Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1960, p. 9

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rien' BE Oshaton Times By CMA | SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1960 PAGE NINE 7 7 An Oshawa doctor, Dr. Walter Bapty, was honored with a senior membership of the Canadian Medical Association at the 80th annual meeting of the Ontario Medical Association in Toronto last week. I diate past president of the Ontario Medical Association is Dr. W. W. Baldwin of Brooklin. | Only five other Ontario doc- tors were honored with a senior membership of the Canadian Medical Association. Dr. Bapty was born in London, Ontario, in 1884 and graduated with his MD from the University of Western Ontario in 1906. At the age of 15 he interrupted his schooling to start a long military service when he served with Dr. John McCrae in the South Afri- | can War. From 1908 to 1940 Dr. Bapty was in general practice in Vie- toria, B.C. It was interrupted |twice, for service in both world wars. In 1915, he was a company | commander in France and after recovering from a serious wound became medical officer to the 102nd battalion until another in-| \ jury forced him out of active i 5 2 i service, He served out World War a So wr 1 an . § I in charge of the military hos-| * y: ith de ar is A iii dBA i ¥ ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION WORKERS INSPECTED pial ai Esauimali, © | ONE OF THE WIGHLIGHTS | singing of the Adelaide M- | the Leonard Richer Memorial | choke numbers while tru v Dr. Bapty went back into serv- | of the Annual Festival of Music | Laughlin School Senior SATB | Shield, emblematic of the out- | mental selections also delighted of the ambu- tion was conducted by Col. I | ing Officer (Toronto); Mrs. | Mrs. Lloyd Masters, Superin- ice in 1940 coming east in 1942| presented by the Oshawa Pub- | Choir, directed by Mrs. Olive | standing public school choir of the near capacity. audience, r of Toronto. | Walter Denison, Provincial | tendent Oshawa Nursing Divi- to command the RCAMA training| lic Schools in the OCVI Audi- | McIntosh. The choir, seen here | the 'year. Nine hundred chil- Mrs. W. B. Hood, area |centre at Camp Borden. torium Thursday night was the during its performance, won | dren took part.in the massed ~--Oshawa Times Photo 10 SCHOOL CHOIRS The members lance and nursing divisions of = M. R. Sinclair, the St. John Ambulance Bri- Caught by the camera from | superintendent (Toronto); Col. | sion; | gade (Oshawa) were out. in ieft, are Gregory Brady, super- I. M. R. Sinclair, Provincial | staff officer and Oswald Hobbs, After the war, Dr. Bapty -- force Thursday night for the intendent Oshawa Division St. | Commissioner; Lt.-Col. R. B. | secretary, Oshawa Division St. [settled in Oshawa. After an ill-| annual inspec ion in St. Greg- | John Ambulance; Miss Cath- | Smith. chairman Oshawa | John Ambulance ness in 1957, he was forced to orw's Auditorium. The inspec- | erine Murray, Provincial Nurs- | Branch St. John Ambulance; --Oshawa Times Photo end his active practice. | on IaC or hu Rad: -- ar ein - wr -- . ---- z 5 --f Consultants To gc + Dredging AnnualMusic Festival Study District | 4 BAwarded Draws Big Audience : OTTAWA -- A $40,960 contract p s+ Consultants 's 1 be t amine the i v , ; Mauer) Jlauning C on ult ant: uy Ri De eae mu ' pa ay 7 . has been awarded by the Depart- an are PT area as p. S & - 4 7 . i r ' i I] to Ai dy IIR nicipal boundaries and concen- a i o my ah ment of Public Works to the On-| Nine hundred of the city's pub- | Welsh hymn melody, Once to{ners of the intermediate choir DogTiae Shuay a k : , the mem- trating on physical characteris- i # oi a Li ; is tario Marine and Dredging Lim- lic school children's voices were | Every Man and Nation, and an section from North Simcoe pa a. Wo : Din e up Rr Jem os. 2nd. tle ease with. wilich " : ited of Toronto, to carry out heard in the 32nd Annual Festi- Italian folk song, The Serenaders, School conducted by Miss Doro- or 3p O id Is1awa eEIona) Seis oan. be supplied gi ! ; dredging in three areas in the ya] of Music in the auditorium of lunder the direction of their|thy Smith. North Simcoe's princi Planning Association n ¢1 Ae fi all the ppl dy will 3 harbor at Oshawa. This was an- the O'Neill Collegiate and Voca- teacher, Mrs. Olive McIntosh. pal, Laurence Savery received Cost of the study will be $1000| peci ayy oe Sg Hoh i nounced today" by the Hon. tional Institute Thursday night. their award from Mrs. Jean ¥ har smd. ht wide the 2 ) H » ichae! ar is 3 3 ISENTE . : . and' will be shared equally by provide € } é i -- ' . Michael Starr, minister of labor, | ic £00 10 schools filled | SHIELD PRESENTED Cook, assistant to the director of ch Whitt Bowmanville base map of the area; 2) a map behalf of the H. ble David oo TSC! The presentat yas made by ; i Oshawa, tuy a a ae be IPO Lond dee: 3 ; on heha.! o1 the tlonorabe David ly, '3 ygirorium' with their), ° Presentation was made byimysie for the public schools, Wal and the tow ship o Whitby, East cf ky he exisung i ' use : ) a i 1 3 J. Walker, minister of public soprano voices and parents, and Trustee Sootge Dry an chair- lace Young. Whitby and Darlington zoning map with land use desig- » ] i works, | |the evening' was mainly for|Mman of the Board of E UCEHOW SY re 5 Derek J. W. Little, president nations; 4) a location map of 4 . : The firm was the successful them, heard 25 different song and | ™USi¢ committee. The board's SING CRADLE SONG of Municipal Planning Consul- water supply distribution sys- 2 " bidder of seven in response to tral ach greetings were brought by the| The first choir of the evening ascribed the s a a tems, sanitary sewage and storm " ond advertising for public tenders. : : chairman, Trustee George A.|w: the intermediate massed ed My of adi facilities; 5 a ely of . ; The if h Rei for com- Approximately, i Aas isi four-| Fletcher, : | choir made up of students from he defined area, including ex- areas best serviced in the future ? ha i es pletion by July 30, 1960. pal ih IS fom the A elaide Me- Winners in the senior choir Gertrude Colpus School, North amination of land use, zoning by municipality water supply # A : i Ciaran The dredging is the annual cavph a Scho Jha) Wes award. section were students from Wood. Simcoe, South Simcoe, Sunset . E. 3 hin heh i 4 , y J Memorial | crest Se . ve irecte: ights . SC ; and engineering services and storm and sanitary drainage THIS EXTERIOR VIEW of future expansion. The top used by the PUC staff as Maiienznes of the hares 2X Shiela For ihe Od a Srest, Schou io we re Qirected |Holghts Sud Noceres! Sehools. Mr. § ; | Oshawa ilding shows storey accommodated e City well as a new service centr i of th pa Music i awa"siMrs CC. : sony. B ig Mr. ittle said a result of the service Osh. PUC buildi th tore; lated the Cit 11 e } proach oa anne) an depths|of the year. Music in Oshawa's Mrs. C. ( Sitar po a gle am My study should be to shape future Plans, deeds, records, and per-| ¢he structure that was built Hall staff until 1954, and now at the rear | throughout the vear Ju: commer. | Public schools was started be-|the board's Ee committee sang free i a 17th cen- policies in terms of develop- haps personnel, will be made gyersize in 1930 to allow for the entire building is being Ontario Hydro photo | a 8 y |cause of the encouragement of $ music ee, | Heart Eve: " ee ment and growth in the area. available to the consultiig firm | cial vessels of 20 foot draught. the late Mrs. Mol acti presented their principal, Alfred tury cradle song and a Mexican Plans and specifications were | 8 /a'e Mrs, WC angus, Higgs, with the award. {folk song with a lively, tango orchestral selections. i boards. | General approach taken by the'by area planning : PROGRESSIVE CITY prepared by the Toronto district| Last night, the choir sang the! Following them, were the win-|rhythm. engineer's office of the depart- -- Grade 1 was represented by the Queen Elizabeth School first 150-PUPIL SCHOOL ind Ai ne je Boner. c ht O graders. Conducted by their Local ydro System |Eiumiiiue Courtice Overpass i ibe buds its paces with gusto. - G ng A 1 Cedardale's Grade 8 class not ] 1 ly by t Councils Plan Glven APProval |u; s: b se mwe as well. The class was gourped Ask $147,000 S M "Fi " | XC. ange 1Sits HAMPTON (Staff Darling- and specifications for the pro-'on either side of the stage while | {ton Township Council was told posed ),000 overpass on the some of the class worked the ORONO (Staff -- The Durham 207 MORE PUPILS ime Of Onjatio s tastest growg Jar She Sizes Juhorized s3e growth ja the use of electricity LINDSAY (Special) -- Mayor| Thursday afternoon it has the CPR track before tenders are puppets. The stage and puppets District High School Board voted| The building committee chair-| community of SWS is the|Gas Hon ata : th + Osh . bY, the fac) that when |r, Burrows has extended an in- approval of 'the Board of Trans-| called were made by another Cedardale Thursday night to ask the United man told the board there would largest municipality on the north The ly pablic. utilities: com- ne S A ie took over the | yitation to Mayor Stanley Martin/Port Commissioners to go ahead| Cost of the new bridge will be class instructed by William Arm- Counties Council for enactment of 'be 207 additional students in the Tees! Munk pavey on A er eu 7 sm lv K the fafa load was | and the members of the Whithy| With its proposal for the construe-|divided among the railway grade strong. a bylaw to issue debentures in|Bowmanville, Orpno, Newcastle Montreal and Toronto, Its citizcus site in 1930 and erected a large ros late the load wv); i) %¥| Town Council to visit Lindsay on|tion of an overpass on Courtice crossing fund, which will as-| MEN 0 . the amount of $147,000 for the area by 1962. So far, the board have great faith in its futare 4 modern building to allow for ad hn 1960 Tie Pippa 8s of ebru-| date to be agreed on. road south. : sume 80 per cent or $120,720: INSTRU MENTAL NUMBERS construction of a new 150-pupil has no where to put them. Tn (he decade. 1950-1060 the pop-J tire expansion. This. pablic util | I8573 cuss Joss w. used by |" po past two years the| Douglas Gorrie, a representa-| Darlington township, whose share Three instrumental groups school gt Millbrook. In view of the trouble among| v.18 HOC8CE "Iho Lae Bop | ee ilding was officially open.| ia customers of all classes. |, nil of Lindsay and Peter.|tive of C. A. Meadows and Asso-(will be $22635 and the CPR Were conducted by Barnett Tay- Trustee Clare Allen pointed out| the municipalities the last time Marion of OsiaNe ResTY dou a. 3 5 Wilding as cially open-| Oshawa PUC for years has ve ne oh xehange of ciation, told council he received whose share will be $7545. lor, _ instructor of instrumental the tendered price for building a site for this area was proposed, There we e a Jitizens 2 Ye el ia Decerbel sion of the the hydro-electric SYS- | visits. Both municipal bodies have an order May 2 from the board| The total cost to Darlington Music in the public schools. First, was far above the original esti-|Trusete Allen said, he had two ocn™ (08 BPR, CREEAE BAC 01, ct hit the Oshawa area hard tem, also the water system and in|. : authorizing the construction township, less department of MI: Taylor's hard working Satur- mate given by the department of ideas about selecting a commit- the Pye popu on is 2 tle: -- to 2; Ya ar 2 ard January 1960 commenced expand- | quits Council authorized the Mead-/ highways grants totalling approx- day morning orchestra played the ip + AD to Trustee Allen, the go Td ii Bs te Iu {his ares | * Oshawa has one of the best tire city hall staff was moved he re isiative pletions "These exchange visits give|*"" firm to prepare final plans imately $14,600, is. estimated at st movement th Morgers Se Stee All N 4 S kt BE iF T Dy! = hd TTS - ----- P---- -- . d . py SE enna Bullatl ie denen PILING LA) io ® aie te vo natural harbours between Kings-|into the top floor of the public|the City of ebisedinh hal. Hine members of council an opportun- $6320, i Tr ll pBan board about $10,000 by changing and the two Newcastle repre- ton and Toronto. It also has an) utilities building. The city hall|}oea) pug transportation sasterc ity of observing how they trans-.| In addition to authorizing Mr. played a folk song and a Slavonic some of the school specifications. | sentatives to the committee. The airport and is served by two rail- staff Temsined there from May. after the franchise ad been |2¢t business and we have found | a [Sarre to 2 ahead with the prep- tine. Later, Mr, Taylor's orches- ways and two principal highways. 1935, until January 1954, when|dropned by the CNR. The city|the exchange quite beneficial", | 4 " aration on final plans, council au- tr "and clarinet class played ! b thorized him to have a land sepa- three numbers other was to ask someone not : ; a COST BREAKDOWN connected with the board to pick Its shopping area is large andthe ultra-modern, attractive new| fathers turned this bus system commented Mayor Burrows. "If r i 5: : (ration survey made for the For the last number, the stage | was filled with the senior mass- The cost of the new high school {he site modern. city hall building was completed over to the PUC = |al ffor I ; i h i he ne he si and the 52 s also affords the opportunity for a} a «pies is divided, $121 116 for building a an This rapidly growing commun- and opened members, including bus pom. social gathering. ; pa 2ogiisition of the Necessary land $7,634 architect's Joes : 9000 for| FORESEE NO DIFFICULTY ity is sometimes referred to as|yNIQUE SETUP tors, mechanics and others have| Mayor Burrows said he had ex-| (to build the overpass. ed choir made up of E. A. Lovell, furnishings and 750 for mee] Trus ee Tamblyn asked Jf the the "Motor City". But it is also "poo "cin oh dove when Osh.| Joined the Oshawa Public Util (tended an invitation to Mayor | | This is the second time council Gertrude Colpus, College Hill, fees. Other costs totaled $2500. board did not feel it was "more|the locale of more than 60 large| ,..-""bUC took over the local|ties staff, swelling the total to Martin of Whitby and had re- (has petitioned approval of the Ritson, Woodcrest and West: In addition to the Mil brook in the know' than anyone else. | and small industrial plants. Com- tem from Ontario Hidro, the|204 persons. i |ceived an acceptance. The first| overpass. On its first attempt mount Schools. The choir was Schoo), Arusiee Alien told oe He pointed out i Joard chose mercial enterprises total more | py has continued to build and! To accommodate the increasing | Visit Will be made by the Whitby | 3 : 3 A council was turned down flat,|joined by the winning intermedi- ar e ans an specifica- the si fore i i 3 "ha S . rs 5 | H i ns: fx ve G i i plans 5 e Delore, but this time he/than 700 and the chamber of maintain the distribution lines for|staff running three services for| council with the Lindsay council |i} : 4 i 3 : Reeve Garnet B. Rickard said. 'ate choir. well pleased with the re- tions for the proposed 500-pupil did not feel there would be anv|e e i -k g : i ; any| commerce is beckoning to more yy. ira) customers living beyond the fast - developing community, returning to Whitby later on. | school at Courtice will be com- trouble with the municipalities. |businessmen and industrialists to : aes 1 plete for the board to pass final He said he felt it is the respon-| consider this city as an Heal Yo the outskirts of Oshawa, In what fe id Avr of the public utilities ' : approval June 3 sibility of the board -to decide|cation . is known as Ontario Hydro's Osh- building is being renovated and 1t s ! awa ROA. The number of rural|all space in it will be assigned to | hurch Youth . : a A week later, June 10, the plans when the school will be built. | In January, 1930, Oshawa be-|customers has varied over the the utilities office staff. This will Fund ad Spex fications Loe aval of Tastes Carroll Nichols remind came a member of the Ontario|past 30 years sometimes exceed-| fulfil the optimistic hopes of the| 4 Re Aas ar ag wii HE ou a the Son) Hydro family of municipalities ing the 6000 mark, but successive |first Oshawa PUC. which boldly | board and for that reason 0 1d Tre formation of a public utilities | annexations have taken ZWEY |r O e rent an a I) Atte d : : ow TOO LATE FOR JUNE baat Te a ia commission was approved by the many of these customers and at| modern building, which they| n | 3 ' The building committee chair-|1o0k at the site for the EE ratepayers. At that time three the present time there are 4700|hoped would be the forerunner of | It 28 . MiursdaviRev. G man told the board this will be henefit the whole area, not Jt Villies were Forgod the hydro-| rural customers served by Osh-{Many more attractive structures| 3 1 rns Shmoniced 1 hursday Ne James MeKnight Too too late for the June session of petween the municipalities re. electric system, the old gas com-| aw, Public Utilities in the ROA. | to house the various civic and ad- on ess 4 y on that 9/48,900.00 hasiy.,' np. .Cleverdon 75.00 Counties Council, but there was| ardless of the local problem pany and the water system, which| ~ Under the capable administra-| ministrative bodies for the city been contributed to the Oshawa| mrs. Peter E. Trant 30.00 > @ Problem. (had been under the jurisdiction tion of its management. the Osh-| that they felt confident had a General Hospiial Buluine Pusd, Wiliam O. Tomeq van FA 18 x. Linle, 3. nothing could be done about it. lof t : s Almost 200 Canadiar outl Tl 1 blished i I It is hoped the school will be of Water commissioners since awa municipal hydro system has|8reat future and wkich 'i | lh ian yout' re- k . ic total published in Thursday's ! ; S NOW presenting virtually every issue of The Oshawa Times was Ns Humphieys oo } Ivers 5 ready for construction by Aug. 1 P li 1904 and placed them all under heen steadily improved. It was | hailed as "the progressive city : ub 1C Is Seventh-day Adventist Church) ASSESSOR HONORED so74,737.65 Alex C. Hall, QC x 3 | $674,737.65. all, 200.00 pada 45d Secretary-treasurer Walter B one management. The following| one of ithe first municipalities in|bY its citizens. yh -- es ; | congregation in Canada are slated| wir. 5 Noble, MIMA The list of contributions not Robert Aldsworth 21.00 Reynolds told the board it could ki . | Ontario to have a major under-| 3 0 0' nave ajor u Ameri one ) Ire Row Bailey Foods Ltd. call a special session of counties | ground distribution s to attend a North American Con-| ,coscment commissioner of [Previously acknowledged follows: |4™'5i Dancey 10.00 stem in the council for approval of deben- - Let Contract { main business section. This el CELEBRATIN Pest u ore People Seheduled/ the Town of Ajax, attended the |Mrs. Grant Bird 100.00|: G. Dancey 37.50 tures to pas the costs of the new nvi a 0 built soon after the Second World Oo : ani hy ew Jersey| annual convention of the Asso- (Louise Rose 200.00 | Bo ds rammed 3.00 Frias k ong 'as e.( SNnL I Eastern Electric Cons arn Drugs Limiter 3 building F Addi » | War i so in Osawa that | BIRT oa Dex nah 2 Was ion | ciation of Assessing Officers at Eastern Electric Construction IInd 20 He stated by the time the board or ition ne 0 e first a electric homes| HDAYS Toctor of youth aid education Tor Sudbury earlier this week and | zjan whitelaw eh Rosy i Ltd in the province was built and a 9 returned * with another honor, [H. S. Myers ST Rota i185 Sales 1. a - is ready to ask approval for the 0 tite" Ad tist Church Yaniad pening At a special meeting of the £reat deal of attention has been Congratulations and best | e acvenng tirgh in Cana al that of election vice-president |J. L. Beaton 500.00 nprilton Oster 30.00 debenture issue possibly someone else will require a Spe ; ; : > {finance committee of the Oshawa foc used on elec tric heating in this| wishes to the following resi- goes] ss 8 jostival =» | of the association. Mr. Noble Beal ons Dalry Praduets Ltd 000 00 United Steelworkers of America ties council meeting a ti Pig bi D. Consul, Presiden Boia Of ication Thursday te tere {as low) Uemts of Oshawa and district will pr pov 15,000 hove d has a long and enviable record |J. Fife Innes 50 00 painter's Union Local 1832 $00.00 > ar it © Awe : : wg Nideli Nt fet od severs *h all-elec ; . : py 2 9, . ORS gang | Be, A . : 2 rs , Loca 32 ing the cost to the board. I f the Oshawa and District His-|night, Fidelity Construction Ltd. al-elecinic homes who are celebrating birth youth. The five day session willl of municipal service, both as |Beaton's Dairy Employees 300.00 pr, and Mrs. Stewart R. Alger 500.00 has to call the mieeting itself, it torical Society, announced today |W awarded a contract, at g days today: | lected and lat 3 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Beaton 35.00 Ci rf 1 , 3 % . LOAD INCREASE Ys y: y ~q| an elected and later as a mu- av CGYT a McCallum Transport Ltd. 5,000.00 C ASE open on June 21 in the famed Audley CGIT 5.00 National Union of Public Service will cost $700 {het the public is cordially invited 2, 0 ule a two-room addi- An indication of the steady] Mavis Begner, 898 Simcoe [Convention Hall and will spot- MiciPal staff employee in the \N. w. McAipine ETRE re nihil Ballo 12.00 DISCUSS COURTICE SITE to the opening of the Henry|tion to Cedardale school. : street north; Mrs. Francis [light the role of the Bible in daily| 255€SSing field. He came to iMrs. B. Coulter = 10.00 National Union of Public Service While discussing the Courtice|p use museum in * Lakeview B usiness Administrator W. G Jodke, 359 LaSalle avenue: living. The congress theme is Ajax nine years ago as : g- (Mr Ted Monkzewski ir 9:00 Employees, Local 51 75.00 a Sa av : n 4 2 : OF, : p) fficer whe! | 3 2-3 > shawa Clinic 5 site, the board voted to accept| © aturday, May 21, at 2:30 Bunker said it was hoped to Dunlop Employees | Mrs. Freda Holgoake, 210 |"The Bible on the Boardwalk", | ment officer when the improve. sr gverson a le Gas Co S000 the tender submitted by Kenneth P me _ |bave the rooms ready for the | Hallet avenue, Whithy: Elfie Special seminars, study and| Tent district was set up. Since |A. Goepfrich 25.00 puplate Canada Ltd. 1000.00 Maguire, Bowmanville, for the eremonies will be held outside next school year. Gi T OGH F d Turefki, 642 Drew street: |discussion groups will deal with a that time he has made an in- dN Levine Ronis ny Mrs. C. C. Blake Ine allation of a Tetce around the Hemy House wilh te Hon. B. L. A pe sent, there is a one-room IVE 10 un Bruce Saunders, RR 4, Osh- |wide variety of topics which con- Seusive sy of Jessen: and |yitiings Limited Employees 7.131.40| Sieve Bak and Geo. Semeniuk Jecation, publicity, > pe if al rave i Po og » wa Sis a basen ntl T. M. Moore announced today| Wa: Vicky Ireland, 21 Athol |cern young people who are com course 5 nt org "4 obi Danbrglisaugn LT The. board named the Port!" ry ty 3 principal speaker, |room, helping to handle the over-that the employees of Dunlop| Street west; Mrs. J. Ed- |mitted to a Christian philosophy wg gt Ip -a% [Osiiawa dereral Husoitgl S. T. Hopkins and Co., Employees The Hon. Michael Starr will cut flow of pupils : ) 0 Pp ard: g ) i . : Y | Queen's University. Employees additional 2.00 - Additional A, Hosmar Hope and Hope township repre- bon 16 0 el § arr will cu ] |Canada Ltd. in Whitby have| Wards. 139 Garrard road [of life. Career planning, court- ? Hariy's Lunch * Bar 10.00 Mills Auto Lease Lid. 1,500.00 A » open the museum to ~imade a donation of $4,666.60 to north; Stanley Dwire, 189 [ship and marriage, recreation Barber Shop 5.00 The Cliff Mills Motors Ltd 1,500.00 sentatives to be a committee tol, y i investigate the possibility of an the public museum and see Oshawa history| the Oshawa General Hospital| Kluane street; Valerie Smith, |and social problems, mental Farm Implement : ig =. Jac i 300.00 + a s wart A 500.00 addition to Port Hope High Other platform guests will in-|displayed building fund 516 Park road south; Shirley |health, family life, church de- . (Stanley Borek) 5.00 | John W. Gor: Sc : » Trustee John clude Mayor Lyman A. G smiber . wi Mr. Moore y av Steward, 824 Row. f 1 evangelism. | Ma 3,00 John WV. Qords 125.00 School. Port Hope Trustee John clude ;yman A. Gifford] Members of the ODHS will be| Mr ore and William David-| Steward, 824 Rowena street; [velopment youth evangelism- en ote rike M. Marder 50.00) Mrs. Dorothy G. Bentley 25.00 McCreery was appointed com- and T. D. Thomas, MPP. on hand to show the public SON, members of the Whitby Can-| E. Troughton, 98 Quebec [for-youth are some of the topics Prosperity Candy Shop 5.00 Houdaille Industries 2,000.00 mittee chairman Mrs. Conant stressed that no|around, answer questions and Y2S5 Committee for the building| street (which will be studied by young| ORILLIA (CP)--Workers at the Ben Eva cio he res a . ; M ; ) g ; ! Trustee Allen told the board by Personal invitations have been generally act as guides fund expressed appreciation of The first five persons to in- people at this conference. farm implement manufacturing |mr. and Mrs, Hales Barker 25.00 | Direct Winters Transport Ltd. 300.00 PHHS, which is 100 more than has been hoped to have cards tor, Mrs, J. Walker, said a great "2Lion as "more than gratifying." | their birthdays each day will |Peen designed to make religion Thursday night in favor of strik-|laralee Florists 00 jAheauam 2-1 and Betty ' the school can accommodate rinted but since the ODHS is/deal of work and imagination has i ( ? 5.00 Spas 750.00 sponse to the campaign by the Regent Theatre, good for a teen-age youth who are facing strike date was set. S. G.'Saywell 75.00) Employees Additional tives Carlos Tamblyn and Fred r it Dunlop employees reflects the 4 jhe stress of modern day living] A conciliation board report Home Appliances 75.00) Harry Cowley 50.00 Lycett and Newcastle Represent- executive that the money in-jof what it has almost literally the new hospital wing. The D rent attraction is "Wake Me [in 2 Space and: missile age, Mr. handed down last ¥ riday said the Rev. Warren Dickson 5.00 City of Oshawa, Employees é . un-| when It's Over." ells observed. The practical as-/ company and Local 4675, United Rev. C. V. Freeman 5.00| Additional Colwill were appoin F ffect on the Henry House itself Ip of a number Arg . a number of local resi-|lopt exer ole an excel Reports hd t e . nan > I I lent example, especially in view s on birthdays will cents the Church with a real which represents about 98 per|hcy N Siblock 1000] Dr. C. C. Stewart 150.00 t for a chool t 1 " Kk I Rev. R. A. Sharp 10.00 A. Kerr 5.00 sites *hool ez ie welcome lo hear the speakers, donated or loaned items of his y | ! : ne ' ( 2 s-|ployees in the plant will soon be| hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m. y 3 i inci 4 ; 5 ih) Clarke line watch the opening an { ic. P ie ple worth of Christian principles in|too far apart for agreemes Rev. C. D. Cross 50.00) C. Fry 20 pening and enter the torical interest, she said. lon holiday. princip) ay agreement, It gey, gE. pagan 10.00] C. Rowden o 1961 there will be 703 students for Sent out for this ceremony. It| The Society's publicity direc. the donation, describing the do-| form The Oshawa Times of The continent-wide confab has| firm of Otaco Limited voted Mrs. Florie Roberts 10.00/ Wm, M. Mercer Lid 200.00 Mr re sai at *'] : tice i i Kk wage V Mr. Moore said. that "The re-| receive double tickets to The [Practical and meaningful for|ing to back wage demands. No|R. J; McConnen 5.00 |General Printers Ltd. Clarke township representa op I 1g on the proverbial shoe-| gone into this purely local pro- was decided by the ject. The society is justly proud Keer approviaing of id he four - week period. The cur- N. T. Holmes 20.00) Margot Wallace 3.00 atives Clarence Allir r vin volved could be spent to better|conjured out of the air, with the } lop employees have set an excel- pects of such a gathering pre- Steelworkers of America (CLC), |Rev- and Mrs. H. Atkinson 10.00" H..Chapman 20.50 mittee to investigate ar 1 Eve me | therefore most dents, who have so generously i £ hav g 1sly | of the fact ti - on y no g | 1 Iy of the fact that many of the em-| De received only between the {opportunity to demonstrate the cent of the 275 employees, were Rev. C. Kartechener 30.00, D. Johns 50.00 la fast changing w » endati gd nging world. {made no recommendations. {Rev. H. A. Mellow 30.00 Total to date $718,300.55

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