Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 12 May 1960, p. 5

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See Displays At Yow vi Ot, IHN Sa VARIG wii 3 ¥ Ta ia > bo" Fg § % 7, 7 ¢ hii 4 About to devour a triple cele- | day night, at the Wiiny Kins- | ti jay cake are Mal- | men Club's Ladies Night, Past bration birthday cake are Mar | ooo jjont's Night and the 18th com Hampson and his wife iy . birthday of the Kinsmen's Club. | Anita. They took part, on Tues- | Compulsory dress at the ban- | 'WDHS Opening This year Whitby District High girls' basketball called '"'Basket- School held its annual Open House ball with a Beat." Fifteen girls on May 5 and 6. Open House is worked out argangements with | held to give parents a chance to|Mrs. Burn and set the different | meet the teachers, to display routines and skills to music. students' work and to let pupils| To finish off the program, the exhibit what they have learned |members of the "Co-Educational in Physical Education classes. pparatus and Gymnastic Club" The first main feature of the [put on a display. Mr, King and evening was the fashion show (Mrs. Burn arranged the display directed by Miss Shand, the sew-|on pieces of apparatus such as| ing teacher. The girls modelled |the parallel bars, high bar, horse, clothes they had made them- mats, box and trampoline. selves, The show featured three| groups of fashions, representing | the four seasons. | From 8:15 to 9:00 the class- rooms were open so the parents could . visit them. There were science displays in the rooms of Mr, Godwin, Mr, Sutherland, Mr. | Edgecombe and Mr, Elliott, | In the shops there were dis- plays of metal and woodwork. Mr. Breckenridge and Mr. Reeves teach industrial arts, | At 9:00 there was a physical | and health education demonsira- tion in the gymnasium. On Thurs- |day the girls of Grade 9 did the | Muramba, directed by Miss Gor-| |don and on Friday the girls of Grade 11 did the 'Charleston, | directed by Mrs. Barn, but] taught to them by two pupils, | Cathy Newton and Mary Thorn-| ton, Jillian Vokoun was the MC] for that part of the program. Mr. Clutchey, the senior gymn | teacher, and wrestling coach, was the MC of the wrestling display. The school is very proud of the ORGAN RECITAL St. John's Church PORT WHITBY Friday, May 13th 8 P.M. Organist Mr. J. Kenphus of St. Catharines ALL WELCOME The WHITBY WINDOW ond qnet was 'hard times style" but Malcom and Anita added a little variety by wearing beat- nik dress Oshawa Times Photo Says Whitby Rotary Club, at their devoted a larger share of its na-| weekly luncheon, were told by ational income to education than school inspector that sports,| Canada did. | wheels and TV take a precedence| 'Instead of three or four days| over scholastic subjects in the|of examinations as we have in lives of Canadian high school|Canada the Russian student's ex-| students. : |aminations last two months," he| Speaking was Jim MeClenand, | ssid | the Inspector of Pickering am on ; - Pickering Township Publi a PE Se) Schools are paid by the state. The par- He said, 'In high schools today 3 4 #7 there is too much emphasis on zis have nothing to pay," he the sporting "heroes" and not|® enough on the top scholars." "The best of the failures," he Mr. McClelland spoke on mod-|said, "go to technical schools, the ern trends in education and said remainder go to training schools that all trends were commended and those who miss school serve or condemned and were always|one year of hard labor." in a state of change just as| "After graduation from univer- economical, political and other gjty," Mr. McClelland said, "the structures changed. professional young man or wo- "Schools are very sensitive to man is told where to practice. In public opinion," he said, "and|Canadian eyes, the Russian me-| many trends, even in their ex-/thod of education is rigid, but it| perimental stages, were brought gets results and our system is| about by the results of local peing effected by these results." | action." He said that children in Can- Sports, TV. Take Lead Over Education FLOOR CLEANING SERVICE Fully Insured and Bonded ® Screen ond Storms Removed ® Walls Washed ® Janitor Service ® Free Estimates wrestling team, the undefeated | Ontario Champions for 1958-59 and 1959-60. | Mrs. Burn put on a display of ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE 28 WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY BRIDGE SCORES North and South: Mrs, Wilson, Mrs. Spratt 70, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs, MacGillivray 65, Mr. and Mrs. Heron 60, Mr, and Mrs, Winter 59. ada should be taught reading at the age of five as in England. "High schools today have the impossible task of dealing with 95 per cent of Canadian children" he said. "Before the war the figure was 15 per cent." He said that npthing should stand in the way of students who universit wanted. to go to un y East and West: Mrs. Wilson FURTHER EDUCATION and Mr. J. Wilson, 77%; Mrs. "In Ontario," he said, "there/Maundrell and Mrs. Chubb, 73%; are 30 special schools for the Mr and Mrs, McCann and Mrs mentally retarded child and ifiMeDougall and Mrs. Watts tied people are willing to help these yi, gg; Miss Forsyth and 302 DOVEDALE DR. CORRECTION Beginners Registration of Kindergarten and Grade 1 pupils for Sept. 1960. He opinion on such trends as| French in public schools, too many optional subjects, too many | text books, or too few, subjective| He explained the effect of pub- kids then they should help the nr. Baxter 60. ized the need for a standardiza-| tion of education in Canada and than the 10 individual Depart- (Reuters)--Mrs. [ ments of Education. 57-year-old artist commissioned SCHOOL will be as follows being attacked by a non-white. Mrs. Forbes was stabbed and examinations, grade grouping, | and other trends in the Canadian educational machine whose re- sults depended on local action. Constable David Kernohan left jes first Mrs. Moss, gentleman on Monday for Madoc over the first Mr. Moss, consolation prizes week end, Mrs. Kernohan and|Mrs, Loyal Pogue and Mr, Loyal bright student in furthering his| Attacker Murders said that the Canadian govern- in 1954 by Queen Mother Eliza- ERSONALS MONDAY, MAY 16 her assailant poured a bottle of education." | Mr. McClelland finally emphas- Artist In Capetown For ment as a whole could 4 a bet-| b i motin; ucation| CAPETOWN, South A oro In promt south arica| KATHLEEN ROWE beth for a portrait of Princess Anne, died Wednesday night after benzine over her and set her on 1:30 to 3:30 fire. The attacker escaped. Ph. M0 8.2481 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 12, 1960 § OATS -- SUITS AINWEAR SALE! Here's what the ladies have been waiting for . . . Coats, Suits and Rainwear .. . especially styled to fit and flatter you . . . you'll love the latest styles, vibrant colors and fine fabrics. All at Greatly Reduced Prices! Come in and look around. REG. $29.95 ON SALE REG. $39.95 ON SALE SUITS REG. $29.95 ON SALE REG. $39.95 ON SALE RT ple 2a Co NE le. NER Ne' oy ey children Waren, David Jr. and pogue. Door prize won by Mr. He ald that there was an ever increasing need for better quali- fied teachers in public and high|of schools and that teacher's quali) 8 . fications lately had only just| reached the all time high stan- dards of 1939. Mr. McClelland pointed out that the next few years would rough for obtaining public school | teachers, which would be rarer) than secondary school teachers, He said that there was a change| in concept towards the role of the school principal which in the| past required the principal to! have two jobs, teaching and ad- ministrative. "The trend today," he said, "is to separate the principal from teaching and install him as an administrative and educational leader with a supervisory capa- city." Mr. McClelland stated that there had been changes. in school [Kewvin, join Mr. Kernohan They will be guests at the home | party was held at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. James Stephenson, will {Percy Pascoe. Guests of honor {were presented with a lazy sus- |an. Anniversary cake was served a and refreshments by Mrs. Ma- Last Sunday a lovely birthday | 4e1ine Tran, Mrs. Pearl Bowcot and Mrs, Foster as hostesses. of Rexdale, in honor of Mrs. A.[some 29 guests attesded, Barnett of Port Whitby, mother Mr. J. C. M. Kirk has t Mr. and Mrs, David Kernohan REG. $69.95 ON SALE ARNOLD'S 115 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY Just North of the Four Corners OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. of Mrs. Stephenson. All the fam- ed to show some of his pictures ily was present. The guests were: Ll Ry sp rnan Win which he has taken on his various Archie Barnett and son of Pick. ViPS bot nis soy Nd ering: Mr. 2nd Wee W. Mitchell I ting to R we fo Thursday and son of arboro, Mr. an : 1 Mrs. N. Bradley and family of | evening in the Council Chambers. Oshawa. A dainty lunch was serv- ed including a nicely decorated| Last year, tourists and camp- birthday cake and many gifts| ers, well-meaning folks like our- were presented to Mrs. Barnett. |selves, destroyed many acres of |On this special occasion a pic-| valuable timber and recreational ture was taken of Mrs. Barnett areas because they forgot to be and her eight grandchildren. |careful with fire. Please when t ._|you are driving or walking Mrs. Stuart Roblin, of 616 King through our beautiful out-of FRESH CUT YOUNG STEER BEEF FOR ECONOMY AND FINE FLAVOR BLADE PRIME Nis SIRLOIN ROASTS BUASTS | "meer | STEM curriculums because of the re-igi opened her home last Mon- cent advancement of educational day evening to the members of 43: 55: 75: doors, be careful with all fire. Make sure your campfire, saiput in the Soviet Union: [the House of Windsor Chapter|gmokes and matches are all dead | RUSSIAN SCHOOLS IODE and their guests for a so-|o,t t's every man's job to pre- "Children in Russia," he said,| cial evening. A new member was| vent forest fires "are at school from the age of| Welcome, Mrs. Dennis Ullyett, -- - seven to 17, they are at school |by the Regent Mrs. John Vickery. | six days a week and there are/Mrs. R. G. Langford Honorary fewer optional subjects than in|Regent of the Chapter and Mrs. | Canada." He sald that Russia|E. C. Hughes were also present. | Announcement SHORT RIB FRESH PLATE . Roast » 49° | Brisket , 19¢ FRESH HAMBURG FRESH COUNTRY Steak ». 39¢ | Sausage ,, 29° ald FRESH BUTT SLICED BREAKFAST GINGRAS REUNION A surprise party was held at Pork Chops b. 49- Bacon 1b. 49c QUEBEC (CP) -- Descendants |the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg- : of Charles Gingras afe 1 hold a|inald Foster on the occasion of BONELESS MILD CURED pilgrimage June 0 the farm ' iVoiss at nearby St. Augustin that he the SW) wedding amniversgzy of COTTAGE ROLLS 39¢ settled 300 years ago on arrival | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moss of Whit- LB. from France. There now are|by. Euchre games were enjoyed some 2,000 families of the name. 'and the lucky winners were: lad- Phone MO 8-3618 BROCK wiry Now Playing EXENG sows av 228 LAST COMPLETE SHOW--8:2 | : -- | | Whitby Dunlops Senior "A" Hockey | ANNUAL RAINWEAR REG. $29.95 ON SALE | 5.00 25.00 REG. $39.95 No Exchanges or Refunds -- All Sales Final ON SALE BRESLIN"S LADIES' WEAR BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY, MAY 13th 9 'TIL 1 AM. CLUB BAYVIEW "Everbody Welcome" 3.50 PER COUPLE High Chief Ranger S. C. Berridge of the Canadian Order of Foresters will address lodge members at the Oddfellow's Hall in Port Whitby on Thursday, : May 12th ot 8 p.m. OF SHATTERING EXCITEMENT He will also attend the Eastern Ontario District || Assembly at the Hotel || || Genosha on Saturday, May 14th ot 2 p.m. This meeting will be followed by a banquet and dance to mark the close of the assembly. Tickets Available At Door ® CLUB PRIVILEGES * WHITBY SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 a AJAX

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