Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Apr 1960, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 22, 1960 Ultimatum To Trustee Plan Rejected, 5-2, By Council HAMPTON (Staff) <= A motion by 'Darlington Township Counefl- Jor' Fred Smith to give Public Scliol Trustee Robert Cook two months notice to clean up his property and remove house trail- erd he has for sale on his prop erty was Thursday afternoon de- feated when only two of the five members of council voted in Jao of Councillor Smith's mo- After many weeks of legal has sle, Mr. Cook was convicted a couple of weeks ago in Bowman: ville Magistrate's court of keep- ing trailers for sale in a residen- tial area. The charge was laid under the Township Zoning bylaw 2111 and when judgment was handed down, Magistrate R. B, Baxter fined Mr. Cook $8 and assessed cot costs of $3. neéillor Smith, informing council of the decision of the magistrate, said he understand: Mr, Cook has no intention of re- meving the trailers. He sald Mr Cook should be given two months to remove them or be summonsed to eourt again. The legislation and bylaws committee chairman continued requested permission to add an auto body repair shop to his prop: erty and was refused, therefore, Mr, Cook should be ordered to discontinue his business. "You ean't make bones out of one and fish of the other," Coun- ¢lllor Smith continued. Deputy-reeve A. L. Blanchard said he felt Mr. Cook should be given six months notice to get rid of his trailers as he would fn all probability be able to sell them now that summer is com- ing. NOTICE TO REMOVE Seconding Councillor Smith's motion that Mr, Cook be given notice to remove the trailers from his property by July 1, which he pointed out was more than two months, Councillor 8id Cornish , said he felt he should oily be given 30 days to remove them, Reeve Garnet B. Rickard sug gested Mr, Cook should be brought to council and talked to before notice to remove the trail- ers is given him, Only twe councillors, Smith and Cotnish, voted in favor of By-law Plan Is Advanced HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling: ton Township Council Thursday afternoon gave a bylaw to issue debentures in the amount of $75.000 for ofid reading The South - Darlington Area Public School Board requires the $75,000 for the construction and furnishing of four additional elas: rooms, School and two at West Maple| Grove School. Council approved an estimate |able at 6% per cent interest from how he managed to 'dicker" over tives passed it by a vote of 288 |prices after his tender was sub-ito 05 and sent it to President of $50,000 for the construction at a meeting last September when the board requested the four ad- ditional classrooms, but when principal [tenders for construction were | public|opened at the last board meeting. |g, school purposes its first and sec-|it was learned the lowest con-| He also wanted to know why struction was $5000 above what the board was allotted by eouncil. Subject to approval by the On- tario Minieipal Board, the de- additional classroom facilities will be a 20 year debenture pay- 1961 to 1980 inclusive. AT BROOKLIN |that another Darlington resident| forwarding notice to Mr. Cook. Reeve Rickard declared the mo- tion defeated and told council ae. cording to parliamentary proce dure the matter could not be dis cussed further until the next meeting after the motion did not carry. Councillor Objects To Word 'Tender' HAMPTON (Staff) = Darling: ton township ecouneil Thursday afternoon argued over am hour over one word in the minutes of an April council meeting where it was decided to purchase a grader for the township roads depart- met from the Adams Grader Co. Reading the minutes of the last council meeting, clerk Walter KE, Rundle read, council voted to ae. cept the "tender" and purchase an Adams grader without a trade in at a total cost of $26,063. Councillor Sid Cornish contend ed the price paid for the grader] was not the tendered price and should therefore not read 'accep! the tender' in the minutes of the meeting. He pointed out an Adams Co. sales representative offered a 12% per cent reduction in eost of the tendered price verbally after tenders had been opened and discussed. Councillor Cornish said the word "tender" should for that {reason not be used in the min: |utes. He argued they should read "purchase price" or "barter rice," but definitely not "ten: the Adams representative was |able to give the reduction in price without first consulting his {office like other salesmen who Little Man's Complaints | Get Hearing M. MeINTYRE HOOD LJ to The Oshawa Times* NDON -- A man from Den. mark who has a job that is unique, but which might well be instituted with benefit in Canada and other countries, is on a visit to London. He ls Professor Bte- phen Hurtwits. His official title is that of JDarllamentary eommis- sioner or "Ombudsman", and his duties are to inquire into any complaints made into any aspects of public administration. His office, which had its origin in Sweden, was first ereated in Denmark in 1984. The British section of the In. ternational Commission of Jur- ists, of which Lord Shaweross, is chairman, is conducting a study of the extent to which a similar insinution would be desirable and practicable in Britain, Professor Hurtwits is giving this group the benefit of his experience while he is visiting this eountry. WIDE RESPONSIBILITIES At a press conference held in the historic hall of the Temple scon after his arrival, Professor Hur*wtz outlined the wide re- sponsibilities of a high office, which he defined as the idea that 'the man in the street can go to he top instead of from door to oor. Dr. Hurwita defined his title of "Ombudsman", a word with roots going back 1000 years, as "'a man who had a certain duty to his society." No citiven = not even a foreigner «= who feels he has a grievance is outside the all embracing scope of his work, 1650 CASES A YEAR Assisted by five lawyers, one ¢! whom is a former judge, the Ombudsman deals with about Civil Rights Bill Passed submitted tenders for the ma- two at West Courtice bentiure requested to pay for the|chine, would have to do. NO TENDER "What 1 would like to know Is mitted when the others said they were not in a position to alter prices without first consulting their offices," sald Councillor Cornish. "1 would like to see council produce that tender with a price WASHINGTON (CP) « Con. gress completed action on fhe 1960 eivil rights bill Thursday when the House of Representa: Eisanhower, The bill, which aims primarily at helping southern Negroes vote, has been the most time-consum- ing and talked-over issue Con. gress has tackled this year, In Denmark 1000 cases a year. Many com- plaints concern the length of time a legal dispute may have lasted, or the precise interpretation of a particular law. Any person in a mental hospital or a prison can ask to see him at any time of the day or night, and may eorre spond with him, Complaints come from Jeodle who feel they have been illegally arrested or had unfavorable statements made about them by the police, or who would question a doctor's impartiality, "I am unable to do anything about more than half the cases that come to me, They may be social misfits or on the border line of insanity, but I have the impression that many are hi simply by the knowledge that they are permitted access to the man who has authority. I think this is an important sociological aspect," sald Professor Hurwitz, SPRING TIME TABLE Effective APRIL 24, 1960 Buses Will Run On Daylight Time! SERVICE Between OSHAWA and TORONTO Remains UNCHANGED Tickets and Information at OSHAWA Bus Terminal, 18 Prince Street Telephone RA 3.2241 WHITBY Herry Donald Led, IRVINE"S HAVE GONE... ..0n Prices! It's Terrific! It's Sensational! It's Gigantic! . . + Yes, we have gone hog wild, slashing prices to below our cost. Come in . . . look around . . . we guarantee thet you'll gasp with amazement when you see the LOW, LOW price tags , . . on this famous name mer- chandise. Due to the tremendous response last week, and repeated requests we are once again re- dating this sensational Storewide Sale for ® os 0» 4 Sensational National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo: ple has ealled the bill a fraud and said it actually "makes it harder and not easier for Negroes to vote." The bill authorizes federal courts and federal voting refer- ees appointed by the courts to register Negroes to vote in areas where the eourt finds a pattern of discrimination has denied the applicants the right to have their names entered om the rolls of eligible voters. $26,063. There is no such tender. He just said verbally he would sell us 8n Adams for that price," Councillor Cornish 300 Dundes Se. EK Telephone MO 08-3675 Double Club . H olds Meet Ar ede Garnet B. Rickard point. "Face in the Stone," ed out Darlinglon is getting $2000 "The Lincoln Lords," more in department of highways subsidies with the purchase of the machine than eounell eould get on another purchase. He said this $2000 will mean only $3000 difference to the budget. By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT Shute; BROOKLIN -- The United Zeigler; Links Couples Club of the United Halley; "Enter Sleeping," Carp; | Church held its April meeting, in|' Lorena," Frank Slaughter; the Christian education building|' 'Enough Good Men," Mercer; | with the presidents, Mr. and Mrs.|' 'Remembered Death," Agatha John Medland, in the chair. De: | Christie; "The Late Lamented," vations 'were conducted by Mr. |Brown; "Exodus," Leon Uris. Councillor Harold C. Muir sald and Mrs. Don Wick, assisted by| Nom . Fietion: 'Life in My|2* far us tnt Ry atader Vas Mrs. Alfred Wilson. |Hands," Wally Thomas; "hree| concerned he fe ae Hot grat: dev, and Mrs, Moiyn Bulle Agalast (he Widerness." Bri \% 1 Sine ul one woukd e |Collier; "F.Shermat's Summer," b work at the Ontario Hospital, [R. Haig Brown; "Cruising the Sti Sit In the works shed and Whitby, a former employee of Trent - Severn Waterway," Ken.| 2 jo2ton the institution orior fo his induc:\neth M. Wells; "On Foot to the ie he os 4 n Mai tion as assistant minister of Arctic," Syme; 'Cache Lake in Soon ng. 0 5 PP pi Whitby United Churéh. |Country", Rowlands; "Golden|/N® ONY stale A i Irvin Gibson played guitar Se- Longing," Frances Leary. ie poy making 3 he he ou ection, and sang several songs| « ee e purchase one leh Mis. Alfred SWiteon as pia pg Tore of 44 : sthony grader would make $5000 differ- 1st. Ken Arksey led the group. in| Lash "Act One: Hart; "Onlyience in the budget as it was re- ing-song in New England," Roscoe; "'Ad-|ported in one of the newspapers 8 sing-song. ventures Among Birds," Halli-|jet week NEV BOOKS | . Story of Canada,"| Referring again to the argu- A number of new hooks have . ment over the word "tender" In Dgen Yecelved at Braokis Public grin CLUB the minutes, clerk Walter E. brary. Titles are as follows: B i Rundle told eounell he did mot Juvenile Seel'on: "Rebels Ride ee BrvoKln Briase Cun drew it would be in order to at Night, ; Lan Divided, "hat with fhe following results: amend the minutes, but a motion Buckskin Colonist; Bugles in| Mrs. W. Medland, Mrs. Stewart would be in order to change the she ron rh 105; Mrs, Sanderson, Miss For- Yording ls tha minutes of Thurs. Pony Ride," Charlotle Steiner; ibe, mer | Councillor Cornish said he did «Brown Son Farm, Dallo? Heron, 87; Walter Waddell, Jack|f0t want to go axsing Mr. Spear; ow 0 ke olls | Patterson, 82: Mr. and Mrs, John|Rundle's suggestion, but he cer. urniture and Sr othes, raw : Mrs. Barge, Mrs [tainly would not go for that word ing for Fun," "Fun for Boys, "|p 1%: Mrs ' ". "tender" in the minutes. Ir Aida y, Ti%; Mrs. Walter Fun for Girls, Treasury of | wadell, Mrs. W. Lambe, 74%; | on: WORD Hohhies 208 Calis ahs wpne| MIS. D. Thomson, Mrs. Kenneth| 'Deputy-reeve A. L. Blanchard Strange One," Fred Bodsworth; | Holiday, 72; Miss Bovey, Mr. who remained silent for moet of ""The Cat Among the Pigeons,"| arge, 66. the discussion rather heatedly Agatha Christie; "Just Add ART EXHIBIT yy Sows Save how it geet nd J lo Rerton:| Brooklin Art Guild, under the ee er hit mucind the Davenport; "Canal Boy," Marion direction of Instructor Roy Hall, whole thing and buy one of the Greene: "Land of Milk and Ome-{will hold its annual exhibition of other graders. lets," Ken Kraft: "The Lofig Re-|p ain tings Saturday afternoon,| However, I don't want to sit turn," John Craig |Aptil 8, in the Township Hall, here half a day and argue for "Hawai," Merston; "Means to Brooklin. |the gake of one word," said the, an End." John Wilson; dnAiity-reeve. Tins," McConnell; "The Unanoint ; At the suggestion of clerk! ted." Laurence Chinn; ""Trustee| Brooklin Women's Institute Rundle, a motion was carried to from the Téolroom," Neville meeting scheduled to be held use the word "accept the offer" -- ----_|Wednesday, April 27, has been|of the Adams Co. instead of "ac- ghanged ie Tesdar, Avr, = at /ept the tender" of the Adams p.m. in thé townsh.p hall. 0. Escapees Get Extra Terms SUDBURY (CP)--Three prison- ers who escaped Sunday night from Burwash industrial farm, 20 miles south of here, were each sentenced Thursday to six months in Kingston Pénitentiary. Kenneht Raymond Summer- hayes, 24, of Sarnia, Harold Smith, 22, of Simcoe, and Ronald Ferrow, 22, of Tillsonburg also will serve the balanée of their Burwash terms there. They escaped from a ¢olumn being escorted from the auditor- fum to the main building. Smith was recaptured on a side road, Bummerhayes was apprehended two miles sotith of the farm Mon- day and Ferrow surrendered later in the day. Summerhayés had a previous conviction for escaping. He was admitted In February alter being sentenced at Sarnia to one year on a theft charge. STARTING TONIGHT! OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. NOW! Buy These Appliances ut Wholesale Prices! o FRIGIDAIRE o ADMIRAL e PHILIPS ® SYLVANIA @ BEATTY ® MOTOROLA . RAINING CATS and DOGS? No matter, if you're protected from the elements with tight-fitting Roofing materials from BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES. Avoid interior damage due to a leaky roof | Make your home's appearance more attractive! Increase the value of your prop- erty ! Stop in this week to let us give you FREE estimates on the cost of re-roofing your home. | | MATERIALS TO RE-ROOF THE AVERAGE 5-ROOM HOME AS LOW AS $10.00 A MONTH | See us, too, for good-looking Asbestos Sidewall Shingles that will give you a new home at the old address Spring cleaning ? Sure, I'm cleaning up bills x CITIZENS way! (orm rem Our Deliveries are Don't Miss Our 2 FLOORS of sensational bargains Citizens Finance eat arrange FREE, and we'll arrange & loan from $50 to $2500 for any good reason. Now ycu ean step into spring confie dently--with a fast cash loan fo buy new clothes of furs 'flishings, to consolidate old tlebts. It's a great feeling to be spring cleaning" the Citizens way, Easy Budget Terms for any of your Spring home modernization | Irvine Appliances 18 LAID OFF projects LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- About 180 civilian employees at 27 cen- tral ordnance depot in London, Ont., and at Hagersville Wednes- day were given layoff notices. The area civilian personnel offi- cer for Western Ontario division, Timothy Moran, said many of them would be absorbed into sthéer army jobs and into elvil service Jobs such #&8 the depart- ment of veteran's affairs and the post office. |= NEW HOME FINANCING, TOO! BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH DIAL RA 5-4704 OSHAWA, ONT. , MO 8-5821 7 aw ? ---- Ng § : TIZE NS Opens HH Eon They 9 AM to 8 PM Fri fo 5 PM ' Loéns made in Oshawo, Ajax, Pickering and all nearby towns BOND ST. EAST (Next To Union Hall) "RA 8-5841 Loan Offices in all Principal Cities | | | |

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