WEATHER REPORT '" THOUGHT FOR TODAY . s | It's interesting that when a tele- . Cloudy and turning cooler vision comedian lays an egg, tonight, Sunday cloudy with many in the studio audience sunny intervals and cool, winds : . northwest Sunday. cackle. Authorized os Second Cioss Mail TWENTY-TWO PAGES rice Not OSHAWA, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1960 ! Post Office Department, Ottawa VOL. 89--NO. 106 10 ee or ooY an SHOTGUN BLASTS KILL OSHAWA FATHER, WIFE mre IT] 2 Wounded 2,000,000 dirty dishes ago, Tom ? 1 Sotelo went to work as a dish- f 1 a f Y Oo ay washer at the Ambassador ho- tel. i So his fellow workers Friday | Br A father of three, part of his head shot away, died night thew A yearald Swale from a shctgun blast, believed to be self-inflicted, early 3 Ten DION char pagne'pary | today behind the garage of a Simcoe street north home, Since that day in 1924 when i! just outside the city limits, Inside the rear sunporch. at Sotelo went to work at the hotel H the scene, lay the body of his estranged 23-year-old wife, he washed dishes for kings, shot to death, lying in shards of glass, queens, movie stars, presidents and even emperors. DEAD ARE: But one dirty dish is like any : / Albert Bell, 29, a Korean War veteran, married other, Sotelo told his party- | : five years ago and estranged from his wife for the Evers. Thi piv Ba | past three months. He is believed to be employed Room of the hotel. ? here by GM. They called on Sotelo to'| % Violet Bell, 23, his wife, a waitress for the past make a speech. It was a simple ? a three months at Elliott's Restaurant, Landsdowne one: ; : : } ~~. Shopping Centre. "I'm tired. I'm going to go wh home and rest." IN HOSPITAL: . DEATH. GUN Helen Smith, 16, sister of the dead woman, who was baby-sitting for her sister, Violet, Md Mrs. Paul Caldwell, 26, in whose home on Simcoe Strike hreat street north the dead woman lived with her three children, David, 4, Cathy, 3, and Albert, 2. : : The tragedy occurred in the garage and fired another shot, or ax 1r'm new storey-and-a-half brick bun-|that struck the rear of the house and Mrs. Paula few inches from the porch door. y galow of Mr. J i : Iai . |Caldwell. 4 |James and Wilson escaped the | AJAX (Staff) -- A labor dis- In the aircraft division approxi-| "pv 4otails were not available, [shot 'by ducking behind the gar- pute between company and Sa mately 75 per cent of the em- py jt is. believed that Bell shot |age. Povess of Dowty Equipment ofl, soos are union members. In|his 'wife, Violet, Mrs. Caldwell 'A fifth shot 'was heard. This anada Limited may end in a z sed A nl strike scheduled for Monday the marine division about 20 per|and Helen Smith before taking was the one-that blasted half of POLICE TAKE PICTURE OF BODY IN KITCHEN i 1 th 1 do] cent. his own life. Bell's face. : -- i will vy Wi oi the A union spokesman said "The The shootings are believed to| James rushed to his home, for history of the Dowty group com-|union is adamant about the com- have occurred sometime between a service revolver, and flashlight, panies hege or in England. pulsory check-off and wage in-(1.30 aim. and 2 a.m: All shots i i " | in arden, abo: y MOST CENUINE | Cafeteria |e mim kms Toc mom i Fd Sui 34 3 Sf ee RE SU Bare |He returned and found a body ly- Ly and representatives of the Inter- national Associ ation 'of Machin. |its ; ' by Geo had. rented t t . is " ted i up their own minds as to whe-lawa business man, who wi ren le -two upstairs 2B T Fire To Be ists have hon accoprated if 20l ther Er Binds a to he: standing about half 4 block from (f0oms In thelr home about three - . d The union seeks increased se-|Support a union fina ly. Itithe Cladwell home. James then ion oe ago. He not know her curity and an increase in wages,|has always dealt in good faith|drove his car to the back door or Was asleep." he said, "and g - in all negotiations with the union|of the home and saw a man run ; Investigated ISSUES CONSIDERED since its certification as bargain-lout with a shotgun in his hand.|!, did HOt hear a thing. My wife 1 K ; 1 k Both issues have been consid-|ing agent two years ago. Ontario provincial police would 74% into the bedroom and V TR Pho iliati d " awakened me. Her face and legs Al e, 1C 111g PETERBOROUGH (CP)~The|ered by a conciliation board held] ooo ovr r not call the tragedy a "murder| er eit Toe UE FECES | always held it "employees to be p py at the request of the union, {olde Ontario fire marshal has been 3 She yeue in a majority of| Although the company contin- suicide". He said that the shots did not MOSCOW _(Reulers)--~The pilot|clared. "The camera used was a asked Jn to assist the investiga. Wiict Jes making no recommen-| ues to experience difficult trading|THREE CHILDREN awaken any of their four chil- / i ] t dow op tion of a cafeteria fire which A 0 ! Bt 58 meres plane shit dowy/good une |caused an estimated $60,000 da-| dations on the matters referred conditions, they have offered a The three Bell Children, David dren. and in Russian hands Nikita § |CLAIMS ADMITTED SPY mage to the Civic Hospital Thurs- to it, a company official said. (renewal of agreement with an in-|o. katie three, and Albert, He ran outside to see where the ¥ : ci day his : ic/crease in wages amounting to 4 » {man with the gun had gone but Khrushchev said today. Khrushchev claimed that Pow- day night. A strike vote called earlier this| soo cents an hour to all hourly two, are with the Children's Aid| ould find no trace of him. He | The Soviet premier said the|€'s had since admitted he was| Fire Chief Albert Mason: said| week showed a majority in favor | id 1 . thi |Society today, still unaware of| ook rough th ft | pilot, 3 Francis Garry | Working in military intelligence Friday a preliminary investiga-|of strike action. A strike has| Po OTpIOYess! sis ¥ be sites the tragedy. loukey tr 45h THE door u ong |Powers, "was on an espionage|under cover of an official job at|tion has rev ealed that, contrary|been called for Monday morn." necessary fo reject the| It would appear, the first two| gay crumpled on the floor, over a |flight and may stand trial here,|@ Civilian station. to safety regulations - govePning|ing. : __|company's offer and is calling|"ere fired at the rear of the broken bag of potatoes. | Khrushchev told a tumultuous| "He has said that he was to{Welding, no one was standing by| The union demands, according| its' members to strike on Mon. Porch, at the back of the house. session of the Supreme Soviethave flown over a number of (With a fire extinguisher when theito a union spokesman, are for a|day morning, May 9th. A small window and screen were/ HEARD SHOT op Lins | (parliament) that he thought "it{points including Murmansk and| blaze started. A spark from a|compulsory check-off and an in-| The company is still hopin smashed, a few inches below the, "I heard a shot," said James, would be right to put the pilot on|Archangel switching on and off| Welding torch started the blaze.|crease in wages. the ii pe ot fit Bi : window another burst of shotgun|and stood back. Then I looked trial." - |his apparatus over various a inel About 200 patients were hastily] Th check-off does not insist ono offer. which will. be ws pellets are imbedded in the wall.|around the corner of the garage He said Powers, a former cap-|marked on the map," said the evacuated when smoke filledjunion membership, but merely | 0, until 20 am Monday A window pane in the porchiand he was nowhere in sight. I {tain in the U.S. Air Force before|premier most of the hospital floors but|asks for payment by employees " " ne i door is smashed where it is be-| heard another shot and that was transferring to the Central Intelli-| Khrushchev said he : there were no injuries. for union benefits secured. _ In the event the union fails to||jeved the gun was thrust for theall, : [ce Agency 156, was Sh eri Sher, sid he wanted to Pico ing tn fire as "one of Ere sonpany's ler, then (hind shot. 'Tia 1 the sho, thal He was not certain whether the t ; Sverdlo | 158 °T 8 the ially i 4 > ' is beli i iolet|first shot he had heard was aim- {down by a rocket near Sverdlovsk word that he knew nothing about ye Most potentially dangerous in of this offer .should not be with- B believed %o have Wl viole ed at him or not lin the Ural Mountains ' i my whole experience," Chief Ma- ; ell and wounded her sisiter m 0! . Jia tue vim sans chiles tt the mission. son said the Pigott Construction held from its employees and the|and Mrs. Caldwell. He then called police. kill himself to jones capture but|, But if that were the case, Company of Toronto, building. a SCORE BOARD inoTeRss oteren il come into| phil Wilson also heard the Said James: : i x "alive and king" in| Ebrushchev said, it showed the new wing at the hospital, was re- effect Monday, May 9. shots from the shopping center,| "The screams were unlike any Nas noy a ive a militarists and generals were in|sponsible for keeping a man per- | The company intends to con-|across the street and a few hun-|I have ever heard before. They J oscow, ne said, actual power in the United States |manently 'at hand to watch. for Friday Total tinue its operations as usual and|dred feet south and raced to the| were not like the ones you would DID NOT DISCLOSE Khrushchev dismissed the Am. stray sparks from torches, Accidents 4 9 [al empoyees are asked {0 re-ispene. : normaly hear irom a woman, ? | Khrushchev said he did not dip lerithe SAChSY Siomiveey ihe ami) At a meeting between fire de-| Injuries 1 2 ort for work ao hair usual| James and Wilson arrived just But Jather Mey had 2 mewing y , Y ir y {close the pilot was in Soviet hands might have strayed over Soviet|partment officials, hospital au-| Fatalities 0 1, starting time on Monday. as the gunman was descending sound. A sort of gurgling. i {in his original announcement of territory when the pilot lost con.|thorities and construction work-| Traffic charges The union has called an exec-the porch steps. The gunman| Both Oshawa city police and p b ers it was discovered a man de-| laid 24 105 lutive meeting for 10 a.m. today.|ran alongside the rear of the (Continued on Page 3) a 4 a : ge the incident three days ago be-|sciousness at high altitudes. 3 a CITY AMBULANCE attend- | slain early today by her |cause he wanted to wait for the| He said the American version tailed for the job o fire-watcher ¢ ants, in top picture, carry the | estranged husband Albert, who (state department version. was a "complete lie" and said Nad been temporarily moved to 'GOD SPEED'! body of Mrs. Voilet Bell from | later took his own life with a | (The state department has sug-|the men who advanced it haq|2nother job, said Chief Mason. . the home of Mr. and Mrs, Paul | 12-gauge shotgun. In bottom gested the pilot might have lost|counted on the pilot being dead.|, 11€ fire had already burned Caldwell, one-half mile out- | picture is Paul Caldwell as he [consciousness through lack of oxy-| 'Now they have already told us through most of the cafeteria side the city limits on Simcoe | talks to reporters. gen and the plane strayed over a lot of foolish things," he said. yal when the man returned and ] A y street north, Mrs. Bell was Photos by Joe Serge Russian territory.) "lI am sure they will give more | 4, Srl tme his Siempis bo i Shr ----------| Khrushchev said the plane was of these things." ore ee \ Y |shot down from a height of 20,0001 Khrushchev said the Soviet au-| Chief Mason said there was no [] ® {metres (about 63,000 feet). |thorities would show all the pilot's doubt in his mind the fire was ussia oes | He said that Powers claimed| "suicide equipment" to foreign started by a spark from a weld- that until 1956 he was in the|diplomats. ing torch although the suggestion) LONDON (CP)--Mr. and Mrs.|and the thundering cheers ofjand small ocean liners and bat nto the early hours of the morn- American Air Force earning $700) He said the Americans called had been made by site workers/ Antony Armstrong-Jones sailed |close to 2,000,000 Britons for their tered old merchantmen of a dozen [ing. . nd . a month. He said the pilot ad- themselves Christians and the|that it was caused by a cigaret| westward through the placid wat- (favorite princess and the man of {nations joined in the chorus. They roamed the floodlit decor- * it 1SS1 es | mitted that he then went to work|Communists atheists. butt. . ers of the English Channel today, |her choice. | The happy smiling couple ated streets around Buckingham for what the premier called an bound for a sunshine honeymoon| An estimated 300,000,000 people waved back all the way until the[Palace and packed the pubs. "A merican spy organization' for| in the Caribbean, [throughout the United Kingdom gathering dusk hid them from Parties were held at every west LONDON ' (Reuters) --Premier Khrushchev said: "So 1 would a salary of $2,500 a month. | . To the customary "whither/and Western Europe either heard | view. end hotel, restaurant and club. Nikita Khrushchev told the Su-'say, Comrade Nedelin: do not! "That's the way capitalists buy | L bound?" signal from channel or watched the solemn Anglican When ancient Westminster Ab- preme Soviet today that Russia trust in God, but rather devote human beings," Khrushchev said. shore stations, the royal yacht|wedding ceremony Friday in| WISHED GOD SPEED bey finally closed its heavy oaken is switching completely to guided your attention to the armed forces, "WS FIL Britannia carrying Princess Mar-| Westminster Abbey on radio or| "God speed!" said The Dailydoors more than 20,000 people had missiles. A command of strategic and technical means, with which [SHC WS FILM garet and her commoner husband television. Express in a giant" headline filed through to see the sanctuary. wtercontinental missiles has. . you would be ready at any 1 he Soviet Premier showed the 1.5. To Resume Nuclear Tests flashed back the jaunty reply of across its front page. {where the wedding took place. been established, the Soviet pre- moment to deliver a return dev. cheering deputies a film which cl GETTYSBURG. Pa (AP) President Rieu olden-day British sea dogs: BRIDE DAZZLING Lia Honeymoon ahoy," com-| The festivities, splendor and mier announced. His speech was astating blow to the enemy." |S2id had been taken from the wk t > 36, Pe ar - ig ent Eisen oer an "Destination unknown -- high| They saw a dazzling bride in a| mented The Daily Mail. ; {pageantry rarely have been sur- broadcast by Radio Moscow an : plane and developed here. | Rounc oday the United States will resume undergroun seas." | wedding gown of purest white and| 'Escape to happiness," exX-|passed. Only the 1953 Coronation monitored in Londin LONDON (Reuters) A re. | Khrushchev led into his story nuclear tests, possibly by the end of the year. James C. ipo : jo @ handsome bridegroom--the first [claimed The Daily Herald. Id touch it for breathtaki assessment of rospec i i Hagerty, White House press secretary, said the tests will in- Then the ship closed its radjo A : . jeould touch 1t for breathtaking Khrushchev - said the ballistic 255 summit prospects of the confession by saying: gerty, ouse press secretary, s ay icial messages man without a title to marry a| The honeymoon :. expected 10|glitter--the t the British do s ruse seems likely in Western capitals| *"N i volve the use of non-weapon devices. But he did not rule [to all but official messages. | Brits i tn 48 {Shitter--the type the British do so missile command has been estab- |: 5 Like) capitals| "Now I am going fo tell you a A y gad Mid The Britannia was headed for British princess in 457 years. last about six weeks. . |well. during the next few da A secret ' ' out the possibility of any knowledge gained having military " A lished under Marshal Mitrofan/ ok Sorry Pa a a secret. I did not tel you when arplicating ) : the West Indies but no port of| The newlyweds waved goodbye| Aboard the Britannia all is| From the time, just 15 minutes Ivanovich Nedelin, commander-| +>) oS vie : Yael x rush-|1 first reported the story that we| 2PP ; [ell has been announced. Mostilo London as the Britannia gleaming with bright new paint. pefore the wedding, when Mar. in-chief of Soviet Army artillery We Ai Blest Speech belittling theliiad. paris of the Plane 1A thal A i ti B 11 R d |speculation favored Trinidad cleared Tower Bridge over the|The princess and her husband oc- garet left her hme at Clarence Speaking directly to the newly-| Dislomatic obser fora' sa IE also have the pilot who is alive fASSassination Bullets Remove [which Margaret has visited be. Thames. As they waved Mar-|cupy an upper deck suite decor |House--to a thunderous ovation, appointed commander of inter- there's no ae gon and Kiekitig, : PRETORIA (Reuters) The two bullets which wounded |fore and was warmly greeted ng|ajet was seen in one of her first ated in cream and maroon. It Js until she and her usband boarded continental guided weapons, conference will be held asc We id that on purpose, be-| goth African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd in an assas- (the "Calypso princess." wifely acts--flicking confetti from | corapletely private. They can sun- the royal yacht six hours later, ol A "he | as cause if we gave all that informa sination attempt April 9 were successfully removed during Tony's dark blue suit. bathe beside a canvas swimming she was scarcely ever away from pla med in Paris May 16 but tion another explanation (by the| ,. operation today. Doctors postponed the operation until |FIORIDA VISIT? Britain stretched its farewell pool, undisturbed by the crew. [the roar of well-wishers. CITY EMERGENCY they feel the Camp David spirit" | United States) would have been the shock effects subsided and Verwoerd gained strength. Others suggested the honey-|the length of the river and down| Queen Elizabeth, the bride's PHONE NUMBERS geuerated oy Presition Risen Produced. |mooners might swing northward to the sea. |elder sister, lent them the royal|SOLEMN ABBEY SCENE nower's 4alks with irushchev Chrushchev told the Supreme 1 : and call at a US. gulf port such] The honeymoon yacht was yacht to escape rubbernecking| The great procession of prance last September at Camp David, Soviet in its closing session that Action Asked On Township Rep t {as New Orleans or the Florida|cheered by thousands "thronging|crowds in their first weeks of|ing horses, ancient carriages, and POLICE RA 5-1133 Md., now has evaporated photographs taken by the plane TORONTO (CP) -- Fred Taylor, former councillor of |coast. [the river banks. Every riverside married life. armor - covered guardsmen all - _ But Khrushchev now appears had been developed in Moscow,| suburban York Township, said today he has circulated a | The admiral refused to say. [town emblazoned its waterfront] Now, alone at last, they can re [took second place Friday to the FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 fo be contemplating the possibil-| where Powers was being held. | petition calling for action by the provincial government on Behind the princess was a wed- with floodlights, flags and huge|lax for the first time since their solemn scene at the high Gothic . DAD ity 'of the summit conference end-| "Some of the photographs are| the royal commission report which said there was mis- |ding day of never-to-be forgotten bonfires, surprise engagement was an-|abbey where the princess and HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 {ine in failure and preparing So-|of Soviet military aerodromes and management of township affairs by the present and past [magnificence and pageantry. Sirens blared a deafening send-| nounced 71 days ago. |Armstrong-Jones exchanged wed- viet public opinion for it. lindustrial enterprises," he de- councils. It was a day of sunshine, smiles|off from a myriad of ships. Big! Thousands of Britons celebrated 'ding vows. OGH Building Fund Objective: $850,000 ' i