Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 May 1960, p. 12

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mr Et (a Manitoba Soccer Men Having Troubles Too All Canadian Cops | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, May 21, 1960 1] The Arvida Purse | Hamilton's 1-C Ball Players dian boosted his stock in next| monta's 101st annual running of| the Queen's Plate when he scored a handy victory over eight three- i 00c season," he said. The players this season are all |shareholders. Each player bought {from two to 20 shares valued at |$10 a share. | Don Cooper, a former Cardinal infielder who purchased the fran- (8 " vear-old rivals in Friday's feat- to mean much. They always req Arvida Purse at Old Wood- come up with the money. Suspen-|hine All Canadian, owned by Mr. | Playing ions are the only answer. and Mrs. E. P. Taylor and rid-{coach Bob Salvisburg Thursday Draffin defended the Europeani/qen hy Avelino Gomez, scamp- night expressed optimism about Pay To Play | HAMILTON (CP) chise in March, said: "When I took over, I did it on the condi- tion that the players invest their money in the club." Salvisburg, who will play first base, is a Hamilton boy who per- formed formerly with Oakville and Brantford. Murray Oliver, rookie sensation of Detroit Red Wings of the Na- tional Hockey League last season, is scheduled for shortstop. games, a second for three, and |{the third was reprimanded. Canadian Press Staff Writer | "Incidents Mee this dont Neip WINNIPEG (CP) -- The presi-|the gates or the game MSeW, dent of the Manitoba Football|said Draffin. "And now we've got SPORT SNAPSHOTS By AL VICKERY (F me ee ee Ee SS GE EE SE SE -- vour SILENT partner ind family friend BOWLING NEWS | "CLASSIC" EASTWAY LANES LEAGUE second night of the "Classic" r schedule continued at a led by Wayne Spaulding, who put reat display of ten pin bowling. le guy with the big ball rolled a remendous 641 triple, keeping all his games over 200. Ken Gunn and Bob| F ardson were also in fine form, Ken a 581 and the night's high single uprising Tribune) local soccer, p; will knocK®on a he has to, The litt The Y a MEN LOSE EQUIPMENT used kerel out of sea- Jock resi- CP F R catch these pi va illegally to p lamplight Ott son by in the river near awa. Two Silence is golden. But silence and smooth motoring needn't be costly not with DKW 750! The robust 3-cylinder engine speaks in whispers, is easiest on gas, oil and repairs. Room for 4 and all the shopping, too! $1788 = EQUIPPED ANDY NAGY BODY-SHOP 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7132. FS he With this type of bowling the ** 8- sic" league will, in the very near future ievelop into of the finest orga . e string tons in this district. Certainly we have 12 (had e excellent performances this the | in the schedule and every indica- tion points to a strong, well-balanced league. High Scores: W. Spaulding 641 (217, 211), B. Richardson 591 (206, )s 5 G. Brabin 563 (212), W. Richards 547, ), G. McCormick 8 40 (208), B. Potts G. Reid 532 (218), F. Lawrence (210), J. Lamont 528, H. Blohm 524 Fisher 523, W. Scott 523, C. Andor 9 (210), B. Borrowdale 506, G. Turner his plans W 50 (207), still have to fly SPORT FROM BRITAIN " but Chibougamau from was the outcome of a Thursday between the -old star.and Frank Selke, manager of the National ; Hockey, League Canadiens to put up my money today. But] (3 Te 5 - 5 pts. (3993); Team built to carry ore to the smelters seike said he had requested there has been so much fuss now 7 am 2 eam Lo) "lo OS northwestern Quebec Richard to decide within the next thet I vont" Toau 2 £3 Nis, (471); Tess 10 2 pis; Lake Mistassini, where the sea-|{w, or three days and not wait| ; son starts June 15, provides fine until September, when the train-| locked salmon. One is Chibouga mau Reserve, set aside in 1946 the other is Mistassini, estab lished in 1953 = Clips Name And Cops gw - fishing for brook trout, morthernine camp opens. Richard said he British Welter Title pike and lake trout would comply with Selke's Chibougamau Rese lie south of here, between the town Cree Indian guides regard an| wishes By PAUL WESTBROOK was his first 15-rounder. Before | eight-pound trout as a "brookie"| The famous Rocket, who will be Canadian Press Staff Writer [that he had never fought more while a 15-pounder is considered|39 vears old Aug. 4, has suffered] LONDON (CP)--Less than two|than eight rotnds. Many ex- respectable. serious injuries the last three sea-|years ago Brian Nancurvis was pected the extra distance to be sons--an almost severed achilles being touted as a favorite in the|too much for him but, under {tendon, fracture of the shin bone|Welterweight division of the Brit- brother Cliff's astute guidance, where it joins the ankle, and a ish Empire Games. But the Brit- he relaxed in rounds 12 and 13, cheekbone fracture ish amateur champion fromicaus in g great consternation| he Sa .._|Swansea lost in the semi-finals.|among his fans, before finishing] These injuries, coupled with his * Now after adding no poundage|with a burst of energy and the Lake St. John D and difficulty in ROAD IN RESERVE Copper ore reserves discovered north of here are valued at an estimated $125,000,000. To ge the ore, the provincial govern ment completed a $4,000,000 gravel road in 1950 from Lake St. John to the town of Chibouga for ke looking for big end above the ndings: Team 9 - 7 pts Team 3 - 7 pts. (3985); 5 pts. (4203); Team 4 - 5 pis 38-y ce is ¢neral is a dot the over a north of of to 'NOBODY EVER BUILT ONE LIKE THIS BEFORE - | In the new Triumph Herald we've built a miracle. The Herald is a miracle of inspired styling by world-famous designer Michelotti. It's a miracle of unbelievable comfort, from a driver's seat that adjusts 45 different ways--for leg-room, height, and tilt--to a ride that can't be bettered, because the Herald has independent suspension on all four wheels. It's a miracle of driving ease, with light, sensitive steering that lets you park in a space only inches longer than the car. The Herald v soccer players generally, how- 1 the the prospects for Hamilton Car- Association tossed his arms in|another fire on our hands. |ever, saying "sure, there are a Steg 2% Twigs OE a tnals who open their Inter- the air and exclaimed: 'Hungar-| He was referring to an early-|few hotheads in any group but/™ : Clcounty Senior Baseball League ians and fires!" {morning fire that destroyed the|without these fine young men Windy Ship by three lengths. Oillschiedule at home here Monday Nobody has suggested there i|d.T € 8810 & rooms at Alexandec|iron. Europe, our game here Can finished third, beaten by ajagainst Kitchener - Waterloo S suggested t | e z ne 9 Sq A : any connection between the two, | Fark Wiere league games are would have died. ; fiose by Windy Ship. Dutchmen. . but centlv they have oz |played. Damage was $10,000. This wasn't the first time action - [+ "If the spirit of the boys means but recently they have caused -<'re thing fire in about a year ad be taken against players { : uh MFA president Ernie Draffin to ae ! } ari aC lo be laken against players = la thing we should be in for a : in the west-end park. Last year|q APC. 2g Shar OF H 1 d R ¢ t reach for the headache tablets ' Aas ree years ago, a member of 011 ay ace els : 7 tno|two fires within a month de-lGermania was suspended indef Pipes -- arted May? en e|stroyed the same building, caus-|i ely fu assaulting a referee Jas 1 i MF cage er. lago/ing $30,000 damage. p |and an opposing player. The sus- Field Of Twe ve cuit in the MF A--opened its 1960 Draffin said his group couldn't Bn DO ee schedule with Army, Navy and do much about the fires--the five! ver Th been on Biz good be, TORONTO (CP -- Old Wood- | a huis Lavine Rup. department was investigating the |}, 2 vier since then bine's- holiday program of thor-| gaia ES as possibility of arson--but the MFA a . a oughbred racing begins today] The game lasted only 40 min- wasn't going to stand for "any QTHERS HAVE TROUBLE with the runuiug 'of the $7,500} utes. With the Scots leading 1-0, nonsense" from players orl Nor is Winnipeg the only city i : ' three Hungarian players got into teams that has had its troubles in soc- Star Shoot Stakes which has at- a dispute with referee Hubert GENERAL WARNING cer. Last year the manager and tracted a field of twelve. Huizinga and were ordered off 'We've warned these playersistar player of Fort William Hun-|. Monday's Victoria Day holiday the field. When Hung: ia refused who were involved in the latest | garia was suspended for life af- program will be featured by the in continue without the three, dispute that if they're on the car-|ter an attack on the referee; oh, ; { Huizinga called game off. [pet again it could mean a season Toronto two years ago two soc-®! 500 Swynford Stakes, expected | TWO SUSPENDED or even life suspension," Draffin|cer players got life suspensions|to draw the best handicap field The league fined Hung: $100 said, emphasizing that the asso-|and three teams were barred to be seen in action on Canadian | for its "unseemly behavior." The ciation will be strict with mem-ifrom action when ill - feeling|tracks so far this season. | three players went before the bers of all clubs 3 among fans and players reached MFA. One 'was suspended five! 'Apparently fines don't seem a pitch; and the British Colum- - TT bia Soccer Commission sus- " {pended four players for hitting a A SMOKE SCREEN? referce -- Following the latest here, Vince (Winnipeg ft Leah wrote that ¢ ap e ead S ou Id needs man who {heads together when ' ' . {ruling without fear or favor." ' 'Rocket' Richard-Imlach ok Kaline Retract of 2 and Bob with 591 and the second high single of X LAMPLIGHT FISHE ' werivational leailerd me oie. conpeliivh game fficials Bill B: | they dents of the Ottawa suburb of yj Seg io d A he nspirstiona) gg hy . . Ch ie Sony spud steam, © and Game officials Bi ompas | they sa ! Dual gibi. nlach sai as 0 C to 3 m along on in fetime, R St e Sey am 6, with arlie's (left) and Wayne Robinson are Richinond OT Of S10 sich Maple Leafs wy draft Mot eal Imlach said. Bert Oluistead has acing ories earning a split in points by only seen with some of the confis- RE --- 1 ( anadien Star aurice ocket given us wo good Seas s a ra i Batsais or | team also divided the points with 2 aring : Richard if Canadiens do not put Richard could do the same DETROIT (CP--Detroit Tigers gay Crossiey's team 10 after a very cated spear fishing equipment CP Wirephoto (him on the protected list Richard has often praised the outfielder Al Kaline said Friday close De mora ais te ------ y = National Hockey League teams |fairness and enthusiasm of Tor-|he is severing his connection with| i Forme (Re & FOE MRD Bo | can protect 20 players. Anyone onto fans a horse-racing stable and added '; Turner's crew. Stu Molloy's CANADA ouT OO0RS Rocket To not on the list can be drafted by *afs would ve last chance | that he had never been an ac- team also applied the Wile wash another team for $20,000. The an- | at obtaining Ric d. As the sec-|tual owner of any interest in the brush to John Waldinsperger's team nual draft meeting scheduled |ond-place team in last season's|HKC stables Ken Fish 5 eam had the Barges} . 3 3 " for early June in Montreal NHL series, Leafs would be al- "I never have put up 5 by only slight margins in their nin - untin en Ie D d Soon Imlach 1 Leafs would draft|iowed to draft only after New| money, but I was to do so to-|® eCl e f Richard even if he retired. Then| York, Boston, Detroit and Chic-|day," Kaline said {they would try to persuade him ago He said he dropped . I to sign a contract and play for| In Montreal a spokesman for|to buy into the six-hor ow 1S erman S aven out utur Leafs Montreal Canadiens said that if |of racers because of He said he felt Richard would the Rocket continues to play it|fuss. By JOHN YORSTON mau. Some 90 of its 145 miles! MONTREAL (CP) Maurice be of greater help to the Leaf will be for Canadiens. The stable was formed a month Canadian Press Staff Writer run through the middle of the (g,cket) Richard, hockey's most 'eam than to the star-studded If the Rocket decided to retire ago and named for Gordie How CHIBOUGAMAU, Que. (CP)-- 3.400-square-mile reserve prolific scorer, will let Montreal Montreal team then he would sign retirement Detroit Red Wing ( S This bustling little mining town rmen into| Canadiens management know in "We have lots of good players papers and no other club in the|Kaline and industrialis wigs" " Ah? . u " whathe rn but men of Richard's calibre!league could draft him. J. Carlin. The three are partners |s was once the jump-off point for Mist; Reserve, 5,200 squarela few days whether he will re-|PUt TER RIonare. 5. 0a gye co | hm ree ate Hers mineral-hunting prospectors. The miles can be done from tire {in another f inanc i 4] Jo ure minerals have been found and to a 40-mile flight, or! That which represents severa firms it's th rter ' ob as manufacturers' agents day it's the adquarters Waconich > road's| meeting « GF s 1 ted" fishermen € 10 miles town s Howe never was in erested : ones Train ser: also available |Kaline said. But 1 was. I like (418 Chibougamau Chibougamau line racing. I like horses. 1 was going |Te wilderness. 300 miles Montreal. But thanks to the mir ing industry, it's fairly easy reach. New mines meant new roads; new roads mean it has become easier to reach two of the prov- ince's bigger fish and game re-| serves whose waters teem with) trout, pike and ouananiche, land SOME 50-POUNDERS Two-bedroom cabins, rented at $40 a day by the provincial fish and game department, are dotted vith pictures of fishermen proudly holding up 50-to-60-pound a4 ow is a miracle of safety, with control-tower visibility, impacto- scopic steering column, safety crush dash, extra large front brakes: it's a miracle of economy, with normal greasing eliminated for once a year maintenance, and 35-40 m.p.g. Plus the straight luxury of carpets, heater, windshield washers. And biggest miracle of all, the Triumph Herald costs only $1845. To appreciate this miracle, you need to drive the Herald. Why don'tyoudojust that! At your Standard-Triumph dealer's. ve t keeping z lat a stric € and shedding a syllable from his t ot i vn to playing weight, have led surname, Brian Curvis is t he Bis eftorts now wil be concea i general conclusions that he is British Empire welterweight | trated on Wally Swift's British | 14 fishermen ready to call it quits. champion. The 22-year-old Welsh-| title, Italian Dulio Loi"s European | oguithes "'"|. There is a belief that if he re- man, a professional for only 10 erown and, if he gets past these] tires he will be offered a position months, took 'the title with a 15-/two, a world title fight with Don| sible Chibougamau with the cub, possibly as a g round decision over George Jordan. | by 4,613 fishermen at large. Barnes, who had held for six gwift to be the pike, do: ake trou years toughest of the three. He has| Pro _ The last Welsh fighter to hold | yiotories over South African | Four R'Riders the Empire welter crown was willie Toweel and ex world | . Desire Trades Brian's. elder brother, Cliff, who|champ Virgil Akins to his credit. | retired in 1952 and now devotes Bal 3 , | his time to managing Brian The 31-year-old Loi hasn't faced | Both his father and uncle were | OP-class opposition since winning | (his title last year, and Jordan's OTTAWA (CP--Four members |trained Jack Dempsey in 1919 A Ottawa Rough Riders of the |when won the world heavy nished by recent non-title bouts ig Four Football Union have | weight in a bout with Jess|in Which he lost to Argentina's asked to be traded to other clubs |Willard Federico -Thompson and fellow- | American Marvin McFarland. arranged, general manager - George Terlep said Friday Hardiman want trout Mistassini last season to had most can Mo Ce € 0 is . vill ambassador - mignt prove ooking for 5 and ouananiche CHANGE ATTITUDE British Sportsmen Stress 'Game Birds' By ADRIAN BALL LONDON (Reuters has followed the example of ( ada, the United States and Scandinavian countries in nizing the national 'importance -of tic birds shot for food and sport Prime Minister Macmil keen shot himself, has agreed to become the first president of the Game Research Association are The association, financed en tirely by donations and memger ship subscriptions, will carry out detailed research into all factor controlling Britain's game popu lation--a term which Br technically covers rd hares. For practical however, the new association will be concerned only with such birds as pheasant, partridge and grouse. GOOD ECONOMICS Behind the formation new body is a group of farmer landowners and others interested in the conservation of game for economic as well as for sent mental reasons. They argue that game is an integral part of | utilization and a valuable 1€ title RISE n Curvis captured the Brit- ish amateur' title in 1959. In 200 amateur contests he was beaetn only five times. Last year, defy mg amateur rules 1€ trained Yas . : {with former British heavyweight 0 nor has Toronto made] , 2 {champion Joe Erskine and ac- quired some extra experience be- fore embarking on his pro ca- trainers. The latter, Dai Dollings, 4 unspectacular reign has been tar- but no satisfactory deal has been|_ a FAST Si Br NOTICE Read Gillard's advertise- ment on page 19 and solve your summer clothes storage problems. IT IS ALL FREE | and with Arg I have not trade about Cureton to play "but Toronto methods have Ron and yrought Britain in- hazard cond tar less : nauts 0 according e new a cia a emphasized 1.100 "game | resource, 1y approach to Harry L inn to Toronto Hamilton Davey West had requested a Te move to Vancouver or Edmon- association ton the Western Interprovin- cial Football Union Terlep said attempts to make a trade for Lupn 'and failed 170 effective me had als he s ed for i 20 or cropping" a a an er The ittle match 'against Barnes! CENSUS Objects TOO of new of et t-------- ey esearch work, collating | satisfactory West had Stewart bo and La informatior scale dy of Op- Poy on a a nationa " RIUMPH HERALD IT'S THE NEW EXPERIENCE IN MOTORING! SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. l'o make detailed s halfback ! has € pound I game WHOSE a cari vill ha to Toronto 1961 for he can't here, Terlap A 'said. 'Bui we expect him to play taken bird | here this year or else sit out his density and survival rates option pleased Ottawa fan 0 b nvisaged on move UI POSE 0 deel s and the ef- studies get sonous chemicals bre of DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. f 0 16 McLELLAN'S White Rose STATION 38 PRINCE ST. R. J. TUMEY'S SHELL STATION 962 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ALEX NATHAN"S Sunoco Station 215 KING ST. WEST COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 56 BRUCE ST. T. GOCH SUPERTEST STATION 437 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH WINDER'S ESSO STATION KING & RITSON ROAD SOUTH KEMP'S ESSO STATION 288 BLOOR ST. WEST SEED' B-A STATION SIMCOE ST. & TAUNTON ROAD SOUTHEND TEXACO STATION 506 RITSON ROAD SOUTH a product of good farming, fores apd estate management A generation ago, game ervation raised few problems Britain, because the big I owners tended to regard it normal part of estate manage ment. The landed: gentry, in the own interests, usually maint: stocks of birds on, their es at a high level, thus producin a surplus for unpreserved land In recent years, however breaking-up of the large estates and radical changes in farming pres . Teasing worries--Steering baf! no lubrication whatever. Nylon led rubber are used on front and points. Only wheel hubs, steering box require atten, 2,000 miles of normal driving. spension on all four wheels 3 high-priced cars th dent suspension w nt Jeter (J) lal Throwgh KARN DRUGS LID. 28 KING ST. EAST RA 3-4621 LAW PHARMACY 1204 WECKER DR. RA 5.3525 RITSON CRUGS 264 KING ST. EAST RA 5-5370 aon REMEMBER WHEN. . .? By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nearly 22,000 fans gave Dizzy Dean a thunderous ovation as he pitched a three-hitter to give Chicago Cubs a 40 victory over Boston 21 years ago today. Dizzy had been the Natiodal League champion pitcher with Cards five year 1 He was with t retired from big in 1941, and now is see paseball eommentator vision. Front seat adjustable 45 different ways-- Here's a seat that you can raise, lower, move forwards or back, and adjust for tilt And to make your comfort even more custom built, the steering wheel is ad- Justable, too, Control tower visibility --The Herald's de- sign gives you a clear, uninterrupted view all around. Windshield washers are fitted 3 standard squipment. STANDARD (CANADA) ain LIMITED VANCOUVER * TORONTO + MONTREAL sMITH SPORTS, 353 KING STEET WEST, OSHAWA RA 3-9311 SMITH'S SUPERTEST STATION, NORTH OSHAWA RA 8-5912 , eagu

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