Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 May 1960, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Mey 21, 1960 13 | (limited time, and in many cases, Ireland, Many accommodations, H 1d A 1 THE LIBRARY WORLD funds which are available are personally and informally re- O nnua EUGENE FODOR'S Modern commended by the author, his club (unless she happens to be sideration of purchasing for zone | Guides to: France, Italy, Austria, Wife or their assistant. Many of : TE Spain and Portugal, Greece, the world famous, expensive Very progressive) cireulation . | ® * y Switzerland, Scandinavia, Ger- hotels, with cosmopolitan atmo- The annual meeting of Zone The filn. schedule for May.28 1rewor S ow | ul {mavy, Holland, Belgium and spheres are omitted, the author; B" of the Federation of Film will be Ausiralia s coral wonder» 0 : choosing those with a distinctly! Councils of Eastern Ontario wasilard, Eggcracker Suite, Stone | Luxemburg, Zz | ixemburg British aura. held in the McLaughlin Library Soup BOWMANVILLE Memorial partment to work on the play- | Uf you intend to stay in one ' 1 ' ? EF i n Saturday, May 14 ; . - Park Association will hold its grounds to be operated by the country during the entire holiday| 1960 EUGENE FODOR'S guide op y, May 14. annual fireworks display on Mon- Department this coming summer IT V these guides are ideal. The color- to the Caribbean, Bahamas and| The delegates from Peterbor- + LONG WAIT dey, May 23, following an exhibi- Murray Walker. Verna Foran, 'ul photographs, as well as excel- Bermuda: This volume offers 95/0u8h, Belleville, Foxboro, Port . ynaxypiik Que. (CP) -- The tion softball game by the Bow- Heather Webb, Berta Higgon,| fhe lovely spring air, although ven if you cannot go abroad!local customs and historical back- cnt maps, add a lot to the enjoy. ay ar 4 {Hope, Gore's Landing, Aax and .ommittee in charge of Dane manville Pearson Ladies and a Doris Martin, Linda Brooking, extremely good for our zion at this time, it might prove an rounds of ihe c.u.ii.ics men ment of reading, All articles have P28es of maps as well as a com- (Oshawa were welcomed by Mrs.\ ilies centennial cele hrations team from either Por: Hope or Ray Crombie, Marilyn Houseland- well-being, is apt to give each exciting pastime just lo read, ioned. Of 'eXcepiional value is/'cen written by English and Am- niete color, full size map of the|Scott of the Library staff, spousored a beard-growing cons, Lindsay. The game is sscheduled er, Audrey Spicer, Karen Mc: one of us a rather expensive nui about the exotic places your rich (be detailed information on the|cvican residents who know the 1S/ands. If you plan to spend the ue slection of officers resilt- (est, and Clemente Gosselin is to start at 6.30 p.m. at Memorial Murter, Terry Black, Ruth Go- + tno wnnleasant case of "Trav- vclatives are visiting this year, |countries where touring is eco-|country wel! and also have the in. time diving in the tropical waters|oy as follows: the only entrant. To win, he will Park heen, Mary Loo Marr, Joan eler's Itch", If you can cure it THE 1960 GUIDES To Florida, homical, With the growing intcv-|-ide picture of the difficulties 9 Jamaica or taking a Jungle President, © Mrs. Churchill of have to keep his beard until La- Anyone interested in donating Ormiston, John Perry and David ! Caliiorma. New York City, ete.|es in travel abroad, a great deal| their fellow countrymen might Cruise in onc of the Guianas; J Foxboro: Ist vice-president, Mr, bor Day Ryde the fireworks visplay, is Mine. d 0 ted ® UIP» the new traveler's guides |, Andrew Hepburn give answers|0l attention has been focused on)-acounter, you Java oe Salve aw such Bayly of Ajax: 2nd vice-presi- . 5 as tw contact rs. Morley aygrounds wi he operated |, the European coun- {, 1 nSUIONS. OR hove: tots 4m a : SR SS 0 lol E $ LH re 4 ; . rm Ytcher, 10 Pine street or phone on the following areas: Memorial fo fost. od i iropeah coun to such questions 3 WY here n cvonomy. Whether you are going| ASHELEY COURTENAY'S tiiis is the book you must read. dent, Mi, Sowioh % Diava; a HEALTRY YOOD oF MA 3-3419 Park, Franklin Park, Centrall ide of the ocean, will make your {jepe? What to cat snd | xe abroad de luxe or on a shoe |'et's Halt Awhile is a 1960 guide It will save you such troubles as" iho i Re ' LC odd B for . health n ere hal to eat and how much giring, this book will help you t some 750 hotels and inns in an upset stomach or taking Grand-| The afternoon session was § dine, necessary for Jea y ELDIN I \ [take the best advantage of thelfngland, Wales, Scotland andima to the not-quite-right nightlspent in previewing films for con- functioning of the thyroid ziand FIELDING'S Travel Guide (o _- i ae iia School, Vincent Massey School, waiting period (which s n to pay' SENIOP CITIZENS PICNIC Lions Centre, Ontario Streetli:cijy) pass in no time. Planning Ps Word has just been received Gehool and a nev: area situated your vacation might oe : that the East Central Zone of the ff Flett Street. There will also jun and will save time and ein Europe lists over 25 countries and Ortario Recreation Association pe a Life Guard and a partial paprassment whilst you are h ntains useful hints on how to which includes Bowmanville, playground programme carried 1; is important fo know what fo take. Jour. holiday smooth and Oshawa, Peterborough, Cobourg, | on at the West Beach expect for your m enjoyable his 960 edition gives | 4 | Port Hope, Lindsay, Trenton! The playground staff will be on yo, can obtain the national. dish- SoU Le new ex hange on the Belleville and many others will hand to organize and supervise ac and how to eal them I'rench franc, as well as shop be holding their Second Annual » wide variety of playground ing tips with such valuable de- Senior. Citizens Picnic on Satur- programmes. Such activities as Some of the guides assist vou tails as the names of the mo A day, June 18 at Cobourg group games, arts and crafts, with your shopping, giving the lo- famous European stores where team games, special events, etc, cation, and tips on what to buy, English is spoken g é y MINOR BASEBALL : will be part of the daily pro-0l stores which are famous in RICHARD JOSEPH'S Guide to The Recreation Departmant gramme. The playgrounds will be certain cities, Europe is full of descriptions of \ . fopes fo Aga Dette ik supervised the following hours 4 eagues in oF base ' 9:00 am.--11:45 am. and 1:15 under 11; Pee Wee. under 13 and pm. to 500 pm. Monday to CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bantam under 15, all ages as of < thes a7 Friday May 1, 1960 The playgrounds will be oper All Miner Baseball Sgnios Sik ated for a total of seven weeks ACROSS , Collects 24. Fast ny OIA A year will be played quring t as beginning July 4th to August 19th Twin together uthe PIU IK oe YN b | mornings ¥ All Atom A yy - y € The Supervisors will again at crvstal Fold p? ot: T james will - play = a Remon tend a skills training course for Small . Potato bud abbr.) |r SU 4 4 ial Park and 2 oe a supervisors at Camp Quin-Mo. herring 5. rism 5 Lz AYE jail IT] Bantam games will Balen Lac starting June 24th to June Soothe , Whitsur ; A] (o J 4 | pe . gr SITIA ; Vincent Massey 29th. 2. Depart . Garden tool schedules for the three leagues Mole color Affirm will be released as soon as the CHILDREN'S THEATRE 11. Barn grass 0. Golf pins d Ey (eams are organized The Recreation Department's 5 Half ns. "Half ng Hust 2 ha A i wv Players certificates will be Children Theatre group will pre- Comes in I ei area a1 Wai ig [TIAIP] 5 y available at the Public Schools or sent two-one act plays entitled yr 4 ogden p - » : coals Yeriorias's Avawer can be picked up at the Recrea- 'Robin Hood Tricks The Sheriff" pain 20. Feminine 20 Bale call 37 il tior Office in the Lions Commu- 2nd "The Magic Shoes at the Blades of : bron! n 33. Bulgin r 39. War y nity Centre. All players' certifi- Mowmanville Town Hall on Sat- grass 2 Pl earaus = Lh ig Ja oC Arp-yarm cates for the various leagues urday, May 28th at 7:45 p.m Aleongtian.. 23. I i de Er or oii od must be returned to the Recrea- The Children Theatre group is hi dB di bod JHIEE. segone. am tion Office by Monday, May 30, under the direction of Murray Sea Biscuit, y 5 ow accompanied by a birth certifi- Walker, Verna Foran and Berta hi cate or some other proof of age Higgon who have been working 5 with the children since last Jan- GIRLS SOFTBALL uary in preparing for the plays The Recreation Department iS It is hoped that there will be al prepared to sponsor a Girls Soft- 5,04 turn out to see the children| ball League for any girls 15 years present their plays. Tickets will| of age and under as of May Ist, bh. available from any member 1960 of the group, or may be pur-| If you are interested in playing chased on the night of the per- softball this summer application formance forms may be picked up at the - Public Schools or at the Recrea- LONG BURIED tion Office in the ions Commun- TORONTO (CP)--A ship's an ity Centre chor believed more than 100 All league games will be played years old has been unearthed 100 during the day time probably at yards inland from Toronto har- Central School grounds bor by construction workers at All applications for girls soft- the new Gardiner Expressway, a ball must be returned to the Rec. cross - town superhighway. The | reation Office no later than Mon- anchor was 20 feet underground. | ; -- - cedonies day, May 30th accompanied by . . y ¢ Y 4 o 1 SMALL COIN #4. Sew loosely 5 / A es y proof of age ke hk 4 ; THE CHURCH FOR ALL for one Rodent Orient Pendent ornament Turns inside out Sounded, ag a funeral bell Doctrine Assumed RE 8 ¥xN B22 ® ER New decimal coinage in use in DOWN ; 5 y Ha PLAYGROUND SUPERVISORS South Africa in 1961 will include 1. Companion / y A ; 5 pi ALL FOR THE CHURCH The following people have been a 2': cent silver coin, equal to 8. Mr. Ladd % 4 : v employed by the Recreation De.ithe present three-penny coin The Church is the greatest factor on earth for i the building of character and good citizenship, rid : x : house of | val Withos -- Mr. W elling mows his lawn every Saturday = he and his two It is a storehouse of spiritual values ithout a . \d strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization assistants can survive, There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and Technically, it's a one-man operation. But not to Billy and Jean. support the Church. They are: (1) For his They insist on helping. own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his And, what is more, they NEED to help! Imitating what Daddy moral and material support. Plan to go te does is standard operating procedure for children; It's an essential part chureh regularly and read your Bible daily. TO LOVE, HONOUR -- AND PROTECT. of growing up Thousands of young eouples start life together in part nership with The Remember this need as another Sunday: approaches. You. are Sunder Rasim Mutual Life / © srotecti . rer the spre: de nev. You are de ined that your Monday alms . Low cost protection alarmed over the spread of delinquency. You are determined that your Tuesday I Corinthians 12 : a i through big dividends provides a children have adequate religious education, Wednesday Titus 3 -_ 4 ; i " sound investment for the future. Thursday II Timothy 2 Rit y ; : Sat Friday I Timothy 4 d The Church can provide all but one of the essentials in religious Saturday I Timothy 6 education. THE EXAMPLE which affords real incentive for your chil- dren's every effort MUST COME FROM YOU, LIFE INSUR vo % i THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE IN FO RCE 0 \ FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS Day Book Chapter Verses KEMP'S ESSO SERVICE McINTOSH FUNERAL HOME Bloor St. W. McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD, 5 RA 5-3680 288 5.2943 152 King St. E, RA 3-3481 110 King St. W. HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE HAMBLY TIRE LTD. OSHAWA ALUMINUM RA 3-7822 67 King St. W, SALES & SERVICE 8.6221 534 Ritson Rd RA 5.7922 sol IRELAND STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY D. BERKUTA 5 esa » RA 3-3680 21 Athol St. W. ' CLEMENT ULTRA SERVICE FN COR PAY = 2 the mea BUILDING CONTRACTOR RA. 8.063) 352 Who R all the more enjoy- METTE PLUMBING COMPANY LTD. iA 3913 oS Rie Rs ilson Rd. § able because this father has assured RA 5-3279 23 Celina St the education of his family. and A : NORTE SxAwA oI his lamily, and LORNE GOODMAN GUSCOTT PLUMBING PLUMBING & HEATING their security through Mutual Life of Canada protection, should any- PLUMBING & HEATING 4 HEATING LTD, Allan Robinson, Prop. thing happen to him. RA 5-1044 758 Mary St. . Hohn Bondaruk, Manager) RA 5.3715 52 Wayne Ave KENNETH. ASHMORE 5-5132 207 Simcoe St. S, AL HE FFERING'S : PAVING CONTRACTOR ; LUDWIG DEZSI ESSO SERVICE STATION More Canadians than ever before are enjoying RA 8-8412 557 Garrard, N, Painting and Decorating Contractor RA 5-9892 Cor. No. 2 Hwy. & Thickson Road: the many benefits of Mutual Life of 'Canada RA 3-9453 736 Eastbourne Ave. insurance. The Company's insurance in force has A. C. STARK & SON ALDSWORTH CLEANERS 3 En grown by Two Billions in the past 12 years, PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING R. B. REED & SONS RA 5-1812 36 Athol St. E} REMENT AND FINANCIAL INDE- One Billion of which was added in the past 4 years RA 5-4377 Courtice FLORISTS PENDENCE are enjoyed by thousands Insurance in force has grown in each of the past = RA 5-113) 10% King St W, BANK'S FLOORING 2 Canadians When they were 90 years. A Mutual Life representative will STAFFORD BROTHERS SEEDY BA STATION - RA 8-101) 80 Eastlawn St y ey wisely arranged low cost be pleased to arrange an insurance plan to fi MONUMENTAL WORKS ' 3 Mutual Late of Canada insurance. your needs and budget, or write ol Ji MO 8.3552 318 Dundas St. E, Whitby RA 8.0367 Simcoe St. N. & Taunton Rd, RA 5. Hanging CONSTRUCTION Blvd The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Head Office, Water] 2 } , ROY W. NICHOLS W. A. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY eac ce, Waterloo, Ontario, G.M. SALES & SERVICE MO 8.2379 701 Bracke St nb: inithy 0 Lopwick ELECTRIC SeRvice o R ourti ; ne Bow rice BoB Foy CONSTRUCTION NORM WIRSCHING & SON : ONTRACTOR PLASTERING CONTR BROWN'S LUMBER AND RA 8.8101 1154 Nelson St, RA 5.6222 & 5-8718 0 130 ACTORS Ave : SUPPLIES LTD. y RA 5-4704 463 Ritson Rd. N. ALF LINES COOK'S ELECTRICAL ASPHALT PAVING CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION LTD. me URE, iG RA 5.1905 833 Simcoe St 8. RA '5.6109 370 Louisa i 8 RA 5.8563 215 Wilson Rd. 5. A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE in 5. SSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL lik : RA 5.1764 1015 King St. E. 0232 877 King St. & y , PENDERSON CONCRETE A. R. SMITH & SON 1 CTS LTD. STEPHENSON'S GARAGE VAT Leadership . . . throngh an oulstanding divedend record RA 3.4412 1089 Nelson St. RA 5.0522 1S Church St. RA ENCAYATING CONTRACTORS Ww, aa I ve gis menue. | Attend the Church of Your Choice Oshawa, Ontario Donald M. Polson, Tel.: RA 5.6564, 495 Masson Street 689 Mary Street 52 Buckingham Avenue Donald HW. Moors, CLV, * 223 Maton RA 5.7973, a Soace Read the Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Activities Branch Manager, 4

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