Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Apr 1960, p. 8

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WORLD FLAG PRESENTED TO GIRL GUIDE ASSOCIATION Commemorating the 50th an- | Guide House. The Flag, a gift of | sioner, Adelaide district, is seen. | ing briefly and described the niversary of Guiding a World | the five group committees of | making the presentation to Mrs. of the t parts | Flag was presented recently to | the Adelaide district, was pre- R. E. Wilson, division commis | of the Flag. | the Oshawa Girl Guide Associa- A sented at a recent meeting. . . | tion to be hung in the local | Mrs. W. E. Gardner, commis- | sioner, who addressed the meet- | --Oshawa Times Photo | 1 John Clive Leeder, son of Mr. i |was played by Marlyn Bittorf John C. Leeder Exchange Vows The marriage of Marlyn Rose BittorY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bittorf of Oshawa, and and Mrs. Albert Leeder of Toron- to. was solemnized recently in the Free Methodist Church. The Reverend R. E. Dargan officiated and the wedding musie Mr. Robert Dargan. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a ballerina gown of pure white silk organza. The lace bodice featured a scal- loped neckline and long sleeves and the full skirt was enhanced with a bustle bow. A tiara of| seed pearls and crystals held her| fingertip veil and she carried a! cascade of red roses. i Mrs. Leo Bronie of Toronto) was matron-of-honor in blue silk organza with a matching head-| dress and carried a cascade of pink and white carnations. Mr. Manfred Leeder acted best man for his brother. Usher- ing were Mr. Gerald McHardy, Toronto, and Mr. Raymond Bit- torf, Oshawa. A reception was held at the Oshawa Tennis Club. For the occasion the bride's mother wore navy blue crepe with pink acces- | sories. The bridegroom's mother| * was in a blue lace ensemble, Carnations eomprised their cor- sages. When the couple left for a wedding trip to Florida, the i i i The first social event in the bride Was Wearing a blue sult), "oorish hall of St. Ger: CARD PARTY Eight Attendants For The Bride a .| trude's Roman Catholic Church red Joe corsage. The Dewly Wed | was a card party held recently IS FIRST SOCIAL EVENT IN NEW PARISH HALL under the auspices of the Catho- | Mrs. W. J. Clancy, convener; | erts, president, and Mr. John lic Women's League. Looking | the Reverend J. B. Myers, par- | Byrne. . over the exciting collection of ish priest; Mrs. Patrick Rob- prizes are Mr. Tom Lesley, | --Oshawa Times Photo Out of town guests were pres-| = | Mrs. William Neil, followed by Mrs. Kenneth Greentree and her the treasurer's report by Mrs. committee. Donald Thompson. hey ha is GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES Easter hymns were sung. The scripture was read by Mrs. Wil- liam Chester. A reading "What Does Easter Men to You", was In Booth-Kolodziej Nuptials Holy Cross Roman Catholic|romance blue silk crystal charm. Church was the scene of a wed- Square necklines and short ding on Saturday morning. April|sleeves offset the fitted bodices, Grade 4 pupils entertained with a few songs, and their teacher,| Miss Barbara Ellingham sang and accompanied herself at the piano. Miss Ellingham's room HOSPITAL AID MONTREAL (CP) -- The Na- tional Council of Hospital Auxili- aries reports $2,750,000 was raised by members across Can- PMA CLUB The regular meeting of the Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club 23, when Jean Angela Kolodziej,/and the bouffant skirts billowed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vin-|lover erinolines. They wore how: cent Kolodziej of Oshawa was/knot bandeaux and short white united in marriage with Robert|gloves and carried cascades of Garry Booth, son of Mr. and Mrs. white chrysanthemums and for- Frank Booth of Ajax. |get-me-nots, The double ring ceremony was performed by the Reverend Phil- lip Coffey, who said the nuptial mass Serving were Masters Richard Siwek and Hans Van-(styling bertha necklines and Doctor Gives Parents Pointers hook. Present in the sanctuary|brief sleeves with short whit | yize the Reverwad M. Duy <i glover, Tver Ii 0n Problems of Adolescence Ajax, and the Reverend M. Ber- iault of Oshawa. of white chrysanthemums and| 2 y played SE ey Dr. Warren Whelan of the Osh-|formulated in the pre-teen years| Miss Simone Gimblett "hr i i the wedding music and accom-| Mr. Jeffery Booth of Ajax was/awa Clinic spoke on the problems plus the proporionate amount of| panied the soloist, Mrs. Ronald best man for his brother, and the|of adolescence at the April meet- tolerance and strictness of the Rogala of Fort Erie, who sang|ushers were Mr. Herbert Jeffery|ing of Woodcrest Home and parents during this period. | "Ave Maria". The church choir|of Toronto, and Messrs. Joseph | School Association. Dr. Whelan However, Dr. Whalen warned, | sang "Mother All Beautiful" and|Kolodziej, Mr. Edward Kolodziej Warned that parents should be adolescent independence { Panis Angelicus". land John Studzinski of Oshawa |especially vigilant of the adoles- not be controlled in the teens, if Given in marriage by her | The reception for 400 guests|cents' physical well-being at this/it had not been taught in the father, the bride was gowned in|was held at the Polish Hall, Olive|Period of hic life. Poor diet and formative years. The s | gardenia white Italian silk. |avenue, where the bride's mother | insufficient sleep were the causes also advised parents to be ready| Motifs of guipure lace studded! received wearing rose beice|Of dental disorders, tuberculosis, |to answer questions and to en- with sequins accented the|Chantilly lace over taffeta with|glandular diseases and nutrition- courage discussion 'of problems. abrina neckline, and the lily|a small hat of beige straw and a|& disorders, he id. ersiand Mrs, Frank Ross expressed| point sleeves, and the full-length corsage of pink roses. Assisting] A tolerant and unders anding her thanks to Dr. Whelan on be- swept into a full circular|was the bridegroom's mother|Parent was an adolescent's great-half of the other members of train. A crown of seed pearls and who chose a white sheath dress|eSt asset at h time when glandu- Woodcrest Home and School rhinestones held her finger tip|flowered in mauve with a white|l2T and bodily changes wer e|Association. The business meeting was con-| Women, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 | The flower girls were Victoria Krout and Wanda Hulaj of Osh-| awa, both in short frocks of] romance blue silk crystal eharm | 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 27, 1960 kirt skirt could| #8 |opened with the president Mrs. G. V. Lee presiding. Mrs. R. G. Collison called the roll. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. George Whitbread, The secretary and treasurer reports were given, Birthday greetings were sung for Mrs, John Parker. :| Mrs. Leonard Fisher was re- ported to be on the sick list. The group decided on a visit to Gravenhurst for the PMA outing in June. The guest speaker for May 2 wili be Mrs. Lloyd Akin and members were reminded that the meeting would start at 2 o'clock. Favorite hymns were sung, fol- i | lowed with readings by Mrs. Wil {liam Collizs and Mrs. R. G. Col- {lison. | Refreshments were served by [Mrs. Geo ge Whitbread and Mrs. R. G. Collison. CHALLENGER GROUP The regular meeting of the {Challenger Group met at Albert Street United Church with the] 5 Miss Madeline Kelly was an honored guest at the primary luncheon meeting held at the Prince George Hotel, Toronto, during the OEA convention in Toronto last week, In recogni- | presiding. given by Mrs. Fletcher. Mrs, Ar- chie Britton, Miss Irene Winter, Old Rugged Cross", last meeting read by Mrs. Dean president, Mrs. Fred Coleman, | won the banner for the most par- ents in attendance. Refreshments were served by THE | HOME DAIRY OSHAWA AND AJAX : SPECIALS TH URSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY Tasty BLUEBERRY PIE 49° Oven Fresh ICED DONUTS oor. 39* Such good to eat flavor i |ada in 1959. The groups have a Acsompatied | bY Itotal membership of 93,000. sang "The Roll was called and minutes of Peel and Mrs. David Morris gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Earl James reported flowers sent | to the sick also calls and cards were reported. The spring bazaar of the East group was announced for Thurs- | day, May 5. I The next regular meeting will be on May 18 when the Evelyn Goodwin Group will cater for the evening meal. WEST COURTICE H-S ASSN, The regular meeting of West | Courtice Home and School Asso-| ciation was held recently with Mr. Eric Dunham presiding. The minutes were read by| GET THE BEST For Less At tion of her outstanding service Mrs. Alec Maracle led in the | a 1 : 3 taking place. veil and she carried a cascade mushroom straw hat, white and in dis of Briarcliffe pink roses and|black accessories. and a corsage, A SOMINOR Skin disorder of hel 1ysted by the president, Mrs.| white stephanotis, |of mauve shasta chrysanthe- nari acn iF ou 1 and peveho. Myles Smith. The minutes of the Mrs. George Sciuk of Oshawa mums. Toston] effects. Dr. Whey 'ad.|March meeting were read by the| was matron of honor. The other| For ogieal ol ent Use of scan" and|secretary, 'Mrs. William 'Clark.| attendants were Miss Mary|points south, the bride wore aj vised hi, " soap in.|Who also presented the list of Woronka of Guelph, cousin of the (stroller suit of angelique blue i 10 especially chocolate and Pominees for the election of offi- bride, Miss Diane Booth of Ajax, French wool with a white hat... bev wos. CES at the May meeting. Mrs. " : ia | 3 |carbonated beverages, no cos- : , sister of the bridegroom, Miss|and a white corsage. etics or handling of the condi.|Jules Ethier gave the treasurer's a Bucci of Hamilton and Mi on "|report. Mr. Alfred Higgs, pri in primary education Miss Kelly was presented with a history of the Ontario Education Associa- tion written by Edwin C. Guil- let. devoticnal period. Mrs. Fred) Coleman read the Scripture. "Thoughts for the day" were {read by Mrs. Sidney Pike, Mrs. | David McCann and Mrs. Stewart {Graham, The secretary read the min- |utes. Roll call and treasurer's | report were given, Sick tommit- FOR QUALITY FRESHNESS and FLAVOUR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. MODERN UPHOLSTERING 926%2 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 SHAWA the honeymoon trip to Specials are Also Available At-- BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe Street North {On their return the couple wills PERSONALS Wilma Schonberger of Oshawa, live in Oshawa. A healthy matusing of inde- 1 of |tee reported cards had been sent and Miss Susan Booth of Ajax, Out of town guests were Pres-| pendence had to be accepted and Woodcrest School, reported on| The Come-Double Club of/to the sick and shut ins. |even the bridegroom's sister, as junior ent from Ajax, Detroit, Chicago, encouraged. Dr. Whalen|the school carnival held in March Northminster United Church held| Tickets were distributed for the bridesmaid. They all wore identi.|Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Fort|oontinued. The child's attitudes at the Children's Arena. The re- cal street length dresses ofErie and Guelph. |were governed by thosé of the sults of the Dollar Blitz drive in To [pares in the formative years February were given by Mrs Supper, Program At 'Y' Tonight To Support World Refugee Year | xperionees from the first tenta.|ation party in June will be Mrs. The membership committee of the world wide fellowship found tive datifig to sexual problems. |S t uart Hall and Mrs. G. |The psychological and emotional|Saunders. the YWCA is holding a pot-luck|in the Young Women's Christian supper this evening, and a pro-|Association. maturity with which he handled] Refreshments were served by| these problems would depend the mothers of Mr. Marlowe's gram emphasizing World Refu-| On world Membership Day gee Year, instead of the usualieach association will make addi- almost exclusively on attitudes'room. World Membership banquet. tional effort for increased finan SILVER. CROSS WOMEN Fool for ow Supper is being cial support for World Refugee! The monthly meeting of the tag day. : gonale y the members anc Year. The objective of the YWCA|Oshawa and District Silver Cross| Past Mistresses Night was dis- cash donations will be received|of Canada is $35,000, The YWCA (Women of Canada was held at|cussed. Initiation is to take place for World Refugee Year. ._|of Oshawa has raised $250 of thi<|the home of Mrs, Jack Hogan,|May 4 and the degree team was This week, April 24 - 30, is a McMillan drive, with the presi-|reminded to wear long white being vg nationally, as total of at least $300 dent, Mrs. V. A. Cope, presiding. dresses. The sick report was "Austerity Week", wit ana- : .| Minutes were read and the |given and Brother Thompson and dians urged to deprive them- oi etung uid to nig She spe. treasurer gave the financial re-|Sister Mossie Keeler reported selves of something ... even a varied as the communities them. |POrt- sick also Sister Whyte still in packet of cigarettes ..,. to as- selves, In Oshawa funds Wercl Report was given on the month- hospital. ] sist the National WRY Fund Be from ry oe pages The draw prizes were donated The fact that World Membership| in Nac oid by Sisters Susan Spencer Ger- Day this year falls in the middle|"2uets in November, 1959, ar trude Logan and Ethel Cocker + ; y |part proceeds of Spring Card ham and w by Sist M of this special week decided the 2 WO DY aa ors, Mary My Sh Canada fo set it ac|P2rty. held annually for World| Thompson, Alice Short and Cora their goal for climaxing National | Service. Gardner. collections for WRY, "Sharing our Resources" is the| HOUSEHOLD HINT theme for this year's YWCA| Sort out your close! World Membership Day. Women rid of all the clothes you don't chosen, Mrs. V. A. Cope and and in 43 Associations iv actually wear. Keeping a closet!nMps. Jack Hogan, Canada join with members in 65 full of "'maybe's" is deceptive Plans were discussed for the other countries commemorating/and crowds your good clothes. Spring tea, sale of work, and a a - draw May 19 at the Legion Hall. everyone to keep May 28 open for total, and expects to reach ily parcels sent to war veterans |at Sunnybrook Hospital, also a report of visits made to Fairview Lodge by two members living in Whitby. | Correspondence was read and a yearly report of the secretarial work was given. Delegates for the forthcoming t and get|sonyention at Peterborough were Tourist Hospitality Is New Service For Holidaymakers By JUDITH AYER Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP) -- The trouble | girls QUEEN MARY LODGE its annual spring dinner dance at|bazaar on May 11. Bus trip to the Shriners' Club. Following a|Niagara, June .9, was discussed. turkey dinner, a short business Members thanked their capsule session was presided over by the sisters for cards and gifts re- presidents, Dr, and Mrs. Gordon ceived during Easter. Adair. The club voted the sum| of $50 to the maintenance of | BATHE PARK AUX. Camp Pretoria fArrangements| The monthly meeting was held were made to have Larry Hender-|in the Bathe Park club house son present a travelogue in the with president Mrs. Clive Mec- fall. The program for the evening| Mann presiding. was under the direction of Mr.| The minutes were read by and Mrs. Jack Ovens and their|Mrs. William Haight. Roll call committee. Prizes were won by was answered. Mrs. Wilfred Og- Mrs. Gordon Adair, Mrs. Joseph|den gave a report on bingo and MacMillan and Mrs. Ronald! whist Wragg. Mrs. John Fisher gave the A surprise party was held for treasurer s report. The sick con- Mrs. Elizabeth Jenkins at her|Yener's report was given by Mrs. home on Albert street on Satur-|Byard King. day evening, April 23, in honor| Plans were made for the Pee of her 75th birthday. Relatives|Wee boys' hockey banquet for and friends from Oshawa and|Saturday evening, April 30, at Toronte called to express good|6.30 p.m, wishes, and she was the recipient| Hostesses for the evening ar- of many lovely gifts. Mr, David ranged some contests, prizes Jenkins and Mr. Meredith Jones were won by Mrs. Wilfred Ogden. provided musical entertainment, |Mrs. Gilmour Rutherford and A buffet supper was served. As-|Mrs. Byard King. Refreshments sisting were Mrs. John Reynolds, (were served and. Mrs. McMann Mrs. John Jenkins, Miss Winnie |held the lucky tea cup. Hutton and the Misses Carol, Beverly and Barbara Jenkins. STORIE PARK AUX, regular meeting of the Moti Bu whiny in Storie Jark Auxiliary was beld [week at Guide House. Pouring |. the form of a pot luck supper tea will be Mrs. R. E. Wilson, |The president, Mrs. Bert Fry, Mrs. Russell Hayward, Mrs, |" esided. Mrs. Peter Muzik gave James Stephenson and Mrs. Ar-|the annual secretary's report and thur Forsythe. |Mrs. Reginald Ellis gave the treasurer's report. All other con- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Curry and|veners gave reports. Ms. John daughters, Dawn and Candice, of MacDonald was the winner of] The regular meeting of Queen | Mary Lodge No. 97 took place in| the Orange Lodge recently with | Sister Evelyn Bilton presiding as- . iste thy Phillips. | Time is too precious. What with Mel Ster Dorothy bv "i |castles, museums, art galleries, ! Iter (theatres, shops and The Tower. |Betty Atkins and flags were pre- fit is small wonder that visitors |sented by Sisters Elva Cowle and have little time or energy left to |Margaret Martin. get acquainted with Britons. The minutes were read and it| But now, even meeting congen- was reported that Sister Mary |ial people can be arranged. Hayes was sick and that Sisier| Mary Leach, a young woman Edna Pearce was being moved to (from the Midlands of England, a convalescent home soon has devised a scheme to intro- Prizes donated by Sisters Ann duce visitors to British home life. Derry, Dorothy Phillips, Violet | She has founded the Tourist Hos- Ambrose and Margaret Martin | were won bv Sisters June Goog- man, Rita Butt, Violet Ambrose and Susan Waterhouse. with being a tourist in Britain is that there is little chance to meet the people who live here. | pitality Service which operates | [from London's West End. The THS, although only two months old, already has more than 300 names of people willing to entertain the tourists that will be pouring into Britain this sum-| mer MATCHING THEM UP Miss Leach's main task now is making files of prospective hosts and hostesses to ensure that when someone from another country visits a British home, the guest : {and hostess will have common in- {Chaplain, Sister. Gertrude Logan. terests, if not necessarily com- {Brother William Short was rein- mon age and profession. A doctor | stated into the lodge. The roll call| from Montreal could meet a doc- VICTORIA LODGE The regular meeting of Victeria Loyal True Blue Lodge No. 55 {was held recently in the Orange Temple, Bruce street. Worshipful Mistress, Sister {Mary Thompson, presided assist- led by Deputy Mistress, Sister {Ruth Gatchell. The scripture was read by * WINSOME MISSES Montreal, have been recent the lucky fea cup prize. guests at the home of Mrs:| Mrs. Thomas Wilson presided |Curry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. for the election of officers for [Orville Howie, Burk. street. 1960 as follows: president, Mrs. | oh A Bert Fry; vice-president, Mrs. | You are invited by the Social garry Williams; secretary, Mrs, | Department to send in any little pater Muzik: treasurer, Mrs. | items of interest. News of teas, | yoseph Parsons; sick convener, surprise parties, showers, anni-|\i.." garold Cameron: kitchen versaries and comings and goings convener, Mrs. Jerome Hickey; are always very acceptable and ooo ror, Mrs, Reginald "Tis: foo which there is no charge. , gitors' Mrs, Thomas Wilson Please write or telephone RA and Mrs; Reginald Llii 3-3474 local 18. The meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday afternoon of be enertained. The details areleach month at 2 p.m. left to the hostess. It would usually involve meeting members of the family and friends. The service does not, however, in-\ at Simcoe Hall with the presi-| clude accommodation. dent, Mrs. Jack Anderson pre-| One of the most reasonable as- siding. | pects of this service is that the' The secretary, Mrs. Wilfred entertainment, which can be fatal| Britton, read her report and| to a family's weekly budget, is Mrs. Robert Shoenau gave the | paid for by the visitor himself. treasurer's report. He pays Miss Leach a fee of 30| A short business meeting was shillings for an introduction card followed by interesting movies and gives the card to his hostess| shown by Mrs. Rufus Lambert. who sends it back to THS and! Refreshments were served. by gets £1 for her expenses. the social convener, Mrs. John | Miss Leach explains the pur- Gazdik. pose of the Tourists Hospitality CENTRE STREET WA Service: Mrs. Roy Bishop presided at | CSHAWA LIONETTES | The monthly meeting was held | {of officers was read and the min-|tor from Dorset, or if he would utes of the previous meeting. rather forget his work for a and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn The bingo committee cave its while, he might prefer a candle- Wright, all of Oshawa report also the convent' of tag/maker from Cleethorpes. --Photo by Hornsby |day, Sister Alice Short, asked' The idea is that the visitor will five, are the grandchildren of Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Archie Statham Alfred Statham, Colborne street east, are Lynda Louise and Beverley Carolyn. Lynda who is nine years old and Beverley, "We feel that the average vis-|the regular meeting of the Wom- |itor would rather enjoy an even-|en's Association of Centre Street !ing's entertainment in a home United Church. with congenial people than eat in| Mrs. Prrev i vr led in 'a restaurant on his own." 'Easter devotional and several 3 an IGHTING FIXTURES SAVE UP TO 30% Once again Lighting Unlimited scoop- ed the market by being on the spot when manufacturers were overloaded and needed cash .. . . we cleared thou- sands of fixtures, both in Traditional and Swedish Modern stylings . . . the savings are fantastic, just a few are listed below. : Reg. 75.00 24.95 39.95 13.95 12.50 17.95 29.95 49.95 7.95 2.95 (os illustrated) illustrated) illustrated) illustrated) illustrated) illustrated) illustrated) illustrated) illustrated) illustrated) CANDELABRA CANDELABRA SCANDINAVIAN SCANDINAVIAN BULLET SPOT BRASS DROP SPOT SWEDISH DROP SWEDISH DROP SWEDISH HALL BEDROOM FIXTURE LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT Lighting Unlimited "Canada's only chain of home lighting stores" OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE N= Wm Wwe RA 8-0922

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