Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 May 1960, p. 18

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IW NL WW ee. wee y= MB ho MR em a Th BE Ve Th ed Am 7 Gon Cin (that Alberta possesses more than!ahundant supply of industrial min. . Industrial |half the known energy resources erals, a vast northern fron. 2r awa eight per cent of Canada's in Canada. . Promotion | o ot o | By The Canadian Press Stock Sales High Low 11 Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High "~w 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Added to this, he said, was an'population "Yoronto Stock Exchange--Msy 19 Gatineau 380 4 3 4 T Fin 56 wt 280 125 125 125 A Arcadia 500 40 40 © Lorado 50 35 35 35 I (Quotations in cents unless marked $ Oia 5. <. » Can PL 202 818% 18% 18% AUC Cor 200 i 8 io bg Madsen 1300. 203: 0. 0. 13 or er a | Bu a G : ' rans-Mt % 8% 8% ® 2-04 Jot, xa = Ex dividend, xr--EXx G Dynam 2 ; y rau z10 88 2% 4 Bankfld 2500 8 2 +1 Magnet 2000 5% 5% 2 { 400 Walk GW 2163 835% 35% 35% Barnat 136 135 +1 oA TE EDMONTON (CP) -- The Al| 600 600 600 Webb Knp 300 300 300 Raska 8% 8 INDUSTRIALS " Westeel % 16% Bethim Jo oF gC ET Nat nz. berta government, with help from| 11% W Plywd B 13% ; 4 Melntyre 25 2% dedicated businessmen, has a pro- Stock Sales High Low 11 am Chee Hard Carpet Westar A » 3 500 515 535 +30 McKen 2000 Abitibi 75 $39% 39% 39% + % Hendshot pr 50 $05% 98 Word" Pui Midrim 1000 ; 3 gram underway to promote Al- Alta Gas 120 $205 20% 20% H Dauch s Zenith 100 280 28 Camp Chib io 605 | Cre ht I 9 berta's industrial opportunities to Algoma 785 $33% 33% 33% -- Hughes 0 A 2 0 Curb C Tungsten 3 Multi-M : p - q several parts of the world. Alum pr i Pin ik 31% th jmp Flo 140 p 60 $2 2 2 > 4 Fae: : : br 1 3 E+ Murray M 3 6: ' The program, headed by the | ¥ 3% + % ass 0% - . is. a a y 0 ' | Analog 100 $5% 5% 5% Imp Ol 195 S314 31% 3 D Glass pr Chimo 1 3 New Ath nn u department of industry and de-| Ang Pulp p 5 $5 50% 30% . Ind Accep 3 364 3 Dupon' 21 2 : Coch Will 3 280 NY Delhi velopment, includes a hard-facth Argus 9% 20% 20% -- ) 1 Ac 450 pr 90 Price B 10: 3 €"naurgm y 271 2 7 i i 5 $ jce Bi y au 1 ' p N Dicken selling campaign aimed at in- Bank Mont 3 3 51 51 1 Ac 275.pr 400 N Goldvue 5 4 B 1 0 $117 " 3 4 G c i i Bank NS : 8 LAs wis 1 In ns £2 Nev Hoon 500 30° #0 dustrialists in Eastern Canada, ] Brazil 700 390 385 385 Inind C pr $8 g y 3 5 4 New Rouyn 500 6 United States, Japan and West ; s 45% 45% +1 Inne G pr 1: 3 Bailey § A p 30 360 A 50 150 150 Noranda 39% 305 3 Germany Br Tank pr Bailey § 3% N -4 1 pr 4 Normetal 0 BE Ph me We AMCOM mln = Gen" dm at WG Gee em ow Norms oa Details of the promation were BC Pow 3% 3 Inv Syn A ga In 05 D'Aragon : Cpemiska 300 30 64 discussed recently by the Indus- : : : : Brown 5 Jockey € 3 5 715 +3 De Cour LE , 2 trial Board of Alberta. Represent- Olive colored, drill covering without hood, wool Burlington h 1 Jock wis 100 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Moy 19, 1760 Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS i « k pv Denison 940 950 : ed 8 33 - « 475 : Pitch-Ore y atives from 10 communities, the . Lambton 1 2 2 Dome 2 ' " . ih ig 2 y C Superior 300 oa 0 DOME ia ih Plaver 2 +] industry and development depart- blend filled, cotton plaid lining, 28" double Leb G B pr $2014 CM 50 Duvan Q Metal i 86 S13 ment and the Research Council of | 9 2 9? Can Wire B 313 Mh 3 Mm PR 9 - ! = Cree wis 58 300 5 155 Plder » [ Pronto 3 5 ' Alberta attended. | tab zipper, size 35" x 70". Fr Dynamic 3600 El Sol p F 5 5 5 FUTURE PROSPECTS C Bank Com 50 $49% % 4 Mass; Fer § ig : Home Oil B25 CBAL A wi 320 Mcore 210 ' " Fwest Tu 3: 3 +1 y 3 ; sv ini C Collieries 100 $8% 8% BY Nat Groc 715 % 2% 14 Pete S00 Su A Frobuher ! + D. I Istvanfly, a statistician € Curt W 1000 205 205 205 +8 N St Car 100 Mega) Pont : + Genex $. 3 8 54 5 5 1 with the provincial government, € Drawn pr z90 3 N Star 57 wit 125 35 5 355 o Giant YK 300 +3 2 p - 5 CF Prod pr 5 $8 51 57 NW Util pr 225 Midcon 3 Glacier b) Stanleigh : : -2 addre sed the meeting. He gave a C Ice Mach A 50 $113 1 ge Hers 00 $26 2% N Superior 33 5 + Gulch 500 Stanlgh wis 7 7 1 short review of the province's 5 : Petrol 1020 Steep R g 0 1 ' manufacturing history since 1948] é " bby 3 Mass F 8 97% 91% + " Cdn Brew 360 3 3 lass F 3 HB Oil G 13 Falcon 4 ¥ 1 bi 19 - Cdn Oil 5 1 nbina Ponder CE Gunnar Taurcanis 350 25 - 3 Pembina pr 2 ) 8 Thor « | 12 0 4 : he ion | an Gas pr 220 4 . Penmans om $ 26 + Y Provo Gas 1300 " 0 of Ward Rock 1000 Jeckn 1 ang ten mapped out a projection + 1 1 il 53 52 2 97: Sarcee 7 Chrysler Premium nm 3 " Loh M H # 1000 or Cell 100 5: 4 e AV Can 600 $5 3 2 Ba Likes U Asbestos Phe SPARE VE | U Canso vt 3 y Un Keno The gross value of goods manu- mad Oil - Con Gas 1 3 3 yal Bank 135 % 67% -- Ya { N 175 85 53 8 2 p ou Cas 100 3 ak 2 e Un Oils 1 Nick new >. 88 Upp Can 3 factured in Alberta is expected to Cor 5 Wayne i Irish Cop 2180 103 v 8 Ras. gal : Creative Tel 525 ' § 7% 17% + W Cdn OG x = Iso 1500 3 ! ventures ; + reach the $3,000,000,000 mark by Dist Seay $50 3 29% 2 A Salada Ho 88 a Wsburne 57 " -- J Wale 0 a : Willroy 125 1975--almost * triple the present ak BR ' '" 5 $1 ue A iy 4 Yale Lead 1 sroduction value Pom Elect 25 $7 Th y 2 - Joliet 5500 20 2 ! A 500 1 g fF [ w Dom Stores 50 $50% z iinpse $3015 30% 303 Kerr Add 700 $1214 12% 12 kup Peli a 3 He estimated population by that DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Fam Play 65 $20 3 S ay 2 1 5% Kc Pan Dev 2000 3 Fanny 7 i Sid 9 80 $751 3 5% Advocate 000 340 335 i Lavrator 0 33 5 Zenmac 1 % time would have increased by | Ww vird US 1 3 test $141 Algom 300 $115 11% 11% + % L Dufault 525 52 . » + 500,000 to 1,700,000 | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Ford Com Amal Rare 795 6% 6% 64% Lamagque 300 325 5 =a a Mr os . : S | . Fadtn Am Nephe 00 55 55 5% 2 Langis 2000 Pend Ore 2 2 Ir. Istvanffy said he was bas-| 5 y 381 1 Frese 25 $26% 2 53 i im 5 6 36% 36% + Rouyn 2000 16 16 16 --2 Latin Am 10000 5 5 --14 Sales to 11 a.m.: 376,000 ing his projections on the fact | 250 Simpson, 150 miles north of the|and more tender garden ciups a a British Columbia border in the|are being grown under light [FF==--== - Yukon. Broccoli, celery and|frame covering with plastic cauliflower grow at Whitehorse. | sheeting to protect them from] Corn, tomatose, green beans|frost. HOME FOR AGED | REQUIRED FOR AUGUST Ist, 1960 | : NURSING SUPERVISOR -- Geriatrics training and supervisory experience desirable HOUSEKEEPER -- Experience in Homes or related field necessary. [« ] TUBE-TYPE TIRES CHIEF COOK -- Experience in Homes or related field necessary. Due to the growing popularity of tubeless tires we are clearing our surplus stocks of long wearing GOOD YEAR tube type tires. So if you take 6.70 x 15s or 6.00 x 16's (pre '57 model cars) here's your chance to MAINTENANCE MAN -- outfit your car with top quality tires at low, low prices! For all-round work, repairs, cleaning, mainten- ance of grounds | HILLSDALE MANOR Benefits include--accumulated sick leave, Ontario Hospital Blue Cross/P.S.1., group insurance, pension plan. Applications will be received until 5:00 p.m., Tues- day May 31st, 1960. Please give all information regarding experience, age, martial status, refer- ences, etc Anyone having previously applied for these posi- tions is required to renew their applications. D. FLEMING Personnel Officer City Hell, Oshawe T SIMPSON, N.W.T. Fruits, Vegetables Grow In Arctic OTTAWA (CP - If you'reshort growing season. But the thinking of moving to the Arctic|long hours of sun each day are and growing your own food, your|, orl 5 | favics had_ better run lo 'ogg.|a compensation and produce | GOODFYEAR All-Weather plant, broccoli and such exotic# aid growth There are at least 1,000,000 vegetables. Ham and eggs are too expensive acres of agricultural land in the i The federal department of agri-|north divided almost equally be- / | culture' has found that small|tween the Yukon and Northwest| J | fruits and leafy vegetables can Territories, the department says. | he grown far inside the Arctic|Permanently frozen soil--perma- Beautify your home the modern, func- Circle without too much diffi-|frost--lies under all the land but| 3-T Nylon cord body gives this tire the greatest The lowest prices you'll get anywhere an a major Cols lit is well below the surface after| tional way, clean, durable ASPHALT Ill carcass strength in the industry for the price brand tire. The Goodyear name i$ your guarante: is w e ! g : ; e of Although hens will survive|the land has been tilled a few DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire One of GOODYEARS most popular tread designs quality and ory yours lv there, cost of feed is almost pro-|years now hibitive Peas were planted in 1956 on ' 8 | 6:70 x 15 : . The department established an|land which had only 14 inches 6:70 x 15 and 6:00 x 16 experimental sub . station near|free of permafrost. Some stunted I ow Whitehorse in the Yukon 16 years|plants blossomed but there was I N ONLY ago and has supervised experi-|{no crop The following year peas mental, gardens as far north as|Were again planted in the same Inuvik, the new location for Ak- location and the permafrost level lavik, on the shore of the Arctic|dropped Io thee feet. The plants Oces t the mouth of the Mac- were healthy and yielded a small \ ig gi FREE MOUNTING @ kenzie River crop PLENTY OF SUNLIGHT PLASTIC PROTECTION I PLUS PLUS F. S. Nowosad ficer in Green peas and lettuce have charge of northern agriculture, been grown successfully at Inu- I RECAPPABLE TIRE _RECAPPABLE TIRE (50c For Mounting) says f the sub-Arctic Vik. Strawberries and egg-plants rd Eo be considered . have been Trib oe Ji COMPARABLE T0 COMPETITIVE TIRES novelty--*'it's a reality." ----- tery =" = TR One of the problems encoun SELLING FOR OVER $20 VALUE LEADER IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD tered by the market-gardener is the lack of rainfall during the Free Gifs! HOLIDAY WEEKEND SPECIALS : SPECIAL PRICI Outhoard Special WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF NURSERY STOCK COLEMAN 77 WA Was ed tte with Deluxe "BIG MOTOR" Features. THE H LID AY WEEKEN C St Here's a powerful 7V2 'h.p. motor amp oves for less than you'd expect to pay for a 5". Full pivot steering, double propeller protection and Including -- Trees - Shrubs - Vines - Fruit Trees - Rose Bushes COMPLETE 3 Servenjert 3 Vingalion. remine Viel A _ OPEN -- gy - 239-90 DIFFERENCE A new picture tube would Friday, May 20 until. 9 o'clock at Night << pe ae.com SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY (MAY Bian pm. | GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE CO00D HVE oy. pm HER'S Bl 162 KING ST. EAST RA 5-5512 INES MEAG BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES § Open Friday Night Till 9 P.M. Tot etd to $ KING ST. WEST | oF ts Condy isn RA 3-3425 AT THE BOWMANVILLE CLOVERLEAF ON No. 401 HIGHWAY I ~~ QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT BARGAIN PRICES

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