Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Apr 1960, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Spring's finally here -- contin ning sunny and warm Sature day, winds southwest 10-15. THOUGHT FOR TODAY The richer a person becomes, the more pleasure he can give others by getting into trouble. The Osho Times Authorized as Second Crass Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa TWENTY PAGES URGING AFRICA Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1960 STEELWORKERS BOYCOTT OF S. VOL. 89--NO. 94 |fectiveness PRESIDENT DE GAULLE AT TORONTO CITY HALL THIS MORNING De Gaulle Satisfied With Canadian Visit TORONTO (CP) -- A crowd of|world wars, have stood side by The Toronto crowd, largest of 10,000 cheered French President side wiht my countrymen." the visit, was favored with the de Gaulle as he laid a wreath on| The French president said he best weather of the tour. A cloud- the cenotaph: at City Hall today had been impressed in this tour/less sky and temperatures in the in a 20-minute public ceremony. at the strength, solidarity and /mid-50s provided a sharp con- An hour later he ended his four- resoluteness of the Canadian peo-|trast to the dull, cold weather day Canadian visit, taking off ple. that greeted the French leader from suburban Malton Airport] The airport send-off saw no re-|%% his arrival at Ottawa Mon- for Washington. currence of Thursday's demon- day. Chants of "Vive de Gaulle" stration by a few pro - Arabs| The general spent less than 17 punctuated the wreath-laying and against French policy in Algeria. [hours in Toronto. It was at Mal- 4, presentation by Mayor Phillips| After the ceremony the proces-| 100 arrival that the one jarring| silver tray engraved with th note of the tour took place. Af ay engr: headed down Bay Street fo! iar tie salute an as the! resident boarded his plane, an| ir France super starliffer. {Fahel, Hearty Reception Given De Gaulle WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- dent de Gaulle of France arrived g here at 11:59 a.m. EST from Tor- onto for a four - day state visit and talks with President Eisen- hower. WASHINGTON (AP) -- French President de Gaulle arrives from a four-day tour of Canada 'today for high policy talks with Presi- dent Eisenhower in advance of next month's summit conference in Paris. Eisenhower arranged to greet de Gaulle personally at National airport at noon EST and lead him through a colorful military recep- tion complete with a 21-gun sa dute, Eisenhower then was to escort de Gaulle and his wife in a slow moving motorcade to the official guest house across from the White House where the de Gaulles will stay during their four-day state visit. Thousands of flags 'lined the Ten Thousand Korean Students In Parade | the law "so that is martial law can be lifted as soon possible." | It was the third consecutive resignation of day of demonstrations in Inchon, his election with which is not one of the five Kor- 15 was rigged. The ean cities put under martial law windows in| Tuesday when at least 125 per- Rhee's Liberal{sons were killed in Seoul and other centres in a near-revolt as no bloodshed. Police against the government three blank = shells over| The fight in the National As- Port gemonstrators but other wis e!sembly here started when De- made no attempt to disperse fence Minister Kim Chung-yul, a definite them explaining why the government Korea's followed. a imposed martial law during the scuffle in the Na- rioting Tuesday, said : Assembly here between The students resorted to in- ts of Rhee and deputies describable violence, murdered epresiden ts Liberal police, set fire to police stations and other government buildings small group of ent Sunfuitod pl 3 the adian people "who in ficult times, especially in the two, / of the Middle East and an Arab.| |Others were from Windsor and Toronto. Elsewhere, crowds of up to perhaps 500 clustered at various stops of the general, applauding nd cheering as he was whisked in and out of the legislature building and two hotels during route and thousands of the evening ronment workers were as- About 300 dichards waited un sured of lunch-hour time to crowd |til 11:50 p.m. to see him emerge the sidewalks. from the formal dinner, evidently| Seventeen bands were assigned (weary after a long day but smil- positions on the route and thou-ling and waving, sands of red, white and blue flags French and American--decor- SPEAKS IN FRENCH ated the lamp posts to contribute, The general spoke in French at a festive air to the red carpet|the dinner--an interpreter pro- arrival ceremonies. Units of the vided translation every few sen-| army, navy, air force and Ma- tences--and said two major rea-| rine corps were assigned to par-/sons he had stopped over in Can-| ticipate in the airport ceremonies ada were to reassure himself that| and in the parade. the ties between After his Washington stay ends France were Tuesday morning he will fly to!lo ascertain whether ar New York, San Francisco and this difficult world today New Orleans before leaving the great power on which we country. This is his first visit to rely." the U.S. in 15 years "I am fully satisfied with what Four hours after de Gaulle's I saw," he said arrival' from Toronto Eisenhower| Talks with everyone he had and he were scheduled to start met, from Governor - General the first of a series of pre-summit{Vanier and Prime Minister strategy talks.. On some issues Diefenbaker down, had re-in- they hold sharply differing views. forced this viewpoint was a could Nn {tive and do not advertising them- South nul urged ele _ SEOUL (AP)--A former Korean premier today President Syng man Rhee to manda dump Vice President Elect! 1 Lee Ki-poong, target of anti-gov- ¢houted ernment rioting. He indicated je Rhee is considering action The former premier, Y. T Pyun, spoke with a reporter after headquarter a conference with Rhee at the party end of another tense day during Therp w which 10,000 teen - age students fired demonstrated in the nearby of Inchon. Pyun said Rhee plan for solving political crisis. Pyun, formerly a close asso- ciate of Rhee, has become in- creasingly critical of the govern ment's domestic policies. Now an ""' English professor, Pyun has been Party mentioned as a possible member of a reshuffled cabinet the election result, a new again to obey thin 40 days also on as e Inchon for the declaring March mashed four demonstrators this hee outh of ith ™ The five-r demonst minute 1al ation opponen rem th Minor reported fev student in gatherings were : two other cities. ATMEMBER PROTESTS Teak . hundred high school students "Tell the truth! Retract your WOULD CAUSE VOTE to organize a march at|statement!" shouted Chang Taek Should Lee step aside A NeW Kyongju, 200 miles southwest of sang, an independent election must be called within 40 Seoul, "and a crowd of 50 youths Lee Pil:ho ok the opposition days according to the election i ind to stave a demonstration at Democratic party rushed to the laws. Should the supreme court|yyi 150 miles southeast of the cap- rostrum and shoved Kim. Others Both efforts were broken up dashed up, trying to calm Lee. CITY EMERGENCY police without difficulty. Shouting and confusion followed PHONE NUMBERS QUIET IN SEOUL A Yecess Yas walled snd orden The general public was quiet in| 'The assembly, in which the Lib-| POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 tried s by recess Seoul, though there were rumors|erals hold 151 of the 231 seats, | that university students planned {formed a 20-man committee to another big protest Saturday investigate the national It R the gravest in- also voted to give 20 per cent of nal his 12 April salary to the families of to his people those killed in the riots, crisis ee, facing crisis appeal te ¢ years ts office, ed acards eriti-!a Leader of the group was lIssa|well remove two links" in a chain 36, of London, Ont., alof. Bomarc defences being devel- member of the Canadian Friends|oped by the United States. Open U.S. Split On Air Defence WASHINGTON (CP) -- The|of the populated areas uncovered commander of the Canada-United|by Bomare." States air defence system and the, «A year ago we counted on head of the U.S. defence depart- keeping track of all aircraft in| ment have split openly on the ef-/ North American air space and ef- of North American fectively assigning long - range enemy air at- atomic weapons to those we knew were hostile by a secure com- mand and control system of solid state computers known as hard- ened (underground) 'Sage super- combat centres. "In the past few weeks the hardened super - combat centre| program has been cancelled. Soft Save (above-ground radar warn- ing and alerting system), with subcommittee that current U.S. which we are left, does not have programs and plans lead him to the capacity to hagdle both civil- "far less encouragement and opti- ian and military air traffic and mism" than a year ago. {thus greatly reduces our ability to differentiate between friend and| "DEFENSIVE ISLAND" " Two years ago he had counted on plang for 40 Bomarc anti-air- NOT FAILURES, TIMING craft missile sites, to be backed! Gates, countering Kuter's Te- up by the proposed F-108 fighter marks, told reporters the main defence against tack. Defence Secretary Thomas S. Gates told a press conference Thursday he believes the general U.S. defence situation is '""in good shape" and that he feels 'very good about it." But Gen. Laurence S. Kuter, chief of the North American Air Defence Command, told a Senate Four-year-old Stellakis Par- Labor Congress Lead Suggested MONTREAL (CP) -- Canada's|The 1,150,000 - member CLC largest single union--the 80,000- meets here next week. member United Steelworkers of [America -- today called on the] CAPETOWN (Reuters)--About [Canadian Labor Congress to 1,000 troops and police raided a launch a boycott of all South | Negro township near here today [African goods coming to Canada and arrested 340 Negroes as in protest against apartheid. South Africa's white government | Tn 'an ethergeney résolution the continued its drive to stamp out national ay conference of the opposition to its strict segregation |steelworkers' union expressed pe CY. . | "profound shock and indignation"| Seven armored cars patrolled lat racial events in South Africa. the Slrcets of Langa Township, | sal rks one of the main trouble spots in adhe steslvorker d legates the last month of racial unrest, |ister Diefenbaker should go to Nomror? and police rounded up the forthcoming Commonwealth] . : : | prime ministers' conference with Police said they also had seized | |the view that South Africa with|20,000 sticks, clubs, iron bars and SPITAL which is not performed in his homeland. Although he walked a bit unsteadily in his first out- ing since the operation, he took several turns up and down the hallway. AP Wirephoto) |apartheid should get out of the knives. |Commonwealth. The Negroes arrested will be | "We extend our fullest sym-| charged with illegal residence, |pathy to the victims of the apar- V2grancy and not possessing |theid policies of the South Afri-| identification passes, police said. |can government and condemn| Troops sealed off single men's |that government for its vicious, quarters as the police moved in. {cruel and inhuman repression of A number of young women seized legitimate African claims to jus-/in the bachelor quarters were de- tice and freedom," said the reso-|tained. {lution, passed unanimously by the 0 ola ¥ 2 H1%| ARRESTS EXCEDE 2,000 The arrests brought to more The conference decided to ask |all provincial labor federations to|than 2,000 the number of persons a iy REN taken into custody since the gov- press their provincial liquor com- orn ment declared a state of missions to stop buying South| oon March 30 followi {African wine -- a major item of gency Jlare oLowing {trade from: South 'Afriea to Can. |Dloody clashes between. police and |ada Negroes demonstrating against LONDON (Reuters)--Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong Jones will spend. their honeymoon cruising the Caribbean aboard the royal yacht Britannia, it was announced here today. The couple will board the 4,700- ton Britannia soon after their May 6 wedding in Westminster Abbey. The 29-year-old princess and the 30-year-old former photog- capher will embark in the royal yacht at the pool of London late {in the afternoon of their wedding day, a statement issued Seat Sale Slow For | Wedding He said by the time two Cana- dian Bomarc stations are in- stalled at North Bay and Mont Laurier, Que., the country will have spent approximately $15, 000,000 on this form of defence. "The Bomare chain will supple- ment other means of protecting industrial centres and the Strate- gic Air Command bases, which are the main forces c" retaliation and therefore the main deterrent to war." WARY S. AFRICANS 'Safety' Vests Being Ordered ut LONDON (Reuters) -- Tailor|automatic revolver or pistol shot|seats on the processional route Leonard Barratt said today his|at six yards. for Princess Margaret's wedding order-hook is full from clients in| The 'standard vest weighs 20|are going begging--at South Africa wanting bullet-proef pounds, but his clients recently--|to £25. vests. |including several in South Africa| The initial rush of inquiries, He has been kept busy in his|--have requested a lighter ver-imainly by Americans, threatened speciality work by requests for|sion, which he has constructed, swamp ticket agencies who armored vests since the outbreak|from a specially - treated steel have about 2,000 seats along the of South Africa's race troubles, (alloy. route, but so far they haven't Barratt said in the exclusive Lon-| Barratt said he once made a|heen followed up by hard cash. don tailor's shop where he works. | bullet-proof vest for Italian dic-| voy can walk into any of a Most customers are unknown to|tator Mussolini. Employees of|half,. dozen agencies and pick him by name, Barratt said. They [private and public companies and (from hundreds of seats. usually send their requirements banks in Cyprus called on his by mail or personal representa-|services during the Mediter- ranean island's five-year crisis, South America has been a good source of orders because of its revolutions and Barratt has sent more than 500 of his vests to the Middle East, For Mexico, Barratt sends out travelling at some 1,800 miles an|reason why Bomarc deployment hour. Plans for the F-108 now has been reduced is not because have been cancelled. And instead |of the numerous failures in Bo- of 40 Bomarc sites, there would|marc-B missile tests but because be only enough to provide "lim-|of the length of time it would| thenopoulos strolls along hos- ited cover in a defensive island |take to develop a mew type of pital corridor today in his first in the northeast, leaving the rest electronic computer that would| walk since delicate heart sur- have been linked with hardened| gery three days ago. The lor underground Sage, semi-auto-| Greek youngster was flown to Bomber Force {matic ground environment. | New York for the - operation, | This new computer, which he| described as an "in'ven tion," | Bomarc eason would take so long to perfect that |it was questionable whether it VICTORIA (CP)--The Bomarc|would be completed in time to be anti-aircraft missile will have|of efficient use especially when served its purpose when Russia the evidence points to a reduc- no longer has bombers, Defence tion im the future enemy bomber Minister Pearkes said Thursday. threat. al our flefence Joters today . 'es different," he said in an in- 2 tFview. canada camo vers: Another Montreal "gy Gangland Killing MONTREAL (CP)--Provincial | police said Thursday the Mont- |real underworld has probably added another victim to its lengthy list. Det.-Lt. Gaston Archambault, head of the provincial police homicide squad, said a man whose body was found Wednes- day was shot in true gangland fashion. he expects most seats to be oc- cupied May 6. 'But it is remark- able that so many tentative in- quiries. for seats have not been followed up." INTEREST FLAGGED selves, Barratt, who has been making armored clothing for 40 years, said thdt, apart from the orders from South Africa, the demand] for such clothing has been dropping. lan extended vest designed to GARMENT GUARANTEED {handle the sudden upward knife ratt said his hand - made|thrust or an attacker expert at vests are guaranteed to stop an'throwing knives. LATE NEWS FLASHES Unemployment Claims Higher OTTAWA (CP) The number of claimants for unem- ployment insurance edged upwards during March to 823,000 at month's end from 814,200 on Feb. 29, the bureau of statis- tics reported today. The total, including 248,500 claimants for special seasonal benefits, was seven per cent higher than the 766,900 claimants a year earlier. agency was even more amazed. "IM is astonishing. This morning I rang 12 people who had in quired for. reserved seats im- imediately after the wedding an- |nouncement and 11 of them were no longer interested." He 'says none gave reasons for the change of mind. 'Five Canadians 'Die In France FORBACH, France (Reuters)-- | Four RCAF airmen were Killed] and a fifth received fatal injuries| {today when their car crashed| {into the wall of a building on a {main road near here. Police identified three of the |dead as LAC John Frank La- (pointe, 27; LAC Rene Joseph Tur-| pin, 23, and LAC Terence Andrew | | Winston, 25. Another serviceman in the car Ba Mayor In Serious Condition PEMBROKE (CP) Mayor Angus J. Campbell remained in serious condition in General Hospital here today after collapsii:z in his office Thursday. He was taken by ambulance to hospital Railway Dispute Hearing Set MONTREAL (CP) Public conciliation hearings of Can- ada's biggest labor-management dispute--the railway non-op- erating contract squabble involving $65,000,000 a year in higher wages--is to start here May 9, it was learned today. Mr. Justice J W. B. Milvain of Calgary, chairman of the three- man conciliation board, met with railway and union officials today to line up a timetable for the hearings, S. African Censorship Denied CAPETOWN (AP) Justice Minister Francois Erasmus told Parliament teday that dispatches sent from South Africa by foreign correspondents are not subject to censorship. was treated for serious injuries. The RCAF identified two of the dead men as LAC Rene Joseph | Turpin, 21, son of Rodolph J.| Turpin, Cyrville, Ont.,, and LAC Jean Francois Lapointe, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs: Walter Lapointe of Bathurst, N.B. The names of the other men in- {volved in the accident were not immediately released. | | prices up|---- Carib Honeymoon On Royal Yacht [35 Persons Clarence House, of the princess, said. | closed. BEING PAINTED present being repainted. |type of weather likel |wedding day. fromi on the basis of past records the weather | British | showers, bit sunny periods, of everything, But the experts at the London|g weather centre who studied everyman woman not any stiff predictions--|was pilot of the airliner, which [tive of the one-time U.S. presi May 6 for 52 making they are years are simply of weather, Odds are even that be slight rain, It's 6 to 1 agains it being sunny all day and 8 to against it being wet all day. An official of the Keith Prowse: agency, one of the biggest, says}: A spokehman for another § London home Court circles said no further] information or details regarding the honeymoon would be dis- The 413-foot Britannia is ata mountain in the Belgian Congo| in Portsmouth drydock|early today, killing all 35 persons Meanwhile, there was specula- tion in London surrounding -the| y for the| should be typically| some overcast -- generally a toting up the| odds against any particular type fore taking off, airport there will|cause of a defect in the radio their seats. ("Phe union backed the CLC {n/18Ws requiring them to carry : : |identification passes. its demand to the Canadian gov-|™"5,ctjce Minister Francois Eras ernment to stop "shillyshallying" | on the South African question, Wie Told the House of Assetibly 1,451 Negroes and 24 colored (mixed blood) pérsons had been arrested under the emergencd.'" regulations. A , which 0 force for main centres the Sharpeville police sh which 67 Ni Ne" {for arrests "in the interest public safety." | The arrested persons 2an be theld without trial. Executive Murdered PASADENA, Calif. (AP) -- A missile company executive was Congo|hludgeoned to death in bed as he slept Thursday after a bitter {quarrel with his wife over , |whether she had been raped, or -- were Belgians. |unfaithful, police said. at possibly one Ger-| Dead is William Howard Taft, 1 was aboard. (38 an Aerojet-General Corpora- A Briton, Richard Whiteside, |tion executive and distant rela- 7 dle of, Killed In Air Crash BRUSSELS (AP) -- A Belgian |airliner crashed near the top of] aboard. The Sobelair Airlines said its >-4 was destroyed in the crash at Bogor, near Bunia, about 110 yards 'from the summit of a |mountain." It was bound for '|Bunia, in the northeast near Lake. Albert. A sp kesman said most of the victims--28 passengers and seven crew members e added th left Brussels Wednesday. Just be-|dent of the same name. sources| In critical condition from a |said, the plane taxied back be-|massive dose of tranquillizers -land loss of blood was his wife, d| Martha Ann, 30. Police said she leaving|slashed her wrists with a kitchen knife after killing Taft. t{tem but the trouble was fis 1{without the passengers FLAG FOR DE GAULLE Little 5%, holds the flag he tried to give to President de Gaulle of ] Dennis' Perrier, France in Toronto this morn- ing. The from making the npresenian | tion" by Constable H. J. Blythe (left) and Corporal J. Webster of the RCMP. --(CP Wirephoto) S. lad was prevented D.

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