26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 21, 1960 |50--Articles for Sale 150--Articles for Sale |52--Legal Notices BF. H Stores -- tires, bat. TYPEWRITER, like new, $40; ten key CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 25) 47--Automobiles For Sale |50--Articles for Sale '$1 BUICK, good running HOME freezer, good condition, chest sale or trade for anythin type, 12 cu. ft., hold approximately 500 39491 ibs. Call MO 8.5152. Private. 1956 METEOR sedan, two tone, in good! 13 FOOT moulded plywood boat, wind- condition, Phone RA 5-4429. shield, lights and steering. RA 5-2020 Er gor ONE double bed, spring and mattress: single bed; steel cot; buffet; kitchen table and chairs; small round table, RA 3-9420, onuition, for Phone RA '53 PONTIAC four-door deluxe, also '50 Chevrolet, can be seen at 172 Hib. bert Street after' 6 p.m. RA 5.7817 "58 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, four- door, low mileage, A-1 condition. Orono FIVE hundred nearly new bushel bas- 1569. kets or hampers, with lids, reasonable Glecory Supermarket, 174 Ritson Road ut! 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreck cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid, RA 51161 or RA 5-1182. HOUSTON GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTSE COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR ~~ TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 50 GOOD CARS WANTED IMMEDIATELY TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. E, OSHAWA CASH FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS KING ST. E. RA 5-5743 50--Articles for Sale ONE plywood flat bottom boat; 30 vol-|blue, like new, $45. Converts to bas- ume Americana Encyclopaedia; seven|sinette, car bed or stroller. Carriage volume "Land and People" and 10 vol-(pad and shopping basket included umes 'Popular Science". RA 5-9130. {Enose Port Perry, YUkon 35-2529 WINE and cider barrels, all sizes,| BOAT trailer with winch, small wheels, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard-|lights, and licence, $75, C. Cox, RA | ware, 8 Church. RA 3-7624. {3-989 : It LAD? medium blue, size 16, PONY tractor with cultivator and beige, fitted, size 16, Plough. RA 5.9826, excellent condition. RA 5-5676. __ | PAINT, interior, extarior, $2.95 gallon. | BICYCLES, girl's and boy's racer, also |All colors. Guaranteed flat, gloss table lathe, phone RA 5-4668, Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 -|Church Street. RA 3.7624. BOY'S racer bicycle, in good condition, | --. - a a------ MARCONI "21-inch" console television, $20. Telephone RA 5-4129. = re thoroughly overhauled, $129; also 21. 0? inch RCA Victor, blond television, with REX Air canister type vacuum, four |dinette chairs, white leather seats; |small kitchen table; other articles suit- able for cottage; hall carpet. RA 5-3150. NEW 14'6" Paceship molded plywood boat, steering, lights, windshield, re- mote control, OBS50 trailer, 35. HP Johnston motor plus other extras. $1095 Call RA 3-3952, MASON-RICH piano, 4%' high, good condition, $150. Call TEmple 9-2345 RA 5.2236, CHESTERFIELD bed, good condition MO 8-2336. 12 Foot plywood carop boat, 54" beam, semi-V-bottom, good as new. RA 5-4905, BABY carriage, Lioyd deluxe, yellow and grey, like new, converts to bassin. ette, car bed, or stroller. OLiver 5-3033 LOVE seat with chair to match, drapes for large window, rug 6' 10" x 9', RA 5-5281. YASHICAMAT camera, enlarger, speed light, tripod, dark room equipment, A-1 gondition; large baby crib. Phone RA 8-6702. OUTBOARD Motor an dtank, 12 HP, J936 Elto, used three seasons $175. RA 3.3263 SEWING machine, electric, excellent 52591 | JACKET heater, hot water tank and |pipes. RA 3.3806 PHILLIPS racer in very good condi- {tion; also boy's CCM, size 28". Dial RA 8.0698. CONTENTS of four room apartment, |refrigerator, stove, washing machine, |TV, chesterfield, bedroom suite, kit chen chairs, table etc. 121 Pine Street, Whitby. THOR washer, apartment size Astral fridge, both in very good condition, Phone RA 5.9796. GENERAL Electric 4-burner stove, in good condition. Suitable for home or cottage. Call RA 5.7842. CHINE |5-2668 Singer, condition, portable, $25. RA "| continental beds complete, only $32.50; BABY carriage, Lloyd deluxe, pastel| teries, Kelvinator refrigerator, tele. electric adding machine, snap; Pay vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA »-4543, aster Checkwriter, never used. RA BARGA combination coal and gas two washing machines, $19.50; Norge range with shelf, ivory, $15. RA 51882. dryer, $98; almost new "frig., $119; | roll top desk, $18; dining room suite, BABY carriage, continental style, and $59; 30" HD stove, $129; bed ends and|car bed for sale. Good condition, rea- springs, $9; four electric shavers, $9|sonable. Phone RA 3-4842 TE ---- |HOUSEHOLD furniture, stove, refrig- USED parts and repairs for all makes erator, stereophonic combination, 21" of wringer type washers, J HP motors Tv, radio, record-player. Excellent con- |95 $10, guaranteed reconditioned gjtion, Owner leaving country. RA {washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, g.5347 |Hampton, CO 3-2241. - re - CUSTOM car radio for Ford or Meteor, push button. Phone RA 35-1214 2-plece chesterfield, $29; GURNEY nid - ee 1957 FLOOR coverings at tremendou; ! |ings, clearance of last year's patterns. or call at 819 Rowena Street. |Many cheerful designs for home and BIR -- - |cottage, reduced for quick sale, 25¢(ONE Lloyd baby carriage, white, with per foot. Ends of broadloom scatter Mattress, $20; one playpen, $5; all in mats while they last $1.49. Harding|800d condition. Appy 297 Geneva Ave- |heavy quality broadloom, rubberized |PUe: back and moth proof, 6 decorative col- GARAGE doors, 76" x 3 x 10 each, {ors, large 9 x 12 size very special rice with hardware, Appy 144 Prince Street. 1879.50 Ends of wall coverings Clear I out price 37c per foot. Wilson Furniture PAINT, ivterioF, exteriol 20 Church Street, _~_______|Oshawa Hardware and leach; electric kettles, $4 and $6; 21" |Chuich Street. RA 3.7624 |TV, $89 Phone RA 8-1131 or come in| ;0c EN y 63 " a at our two locations, 19 and 24 Prince| ni, GaRDEN tractor, 6% HP with all | Street. Community Furniture Store, {with 4" diaphragm pump, 2" centri- NEW furniture bargains: 2-piece ches. |fugal pump, with hose, reasonable. MA terfields (airfoam), reduced to <189; 5-13-5076. piece bedroom suite, only $129.50; 36" ywo burner rangette for sale, | condition. 320 ~ Albert or phone |5-9135 by day |OUTBOARD motor, new, $95; Coleman |5-piece chrome sets, only $45; 2-piece|lantern, $12.95; small oil space heater, |bed chesterflelds, $69.50; chrome hairs used, $19.50; Finley gas range, 22 in. |$5.95 each; chest drawers, unfinished, |automatic, new, $155. WHitehall 2-3491 [$16.95 and ap. Try Community Furni-|/TWO wheel trailer with racks, $50; also ture at our two locations, 19 and 24|studio couch wanted, must be clean |Prince Street, RA 81131. Cash or|Telephone RA 8-0180 terms, [RADIO console, superheterodyme with | USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. standard and four short-wave bands, B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4545, |12-inch speaker, good condition. Phone 11 FT, car top boats, 12 foot plycraft| oA 56812 after 6 p.m. boat, gears, controls, and steering RCA Victor Hi-fi radio phonograph, wheel separate, Coleman lantern, Apply cabinet model, mahogany finish, in 239 Cordova Road, RA 3.7877 | first class condition, only two years old, -- sree a Te 0 STOVE, McClary, apartment size, cost $320, will sell for $139. Telephone ; RA 3-9341 after 6 p.m heavy duty, four burner range, Tele- phone RA 8.1093 74 HARLEY Davidson motorcycle, i rT TTT EE TRY del, asking $45; 3-speed racer VACUUM cleaner, repairs, all makes, | on ; ; pe parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. cYC'e: APPY 41 Sandra Street | teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. INVALID wheel chair, lounge type| Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- matching covered bedroom chair .and| ice. RA 8.0591 anytime box, blue, good condition, reasonable.| THREE bp Phone RA 5-3954 or cultiv. TWO arm c FT ---------- chairs, small tables, REGISTERED 2) aspberry plants | rugs, drapes, china. 10 {none RA Is land 6 0 8 pin. 11 "The WE pay highest prices in the city for Quebec Street. used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni-|piNING : E . ny urnl- |p INING room suite, 7 pieces; kitchen ture Store. RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South! ie; coal and wood stove; refrigera- AW 8. plain colors or gay stripes. (tor; all in good condition. 448 Dunkirk Prompt service. Free estimates. Order Avenue. RA 5-0445. now for early delivery. Chair and table |; "ME » N 7 HP garden tractor, ME tiller, in good |rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. | ;ndition, Telephone COlfax 3.2152 BABYLAND Bargains! New style smart metal body carriages, converts to car bed, many colors, lowest price in town, $37. rge full panel Roxatone crib, half pr $19.88. Spring - filled crib mattresses, $9.88. Playpens, $8.88, High chair, $7.88. Strollers, $5.88, Wil- son's Furniture, 20 Church Street. BEDDING bargains, Real low prices! Spring - filled mattresses, guaranteed exterior, $2.95 gallon Flat, gloss Electric, 8 good RA {any size continental beds, smooth tops, $49.50; bunk beds with spring mattress, $58, arborite step tables, $5.95 and up; 1940 bi- airs, four dining room lamps, double bed, | to 12 a Edward' garden tractor plough and) RA 8-8208 R.C.A. Victor, The and Electrohome, Admiral, Westinghouse finest in T.V., Hi-Fi service, PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE NORTH CITY OF OSHAWA CITY OF OSHAWA | 'PM Gets Letters! On S. Africa OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- ter Diefenbaker said Wednesday citizens have written him ex- {pressing strong views on South |Africa's racial problems. But he said in an interview 'hat there has not been a dis- § sportionate number of letters ther favoring or opposing the Canadian government's attitude. He said the amount of mail on {the subject is no more than the {usual number sent him on a sub- |ject of current interest. | Opposition Leader Pearson's of- ! A : \fice said the Liberal leader has ing and installing of, on Oil {co "rooeiving "three or four let- Burner i hp Sloroge |ters a day on the subject, most S %s Street South. Osh '* |of them copies of letters written } eos ire uth), W awa. |y ehurch groups and other or- al poniiey OS rine re "th. |ganizations to the prime minister. Fire Chief 13 Simcoe Street |The majority of them urged the ~ t |government to take a stronger orth, Oshawa bs: and. Lowest or any tender not | The government has not ex-| necessarily accepted. ; pressed outright criticism of the| H. R. HOBBS, Chief [South African apartheid policy of Oshawa Fire Department |compjete racial separation be- s i tween whites and Negroes. Tenders for Oil Burner Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to contents, and addressed to:-- Alderman J. Brady, Chairman, City Property and Fire Protection Committee, c/o City Clerk, 50 Centre Street, Oshawa. be received not later than 5:00 p.m., Monday April 25, 1960, for supply- will Tenders for Asphalting Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to contents, and addressed to:-- Alderman J. Brady, Chairman, City Property and Protection Committee, c/o City Clerk, 50 Centre Street, Oshawa. be received not later than 5:00 p.m. Monday, April 25, 1960, for on asphalt driveway, at No. 3 Man Returns 'From The Dead BRISTOL, England (AP)-- Tom Williams, 60, trudged down the street and the po- liceman said to him: "You're dead." "Oh, no, I'm not," Williams. "But you were hit by a train and we buried you," said the constable. "Not on your life," Williams. Inquiry developed today Fire said will said Fire Station, Sommerville Avenue Full particulars may be sec- ured at the Office of the Fire Chief, 113 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa that a train accident victim was buried as Williams six weeks ago. Scotland Yard fingerprint experts later iden- tified the victim as Ernest Price. Williams, an itinerant but well-known worker, was ab- sent at the time in Somer- set. He returned here for Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. R. HOBBS, Chief Oshawa Fire Department construction, Reg. $29.95 Wilson's low price, $16.88, Smooth top high qual- ity mattresses, discontinued tickings and one of a kind, Serta, Restonic, Beverly, Marshall, . Simmons, reduced for quick sale from $22. Continental beds, spring - filled sturdy construction, mismatched tickings, single sizes, Reg. $44.50, clearance price, $24.50. Bunk beds, complete with ribbon springs, mattresses, guard rail and ladder, Maple or Walnut, price complete, $58. Roll-a-way cots complete with mat- tress, $16.95. Wilson's Furniture, 20 RA 3-3043 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial PAINTED bookcases, only 99c. with the purchase of one piece of unpainted Ww furniture, Chest of drawers, $17 ;desks, | venr. 110. Messner & Trees one $14; bookcases, $5.99; vanity dressers, | hice eae | $26; record cabinet, $18; room divider, SAVE your dollars at Lucky dollar fresh vegetables daily Phone your orders in. RA 5.0432 free deliv- $22; bookcase headboard, $15. Wilson |store Furniture, 20 Church Street ALUMINUM doors, windows, awnin average window $19.95 installed. 5-7405 | WRECKING house, bathroom - fixtures my Street South and all materials for sale. Apply eee eee Mill Street. RA 3.2097 {RooM Dividers iat are really different TCR (and smart. $10 down delivers. Several Ts = Bulle Yow. A] See, 8 ft. lexciting models to choose from y g M " assembled $49; 15 ft. moulded siahog. (Dans Hole Furnishings. 424 Simcoe a new refrigerator, range, washer or TV, 25 per cent off on mall GE appliances. Barons', 426 Sim RA 5-5332 Church reet. : NORGE gas range, good condition. Reasonable. Telephone RA 5-9148 ROTARY POWER MOWERS 56ATS, motors and trailers, new. and used. Complete selection. We finance $37.95 up ' our own accounts. Terms to suit Jour MARINE STORAGE budget. See Dominign Tire Store, & SUPPLY LTD | Church and Bond | BROOKLIN, ONTARIO ~~ |31--3Swap and Barter OL 641 | BATH systems, nace, boiler | cooler, serv-all tings (all kinds) sets, sump pumps, pressure steel sinks and cabinets, fur-| and rads, electric pop grill, piping and fit. H. Chinn RA 3.7088 BOATING any runabout, with w sebuah emm------etem-- p- and hardware, best offer. 12 HP 1959|NU-WAY Rug Co., has been appointed Gale Buchaneer motor, new warranty distributor for Filter Queen Vacuum $329. Barons', 428 Simcoe Street South.|RA 5.1202 or RA 5.0433 furniture? We'll buy it. Re-| baby carriage, good condition, $20. Also |frigerators. TV's, washers, pianos,| rtable radi graph, | stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- nearly new, $50. Phone tact 19 prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. | Gendron convertible | SELLING furnif three-speed, M GE} baby , blue and white, converts to car bed and stroller. Excellent condition, 294 Burk Street. RA 8-0810. Sheep dippink tank, Kiltox fluid, Phenothiazine, Burdizzo pincers, seed drill, wagon, sleighs, log drag, machine stand, hamess, hay roke, harrows, water trough, feed bins, chains, long cable, stoves, pig trough, dust blow ers, spray powder rotary mower, roto-spader, baskets, garden planter, E. M. FREEK 5.3006. , amm d hunting P- new and used, terms 10 per cent Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511 HIGHEST prices paid for used furni. ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131 LARGE selection of re-conditionec TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim. coe Street North. 52--Legal Notices | 1, HARRY LYLE, formerly of West Hill and La Puerto, California, am no| » |longer responsible for any debts in curred by my wife Harry Lyle | AUCTION SALE 30 High Grade Holstein Cattle, Team Horses, Case Tractor, Implements, Grain, Furniture Property of Mel Morgan, lot SPECIAL 12-ft. fibre-glass run-a-boats, 12 h.p. Scott motor, Cana- dian Explorer trailer, com- pletely equipped, $895 13' moulded plywood boat, 25 h.p. motor, trailer, all controls 'and equipment, $995. While they last. Canadian Explorer camp trdilers, com- plete, Reg $405 - $319. Trades accepted. Terms ar Rl ariaon:: of ranged 9 mile north of Taunton, on AJAX MARINE Sty April 23rd. Terms Sale at one o'clock. NO. 2 HWY, AT AJAX Harvey Pascoe, clerk Ph. WH 2-4080 Ted Jackson, auctioneer the spring and summer and shook up the whole commu- nity. An inquest has been scheduled for Friday to bring him back to life officially. LAND TITLES ACT IN THE MATTER OF Part ik 5 GERMAN THEATRE GROUP runs through a scene from | English. Left to right are: Das Konzert, a modern Aus- | Fred Doederlein, Ursula von trian comedy, Members of La | Arnim, Dieter Curlis and Jo Poudriere, Theatre Interna- | Kronemann. tional de Montreal, the actors present plays in German and In a converted powder maga- zine on St. Helen's Island near Montreal, once a camp for German prisoners of war, Canada's only German-speak- ing professional actors' troupe Big Demand For Empty Islands SUVA, Fiji (Reuters) -- The myth dies hard--the romantic legend that South Pacific islands --(CP Wirephoto) are a kind of 20th-century Garden |great favor? We are a good com of Eden where all is peace and|bine of 10 persons and all have tranquility and everything for the a very great wish. Our aim is to sustenance of man is free and|cmigrate to an uninhabited island pletéin, lin the Pacific on which is a clim- Into Fiji's public relations of-| s fice come letters from all over ate that is tolerable for Euro. the world written by people who/peans. We all are young people want to "get away from it all"|at the age of 21 to 25 years. We by renting or buying an uninhab-|picture an island near Pitcairn as ited island. lideal to us. We should be very One arrived recently from a X man in: Germany. He wrote: | Pleased if you could recommend "May I trouble you for a verylus such an island." of Lot 5, Gamble's Plan, City of Oshawo; NOTICE I$ HEREBY GIVEN | that OSHAWA HILLSDALE LIMITED hos made an application to ' Refugee Minister Linked With Hitler BERLIN (Reuters)--West Ger- Imany's refugee minister was |linked with Hitler aide Martin {Bormann Wednesday as Com- |munist East Germany staged the | minister's war crimes trial in his the Local Master of Titles at Whitby for a certificate of title to this land of which they claim to be the owner in |absence. fee simple free from all en- | Ap indictment accusing ex-Nazi cumbrances, except a first mortgage to Goldstein In- vestments Limited and Penicka Limited Wherefore any other person having or claiming to have any title to or interest in the lond or any part thereof is required on or before the 30th day of April 1960 to file a statement of his claim : i in my office at the Town of | The trial started in the East Whitby and to serve a copy [German Supreme Court in East to the Applicant. |Berlin before a battery of movie The address of the Applicont [cameras and spotlights. for service is: 130 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario and other crimes also stated |there was [tween {mann, Hitlers personal aide, In one of these letters, the in- |dictment claimed, Oberlaender |wrote: "I am no philanthropist land I will WANTS IRISH UNION LONDON (Reuters) Sean DATED at Whitby this 8th |Macbride, former external affairs day of April 1960 minister of the Irish Republic, : Sunday called for formation of an J. M. Roblin Irish common market uniting | Theodor Oberlaender of murder| correspondence be-| the defendant and Bor-| have even our own| {people shot whenever necessary.'| ¥ Beautify your home the modern, func- tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire now. Local MASTER OF TITLES Northern and southern Ireland. NEW finish for your old asphalt shingle | roof, "Tempgard" colored al paint, by Benjamin Moore, will refin- ish your present asphalt shingles, to| give them additional years of wear, and in new colors. See Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King Street West | | | used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond! Street West. RA 5-6511 26 FEET Beatty steel for stock pen, two Beatty steel single horse stalls. | Phone YUkon 35-2605 SPECIAL -- 4" mahogany hardboard paneline, 4' x 7° and 4' x &', randomed | grooved, 143 sq. ft. Phone RA 8.1611 THREE rooms of furniture only $299. This includes chesterfield and chair, chome set, bedroom suite, mattress, spring, step and coffee table, boudoir and table lamps, pillows, etc. $25 down | delivers! 'Guaranteed Best Value!" | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South TRUCK tires with tubes and wheels, size 7.50-20, heavy duty, 10 ply rayon, like new, all four $280. Portable air compressor unit, $30. Gas engine 6 hp Wisconsin, $65 Six alr compressor units, stationary and one portable, from $130 to $289. Coleman space heater, $23. | A-C Volt Ammeter GE, $45. Extension | cable, air hoses, torch, typewriters, in- clude Ukrainian, electric fans, pipe threading dies, floor lamp, electric heaters, GM car radio, office cabinet, welding rods cast iron, portable mantel radio, IBM time punch clock, fluores. | cent fixtures and bulbs, emery cloth and discs, electric fuel pump 6 volts and windshield wiper, punches, gaskets and many others, to be sold regardless of cost Apply 597 Simcoe Street South | RA 59216, at any time. + ] All major labels, including Columbia, Capitol, RCA, Coral, Dot, London, MGM, Angel Records. Liberty, Sparton, SAVE 20% AND MORE ON ALL YOUR RECORDS CLASSICS, POPS, JAZZ WESTERN, FOLK, MUSICALS, OPERAS If we haven't your favorite in stock we'll get it for you Decea, SALE Auminum Products best quality aot the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung windows only $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 of the FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment, For appointment (no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5-3709. FOOD PLAN THAT SAVES Complete lines of meats, fish, poultry and groceries. v- ernment inspected. Blue and Red Brand beef. FAMILY OF FOUR FREEZER AND FOOD, BOTH ONLY $12.89 A WEEK. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. 1.98 LP RECORDS CHERNEY'S LOW PRICE $1.58 Reg. 3.98 LP RECORDS CHERNEYS LOW PRICE $3.09 Reg. 4.20 LP RECORDS CHERNEY'S LOW PRICE $3.29 Reg. 4.50 LP RECORDS CHERNEY'S LOW PRICE $3.59 5.00 LP RECORDS CHERNEY'S LOW PRICE $3.98 5.45 LP RECORDS CHERNEY'S LOW PRICE $4.29 5.98 LP RECORDS CHERNEY'S LOW PRICE $4.79 7.98 LP RECORDS CHERNEY'S LOW PRICE $6.29 8.95 LP RECORDS CHERNEY'S LOW PRICE $7.09 ---- POPULAR LP RECORDS -- BELAFONTE AT CARNEGIE HALL GUNFIGHTERS' BALLADS & TRAIL SONGS FIRESIDE SING ALONG WITH MITCH LET'S ALL SING WITH CHIPMUNKS EVERLY BROTHERS BEST STAR DUST (PAT BOONE) THE IMMORTAL HANK WILLIAMS HEAVENLY LOVE (THERESA BREWER) -- CLASSICAL LP RECORDS sy SHOW TUNES MY FAIR LADY FLOWER DRUM SONG CAROUSEL . . . OKLAHOMA KING & I . . . FIORELLO PORGY & BESS . . . GIGI SOUND OF MUSIC HUNDREDS MORE FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE BEETHOVEN PASTORAL SIBELIUS SYMPHONY NO. 3 VERDI OVERTURES AND PRELUDES GAITE PARISIENNE DEBUSSEY LA MER NINTH SYMPHONY (BEETHOVEN) MADAME BUTTERFLY . . . LA BOHEME H.M.S5. PINAFORE . . . 1812 OVERTURE LOW PRICES EVERY DAY ON MAJOR LABEL LP RECORDS FAIRBANK-MORSE FREEZERS $199 UP Phone Now RA 8-1128 Guaranteed by @ood Housekeeping CHERNEY'S RECORD BAR cueavers rumnmure & aepuance storel QPENS TOMORROW