Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 May 1960, p. 7

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J Helen Grant, Lloyd Weir United 18th Guides and Brownies In Pretty, Maytime Wedding Hold Mother, Daughter Banquet sds: The 18th Guide Com Service stars: 2nd year, In St. Andrew's United Church|bows with hem-ength streamers. Smpany sud 3 : 'ast Saturday afternoon, Helen mother and daughter banquet at|year, Linda McRae, Judy Camp- for Sick Children "ouise Grant and Donald Lloyd Westminster United Church. (bell, , Trudy Man-i C0, = Weir, exchanged nuptial vows. tions Mrs. R, H. Allan introduced the|son, Jane Darlene Schad. Evans, The bride is the daughter of|centered with yellow rosettes. head table guests as follows:| Second class e: Linda Mc-| Three days a week she attends Mrs. Harold W. Grant, Oshawa,| Miss Pamela Huntley of Peter- Lorraine Allen, Tawny Owl, Mrs.[Rae, Ursula Whittle, clinics 'nd the late Mr, Grant, and the|borough was tlie flower girl wear- R. H. Allan; Brown Owl, Mrs.[Brown, Carolyn Evans, Trudy Yridegroom is the son of Mr. and|ing a floor-length gown of Lin- C. Burton; Mrs. R. E. Wilson,|Manson, Darlene Schad. Mrs, Milton Weir, Oshawa. den green taffeta with Empire THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 13, 1960 7 |4.vision commissioner; Mrs, Cyril Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 meet- 4 |gertip veil and The Reverend George Telford, DD, officiated at the double- ring ceremony. The organist, Mr. E. Kelvin James, played the wedding music and Mr, Stanley Roberts of Ottawa sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "O Perfect Love", The bride was given in mar- riage by her uncle, Mr. Roy Hopps. She wore a full-length gown of blossom white taffeta and. French lace. Scalloped lace with a scattering of sequins formed a weskit effect in the bodice, styled with a low V de- colletage and lily-pointed, sheath sleeves. The bouffant skirt was fashioned with a pouffed over- skirt, caught with a bow, billow- ing to a chapel train. A pearl embroidered crown held her fin- she carried a white' Bible crested with red rosettes and satin strecmers. Mrs, Paul Cochrane of Downs- view was matron of honor. for her sister and the bridesmaids were Miss Beverly Grant and waist and deep V-neckli ing in a soft bow with long ties. She wore an embroidered head- |dress to match her dress and carried a basket of white carna- tions and yellow roses.' PERSONALS gare Westerink, captain; Mr. Stanley Lloyd Coverly offLegion, held a "night of cards" Bowmanville was best man. The|on Tuesday, May 10. Among the ushers were Mr. Paul Cochrane|winners were Mrs. Norman nf Downsview and Mr. Gary Me.|gee, Mrs. Marie Taylor, Miss Kay, Oshawa. A reception followed in the|Cooper, Mrs. Kathleen McCuaig, Mrs. Harry Fred Curtis, Mrs. lower hall of St. Andrew's Unit.|Gordon Drinkle, Mrs. Alex Gag- ed Church. To receive, the|ne, Mr. Donald Lennox, Mrs. Lio- Os : . Bert Raynor, bride's mother wore Capri blue|uel Trehern, Mr chiffon in a draped sheath style|MrS. Donald Lennox, Mr, Herbert with floating panels, matching accessories and a corsage of Bathe. Door prizes were won by Mr. Alex Gagne, Anderson, Miss Jessie Minaker, pink rosettes. The bridegroom's|,, = notig Essex, Mr. Albert mother was in rose crystal Hale, Mrs. Charles Gibbs, Mr. charm with navy blue accessor-ny. das James, Mrs. Fred Cur- ies and a corsage of white car- nations and yellow rosettes. tis, Mrs. James Anderson was convener and refreshments were The couple left on a motoring| .orved by Mrs. Howard Cook and honeymoon in the southern Unit-|,ommittee. The next meeting of ed States. bride chose a teal blue Frenc! suit with beige accessories and a corsage of yellow rosettes and bronze chrysanthemums. For travelling, thelthe Auxiliary will be held on Tuesday, May 17. Out-of-town guests at the Eagle- son - Russell wedding were Mr, The Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. John Ware, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mallett, Mr, and Mrs, Clare Schultz, Mr. and Mrs, Jeffery Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Phillips, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wilson, Hamilton; Mr, Gary Morgan, e; Mr. and Mrs. David Eagleson, Brantford. Oshawa guests at the Brodie Mathews wedding in Toronto on Saturday, May 7, were: Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sinden, Mr, and Mrs. Chris Tooley and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jemison, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Winston Bradley.- Other guests were Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Brodie, New Haven, Connecticut, Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Argue, Pena- tanguishene, and Miss Anna Lzckerman, Hamilton. C. Stephenson, Rosslyvnn dis- trict Commissioner; Mrs. L. Butler, vice president, 18th group committee; Jane Butler, Mrs. G. Brown, lieutenant, and Jacqueline Brown. Mrs. Cyril Campbell introduced Mrs. R. E. Wilson, division com- missioner, who spoke on Girl Guide work from its beginning 50 years ago, The Brownies en- tertained with the singing of some songs. Mrs. J. C. Stephen- ly. Mrs. R. E. Wilson presented the following Brownie badges: Golden Hand: Sandra Winacott, Jane Kift, Sheila Leonard, letje Steenstra. Golden Bar: Waite, Jore Steenstra, Martha Hess, Susan Kift, Judy Jolley, Judy Bannon. usr) Mothers' Group Of CDA to Hear Child Specialist The Mothers". Group of the Od, Diane Westerink, Patty Bentham, Kathy Schad, Susanne Lofthouse, Gail Connie Warren, Lorraine Allan, Collectors' badge, Ietje Steen- guest to th supper United Church. Association of Oshawa have invited a special eir meeting next Wednesday in King Street She is Dr. Augusta Rebhan,|anno son addressed the meeting brief- recently a director s7EF Bly ] 1 LOOK TO US S y Guests from out-of-town at the|stra. Skier's badge: Sandra Win- Miss Donna Barnes. All wore] Mr, and Mrs. Weir will return and Mrs. Archie Pain and Mr. wo onhy - Dowe wedding in-|acott. Toymakers: Jane = Kift. identically styled gowns of cas-|to make their home in Oshawa. and Mrs. John Pain, Port hi cluded Mr. and Mrs. Stanley|House orderly, Sandra Winacott cade green taffeta with bouffant| Guests were present from|ing; Mrs. Ethel Dick, Lil Mr.|pylott, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald|and letje Steenstra. overskirts of green silk organza.|Aurora, Lefroy, Galt, Brantford,(and Mrs. Norris Wi Rms, Gynane, Mr. and Mrs. Harland| Service Stars -- 8rd Year: The bodices were fashioned with{Downsyiew, Scarborough, Ajax,|Peterborough; Me ry nd |Greenlaw, all of Peterborough;|sandra Winacott; 2nd year short, shirred sleeves and round|Port Perry, Brooklin, Ottawa,|Ralph Milner, Byou in; Li andiMr. and Mrs. W. R. Carveth,|gharon Manson, Kenza MacLean: necklines and the waistlines|Kingston, Bowmanville and Pe- ig Yiljam Hag oiit, Bray, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. L. L.| 1st year, Lorraine Allan, Lind a were accented at the back bylterborough ait -- Mis 'BG or amp: garvety, Tadsay; Miss 1.3 8) 3 a Warburton, ' Mr. and Mrs. Alan Osborne, Mr. Herbert Childerhose and *Bud-|,i® Suides were led in a sing- and Mrs. Herbert Goddard, Mr.|qy" Childerhose, Windsor, On- % g by . G. - B Pom. Mrs 1a Means late, Mrs. J. C. Stephenson present- n, Mr. rs. Bruce Berry, J. Cs all of Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs.| You are invited by the Social|ed the following Guide badges: Sydney Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Department to send in any lit- Cecil Heayn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray|tle items of interest. News of Honor Miss Dorothy Morris Milner, Mr. and Mrs. Victor|teas, surprise parties, showers, ZELLE RBS] ronan hy Poe "Nor he bridegroom and presented) zjgrcq, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Fra-|anniversaries and comings and RETAILERS TO THRIFTY cAnapians UNTIL 8 P.M. marriage to the Reverend Nor-|them with a mirror and the brid lick, Mr, and Mrs. Storey Beare, goings are always very acceptable {| man Sctiachsum 56 ip take place/tobe Teceived a bouguet of Yellyjy, aud Mire. Robert Storey, land for which there is no charge. is even - | roses. vat or Port Perry; Mr. a rs.| Please write or ephone RA " |costa Church, has been feted at| Mrs, William Saunders held a); oc Martin, Mrs. Marie Ince,|3-3574 local 18. P . Special ! 20-PC. [1] 99 STARTER : several pre-nuptial events. imiscellaneous shower at her 4.99 i isted in serv- Mrs. Herman Morris entertain. home, She was assist 4 Ma . 5 . Maurice: Morris, led at a trousseau tea for her[ing by Mrs. I ) t | | daughter. To receive the bride-to- Mrs. Roy Morris, Mrs. Thomas 1nguis e 1Cers en be wore a moss green and white Cole, Mrs. William Woolner and | 4 vi shite Mrs. James Morris. . % | checked jacket-dress with a white : J | [chrysanthemum corsage. Mrs.| Miss Marion Haggarty enter eetin ome Lea ue i [Morris chose a beige and brown|tained at a miscellaneous shower OPEN STOCK! == Choose 20 pieces now, at o Speciol Savings Price, and add more pieces @8 needed. cups, 4 vi |at the home of Mrs. Edward ; leat with 8 €or Ee Wright. | The Salvation Army Home|of a lovely country also some in- saucers, 4 soup of sereal bowls, 4 seven- [the door and the guest book in| The congregation of the King Leatue Bed 2 special plceline sight into the social security plan. A ; |01. Tuesday afternoon, May 10, e spoke on the text, "Be ye # |the afternoon. A small cousin of Street Pentecostal Church ar- . 2 _ [the future bride, Joanne Saund-|ranged a shower for the bridal when the members of Whitby and doers of the Word and not hear. inch plates, four-ande a-halfeinch plates in the "Starter" set! FREE ESTIMATES OSHAWA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CATHOLIC NUPTIALS Pictured after their wedding recently at St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church are Mr. and Mrs. Jeno Eppel. The bride, the former Miss Loni Liclair, is the Mrs. G. J. Jackson Again Heads Duke Of Edinburgh H&S Assn. The new officers for the Duke of Edinburgh Home and School Association were installed at a recent meeting by Mrs. H. L. Donald, district organizer for Area "C". Mrs. Gordon Jackson is presi- dent for a second term, and other officers are: past president, Mrs. William Owens; vice-presi- | dents, Mrs. Harry MeGrath and Mrs. F. C. Malloy; treasurer, Mrs. R. D. Malcolmson; record- ing secretary, Mrs. William Mor- mg; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Jack Mark; executive mem- bers, Mrs. C. N. McDonald, Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Nicholas Dollick, Mrs. Walter Kuch and Mrs. R. L. Gouldburn. Mrs. Donald congratulated the members on a very successful year and on the excellent qual- ° ity of the programs presented © during the year. She spoke of the great influence that Home and | School had on the educational life # of the province and of the whole asi daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Liclair and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sandor Eppel, all of Osh- awa, --Photo by Mary's Studio MOTOR CITY PAVING CO. "WEL PAVE TNE WAY POR YOU® 930 KING ST. E. RA. 8-177 16 YEARS 4 CONSTRUCTION Trousseau Tea And Showers 4 : bee |Bowmanville Home Leagues met|ers only." It is so easy to go to had took charge in the even'ng. cape in the 'lower hall of the with Oshawa to hear Mrs. Lt.-|church and be of service. She Pouring tea were Mrs, William CAlrch. Colonel Searle of New Zealand, |spoke of the widows' mite and Saunders and Mrs. Maurice Mor-| The Reverend and Mrs. Charles| yp, was guest speaker for the|the alabaster box of ointment that ris, aunts of the bride-to-be. The|Ratz entertained the Bible Col-|afiernoon. re poured over Jesus. These Special! RUGS 1.67 24-BY-36-IN. RUGS Cotton - & «rayon yarns. Tweed effect. Non-skid 'backing. Fringe trim, Cups & Saucers 4°" 87¢ CUPS- & - SAUCERS -- Semi « porcelain. Tur- quoise, yellow, green. pang gifs tre daniel vies, Tals, hl, Pigs" 1s ront me Burp, gor imc seve a te"hn. She Thomas McCready; the shower|Smith, the college president, pre. |Fitorial Howe Leagte Serratia og 0 Epistle. gifts by Mrs. Edward Wright and sented the couple with a trilight |S CI Fman, ig total Mrs. James thanked Mrs, 5 ys, Carl Miller, 24 We Der. {lamp a Doha ae Sollegs hymn, followed by prayer by Searle and presented her with a ¥ sonal trousseau by Mrs. Arnold were the pros] vi 2. i .|small gift. coir and ead oem iy is, 6. 3. ackson |i Songs, UY, Mr, Sn er, Peels, fon is" itl, Sondre Fs oobiomal BC Litany". Mrs. Donald stated that|F. C. Malloy, finance; Mrs, Wil. Serving were Mrs. Arnold Bowl-firon was also presented by the uy, yg 1g Shepherd" singing of a hymn and closed with the aim of Home and School was|liam Moring, ways and means; (er, Mrs. Melville Inche, Mrs.|college printing department and "0 "0 "5, fpraver ; of the parents with|Mrs. Joseph Elliott, social con-|Joshua March, Miss Margot Mor-(the cooks. B ri une od gunery. i ed by the fell ers for the benefit of the|vener; Mrs. William Owens; pub-|ris, Mrs. Gordon Foster, Mrs.| An original ofl painting was(o® eve Mtrodieed Tus. > Mics aS Wie: Al children, and read another poem lications; Mrs. D. D. Clemens, |Fraser Bell. presented by the Oshawa the. National Some Ina > 's . vic ol po interesting pro- entitled "Thank-you to Teachers". |program; Mrs. Russell Wicks,| The students of the Eastern| Youth for Christ and the Oshaw~ ot pra en De re wisi in De di Pp "Mrs. Donald was presented with|{school education; Mrs. K. A.|Pentecostal Bible College ar-|Christian Youth Centre where the any resident. of the Nati 1 o a gift on behalf of the associat: Kose, health; Mrs. C. N. McDon-|ranged a dinner and program at|future bride has been the pianist [5 BFeRGCo. d she will for by Mrs. Jackson. ald, religious education; Mrs. |the college for the future bride] The bride-to-be was presented | ft wo" 0 Midis n Sass hd HOUSEHOLD HINT Mrs. Jackson expressed her|HAITy McGrath; children's read- {with a beige leather hassock bv ey. | Use a dry towel or holder thanks. to the members for their|!n8; Mrs. D. L. Bowen, radio and| yy wallace Young who Is in the the King Street Pentecostal She spoke of New Zealand as|when removing hot dishes from help and co-operation during the television; Mrs. Walter Kuch, citi- charge of music in the public|Church and Sunday School where|a place of two islands, and of its{the oven, If a 'wet one is used, past year and thanked Mr. A. §.|2enship. |schools. Field day will be held she is the organist. mountains and glaziers and its|the fingers are more likely to Winter and the retiring executive] Mrs. Jackson announced thatiop June 1. A green blanket was given to|trout fishing and gave a picture/be burned. for their support. the Home and School Councill p. Edward M. Culp spoke|the future bride by the former ' 72 SIMCOE ST. N. The minutes were read by the|Would hold a workshop at Cour-| behalf of the Hospital Build- fellow employees of the factory o A Dream Fulfilled ! secretary, Mrs. Roy Pearse, and|tice on May 28 and also a pot fing Fund accounting department of Gen. the treasurer, Mrs. Jack Wise, |luck supper May 24 at which] g od I eral Motors. gave her annual report. Mr. A. S. Winter would speak on| Refreshments were perv |" Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Morris ar- public [the parents of the pupils in Mrs. ranged a family dinner party at The following annual reports|' The value of senior Irene Ebert's morning kindergar-|their home last Saturday evening were read: Mrs. C. T. Hewer,|schools". corresponding secretary, Mrs.| The June meeting is being ar-{ten and Mrs. Helen Richards'|to honor the prospective bride land bridegroom. M. F. May, membership; Mrs. Iranged by Mr. A, S. Winter and Grade 1 class. with NEW DRAPERIES from WARD'S Special! Plastic TABLE CLOTHS 1.37 54 by 54 ins. Flannel baek- ing. Attractive patterns. TEA TOWELS 20 by 30 ins, Checked linen with cotton decors. 3/97¢ PILLOW SPECIAL ! Feather - filled. Sterilized. Flower-stripe ticking. "Ros- anne' brand. Only BLANKET "DREAMTIME" BRAND -- 30 by 40 ins. Nursery prints in nursery colors. Flannel- ette. Sole-priced. FINE QUALITY DRAPERY FABRICS In Spring's Newest Colors and patterns. SPRING FEATURE VALUE, YARD 1.69 If You Wish, WARD'S will Custom-Make Your Drapes at These, Low Low Prices! $8 00000 Pests etree esses FINISHED LENGTH uP TO Single width, peir Double width, pair covers 48" ROD B4" UNLINED| 9.89 PAIR LINED| 13.89 PAIR 79 UNUNED| 11.50 PAIR iL LINED| 16.50 PAIR 12.95 PAIR 18.95 PAIR 1% width, pair Triple Rod, pair 4 widths, peir covers 168" ROD 39.95 PAIR 55.95 PAIR 45.95 PAIR 65.95 PAIR 51.95 PAIR 74.95 PAIR 14.50 PAIR 20.95 PAIR 17.50 PAIR 24.95 PAIR 19.95 PAIR 28.95 PAIR 19.95 PAIR 27.98 PAIR 23.50 PAIR 32.95 PAIR 26.95 PAIR 37.95 PAIR 29.50 PAIR 41.95 PAIR 34.50 PAIR 49.50 PAIR 38.95 PAIR 55.95 PAIR From Black's Bridal Selection comes this lovely gown of silk embroidered Norganza over net and Satin . . . Scalloped neckline . . . short shirred 89 95 sleeves and matching mittens ka L Other gowns from 49.95 to 139.95 EMBOSSED PLASTIC WINDOW SHADES 1.37 36 by 70 INCHES -- Sale-priced for 31% Savings! White only. ZELLER'S LTD. 6.98 VALUE! 2.01 SAVINGS 4.97 SPECIAL! ""SHORTIE" DRAPES--Pinch-pleat style, complete with pin-on hooks. Of "Mahjong" rayon drapery in decorator colors. 54 ins. long. COTTON POPLIN 37c¢ yd. 36 INS. WIDE! -- In Sum- mer-smart colors for making attractive dresses, blouses, pedal pushers, "Bermudas", etc., etc. Exceptional value. Of course -- a wide Selection of Gowns for the bridesmaids and mother of the bride. g ys UNLINED LINED Fittings and consultations in complete privacy Blacks LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 Open To-night 'til 9 o'clock « « « or choose your New Draperies from Oshawa's Largest Variety of READY.TO-HANG DRAPERIES. Lined, Floor to Ceiling. Available in all sizes and in all of the most-wanted Materials, Amel, Fiberglas, Fortisen, Linen Slubs, Mohair, Back Cloth and Antique Satins . , . PRICED FROM, PR, WARD'S DRY GOODS SIMCOE AT ATHOL ST. OSHAWA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE 21 SIMCOE ST. S. 226 STEVENSON RD. §. PHONE RA 3. RA 5-115 PHONE RA 3-2294

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