Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Apr 1960, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 22, 1960 GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES | 5TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The April meeting of the 5th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held at Northminster Unite |Church with the president, Mrs. |L. E. Astrop, presiding. | The meeting opened with pray- er followed by the report of the secretary, Mrs, Lorne Thomp- (son, The¢ financial report was | given by the treasurer, Mrs, Jack |Guiltinan, Final arrangements for the [Dessert Tea convenéd by Mrs. |G. R. Jarvie and to be held at |Northminster Church on May 11 {were completed. Mrs. Dora Mat- (thews, fashion co-ordinator, will |speak on fashions. Mrs. Thomas Twine will convene the bake sale -assisted by Mrs, John Me- Nab and Mrs. .K G. McDougall, Refreshments were served by Mrs. R. J. Gulliver and Mrs, | M. P. York. . ir on May 2 to 4 in Toronto and| There were visitors from the| Triumphant Reducer Reports r z On Her Slimming Progress that a delegation should be sent.|WA groups of Thornton's Cor- The balance of the business|ners, Westminster, Southminster, meeting was devoted to plans for|Northminster, King Street, St. the bazaar on May 5 under the|Andrews and Simcoe Street Unit- convenership of Mrs. F. 8. Wot-led. ton. Assisting her will be Mrs.| Irs. John Jackson, president, George MacGregor, tea room;|opened the meeting with prayer Mrs. Robert Clayton, serving;|land a poem. Mrs. Alfred Fursey candy, Girls' Auxiliary. [ afternoon branch of the WA and liam Gibb read a story and intro-| the junior auxiliary will also have duced the speaker, Miss M.| tables of work, [Serimgeour, missionary and) Mrs, Gertrude Penman spoke principal of Naparami Girls'| on the study book, "Mission Un- High School at Trinidad, who| limited in Africa", taking the gave a talk on the life and cus-| theme that the African's physical toms at Trinidad. needs must be attended to before! Mrs. J, B. Jackson thanked his spiritual needs could be con- Miss Scrimgeour, sidered and pointing out how this, Mrs, Sidney Boneham and Mr. was being done in the fields of Frank Owen sang two duets, agriculture and medicine, "Wonderful Love" and "Ev Refreshments were served by Prayer Will Find Its Answer", Mrs, Gorge MacGregor and her accompanied on the piano by committee, Mrs. Frank Owen, The!led in the devotional. Mrs, Wil-{no blinking the fact that you'li ed in the devotiona 8 have moments of discourage-|s0 you can all listen in , . . | KEEP IN TRIM By IDA JEAN KAIN Let's be reasofiable about this|up the phone to talk long dis- business of losing weight, There's|t ment, of wondering whether the tussle to train an undisciplined Take it from those who have won through . Ohioan writes: "Just one year ago I looked at|pounds would be too thin." myself and decided that the ex- cess fat 1 was carrying was not|same thing. He said not to try only mighty tiring to carry|to weigh less." : v WK: "What hel, ou to get = ' ery weighed 194 pounds on March 5, started on your pes you } Rv i uy room | around but ugly to look at. I 1959, By January 22, 1960, weighed 140 pounds. My goal is We'll make this an open circuit, weight goal , , . how much do appetite is worth the struggle.|you weigh now?" , it's worth it! An|and I wear size 16." gram?" | Readers, at that point I picked ance with this courageous gal, JI:K "Did you make your Dieter: "I weigh 137 pounds WK: "That's perfect . . , 130 Dieter: "My doctor told me the Dieter: "Clothes, When a size the Junior Chamber of Commerce raise money for their Civic projects to improve Oshawa to be 130 pounds and wear a size|20 dress was too tight and the|| A 4 14.1 am 5 5" tall and have a|saleswoman suggested a larger from the Jaycee salesman when medium frame, size , , , that did it. I wouldn't ' : | "I eat three well = balanced|buy any clothes. Now I wear size|'@me he calls at your door during the THE STARS SAY meals a day with high protein, ET RR is bo Ny dS i She : JAYCEE'S BROOM BLITZ PMA CLUB Mrs. Gordon Wherry's group The regular meeting of the ELEANOR HOY GROUP served refreshments. | Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club The regular meeting of the |was held with the vice-president, Eleanor Hoy group of Cedardale |Mrs. Elwood Bradley, presiding. United Church was held on Wed- | The scripture lesson was read nesday, April 20, with Mrs. Alfred | Barassin presiding. There were TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. PECIAL! MONEY-SAVERS! low carbohydrate, and very low : |and the roll called. The treasur- (SrER FIEC IE with six By ESTRELLITA fat. 1 count my calories very|so now my waistline is slimmer. er's report was read. Sets. : FOR TOMORROW , IJK: "What word of encourage- / Favorite hymns were sung fol- J : fort n Se ach' situati Yt alo! " ¢ ) vas 2g 3 . Screen e situs | 3 as -|along to other r ? 4 / lowed with readings by Mrs, Wil- Hill read the minutes and the hi i arhuhth ae Situs 00 now I find it very easy as 3 Son On A er ig worth 3 ' ty liam Collins and Mrs, William correspondence Mrs. Russell a y and a loolish tang- tinue streamlining. Three cheers : ' V4 V4 ! bw 8 f Mrs, Worsley gave the treasurer's re- with friends, family and bus-\for your daily morale-boosting|it! I feel like a young woman ¢ iness associates, |again, In fact, I feel wonderful," HAPPY LITTLE KATHRYN {{erEon and Mazen al Marilyu 14 at 7 p.m. there will be a "get ise 8 nd oiellecal Jussuitsl yy weight loss and I am over- radiey avorec wi a oca n at " i Pp y J should prove enjoyable and you|i,v 3 5 Zathry! av > VBE { her fir thay arch 2 : : acquainted' night at the church. she r ya youljoved. My husband says I look Magis Mgt Mr wr ni hes fst Pirthday on March 21 (selection. Refreshments were Mps. Alfred Barassin intro- might find this period an excel-|jke the girl he married 17 years Bug Mr, end Mrs, | is the granddaughter of Mr. |served by Mrs. Mary Ann Don-quced the guest speaker, Mrs.|lent one in which to contributelago and my four boys think I sille, Kathryn who celebrated | ville, Photo by Ireland, | : u e. 3a iryn 0 ce er hath Aa ob re an ST. GEORGE'S EVE. WA eral Hospital, who gave a talk on|interested, heartening, | | The regular meeting of the eve- the needs of a new hospital wing FOR THE BIR | "I felt I just had to tell you of a ¥ and distributed pamphlets deal E BIRTHDAY ~hieveme 3 8 ed J ¥ If tomorrow is your birthday, ™Y achievement and how much od Ter: ars re 3 S5 3 2 a inancial! 2 . Addresses Vincent Masse H&S i ge ald Blears: president, Next meeting will be held May possivie iiss yi Suoneal be fat again and I will always ohenee ied isle Sit ing 18 with an aluminum demonstra [oRpon you bly Hd vourself| at the proper foods." | Ls Refreshments were served ths, rs ----_------------------ ---- The April meeting of the Vin-|this will also be the annual meet-| David Hutcheon, secretary; Mrs Hoy Mrs Robert Hall and Mrs, in line for promotion, Tecognition) with Mr. Herbert Chesebrough,| Refreshments were served by tary; Miss Dulcie Miller, card this period but, of course, you|Anti-polio inoculations were given| welfare administrator, as the the mothers of the pupils in convener ' The April missionary meeting will have to do your part, ! to 40 teen-agers while they gath- guest speaker, Grade 1 with grade mother, Mrs Mrs. Blears reminded thalof Westmount United Church WA| Except for a brief period in late| i for a rock 'n' roll dance | : Robert Peacock, and social con- members that the Diocesan WA|was held on Tuesday, April 18,|November, your personal rela-|€réC Ken FUNCTIONS here. A doctor said it was part of |seriously each meal and I do not|it's 27% inches. I'm trying to get | Birthday greetings were sung ®\ "pag Hou conducted the Don't expect too much without|pedtime, This was a mighty hard |Rreed. port, |column, dh I During the evening hours art- is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | pg. ar Wade, RR 2 Bowman- |aldson and Mrs. Norman Hodg- George Telford, Superintendent either time or money to someljook like their sister and natur- . Welfare Administrator of i, Georges Anglican Church E51 [LLL Bi gay Tu wi 3 recently » parish 'N8 4 * horoaso indicate: ab § appreciate what others / vas held recently in the parish Mrs. William Henning thanked Your horoscope indicates that if ne through who have reached cent Massey Home and School/ing there will be reports from W. H. Jackson, treasurer; Mrs. Fred Presorchuk and advancement generally. The| SPECIAL SERVICE | x veners, Mrs. B. A, McCarl and annual meetings would be held/with a large attendance. tionships should prove exception- Mr. Chesebrough. explained the Mrs, W, D. Major supervising. Eh - - - ha ns . hy |eat between meals or just before|a little more solid." 7 ; jfor Mrs, L. V. Store. devotional service. Mrs. Adrian some expenditure of time and ef-\road to travel for a while, but ment would you like fo pass iccas BI p The misses Elizabeth Ann Pat-I" 11 "wae announced that on May "My doctor is quite proud of Joné ardy E an- : inl p DE 50%. of Nursing at the Oshawa Gen-|cause in which you are especially ally these compliments are most | hall, , you will take advantage of alll" i n Mrs. Telford. . AY Bf their desired weight, I will never Association was held recently|the conveners. Robert Clayton, dorcas secre- aspects will be excellent during] - SHEFFIELD, England (CP)--| WESTMOUNT WA ---------- |ally happy for the balance of 1960|a plan to encourage teen-agers to functions of he, Veliare depary -- --- ia and your social life should Ci ii anti-polio shots. | ment here had been a marke | 1k 0 E | t C d t quite stimulating during early|-- | growth of soclal security and 7252 , fen Ta n mp oymen on 1 10NS August and late December, Avoid| | welfare measures in Ontario dur- |unreasonableness and control em-| E L i$ A ing the past two decades, partic- | be self-reliant, ingenious and par-| Sensational Value f th decades Sarl | otionis during early June ularly at the provincial level, he nterest t u | "A child born on this day will | Iticularly fond of gardening and] BRAND NEW said. Welfare services were now other outdoor hobbies. : . -- . Electric Portables available to help citizens meet nw §9-50 nearly every condition of critical] adversity, The governmént pro- CHECK THESE FEATURES Full Size Machine vided funds in recognition of the |and past provincial chairman of| centres where courses were es- needs of children, the handicap-| |employment practices was the tablished. ped and disabled, elderly, ill, 4 |guest speaker at the regular] The province had its own par- and others who were without suf- [meeting of the Oshawa Business ticular difficulties and local Round Bobbin Built-in Light Automatic Darner USE ELNA"S ficient resources to maintain |and Professional Women's Club clubs could participate by assist- EASY PAYMENT PLAN themselves. Adversity spared |held at Adelaide House on mon-/ing the committees. It was the few, Almost everyone, at one day, April 18. duty of every member to carry time or another faced some of $ ® | The program was arranged by|out her obligations to raise the the distresses which often arose| . i the chairman of employment|status of women, she said. (Fabric Town) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE out of changing health and eco-| practices, Miss Audrey Lawlor. The speaker urged the club Miss Joan Wilson of Guelph,|makers rather than into indus- vice - president of district A,|try. Surveys were made of larger AAR nomic conditions, he said. Miss Wilson chose as her topic, members to take an active inter- (INANE ALAN \ "Employment Conditions." She|est and acquaint themselves with a) N } \ "ondi She |est and acqus smselves wi SN ANAM ESABLISHED 1932 waae22 8 The first welfare department] discussed why a committee had|/employment conditions of women ; been formed, what it does and by reading magazine articles and| WIFE PRESERVER | was established on October 18, what it hoped to accomplish. | pamphlets which were available, | 1932, and had changed almost ge The objective of the Business| Recently in Ottawa, the Busi-| Brush your cat regularly to re-| completely, especially during the : y if and Professional Women's Club ness and Professional Women's move loose hair, which otherwise past five years, as the federal throughout the world was to raise/Club took an active part in se- Will cling to sofa or be eaten by government now absorbed 50 per the status of working women. It/curing equal pay for 'teachers, (Kitty. Such brushing also keeps cent of the cost of welfare, |was the International, National,| The speaker was introduced 'by root in good condition. ADMINISTRATION and Provincial Committees' con-|Miss Olive Goldring and thanked J.VORCE RATE . Ata cern to study and decide the|by Miss Mildred Price. r ; Welfare was administered on chief employment bl . . & The 6,288 divorces recorded in three separate levels, the Domin- ind Ro oe pro hie ms The president, Mrs. Eileen Canada in 1957 compared with jon Government, supplied family a PSC ® en A ere was| Wilson, presided at the meeting. 558 in 1921, and four in 1871, allowances, the Provincial Gov- 2 Sheri io comp aint made, neces-| During a short business meet-| -- or m-------- ernment took care of mothers' | Ha iil 2 3 say investigations were carried|ing, Miss Gladys Hill was ap- allowances, and on the Municipal ows, Job evaluations, 3 skills and pointed a delegate to the 17th level there were homemakers') Three To Crochet jconditions syd to ac-| Biennial Convention of Business services and relief. Fringe Snidl comp ish the problems which and Professional Women's Clubs fits were also supplied such as Be smart! Crochet a center- are 8, . : to be held in Winnipeg, July 11- medical examinations, emergen- Piece and smaller doilies in a There was also a vocational 15 cy dental care, eye glasses, | most graceful shape -- the ov al} [training committee which was! This month the local club's assisted by the Provincial and|donation of $200 will be forward- Christmas cheer and many Lacy medallions form border |poqeral Gov others. and tral motif. Mainly chain ederal Governments. The pur- ed to the Oshawa General Hospi- oc Vo apanhe > | POSe was to alert > red | ta J: aig 5S a Clcscbromh. was : ; single crochet. T ttern Pose wa iD 3 : unc mployed tal campaign fund. Miss Rose alr, Chesebrough was items doily trio, 17 X 34-inch: persons r 16 to a need for Hawkes reported that so far the Twining. The principal Mr. E 17 x 26 and 8% x 15 in No. 30 Jralning ang to steer older women sale of grip discs for the world g . , Mr, cotton Into services, such as home-irefugee year anounted to $105. Kelvin James, announced the - ' 72 SIMCOE ST. N. ue upholstery in = silver ; 3 Send Thirty-five ce (¢ ) gxamipalions were in process one for this pattern os a exe) ALORS 3 Er (sts F t we ore and one week after jo accepted) to The Oshawa banner was won by Mr. James' nishings, fashions, gifts. to Sued 1] i y Mr, Ji N gs, fas s, gifts, toys, ba « rey with or blu room and Miss Jeanette Clark's|zaar sellers exciting, unusual € a bo Y, by Be } re bi hot 3 room, designs to crochet, knit, sew ! ny cow , £4 | iT yond Easter holidays and that report Times, 'Household Arts Dept The meeting on May 9 will be/embroider, huck weave, quilt. Be An Exclusive Fabric BABY "STROLLER" SPECIAL ! Only 1.88 PRICED FOR EXTRA SAVINGS! Easy to fold. Sturdy model with sun-protecting eanopy. A shop- ping bag for Mother, attached! ALUMINUM CHAIRS Sturdy oluminum frame with plaid "Vinyl" seat ond back. About 32 ins. high, Folding type, easy to carry! Just right for | . 4 4 lawn, patio end country cottage, too! Grand Zeller Value ... MAKE YOUR BEDROOM INTO SPECIAL 39.95 Value! You Save 7.07! Converts easily into a Stroller, Steel frame. Heavy-gauge "Vinyl" ORiaTi plainly JDRESS,. PATTE by the president, Mrs. C. E. NUMBER > PATTERN Mrs. John Wheeler,| JUST OUT! Our New 1960 Alice s r, and Mrs, Lawrence Brooks Needlecraft Book con- McConkey, secretary, gave their|tains THREE FREE Patterns reports, The room attendance Plus ideas galore for home fur cards would be issued on May 6./0shawa, Ontario. Print The meeting was presided over] NAME. : ; : ! rip. Wonderful value! in the form of a musical night|first with the newest -- send 25 one derful value arranged by Mr. E, K. James. As cents now! SATISF N - i ACTIO GUARANTEED | Lint-free Color-fast Pre-shrunk Machine washable No-iron One mg, of ' Vitamin B-12 cost Velvety suede -!ike touch excitingly styled, smart, sturdy, practical pure silk stitching. a ® Crease-resistant h L - A days supply ® Water-repellent costs the same as... " a bag of jelly beans 'RB ¢ || «wi ve men srs SPECIAL BOOKCASE ROOM DIVIDER 19.88 REG. 2498! YOU SAVE 5.10 -- . This handsome Bookcase becomes a prac- i tical space-saver when used i as a room divider . . , just Yellow, Blue, Light Green, Aqua, Eggshell, ; 3 § right for modern and od Gold, Sond, Brown, Rose, Dark Green, Red, Rust 3 gitionay _ascers | Sturgy \ , wood construction with Moss, Charcoal, Beige, Bristol Blue, \ , { laminated shelves. Scratch Snow White, Super-full-sizes for twin or double bed, Richa i 2M, Stain stant. Choles 3 i AF of walnut or mahogany R finishes. Size approximately 36 by 36 by 10 inches, Hurry for this "Buy" save over 209%. be] 520% A] SURSNURNCIER Ny bonnie beauty py. Morgan-Jones blends big end little tufts in e brand new way on a no-muss textured 'ground, ond creates a bedspread with a heathery-soft beauty that does enchanting things for your bedroom © Spot-resistant \ Heather VY) This Is typical of the price history of today's health-important drugs -- scarce and costly when first discovered, but through the produce tion genius of the pharmaceutical industry, they become plentiful and inexpensive. : Have it in any of 18 heavenly colors: Pink, In our own interests of good customer rela. tions and sound business practice, we main- tain a fair and square policy for pricing all prescriptions, You'll find our charges most reasonable, S D "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S Fh Reg. 24.95 Vulus g5 [J iE Aanmeie } TONIGHT and TOMORROW . < "@ USE OUR CONVENIENT "LAY-AWAY" PLAN eo RE " PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE TILL NEEDED » A ® Family Allowance Cheques 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 OPEN TONIGHT Open 0-nig Until 9 o'clock UNTIL 9 P.M. OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY : | ' * "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free . ANNE. Zeller's Will Gladly Cash Free Delivery Service on orders of 5.00 and over ' Blacks LADIES WEAR LTD. DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. §, Phone RA 3-2294 SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. S, Phone RA 3.2209

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