THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 21, 1960 15 - PARE You ) ; i ky ez 3 CALL ATWO-HOUR RIDE Asolo Phys be = 1 Rae Causeway FATBACK, To POARTNGEAN LA & 2 <5 Zi . Report % ., 1900 » Ore | oh A at if Sly, : a ho 2 (TH by! a eR Ra eal 77. Discussed After modest start, hit the pige ho 4 esl ion Lo <¥ time by combining Central Pork | nin Y / 4 ; / fF ~ 20 ) : He ; £11 CE \ OTTAWA (CP) -- Amid of ILL BET THIS IS THE BIGGEST FI between Island and New ) Mr, Walker said Ag eo . He a al study. it had was two progress MUGGS AND SKEETER mons, Speaker Roland Michener asked Mr. Pickersgill to withdraw this | HE SAID YOU PLANNED TO /=/ HOPE YOU remark. Mr. Pickersgill did so. LEAD OUR WAGON TRAIN DIDN'T BELIEVE Later, Mr, Walker began read~ CAPTAIN HM 2 INTO AN INDIAN AmBUSH, | | im! ing a statement on the causeway. BRYAN? pe -- TY) o ( - ) d |Five major studies are invol i gy, 5) TY ; 3 Ry he said, giving information i [TN / bet A ) Q \ it G y ready pretty well covered. i] 7, ' y 1 At one point Mr. Walker to ask Mr. Pickersgill to list since he had requested a Mr Pickersgill AL protesied was listening A gs Mr. Pickersgill obviously Nd ens with his mouth open," re- torted Mr. Walker to loud laugh: ter from government supporters, Mr. Pearson asked THERE'S A MILLION THINGS GOTTA PO "TODAY, TATER! THE LONE RANGER a . . ik bs 3 speak like an adult." 1suproce | 174." HOW COULD ANYONE py - ¥ E57 : NEXT YOU'LL 44 OF A FACE > 4 uo é A OR : : H ; wT 0 er EE AR (CBC Dismissed 4 HIKE Yur, PHIL! YOUNE GOT | BETTER, i Ye # fads | oS fa NE eee } 1|B.C. Candidate: Ny Cory : 1 NE Ie) SE {| B.L. Candidate: ry | Daal WR, TN Ime, Warld righta reserved. id | OTTAWA (CP)--J. W. Pickesé ?| [gill (L -- Bonavista' BE] i pected this t autumn, Lhe Mr. Way was dismissed DRE To CBC as a free-lance artist 2 3 SECRET AGENT X 9 3 1962, King Features Syndicate, AS * | eee Looking For A GOOD CAR For Your Fishing Or Camping Trip? EEKEND THE SE Tp ALY Ls Tg AT CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. MAKE THINGS LOOK A STAY INSIDE ON SUCH : GRANDMA | = - BIT DIM AN' GLOOMY... A NICE DAY/ p Pd » £3 PREPARE 28 OYTRR 5% FOOD FOR SHAGES | a) : o ] rf = ET OUT! SAUCE FIT FOR KINGS, AND 2155 SWINE . BEFOULS ZEE OYSTERS wiss SUGAR. WHERE 155 HEP 4 6 ; " . / , / Civil Service | ' k iy > / d ; VJ SHOW HIM TO ME! Fingerprinted OTTAWA (CP) -- ment was asked informed H. W. Herridge (CCF " Kootenay West) in the Commons WE CAN MAKE (T HOLD ON! TWAS | THAT'S WHAT You that he would inquire and repost DENT SENTHEZEASA J ShY..euT THE / 1 today. wih ay C0 gi Te ' ING HAS Works Miuisicr Walker OF SHADY LAYNE uw THAT 4/60 2 MAKES You A S2Y LL, LOOK AT IT THIS WAY, SY? IT'S YOUR Dux! \Y / BEEN DOING SOMETHING BAD ENOUGH TO PUT HER WA OSTON To Fike § ANYBODY? J] [ficial sai¢ a full report om extent of the practice of dl |printing government was being prepared for the BRICK BRADFORD EEL S078 THE CANNON BLEW ITSELF UP, ZERO ~= PAU BA AN' IT SERVES 'EM RIGHT 'CAUSE THEY PROMISED THEY WOULDN'T SHOOT mr AT US AN' THEN THEY DID w= THEY DONT PLAY FAIR! Ts wld AC It was also indicated that a) an civil servants in such ments as national defence and fingerprinted. = transport were - =(| Home Construction HE a =x: || Money Required: A. = : = jl | OTTAWA (CP)--Works sly = ter' Walker asked the National ; Soir 0 Sty vhmydatios ay suggest ways to en MERRY MENAGERIE courage more people to invest private savings in home more gages. A delegation headed by Jehm A Griffin of Toronto, spent more than two hours with the minister, urging the government to aot more money into the home eel struction industry. SALLY'S SALLIES LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY WE SLIPPED PAST THE a ROY THINKS ITS SAFER Bl 11 AnSo ean 1 HELPED | DOLL, SHERIFFS POSSE WITH =% FOR YOU TO STAY IN J |YOU AND SENOR ROY YOURE THIS TRUCK, CRUNCHER/ WHILE THEY'RE THIS PAD UNTIL THE | |ESCAPE FROM HEADIN' FOR THE HIDE-OUT, WE'LL B28 --nc--\ SHERIFF ROUNDS UP 4 PULLIN'OLR BIG JOB IN MINERAL CITY? " : CRUNCHER'S YOU ARE WHAT GANG, RITA oy CALL [Tee ROY ROGERS . ©1960 Walt Disney Productions World Rights Reserved "I didn't get a raise, but the Do you mind? We're having & Sunil conference!" Slr