Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 12 May 1960, p. 23

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TIMES, Thursday, sioner, should produce his Gray's bank account be pro. However, evidence showed thatiter Green fold the Commons 32 1 sua May 13: 1348 Bank Book [or Ra iy oiuge hii Grave "I Mr. Gray wes to receive 7.000 Wednewday ithe 'san : -- re ! " . 3 " Nn n ly to Murdo } For example, Republican commission hearing WANTS CASE STATED oh Disassions BL a BAO = Dats urn axis | The commission is inquiring] Mr, Bryden asked that the ap hd o {craft reserves rights to the name Ha ronald oi tederal "thunder" while Douglas Air-| a {into the purchase by the Outario neal court direct that Mr. Justice i a abe jagit avy phe ig for to rol tip ames craft holds rights to "sky" as in) g | Hydro - Electrie Power Commis McGillivray state a case on hig ature the ged ig I Rake ation [Skymaster R sieined Savio [oon of former Chippewa Indat ruling: that Mr. Gray should Poti dro paid Dimensional about! Later, Defence Minister ET C ide ed rom Dimensional Investment necmagui'ed 10 Produce hi bank|g 000 - acre for the 176 acres, Poarkes told Mr. Martin that his Come Informal 1 LJ [te missile red rom | aj ndl Invent ge Dimensional previously had department Is ready to render - 3 {eraft, it would choose something Limited of Toronto, Mr. Justice MeGilliveay last bought 3,100 acres of the land at emergency assistance if dams in with "sky" in it--and so Skybolt| TORONTO. (CP) The Ontario); ois (he commission, was asked Mr. Justice McGillivray, who week declined to do so. Mr. Bry-la price of about $3,200 an acre, the ane press but i ust he Press Staff Writer shop. asked ; i ! » " w | oy Ww bh rovine B yHAROLD MORRISON gled with talk of their purchasesithe defence department was became the missile's of lal Court of Abpedl ashy ME Justice) yy Messrs, Justices Robert Laid. | den then tock his case to the On or requested by the provinelal gove N tt 4 : Do ua mune, Ng WE \litan | 8%: J. B. Aviesworth and A. M duction of the bank account Flood Victims ficer commanding at Oakville, tario Appeal Court, seeking pro ernment through the general ols WASHINGTON (CP)--One day. 3 trace the naming of certain mis-| For the more powerful mis-(Why A. J. B. Gray, Metropilitan yout ™ 0 give them the reasons the story goes, a group of Unit NEON INSPIRATION siles. The department threw up|siles which span continents and|Toronto assess ment commis | his ruling so that they can de.| Mr. Gray testified during the . a Jab States army engineers "That's it," one is reported (0 jis hands, The name was there/oceans, missilemen, aided by -- = " [cide whether it should be upheld, Inquiry that he received no com. To Get Federal Aid SPECIAL CRNTRE. - VANCOUVER (CP) - i. working p | | near El Paso, Texas, crossed the|save said, "how about 'Honestiput how it got there no one/public relations officers, favored or funds for television program-| Kenneth Bryden, CCF membey|Pensation from Dimensional dine Joha'?" Si ' ron- d by Greek myth-| yden, mem 'hen he acted as an adviser to » } p Sesion border © 3 21% Ihe name stuck. Like many an- susie 0 Know. Time alka etn the awe wd ed yw yd. Ming. lin the Ontario legislature for Tor ry i aT a OTTAWA (( yg . he federal og appeal for funds has been warez restaurant. ) stant change in personnel e-ology. Ou ike, Greek g§ The TV questioned reached the| ose wi a Hydre Bubp ot w *, pi h ae launched by a service club } dro cial help for flood victims In They were designing a new other rocket or missile, throughsiroyed the missile's link with its dess of victory, came the Nike roo when it was asked whether obto W ; i long-range artillery rocket and|a process of everyday use the|pame-maker. series of missiles including Nike-\part of the diocese's $36,000 con. |for his party at the hearings, re-| He said his only function was Timmins area If the province|(Lions) here for a new centre . Wondered what to same it. On aire oiigtnaly laged on Ue While ibe dolence Jopartsent Ajax oe Nike-Horcules. {hough Fibution to the general synod this|quested last week that Mr.'to bring the two parties together. asks for it, Acting Prime Minis-for cerebral palsy victims, way restaurant, they becom insists on a col ol n sa -- | | toward fi- - pha - s------ -------------------- stopped at a gift shop. Up above dame. approval on each name chosen,|the defence department's missile nent, WOU be sed Ab the entrance in big letters was| But that kind of informal bap-ithe informal way of suggesting name bureau can't tell who programs the sign: 'Honest John's." They|tism can have its complications. names continues, Sometimes a started it--came the powerful in- Rev. J. B. Creegan of Belle laughed. {Two groups of engineers or cOM-name might come from an en-|tercontinental ballistic missile, ville said some funds will be} D ' Mi Th S * But later as they lingered over|panies, working on separate pro- gineer working on the missile|the Atlas, named after the Greek spent for television during the| on ISS e avings DURING OUR dinner, the question of the rocket jects, might end up with theproject; sometimes from a pub-/god who held up the pillars of "Pet | he name came up again, intermin- same name for both [lic relations officer -employed|the universe; Titan, the sun-god; Jour if present plans are carried ar -- So as the U.S. family of rockels|hy the manufacturer; sometimes and Nike-Zeus, named after Zeus, *U': and missiles grew, the word went from the military brass itself. [king of the Olympian gods The only voice of dissent was out that no missile or rocket is| The U.S. navy's highly-success- | ---- that of an unidentified lay dele oC ure to be named officially until the| ful Polaris missile was named by . gate, who sald he thought the name is cleared and registered an admiral who decided it ought church "should stay out of show with the defence department'sito he linked with the North Star, ng 1Cans business." { = M central engineering directorate. The Bomare anti-aircraft mis. Earlier, the synod sel up al or pying First, any name suggested forsile is a company name, made up committee to study consolidation a rocket or missile must be ap-lof the first two letters of the of rural parishes. proved by the military service di- manufacturer, Boeing Airplane prove Rev. 1. E. Hawkes of Tweed! rectly responsible for the weapon. Company, and the initials of the| 3 sik Ah aw = A vl atter {Then the name must be approved|laboratories where the missile we Tearaan oy on ol rnin e| and registered in the central di-/system was evolved -- Michigan te jiitle my a urches Which cal the METROPOLITA By DAVE MecINTOSH rectorate Air Research Centre un S Rt. Rev, K. C. Evans. Bishop Canadian Press Staff Writer No FAMILY TREE NAMES COPYRIGHTED of Ontarlo, said the study should The United States has shattered! But it is only in recent years! Certain names are the perma-| KINGSTON (CP)--The - Angli- be made with the aim of consoli- all the cherished theories about thai central control over missile: nent property of specific manu- can Church's Ontario synod gave dation both within and between $ EX TRA SPECIAL oS spies and spying. naming has tightened. Recently facturers and any missiles pro-itacit approval Wednesday to use parishes Remember the stage in the fic . ati " 3 i tional spy stories when the chief PLASTIC - of espionage is briefing the agent WROUGHT IRON fm INTRODUCING | GARDEN HOSE | MAGAZINE agent: "Remember, if you are eaught, we disown you; we never vial ER 50 ft. RACKS J IS STRANGE But truth, as they say, is siran- % ! LENGTHS ger than fiction only Se ® < The U.S. has broken the card- inal rule of spying which is, of conrse: never admit it. ELLIE TOM BLO BABY BLANKETS t ussians have c m ey x CO ON LOUSES et mane Sa S| fg CALIFORNIA ORANGE TT B trogiman. Can: Lione Crab 2 1 | Sizes 12 to 20--8 styles to Blue only i an underwater look at a Sovie, cng _E 0 Gel Aquainted With The Finest § choose from € | Size 30" x 40 cruiser in a British habor when -. S ar qoveramant dis- V fr f Orange Soft Drink Ever Made. MEN'S CHILDS' AND MISSES' claimed all knowledge of what Crabb ey have Seas Ip ® wo Available at your favorite soft drink dealers i. 4 ! Gouzenko had the real goods ? <i . ha. SPORT SHIRTS RDS when he fled the Soviet Embassy the King Size 10-oz. bottle or the handy take Long sleeve style in plaids, RED PLAID OR SOLID BLUE here to tell of a Russian spy ap- paratus operating in Canada? Of course not. hi Ree. : ) checks, and stripes with twa TROUBLES WITH ALLIES Tn ] ockets, Santorized, » 14 i : Some officials here think the OSHAWA & DISTRICT ty Y 2 sii fad Sizes 4 to 0g Qc Sizes 11 to 8c J.8. might have been better ad- vised to have stuck to the spy fo . Ww . Whi drill and disavowed the U-2 flight | men and everything connected with it. | DISTRIBUTORS y si 0 " LJ JA ite 1 7 This might have restricted | / | ® izes to "» home carton of six, Fi fh troubles to Russian| MADE FROM abuse. But now the U.S. is having taouble xm ia allies, too. REAL ORANGES COUNTRY CLUB / Drop in anytime and enjoy a snack or full course meal at our modern lunch counter And this isn't all. What is the U.S. attitude going The juice of Colifornis Valenels in is do to authors of spy novels? oranges, flavor of eronge peel, "i i | For instance, will James Bond, citric acid from lemon Juice, BEVERAGES ; | Tan Fleming's fictional master suger, pure water, end a refresh y . : 4 | %py, be told by his chief: "Well, ing dosh of carbonation 9 if things too hot, giv ur- self ne a - hs Fo ppd PHONE RA 5-2542 / 60 KING ST, EAST 5 70 B E .Y RA 3.3273 back through diplomatic chan- FURNITURE IN OSHAWA Heaven forbid! Only $15. a Month Buys this Highly Styled . LIVING ROOM GROUP | Including 4 Seater Sota wo Scandinavian Chars omd Three Motching Tables (4299 FOR ALL 6 PIECES TERMS? . . . LOOK WHAT YOU GET . .. TRADE-| NS? "os ® Dramatic 4 seater sofa, full 90" long with reversible FOAM cushions. Beautifully styl. ed in combinations of striped and plain fabrics as illustrated or in all-over plain colors OF COURSE! if you wish. Color range includes: Brown with Tangerine stripe, Beige with Beige and . White stripe, Dark Green and Green stripe, Royal Blue and Blue and Black stripe. Chocolate Brown and Brown and Beige stripe. Features knuckle showwood in genuine Danish Walnut ) 154-156 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH tr Th Sab sm 30 Mis cos of FON. 4.8 S IN OSHAWA THREE Danish style tables with heat and stain-resistant Panelyte tops. Includes coffee table and two step tables. Coffee table measures 42" x 18" x 15"; step tables measure FURNITURE RA 5.6559 30' x 18" x 23", A complete luxurious living room ensemble at one special price. FIVE-YEAR CON. AMPLE FREE PARKING OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M STRUCTION GUARANTEE A CALL TO THE STORE BRINGS A CAR TO YOU? POOR

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