Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 12 May 1960, p. 20

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BIG PROMOTION Soccer NEW YORK (AP)--An ambit fous project to make soccer a big - time sport in the United States will get under way here May 25. That's when the International Soccer League, "composed of 10 European teams, one from Brazil and one foreign - studded New York squad, will start operation at the Polo Grounds. There will be 30 games--20 at the Polo Grounds and 10 at Roosevelt Stadium in Jersey City--through early August. Soccer, a major sport through- out the world, never has caught on in the U.S. American interest has been on the rise however at the high school and college level in recent years. Promoter William D, Cox be- lieves the time is ripe to make| Major Sport In U.S. the jump to the professional level on a grand scale. Cox. cer much below that we will of- has a future." who believe some of the gamession has Bangu of Brazil, Red may draw 50,000. Gomez Will Ride Winning Shot Sat. TORONTO (CP)--Avelino Go- mez, Canada's champion jockey, will ride Winning Shot in Satur- day's running of the $7,500 Ulti- May Become mus Stakes at Old - Woodbine. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey. 12, 1960 19 Winning Shot, owed 'by J; 3. us will be raved 28 suvety fuss Evans of Toronto carry ongs. pounds, Canada's "horse of the Also top weighted at 125 poundsilast season, Wonder will be Tyhawk which holds the pulled away leisurely in the world record of 1:14 4-5 for six|stretch Wednesday to win the §7,- and one half furlongs. The Ulti-|500 Whimiscal Stakes. known English coach, is optimis- tic that he can get together a good New York squad. He ex- pects to have six or seven Eng- lish players to bolster American talent. TWO DIVISIONS There will be two sections in the league and three games a week. The two division cham- pions will meet in a title playoff Aug. 6. The New York team will play ir a division which includes Bay- ern Muenchen of Germany, Burn- fer, 1 felt convinced the sport|ley of England, Nice of France, {Glenavon of Ireland and Kilmar- There are many, including Cox, | nock of Scotland. The other divi- Cox once was president of the Philadelphia Phillies b a s eball team and executive of Brooklyn Dodgers oi the defunct All-Amer-- ica Football Conference. "The foundatiod of our support is made up of the large foreign groups in this region to whom soccer is the No. 1 sport," said NEW METEORS $500.00 OFF LIST "After 1 saw crowds of 16,000 and more three weeks running at Ebbets Field for a grade of soc- '$7 FORD "fairlane" fully equipped ..... '55 FCIRD Station Wagon |Star of Yugoslavia, Sporting Club d automatic, radio Albert Stubbins, a formerjof Portugal, Noorkoping of' Liverpool star and a widely|Sweden, Sampdoria of Italy and Rapid of Austria. ANNUAL BANQUET The United Steelworkers of| America, Local 1817 5-pin bowling {league members held their an- nual closing banquet and dance Saturday evening, at Ukrainian National Hall, The Mational Hall ladies' group served a chicken dinner, which was followed by the presentation {of the various trophies and awards won during the past sea- son. League secretary Leonard Arp presented The Phillip Murray Trophy to the 1959-60 league CLAIM WORLD'S RECORD FOR ENDURANCE These four bowlers, all from Welland, claim they set a Cana. | dian endurance bowling record | and possibly a world's record as | well, when they trundled for 25 | CYO HOCKEY hours last weekend, without a | stop. Above Yvon Lapointe is | shown delivering the opening ball of their 142nd consecutive game, Others who participated in the grind, are, left-to-right: Wilfred Belanger, Walter Bergeron, Yvon and Jacques | Beauchesnes. --CP - Wirephoto St. Gregory's Boys Capture Two Titles In the long - awaited CYO Archdiocesan finals, Oshawa teams brought home two cham- plonships and narrowly missed a third in their five series. | CORPUS CHRISTI MINORS The Minor Bantam game saw | to, score a second shutout over Osh games were origi dens. However, after being de-|with a 40 score in St. Gregory's, to clinch The wound up Eric Aasen and Don Cullen were the Oshawa goal-getters |a well - balanced squad from |while Griffin flashed the light for Corpus Christie parish in Toron- (Toronto during regulation time. champions, the winners being | "The Lossers'". Bill Todd, team | captain, accepted the trophy. Treasurer Don Snelgrove pre- |sented The Charlie Millard Tro- phy, to captain Lorne Haley of {the "Lucky Six", winners of the |second section. Individual trophy winners were as follows: . Ladies' high average, Ruth Arp. | wadies' high triple, with handi- | cap, Dianne Oke. Ladies' high single, with handi- cap, Delores Topham. Men's high average, Ray Rich- ard. Men's high triple, no handicap, Don Snelgrove. Men's high single, no handicap, | Sid Boneham. Men's high triple, with handi- cap, Del Killen, Men's high single, with handi- | cap, John Killen, The captains of the winning teams officiated in the presenta- tions of The Lemon League tro- phies, to John Gabona and Eu- Local 1817 Steelworkers Wind Up Bowling Season Some games will be televised. Cox declined to disclose salar- ies but players of winning teams will receive bonuses of $10 each and $5 for a tie. Each of the two division-winning teams will: col- {lect $1,000 and the runners-up |$500 each. No bonus amount has been set yet for the playoff cham- 314 PARK RD. §. LOKING Lor the BEST DEAL! '53 CHEV. Sedan; real sharp! '55 CHRYSLER like new . . '53 PONTIAC deluxe sedan . DODD MOTOR SALES 59 BUICK, fully equipped ....o..cesvssess $2695 59 FORD, automatic, radio ........ccssvees $1995 57 PLYMOUTH, "hardtop" fully equipped .... $1395 } '58 FORD "fairlane'" ....ce00. $1495 156 FORD: oonv ii cis ris simmmrsunnravensnves S105 *54 PONTIAC "Laurentian" sedan sevens ees. $1395 $495 ..$995 $495 $995 $495 ® SPECIALS eo '55 METEOR tudor ........ $695 55 PACKARD hardtop" $695 fully equipped .....co00 Over 20 Additional cars for you to select from Sy RA 3-9421 | pion. | - | A special trophy was present- ed to Mrs, Fred Watson, for "unusual bowling". | The balance of the evening was enjoyed in dancing to music pro-| vided by Ted Taylor's orchestra, | Casey Stengel Starts Second Half-Century NEW YORK (AP) Casey Stengel started his second half- century in baseball yesterday | with his usual sly wink and a Jong look back to Kankakee, Ill. It was on May 10, 1910, that Stengel, 19, took his spot in| centrefield for the Kankakee club in the old Northern Association. | "They called me 'Dutch' in| them days," rasped the 69-year-| old New York Yankee manager. Hey Hid. BIGGEST BIKE BUY EVER! Look...Fully Equipped Boy's or Girl's Model, with "I ditnno why, but they did. I re-| member the team like it was] yesterday. | "The league only lasted until| July 4 and no records were kept. | LEATHER TOOL BAG TYPE SEAT SADDLE DELUXE HANDLE GRIPS vA WITH 4 TOOLS I never did find out what I was hitting, After the last game, the owners split up all the dough they pulled in and beat it. "I didn't know it during the A ENAMEL FINIS BRILLIANT GLEAMING BAKED CHROME HANDLE H BARS WITH BELL last two weeks, but I was playing | for nothing. I never did collect that pay." "All I had on my mind was making enough money to go to dental school the following win- SAFETY REFLECTOR nice Lynch. ter. In just over a minute of sud- CHROME | 7 AIR PUMP den-death overtime, Paul Ryan Toronto's| finally pushed that puck past layed because of the Memoriallfayor, c series, they were finally| que sooring was divided four|ronto the championship. New Toronto. for Monday, May "3¥% with Joh Downe. ike Ryan and Don Cullen of Osh- 9. had ean Dowler and Ginoayws were selected as the most | {Piccoli notching singles. Tom| ST. MARY'S ATOMS LOSE Andrus earned the shutout. Laluable players oft their respec { In the Atom division, Oshawa| Mike Cowan was picked as the| : | St. Mary's tied Leaside St.|outstanding player for Corpus/ BANQUET SUNDAY | Anselm's 2-2 but lost the cham-|Christi along with Tim Gilmore! The final event of the season | plonship 7-4 on total goals in the for St. Gregory's. for all Oshawa CYO hockey play- two game series, . ers, their dads, coaches, man- The first score in the game OSHAWA BANTAMS WIN agers and officials, ig the annual came in the second period, with| St. Gregory's Bantams kept banquet and "awards night" at Paul McCann counting for Lea-| their championship in Oshawa by|5.00 p.m., Sunday, May 15, in St. side. Pat Murdoch got that one defeating St. Thomas Aquinas of| Gregory's Auditorium, It is back for St. Mary's with Scott| Toronto 7-6 on the round, al- hoped to see a hundred per cent Andison assisting. Terry Caffrey|though St. Thomas won the final| attendance there. fired St. Anselm's second tally game 2-1. with Joe Brisebois assisting. Bill] The fast pace of this game Dionne sank St. Mary's second|took quite a toll in penalties and goal, with the assist going tola couple of unfortunate acci- John Salowski. . |dents involving a broken thumb Goal-keeper Jim Curry of St.|for Tom DiBona of St. Thomas Mary's and forward Terry Cal-|and severe cuts for Larry Mar- frey of St. Anselm's were se lin, also of St. Thomas. 3 HOT WATER lected as the most valuable play-| "Rick" McGarry was the St. | ers in the game. {Gregory's goal - getter while Di-| at PEE WEE TITLE TO OSHAWA Bons an] Teusceilo scored bor LOWEST COST. St. Gregory's came up with an-| Rod Macdonald of St. Gregory's with « goalie Gilles Neault, to give To- Breeze Into Hot Weather ON ONE OF OUR NEW MOST SAFETY CHAIN GUARD BUILT ON KICK STAND CHROME RIMS RACING TYPE TIRES COASTER BRAKES TANDEM SPOKES other fine effort to down St.| Leo's of Mimico 4-2 and bring and Don Truscello of St. Thomas the CYO Pee Wee crown to Osh-|were selected as the most valu- awa for the first time. |ablé players on their respective This game started at a sizzling | teams. pace, very much like the first game of the series, which ended] in a 55 tie, Darryl Leach got St.! Gregory's off to a fast start by slipping a pass to John Neate for a goal, early in the first period. St. Leo's got that one back with Riddell firing in a pass from Santagudio. Before the period ended, Leach connected on a solo effort to give Oshawa the lead once again. In the second stanza, the com bination of Riddell and Santa- gudio scored again for Mimico Peter Kaplan put St. Gregory's ahead once more and Darryl Leach added the "insurance goal" in the last minute of play. Leach was nominated as the Oshawa MVP with Jim Riddell for St. Leo's Ingemar's Right Not Hidden Now GROSSINGER, N.Y. (AP) -- A year ago they made jokes about Ingemar Johansson and shrugged off his one-round knockout of | highly-rated Eddie Machen as an| accident. Day after day, the people who crowded the ski house in this Catskill Mountain resort to see the Swede box in the indoor ring waited to see a real right hand punch. He kept it under cover Things are different this time. When Bill Johnson, a 19°" hold-| over, tried to fight him : he did last summ~r, I} mar dropped in a soli. right hand punch to the top of (he head. The nonsense quickly stopped. "It is the jab with the right hand following _ ri; behind it | that gets you," said Johnson after a workout. "If you could stay away from that jab, you could work on the right, MIDGETS COME CLOSE St. Gregory's Midgets came close to bringing home a third CYO title when they lost their series by a single goal in over- time to Toronto Our Lady of Sorrows, This game was a 2-2 tie, but a 2-1 victory in the first game of the series gave "Our Lady of Sorrows" the edge. , NATURAL GAS RENTAL WATER HEATER MONTHLY ONLY $1.75 (gas extra) Fully Guaranteed SERVICE, MAINTENANCE and INSTALLATION (in some cases, thers be # charge for extra DIpInE.) Water heats 3 times faster Costs less, Too! Your Gas company does not employ door-to- door salesmen nor telephone eanvassers, For information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to sell and Install natural S$ equipment call or write the Sales irtment of 5 EXPORT | Consumers' (Cas PLAIN OR FILTER Tip CIGARETTES RA 3-3468 SUPPORT THE HOSPITAL DRIVE! YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT "THE LIGHT AS AIR" FEELING THAT COMES WITH THESE GOOD LOOKING COATS-- IN CHECKS PLAINS OR FANCIES. 29.50 up | Sr 5 ¢ 1] i a ¥ / 772] CANADA'S MOST PROGRESSIVE WIOPPNG CENTRE LIGHTWEIGHT JACKETS WORTH #1 0% OFF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THIS OUTSTANDING Firestone BIKE SPECIAL Regular $46.77 value CPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. AMPLE FREE PARKING r NOW, with this coupon, ONLY 77 FULLY EQUIPPED AS SHOWN PAY ONLY $4.75 DOWN -- $1 WEEKLY

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