Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1960, p. 10

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70 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Moy 20, 1960 ih / Z] i All - Catario Championship as § for the Juveniles, came up with a | INTER-COUNTY LEAGUE BOWLING AWARDS SPORTS CALENDAR Juveniles Announce Their Plate Power Perry Juniors 12-5 last night at|Lean's double gave Crawfords the Lakeview Park, in league fixture. A py | Dan Kornylo, pitching for Hoy, their claim to recognition, open- payers, kept Port Perry off the ed their Inter - County Softball g.ore.sheet completely until the| League schedule last night with a sixth inning when Cornish hit a|unti] the 8th, when Bill McHugh 274 triumph over Foley's Plumb- | pomer, In the 7th, the losers add-|opened with a triple and scored | ing. ed four runs on hits by Cowell,[on a choice play when Baxter Murray Hobbs, on the mound Geno, Burron and Wilson, plus| grounded to the infield, for what a ho for a run in three batters went down in order. A inni o ,+| Thompson's had trouble with the first inning, added another os pitching although they in the second stanza then two after one out, left him stranded j three in did manage one run in the first more in the third and three in Sallie any another in the fifth, jon 3rd base and went through the fourth. A five-run splurge in A the rest of the game without any the sixth, completed thelr total, In the 7th, trailing 42, Gerrard | serious trouble. He had a total of jones, Wrubel, Tureski and Was safe on an error and Dods- nine strikeouts and issued only Woods were the big hitters for Worth was also safe on a missed | Oshawa South-End Juveniles, as yet without a sponsor but boasting the 1959 Ontario Midget they added two more in the third on a walk to Cornish and hits by. "Tuffy" McHugh and Bill Mc- nifty one-hitter to earn his shut- |out. He yielded a triple to Mason of Foley's in the fourth inning, SoccC vs Hollandia at 5.00 p.m.; Kick- their|two runs in the first inning and ers vs Hungaria at 6.45 p.m. Both games at Alexandra Park. In Peterborough, UEW vs United 3 |at 6.00 p.m, |Hugh, They didn't score again BASEBALL |Home Game |Sports vs Oshawa Wilkies at 2.00 proved the tying run, as the next P-m- TODAY'S GAMES No games scheduled. SATURDAY'S GAMES ER Hold Annual ing has come to a close for an- ex Osh. and Dist. League -- Strila other year and at the annual Hi The Downtown Industrial Bowl-|retary - Downtown Industrial Banquet treasurer; Bill Amodeo; ecutives, Reg. Hickey, Sel. mee, Norm. O'Reilly, and Lou banquet the following awards Keleman. were made. A and W Root Beer received their trophies as the league champions--presented by Doug. Trivet. All Stars were pre- sented the consolation awards by Fred Goguen of Subway Lunch. Matt Katelo presented his awards for the following: High single scratch, Reg. Hickey of the Outlaws; high triple scratch, Al, Goguen of Subway Lunch; high average for the year, Matt Bell of Peacock Lumber; high Simcoe Hall Needs Softball Players juss wissen ir oun Simcoe Hall is holding softball with handicap, Bill Amodeo of practices tonight and next Wed-|Horne's Esso Service. Leaside Junior League -- First Richardson's in Alexandra Park, three walks, for a very fine the winners. mound display. PORT PERRY -- p, Edgar, 3b; | The Juveniles scored five runs Teno, 1b; Birkett, cf; |in the first inning, with Wilson ¢. wilson, rf; Carnegie, If; Mey- |and Davis hitting doubles. In the jer gs; Powell, 3b; Brent, {next inning they added five more, Menzies, p; Button, p and If. {Davis hitting a homer. They poy pAyERS -- Stovin, c; {added to their total in every|y woo bi wiiber ob: Milne, cf: inning, Yahn hitting a homer in Tureski, 35: Kune: 3b: Brown, [the third, Kornylo getting one in Hy Woods, if: Rey ie ' i |the fifth and the entire team,|™' By yo, Pp. third strike. With Garrard on 3rd | hecday night at Cowan Park at| base, Stinson forced Dodsworth then stole 2nd and McHugh's Cornish, | i} row to that base was high, let-| Any boys interested in trying ting Garrard score and Stinson Pi|lcome home with the tying run tween the ages of 12-14 years when McHugh dropped the ball, after making "the tag." Thompson's scored a run in the top half of the 8th but as it turn- ed out, it wasn't enough. 2 GETS HELPFUL BOOST Fven a "helping foot" from | ground) failed to aid jumper | (back- | Norina Goegan in clearing the | | bar during an inter-form track | competitor Janet Heit SPORTS MENU Maroons To | By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' NINO VALDES, the husky Cuban heavyweight who fas been doing his share of bragging, as to his own fistic prowess but who has, by accident or astute man- igulation, managed to stay away from what could be termed a real decisive bout is now lined up to meet George Chuvalo, in Toronto, at Maple Leaf Gardens on June 7, Before anybody else rushes in with a comment, let us hasten to add that we doubt very much if this bout will prove very much either, as far as Valdes is eeficerned. If it proves anything for Toronto's George valc--it has to be good. The way the ball is bounc- fng in professional fistic circles these days, one is en- ~Aifled to stop and wonder just what really is happening. is Valdes-Chuvalo bout could be another stinkeroo-- we've had 'em before in Canada--or it could prove a pleasant surprise, a real whiz-dandy. Wouldn't that be nice--a nice change! American League baseball bosses are spouting again --gome pro and some con--but nearly all have at least an opinion, regarding this week's player trade in which Yankees traded Andy Carey to Kansas City Athletics for Bob Cerv. For the A's, they get a 3rd baseman and at this distance, it would seem that Casey Stengel has de- cided to keep McDougald for another season--and may end up playing him at 3rd base. He has traded Andy Carey to Athletics to get Cerv, a home-run clouter, who was with Yankees before and didn't stick, Ol' Casey was after another long-ball hitter, make no mistake about that, and with Cerv in his outfield, he's going to make even Mickey Mantle produce--or sit on the bench. But the big yelp from some of the American League clubs is that once again, this is a private deal between the Kansas City Athletics and the Yankees--a trading duo that has been dealing with each other, just like brothers sharing the same financial pot, for several seasons now. BRIGHT BITS: Hal Patterson has signed his 1960 contract with Montreal Alouettes. Not that any other club had much hope of getting him, but for the record, there it is. . . . ROCKET RICHARD is expected to an- nounce within the next few days, his future plans, con~ cerning his NHL career, etc. Frankly, we hope "The Rocket" decides to call it quits. He's been one of the 's greats, if not the greatest, he has records that will stand for years, To play one or two more seasons, can only be to satisfy some personal goal--one which pro- bably isn't worth the great advantage of being known in retirement, as one of the truly greats who quit when he was on top--instead of waiting until the "kids" were buzzing past him like an ordinary player. , . . NHL. MEN got a new spicy bit to chew on this week, with the rev- elation (it's alleged only, mind you, not yet proven) that both Al Kaline of Detroit Tigers and Gordie Howe of the Detroit Red Wings, are co-owners of a string of race horses. . . . OLD WOODBINE, with a special two- day holiday week-end attraction, is expecting to draw another recogd two-day attendance on the Victoria Day week-end, . . . CHATHAM MAROONS are not losing any time. They've opened a one-month sales campaign, selling season's tickets for next senior hockey season. If the sale is good--Maroons will make the trip to Russia this next winter and be ready to compete in the OHA Senior "A" league again. But just for the records --the trip to Russia is the real goal. Right now, the 1960-61 OHA Senior "A" league is a very doubtful §f14ir. . . . CANADIAN football fan least those in- terested enough in the game to the to write, are making it pretty evident that they have had all*the American Football rules they want to see. It's 8 healthy sign to see Canadian sports fans sticking up for their own game--Ilet's all remember one thing 0- body has mentioned it yet--this * 1" (Canadian Rugby) game started here in Canads 'ep! We agree our game is more thrilling for both gy er tator and after all, that's the big factor in keeping the turnstiles clicking. Hamilton Vote On Sunday Sports? HAMILTON game trouble and spec- Proprietors' Thursday night Mr. Balfour the a sociation said he will sociation at (CP)--There may a Sunday sport vote nesday of Dec. 7, Alex B. Balfour, president | quest for Sunday bowling. of the Hamilton District Bowling said ask ts next meet to gather a petition to force His state- be a vote on Sunday sports at the ment followed the Hamilton Po- next Hamilton municipal election, || ce Commission's rejection Wed the association's re- meet at Nickle District Col- iegiate, Sudbury. --CP Wirephoto Sell Season Tickets Now CHATHAM (CP)---It's been a short summer for Chatham Ma- roons Less than two weeks after they returned from Trail, B.C., with their first Allan Cup title, Ma- roons opened a month-long blitz Thursday in which they hope to sell 1,200 season tickets fof next winter. Success of the campaign would guarantee senior hockey here next season and pave the way for a Chatham trip to Russia for a three-week exhibition series, For the first time since Ma- roons returned to senior hockey in 1949-50, fans are now able to purchase their season tickets on a budget plan. Subscribers to the plan may buy tickets with a $10 deposit followed with monthly payments of $5 until the season |starts All money is to be held in trust by the Chatham Hockey Association until the first game is played K-W Group Silent On | AFL Merge KITCHENER (CP) Waterloo football silent today on details of a pro posed alignment between a Kitch- ener senior football entry and a Toronto entry in the new Ameri- {can Football League. Alex (Ike) Annis, member of a group trying to keep senior foot- ball alive in the twin cities, and the person who first broached the idea of the hookup, said Thurs- day: "We are not making any an- nouncements. That is up to Mr Bennett." He was referring to A. J (Avie) Bennett of Toronto who has deposited $25,000 with the AFL's expansion committee as a bond until his application for a franchise in Toronto is accepted by the new league. Annis said his discussions with the Toronto promoter didn't get down to details as to the type of affiliation and how it would oper- ate If the affiliation does come about it would have to be effec- tive immediately, since the Kitch ener-Waterloo Dutchmen have al- ready called it quits, withdraw- ing from the Ontario Rugby Foot- ball Union because of debts total- ling $15,000, Some local football men specu lated t Dutchmen might be u ed next season to train coach- ing. staff and players in prepara- tion for major league competition in 1961, when the Toronto entry 5s expected to go into operation in the AFL REMEMBER WHEN By THE PR Jack Sh nh in th 1 en he SCOre( da schnic: kout over Jimmy Maloney i fifth round at New York tonight. It was an- ve years before the Bos- ton sailor won the heavyweight title by 15-round decision over Max Schmeling. S y held the title months, befor: he out in the sixth Primo Carnera ? n 23 120 just 12 knocked round by as EARLY PRINTERS The first printing press on the North American continent was used by the Spaniards in Mex- ico in 1539. PY RiShener. delphia meets aging, ring - wise front line third baseman who this spring, leaving the slick fleld- interests kept virgii Akins of St. Louis tonight missed most of last season be- ing Carey on the bench. He had | § Cincinnati having a field day at the plate. |CRAWFORDS TIE THOMPSONS, THOMPSON'S -- Cole, ss; Old- FOLEY"S Brady, Mason,| Early in the season but what|field, 2b; Campbell, 3b; Gerrard, Kelsh, Cairnes, Tutak, Boivin, will prove one of the best games|1b; Dodsworth, rf; Stinson, If; Sherlock, Corrigan, Walker, Bass, of the schedule, was played at Lawrence, cf: Weldon, ¢; Grib- Lowery. Alexandra Park last night when|bin, p; Bryan, ¢; Halk, p in JUVENILES Peters, Tilk, Crawford Construction tied 5th Yahn, Kornylo, Michaels, Pren- Thompson Plumbing 5-5 in a CRAWFORD'S -- Lemon, rf: tice, Kocho, Wright, Wilson, game that went eight innings Lean, 3b; Cornish, 1b; Yuill, ss; Davis, Hengit, Hobbs, Henderson, |and was called for darkness, 'M. T. McHugh, If; Hughes, cf; White, Hassen. | Both teams were lucky to avoid B., McHugh, c¢; Baxter, 2b; John- | HOY PAVERS WHIP PORTS |defeat -- it was that kind of aston, p; Stacey, p in 8th; Ashton, | Hoy Pavers defeated Port game. A couple of errors and'rf in 6th, | | Harman Park Fo Shi | Pee Wee dra Park, Oshawa Wilkinson's Juveniles open up the Leaside | LJ i 11 B is Junior Baseball schedule locally. | The "Wilkies", who saw their| United 3-1 B t In the match last night at; This game was played cleanly anque Alexandra Park, Strila defeated|and sportingly, and was well United by 3-1, but the play was handled by referee Balson, with nothing spectacular, both teams the only sign of trouble coming 2A VE OX he ama being rather scrappy in their|from Kress of United. | y passing. Please note that the games parents was held in the CRA| The game, however, had its scheduled for Saturday, May 28, building recently. moments, with Strila banging in have been brought forward to Seated at the head table were: the first goal after a burst of Monday, May, 23, in order to Tom O'Connor, member of the speed by Carven who did a nice jeave the Stadium free for an- Whitby Dunlops and guest speak-|job in scoring. Strila had a slight | iner booking. ler; Miss Alice Northey; Robert edge throughout the game, but| A "work party" of soccer boys [Andrews, sports chairman for|the score stood at 1-1 at the wii be heading to the Stadium ICRA: Gerald Godfrey, president/half, Diemer having taken a well tonight to try and speed up the of the Harmon Park Neighbor-|€arned goal for his side. process of cleaning, so if anyone hood Association; Harold Wood-| In the second period both wishes to help, bring a shovel. cock, coach of the Pee Wee hock- sides had their chances, but it am | ey team: Fred Carey, manager "2S Strila again who were bet- LEAGUE TABLE of the hockey team: Mrs. Steve ter in connecting, when Bolotin WTLF Haiduk and Frank Stornsbury, | Droke theough gh] good effort co-sports chairmen of Harmon '¢ Make the score 2-1. f With only two minutes to go in Park and Robert Lewis, past d Tni sports chaitman, the match, Patterson of United goofed badly when he passed Tom O'Connor spoke briefly to the ball back to his' goalie who the members of the hockey team was surrounded by Strila play- and encouraged them to keep oniers, and Temniuk bulged the net with their active participation in|with the perfect set-up. 8. Thistle | Strila UEW Hollandia Italia United Kickers Hungaria Coop wwamS | NN =O Oo~OO |Nvwecmama® 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 dd dat Eo the hands of People's Credit Section winners were the Out- |laws, White Stars, and A. and W Root Beer for which they were awarded individual trophies. | A plaque for the best sports-| manship was awarded to Doug.| Smith of the A. and W. Rool Beer team, Simcoe Hall's team is entered| : | The new executive was named 3 he Rivals Bantam - Sofiball for next season and is as fol llows: President, Bert Smith;! " . vice - president, H. Peterson; sec- Wilkies Open Home Schedule 'Sugar Ray This Saturday | Would Box | Promoter 6.15 p.m. out for the team and who are be- |are urged to get in touch with |Marcel or Ray Boivin who will be at the park. BALTIMORE (AP)--Sugar Ray initial LBA action earlier this | Robinson, who did not show up week, suffering a 10-3 setback at|for a fight here last Monday, al- {ost came to blows Thursday | Jewellers, will be out to even|With the angered promoter, All their 1960 record. |Flora, CANADA'S LAWN-BOY NOW ATA NEW LOW PRICE FROM $7023 5 MODELS . plus the RIDE-ON TRACTOR See them at your dealer's. Defending champions Richard-| There was a sharp exchange son's Sports will supply the op-|about "lies" and then: position for the Wilkies in what| 'For two cents I'd punch you shapes up into a real keen con-|Tight in the mouth," stormed test. Game time is 2:00 p.m. {Sugar Ray at a hearing before Richardson's manager, Bill the Maryland Athletic Commis- Sinclair, reports that his ace|sion. pitcher 'lefty Marv Berbeck has| "Maybe you're the world cham been offered a try-out contract/Pion but I'm not going to take with the Los Angeles Dodgers of|that from anyone," shot back the National League. Young Ber-|0ne - time boxer Flora, as he beck has been working out with|charged toward Robinson. Dodgers' farm team, the Mon-| Only hasty action by Robin HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 RAY ST. OSHAWA RA 8-8853 treal Royals in their recent three-|$0n's friends and members of the day stay, at Maple Leaf Stadium. commission who stepped between In his only outing this season, |Prevented the bitter verbal ex- Berbeck hurled & nifty one-hitter change from becoming a fist while striking out 14 batters as|fight. The hearing is being con Richardson's b1an k e d Moore's| tinued. Drugs 8-0 last Saturday. | Robinson, former world mid- Berbeck is expected to take the dleweight champion from New hill here Saturday against Wil- York, was here to explain why kies. Righthander Pete Connors, he didn't appear for a 10-round who was impressive during tho fight against Pedro Gonzales of Ontario Baseball Association Ju- Rankin, Pa, venile finals last season, has got| The bout was called off last the pitching nod to oppose Ber-|Saturday because of cold and SMITH'S SPORTS 353 KING ST. W. OSHAWA beck threatening weather. Flora re- A large crowd is expected to|set it for Monday night. { be on hand, So let's get dut and| It was half of a scheduled] support the Wilkies and Richard-|double feature. In the other main son's, Game time once again 2:00|e vent, welterweight champion p.m. at Alexandra Park. {Pon Jordan = took his second |straight non - title licking when |Candy McFarland defeated him __|in a unanimous 10-round decision. PLAYER QUITS PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) John Crawford, former National| Hockey League defenceman with League. He held the position the Boston Bruins, resigned since the 1955-56 season. Craw- Thursday as coach of the Provi- ford said he resigned because of 86 KING ST. E. OSHAWA dence Reds of the Americana salary difference. Polonia sports. He felt this would bene- ------ ----n - fit the boys later in life. Gerald Godfrey thanked Har- old Woodcock and Fred Carey | an 3S] ra £ for the time and effort they had put in looking after the boys dur- ing the season. ( 'are For ( 'erv Mrs. Reginald Montpetit pre- Y sented each player with a framed | picture of the team. George CHICAGO (AP) -- The New muscular former Nebraska .foot- Thomson presented crests to the York Yankees and Kansas City ball player, had a tremendous players, coach and manager. Athletics did it again Thursday Jour with the as in 395 when, Sunny. When the Yanks traded third playing with a wired-up jaw after S20 Paterson of 4:6 Sun 1 baseman Andy Carey to the As an accident, he drove in 104 runs, film entitled 'Champions in the for outfielder Bob Cerv, a former hit 38 homers and batted .305. | Making' to round out a most en- leammate. His average dropped to .285 last | joyable evening. It was the 16th 'deal between year but he hit 20 homers and eee | the two clubs, involving a total knocked in 87 runs, This season T Ww It . hts of 51 players, since. the Phila. he is Biting .260 with six homers | elphia American ague fran- an s. wo e erwelg |chise was shifted to Kansas City| Carey, 28, played only 41 games | . in 1955. {last year before he was placed Fight For Status The Yankees acquired a power on the disabled list, suffering hitter to fill their left field needs from mononucleosis, He batted | ST. LOUIS (AP)--Young, de-|although he is batting only .260.(.257. McDougald took over the) {termined Charley Scott of Phila-In return they gave the As a|third base job at St. Petersburg] in a 10-round welterweight bout| cause of illness and was beaten|been up only three times with| neither can afford to lose. out of the job by Gil McDougald one 1960 hit for a .333 average. | Proceeds of the $100-a-ticket in spring training. No cash was -- - ef |fight at the Chase Hotel will golinvolved. to charity. Sponsors hope for a| Acquisition of Cerv gave the {formally attired turnout of 1,200.| Yankees two-thirds of the 1959 | Rough Riders Sign [ 1 i | 88 Y, 3 44 oS, curently, tanks ftinlfisscas Civ outiield Refer 240) Pound Tackle Akins, 32, in a talspin since win-| Yanks with reserve infielders Joe TT P) dt 9 ! ning the 147-pound championship Demaestri and Kent Hadley last Rs iy 2 )=Oan2 Rough less than two years ago, is un- December for Norm Siebern,|ing of Dave Bryant, a 240-pound ranked. {Hank Bauer, Marv Throneberry |six-foot-three tackle from Trenton The Philadelphian was headed |and Don Larsen. |State College in Trenton, N.J. for a shot at Don Jordan's title Cerv, a 34 - year - old long-ball| At the same time the Big Four | when he lost a pair of decisions hitter, normally plays left field.|football league club announced tc Benny Paret of Cuba. Paret/That has been a trouble spot for|that Saskatchewan Rough Riders has a date with Jordan May 27 the Yanks ever since they traded will play an exhibition game here in Las Vegas. away Gene Woodling. Cerv, thel!July 26. BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Los Angeles at Philadelphia (N) National League San Francisco at Pittsburgh W L Pet. GBL Chicago at Milwaukee Richmond Pittsburgh 21 American League Miami San Francisco 20 w Pct, GBL Montreal Cincinnati 615 -- Milwaukee S71 1 Los . Angeles 565 1% | Miami 102 000 100-- 4 8 4 Chicago 5 0 ad Grba, Acker (9) and Gonder, S SOUS 45. S 4): V i " Philadelphia 11 20 . Detroit A435. 4% [Shang 0) cutive, Srewant National League Washington 400 5% | Green 100 000 111-- 4 10 1 Kansas City 357 6 Cn 000 002 000-- 2 6 2| 001 001 000-2 5 1 American League |Havana 012 300 00x-- 6 8 3 Anderson (1-1) and Rice, Baltimore 200 000 020-- 4 4 Blackl liv Averill; Roberts (1-4) Farrell (8) Kansas City 000 000 25x-- 7 7 Pe ac abn Olivo (4) and Hall; and Neeman Estrada, Fisher (2-3) (7) Jones Mn na, : rroyo (8) and Azcue, St. Louis 000 000 111-- 3 9 3 (8) and Thomas, Courtney ) in on real 000 000 000 0--0 5 3 Pittsburgh 023 012 00x-- 8 13 0 Ginsberg (); B. Daley (3-2) Toronto , 000 000 000 0=0 3 0 Sadecki (0-1) Broglio (3) Duliba|Kutyna (9) and Chiti. HR: Bal- Grob. Kunkel (2) Chittum (10) (6) Bridges (8) and H. R. Smith; |Dropo (1 and Teed Smith and Thompson. Gibbon (3-1) Green (8) and H.|Boston at Chicago, ppd rain. (Tie, called because of curfew W. Smith. HR: Pgh-H. W. Smith| (Only games scheduled) Rochester 010 000 000-- 1-8 0 ). Today's Games | Buffalo ; 002 001 00x-- 3 7 1 Angeles 010 300 000-- 4 6 2 (And Probable Pitchers) Browning, Donahue (6) Stone 000 030 002-- 5 9 1 New York (Ford 1-1) at Chicago (7) and Cannizzaro; Erickson and Koufax (0-4) and Roseboro; Mc-|(Wyna 1-1) (N) Lonnett. Lish, Nuxhall (6) Brosnan (1-0) Baltimore (Walker 0-0) at Detroit Today's Games 8) and Dotterer, (Mossie 1-3) (N) Buffalo at-Toronto (N) San Francisco at Milwaukee ppd, Boston . (Monbouquette 3-2) at Rochester at Montreal (N) rain |Cleveland (Grant 0-1) (N) Columbus at Miami (N) Washington (Kaat 1-2) at Kansas Richmond at Havana (N) ? 1 " |City (Hall 3-0) (N) Saturday's Games San Francisco (O'Dell 1-3) Saturday's Games Buffalo at Toronto Pittsburgh (Haddix 2-1) (N) Washington at Kansas City (N) Rochester at Montreal Chicago (Drott 0-4) at Milwaukee New York at Chicago Columbus at Miami (Pizarro 2-1 or Jay 0-1) (N) |Baltimore at Detroit [Richmond at Havana Los Angeles (Podres 2-3) at|Boston at Cleveland American Association Philadelphia (Gomez 02) (N) International League Thursday's Result Cincinnati (Newcombe 2-1) at St. W L Pet. GBL Minneapolis at Denver, ppd Louis (Jackson 25) (N) 8 .692 Indianapolis 2 Charleston 3 ora Saturday's Games 7 667 1% |St. Paul 10 Houston 8 | Cincinnati at St. Louis 1 542 4 (Louisville 0 Dallas-Fort Worth 4 Columbus Rochester .462 458 .448 429 .346 International League Richmond 413 000 600--14 10 2 iY) 4 4% L Chicago 10 Baltimore New York Cleveland 9 [Boston 10 Chicago Phila 7 Today's Games | (And Probable Pitchers) at Buffalo {Toronto Havana 1180 Simcoe St. Oshawa Dealer f "North Simcoe Mofors" . N, or eo "PEUGEOT" AND VERY ECONOMI Also see our fine selection of . . A GREAT CAR -- FAST, COMFORTABLE DROP IN SOON FOR A DEMONSTRATION CAL OPENING DAY SPECIALS 10% DOWN oN GUARANTEED ® OPENING DAY SPECIALS 10% DOWN '59 Chev Impala, loaded with extras. '59 Karman Ghia, low mileage. '58 Meteor custom 300, V8 radio. '59 Buick 4-door, hardtop, a beauty. '58 Pontiac 2-door, excellent con- dition. '56 Pontiac 4-door, radio. '54 Chey delu OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. (every evening) PHONE RA 8-3011 '53 Meteor, a '57 Volkswagen deluxe, like new. '55 Chev 4-door deluxe, one owner. '54 Chev Deluxe 4-doors, a dandy. '55 Chev Bel-air, Real Sharp! '56 Volkswagen, radio. utomatic radio. xe 4-doors, sharp!

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