Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 May 1960, p. 16

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S50---Articles for Sale S0--Articles for Sale USED SEWING MACHINES CLEARANCE SALE "ALL USED PRICE TO CLEAR TREADLEASLOWAS .......... $995 ELECTRIC PORTABLES AS LOW AS $29.95 ELECTRIC CONSOLES AS LOW AS $39.50 Some Only One Of A Kind , Convenient Terms All Singer Machines Reconditioned by Singer Experts and Backed by Singer Sewing Machine Co. COME EARLY WHILE SELECTION IS GOOD SINGER SEWING CENTER flights and that the U.S. "has not 16 ONTARIO ST. and does not shirk this respon. 1 PLYWOOD boat, 288 Ridgeway|s%5 FOR two dresses, two coals, orig. |SiDility." Avenue off Park Road. inal value, $115, size 13. Telephone RA NO DENIALS THOR dryer, three speed; Thor wring. 00173 i Lincoln White, state department 50--Articles for Sale 00! - Two wood glass front, two french and two 47 --Automobiles for Sale ALLSTATE Auto Jnsurance, Save up to r{30 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5-2802. 75% Chev., radio, $795; '54 Buick hard- top, $695; '55 Buick $995. Easy terms. "Stew" Mike 47--Automobiles for Sale 16 ™s OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 17, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) §5--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate for Sale HARMONY Heights, Jackson built, |SIX-room brick bungalow, two years NHA 6 per cent, three bedroom brick old, storms and screens. $1500 down, bungalow, kitchen, large dining area, full price $12,500. RA 5-4922. 8-5391. dry basement. 313,75, RA THREE lots on Farewell Avenue. Dial OLiver 5-3055. PONTIAC INN AJAX -- attractive five-room bungs- FOR SALE OR RENT low, suit young couple, low down pay- ment. Phone WH 2-4945 or WH 2.4770. - Ideal property for rest home, Club or rooming house, 23 $800 DOWN five-room bungalow, near shopping centres, oil furnace, bath with rooms, Bonquet Hall, with seating copacity 177, all shower, aluminum storms and screens, $5800. , 43 Bond equipment included with pro- Tindall Real Esta perty, low down payment and Street West. RA 5-0429 BRAND new six - room bungalow, lo- ten yeor first mortgage for balance. For more informa- cated on Maple Street, Whitby. Hard- wood floors, tiled bathroom and kitch- en. Price $11,500, Apply 120 Annes tion. Call Corl Olsen RA 8-5107 or evenings RA 5-3412. Street, Whitby. RISTOW & OLSEN, REALTORS one panel (Gumwood). Telephone table and chair, high back sink with swing taps, Arborite counter: top and cupboards, wall book case. Phone RA3-7726. B. ¥. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision Thrifty Budgét Plan, RA 5-4543 TELEVISION sets for rent; also radios, sun lamps and record players. Meagh- er's. 5 King West. RA 3-3425, SEWING Singer, electric, up. RA 5-2501. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % HP motors $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3-2241. FOUR used 21" TV sets, consoles and table models, $79 each. Hurry TRIO Television, 171 Bond Street East. FOR BALE Gendron convertible baby carriage, good condition, $20. Also i portable radio-phonograph, three-speed, nearly new, $50. Phone MO 8-4407. End Of Intelligence Flights Aboutface Of U.S. Policy (ton vigorously denied rumors picked up by Western diplomats that such a "retreat" might be ordered in the face of Khrushe chev's demands. NIXON DEFENDS SPYING Only Sunday night, Vice-Presi- dent Richard Nixon in a televi. sion interview defended the aerial spying as vital to free world sec- urity. The only official denial came Sunday afternoon--less than 24 hours before Eisenhower ade dressed the summit meeting-- when George V. Allen, director of the U.S. information agency, said in another TV interview that there had been "a great misun- derstanding" about the Herter Allen said Herter had stated "that there is an obligation and responsibility on the part of the U.S. government and of the free world to try to obtain informae tion to guard against surprise at- tack, but he has not said we are going to continue to fly." In his statement before Mon- day's stormy summit meeting, in the face of Soviet Premier Khrushchev's demand that the flights be halted, Eisenhower de- nied the United States had threat. ened to continue aerial spying, and said: "In point of fact, these flights were suspended after the recent incident and are not to be re- sumed." American sources in Paris were quoted Monday night as saying the decision to stop the flights was made last Thursday. But a congressman who has been kept informed by the admin. istration of backstage develop ments told the Associated Press that he had never heard of such a pian. He asked that his name be withheld. "This comes as a big surprise to me," he told a reporter. ieally perfect, cheap. One go-cart, RA 5-512 after 6. 's5 CHEVROLET convertible, red and white, fully equipped, V8 with power packed, radio, top in excel- ient condition. 398 Masson Strewt. '5® DEW 1000 hardtop as new, radio, white walls, at WASHINGTON (CP) -- Presi- dent Eisenhower's summit de- claration that intelligence flights over the Soviet Union have been suspended and are not to be re- |sumed shows signs of being an- other sudden tic about- face in U.S. cold war policy. For almost a week, the White House and the state department left unchallenged an impression among Washington newspaper men that the U.S. proposed to continue such flights despite So- Aviet protests and the shooting down of a U-2 reconnaissance plane over Russia May 1. Newspaper men gained that im- pression--and reported it--from a statement last Monday by State Secretary Christian Herter saying the US, had a r ibility to the free world to undertake such , Terms $5 down. Bond Street from $25 '52 GMC half-ton pick-up, in di with all new tires. RA 3-7043 '57 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condition, radio wind- shield washer. $895. RA 5-374. '49 CHEVROLET deluxe, low mileage on factory motor, new batrery, nylon tires etc., Motorola custom radio, good original owner. 238 Division Street. 'SS BS.A. 650 CC motorcycle $250. RA 57233 '50 FORD, cash offer, evenings. RA 3-9426, '56 METEOR, V-8, tudor, spotless dark blue finish, motor in top condition. Sale oc $795. Seaway Motors, Whitby, '59 FORD, tutone, four-door, automatic V-8, low mileage, radio, new tires, RA 86803 hours of 12 and 7 p.m. '55 OLDSMOBILE, sedan, estate sale, $050 cash. RA 5-3636. '57 PLYMOUTH $545 $39 monthly, Street, Whitby. '56 DODGE, in A-1 condition, low mile. age, telephone Whitehall 2-4793 or White- hall 2.0810, Pickering. '59 © VOLKSWAGEN, radio, washers, under 3-2288, res. RA 35-6977. "54 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe bus, new motor, sleep six, ideal for perfect 303 Hi Avenue. 59 CHEVROLET coach, sharp original blue finish, runs as good as new, very low mileage. Sale price $1825. Seaway Motors, Whitby. 52 PONTIAC coach, radio, heater, good condition. Make offer or trade. Rear end for "53 Ford, six-volt car Tadin, axle and wheels for trailer, MO '56 CHEVROLET hali-ton pick-up, $800, 35-0723, Balance | 504 condition. RA INCOME home with four self-contained apartments, now rented, close to Shop- ping Centre. Total price, $17,500, with $7000 down. RA 8-4733. LOT one mile east of Taunton 78 x 218, $1300. Terms arranged. RA 3-9269, WILL exchange or sell a 150 acre choice farm, close to highway; home with all modern conveniences. Will ex- change for Oshawa home. Call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243 Insurance Associates Ltd. FIVE - room brick bungalow, one mortgage, 6 per cent NHA decorated and ladnscaped, storms and screens throughout. No agents. RA 8-1973. FIVE - room bungalow, nicely decor- ated and landscaped. Close to south GM, schools, buses etc., NHA 6 per cent. $3500 down. RA 8-1077. $900 DOWN, $59 monthly, one 6 per cent mortgage until paid, sparkling six-room brick bungalow, sun splashed family kitchen, three bedrooms, full basement, choice Whitby location, im- '52 CHEVROLET sedan. 1212 Cedar TYPEWRITER, like new, $40; ten key electric adding machine, snap; Pay- Street up to 8 p.m. or phone RA 8.5680 {master Checkwriter, never used. RA 34, "88 DODGE, two-door, very 800d condi: | mas o PAINT, interior, exterior, §2.95 gallon. tion. Telephone RA 8-6763. colors. Guaranteed flat, gloss. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 custom |'84 CHEVROLET sedan, radio auto | matie, recently overhauled, Tow | Church Street. RA 3-7624. small ear for HIGHEST Piiges paid for used furni- and best offer. Telephone RA 8-0558. |ture, also sel Contact 's7 SUPER Olds, power in. Call RA 5-8471. trade vi ad ity Furniture Store, 19 Prince 48--Automobiles Wanted |Scet. Phone RA 81131. GENERAL Electric under counter dish. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want washer, new, suitable for small res cars for Highest prices paid. |taurant, $175 or best offer. RA 8-6741 RA 5-1181. after 6 pm. '51 TO '84 CAR, Chevrolet preferred, 55 CHAMPION outboard motor, 7.5 HP, consider others. Phone RA 3-9911 after excellent condition, bullt for speed, |5.30 phone RA 3-4065 between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. cash, MO 82045 or 930 King deluxe, 'coated. Bus, RA Stephen MACKO Realtor 187 KING ST. E. RA 8-4661 NEAR DUKE OF EDINBURGH SHOOL NHA resale, 5 room brick modern bungalow. Large liv- ing and dining room, bright modem kitchen, large finished recreation room. Attractively decorated ond londscaped. Aluminum storms, screens and awnings. Garage. Low rate of interest, All this for $12,600 with reasonable down pay- ment. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL 5S room modern brick bunga- low which con easily be converted into a much larger fomily home by putting in 3 additional rooms upstairs. Located on Huron Street in @ good residential area, very close to school. Asking price $11,500. 8 ROOM, 2 STOREY 5 ACRES This large brick fomily home is on Athol Street, Excellent condition, very clean. Large Nving and dining room, Gar- oge ond private drive. Must qi guards prise attack were available, Asked point-blank if the Herter statement meant reconnaissance| flights would continue, White told| reporters last Monday: "As the statement says, it is incumbent upon us to take every means we can to guard against surprise attack." On the same day, White House '54 METEOR tudor, tutone blue and white. This is a one-owner car, fully guaranteed, Sale price $495, Se Motors, Whitby, '8 BUICK fordor, hardtop, automatic, | mediate possession. Mr. Lauzon, MO |radio, e te Y [88311 Brethour Real Estate Ltd. one owner. RA iar" "rrutiful car, | Members of the Canadian Association | m--reroe--o er ye PC Por odl Edt i '57 METEOR Niagara, two door deluxe, for Real Estate Boards, a heater, one owner, low mileage. | LOOKING for an Mcome home? Then |RA 3.7970. | e an appointment to inspect these "88 PONTIAC four door, deluxe, must ree lovely seil this week. Can finance and trade. imcoe Street South, Wecker Drive. A279. [Can Alice Broadbent at RA 8-6228 or ud CHEY. sedan; '54 Pontiac delivery: evenings RA 5.5405, Vickery Real Es.|'53 GI on truck. All in good condi- tate, 46 King West |tion. OL s-3528. 4 garden. Immediate delivery. Three - hi Ry Br a 95, awa Nursery. one NEW six-room bungalow, Harmony | 5 FORD Fairlane tudor, automatic, arr hats Heights, aluminum windows and radio, heater, tutone; can sac- i screens, paved driveway, Near school. |Tifice, $1000. RA 8-1203. = HP Gals Electric, 1959 model, A-1 RA 8-5206. "SS PONTIAC four door, very good SUB . division land on highway 2 at 2 at dition. Can finance, RA 3-7970, Whitby, 60 acres with buildings, hurry('07 MERCURY tudor hardtop, beauti and call W. McAuley Realtor. RA |fu! tutone blue and white, radio push 3.2512. MO 8-5765. |button, automatic. Sale price $1595. . aa Whitby. NORTH district, 7000 20500 Touiin. {ra ay Motors, WOllhy: . ieee |S amily brick home, 2i4-storey, decorat-| COUNTRY sedan, '56 Meteor fordor. |ed good condition, garage, paved drive, |The sharpest ranch wagon on the LAWNMOWER, coffee table, sewing |otl heated, low taxes, central, close to road, spotless tutone blue finish, fully cabinet, fireplace grate. Telephone |ali schools. Open to offer. Would ac-|equipped, $1095. Motors, [RA _5-5502. |cept smaller home as down payment. |Whitby. COLD Spot freezer, 15 cubic feet, ex- = 36 RS SB "65 FORD coach, stunning tutone blue cellent condition. MO 8-36%0 CHARMING three-bedroom ranch bun-|and colonial white. A real dream car! |GNE double-neck Gibson Hawaiian elec. galow in east end, decorated and land- Radio, etc. Special sale price, $695. ONE Souslened amplifier. One Spanish scaped, walk-out basement with com- (Seaway Motors, Whitby. guitar, electric box, radio controlled Bins 5 ay "air mn, i 30 ANGLIA, Gor, spolese coral i | node Cl ores a RA OTOL © |ish, absolutely new condition, only brand new. RA 5-5125. | . wich Bocuse ti _ [6000 miles. Special sale price, only $695. ONE Oxford tenor |$10,700 full price, NHA re $59 Seaway Motors, Whitby, ase, like new. 1 RA . Apply George A, Loring, {montiy, sue 6 per Seat mortgage until gr Ease estan , take over payments, Fir * | Orono 34R12. aid, sparkling six room sun |, 2) | ; : 52 Buick, automatic and radio, $256; v. 1039 |VACU splashed family size kitchen, » J h 4 lete outfits, new, 1959 VACUUM cleaner, repairs, all makes, [recess choice Whitby location, im-| 0 Vash Rambler station wagon, $1172; ve i (pars, Miachments, brushes, Sulian. mediate possession. Mr. Lauzon, MO|'S5 Mercury tudor hardtop, automatic, ided plywood boats and trafler, com- [teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. p be sold. Asking $13,000 [8-811 Brethour Real Estate Ltd. Mem- (radio, $864; '57 Ford custom sedan, § a $10.99 each. One only to a cus. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ong Bhi on Prd dol- with $2500 down, One |Dc® of the Canadian Association of cylinder, $1141: "34 Meteor fordor, (tomer. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 45|\ce. RA 80591 anytime. : . | " 5 LLOYD carriage; 1 white bath; 1 erib, A-1 condition. Phone Whitby MO 8-3101, WRECKING '47 Pontiac, all parts for e, five 600 x 16 tires, RA 8.8535. WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard- ware, 8 Church, RA 3-7624, CANVAS camp cot, boys wagon; '54 Oldsmobile discs fit 760-15; '50 Chev. or Pontiac fender skirts; "39 axel for trailer; 8 ft. police car aerial. Phone F HOUSTON GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST, W. RA 3-7822 50--Articles for Sale GOOD, rich black loam, for lawn or away newer bungalows with artments, Windsor Street, |b. Is furniture? We'll buy it. Re. rs, TV's, washers, pianos, , ete. For top cash offer, con- ince Street. Phone RA 8-1131, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, colors. Guaranteed. Flat, Oshawa Hardware. and Electric, Church Street. RA 3-7624. NORGE gas range, good condition. Reasonable. Telephone RA 5.9148. GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5.6511. 26 FEET Beatty steel for stock pen, |two Beatty steel single horse stalls. Phone YUkon 5-2605. AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. Prompt service. Free estimates. Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, SPECIAL 21' cabin cruiser, 100 H.P. with | Buchanan motor and trailer. Excellent gloss. 8 eon. 1960 GALE outboard motors, nine models, 3 to 60 h.p. at bargain prices from $119.95 up. Cy Preece Garage, Outboard Sales, Service and Repairs, Gliddon Avenue and Verdun Road. RA USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. S. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543 ALMOST new, bushel hampers, with or without tops. Reasonable. 174 Ritson Road South. Glecoff's. Open to 10 nightly. 15% FT. y plywood boat, with a 35 Evinrude Lark, complete with con- trols. $095. Ted's White Rose and Mar- ine, King Street East and Varcoe's Road. QUEBEC maple syrup, gallons and quarts; rangette. Apply 72 Cadillac South, ONE large crib, good condition. Tele- phone RA 35-9732, BEAUTIFUL Shepherd double planked HP Mer CHESTERFIELD and one chair, $15, Apply 341 Colborne East. RA 8-8346. ing that statement as notice that ARBORITE cupboard with three draw- i ers, glass sliding By RA 3.4730, such flights would. continue on SUDBURY (CP) -- An appeal f prices; also batteries for all mak BE a ener 3 RE haan Stree! est. | = : 8 THREE rooms of furniture only $209, lace of increasing appeals by, and table lamps, pillows, etc. $25 down | y delivers! "Guaranteed Best Value! sessing Officers of Ontario, com- Barons' Home Furnishings, meoe hined with the annual meeting of Street South, {the Institute of Municipal Asses- Dress Seerelary Jer . Ragimy daily from your basement. Meagher's, g Street West, _|tinue to rise, more and more] ga; TH oF sevice out » said he knew of no such order by heads, cords, sic for al makes of TAlePAYErs are seeking relief} anyone in the Eisenhower admin- through our assessment courts." |(ictration. "Assessors should be able to| J. before Eisenhower left: on pretation of the statutes and sub- mission of evidence. "With this in mind ¥ am sug- gesting that county assessors More than 600 delegates are See Too Low attending, n TORONTO (CP) -- Ross Whicher, Liberal member of the NEUTER BOVINE |icsisistsie for Bruce, told. the saxophone Dial "Most of them lose money . . o they only give auto insurance as a public service," he said. "I'd like to have more evidence than that to prove a company operated only as a public serve er type washer: Findlay electric range, practically new, reasonable. RA 5-8240. press officer, did nothing to dis- Assessors Must courage reporters from interpret. COMBINATION electric and coal stove, Be Up-To-D ate reasonable. RA 35-3054. ZENITH radios, wide range This includes | chesterfield and Shai, ratepayers was made Monday at h » ite, f SORE dp aac ale bo le opening of the three-day con- FOR a dry basement, rent an Oasis radier. Hc remarkate mu SOTS. reporting that Eisenhower had or- chines will remove gallons of water| Association President J. E, i Davi 3 dered a halt to all such flights avis said that "as taxes con-|pending an investigation, Hagerty electrie razors. Trade in your old razor on a new model. Meagher's, 5 King Suess West, Ggrend Sieir assessments and tolthe weekend for the Paris talks 0 s0, must possess considerable med i . knowledge on valuation, inter- jofor Sutinrities 18 Washing maintain an up-to-date library in g their county buildings for the benefit of local assessors." dor h select ittee on automobil insurance Monday the fee to the unsatisfied judgment fund should | BOATS, motors and trailers, new and to lars, or offer, Cost thirty-two hundred. Real Estate Boards. radio, $407; 55 Buick hardtop, radio, West 3 mortgage for the balance, [giz = o Bond Street Wes 18 Margdon Road, Toronto, RO 9-5513. with easy monthly payments. ** Immediate possession, - Hove you a house to sell? We have the buyers! After hours coll: Jack Sheriff RA 3-3775 Steve Macko RA 8-4661 Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS AGENTS FOR BEAU VALLEY HOMES BY H. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LTD. SUBURBAN LAKE HOME High on a bluff overlooking Loke Ontario, accessible by good road, a two bedroom, forced hot air heated pro- perty suitable for week-end relaxation. Very modern, four piece bath, california room ond - large garage. Excellent terms available. Call Poul Ristow at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-8152 evenings. 100 ACRES $5,500 is the full price for this form close to Lake Scugog. Approximately 75 acres suitable for cultivating ond 25 acres bush with large stream ond spring fed trout pond. Located on a good country road accessible all year round. This is a real buy, so call now for an op- pointment. Call Roy at RA 8-5107. THICKSON'S RD. N. This is a three bedroom, six room brick bungalow with attached double garage on a lot 75' x 200'. Drastically reduced for early sale and with only $1,500 down pay- ment. For further informa- tion coll Hilda Ristow at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3605 evenings. DO YOUR OWN FINANCING $9,800 is the full price for @ six room, one ond a half storey brick house on Jarvis St. Lorge Tnodemn kitchen, separate dining-room, living- room and bedroom all on the first floor. Two large bed- rooms ond bath up. This home is in very good condi- tion ond nicely decorated Seeing is believing so call now for an appointment. Call " Ray at RA 5-6165, SMALL FARM Thornton Rd. S. just off King St., six ocres of good land, small bam, garage. Nine room, two storey house in good condition, | g'ge modern kitchen, large living room, four bedrooms, sunroom, nicely decorated throughout, oil heated. Listed ot anly $15,900 with good terms. Call Carl Olsen at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3412 evenings. Phone either office 19 Athol St. W., Oshawa RA 5-6165 209 Brock St. S., Whitby MO 8.5823 lember of Oshawa ond District Reol Estate Board Six - room brick bungalow, decorated, |landscaped, storms and screens, fire. |place, close to school and bus stop, |Apple Hill RA 8.8649, [$12,500 North west area, well bullt, [three - bedroom bungalow. Like some- thing out of the ordinary in the stylfhg (of a home? See this home. Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA 5-9870. OVERLOOKING a beautiful green valley. Delightfully different, owner built chalet type split-level with full wall fireplace. Attached garage, rec. Ioom, Joseph Bosco, Reator. RA | 5-9870. BUY LEASE Pay rent at the same time be buying your own home, Six-room bungalow, All sere vices at your doorstep. For complete information, call-- RA 5-8831 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. condition, best offer. Station, corner of Streets. RA 88712. 8 am. to 7 p.m. in Seaway Motors, Whi 11 9. 57 CHEV, %-ton truck, ccllent condition, original |ish, fully guaranteed. Special |$625. Seaway Motors, Whitby. [7s MONARCH sedan, black and matching interior, nearly new, very low mileage, fully equipped. Will wholesale to the public, trades can be taken at this low price of $2695. On sale this week only. Seaway Motors, Whitby. thy. yellow fin. sale price GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent long box, ex-| own Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond | budget. [Street West. RA 5-651. LENNOX forced Air Furnace, gas fired, model GHS-112. Output 90,000 BTU three years old, perfect condition. Suit offer. MO8-2847. CUSTOM Pontiac radio, for '50-'52, high back sink, doll carriage, new. Telephone RA 8-3713, five or six room home, $300 or nearest | used. Complete selection. We finance |our own accounts. Terms to suit your | See Dominion Tire Store, | Church and Bond. |ALL types of carpentry work and con- {crete work, Free estimates. Phone |after 8 p.m., RA 5-5820. NEW Saxophone, tenor, reasonable, 179 |Waverly Street, RA 8-0316. | ELECTRIC hot water tank, 3%55 match- ed flooring, windows, doors etc. 12 Mill Street, Call between 4 and 6 p.m. "8 BUICK, tudor, hardtop, | 1 t di GE baby carriage, excellent motor tioned, special sale price this week, only $1245. Fully guaranteed. Seaway Motors, Whitby, 56 FORD -- private, one owner, excel- lent condition. Telephone RA 5-2802. '57 PLYMOUTH Plaza, tutone, coach, exceptionally clean. RA 5-2318. 357 Phillip Murray Avenue. '56 OLDSMOBILE four-door hardtop. Will accept trade. Call between 4.30 aud 2 p.m only. 64 Charles Street, RA 3- 3 '54 SUN Valley Mercury, fully auto- matic, also motor eycle, "51 HD, good Crowell Service Bond and Ontario OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE 50 body good. Best cash offer. Tel RA 8-1197. FARGO panel, mechanically A-1, ephone SCHOFIELD 's5 FORD, Says, customline, A-1 condition, clean. automatic, radio, white. Stevenson's Road North. Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 BUYERS WAITING We have buyers for 4 bed- room homes in a price range from $12,500 to $16,500 in residential locations, Call Schofield Insurance Asso- ciates Ltd, daytime, RA 3-2265 or evenings RA 5-0243, RA 5-1726. VICKERY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, Tel.: RAndolph 3-346! ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W.,, OSHAWA RA 3-7132 46 KING STREET W. RA 8-6228 Two modern 5-room bunga- lows with complete apart- ments in basement. $15,500 and $14,500 with reasonable down payments, Brand-new Duplexes. Separ- ate entrances. Full equipped. $19,900 with very reasonable down payments. Good in every way ! Evelyn Walker Alice Broadbent Pat Donevan . . RA 5-1442 RA 5-5405 RA 3-7313 1958 CHEV. 12-TON PICKUP Extra good condition, Phone RA 3-3011 Up to 5:30 p.m. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 Emie Allin .... RA 3-3053 Vic Walker . RA 8-6228 | -- |{46--Real Estate Wanted |WELL kept, six-room two-storey home on a quiet street in north end, ofl | heat, only $10,000 with low down pay- | ment. Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA 5-9870. | COUPLE would Tike four.room bu "room bunga- {low with large lot, all conveniences, |86000 down. Write Box 425 Oshawa | Times. No agents please. CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W, |47--Automobiles For Sale 3 3 GTS, immaculate, black wilh green, offers. Day RA 5.6521, | Morewood, RA 8-5706. '52 TRIUMPH Mayflower, reconditipn- {ed motor, new paint job, good tires, $395. Apply Shopping Centre BA Sta. tion "80 CHEV. Impala, four door hardtop, V-8 engine, extras, automatic transmis- evenings SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] sion, padded dash, windshield washers |power brakes, steering, wheel discs, whitewalls, two mirrors. Big discount; consider trade. 684 Glencairn Street. HARDTOP '55 Chev. Belair V-8 auto- matic custom rado, many extras, clean throughout. Must be seen. RA 5.2025 after 5:30 p.m., anytime Saturdays, "5 PREFECT, radio, whitewalls, in good condition. Phone RA 86617 or apply 170 Rosehill Bivd,, after 5 p.m. "53 PONTIAC tudor, tutone blue and white good condition. RA 5.7123. CONVERTIBLE '53 Morris, good con dition, $295, bargain. Economical see- ond car. Call RA 5.2665. |HANDY "man's chance, '52 Desoto, | clutch slips, $150 cash. RA 80329, CONVERTIBLE '55 Chevrolet, tutone, radio, terins available. RA 5-0182 after § Monday to Friday. 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK Two-door Sedan Delivered Fully Equipped at $2485.00 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED 334 RITSON RD. S. Dial RA 3-3461 condition, white and blue, also converts into bassinette. RA 86424. 223 James INTRODUCTORY OFFER: EXTERIOR RAILINGS, $2.50 per lin, ft, and up (installed); TV TOWERS, 30-ft. Tower from $30 up (install it your self and save); manufactured near Oshawa: METAL VENTURES RA 8-0909 LAWN CRUISER POWER MOWERS OR BUCCANEER OUTBOARD MOTORS The price murderer at the Hilltop will not be undersold. See him today RA 8-6891 ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 41 FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Complete lines of meats and roceries. Savings of up to 0%. Let us prove to you as we have to thousands of others how we can save the cost of the freezer with our proven plan. Canadian mean- ufactured freezers, guaron- te¢d by Good-Housekeeping. Government inspected meats, Well known branded pro- ducts, all part of our plon to eat better for less. Phone RA 5-3709. No obligation. Freezers $189 up. Compare before you buy. FOOD PLAN THAT SAVES Government inspected Red and Blue Brand beef. Com- plete line of nome brand meats, fish, poultry, grocer- ies etc. Buy in bulk and save. with 20th CENTURY FOODS d FAIRBANKS MORSE DELUXE FREEZERS Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping All Models Available CALL NOW RA 8-1128 BOATING SPECIAL 12-ft. fibre-glass run-a-boats. 12 h.p. Scott motor, Cana- dian Explorer trailer, com- pletely equipped, $895. 13' moulded plywood boat, 25 h.p. motor, trailer, all controls and equipment, $995. While they last -- Canadian Explorer camp trailers, com- plete. Reg. $405- $319. Trades accepted, Terms ar- ranged. AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HWY. AT AJAX Ph. WH 2-4080 14 FOOT Teal Craft plywood boat fully equipped, windshield controls, tarp, etc, 25 HP, '58 Elto electric motor, and trailer. Drive in, hook up and go boating. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon Avenue and Verdun Road. KEEP your basement dry with a de- humidifier from Parkway TV. 918 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. also Lloyd BATH, toilet, basin and baby carriage. RA 5-8273. RCA VICTOR stero record players, four speed, with auxiliary speaker, $49.95. Terms arranged. Meagher's § King Street West, NU-WAY Rug Co. has been appointed distributor for Filter Queen Vacuum. RA 8-4011. OUTBOARD motor, 1956, 12 hp Elto with tank, excellent condition. Make offer. RA 3-3263. FOUR lawn chairs for sale, reasonable price. Telephone RA 8.5217. THREE ice boxes for sale, ideal for and '58 PONTIAC, good condition. Call after 5, OL 5-3368. , four feet high, hand painted; five-piece Knechtel dinette suite, round arborite top table extends 6 ft. four, chairs airfoam seats; two living room chairs, gold, by Braemore; small cedar lined bedroom chest, green; paint sprayer and gun, like new; two 50-ft, garden hoses, 3 pure rubber; lawn roller, mower. 684 Glencaimn Street. COMBINATION radio phonograph, three speed, beautiful condition, Con- tact 28 Windsor Avenue or phone WH 2.4856 after 7 p.m. MODERN bedroom outfit, with two night tables and dresser, like mew, reasongble, two coffee tables and two table lamps, all in excellent cond! tion, small dining room table and arm chair, suitable for cottage, Whitby MO 8-3446. KENMORE four-burner, heavy duty, clock control, electric stove in excellent condition, $125 cash. Apply 326 Sague- nay Avenue, Apartment 10, FIBREGLASS your wooden boat for carefree boating or we will do the job for you. We carry a complete line of materials, plus easy to follow instrue- tions. Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron Street South, Whitby, THREE - plece baby erib, new, $20. Phone RA 35-8500. STUDIO couch for sale, in good eondi- tion. Apply 560 Cubert Street. 81%, like OTTAWA (CP) -- With an exemplary show of tolerance and fair play, city fathers de- cided Monday night to grant domicile to a purple neuter bovine. An illuminated sign depicting & purple cow, minus udder, was approved for erection outside a lors milked it for all it was worth in jokes. "Let us turns the udder cheek," quipped one. 'That's udder story," 'another chimed in. The Purple Cow Restaurant originally submitted the pro- posed sign to board of control, which turned it down as un- dignified. Back came the re- vised version--same cow but without an udder. Racial Strife May See Climax MONTREAL (CP) -- Two uni- , small, large. Apply 97 Albert Street. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- ture Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. CEMENT mixer, 6 cubic ft., hopper feed, V4 alr cooled Wisconsin engine, excellent condition. Ideal for small contractor. RA 5-9528 ROOM air conditioner, Amana year round model 50A, to cool, heat, exhaust, filter and circulate air. % hp, $125. RA 0918. LIVING room and dining room drapes for sale, like new. Please call RA -4929, FLAT bottom boat, fibre glass, 5% 6 condition, fully equipped. Phone RA 8-0798. BOAT, motor and trailer, in perfect [oO outboard, RA 5-363 CTRIC cream separator, in good ed Soh versity prof s sald Monday night that South Africa's racial strife is building to an inevitable explosive climax and suggested restaurant after witty council- be doubled 'or tripled for drivers who do not have liability insur- ance, He said the present $5 levy is insufficient because the Ontario treasury must pay about $150,000 a year to administer the fund. The fund now has more than $5, 000,000 in reserve to meet claims. If the fee were increased, said Mr. Whicher, more drivers would pay for fuller coverage. About 90 per cent of Ontario's drivers had liability insurance--up an esti- "| mated 12 per cent since 1957. Provincial Treasurer Allan, committee chairman, said the un- satisfied judgment fund would have to be studied to see if an increased fee is desirable. FIRMS LOSING MONEY Speaking on compulsory auto insurance, Donald Morrow, Pro- gressive Conservative member for Ottawa West, said insurance companies oppose the idea be- cause they are already losing money. ice," said Mr. Allan, Vernon Singer, North York Lib- eral, asked if the government could control insurance rates. R. B. Whitehead, superintend- ent of insurance in Ontario, said there is no legislative control over rates, but his department could make recommendations. He said the only control over insure ance companies is for the departs ment not to renew licences. WEEKEND SERVICE An automobile dealer and am insurance agent jousted over the problems of coverage for persons who purchase a car and want te drive it immediately. J. R. Simonett, member for Frontenac-Addington, said when he sells a car on the weekend the purchaser is often unable to find an agent. The reliable agent would be available every weekend, said Alfred Cowling, member for Tor onto High Park. "A lot of them are available 24 hours a day all week." action by other Commonwealth peoples to deaden the blowup when it comes. The views were expressed by Dr. Arthur Keppel-Jones, history Fri Road North of Airport. prof at Queen's University, Ki and Profi James) tt 3 DOUBLE bed, spring and $20. RA 5-1279, CHESTERFIELD and matching chair, green upholstery. 193 Athol Street East. RA 56173. LLOYD stroller with sunshade, $10, blue and white pedal car, $10. Both in good condition. RA 8-1077. USED lumber, doors, windows, enough for complete house, electric stove, elec. tric ironer, also shotgun, Apply 501 Fairleigh Avenue, SMASH savings on floor coverings! Clearance of last year's patterns. Many cheerful designs for home and cottage, for quick sale, 25c per foot. All aluminum products -- Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving. One contract, nothing down, For free estimates call-- Aluma Seal Co. RA 5-9365 ANYTIME Once a year clearance of TV floor.samples, limited quan- tity, also radio and record players, at prices to clear. PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-3043 FOR SALE Twin Baby Carriage, com- plete with mattress, parcel carrier, sun and wind cover. Grey. Immaculate condition, PHONE RA 5-8233 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. Dounble hung windows only $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 Boat, Motor and Trailer Excellent for family, 17° cedar strip, beautiful hand- rubbed mahogany finish, 25 h.p. and accessories, good as new. 61 SANDRA ST. W. Harding heavy quality broadloom, rub- berized back and moth proof, six decor. ator colors, large 9 x 12 size. Very special price $79.50. Ends of wall cover ings, clear out price, 37¢ per foot. Wil- son's Furniture, 20 Church Street. ONE Chesterfield, wine, one natural finished kitchen cupboard. RA 8-1584. SIX - plece dinette s plece dinette suite, light finish, good condition, heavy duty stove and cable, suitable for cottage, reasonable. Apply 88 Cadillac South, me electric stove, two-inch gas pump, sump pumps, pressure sys- tems. three-piece modern bath sets, $70; pipe and fittings: lawn mowers; outboard - motors, boats, office gas heater, cash register. Trade or terms. H. Chinn, 288 Hillside. BATH sets, sump pumps, pressure systems, steel sinks and cabinets, fur- nace, boiler and , electric pop cooler, serv-all grill, piping and fit- tings (all kinds). H. Chinn RA 3-7088. 52--Legal Notices I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name from this day, May 16, 1960. --B. H. WHITMARSH CITY OF OSHAWA FIRE DEPARTMENT TENDER FOR FIRE TRUCK Sealed tenders plainly marked os to contents and addressed to: Alderman J. Brady, Chairman City Property and Fire Protection Committee c/o City Clerk 50 Centre Street, Oshawa, Ontario will be received not later than 5:00 P.M.,, Monday May 30th, 1960, for the supply- ing of an 840 G.P.M. Fire Pumper, for the Oshawa Fire Department, Full 'particulars and specif ications may be secured at the Office of the Fire Chief, 113 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. R. HOBBS, CHIEF OSHAWA FIRE DEPARTMENT il- | successfully." R. Mallory of McGill. They spoke at a public meeting organized by the United Natlo Association. Dr. Keppel-Jones said there are three courses open to South Af- rica--integration, total separation or the present mixture of the two embodied in apartheid. "None of these can work He said the electoral system was a major cause of present strife. "The Nationalist party is sup ported by the Afrikaners who hold two-thirds of the seats while representing only half the elec. torate."" Professor Mallory suggested a ban against South African goods but "it must be the general pub- lic, not the government, which must express: it convictions." Parliament At-A-Glance By THE CANADIAN PRESS Monday, May 16, 1960 hak Growing By KENNEDY WELLS Canadian Press Staff Writer MONTREAL (CP)--Later this week a four - engined DC-4. will| land at Montreal's Dorval airport with more than 1,500 passengers. The aircraft won't be over- loaded for the passengers will be monkeys--rhesus monkeys from India- for use in laboratories in Montreal and Toronto in the hrma ing of Salk vaccine. The flight in itself is mot un- usual for Canadian airlines have been flying monkeys to this coun- try ever since Canadian compa- nies began producing vaccine, but it represents the first step into overseas flying by Nordair Limited of Montreal, a onetime) bush airline which has grown up. Formed five years ago through the joining of twa small and fi- nancially shaky Quebec lines-- Boreal Airways and Mont-Laurier Aviation both if Roberval, Que. --Nordair now has 23 multi-en- gined aircraft and employs more than 300 persons. BIG ACQUISITION In 1959 it flew 9,461,000 passen- ger-miles and 2,494,000 cargo ton- miles, a healthy total but one which wil' be vastly increased this year through Nordair's ac- Ex-Bush Airline Bigger transport division of Wheeler Aire lines. It was almost a case of a min now swallowing a whale since Wheeler, a veteran of northern Quebec and Arctic flying, racked up 18,825,000 cargo miles and 16,615,000 passenger - miles in 1959, but in the chancy business of commercial flying it was Nore dair's greater financial resources --through an affiliation with Maritime Central Airways-- which carried the most weight. Buying Wheeler gave the smaller company a big stake in one of the most profitable areas of Arctic flying, supplying DEW line stations, Under its contract with Fed- eral Electric Limited, Nordair will this year use three DC-4s, three twin-engined DC-3s and a twin-engined C-46 to ferry supe plies into more than 15 radare warning posts scattered along the east and west coast of Baf- fin Island. * SERVICE TO FORT CHIMO In addition to this the come pany runs a three-times weekly service into Fort Chimo, on Un- gava Bay, and Frobisher, taking in the civil servants, contractors and their families. : quisition last month of the heavy Prime Minister Die described Premier Khrushchev's summit attitude as "very belli- cose and threatening" and re- jected a suggestion that Canada stop American U-2 flights over this country. / Opposition Leader Pearson sug- gested mediation by United Na- mit conference going. CCF House Leader Haren Argue said the world leaders "should quit spying, quit threat- ening and quit stalling." Mr. Diefenbaker, reporting on the London Commonwealth con- ference, said he hopes South Af- rica will quickly heed the appeal of other Commonwealth countries to alter her racial policies. Postmaster - General William Hamilton said there was no ques- tion of "bungling" by Canadian diplomats in Canada's loss of the 1967 world fair to Russia. Tuesday, May 17 The Commons meets at 2:30 p.m. EDT to consider govern- ment legislation. The Senate sits tions Secretary - General Dag| § Hammarskjold to keep the sum-| & BIG CAPACITY 4 Models--7 Bucket Sizes HANDLE BIG LOADS SPEED Full range of attachments and accessories Case Terraload'r From % to 2% cubic yards WITH COST-CUTTING Sales & Service af: TORONTO « RO 2-835) OTTAWA TA 8-271 LONDON GL 5.1440 IN WE at 8 pm.

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