Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Apr 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 22, 1960 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12. 1----Accountants MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and '0., Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford. Hon, J W. Monteith, FCA, MP; A. B. Mon- eith, B. Comm., CA; G, W. Riehl, CA RIA; G. E. Trethewey, CA: R A Lightfoot, CA; RA 5.3527, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 5 T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- fied Public Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5-3509 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, RUNTER, and, Co, Accountants and Auditors, | icénced Trustee in Bankruptcy. 64 King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, | A' F Friedlander, B. Comm. PA. | BOP CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | Services offer complete bookkeeping | services for small business 184 Bond Street West, Room 1. Office' RA 5.0397. | Hesidence RA 3-7605. 2--Barristers McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, | Solicitors. Clients' funds available for | first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North. | RA 5.3566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC JOHN A. MacDONALD, BA. Barris ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street | North. Phone RA 8.8511 HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris ters, Solicitors: R. D. Humphreys, QC; | G. E. Boychyn, BA; A. Hillman, | LIB; 6 King Street West. Phones: | Office, RA 5-1177; Res. RA 5-4604 or | Whitby, MO 8-276. Money to loan | THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli-| citor and Notary Public, 26% King Street East. Phone RA 8-1763 | Z. T SALMERS, BA, barrister, solici-| tor. etc. 13% Simcoe Street North Office RA 5-3741: Residence RA 5-5542 BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici- tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 59592. Resi- ence, RA 8-0264 RALPH JONES, BA, and H. Greer, Associate Barristers "Thomas and CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.92 it not paid within 7 days the Charge rote will apply Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent Insertions ordered at a later date constitutes @ new original order 225 248 Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.00 per month Each initial letter abbreviation, $ ond c sign, figure, count os @ word. Box charge 15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of publication, Office Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa Times shall not be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any odver- tisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification In the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more spoce than that in which the actual occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce oi fvertising matter correctly but assumes tiahility if" any inaccuracies in any form ot advertisement are contoined therein, no 13--Gardening & Supplies 17--Money to Loan HEN manure, $6 per load; horse nure. $8 per load, two-yard loads. 5-7297 CEDAR trees for hedges, guaranteed to live. Any size -- delivered. Plant. ing done. Free estimate. MA 3-3935. $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loan on First and Second Mortgages, Agree- ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residen- tial and industrial, city, sub- urban and country, and sum- mer cottages. Oshawa Acceptance Corpora- tion Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone: RA 5-3568 LANDSCAPING SERVICES treated, field nursery top soil, gravel, sand Complete service. Weed Free estimates, Weed sod, fill control ED KNOWLTON wi %MONEY TO LOAN NEW BUSINESS 32--Articles Wanted {36--Female : Help Wanted WANTED -- Grill, propane gas. Please call Bowmanville, MA 3-7193. TELEPHONE LISTINGS WANTED -- old pistols and revolvers. Telephone RA 5 PIANO -- small or medium size, cash, RA 5-3744. NEWCASTLE SPRING SPECIAL DRY CLEANERS COLD WAVES $5! AND LAUNDERERS Daily Pick-up & Delivery FOR APPOINTMENT RA 8 5677 JACK LAL SEGERS ™ RA 8-0912 RA 5-6047 18--Loan Wanted WANTED someone to buy mortgage of $5500. Urgent. Call 5-3166. first RA HARDSAND OSHAWA MODERN GRILL TREE EXPERTS RA 5-3887 LANDSCAPING Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soil - Sod - Manure Flagstone - Patio Slabs RA 5-1721 18a--Mortgages rinse. Mecond mortgages bought and I, 209 Brock Street South, Whitby, MO 8-5322; OLiver 5-471 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS MORTGAGES ARRANGED BOUGHT and SOLD TOP GRADE SANDY LOAM RA 51905 SPRING CLEANING Lawn fertilizing citors, 130 King Street East RA Mortgage loans available. JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, barrister, | Vicitor. Money to loan, Office 264A King Street st, Oshawa. RA 8.8232.) Residence 5-3405. |W DODDS, Barrister | E King Street East. |w RA 5-5501; Resi-|w FE RA DONALD BLAKE nd Solicitor. 26% Bus. ness, IMODERN bo GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar sters, Solicitors and Notaries Public. |Sc Street East, RA 5-4717, Russell | and James A. MacDonald A. CAMERON, barrister, solici i Notary Public. 18% King Street] RA 9. NHA and private | GREER JOHN or ar in A- anged a Kelly, Barristers Simcoe Street Residence phones: | Sc, RA 5-3368 WL A, BCL. RA 8-583 SWARTZ. Barrister, Notary. Money to loan. Asso Vv Mackey, BA, Henry King Street East. RA 3-4697 RA 3-4029. FRASER, DRYNAN and Barristers, Solicitors, No- Bank of Commerce Bldg North, RA 3.3466; T. K N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K Murdoch. NHA mort. and Solici NANNING F ciate Bruce Re CREIGHTON MURDOCH ta P e Street Qc G. L ranged 4--Dentists T. SCIUK, Office hours 9 to 6 evenings by appointment. 25 ye Street South. Phone RA 5-2223.| G 5--Nursing Services | REGISTERED nurses required part time, live in or out. No objection to elderly persons. Phone Newcastle 444 ACCOMMODATION available or patients, at Southaven Nursing TV lounge, fully licensed, grad- nurse in charge. Phone Newcastle | full or| PORT PERRY Oldsters "A home Tray service and bed care. Private lounge and TV. For particulars YUkon 5-7967 WILL to one elderly "give "bed care patient, preferably male. Nice, quiet ocation by the lake, private home, references if desired. Inspection invited between 9 to 4, Monday to Friday. $125 monthly. Write Box 519, Oshawa Times | ALL Phone Ltd guaranteed South. | py ASTERING and repairs off. 3-4871 REMODELLING 8--Building Trades building repairs, roofing avestrough, chimneys, fireplaces, alks, Stoops. RA 8.0394, AVESTROUGHING and flashing ork guaranteed, immediate attention, ith reasonable rates. RA 8.5788. LL types framing, finishing and alterations. T H RA 8.8841. Free estimates plumbing and heating RA 5.3521, Harold plumbing, heating and g 255 Simcoe Street South 1 PAINTING. an, Roxatone Free cup pards hyndei, R. Stark engineer decorating by trades No job too small estimates, RA 38-6617 archways Abram RA remodelling Free estimates Road A 162 Harmony North CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery "RA 8-8951 HOME IMPROVEMENTS -ADDITIONS REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS Floors WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30 TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.O. BOX 329 6--Optometrists € H. TUCK, RO., optometrist. PR EY pa accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Phone RA 5-4587 Bu {10--Sharpening Ser BY Oshawa's largest, Toronto | ening and rental service full-time, rk. RA 3-3224 "RICHARD BLACK, Dr. « the examination of eyes, of Optom. contac , 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), | FOR RENT -- corner evenings by appointment, RA 3-419. |g [TT --Business Opportunities | mates. RA 3.2997 suitable Simcoe store, any business, central, Street, parking. RA 5-008] or RA 5.9544. 7--Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, Ontario rveyors ing 12 Bloor DONALD H 1 Survey RA 5-688 G. T. HORTON and ario Land Surveyors, c 306 Dundas Street West, ke land Street East, RA 5-5632.| TROLLOPE or, 216 Adelaide Ave | on and Associates, On Professional En Whit. 85091, Ajax a Building Trades O0OFING, chimneys, "fireplaces, eaves building repairs, new and old| RA 8-5180. FA 5-6105 | PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings. | frctures, new and used, changing from sentic tank to sewer a specialty. In| ations at reasonable rates. Infor: | t and estimates free on any type Dial RA 5.4241. J. Foley ALL kinds of building and repairs. | k en cupboards, recreation rooms, | ca ambing commercial blueprint- | Aug aNE RA 8-1629, |FOR SALE -- 5 HP garden tractor with|Co. roto-tiller 275 |13--Gardening & Supplies |CHESTERFIELDS "interested in working about e acre, good fertile soil. Contact own- Ontario|er at 1042 King Street East or call RA aio ate E.|8-5047 % removal and trimming. For free ps. Call Oshawa Tree Experts " weed cutter, Oshawa 10" plough sh. Write Box #5. Time COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Gardens ploughed, disced, landscaping, wood cut, trees removed RA 8-1798 estimates garages, concrete and block work. Free FRENCH, RA 56937 Dunphy roofing and sidings, | repairs. Workmanship fully guar | RA 53-7780 CARPENTER ng, kitchen repairs guaranteed WELL DRILLING | GERALD FULTON| we can quar- anteed work, framing, cabinets, custom Mortgages arranged RA A 3-3579, trim- | work | "eh All| work contract water PHONE RA 5-4067 DODD & SOUTER PAINT WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS tree estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 07 Byron St. S., Whitby PRECAST SIDEWALK SLABS Steel Reinforced Quality Guaranteed Prompt Delivery BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLIVER 5-3311 antee FOR COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE CALL OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING RA 8-6366 xpert Garden Planning Free Estimates Ex GARDEN SUPPLIES SO-GREEN EVERGREEN TURF SPECIAL GARDEN SPECIAL MILORGANITE SHEEP MANURE BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS HUMILIZER 1 ROSE BUSHES SHRUBBERY LAWN SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS BUG KILLERS DAILY DELIVERY Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST RA, 3-2312 side- | Gordon May All Van supplies. | Work |anytime. John Lauda, | FURNITURE sharp- |only Lawnmowers, | Painting. RA 5-7297 Burk Street. |Saws, etc. Call Stan's, corner King and | YOUR local chimney Coll Bill Swarbrick RA 5-6544 RA 5-8342 |T9--Personals White grub treatment Lawn OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE power rolling Experienced in trimming, re- moving and trankplanting. RA 8-1629 FREE ESTIMATES Bar-b-Qued Chicken, Fish and Chips, Hamburgers, 12-ineh Hot Dogs -- We Deliver. PIANOS -- 10, any make or size, Will pay cash, State make and price. Write 331, Oshawa Times. aE USED ice skates, good shape, any kind, a stacy, Stan's, corner King and Burk. 3-3224. for| 43--Wanted to Rent Te three. DUE to barbecue chicken we. need to our E party house, in Simcoe North area young women for P ie Barbecue, Park Road W CAR hostess, married woman pre- ferred. Apply in person, 1327 Simcoe Street 'North, RELIABLE person required for house- keeping duties in doctor's home. Must by June 30. Two grown children. Phone RA 8-5203. WANTED to rent -- garage, suitable to do body work, no painting, between Oshawa and 'Whitby. M MO 8-5170. THREE bedroom house, central lo- cation, by May 1 or June 1. Two chil dren, Reasonable rent. Phone RA 80773 be fond of children, Private room and bath. Excellent salary, References re-| quired. Telephone RA 3-3380. heck pay $10 and up for 1948 ( silver dollars, also certain type "47 .R 5.5227. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, also scrap iron and metals, efc., bought, Open Saturday all ay. Phone A 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. DUMONT ALUMINUM RA 8-165] for information | or interview. ENVOY FOOD SERVICE Food At Your Door RA 5-8978 WE DELIVER Barbecued chicken, hamburg ers, cheeseburgers, mil shakes. Fish and chips 45¢ 25¢ delivery charge. BARLOW MOTORS 428 KING WEST QUALITY USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD RA 8-6175 28--Summer Resorts Jan Prinzen Did It! He is in business for himself, Licenced mechanic general repairs, for service SUPERTEST THE VERY BEST SERVICE Visit JAN'S GARAGE (Albert and Athol) RA 5-8371 | TRAN PORTATION wanted to own. | town Toronto, leaving 7.00 - 7.30 a gd | Telephone RA 5 5- 7279. RA 3-3222 COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES |SAVE money, no waiting, free park- % D wg at D. Bruce's Mobile Barbershop, LANDSCAPED DESIGN Maple Grove Inn, stationary. Open 8-7 LAWN FERTILIZER with ALDRIN daily _except Wednesdays and d Sundays HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), mailed post paid in plain sealed en- velopes with price list. Six samples, 25 cents; 24 samples, $1.00, Mail Order Dept. A-11, Nov-Rubber Co.,, Box 91, |Hamilton, Ont. Spreader Loan) VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 miles east of Oshawa on |wHY feel old? Ostrex Tonic Tablets Highway Nc |help thousands of men, women feel younger. Make three-day test. MA 3-5757 |69c. At all druggists. BOWMANVILLE | SPRING CLEAN-UP FERTILIZING, ROLLING SODDING, SEEDING, NURSERY STOCK COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE HOLLAND NURSERY ond LANDSCAPING RA 5-7442 14--Household Repairs [PAINTING sonable prices, workmanship " 2 HYPNOSIS Can help you relox, Sleep better. Lose weight. Stop Smoking. Gain confidence. Solve your intimate problems. THE INSTITUTE OF ETHICAL HYPNOSIS 11 Ontario St. Oshawa RA 8-0171 ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair. Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, May 3rd end 4th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates or appointment. --|20--Cartage r and exterior, rea- | quality and clean estimates. Call RA 5 4452. PAINTING and decorating, interior |and exterior, Best quality materials, | color harmony guide for your use. Free estimates. Call Whitby, MO 8-4789 rpaired and ~ re-uphol- our materials for re-cover- Dalton, 75 Charles Street, inter first Free MOVING, evenings and weekends, have small truck. MO 8-5498 GALT CARTAGE, furniture and "appli- ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully insured. Call day or night. RA 5-4498. 21--Personal Service ATTENTION! windows cleaned, storms removed. Call Mike for service, rea- sonable rates. RA 8-5045 after 5. WALL and window cleaning service. Ralph Gardner, RA 8-8587. DRIVING to Toronto, leaving Oshawa at 7 am. Anyone interested, kindly phone RA 5-6160. foundation garmen dividually designed. Also Spirella. Rex. istered corsetier, Mrs. John Hender- shot, 208 Park Road North | stered. See {ing. Bruce R |RA 212 papered, $8 | Gyproe applied ig | labor | also and up, seamless, cleaner. Chim- neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- |= {FURNITURE repaired and re.uphol-| stered. See our materials for re-cover-| ing Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. | RA [LAWNMOWER & ENGINE SALES & SERVICE and old chairs re covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe "|22--Radio & TV Repairs ETT Thompson Electronics, enue. RA 3.9792 (Fred) SERVICE OPERATORS ASSOCIATION HALIMAR, Highlands of Haliburton----Friendly modern Summer and Winter ATRO resort with extensive . sandy beach on Lake Kashagawig- omog, near golf course. Bountiful meals and varied sports including water skiing. Contact Bruce Marion Henry, Haliburton, All makes 157 Elliott Av- CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON--METALS PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL RA 5.3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 54159 100 ANNIS STREET DAY WAITRESS, full or part time. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. 37--Male Help Wanted er for body shop. Top rates, Must be fast and willing to work overtime and shift work. RA 5.6650 immediately. MEN, WANTED, experienced painter's help- v |44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent room, self-contained apartment with bath, stove, refrigerator, water, hydro and heat inclu room, bedroom and bathroom, kitchen. ette, electrically equipped, laundry fa. cilities, parking. Apply 254 Athol East, Apt. 1 N, type $400 per month plus bonus. No experience necessary, training THREE - room i ariment, newly ve. private plece bath, plan. Our qualifications are high. We want only the best for a career position, Write Box 427 Oshawa Times and in- clude telephone number. All replies confidential, PAINTER and Decorator -- If you are a neat, clean, craftsman, bondable, | married, own a vehicle, and are able {to supply local references as to your | ability and you want to work, you can {name your own hourly rate. Reply stat- |ing your qualifications to Box 438, Osh- {awa Times EXCELLE "NT opportunity for semi- | retired man in collection agency in Osh- awa area, Must be fully experienced in finances and collections. Bondable. Re- ply stating experience and references to Box 639, Oshawa Times. USED electric hot water tank, good 34-----Auction Sales AUCTION SALE 30 High Cattle Tractor Holstein ( Grade Team Horses, ase Implements, Hay, Groin, Furniture Property of Mel Morgan 35. Con mile north April Sale lot 5, Darlington of Taunton, on Terms o'cloc Harvey Pascoe, clerk Ted Jackson, auctioneer Sat rd Cast at one 35--Employment Wanted sires any type of work, good worker, Telephone MO 85-2578 or 8-4187 28a--Trailers TWENTY four hour trailer service and accessories. L, P. Ranges. Lamps Heaters. Oil burner service. Drain kits, hoses, jacks, etc. Miller, 9 Tudor St Ajax. WHitehall 2-3491 (In co-operation with the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) TV-HI-FI, AERIALS Dean Kelly TV. .RA 5-5121 Earl Fowler TV. RA 5-1685 Parkway TV RA 3-3043 Mel Pollard TV. .RA 3-9512 Premier TV RA 5-1179 TV Enterprises . .RA 5-2905 APPLIANCE SERVICES Jack Christie RA 5-1179 Lodwick Electric RA 5-6369 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted BUILDING lot, 50 x 328 feet, on Lake. shore, Oshawa, Stone Street, for sale or trade for summer cottage. Phone RA 5 -- Winterized cottage on on Trent River near Hasti television | to order Only $35.00, 8-4676. ACCOUNTANT, office credit | RIA degrees, nine years' desires change. Whitby, Ajax or Osh- awa districts. MO 8-5123 or 6-8756. WANTED sitting on or near Oshawa Boulevard Phone RA 8-0157 Fast service. Call 'manager, mother works, fenced-in yard 8-3148 YOUNG man with driver's licence de- willing | MO BLUE PRINTS,any size house drawn by experienced draftsman. MO experience, | EMpire | --by reliab le woma n, baby- . WILL mind children in my home while | Mo | . |rdien RA 3.7379 [PART time bodyman, for evenings and Saturdays, Dial RA 3-2268 btween 6 and 7 pom RULIABLE man for service station help in Whitby, Experienced helpful Reply in writing, stating age, experi {ence and salary expected to Box 431. RALEAMAN ~ to sell fast moving line lof bookkeeping syste must for | every small business, exceptionally | high commission See Don. Armstrong, {at the Hilltop, for details. RA 8.6891. | DISTRICT MANAGER OPPORTUNITY CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION | has an opening for an ex- | perienced Life Underwriter to manage and further develop the Ontario County Area from our Whitby Office. Write in strict confidence, stating Education ond exper- ience to -- | AVAILABLE im hree Must see to appreciate, Free parking, RA 5-8352. FURNISHED _ housekeeping room for one or two girls, close to hospital and downtown. Apply 99 Brock Street West after 6 p.m. TWO unfurnished rooms, private bath, other conveniences, couple only, end. RA 3.7052 after 6 p.m, THREE room, furnished basement apartment, separate bathroom, private home, central. Phone RA 3-9800. mmediately, three rooms and bath, with additional privileges. Brooklin, oL 5-3634. TWO room "apartment | plus bath, "pri vate, furnished, suit gentlemen willing to share; twin beds, Phone RA 35-7854 after 4.30 SIX room house for rent, close to North GM plant, garage. Apply 262 Rit- son Road North THREE unfurnished rooms, Oxford Street, off Mill THREE or four rooms, unfurnished, private bath and entrance. Apply 539 Albert Street. RA 8.1178 THREE - room, self-contained apart- | ment, street level, water, heat and |1aundry facilities. Telephone RA 51767, ATTRACTIVE basement apartment, heated, electric stove, optional, 129 Windsor Avenue. Apply in person, Fri- day after 5, or Saturday. Available May 1 SIX - room house on King Street E. All conveniences. Available anytim: $90 monthly. Responsible people only. RA 3.7189 THREE - room, self-contained ap: ment, ground floor, also one apartment with kitchenette, |floor, central, adults only. Phone RA 5-3352. FOUR unfurnished rooms, heat, hot water, very clean, private entrance, possession May 1, couple only. 203 King Street West, 11 a. 0 7 p.m. TWO - room furnished apartment, sink, Apply 361 JOHN E. HARRISON, C.L.U, Divisional Manager, 1668 Avenue Road, Toronto 12, Ontorig .| "ARE YOU INTERESTED 1 | | | in establishing yourself in a selling career, with a 'ong |36--Female Help Wanted aerial, hydro, garage, two boats, RA 5-4887. RICE Lake -- three furnished cottages, refrigerators . and boats, Roseneath. Reply to Box 804, Oshawa Times, Whit- by. Star Repair RA 5-7743 Warner Willioms RA 5-3531 WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL CHARGE CREDIT CARDS |WOMEN WANTED, full or to take dealerships advertised product in your "part time, area. Big commission. Send name, den Ave., Scarboro, Ont. 30--Lost & Found LOST ~ Scotch Collie, male, white, tan and black. Child's pet. Tattoo in right ear, HWR2H. Reward. RA 8- 31--Articles For Rent RENTALS We believe that you can "do- it-yourself" and save lots of time and money, but you cannot. afford to own seldom used, and sometimes expen- sive items. Our aim is to have for you to rent, ot a reasonable rate, every kind of tool or equipment to do proc. tically pverything! DISTRIBUTORS FOR: SARNIA SAFWAY SCAFFOLDING in OSHAWA and DISTRICT WE RENT NEARLY ATTENTION T.V. OWNERS SPECIAL 40 ft. towers with all wave antenna. Complete installa- tions for $59.50 ond $5.00 alowonce for your old an- tenna. ANOTHER SPECIAL PICTURE TUBES as low aos $29.95 with one year factory warranty. Up to $6.00 allowance for your old picture tube. T.R.10. TELEVISION 174 BOND ST. E RA 8-6781 |Street North, Call RA 8-6451 for a free Go-Cort Engines & Rotor Til- lers. Used Engines Bought and Sold. Authorized Clinton, Lauson Power Products, Pin- dor Service., 81 Central Park CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, ~ recovered, | {like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. | Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery | | | EVERYTHING -- CALL: 23--Women's Column | / SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $8.50, | STAN S Cold wave $6.00. Page Hairdressing, | 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5-5363. Sharpening & Rental Service 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA| 5-031 Blvd. S. Phone RA 5-4633. 25--Pets and Livestock | 227 King St. W. RA 3.3224 A CLEAN home is a Free consultation, work {no publicity Reliable {products and . services for all needs. | | 464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or {ox 4-1946 or Phone C laremont 836R11. tl | FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE M. Mackie Co. Ltd RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service-- $7 labor plus parts "happy home. guaranteed, exterminators, 22--Radio & TV Repairs SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT--DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 Al Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS FAST TV SERVICE Pix Tubes $28 ond up CALL LOU--RA 8-5804 TOWERS INSTALLED $42 and up Antennas Insured $10 per year CALL LEN--RA 5-7844 TV TOWER 40-ft. self supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized. No paint Complete with new Skychief oll-channel antenna. Total price, installed and guaran- teed for 1 year, $59.95 T.V. Enterprises 253 DREW ST RA 3-3553 RA 5-2905 TOWERS, ANTENNAS INSTALLED Repaired and Moved \15--Instructions Au ADEMY, Baton, my ballet, Highland. | Register now 424 King West. RA 56122 PRIV ATE te ac her, stude: nt "counsellor, | | 16 years' experience, by interview only MARSH, Dance Edu- cator, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre- |school acrobatic, character, Friday, Saturday. Masonic ¢ Temple, | RA 3-7253. | PRIVATE Spanish guitar lessons given in student's own home. Will teach in| Oshawa, Bowmanville Whitby and Brooklin area. RA 5.4580 LEARN TO DRIVE | | At the Oshawa Driving School Licensed by the Police Commission | | Fully Standard, automatic cars RA 8-0091 {16--Insurance [AL STATE 20 per cent, | personal service RA 57413 {17--Money to Loan |FIRST and second mortgage, agreements purchased and sold nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 |Street East, RA 3.7232 trained instructors Auto Insurance. Save up tol six months to pay. For at your home, call sale Hen King Residential, apartments, mo- ( Cor. King and Burke Sts | WEBBING'S HARDWARE RENTAL SERVICE OF TOOLS SCAFFOLDING And Other Construction Equipment. B-H Paint UPHOLSTERY AND RUG SHAMPOOER--VAC REGISTERED female Beagle, train. RA 5-4970 PUPS -- small apartment size Ter- riers. Telephone COlfax 3-2698. HOUND pups for male, Phone RA 3-2802. sale, 95.00. with- RA BOXER pup, purebred, with or oul papers, priced for quick sale, 8-0208 REGISTERED German Shepherd, male, $50. Phone MA 3.3394 DACHSHUND pups, six weeks old, registered, championship stock, good choice male or female, red or mahog- any. Phone Ajax, WHitehall 2-5405 fe- BEAUTIFUL minature collies (Shetland sheep dog), registered, best all-round pets for city and subutban homes William Raynsford. Telephone New- castle 3186, BOARDING, trimming, b bathing, deflea- ing. Waubéna Kennels. RA 5-6321. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, 1 ready for for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. FEMALE Boxer, one year old, excel. ent vet, good breeding, reasonable. RA To restore original beauty te your furniture end rugs. | 282 KING ST. W. OSHAWA---RA 3-4873 |32--Articles Wanted WANTED One lawn roller, spreader pate. Phone RA 3 |WE have "custome! aiting for good {furniture and appliances, What have you? We sell on commission. Neigh- borhood Sales Room, RA 8-5836. 102 (William St suitable for | WANTED Heavy-duty 20" electric range. Must be in good condition. Baal eth -- Phone CO 3.2240 E for sale, | purebred "Ayres ire | GIR 'R a accredited herd, 12 in all, 6 cows, §[G Le vievele, small heifers due to freshen and one herd |, vst year-d . any sire. See Clarence Harrison, South Myrtle | 100 BALES of hay. No reasonable offer refused. F. McClure, 31 Thornton's Road South. RA 5- 26--Farmer' s Column ; mare and stud pony, mill, children's swing and Telephone MArket 3-2646. PONY TRACTOR, h hydraulic with plow, cultivator, bulldozer, rows, mower and manure RA TWENTY acres of cultivated land on highway at Raglan. Will rent or share profit. MO 8-4818, Whitby FOR SALE Jowere, Shrubs, MO 8-4 Tammer| slide set har | large Compost, gardens gir oter. suit, Phone WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS TURNER DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect. Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone WE HAVE clients es available for | loans on first afid second mortgages and also purchase of mortgages and! agreements of e. Louis S. Hyman |37 King Street t, Oshawa. RA gr |CLIENTS' monies | |and second mortgages. Mortgages and | |agreements of sale purchased. Apply M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary | Public, 26% King East, Oshawa. RA 3-4697 | CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort | |gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale| |purchased, NHA mortgages arranged |Creighton, Fraser, Drynam and Mur- tels and sub-division, ete. ANTENNAS ARE OUR BUSINESS LEN AND LOU'S TV ANTENNAS RA 5.7844 available for first RA 3- 2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) 27 --Fuel Wood | | | WOOD for sale, soit wood siabs $5.50 single cord, hard slabs $7 single cord. | Rammer CEC I ! CASH oR SCRAP | | ! DRY hardwood lumber ends, sui'able | for furnaces and wood stoves, $5 for large load, delivered. Phone RA 8.0818 28--Summer Properties TWO and three bedroom cottages, elec: | tricity, excellent fishing, pike, pickerel STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, ow RAGS, etc Open All Day Saturday M GREENBLIRG & SONS 1277. |Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED grocery ed for evenings, 6 to 10 p.m, awa groceteria. Please send full information to Box 441 and demonstrate Must be married home owners. Ages 20 to 55. address and phone number to Purity, 781 War- "cashier want- in an Osh- Four nights a week. established Oshawa. industry. This is not a door to door or night calling job, but a posi- tion with a bright future, if enthusiasm and initiative are applied in the right propor- tions WRITE BOX 718 OSHAWA TIMES giving background, age, pre- vious selling experience. High RECEPTIONIST bookkeeper, tors' office, Must be for doc- eo school education essential. operative and capable of telephone calls, patients appointments accounts and other office duties. Mus be responsible, mature person able to take this position on a term basis if satisfactory. Times. part time and weekends by, MO 8-4066 handling and long Apply in| own handwriting to Box 640 Oshawa 8 required for shift work, Apply in per- son. David's Drive-In Restaurant, Whit- 3 Required SALESMAN BY large International com- any to commence train- ing. Area covered 50 mile TWO ladies time, sales work, wanted, part Write Box 537 Oshawa Times. CAPABLE LADY is an attractive career responsibility Write Box 433 This position with vancement Times. 2 LADIES WANTED Part-time Saleswork., Must be of neat appearance car necessary, top commissions: WRITE BOX 537 THE OSHAWA TIMES AVON PRODUCTS has openings for women with- out previous business ex perience, but willing to learn. Pleasant, profitable work. For appointment call LE 6- 0627 coll collect. and COOKS (First and Second) for Kiwanis Children's Sum- mer Camp, Oshawa Area, running from July 4th to August 27th inclusive. Com- fortable accommodation Good wages ond Working Conditions. Apply: Kiwanian Reg Lancaster, Hotel Lane caster, Oshawa. STENOGRAPHER | Experienced on dictaphone Interesting position Involving clerical duties for must be of neat appear- ance, car necessary. Top commissions. Must have thor- ough knowledge of Pitman Shorthand. type of ad- Oshawa radius, must be neat, per- sonable, own a car, age 25-45. Pay $420 per month or commission plus profit sharing plan. For interview, write Box 325 Oshawa Times. '138--Male or Female Help Wanted night food operation. Apply Mr. Camp- bell, Genosha Hotel SHORT order cook wanted for mid- 139--Agents Wanted WE require two full or part-time sales- ladies. Must have car, good appear- ance and be able to spend three eve- nings and one afternoon weekly. All training and leads supplied. Excellent earnings. Write Post Office Box 156, Belleville 41--Room and Board ROOM and board for gentleman, Ap- ply 174 Arthur Street or telephone RA 3-7524. ROOM and board for gentleman to share, also two - room apartment to share with board. 97 Albert Street. ROOM and board for gentleman, con- tinuous hot water, home privileges. Apply 241 Ritson Road South. hot water, cupboards, clean, quiet, cen- |tral, close to hospital, private entrance. RA 8-5984 |SIX - room house, | furnished two room apartment with | refrigerator, sink, heavy duty stove. 553 {Simcoe South, RA 35-3206. THREE - bedroom bungalow on one |acre of land in Jones Subdivision, Taun- ton Road East, close to school and |store. Reasonable rent. Apply T:iry's A | Grocery » nice three rooms, "vacant now, also APARTME self. | contained, stove, aerial, working couple |preferred, convenient to SGM, immedi. ate possession. - RA 5-3703. | THREE room apartment, modern kitchen, heavy duty wiring, large, clean rooms, central location. One child wel- come. 118 Division Street. FIVE - room house, ingedale i Avenue. Available May 1. Call RA 5-3129. FURNISHED room kitchen and Toundiy Alities, garage, quiet home, close to GM. RA 58513. al South |THREE . room basement apartment, private toilet and sink, oil heated, avail- able now. RA 5-1850. MODERN newly decorated three-room apartment, garage, very central, suid able for business eouple or bachelor Phone RA 8-5145; evenings, RA 3-7244. FLAT -- Three unfurnished rooms, cer tral, TV outlet, private home. Tele phone RA 5-4898. COLUMBUS six - room house, n¢ bathroom, not wired for electric stove, good garden, garage, hen house. Only adults need apply. Phone OLiver 5-399 after 6 p.m. WILSON Road North at Lansdowne Dr., $105; fully equipped, 18 ft. living room, huge kitchen with balcony overlooking lovely garden. Two large bedrooms, with lots of cupboards, tiled bathroom. Located at 549 Lansdowne Dr. Ime mediate possession. Call Frank Haz. lett, RU 7-9387 after 7. Collect or write 3008 Bathurst Street, Toronto. BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, electrically equipped, best location. $85 and up. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 8. RA 8-8676. FOR RENT NEW DUPLEX 5 rooms, brick, 'frig anu stove supplied, heated, very central location, close to school and bus, reasonable rent. Immediate possession. Phone Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd. Real- tors. NORTH section at Simcoe nicely fur- nished room with board for business , sult two close to south Apply 13 or gentlemen, factories, home priv leges, Hall Street, RA 5-955! ROOM and board | Jor ne or two gentlemen, close wntown a NGM. Call RA 8- $160 or % Elgin East. ACCOMMODATION for elderly Te, private home, separate rooms, conven- ient to board, care and companionship. MO 8.4363, Whitby, ROOM and board in private home, near hospital and NGM. 328 Annapolis | Avenué ROOM, or room and board, for gentle- man, six day week. Apply 15 Maple Street, off Simcoe South, or RA 5-9712 one Permanent work, 5 - day week, all company benefits, Apply or write to: MR. GORDON Industrial Acceptance Corperation Ltd 37 KING ST. E OSHAWA EXPERIENCED DICTAPHONE TYPIST Shorthand en asset. Mut be neat, quick, ond accurate, with @ background in general office routine, group bene- fits, etc. Write BOX 343 ROOM annd board for peli, Apply 195 Albert Street. ROOM, board if desired, close to North GM and hospital, Telephone RA 5-2305, ROOM and board for gentlemen, TV privileges, $15 per week, lunches pack- ed. RA 5-8255. ROOM and board, good home €0OKing, closé to North GM, and four corners; also garage for rent. Apply 240 Division Street RESULTS for a song. So whether you want to sell or buy, start singing through an Oshawa Times Classified Ad today. Makes mighty sweet music Dial RA 3-3492. ROOM and board for gentleman, close to down town. Apply 23 Elgin Street East, RA 3.7814. ROOM and board for one girl, private home near downtown. Every conveni- ence. RA 8-8478. ROOM and board for gentlemen, single beds TV privileges. Near South GM, 147, Mill Street, RA 5-7754. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen to share, close to N.G.M, lunch packed. RA 5-6727 ROOM and board, lunches packed, sin- gle beds, close to South GM. Telephone | RA 8-1629 ROOM and board for to share, separate beds, g gentlemen, |doch. T.V. SERVICE . RA 8-5804 und bass. weel 54328. RA 3-7338 -- fT Bloor §t. E OSHAWA TIMES PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS oN SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING ST, DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION Quiet, residential street. Children welcome. 1 & 2-bedroom Apartments. Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, drapes, parking, etc. Rents from $85 monthly E RA 5.5787 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevater service, New building. Centrally le- cated in downtown ores. Moderate rent. Leases mow avoilable. THE TIMES BUILDING €ontoet T. L. WILSON PHON RA 5.7272 close to Fittings, NGM, 252 Arthur Street, RA 8-0723. Phone RA 3-3474

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