Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 May 1960, p. 5

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| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Mey 7, 1960 § | | Whitby YPU Play Castle Chapter gracious words thanked the mem-|and Mrs. H. C. Phillips. All tea \ A ! [} ' 24 per for their kindness. Miss Dun-| parties are iorsiag Wit a fis HIT BY B d DIS TRICT In Drama Festival | Ea in alas Lov or Yor ea et Se He {for 1960. vivacious girls of {he Jreaont era, i : | The tea table, as arranged by one is impressed by fact that e: | | , Say YR ot Wore The Castle Chapter Alumnae|the hostess, Mrs. Osborne, was|whether the age is 16 or 60 there on Thursday, leapt to the finals rargaret Webber: Judith, a ser-| (Senior Group) held its monthly ost attractive with its lace|should be in every heart the un- of the Bay of Quinte Christian y png Gina Van Deuren; Eleaz- Meeting atthe Rome hd je. cloth, pink candles and matching |daunte chall of events, the : oval oh ._ Osborne. The president, noma] centrepiece. Pouring t Drama Festival in a two-way|er, the father of Barabbas, Ross |' mg I bit ee Seu Topics, 2 iting lea Tel. MO. 8-3703 Manazer: Lloyd Robertson | Whithy Young People's Union, love of oer and the joy of the i nwood Y oun g Drew; Mary, sister of Barabbas, 4? : game of life. ERRLEEL Wilh Ove pi Griftiths: and Barabbas| business session, J was plained to In the Oshawa Preshytery was played by Peter Friberg. lio the Fn meeting on Mon- |Drama Festival, held at Whitby] The supporting team was Shir- day, ay si | United Church, Whitby presented|ley Skinner, prompter; Brenda| Ontario Ladies' College has) John Howard Hanger's lenten|Andrews, costume and Ross had as usual a full quota of stu- TOWN OF WHITBY ANNUAL CLEAN-UP WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 9th, 1950, citizens of the Town of Whitby are requested te cleen up their properties end place all refuse in suitable receptacles near their property lines in order thot it con be picked up by Town trucks on the some doy es the regular collectior SPECIAL PICK-UPS WILL BE ARRANGED C. €. HOAG, P.Eng., Town Engineer. BROOKLIN DAIRY CREME COMMENCING FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 6th, for the Season © Weekend Special © 2 "JACK and JILL" Sundaes with delicious Marsh- llow and Chocolate BOTH for the price of ONE. See you all at . . . Brooklin Dairy Creme (BROOKLIN) AIRPLANE IN A SERVICE STATION steam cleaning the 65 hp motor in preparation for its spring changeover. The plane belongs o Don's brother, Chuck Kemp, An unusual scene at Don | who temporarily switched from Kemp's service station on Brock auto engines to aero engines cn street north in Whitby is Don, | Friday afternoon. Don is shown | Boston Bruins Sign Blair To 3-Year Pact Lynn Patrick, general manager |club with young Bruin prospects.|The signing with Bogin i | 2 wi > | sever: go tion with ruins announced| Blair gained fame with the) evers his connec of the Boston Brui a 4| Whitby Dunlops, a team he or-/Canadiens. yesterday that he has signe ganized and built. Later they went| Jim Magee, vice-president of meetings at the Citadel with Mrs. | Wren Blair to a three-year con- on to win a Senior ""B" Ontario|the Kingston Club, said "the|p... [ocke in charge who also! tract with the Bruin organization, championship, two Allan Cups, names of six candidates appeared eave the Her topic and has appointed him manager- D! : ; " ati devotional and highlighted this with the before our executive meeting last < | ; i > f "ha ions 958. The | we g he was Wren/was "A Mother's Great Love". |its weekly meeting last Wednes- ecach of the Kingston Frontenacs/ World Championship in 1958. The week. Among them fs evening at the Church hall. of the Eastern Professional Hock-|"Dunnies'" will have no connec- Blair who had been highly re-| A short business meeting was| ; n A ud i . L; Patrick for . 4 The meeting opened with a de- ay League. The Frontenacs are|tion with the Bruins, but will con-| commended by Lynn held and plans were made to at.| The mm service led by Roddy Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mitton are spending one month vacation touring the United States. While in Canadugud, New York, they MONDAY, May 9 |visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom MittoD. |;yn:e0d Church YPU They also spent several days in|wpithy Baptist Church Explor. Hollywood, California. |Palmerston H and S Assoc. 'Welcomes ee [Huse of. Wihdsor_JODE, Cliap. 'N | | INEW Members : Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 [Proshyteons Rif: frucyires WA Have Meeting St. Andrew's Presbyteens held BEGINNERS Registration of Kindergarten and Grade 1 pupils in Whitby Public Schools for September, 1960, will be held as follows: Hillcrest School Mon. May 9 1.30-3.30 Dundas Street School Tues. May 10 1.30-3.30 Palmerston Ave. School Wed. May 11 1.30-3.30 King Street School Thur, May 12 1.30-3.30 Brock Street School Fri. May 13 2.30-3.30 Kathleen Rowe School Sat. May 16 1.30-3.30 THE HILLCREST area consists of that area north of Dundas Street and west of Brock Street. 'Home League The Salvation Army Women's Home League held its weekly Fireside Evening Aux. WMS Almonds H and § Assoc. TUESDAY, May 10 Baptist Church CGIT Faith Baptist Church YPA Salvation Army Men's Fellow- ship Group lay "Barabbas" under the direc-| Law, lighting. dents for the year 1959-60. of Cy Ron Bareham. Although! On Saturday, May 14, at 7.30 these 24 are graduating in June. | 3 i isti tival| th On behalf of led second,. members of its cast|YPU Christian Drama Fes these young women, On half o |were awarded titles of best fe- at Campbellford United Church. (the members Mrs. Gray welcom- i i ' i ith| oi spent much of his valuable time|lage"", Cannington YPU wil urged that they join a chapter gon his decision and ad-| "Turn My Face Towards the|,¢%he college alumnae whenever 4 forward better presentation {present "The Answer". Miss Pat Dunham, of Pickering, | ident of the Senior Class, in | i | ix- ip to De-| |ot Brantford, are spending a cou-|ed from a six week trip ) |] |ple of weeks visiting their daugh- | troit, Michigan, where she visited| | | . | For the first time in waitns| B pt t Ch h Mr. Bob Zeisner, of University|the children ranging in age from | d 1S urc | > : y , People of Faith Baptist Church the summer months with his par- Bowling. OB Saturday, May od. held their weekly meeting. They ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Zeis- a banquet will take place at the Cora Peel, of Brooklin. per will be the sponsors. A writ-| Baptist Church, in Toronto. . was hostess to her euchre club at| ten invitation has been sent to the] Upon arriving, the FBYPA [The prize winners were: first,| Mrs. Lindley, of Ontario street,| Whitby, led in a singsong. Barry| | Mrs. Rose Barrington: second, opened her home last Thursday | Jones opened in prayer and the tasty lunch was served George Munns Sr., was in charge| A musical trio, including a sax-| ; of the meeting. Plans were out-|gphone and two trumpets, played | Mrs. J. |Monday evening to the members will be held at the home of Mr.|with a score of 11-10. Barry Jones | |of Fireside Evening Group, Unit- and Mrs. James Smyth, of Henry played a saxophone solo, e : James Britton, of Mec. winner was Mrs. George Munns. groups were given and the offer- {iough drive, has left by boat from| aie "0" qonated by Mrs. Cling received, Joan Harris read home base: Oshame Alport. he had not seen for the past 30 ostess. boys' quartet sang "Kneel at the| --Oshawa Time: oto [vears. oss", refreshments were served. Next| week the young people are plan-| ice in Toronto. Install Officers and School Association held its| regular monthly meeting last| he Greenwood presentation of p.m. the entire cast will compete|It was the pleasure of the Castle pride and Prejudice" was plac-|in the Bay of Quinte Conference Chapter to receive and entertain male and male actors. The judge! Also competing will be Brigh-leq the girls, wished them every was H. Chapman of Oshawa, who|ton YPU with "Edge of the Vil-|gyocess for the years ahead an |vising the directors on putting| East", and Elgin YPU who willl 5ossible. { 'FBYPA Visit Mr. and Mrs. George Newman, Mrs. Ann Batherson has return-| D R d ter, Miss Mary Newman, and Miss her brother and family. | @ Hazel Winters, of Peel street. | 2 Abe NE bv . i of Western Ontario, London, is|eight to 15 enjoyed bowling dur On Monday evening the Young arriving this week end to spending the winter at the County A datol t at the church and from ; |0dd Fellow's Hall with distribu. | me ; 03 and ; hen | tion of trophies. Guests at the din-|there went to the Dawes Road Mrs. the home of Mrs. Howard Bart- Mayor and Chief Constable, were welcomed by their presi- [ley, of William street, Oshawa. |dent after which Paul Dale, of |Mrs. Ann Batherson; low, Mrs. evening to the members of the|girls' quartette sang "Heaven is | Winnie Covyeow, of Toronto. A Co-op Guild. The president, Mrs. Nearer'. Richardson, of Little|lined for a summer supper to|"Victory in Jesus", followed by Haven, is opening her home on|close the season's activities. It|a sword drill won by Dawes Road led Church street. During the social time|fifled "The Stranger of Galilee". | M enjoyed, a draw took place, the| The announcements for both Mr. 601 Dundas east, and will soon |Montreal for a month's visit inipappy "7 inch was provided by|the scripture and David Cross be seen flying high over its [Scotland with his relatives whom Mrs. Smyth and served by the Te elon. to, ie) The speaker for the evening| CLUB CALENDAR iwas Barry Jones. The meeting] {was closed in prayer after which| ning to attend the Central Bap-| tist Seminary Graduation Serv-| illtop H&S At Hilltop | The Four Leaf Clover Home Wednesday evening at Hilltop school. The vice-president, Mr. The Dundas Street orea consists of that area north of Dundas Street and east of Brock Street, os well as south of Dundas Street and east of the C.N.R. spur. This will include Boston's Eastern Pro farm club. /tinue in the OHA Senior '"'A"|our manager-coach position here ienq a Ladies Conference to be the signing Patrick league as an independent club.|in Kingston. I am happy to an-| Bouncing he i in pro Blas will direct this operation as|nounce that Blair was selected by | fessional hockey and the Boston|in the past, although probably a unanimous vote of our commit-| are very fortunate to have|from a detached position, since|tee. His record in hockey the past| acquired his services. Our signing/ he must spend most of his time) few years speaks for itself. him to a three-year contract is in|in Kingston, where he will also Blair said he was highly en- Barter. This was followed by a|United Church WA ot Whitby Women's Home League held in Oshawa Citadel on Tues- day afternoon, May 10. Ladies vp to Jerusalem". A will be attending. Plans were fi.|@0d answer period followed. nalized for the spring t A business meeting was held iz or the spring tea and oA! Saints' Anglican Church Af- bake sale to take place on May|and the various reporis discussion the topic was "We go question Whitby Chapter Order Easter Star No. 248 St. John The Evangelist Fifth Mother's Aux. Scouts and Cubs Grover, was in the chair in the absence of Mrs. W. Hicks, the president. It was Fathers' Night and installation of mew officers. | Two ladies of Oshawa Council were present to install the offi- the beginners for the new Blair Park School. THE PALMERSTON AVENUE areo consists of thot area north of the C.N.R. tracks. THE KING STREET crea consists of thot area south ef Dundes Street and west of Brock Street. cers. Mrs. Allen spoke on the duties of each officer and the| executive, also the representa-| tives of the officers and members| of the Home and School. Mrs. | Donald spoke on the benefits of| Home and School and the value of teachers. | The officers were then install- ed, as follows: President K Mr. itsel an indication of our faith handle the coaching reins of that thused with the appointment. 21 at the Citadel {submitted. A letter was read by| ternoon Guild : in his ability." club, as well as travel to Clinton.|threw my hat in the ring two| Following the business meeting| Bonnie Townsend from the Osh-|St. Andrew's Presbyterian Patrick also announced that the|In between he'll make hurried years ago to make hockey my full|, "Comme CPC enjoyed and |awa General Hospital. In the ab-| Church Helen Marshall Soc. Clinton Comets will become Bos- trips in and out out of Whitby time work. To receive an appoint- BW embers ae yn Wl YoF the president, Sheilah| United Church Ev. Group WA ton's only Senior amateur affilia-| with the Dunlops ment of this type from a pro- Mrs, Macintosh, Mre. P. Ing 0 Paging iy tion, and Blair will continue as| Patrick received permission fessional organization is some- Mrs. L. Devougal, Social games|nie Townsend, was in charge of WEDNESDAY, May 11 general manager of that club.|fram Canadiens to talk with|thing I've got to be happy Shout |were enjoyed «8 ®| five Taeoting. [Witte Bed' Cross work: room i '] 7 air > N +) y ana. V: Pa 1 " A . 4 r 5 og A er Dan fe i 1 hove Lat 1 og (0 faith that| Tea hostesses were Mrs. Ar A special meeting will be held St. John's Anglican Church WA i pig 3 adily Ly Patrick, the Boston Bruins cher, Mrs. Bergstrom and Mrs. next Wednesday, May 11, when a work meeting sation. Ne }as been wig he segson. Sam Pollock read ap L ma i ars the 9 lsced in Horswell. The next Thursday|film will he shown on Mission to|St. Andrew's Presbyteens : Comets fo rthe past two years| agreed, because he felt the offer| an | other ave pls meeting will be held at F. i Every is invited Kinette Club Grover, two vice-presidents to be) and Boston will now staff the! was a fine opportunity for Blair.'me," he concluded. ng eld at Fairview|the Lepers. Everyone: is invites {help bring in the new way of life -- | Lodge when the group will enter-|to attend. At the close of the Whitby Baptist Church Ladies|appointed, secretary Mrs. ol Wl tain the residents, meeting games were played. Aid Jobin, treasurer Mrs. Pettit, . Mrs. H. T. Fallaise . but must do much more to build up what has been torn down. Is Speaker At WM eet Britain has done much to help | & bring in a true democracy. Unity Club Past Noble Grand|/Executive members Mrs. T. (Rebekah) Crawford, Mrs, Montgomery, The peopl; of South Africa are | poor, undernourished and Bradt] THE BROCK STREET dreo consists of thot area south ef Highway 401. THE KATHLEEN ROWE crea consists of that oree east of Brock Street and south of Dundas Street as far east as the | C.N.R. spur. { | Beginners must be five years of age on or before December 31st, 1960 io register in kindergarten, and six years of age on or before December 31st, 1960 to register in Grade 1. A birth certificate, a baptismal certificate or a hospital registra- tion card must be presented at registration or before the ehild ton be admitted in September. A pupil who has been regi d end need not re-register to enter Grade 1. gap between the old and the new. Christianity has done much to|™ The Board would appreciate as complete a registration es pos- sible in order to adjust certain school areas. The School Nurse will be present to answer eny question re- tre for the performing art. The garding your child's health, name of the film was "The Diary of a Sidewalk Superintendent'. A social hour followed and the fathers served lunch. The next) [Salvation Army Women's HL {All Saints' Anglican Church St. ! Margaret's Guild (Sinclair H and S Assoc. | Whitby Garden Club has a deep concern for this pres ent plight Mrs. John Collins' charge of the program The Aftrenoon Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society met in the Assembly hall of the Unit- ed Church on Tuesday. The pres Row .|Mrs. L. Atkinson, Mr. Pettit, | Kathleen Rows 1 atl § Assosia.iyy 2: Cn Mir. Hicks, Mr cated. Millions of dollars have group had been spent building hospitals, W : |B Muckle 5) Muckle. HITBY SPORTS =e, ceo 5. Jour Anglican Mr. Grover showed a film on |THURSDAY. May 12 the building of the O'Keefe Cen- Mrs. J. schools and Universities but not E. A. FAIRMAN Supervising Principal, Whitby Public Schools ident, Mrs. H. Hare, presided and opened the meeting with the| reading of an inspirational poem, "God of the Glorious Sunshine" Mys. F. Ollen-Bittle read the minutes of the April meeting and also of an executive meeting Several items of business were dealt with. Mrs. G. Bowman gave the tréasurer's report. Mrs. Hare reminded the auxiliary of their responsibility toward the refugees. Having worked among "The Gospel according God through service to and called attention to the 'We every Mrs. study are each writing a day," she said H. T. Fallaise "Africa Facing the others| of rifices of the early Christians gave the Chal- lenge¥. Africa, one of the largest continents, is made up of many tribes. The old tribal customs are breaking down leaving a great Breckenridge gave the devotional nearly enough to meet the need. | to you', reading several passages of scrip-|are greatly needed ture relating to our service More missionaries and teachers to! In speaking of the development the country's resources, Mrs. =| Fallaise said the most undevelop- ed was the African himself and gospel | the land that feeds him. Mrs. Hare thanked Mrs. Fal- laise for bringing a very up to) date falk on the country that so much needs help and understand-| ing. Meeting closed with prayer by the president | Mrs. McQuay's group were tea hostesses. many of these people Mrs. Hare BROCK "5 Now Playing Evenings Shows aot 7 and 8:20 - -- A Last Complete Show at 8:20 KIDS OUT FOR KICKS! + , YOUTH UNDER THE BIG % % THE f 7 ht LY : i ie woes MICHAEL CALLAN + EY NORLUND JOAN EVANS + RIAN GARRICK "ewvrusnce JOE 80 SANTIS « JEANNE MANET ACLOVER PRODUCTION I EASTMAN BOLOR + A COLUMBIA PICTURE PY. of lows, Guill and lnughter ------ J Sn. Bad tf. if 8 ] ' 0) TECHNICOLOR® A SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 Mrs. W. Hewis | Is Hostess For Mission Circle The regular monthly meeting of Whitby Baptist Mission Circle] held at the home of Mrs. William Hewis, Dundas St. E.| | ON Tuesday afternoon. The meet- ng opened with prayer led by Mrs. D. Mitchell who was in charge of the meeting One minute silence was ob-| served in memory of Mrs. A S.| Wilson and Mrs. Suzanne Baird. A brief business period followed and 16 members answered the roll call with a thought on how our Mission Circle might be im-| proved. | The installation of officers fol-| lowed presided over by Mrs. |{Hewis. The meeting was then turned over to the new presi-| dent, Mrs. Harold Crawforth, who thanked the members for their vote of confidence and ex- pressed the hope for a full co- operation for her term of office | | | | was The meeting closed with pray-| er. Colored slides were shown by| Mrs. Hewis. Lunch was served| by Mi Hewis assisted by her| committee | Mrs. R. Pickering thanked Mrs. Hewis for opening her home for, the meeting, At the next meet- held at the Sunday June 6, Mrs. H. 1 11 be guest [| the By GERRY BLAIR Lynn Patrick, General Manager of the Boston Bruins announced from Montreal yesterday that he has signed Wren Blair to a three year contract with the Bruins. Immediately following the signing, he appointed Wren as manager-coach of the Kingston Fontenacs professional hockey club, which is Boston's main minor-pro team in their Eastern farm system. The Clinton Comets will also become the Bruins Senior amateur farm club, and Wren (whe just re- cently signed a 2-year contract with the Comets) will continue as general manager of that club alse. The Whitby Dunlops will continue to be masterminded by Wren, but they will have no connection with the Boston operation. The "Dunnies" have always been an independent club with no pro affilation and will continue in this manner. Since Wren will handle the coaching chores at Kingston, as well as the manage- ment, he will obviously spend most of his time in the Limestone city, so that the majority of his work with Whithy will be directed from a distance. It is possible that he will hire some additional personnel to operate the "Dunnies" but this hasn't been established as yet. Meanwhile it is his first venture into out and out professional hockey, and is a great break for him. The signing with Boston, of course, severs his connection with the Montreal "anadiens, but S y Pollock, ing director of the Habs' farm system readily agreed to this upon request from Mr. Patrick. As Pollock said, "It's a wonderful opportunity for Wren and he'll be a great asset to the Eastern Professional League." Of course congratulations and best wishes go out to Wren from this corner on his forthcoming new and challenging assignment in his busy hockey life. TOWN AND COUNTRY . .. Nine seems to be the magic number for the winning club in the past three games in the Memorial Cup finals involving the St. Catherines Tee Pees and the Edmonton Oil Kings. Last night at Maple Leaf Gardens, St. Kitts downed the Oil Kings, 9-6 to take a 3-2 lead in the best-of- seven series. The sixth game takes place tomorrow afternoon at the Gardens, with a seventh and de- ciding game, if necessary on Monday evening . . . Miami Marlins collected more hits, committed less errors (none to be precise) than the Toronto Maple Leafs last night in Toronto and still came out on the 2-0 count. The Leafs managed only two hits, both in the sixth. with Waters 2 belting. a 2- margin of victory. end of a short homer for the They run had 2 miscugs. (Toronto) Brock Street South H and § assoc. FRIDAY, May 13 | {Salvation Army Youth Fellowship! |All Saints' Anglican Church Girl's | Auxiliary Guide Assoc. Has Meeting The monthly meeting of the local Girl Guide Association was held in the United Church Hall. Mrs. F. Weaver, Commissioner, was in the chair. Two hats were purchased for two new Guiders. Mrs. W. Steffler, third Guide Company, Mrs. C. Parise, fifth Brownie Pack, Mrs. P, Burkart, fifth Brownie Pack, Mrs. N. Souter, fourth Guide Company and Mrs. 'E. Harton, first Brownie Pack read their reports. executive meeting will be held at Hilltop echool on May 11. | | PROLIFIC SOW HONG KONG (Reuters) -- A] sow in Shantung province of east- | ern China recently gave birth to| 61 piglets in one litter, the New | China news agency reports, The piglets weighed a total of 88 pounds, the largest being nearly | two pounds. | lotte Graves, Patsy Coutts. Test-| ers, Mrs. H. Town, Mrs, M.| Everett. 2nd Pack Brownies Hand, Brenda Harris. Miss® Winters. Collectors Badge: Mary Cockburn. Tester, J ardson. 5th Pack Brownies: Golden| Hand, Paula Kaiser, Mary Anne| Hamilton. Testers, Mrs. E. La- Trobe, Mrs. L. Pritchard. { | Golden | Tester, Karen Hood, | Rich- | Whithy Churches Let's all go to Church this Sunday St. Andrew's EMMANUEL Presbyterian REFORMED Church CHURCH REV. D. MARSHALL REV. GERRIT REZELMAN BYRON ST. 5. AT ST. JOHN $7. 3rd Concession West of Brock N, 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS 11:00 AM. FAMILY SERVICE 11 a.m. ~Dutch Service Il a.m.--~Sunday School in English 7 p.m.--English Service Everyone Is Heartily Welcomed Cookie Day was di and was held April 30. The book '"The Chimney Corner Stories" by Enid Blyton will be purchased and presented to each Brownie Pack from the proceeds of theatre night. Miss E. M. Milne from Provincial headquarters, will be the guest speaker at the Guide mother and daughter banquet, Mrs. F. Weaver gave her re- port on the convention held in {St. Catharines. | BADGE REPORT 1st Company Guides: Emer- gency Helper, Kathy Cuddy, Anne Henstock, Pat Munroe, Elizabeth Pritchard, Mary Miller, Patsy Family Monuments | | { ROTR\ 1/1 oF To | aE/ individual Requirements Createa 'STAFFORD BROS. | Monumental Works 318 Dundas East MO 8-3552 FAITH BAPTIST 419 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Pastor: Rev, E. C. Corbett, B.Th Whitby Baptist Church Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W. E. Summers, A.T.CM. 9:15 AM. RADIO BROADCAST 9:45 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR 11:00 AM. AND 7:00 PM Both Services-- Evangelist Arthur Duman Special Music by Mrs. Durnan 11 AM.--MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE 7 P.M.--BAPTISM Stacey, Beverley Gaskin, Char- ANNUAL WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION MON., MAY 9th - 8 P.M. of WHITBY ARENA AUDITORIUM MEETING WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John M. Smith, B.A., B.D. -- Minister Mrs. J. Beaton, AR.T.C. ~-- Organist MOTHER'S DAY AND CHRISTIAN FAMILY LIFE SERVICE NO EVENING HOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL 0 AM 1 AM Girls and Boys Girls and boys under 9 years "AM infant Care 9 years and over? Junior Worship

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