares was recorded -- The heavy buying was predicated on on the assumption that failure of the Summit conference would mean a large step-up in defence If seems very possible now that the Canadian dollar will move under par. This would not only help Canada's exporting position in the world markets but also help broaden profit margins in the export industriese MILLERS Cov Pou Hon 4 1 1 1 : A! ' 8 ~ ] 1 " 1 Py 1 Boifman 2 1 : 55 - 4 Neviund ] : 3 : spending and therefore an unbal- M: ; 55. 53. § 1 3 anced budget and more inflation, R Little A 530 § s 4 5% Black Bay 10: N Mylam Roe AV Cn 10289 : Bordulac : N Rouyn : 4: 8 This argument was demolished Roe a Bans 3133 4 Bousan HL, i New por BM 2 gn : by Sopey secretary defence ; a Nick MS 9608 Douglas who said that the abrupt Brockville pr 930 '$11 2 Russell ot : % 31 Broul Reet 28 4 3 - : Nhs 25 ending of the summit talks would Build Prod 133 3 . 7 Bansvie 5 7. : y orbeau 6500 45 3 +5 110 38 pot mean any immediate major Burlington 16 4 St Maurice » Buff Ank 200 Noranda 5365 $40 39% 39% increases in defence spending. Burns 4 Salada-S wis ¢ - Bunk Hill 312 g Norgold 11000 5% 5 5 6 3 Buyeed pW Wo 2g Skx's oh io ai an cal Nori of a% [MARGIN REDUCED Cal 'Pow 3285 $19% Shawin 26 : Laie o ) Rin . Norpax 0960 if i Another factor that helped Can Cem 2010 $28% 273 es 4 flavin a wr $01 a 108 3 . Camp Chib 9 5 585 59 2 Norshie stimulate trading was a report ay +28 Simpsons 519 $30% 30 3 ; 3 ' 144 N'Colisirm 7 - that the Federal Reserve Board | SKD Mig 45 235 ws 0 5 8s ? 5 N Goldert 3, 23 1 3 would reduce margin require. Slater 25 8 > Dy 5 N Rank ments in New York. orths Royl Bk rts 21331 1 ; Bralorne Nlissing 8250 ip Machin Can Malt CPR Cdn Pet pr 7 88 ; Trans-Mt Cdn he A BN BE Trans PRL. Ol a YB C Marben 8900 37 4 5 Purdex 9300 5 3 : 3 2 ! C Marcus 4011 62 3 5 Que Ascot 21795 13 TELEPHONE RA 5-3555 FOR FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY--24 HOUR TELEPHONE SERVICE It's Just As Stated EE F FFF Spartan Spartan wis ; 35 = ¢ North Can may be reduced to 70 per cent, | 2 1s With the averages at 627.73 and St Radio 170 : de. 3 0 Can-Erin g 2 Stedman 55, $373 37% s 3 3 Cariboo 86 3 O'Leary 3000 12 a0 C 1 632.00 and the April hi 630. 5 -- pril high of 630.77 with our Stuart Oil ! 1 Cent Pore 9 Yh 1B. 9 Orenada i 5 3 $ recoveries. Suptest com 450 340 § 2100 9 9 Paramaq Fie: | 2 : Should the market stall at these - Cel » Ya >» Ya Tamblyn 3 5 495 w 38 Ch : Patino wis tion of the market will be quite C Colli pr 5 3 : CM ° 56 : S 1B. TW, Thimdile Peerless ! 3 39 1 LOST FORCE f 3 y ogo To a Br Cnke' To 1 fife on Here Is Our Proposition past week had lost its force and Pow Rou CG Arrow 3100 37 33 15 3 : hi C Haliwell 164392 33 ; Pros Ar 3100 41 advance in the U.S. treasury bill | yo ys 49 be cleaned and this will entitle you to free Sy Ges ri Nin ln 35 $d - Ni C Mogul 145000 : ¥ QueCop 2900 production to the lowest level|l coverage of ten dollars on each individual garment. C Morrison 11050 2 Que Lab 6300 Vanadium 3 : ) 168 : 4 Sh Ra lyn ® Q het tually poor performance of auto- Comb Ent 0 9 Yi Viceroy B C Regcourt 5100 7% + . Rainville 1000 2350 Con Gas A 170 $101% 100% Walk GW Conwest 3300 REPRESENTATIVE Lux by Westen! 60 5 3: 60 Coprand 5 Rix Athab 4000 13% 13% --1 3 Coulee 5 3 35 Roche 5 Crain R L ¥ Creative T * 40621 fs 33 Drestaur 9 R yanor = : 3 All Canadian 7.52 West A wis 12 A , be " . : 4 15 m " White 1 pr 3 3 : 1 3 a 1 Sheep Cr 1 0 9 4 5 Can. Investment Fd 848 Sherritt + as Corporate Inevstors 8.52 Ee 22 : 2] i BEAT THE MOTHS 1 : 35 135 t 3 Norsp 385 35 3 2 Margins now at 90 per cent, Stafford 3 450 0 J AE 3 6 Norvalie 1 St Pav 1 : ; i Candore 5: Hi [14 HE . 80 225 Obaska 5 1 : 5 3 14127 the Industrial average is St Wire C Captain O'Brien ; 55 8 3 now testing the February high of Steel Can 5: n i Cassiar 4 Opem 18430 655 Steinbg_ A 1 Cent Pat - 5040 120 1 Orchan where supply halted the previous S Propane 1 14% "oY . r 205 kirk Ormshy Bi gp 0 A Wa By lh ll ster 250 x Osisko The rails, at 144.27 are testing 3 Pamour their March high of 146.56, 1395 $19% Ya Switson Chib M 3 4 Pardee 1 Patino M 39 4 3 supply levels, the technical posi- C Chem I pr 60 290 P. 50 i C Collleries 2455 340 ne ; is 3 950 6% 17 ; critical. TT Tailors 500 6 50 Perron indi Tor-Dom Bk 1311 A i r 3 ; Pros Crow n The indication youd be plain ha e emotional buyi the Rd 32% g Cullinan 2 3 7 6 12 6 Places i o/ scov 1 45 35 ortage : Cren © mm 2 Pow 0% Hore Bttention was being paid to Just send your Topcoats, Overcoats, Wool Dresses, n es 5 reston E ] % presto Ss ut such fundamental factors as thell Formal Wear, Sweaters, Dr or Children's Wear Tales Nom 321) sey to 9.738 storage space in our own vaults plus insurance y 4 4 er cent, ti i i Iu! i Con Val B 5 jon an "0 =» ip 3 % Con MS ili sit 0 1 Que Chib 26920 p le decline in steel mill ge 4 : : since Christmas of 1958 at 71.7 All i i gnNe 3-3 : sie" Iv ] 0 1 . ou pay is the cleaning and pressing char, Shy 135 8 C Mosher 11150 155 5 3 4 Que Lith per cent of capacity and the ac- y pay 9 P ge i Con Negus 155600 20% 2 g Que Man v P 2 6 9 : y i Cockshul = Yones PY : 0 C Northld 19385 38 --5 P Qunston 1 12 1 1% -- 1 1 mobile sales, : : g : ) C Red Pop 2000 5 f 5 Quemont 2635 930 . Comp E » Viceroy | 00 32 0 320 3 ; It would be no surprise to see on G oy a7 H : 25 16 C Sanorm - 1000 4 4 4 4 Rayrock Con Gas 4230 $39%% 37% Wainwr i : 5% 35 f 4 31 Con Sud 49260 3115 2 Realm Con Gas B 50 $101% 101% Wat Equip 2 5% /e h 3 39 375 3 7 - J 39 3 +3 50 Cop Corp 4600 17 § 16 31 1 Renabie 200 Copp Clark Webb Knp oo Cop Man 6250 10 g " Rexspar 22215 : MUTUAL FUNDS J0Smos 23% 4 4 35 29 Cowich 52 3 1 t E Rockwin vr ; Craigmt 5 5 3 Rowan Con 5500 4 Ba Ask Crown Trust 5 2% 2 ; 2 San Ant Wstn 6 5¢ ; ! : Sa stn 6 pc pr 2 Sand Riv American Growth Fd 31 Wood J A % » Ars 000 5 Dai 7 10% 1 /e y 1 Wood 4 Sigma 4 " D Dairies 175 $10% 1 ood J pr Deer Hors » Sil Miller Group Accumulating 5.18 Dom Elect w 225 .385 545 35 Woodwd A 740 y ee D Fndry 7840 346% : Wdwd A wis 560 57: + 5 47 D'Eldona 4 TA Siscoe Investor Growth 5.76 D Fndry pr g / 9 Y K 2 ; : Delite 300 30 30 3 0 42 3 3 A: 8 8 Investors Mutual 10.67 L 38 00 0 bs 7 00 3% Mutual Accumulating 7.04 02 02 87 Sousa ance D Magnes 1 $ 3 2, i8nes ; ; : Dome 2550 $18% 53 b Me IM -- Ya 15 Donalda 22500 - 7 North American DOM Tar $14la 1 - 16% 1 Ang a 2 me Duvan 2000 10 7 Dom Text 30 39% 5 Anglo-N 235 / 0 / v § 4 ; : Dover 100 $11% Asbestos 80 § 59 Steeloy 3 3 a | 6 3 Supervised American 7. to K CD Sug Ye 1 Y E Amphi Steep R .V. Elect 7. E Wash pr 5 $17% 4 ©G Inv 3 9% 3 3 4 East Mal 9 ' Sturgeon {] United Accum 13. Econ Inv 37% 1 3 C Ingersoll 0 37Y East Sull 5 : L 1 SudCont s Emco 4 C Marconi Sullivan C Paper Sunburst D Glass Sylvanite D Glass pr Dupont Sia} Sinise 7 © -- Fittings A " Fleet Mfg 60 3 Lob Ine Fors Com oy jay & Prive Br 2" a 16% Wk 3000 i : Tem 5406 6 t+ : Ford Com $ 1 2 rice Br 0.3 3 4 4 4 9 Territory Ti EAT ouT MORE OFTEN Fndtn - 12 9 Zeller's Frob debs 8 863 4 Tiara SERVED FROM 11:30 AM. TO 8 P.M. PS Te FERFRERES Frosst A 540 $14% Gatineau 5 $33% 3a Genex [1 1 Torbit Geo Scien 5 Towag § Cnt Masct 5 p Trans Res Atte Gas ote aie 5 Giant YK 10% ; Tribag Alminex : Giacler 3 9 Trin Chib, E 20 Glenn Uran L 5 5 5 Ult Shaw G P Dr IA 1200 0-0 --§ Goldale 4 3 3 U. Mining GS Wares 103 29 200 GF Mng 62 0 a 3 U Asbest GS Wates pr 3 85 87 85 Ann > 0 4 + 1% 1a Goldray 586 4 6 Un Keno Goodyear LE Bailey 5 A 9460 5 61 ' Grandroy 7 4 Un Fort G Mackay 3 300 86% % i" PHP de WH 1i% 17 Granduc 1050 121 20 - Upp Can G Mackay B 200 [ I 900 2 125 96 Gr Plains 1975 950 925 9; E L Vandoo GL Paper 2735 342% 40 4 4 3 ata 7300 1 1 Greyhk 4000 24 Ventures 2 ¥ Gulch 5000 64 6 6 1 Vespar Britalta 10400 Gulf Lead 2100 5 L Violam 3 Gunnar 15689 770 745 765 5 Waite Am 3 ] : lalta 10900 5 3 9 a cae ' 3 SY ; Gunnar wits 16200 126 W Malar 1 5 ! For Calvan Con 325 325 3 35 Gwillim 3000 5 5 5 W Surf In 5000 hd v r 2 a Hard JRick 230 ry Willroy 23550 6 Will wis 17033 C Oil L wt 2705 k 3 be] 5 Wiltsey 17033 CS Oll wis 200 29 29 29 Wine 1600 CS Pete 11800 300 h) 3 r Harg 6260 900 240 Yale Lead 16850 C Chieftn 7 15 Cdn Dev 00 High 100 170 Yellorex 6000 L) 6 - C Ex Gas a. ollinger 23 : Zk Bear 15345 5 ; = i ine day your added pleasure and enjoyment C High Cr -514 Hoyle 25 3 3 . 400 290 Young HG 10500 Hud Bay ; 5% 45 - 5 3 Yukeno 1000 C Husky 4 C Husky wt 2820 Hugh Pam ° 15 9 Zenmac 6900 5 65 ] v4 ' nr Hi 1 Inspiration 3 3 31 5 3 Zulapa 5250 2 2 ! Superior J110 a iB od Int Nickel 16472 $54% 52 3 543 459 ne $ a ' " 195011 Int Moly 3000 7% % 5 1035 490 5 500 3 1366 3 8 Irish Cop 29855 115 5 75 8S saspe C 100 $20 23 3 \ Iron Bay 4500 275 265 3270 +10 3% Pend Ore 1000 : 315 Hendshot pr 58 wt 225007 360 360 Se H Dauch |{it would have on the economy. 800 400 au 80 $55 35 55 - / 3330 65 35 58 . he i gam. 5% Business Takes Collapse |. it we E XK FROM 5 P.M. UNTIL 8 P.M. Hur Erie : t Dynamic Imp summit developments: Personal Fage " : 33 - . income advanced to a record Fr Pete 3 5 430 4s Bo ummit In Its t high rate of $397,400,000,000 in Home Oil A 11056 00 900 Il & { April, a gain of $3,400,000,000 over $510 5% 5% 5% HB ol G 1198) 00 -- 990 | April 1959 $37% 35% 36% + % Jump Pnd By JACK LEFLER But after a spectacular rise Automakers stepped up weekly Jupiter 4200 NEW YORK (AP)--U.S. busi-| Wednesday, the defence issues Production to 157,000 cars, the LI Pete ness took the summit conference/came back to earth. highest level in three months. Ingersoll A 100 $6 78 5 Lonzpoint o collapse and increased world ten-| Deputy secretary of defence Sales in the first 10-day period lugs Co 3 Vi cis : 2 2 ) sion in reasonable stride this James A. Douglas told senators ©f May totaled 168,413 cars, the aan * ' 5 week. that an immediate major in. Pest in 49 months, Inland Gas ' 9 Inld G wis 3 1 a yor 7 1 23 ° The only immediate sharp re- crease in defence spending was! Sieel production continued its . age Completely Air-Conditioned Inind G pr 3Y 4 13 Midcon 3 3 g ol 3 action was brief gyrating by 'he |not necessary. However, requests downward spiral with the week's Int Bronze 1 E Mill City g 2 ) 2 + 2 aircraft, missile and electronics by top Pentagon officials that estimated output at 2,042,000 tons FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE RA 3-4641 int Bronze pr 170 1m Ul issues on the stock market in the Congress appropriate more| {71.7 per cent of capacity. Steel assumption thi: defence spend- money for defence made busi-| executives. said they expect the pas ing would mount. |nessmen speculate on the effect!decline to continue through June. $325 31% 324 + W 2830 $12% 11% 11% -- GENOSHA HOTEL

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