Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 May 1960, p. 7

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INCOMING, RETIRING PRESIDENTS Wilma Grace Davis Ray W. Petre Exchange Vows The marriage of Wilma Grace Davis and Ray William Petre, both of Oshawa, was solemnized recently at St. Gregory-The-Great 1 Kate McLaurin Mission Circle Elects New President, Officers Mrs. L. W. Parroit was elect- ed as president of the Kate Mec- Laurin Mission Circle of First Leslie Csizmadia Monica Stimming Wed Recently The marriage of Monica Stim- Baptist Church at its May meet- ing held in the parsonage, Car- ming and Leslie Csizmadia was solemnized recently in Grace NEWS IN BRIEF BEAUTY SPOTS All railway stations in Sweden have a garden of flowers, or eves a little park of their own. Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 17, 1960 7 Lutheran Church by the Rever- end Carl Kartechener. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Herbert Stimming and Mrs, Joseph Koenigsberger of Oshawa. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Csizmadia of Budapest, Hungary. negie avenue. The other officers are: president, Mrs, Mabel treasurer. Mrs . : Alvin Hatfield; Roman Catholic Church. The bride is the daughter oi Mr, and Mrs. William H. Davis, North Bay, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. thur Petre of Oshawa. The Reverend Lawrence Me- vice- secretary, Mrs. 2 press reporter, Mrs, A. A, Hop- 7 per; pianist, Miss Edna Green- MRS. E. KELVIN JAMES MRS. A. W. WILSON New President Is Installed At Sunset Height H&S Assn. by Mrs. Beth Weldon's room and mauce silk shantung with white Mrs, E. Kelvin James was in- ; 1 stalled as president of Sunset|the senior room prize by Mrs. | ccessories. Heights Home and School Asso- Thelma Rowland"s room. ciation at its annual May meeting. | She succeeds Mrs. A. W. Wilson |, Ne erding seo : SS who has been president for the/Mi3. 4. B. Woods, recording. sec-| The honeymoon was spent past two years. The other officers are: Second | oorresponding Gough officiated. The weddiiis music was played by Mr. Jack Driscoll. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a street- length dress of white silk or- ganza over white peau-de-soie featuring a scalloped neckline, long sleeves and a full skirt. A tiara held her fingertip veil and she carried a cascade of pink roses and stephanotis. Mrs. George Robinson, the matron-of-honor, wore rose silk organza styling a scooped neck- line and short sleeves. Her head- dress was a fiat rose organza 0ow and she carried a cascade of white and pink chrysanthemums. Mr. Donald Petre acted as best man for his brother. Ushering were Messrs. Wayne Davis and Ronald Davis. A reception was held in Picca- dilly Room at the Hotel Genosha. For the occasion the bride's mo- ther wore a street-length dress of The bridegroom's {mother was in beige lace with Annual reports were read by|pink and beige accessories. p surer; Mrs. secretary; in R. M. Wilson, trea-|Quebec and New York. For trav-| H. E. Ramshaw, lelling the bride wore a suit of Mrs.| white and gray tweed with gray); "ang she carried a cascade vice-president, Mrs. Clifford Led-|w, J. Howard, membership; Mrs. accessories and a pink flower- dy; surer, Mrs. C. M. executive members, Mrs. R. J. Kimmerly, Mrs. John McNab, Mrs. R. W. Forster, Mrs. K. G McDougall, Mrs, John Brinning recording secretary, Mrs. |gianley Jackson, A. B. Woods; corresponding sec-| \fpg | retary, Mrs. B. J. Salmers; trea- g G, Storie, program; Mrs. B. J.| -- MacDonald; | saimers, publicity. Mrs. Wilson thanked the retir-| ling executive, members and staff| .hicken is often served with cur- '|for their co-operation during her | ried rice and two dozen spices Mrs. George Moss, a vice-presi- dent of Home and School Coun- cil, presided at the installation. Mrs. H. E. Ramshaw thanked Mrs. Moss and presented with a small gift. Dr. William Grant made an ap-| peal on behalf of the Oshawa General Hospital fund. her Mrs. A. W. Wilson announced the annual field day will be held on May 31. Mrs. Gordon Reeson and Mrs. Stanley Jackson will convene the field day. Arrange- ments were also announced with Mrs. Louis Goldblatt as conven-| er Mrs. Wilson introduced the school choir. Pupils from Grades 4, 5 and 6, were under the di-| rection of Mrs. Beth Weldon and sang the following: "They All Call it Canada", "My Heart Ever Faithful", 'Lorelie", "In the Plaza" (Mexican Folk Song), "Golden Slumbers" and "Do-Ra:| Mi". . Pupils from Grade 7 performed two sets of square dances under the direction of Mrs. Georgina Brooks. Mrs. E. G. Storie thank- ed both the choir and the dancers. publications; Lewis Lott, social; Mrs two years-in office. Refreshments were served by Li members of the executive. WIFE PRESERVER p-- Hi Spray shellac over the area| with all. kinds of hom around door knobs so that fin-|and delicatessen in St. George's ger prints can be wiped off eas- ily. PICTURE LIBRARY DURHAM, England (CP) -- A department of Durham Univer- sity is to start a picture library. Art lovers will be able to borrow original works of contemporary art and hang them in their own led hat. The newly wedded pair will live in Galt, Ontario. SPICED CHICKEN At Hamburg in West Germany from the Orient. Carol Maclnally, John Nailor Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony Carol Ann Maclnally and John|leatured skirts of unpressed Hourigan Nailor were united in|pleats and short sleeves with| marriage recently at St. Greg- matching gloves. They wore ory's Roman Catholic Church. |peau - de - sole bow-knot head- The bride is the daugh of|d . Miss Kim Hawley, junior Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Maclnally of bridesmaid was dressed similar- Oshawa and the bridegroom isily to the senior attendants. All the son of Mr. and Mrs. John|carried cgscades of white and fields F. M. McLellan and Mrs. Ross social committee, Mrs. 7 Porter; link and visitor agent, Mrs. J. D. Smart; sewing com- mittee, Mrs. E. L. Alward, Mrs. D. H. Rice and Mrs. Alvin Hat- field; reading course, Mrs. Mur- ray Eaton; secretary, link and visitor highlights, Mrs, D. H. Rice; group leaders, Mrs. G. W, Bessie, Mrs. Walter Sewell, Mrs. Geo. Winters. Mrs. Mabel Joyce presided, in the ab of the president, Naiior of Ajax. yellow shasta chry: The Very Reverend Dean| Mr. Brian Logeman was best Dwyer performed the double ring{mas, and the ushers were Mr. ceremony Mr, Jack Driscoll|Arthur Madill of Oshawa, Mr. played the wedding music and{Mr. Robert Annis of Scarbor- accompanied Mr. William Hark-{ough and Mr. Michael Nailor of ness of Ajax who sang "On This| Ajax. Day O Beautiful Mother" and| The reception was held in Al- "Ave Maria", bert Site! United Church hall here the bride's mother receiv- Given in marriage by her|¥ father, the bride wore a full|®d wearing a sheath dress of length gown of gardenia white|S38¢ green pure silk _shantung, peau de sole sweeping into {with a cioche hat of champagne train. A Victorian yoke and long|Pcige. beige and green accessor-| sheath sleeves of Chantilly lace{ic® and a corsage of tinted shasta letyled the bodice and lace also Shrysanthemums, Assisting, the lau alae. of 4 wea) groom's ther, chose 4 acon Lo dao Ber IOV ret area of champs li ave] : _|embro 8 organza wi a caught with tiny bows. A fewell-| Jo) matching hat, harmonizing] accessories and a corsage of bronze roses. For the honeymoon trip to Buf- falo and other points in the United States, the bride wore a beige boucle dress with a green flowered hat and corsage of pink chrysanthemums., On their re- turn the couple will live in Osh- awa. led crown held her waist length {ot white carnations and pink de- |light roses. The maid of honor was Miss Judy Haight and the other at- tendants were Miss Joanne Hen- {derson and Mrs. Brian Logeman. Their street length dresses of watercress green peau de sole PERSONALS Everding-Pfluger of town guests at th Planeta -Dobos wedding includ. led: Mr. and Mrs. John Sabo, | Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Betty | Hunter Lorraine, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Dargo and Vic | Dargo of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. {R, Knowles and Mr, James | Dobos, 'Port Colborne; Mr. and | Mrs. Steve Karney and Mrs. | Steve Karney Sr., Burlington. Mrs. Stanley Turner and Mrs. oy Burns are convening Ann's be stocked e baking |r Pantry which will parish hall, Mrs, F. J. Peirce and her com- mittee are busy making plans for the coming tag day for Prince | Philip Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. Only through this annual fund -raising event is the chapter able to fi- nance its projects, local, national and international. Rites Solemnized Margarete Pfluger and An- thony Everding, both of Oshawa, items of interest. News of teas, [Epic Parties, showers, anni- versaries and comings and go- : : {ings are always very acceptable Were unite in marriage jecontly and for which there is no charge.| Church by the Rever d allo ¢ Please write or telephone RA|Coffey en hip -35 Cc , 3 | 39574 local 18 The bride is the daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. M. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs, Otto Pfluger of | Hood, formerly of Oshawa, ar-| Ravensburg, Germany, and the| {rived in Toronto on Saturday and| bridegroom's parents are Mr. and| !ave visiting their daughter, Mrs.|Mrs. Anthony Everding of Ahlen, | | James Flucker and Mr. Flucker| Germany. | |at King City until Thursday when| Mr. Fred Thajer gave the |they will be leaving for Victoria, bride in marriage. She wore a| I|B.C. They expect to be in Osh- waltz - length dress of nylon net| {awa toward the end of the and lace over satin with a scal-| month. loped neckline and short sleeves. | Flower appliques adorned the full| skirt and lace mittens matched the bodice. A pearl-studded crown held her short veil and she car-| ried red roses and white chrys- anthemums in a cascade. Mr. Edwin Gelecker acted as best man, A wedding reception was held Out - of - town guests at the | Petre-Davis wedding were Mr, {and Mrs. Edward Kristofek, Rex- | dale, Ontario; Mrs, Iris Laforest, {and Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hen- derson, Kingston; Mrs. Scott Staf- ford, Flesherton; Mrs. Mary Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. John Bowie, Miss Betty Berry, Mr, Follows Planeta-Dobos Wedding |Ann Gdvoec, Mrs. Alex. Dobos, opening the meeting with a poem and prayer. Mrs. Alvin Hatfield read the minutes, and Mrs. R. W. Barr (President) presented the treasurer's report. Mrs. W. R. Collins led in the] Mrs. F. E. Crome presented an worship service on the theme,| interesting topic on "Bolivia." "True Worship." Mrs. G. W.|She noted that this is the 60th Besse, Mrs. Walter Sewell and|year of Baptist work in Bolivia. Mrs. W. R. Collins led in the|" Refreshments were served by prayer service. the executive. Reception For 500 Guests | MRS. L. W. PARROTT gloves, They wore matching crowns with eircular shoulder| length veils and carried nose-| gays of carnations in shades of| aqua, pink and centred with a single rose. | The junior bridesmaids were Miss Susan Dobos, Miss Teresa Lambourne and the flower girls were Miss Joan Planeta and Miss Barbara Lambourne. They all wore short billowing frocks of aquga silk organza with a sash and bustle how at the waistline. Their headdresses were crowns studded with pearls. They wore short white gloves and carried nosegays similar to the other attendants. Mr. James Planeta was best man for his brother, and the ushers were Messrs. Alex. Karo- sad, Bruno Wrubel, Ray Shere- meta and Leslie Dobos. The reception for 500 guests was held at the Polish hall, Olive| avenue, where the bride's mother received wearing an afternoon dress of brocaded satin in a soft St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church was the setting for a wedding on Saturday morning, May 7, when Kathleen (Kay) Mary Dobos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Dobos, was unit- ed in marriage with John Stan. ley Planeta. son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Planeta, all of Oshawa. The Very Reverend Dean Dwyer performed the double ring ceremony and said the nup- tial mass. Mr. Jack Driscoll play- ed the wedding music and Mrs. Steve Karney of Burlington sang "On This Day," "Ave Maria," "Jojji Hozzam Oh en Szerelmen" (Hungarian) and "Panis An- gelicus." Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a full length gown of carnation white silk faille taffeta. The long sleeved Victor- tan bodice featured a sabrina neckline and guipure lace trim- ming. The bell skirt fanned out into a cathedral train. A coronet of rhinestones held her finger tip veil, and she carried an all- headdress beaded aith white carnations fringed bridesmaid in blue polished cot- iter of Mrs. Donald Keith Whit- The bride was given in mar- Her short veil was secured by a pearls and she carried a of riage by Mr. Joseph Koenigs- and berger, She wore a waltz-length gown of crystal charm over taf- feta with a full, gathered skirt cinched by a wide cummerbund. Miss Irene Koenigsberger was ton, trimmed with white, She carride a bouquet of red roses. Mr. Ernest Csizmadia acted as best man. A wedding supper was held in the Hotel Genosha. The couple are making their home in Oshawa. SOCIAL NOTICES ~~ Supplement the ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trotter of Oshawa wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daugh- ter, Rosemarie, to Mr. Charles Percy Lines, son of Mr. Herbert Lines of Oshawa and the late Mrs, Lines. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, June 18, at 3 o'clock in Albert Street Unit- ed Church. ENGAGEMENT The t is of Patricia Lillian Bartels, daugh- a ney of Bowmanville and the late Mr. Leonard Charles Bartels, to Mr. Ronald John Mutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mutton of Bowmanville. The marriage is to! take place at Maple Grove Unit- ed Church on Saturday, June 18, 1960, at 3 p.m. SHOWS WAY QUEBEC (CP) -- First woman to win a physics degree in the 108-year history of Laval Univer- sity is Therese Gravel, daughter of a chemistry professor, who will graduate June 4 with a de- gree in engineering physics. La- val has previously had a num- ber of women graduates in chem- Family Diet with "PARAMETTR" SYRUP JUNIOR 21 Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements DRUGS 28 KING STREET EAST RA 3-4621 Regular City-Wide Deliveries istry and biology. white cascade of stephanotis. Mrs. W. Mark Lambourne was matron of honor for her sister, and the other attendants were Miss Adella Planeta, Miss shade of coffee sand with match- ing hat. Assisting was the hride- groom's mother who chose rose- wood lace over taffeta with a flower trimmed matching hat, Both wore corsages of roses. Jr., and Miss Vickie Dargo of! For dhe Jonesmoon ui ihe " ay a | bride trave n a beige an Toronto. They all wore acqua green dress with green duster embroidered silk organza over|coat, beige accessories and a taffeta fashioned with bell skirts, | harmonizing corsage. On their re- sabrina necklines, and short|tyrn the couple will live in Osh- v vo @t at the bridegroom's home in Osh-lgjeeves with short white awa. YOU SHOULD SEE THE SCOULAR CASE A Thirteen Minute Film About CANCER BEING SHOWN Through the Courtesy of REGENT THEATRE May 18th through May 21st The junior room prize was won|homes, 4. S as though there will be .|a number of parties going on to- { \morrow night prior to the May- !|time Dance at the Jubilee Pavi- "|lion. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Storie {are having guests to dinner and |all of North Bay; Mr. and Mrs. # |others hosting will be Mr. and | Brian Plumb, Ferris; Mr. and '| Mrs. S. T. Hopkins, Dr. and Mrs. | Mrs. Wilfred Nadon, St. Cathar- {| A. P. Fulton, Dr. and Mrs. B. M. |ines; Miss Carol Brown, Kes- | Woods, Mr, and Mrs. G. G. Cur- wick; Mr. and Mrs. Rae Rundle lley, Mr. and Mrs. D. E.|Deseronto; Mr. and Mrs. Robert |Sager and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Lang, Oakville; Mr. ahd Mrs. | Learmonth. Mr. and Mrs. Paul|Francis Harkness, Halifax, N.S.; 4|Barbarik of Whitby are enter-|Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Harkness, taining for their guests, Mr. and and Miss Joy Harkness, Ajax; i |Mrs. Corcoran of Midland who Mrs. William Cornish, Miss June will accompany them to the|Cornish, Mr, Ted Cornish, all of dance. Bowmanville; Mr, Donald Shep- ley, Chatham, Guests from out-of-town at the | Nailor-MacInally wedding were| On the occasion of their 20th {Mr. and Mrs. William Price and| Wedding anniversary Mr, = and [Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brule, To-| Mrs. Ray Boivin, Court street, ronto; Mr, and Mrs. Elmer An-|were entertained at a party given Inis, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Annis, by their daughter, Miss Denise | Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Boivin. | {Baker, North Bay; Mr. and Mrs. |A. S. Callison (Syracuse) N.Y.;| , Mrs. Charles Debona and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hamilton,|Aleta Price of Oshawa are in Chatham; Mrs. M. Hourigan, Sud- Toronto today attending the an- bury; Mr. and Mrs, E. H, Park Dual Laura Secord family party hurst, Ashburn; Mr. and Mrs, |at the King Edward Hotel. A spo, Sui, Me 4 me Reverend Brak cote |Mr. Robin Nicholson. Whitby. ' Iman officiated at the christening | in the chapel of Eaton Memor- | Colonel (i. Hedley Basher, ial Church, Toronto, of William |OBE, ED, of Whitby and Cap- Steven Karn, infant son of Mr. | |tain George Drynan, Oshawa, and Mrs, William W. S. Karn. | | were guests at a reception at the Mrs, William H. Karn entertain- { | Toronto Club given by Lieut. led at tea in Oshawa following the Colonel C, S, Frost, CD officer ceremony. The guests included the commanding the Royal Regiment| parent of the baby and Dr. and of Canada, Later they attended Mrs. A. A. Cameron of Ottawa |the Batoche dinner, an annual and from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs | celebration by the Royal Regi-|George Wisener and daughter, i {ment held in York Armories. Beth, Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Davis, '| You are invited by the Social|Mr. and Mrs. John G. S. Bull and . W . 1 7\a EN ) ® Enjoy a holiday on Washday HOLIDAY LAUNDRY 440 RITSON RD. S. {Opposite Brewer's Retail Store) OSHAWA MAYTAG COIN OPERATED LAUNDRY COME IN TODAY ... OR TONIGHT! DO THE WHOLE FAMILY WASH IN LESS THAN AN HOUR! WE'RE. OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK. Brian Ovenell, of Toronto; Mrs. John Courvoisier, Dundalk Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Davis, Mrs David Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Or- val Gilchrist, Mr. Samuel Davis, FOR POLAROID 'LAND CAMERAS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC EYE SHUTTER Automatic 60-second photography is here With the new Polaroid electric eye shutte fitted on vour Land Camera and 8000 speec . film in it there is: » NO MORE EXPOSURE SETTING » NO MORE FOCUSING P AUTOMATIC ADJUSTMENT TO SUIT EVERY OUTDOOR LIGHT SITUATION FITS MOST MODELS. This amazing attach. ment fits right on the front of any Land Camera made since 1954 (except the Highlander and the Pathfinder). Once it is in place you don't have to do a thing but point the camera and snap the shutter. Outdoor pictures were never easier to make -- and the exposure and focus are always perfect! With the new 3000 Speed Picture Roll and the electric eye shutter you will be taking the best outdoor pictures you ever saw in your life. Come in for a signs, the coat is adapted from an original design by the young Canadian couturier, Mario Di Nardo. The fabric is from a Canadian mill. JORDAN'S GREENHOUSES Top Quality Spring Plants ALL VARIETIES Sleeves set from the hipline emphasize the new width of a wrap coat of wool basketweave, One of a series of Canadian- manufactured couturier de- We Grow Our Own 120 ARLINGTON AVE. om (GAVE RIAYS 28 KING ST. E. RA 3-3243 RA 3-3243

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