Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 May 1960, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 17, 1960 17 CUZZIN CLARE YY poy reer | || BETTER NOTE AL {- Te CRAVES MORE. 3 10 Ai at A00TH NEVERSIN:I 4 THINK CHAPERONES % | SOW wir J) DANCIN : " pf ICI t SRS oer) ir || Epona oe Jt Mcove {| Sieccin { wrasse Hunt For Light Plane IE, HIGH TO MAH Viti 1 2 7 HOUSE ~~ TRENTON (CP) -- Ten planes were searching today for a Beaver aircraft missing since las! Thursday in the Hudson Bay area with four persons aboard. Missing were Fred DeLeew, the ilot, Mrs. Tom Notting, wife of he Wheeler Airlines base man- ger, Miss Muriel Smith, 23, of Lockeport, N.S., a teacher with + (the northern affairs department HUMM.. HERE and Guy Brown, airline me- ARE SOME ... : chanic. A Wheeler Airlines official said today he believes the plane may be down on skis, waiting for res- cuers and fuel. He said there were plenty of snow and ice- {covered lakes in the area, The craft was last heard from when he had taken off on a 2%- hour flight, The pilot said then he was pro- ceeding on course from Povungni- tuk on the east shore of Hudspn Bay to Sugluk on the Ungava Peninsula, about 1,300 miles due north of Toronto. RCAF at Trenton said that poor {weather during fhe weekend p " . ' forced the search planes to use V-Y0U KNOCKED #7 COULD HAVE radar and oh. tlestronie ge SHOE! yo vices to try ai ni e down = : SHOT HiM, aircraft. The search was begun Thur- day by a Norseman plane owned by Murray Mining Company. It was later joined by planes from the Trenton base and Wheeler Airlines, U.S. Protest p= SN AS | Over Cuban i ------ AA : Se" -- Fire On Sub ap \ THE WORLD ~I' DON'T LLARS Sp | TRA MONEY LUE rr 20 WASHINGTON (AP ™h ISN'T THIS [ | Sr QWE A SOUL y- YOU BORROWED 1 n0) T | | THAT THAT MAKES ) gf ; g S N (AP) -- . WONDERFUL,DEAR P ONE PENNY 3 J FROM ME 2S J UB, 1 A SALANCED y=. Xd ND THE THREE-MLE LINIT/, i ; B28 |United States has fired a de- MY BUDGET 1S IN ; A - (LAST WEEKE) ook on *% WHERE WE WANT " I layed-action diplomatic salvo at . Cuba for what it calls an npro- PERFECT BALANCE ) See 7 { PossisLE } Ps A 4 TO Aa voked high seas attack on an A American submarine. The state department de manded an explanation of the in. cident, and"strongly disputed ac: a% 5B | P ) cusations by Cuban Premier Fi INNES ; & 5 del Castro that the U.S. has ag 4 7 JULIET JONES MUGGS AND SKEETER DONALD DUCK OH; MY LANDS! WHATLLZ PO! THE LONE RANGER D gressive designs against Cuba. Here is how the submarine case built up: The submarine Sea Poacher, according to the U.S. Navy, was five miles from Cuban territory May 6 when crew members no- | ticed what appeared to be red [ ry Hy signal flares from another ves- sel, After the surfaced sub deter- : . mined the other craft was a Cu- A GOODWILL USED CAR RE ¥ © tl Claered the incident 5 merely EVERY USED CAR ON OUR LOT CARRIES THE FAMOUS GOODWILL WARRANTY CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED SUD "CHASED AWAY" ia Friday night, when Castro made one of his midnight television NOISE TH' speeches. He charged the sub 2 GEE, GRANDMA, | | HE, ES AN DON'T WORRY TH' INFERNAL. ; Dd YIPPEE. LOOK WHAT SCEST au, Trix, HONEY, | [| LooK, BUTTERCUP, MAYBE] ew_ | | TH" House Als DAY LONG) poms was chased away by Cuban gp: €: § 3 TRIX, A , chased awa uban gup- R14 J BOUGHT, HENRY! ] * | We AGREED NOTTO HN | You DON'T KNOW WHAT T0 DO - SCREEN DOOR? 2 - ig He also ned that the %, 4 -- /» § \Y : » b Se WITH $156,000, BUT I DO! ' . 3 te i U.S. destroyer Norfolk cruised A 4 1 oy within 2% miles of a Cuban is- SECRET AGENT X 9 Geld. i land. i The navy made another check \ | . : 7 Ea and decided the sub had been { al . 5 : . & . / fired on after all, probably with { ° small-calibre tracer bullets. It was not hit. The state department promptly protested, It told Cuba it wanted an explanation of why "an armed vessel of the Cuban navy fired, without provocation, on the U.S.S. Sea Poacher while the latter was pursuing a peaceful passage on Md, YES, L CAN OB SVERY the high seas." MOVEMENT Pentagon DESCENCS QUIETLY BUT SWIFTLY un oe : MY CAMBRA WiLL. RECORD ALL THE SUDNCE OF TvE E 3 BVIDBNCE /) Exercise WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States practised mobiliz- ing its emergency defence forces early today in what the Pentagon -- re called a communications readi- : PRIVATE DOBIE - FIRE A SHOT ACROST" 3 NEE. © ness alert. i THE GOW OF THAT INVADIN' WARSHIP -- Ap i : h The alert, conducted at the 'di- THAT'LL SHOW EM WE AIN'T 18 BE i i i ISS FOOLED WITH rection of the joint chiefs of staff, BUZ SAWYER BRICK BRADFORD | JANE ARDEN } affected all United States com- TAUTTY JONG Jehks IVE 3 * ] mands both in the U.S. and over- HERE CANNON Morey YL YN © 0 d Nie seas. Similar practice alerts are RN conducted periodically. The alert was cancelled several hours after it was called. : In some cases, commercial ra- dio and television stations were called on to notify bomber and fighter pilots off duty to report to their bases. The operation was described as A > a command exercise and there was no estimate of the numbers of T'S "THE NEW BEEHIVE HAR STYLE RROM PARI 7 Po You a 5) \ [{ We ITT PA Wl TR LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY | personnel directly involved, but MERRY MENAGERIE army, navy and air force per- sonnel were included at bages } throughout the world. : Walt Dig P BRR fot 7 US. elements of the Nosth CG American Air Defence Command with headquarters at Colorado Springs, Colo., were among those participating, but Canadian ele- ments of the same commahd were not affected. re 'SALLY'S SALLIES | MICKEY MOUSE THE BOTTOM OF THE FLUMBE AND SEE IF THE LOS TOOK CARE OF THAT DOLBLE~ CROSSIN RITA AND HER 1DEA WORKED, ROY/ MAN, THAT WAS THE LETS GQ, SLICK/ WE'LL RIDE TO CLOSEST, BUT YOUR \ \ -- --- - «= po . Distributed by King Festares Syndicate. 5-177 Ihe I! Pane . " | "His veport isn't so good, bub: "J warned you not #0 eat so much!" | Fou know pring i hare" ROY ROGERS

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