Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Apr 1960, p. 7

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213 (with a running commentary, Scout Auxiliary |proved very interesting and Mrs. . {Redpath expressed a hearty vote Marks Anniversary of thanks. Refreshments were served with The 8th Sea Scout Mothers'/the oldest chartered member, Auxiliary held its 30th anniver- Mrs. Frank Williams, cutting the . ; ; ; y y sary meeting in the Sea Scout|large anniversary cake, which ) ; ; Hall on Hillcroft street Monday had been decorated in the Scout |e y ; 7 |evening, April 18. colors. . bs % 3 ' ; y hie Forty-three attended including The next regular meeting will A 1h y - is numerous guests of the members, be held on Monday evening, May 4| Mrs, Douglas Redpath presided|16, in the Scout Hall, Hillcroft Dial RA 3-3474 : i? : ; A |with Mrs, Clarence McCullough street, at 8 o'clock. Gee H 4 h wh reading Se nites and roll edll i i i rs. F. J. Hastings gave the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 22, 1960 7 4 reasurer's report followed by the KNITTING AT WORK E : 1|reading of the corr d by| MANSFIELD, England (CP)-- 1 2 ; rs. Ronald Wragg. [Stan Martin, a bus conductor in ucation In Other Countries | BP. |r ihe meeting Mes. Stanley his Nottinghamshire. town, has . | E . 1lGales showed and explained albeen put on a busier route be- : : series of colored slides taken of| cause his knitting activities were Depicted First Hand At H&S g |different points and places of in-|embarrassing workmates. His old 2 terest while on a recent trip to|route was so slack that he took {the Southern States. These slides, up knitting. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor The April meeting of the Ger- ships Mr. Neilson stated that the [trude Colpus Home and School difficulty of improving educati~n (A ssociation was 'Citizen-lwas to convince people of the |ship Night." need for improvement. Mrs. B. V. Sheffield intro- SOUTH AFRICA ; : IE BUILD-UP! Here's the duced a panel of six people edu- 5 a : cated in different countries who Ase vey Eyssen from Sous t zs inld p sai )) y gos disaussed eduiation he ods od. school was started at the age of| 3 secret of how you can avoid it! the Ukraine "and Denmark i 'lfive for a period of seven years. | | The visitors were Miss Pauline High school subjects were taught. van Eyssen for South Africa, There was little choice in lan- [Mrs Hilda Albrecht for Ger. Buages. Both English and Afri- (iiany Miss Merle Hartley for kaans being compulsory. |England, Dr. Nicholas Ostafichuk aly Juphs Bw boarding : i. A " |for the Ukraine and Mr. H, Neil-|school, which provide: more 18- | .. ' . . .--ve . |son for Denmark, and Mr. John ip Hostele w ere Vovidel in : First mattress scientifically designed Francom acted as moderator. {rural districts for school children i . : and parents pay for the hoarding. a to help prevent Fatigue Build-Up! {GERMANY . | Parents might contribute what| Mrs. Albrecht said that pri-|they liked for the school itself.| mary education in Germany con- Books were free. A schqol uni- 1 4 Patented Sertaliner construction... slender |sisted of four years of junior|form was worn in South Africa, % y 4 ribbons of steel distribute weight perfectly, | % help prevent Fatigue Build-Up! {school starting at six years of The moderator, Mr. John Fran- ; eS h Eye Hund:\p age and then four 'gymnasiums'|oom who is a member of the i i ; gs Smooiitop construction--no buttons, i . of iwo years each with emobhasis|gohoo) staff, conducted a session THE ANNIVERSARY COUPLE © Extra | pel i . ¢ 4 lon different subjects. Secondary|,s questions and answers from pe ai wri izing layer! . i : [education was paid for bythe members of the panel. Quilted borders won't break wail " : % ii ] Mr. Earl M. Brown thanked the 1. an IS. ames . ompson © Superb-quality cov. ers, doubly WE "4 HT iia MR. AND MRS. H. E. RUNDLE ENGLAND moderator and the panel. Miss Hartley from England] The business meeting was pre durable! --Photo Courtesy of Canadian Statesman. | pe of the English education.|sided over by Mrs, Ross Ed- Celebrate 35th Anniversary | Primary school was from five to munds. The secretary's report m 11 years of age. Parents then|was read by Mrs Robert | its Well Known Hampton Couple | SOCIAL NOTICES might have the child take an Beharrell and the treasurer's re-| Mr. and Mrs. James T. Thomp-|pressed appreciation for the love- | exam to determine which course port by Mrs. R. V. Sheffield. The S, Hilleroft street, Were Boner (ly Sine 234 Tememhaancss, | | - - Ih as Thos ted for. Sec. Se, e y ed at a surprise party held a ie table was beautifully dec-| RECEPTION |he was ost suite or ec- | correspondence was read by Mrs. the home of their daughter, Mrs. orated and centered with By an-| A 1 | ; n va +, |ondary school consisted of two|Beharrell. y ") 4 _ : Honored On S0th nniversary tae and Mrs. T. H. Campbell, [°C of pupils, The slower Frank Foley and Mr. Foley, Stev-|niversary cake, pink candles and| Kenneth avenue, will be happy The attendance room prize for|enson road north, on the occa-|flowers 3 i ' iv i atives ils take a Secondary Modern|April w. ; Mi Mis | ci Kho's! ; i GED AM N (Staff) -- Nearly was decorated with yellow roses to receive their relatives and|PUPI ; pril was won by Miss McGillis,|sion of their 35th wedding anni- . Se MPTO and 2 tices any was chrysanthemums friends on Monday, April 25, from|COUrse. If at 13 years of age the|Grade 2. The Publications chair- Sd v ; g ann e btet supper was served by tribute to Mr. and Mrs. H..E.| A large wedding cake, trimmed 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. on the oc-|child showed more development man, Mrs. Harry McCabe, gave| Mr. * Walter Thompson, St.|y il Harold Boddy and Mrs. Rundle, RR 1, Bowmanville, atin gold with gold candles domin- casion of their 50th wedding ap-{they might hag ore of the Ser a report. Catharines, brother of the bride [* nes S errault, + the community centre on Wednes- ated the head table al eg 4 "n Te leo Mrs. Edmunds announced the|zroom, gave an appropriate ad- oe ions and rels day afternoon and evening on The couple have four sons, Al ENGAGEMENT pupils remained in school till 16 slate of officers nominated so dress and the couple received |; ' the occasion of their golden wed- bert, Oshawa John, at home; ns . far for approval. Mr. George many gifts, cards and flowers. ding anniversary Kenneth, RR 6, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs, Henry S. Snow|in the other groups. College de- p.adick 'the principal, said that| Mr. James Thompson, on be- During the afternoon and 'eve- Charles, of Bowmanville; and announce the engagement of their grees were a three-year course there was now 503 pis pan half of himself and his wife, ex-| ning friends dropped in to the three daughters, Mrs. Percy daughter, Frances Marie, to Mr.|After 1948, pupils no longer had| "Report cards will be ready a EE ------| Mrs. Thompson, the former centre to visit and have tea with Cann (Mary) Bowmanville, Mrs. Douglas Fi: Tene 3 Saori pay for books or education. May 6 acy {Hazel May Davey, is the daugh-|| 9 ouch J Richz Rowa (Alma) RR 1,/nephew of Mr. an 'S, Re | v ; in 3 ter of Mr. and Mrs. J av Regular \ elute family, and a Rha ul Mrs. John Oke Hopson, all of Oshawa. The mar- THE UKRAINE Refreshments were served by |of Sr. and Mis. Jond Davey hop ath - s sister of Mrs. Rundle, Mrs 'Wally (Florence) Oshawa riage will take place at Albert| Dr. Ostafichuk was educated in Mrs. Charles Bolton, the social 7 ; |ents, who are still living Why ~ yoy phen, Lid " Po. Pickell and her husband, had din They were married at the home Street United Church on Satur- Me Hest Unralse under he Pa Conyenek 2d the Fiery of tie on hb farm, celebrated their 62nd wed- plane y : e he f the late Reverend R. A. Delve, |day, May 21, 1960, at 3 o'clock. |ish system. Trimary Schoo start-|pupils in Grades 5 and 6. ; ; bi ding annivers p geile oy with i) lk i of Re Hy by the late : ll ed at seven years of age to 14 poo her Tear parviay Available On Easy Budget Terms yellow chrysanthemums and yel- Reverend T. H. P. Anderson, 50 BN AGN bE Shi a pupil could stop school if PERSONALS the party, low roses sent to their parents years ago in Hampton. Mr, and], Mr. and Mis. Aubrey Ginns 0 he wished, or go on to higher . # Mr. and Mrs. Thompso | by Mr. and Mrs. Rundle's seven Mrs. Rundle have since lived on|Oshawa announce the engage- schooling to the age of 18 This : Mare Balti oy pie were) o children and their families. Large the same farm north of Bowman- ment of their daughter, Patriciawas a six-day school week. In| wre Lloyd Pegg opened the gibi Medtoano prior ferns were placed across thelville Ann, to Mr. Donald F. King, son/High School there were three annual E 3D \ " ming shawa 21 years rns e Pp ) Service|of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril King of|types of courses annua caster ~~ Thankoffering § 3 ago lived in Cobourg and Tim- Service|of Mr. 3 [types L service of the WMS of St. An- A mins. They have three children, | stage and surrounded a huge bou The Hampton Ladies' ( WS a 3a t | Club were caterers for the affair. Ajax. The marriage is to ake| There were separate courses drew's United Church with pray- ? Mrs. Frank Foley, Evelyn, and niversary. lia, Baltimore, St. Catharines, Port Hope, Holland Landing and Dundas. quet of yellow flowers. The table ; : : { = --- a -- --iplace in Simcoe Street United for boys and girls. Under the|ler and a hymn and w a ' y ~ eda. g | etips | 3 elcomed the|g {Donald and ? Church on Saturday, May 21, at|Soviet system the grades were guests from the evening WMS|E Ji Pam Mg ie ard 3. pm. | from one to ten but were dictated|and the WA groups. Mrs. John Br; A dd Add P easure ] S. i 4 ; |Bryan. They are membe Progr am, ISS, ] from the soviet leaders. Pre-/Hipkins led in the devotional Bl (Simcoe Street United erg o . . |school children were indoctrinat- i ? " scho ; p period. The guest speaker was Mr. Thompson h . Diabetic Assn. ir gD on TR LB ali Mr, Thompson has been asen-| (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA the beginning. The yas , i ritati y . : To Group Anniversary Meeting Mothers' Group [io hh sched. Puss mii soe" th ten ai Evencsr. Unie ganas, and diirict_Wniy sd] OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. to university but the main point|Church on Monday, June 20, at| and is a member of the IOOF " " - tive wi w m- Win Ap a re A M C b was that the family was in sym-/two o'clock, was received. Re-| Lodge. the formation of the group was! beautiful such as cosmetics,| eets At 0 ourg pathy with the Soviet system or|freshments were served by mem- held by members of the Fellow- clothes, and perfumes to mention : | children did not attend classes for bers of the Afternoon WMS group ship Group of King Street United only a few The mothers' group of the Osh-|long. Fees had to be paid by|with Mrs. William Gamble, con-| BRIGADIER E. D. BURNELL pir | } Cee ; awa and District Branch of theistudent. Teachers were under Vener. | i y ish Church WA at their meeting in| Good grooming was important, ~ rp in : iti tee | | the ladies' lounge of the church she said. if the old adage 'beauty Canadian Diabetic Association constant pressure from the Soviet 'T Add ess 4 ege on Tuesday evening, April 19. is only skin deep was to be be- yore eteriaied at He hone ror PATS. President D. H. Howe, Mrs.|+0 Ies f : MESTER LEE fa Mrs. Inez Harvey, Cobourg, for : i oriod C. C. Murty, Mrs. H. F. Baldwin S e : m 0 "The "preside, Nes Gl lieved but rue Beauty, a is hpi meeting | During vacation period 0 a1 GE MTL Fo Sekives Home League Rally 3 rele t. James Wom: ras sic . as a la ore . s, €) $ Wilson, i hin . oe Be at ot in the following The Svesker, Dr. Qormach, 2 for field and forest work and even of the Oshavs Branch hi the Car| Brigadier Ethel D. Burnell d | I Y / ; . Dri Nin assed a AOF dy 7 |psychiatris le p 1 chi opp | RAIS d Cross Society, were in|, AR ' A whoo S In Dum Partha Mi five ig a for ie lips, (uk: | amis]. Cobourg, was pire (omeitary sshoo ihdren Were Hamilton yesterday attending the ritorial Home League secre- ee an a ummer ong ou ] ave a se9 DE h : : vig duced by Mrs. Harvey. He led the| : ¢ nnual meeting of the Ontario|tary, will be the guest speaker at the Salvation Army Home| p. r ber. the mind, purity: for the eyes, smiles 3 a | EE ra and pum heart, love. Mrs. Hill grogp in a general digs ssion a Divigen = the Sheraton-Con- League Divisional Rally to be ) SW. Want: melo enlar pall ; "|diabetic children, asking each| Mr. Neilson from Denmark naught Hote Jeague 3 wong Tiers, Mrs. S. W. Wannamaker enlarged upon each of these as Xoo ie Low the diz: said that thers they hal a vers [held in the UWA hall on Tuesday, | ave a " i Apri B. | and the speaker, Mrs. Rosalie/sets and closed by reminding her emg, Seta) g won ; y Hill, as guests at this special listeners that the face was mere- bells as discovers jn hey child, good school 'system. They start sarge ani smal dinner parties ich nationality, Brigadier | meeting. ly a mirror that reflects the inner|an¢ what initial symptoms wereled school at seven years of age a cktai parties are included Burnell became 2 Salvation Arm self and "if we loved God and noted. There was a marked sim-|till 14 and then went to high in the round of festivities tonight urnell became a Salvation Army | or fellow 'Tuen we. 'w lilarity. He stated that a stressed gc} il Was NEN prior to the Military Ball, the|officer from Northampton Citadel, | h ; h ~ our fellow men we would truly 4 : hool till 18. There was a Latin : 3 nals 99 4 re group were in charge of the pro- one beautiful women." Yllife situation might be 'a con-|class which might be entered at Ontario Regiment's gala. social England, in 1927. She served five gram. The devotional period cen- . y / tributing factor in diabetis. the age of seven. Public and High|cvent Among those hosting are|Years as a field officer in the red around an Easter Faith. The, Mrs. Seymour Bigwood thanks Dr. Cormach felt that a calm Schools were. free. Coll Bhar and Mrs. H. E. Grose, Mr, London area before being trans- scripture passage was read by|to Mrs. Hill and to the trio and| 'So: "GC 080 to ai betic chi hools were free. College and . Wr yon "Gaivie Mr and|ferred to Bermuda, then part of Mrs ; cic JY hale. an : attitude towards the diabetic child university fees were very small s. John Geikie, Mr. and i " tee Perrier Mrs. Hugh Hutcheson and Mrs. their accompanist. would help to prolong his life.|and there wor Bigbal pa Irs. J. A. Mitchell, Mr. and|the British West Indies Territory. Harold Perry _read a poem,( Mrs. Glenn Howell conducted when the child was accepted aol ne re many Scholar-\nic E. F. Bastedo and Mr. | After seven years' service in Christ Rose Upon an Easter|the business meeting with MTS. pe is. the behaviour problem was! ..: : and Mrs. W. C. Paynter. The re.| Bermuda she was transferred 'to Day." Mrs. Ivan Morrison assist-/H. A. Armstrong giving the sec- pot as high. As in any child betic children was much less ceiving line will form to the left| Canada She spent 11 years on - | ed at the piano for the hymns. retary's report adolescence. was the hardest 6. than in other children. at 21 hours and the band will|the officer's training college staff CCN) e env 0 a e el or 00 The young people's trio com-| Discussion took place on the riod for the diabetic. The diabetic id Spesker was thanked by|strike up the grand march at|in Toronto as field iraining offi- . posed of Miss Louise Wanna- strawberry supper on Tuesday, child was no different from any Mrs. Clifford Burtch of Port precisley 21.30 in the armories cer and attended a training col-| ----- ---- maker, Miss Carol Edwards and!April 26, in Centennial hall. Other other child and should be disci, | ~ oPbe: _ ballroom. lege staff council held in England Miss Joanne Bell sang two selec- activities were also discussed and plined when necessary It might Ray W. R. Lean, president of in 1951 at the International Col- tions, 'Mr. Sandman" and "Tip the Fellowship group will be in cause a temporary vise in blood he group, reminded members of Mr. and Mrs. W. C Paynter, | lege for officers. " wn Toe Through the Tulips" with charge of the program. and re-|sugar at the time but the result He Reeling on May 18, at King|Central Park blvd. south, have| In September, 1955, Brigadier : Miss Reva Tiers assisting at the freshments for the May meeting|ten or fifteen years from now | ireet Saited Church, at which as their weekend guests Mr. and| Burnell was appointed Territorial f:: ES piano. of the general WA. would more than compensate. {they will be celebrating their first Mrs. K. G. Brown of Orillia who|/Home League Secretary in the ~The guest speaker, Mrs. Rosa- Mrs. Edwards and her group| The doctor mentioned different | Sa versary, with a dinner, The will accompany them to the Mili-| Canadian Territory, women "s lie Hill of the Youth Department served refre nis 4) : io. a : . | SP! r that evening will be Dr.[tary Ball in the Armories this/movement within the Army num-| I erved refreshments. Mrs. James) attitudes used toward the diabetic| Augusta Rabh T : " i : iki of McLaughlin Public Library. Wilson, the group mother, cut the child: Tolerance and a relaxed merl; 2 a grr brouta, for- evening. {bering some 14,000 members in| is the popular balanced fertilizer for controlled lawn was in'roduced by Mrs William beautifully decorated cake and) attitude; coddling and over-|dren's OE Ocal ond OF Sick Aa Mrs. M. I iA Canada. It's principal aim is the feeding . . . the choice of Ontario golf courses to keep Edwards conveyed her best wishes to the|protectiveness, which would even- ith the Chi ow a direc-| Mrs. M. H. Ellis, Centre street, advancement of spiritual life in T-T-y H i iti Mrs. Hill ch | I Ou or the fat ! ey hy gd ev tor with the Children's Aid Soci- who will observe her 93rd birth-|the home and community. She he greens in top condition! It works wonders on new as Mrs chose as her subject grou or the future. ally lez h 4 y i 4 Ai x SA i i "How tole a Beactitul Phailiily Lae |which OR Rn! ejection, Sly in Toronto, Dr. Rabhan hasday on Monday, will mark the|was chosen to represent Canada well as established lawns. Will NOT burn the grass. Try The opinions, she said, would be |" Diabetic childre ih . % Bad considerable experience with|occasion on Sunday with her im-|at the International Home League i \ it and be convinced. voried and diverse out 1 1 HOUSEHOLD HINT ia etic ¢ ; ren might have dia etic children. Tickets are|mediate family and a few close| Congress held in London, Eng- 3&0 2g 3 different problems, but the doctor available from the president. friends. land, in May, 1957. 3 5 ee \ na : 3 ; 20lb. bag ..... 195 Mrs. William Edwards and her all would agree on physic al-' If dishes that are seldom used said that in all the years of prac ities since they had so long been are kept covered with plasticitice, he had seen only five dia-| [ associated Win Leauls The de- bags they will not need to be(betics as patients, proving that | SvounLess sire to be beautiful was instinc- washed when brought out. behavior problems among dia- = 40 1b b he : *h : i bag ..... 2.95 un ; 80 1b. bag 4.95 Swen i . LJ . LJ L] . ROBERTS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS INVITES YOU TO Ni f EVER R A long-lasting fertilizer for both lawn and garden. Will -- romps " - not burn grass. Safe to use any time of the year! Open. House v . | A new fertilizer for lawn and garden. Long-lasting. : i 1 : | ECIAL Easy to use. It is clean, odourless, finely granular 2 . | Ld ond free running . . . has Urea Nitrogen. Turf ho Mayfair Salon : i § special has everything needed to give you ae : | 3 PRIZE-WINNING LAWN! 27 Celina Street my Cas 24-inch adjustable grill! Plan to barbeque Saturday, April 23, 1960 Bp i if steaks and 'burgers this Summer in your own MILORGANITE 0 pi ghrp gg gin Sg t k |} 8 § i 3PM. to 7 P.M. k ; J { back yard Deep coppertone steel bowl with to apply. A natural erganic food thet will keep your a : y revolving chrome-plated grill that's adjustable lawn healthy for months. '" ; : : : : Come and See Oshawa's Newest y to a "cook-right" height ! Rubber covered and Most Modern Salon" HH r oe wheels. Sturdy ! Excellent quality Spreading Cart Supplied FREE If Desired ! EVERYONE WELCOME GWYN ROBERTS Graduote of Horper Method ® USE OUR CONVENIENT "LAY-AWAY" PLAN © School in Toronto ond for- RA 8-0662 -- erly sociated with Poul Pogue A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE TILL NEEDED RU ] D LE * If DOWNTOWN : y SHOPPING CENTRE a rden C entre The Mayfair Salon | nameotsrs ZELLER'S LIMITED ue roses' 1015 KING STREET EAST RA 5-1764

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