Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Apr 1960, p. 24

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94 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 21, 1 Call The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 es 0 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 1--Accountants HOPKINS "and € ompany, Accountants 172 Oshawa, Ontario. Certi- King RA s r. | fied Public Street East, 5-3509 YALE. , HUNTER Auditors, 64 . FRIEDLANDEK, and Co., Accountants and Licenced Trustee in Bankrepley, King Street East, Oshawa: B. L. Yale, €A: F. Friedlander, B Comm CPA. BOE CLANCY'S Ontario "Accounting Services offer complete bookkeeping services for small business 184 Bond Street West, Room 1. Office' RA 5-0397 Residence RA 3-7605 MONTEITH, MONTEIT €o., Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford. Hon. J. W. Monteith, FCA, MP; A. B. Mon. teith, B, Comm., CA: G W_ Riehl, CA RIA; G Trethewey, CA: R. Lightfoot, CA; WHitehall 2-0890, RA 8527, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. . RIEHL, . and 2--Barristers McGIBBON and BASTEDO. Barriste: Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North RA 5-3566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. JOHN A. ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe North. Phone RA 8.8511. HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris. ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC; G. E. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, LLB: 6 King Street West. Phones: Office, RA 35-1177; Res. RA 5.4604 or Whitby, MO 8-276], Money to loan, THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli- citor and Notary Public, 263 King Street East, Phone RA 8-1763. Z. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solici- tor, etc 13% Simcoe Street North, Office RA 35-3741; Residence RA 5-5542. BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solic- tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 5-9592. Resi- ence, RA 8-0264 Street and Thomas Greer, Associate Barristers i Solicitors, 130 King Street East, 86246. Mortgage loans available. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, solicitor. Money to loan, Office 26% King Street East, Oshawa. RA 8-8232. Residence, RA 5 5-3405 DONALD BLAKE DODDS. and Solicitor. 26% King Street Telephone: Business, RA 35-5501; dence, RA 8-3373. GREER, Murphy and MacDonald Bar. | risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public. 6 King Street East, RA 5-4717, Russell| J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. | 3 JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici- tor and or Public, 18% King Street | RA 32269. NHA and private | == nged. lly, Barristers, Simcoe Street South, ! Residence phones: Sc. RA 5.3368; Ter- PA, BCL. RA 8-5832. SWARTZ, Barrister, | P42 a . Barrister East. Resi- Solici- | rev. Roly, ! MANNING F. Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan. Asso- ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry Block, 264 King Street East. RA 3-4697. Residence, dial R CREIGHTO! FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bag 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-34 Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G u] Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort- gages arranged, 4--Dentists i MacDONALD, BA, Barris. CLASSIFIED AD RATES | | 25 words or less Cash Charge | 3 CONSECUTIVE I INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 37s if not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered of © later date constitutes @ new original order Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.00 per month. Eoch initial (etter, abbreviation, $ ond ¢ sign, figure, count as word. Box charge 15c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 am. the day of publication. Office hours: Daily 8-5, Saturdoy 8-12. REGULATIONS= The Oshawa Times shall not be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, nor for more thon one incorrect insertion of eny adver- tisement, nor beyond the price charged for @ single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own elessification, in the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space then that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ail advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability if any inaccuracies in any form of advertisement are contained thegein, 225 248 4.12 | G d 1 (13 117--M y to Loan & Supp ee HEN manure, $6 | per load: horse nure, $8 per load, two-yard loads "RA 5.7297. hedges delivered MA guaranteed | Plant. | working about 3-3935 Contact own | a {CEDAR | to live |ing done {ANYONE one acre er at 1042 King Street -5947 trees "for Any size Free estimate interested in good fertile soil East or call R LANDSCAPING SERVICES treated, field top gravel, nursery sand Weed sod, s0il, "MONEY TO LOAN; $7,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loan on First and NEW BUSINESS TELEPHONE |32--Articles Wanted {37--Male Help Wanted 43--Wanted to Rent le, small size, girls's suit, scooter. Phone GIRLS (fit seven-year-old, any |RA 8 8. medium size, gr] 5.3744, PIANO -- small or feash. Telephone RA rol LISTINGS arge | Second Mortgages, Agree- ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residen=- tial and industrial, city, sub- urban and country, and sum- mer cottages Oshawa Acceptance Corpora- tion Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone: RA 5-3568 COLD WAVES $5/ SPRING SPECIAL | THIS MONTH FOR APPOINTMENT RA 8-5677 fill Weed control ED KNOWLTON RA 5- 6047 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Power Rolling Fertilizing Traetor Roto-Tilling Top Soil - Sod -' Manure Flagstone - Patio Slabs RA 5-1721 TOP GRADE SANDY LOAM RA 5-1905 Complete service Free estimates, 8--Building Trades building repairs, eavestrough, chimneys, fireplaces, walks, Stoops. RA 8-0394, EAVESTROUGHING ALL tvpes { { side and flashing. Al with reasonable rates. RA 8-5788. MODE RN framing, finishing, boards and alterations. T. H {Schyndel, RA 38-8841. Free estimates ALL plumbing and heating hone RA 5.3521, Harold R hm plumbing, heating and engineer ing 5 Simcoe Street South, A-1 PAINT ;, decor. ating by !man, Roxatone. No job too small. Work guaranteed. | Free estimates _R A 8-6617 PLASTERING, ren remodelling, and repairs. Free estimates. A. Abra off, 162 Harmony Road North, RA 3-4871 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 cup. DPR. G. T. SCIUK, Office hours 9 to 6_| Open evenings by appointment. 259) Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223. | 5--Nursing Services REGISTERED nurses required, L full or part time, live in or out. No objection to elderly persons, Phone Newcastle 4441 ACCOMMODATION available for bed or up-patients, at Southaven Nursing Home. TV lounge, fully licensed, grad- HOME IMPROVEMENTS REMODELLING--ADDITIONS REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS Tile, Hardwood Floors, Cupboards Loans Arranged HUGH CROSBY RA 5-3937 uate purse in charge. P 4441 PORT PERRY Lakeview | -- Oldsters "A home away from home" Tray service and bed care. Private lounge and TV, For particulars YUkon 5.7967. WILL ent Manor "give bed care to one elderly » preferably male. Nice, quiet cation by the lake, private home, references if desired. Inspection invited between 9 to 4, Monday to Friday. $125 monthly, Write Box 519, Oshawa Times W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.O. BOX 329 6--Optometrists HE pay acco Dominion k or Phone RA 587, Toronto Street. downtown 74 Burk ts at s 5 BY Oshawa's largest, ening and rental service. Lawnmowers, [Painting Call Stan's, corner King and | yoUR Burk. 10--Sharpening Service full-time aws, etc. RA 3-324 ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom- sry the examination of eyes, contact lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), wenings by appointment, RA 3.4191. 7--Surveyors BONEVAN ing, 12 Bloor Street East BONALD H. TROLLOPE, | Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Ave, RA 5.6881 G. T. HORTON and Associates, ario Land Surveyors, Professional En rineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit. oy, MO 8.5091, Ajax 728. 8--Building Trades ROOFING roughs, building repairs, work RA 8-5180 RA 53-6105 PLUMBING and heating | pipes, ;, fittings, 'ixtures, new and used, changing from weptic tank to sewer a specialty. In- stallations at reasonable rates. Infor- mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241. J. Foley kinds of building and repairs, cupboards, recreation rooms, concrete and block work. Free RA 35-6937, ¥ Dunphy roofing and sidings, wnd repairs. Workmanship fully guar- mteed. RA 5-7780 ARPENTER ning, kitchen ind repairs vork guaranteed RA Et chimneys, fireplaces, eaves- new and old tarages stimates CH, 5 framing, trim cabinets, custom work Mortgages arranged. All RA 3 9. work, WELL DRILLING GERALD FULTON! Under contract we con quor- antee woter PHONE RA 5- 2067 DODD & SOUTER PAINT WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PRECAST SIDEWALK SLABS Steel Reinforced Quality Guaranteed Prompt Delivery BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLIVER 5-3311 | |operate a very lucrative business plicant : |and reliable, preferably with knowledge |RA in ND FLEISHMAN, Ontario|son for and surveyors, commercial blueprint-|this 5-3632. | portation Ontariolence 1 | On. |FOR RENT for {Street, parking. RA 5-008] or RA ess Opportunities| mates. RA or very little you can Ap-| must be honest, hard working the automotive field. The (one) per-| whom we are looking to cover particular area must have trans and have qualified reie: Territory is protected. For fur- her information, write Box 610, Station Toronto corner store, suitable any business, central, 5-9544. |13--Gardening & Supplies; COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Gordens ploughed, disced, landscaping, wood eut, trees removed. RA 8-1798 FOR COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE CALL OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING RA 8-6366 Expert Garden Planning Free Estimotes GARDEN SUPPLIES 30-GREEN EVERGREEN TURF SPECIAL GARDEN SPECIAL MILORGANITE SHEEP MANURE BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS HUMILIZER 1 ROSE BUSHES SHRUBBERY LAWN SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS BUG KILLERS DAILY DELIVERY Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST RA 3-2312 NO. Stark, | | roofing, Gordon May work guaranteed, immediate attention, Van é | "supplies. | ¢ trades Work SPRING CLEANING Lawn fertilizing White grub treatment Lawn power OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE RA 3- 3222 | { rolling | COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES LANDSCAPED DESIGN archways LAWN: FERTILIZER with ALDRIN| eader on Loan) VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 mil les e or Highway No MA 3-5757 BOWMANVILLE |WANTED |iNVESTMENT CO. 18--Loan Wanted Ss "En "Rx| ~ someone to mortgage of $5500. Urgent, 33166 {18a--Mortgages | FIRST, second mortgages bought 3 and| arranged. Don Hill, 209 Brock Street] South, Whitby, MO 8 2: OLiver ver S471 Chips, | WANTED -- One lawn | Phone RA 13-4674. have customers "waiting | furniture and appliances, What you? We sell on commission. borhood Sales Room, RA 8-5836. William St. E | WANTED Heavy-duty {range, Must be in good Wid {Phone CO 3-2240 good | have | Neigh- | 102 or NEWCASTLE DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS Daily Pick-up & Delivery operated by JACK LEES & AL SEGERS RA 8-0912 20 elec MODERN GRILL RA 53-3887 Bar-b-Qued Chicken, Fish and Hamburgers, 12-inch Hot Dogs -- We Deliver. | | | | FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES Fast -- Confidential Service. Any amount to $5,000. Re- payable os low os $30 o DUMONT ALUMINUM RA 8-1651 for information or interview. month, principal and interest, Up to - 5 YEARS TO REPAY Call for Appointment { OSHAWA RA 3- 3993 | Any Time ALLIED 2: | JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS MORTGAGES ARRANGED BOUGHT ond SOLD Call Bill Swarbrick { E Tires, belting, V belts, pipe, plastic. Jan Prinzen Did It! SNOWDEN INDUSTRIAL RUBBER AND PLASTICS LTD. 91 BRUCE ST. RA 8-1658 hose, WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS . TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, also scrap iron and metals, etc., boot, pen Saturday all RAS.231T" OSHAWA TREE EXPERTS Experienced in trimming moving and transplanting, RA 8-1629 FREE ESTIMATES ENVOY FOOD SERVICE Food At Your Door RA 5-8978 WE DELIVER Barbecued chicken, hamburg- er cheeseburgers, milk shakes. Fish and chips -45¢. 25c delivery charge. BARLOW MOTORS 428 KING WEST QUALITY USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD RA 8-6175 ' CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON--METALS PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA '5-4159 { 100 ANNIS STREET batteries, plastic dishes and tile. verything in rubber and FC fle sit M He is in busines r himself. Licenced mechanic fo i Rc M general repairs, r service SUPERTEST THE VERY BEST SERVICE Pr M V. |26--Farmer's Column IMO 8 CATTLE refused DEAD farm {35--Employment Wanted BLUE PRINTS, any to order by Only $35.00 Ayreshire 8-1676 OR we SALE hrubs, Compost, gardens suitable and for | lawns size house drawn experienced draftsman Fast service. Call MO 1514 "purebred 12 in all, 6 cows, 3 freshen and one herd |ACCOUNTANT Clarence "Harrison, South RIA degrees, desires change awa districts, No reasonable offer |6-8756 McClure 1 y " ry - _---- - RA 510s, 31 Thornton's| yA NITOR and caretaker service, by : day, week or month, No job too small {or big. Phone RA 3-9651 |WANTED --by reliable woman, baby- {sitting on or near Oshawa Boulevard. Phone RA 8.0157 sale d for he credited ifers due e. See yrile ) BALES of hay F pad South ANURE 6 ier - office credit manager nine years' experience, Whitby ax or Osh- MO 85123 or EMpire| for sale. Phone RA 5.6028. stock picked up promptly, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Farm, Tyrone collect Fu hone argwill ar 27 --Fuel Wood | WOOD JAN'S GARAGE (Albert and Athol) RA 5-8371 sir |{R RA 5-6544 RA 5-8342 SPRING CLEAN-UP FERTILIZING, ROLLING SODDING, SEEDING, NURSERY STOCK @OMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE HOLLAND NURSERY and LANDSCAPING RA 5-7442 t T la dq |14--Household Repairs | PAINTING |and | lc estimates ROOMS sharp- [only Simcoe, |CHESTERFIELDS interior | ity materials, our use. Free MO 8-4789 and re-uphol. and Best 8 > Whitby, decorating exteri olor harmony Call FURNITURE 19--Personals TRANSPORTATION + SAVE ng {Maple Grove Inn, {HYGIENIC mailed | Dept {E wanted | own Toronto, leaving 7.00 - elephone RA 5.7279, to down-} 730 am free Barbershop, stationary. Open 8-7 except Wednesdays and Sundays "money, no waiting at D. Bruce's Mobile aily "supplies (rubber goods post paid in plain sealed en opes with price list. Six samples, | 5 cents; 24 samples, $1.00 Mail Order A-11, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91 {amilton, Ont | ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie - Murduff will be in Oshawa, May 3rd ond 4th. Phone Geno Ho on these dates appointment Nn q | ha tel or rpaired our mate R. Dalton, als for re-cover- 75 Charles Street, stered. See ing. Bruce RA 3.7212 labor |$ also C a papered, $8 Gyproc applied RA 297 5-7297 local ney and up, seamless, c cleaner. Chim 120--Cartage MOVING, evenings and weekends, have insured mall truck. MO 8-5498 GALT CARTAGE, nce moving. Reasonable Call day or night, | furniture and appli-| rates, fully | RA-3-4498. | neys built and repaired, gas linings in stalled, furnaces vacuumed 3-2997 repaired and materials for re-cover Dalton, 75 Charles Street |FURNITURE {stered. See our ling Bruce R chairs re less CHESTERFIELDS and old covered like new. Get the best for at Modern Upholstering, 926! | Street North. Call RA 8-6451 for {estimate a free rebuijlt, pay more? Our rates Satisfaction guaranteed Upholstery Dial RA like new. Why are reasonable attresses rebuilt rid Bond Street Oshawa Co. West happy home guaranteed, exterminators, products and rvices for all needs 464 Dawes Road Toronto, ZE 99500 or OX 4 "1946 « or r phone Claremont 836R11. FURNACE SALES is a work able home consultation Re |A CLE Free no publicity. q | | 4 Free esti- 2]1--Pegsonal Service WALL re-uphol-| Ralph Gardner DavING oe MAE'S -- Simcoe | Q 5-9843 SPENCER recovered, |dividually designed istered LAWNMOWER & ENGINE \LL window RA 8 to Toronto am. Anyone RA 56160 cleaning 8587 and "service. | | leaving Oshawa 7 interested, kindly | service. | RAZ. a complete sewing ty work, pick-up and delivery "in| Reg- Hender- | foundation garments Also Spirella corsetier, Mrs. John 208 Park Road hot, SALES & SERVICE Go Gort Engines & Rotor Til- lers. Used Engines Bought ond Sold. Authorized Clinton, Lous on Power Products, Pin- or Service., 81 Central Park Blvd. S.. Phone RA 5-4633. t t AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd. RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service-- $7 labor plus ports e { {Saturday | PRIVATE Spanish guitar lessons given {RA | | | Street i {and [| | Oshawa | WE | 15--Instructions | HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton tap. Royal Academy ballet, Highland Register now. 424 King West. RA 5.6122 PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 16 years' experie: by interview only Act now. RA 5-1 LILLIAN MAE MARSH. Dance Edu cator, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre school acrobatic, character, Friday, | Masonic Temple, RA 3.7253 in and Will teach Whitby student's own home Bowmanville Brooklin area. RA 5.4580, in {LEARN TO DRIVE At the Oshawa Driving Licensed by the Fully Standard, automatic RA 8-0091 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto » Insurance 20 per cent months personal service at your 57413 School | Police Commission | trained instructors ars Save up to to pay. For home, all |17--Money to Loan | First and second |agreements purcha nick and Hennick East, RA HAVE clients loans on first and mortgage and sold rristers, 31 d E monies ailable for | second mortgages also purchase of mortgages and | agreements of sale, Louis S. Hyman 37 King Street East, Oshawa. RA 34943 CLIENTS' monies purch Apply and second mortgag agreements of | Barrister and Notary King East, Oshawa, RA| available for first Mortgages and M. F. Swartz, Hr 26% age. Mortgage and agreement of sale | i han NHA mortgages arranged Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- doch. | i LIE NTS' | |22--Radio & TV Repairs Tv Thompson Electronics | "makes 157 Elliott Av-| 1 RADIO service, All enue. RA 3.9792 (Fred). FAST TV SERVICE Pix Tubes $28 ond up CALL LOU--RA 8-5804 TOWERS INSTALLED $42 ond up 22--Radio & TV Repairs J ------ Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) Dean E Parkway Mel Po Premier TV Enterprise APPLIANCE Jack Lodwick Warner William WE 40 ft. antenna alowance as year factory warranty. Up to $6.00 allowance for your old picture tube. for lar DRY joaone ---- {WILL mind children in my home while Ioher works, fenced-in yard. soft slabs 35.50 | 531 abs $7 single cord. |36--Female Help Wanted hardwood lumber ends, sui'able| EXPERIENCED grocery cashier wari. furnaces and wood stoves, $5 for|ed for evenings, 6 to 10 p.m. in an Osh- ge load, delivered. Phone RA 3-0818 | awa groceteria. Four nigh's a week. for 1 ngle cord, hard sl A 3.2281 wood SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT w ne IT--DAY OR GHT } T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS SERVICE OPERATORS ASSOCIATION (In co-operation with the |28--Sunmimer Properties wo and three bedroom cottages, elec. ify bass {Please send full information to Box 441, |0shav a Times RECEPTIONIST bookkeeper, for tors' office, Must be pleasant operative and capable of | telephone calls, accounts and other office duties excellent fishing, pike, pickerel!be responsible, mature person $30 « $40 weekly, RA 5-4328. | {able to take this position on a HS cid FA basis if satisfactory. Apply own handwriting to Box 640 Oshawa {Times | WAITRESSES required for shift work, part time and weekends. Apply in per- [son David's Drive-In Restaurant, Whit. | ; -- do cottage on Trent River 4 television aerial, hydro, RA 5-4887 INTERIZED ar Hastings, rage, two boats HALIMAR, Highlands of Haliburton--Friendly modern Summer and Winter ATRO resort with extensive sandy beach on Lake Kashagawige amog, near golf course. Bountiful meals and varied including water skiing. Bruce & Marion Haliburton, by, MO 8-4066. TWO ladies wanted, part time, for sales work, must be of neat appear- ance, car necessary. Top commissions. [Write Box 536, Oshawa Times. |CAPABLE LADY -- Must have thor- ough knowledge of Pitman Shorthand. | This is an attractive career c -ontact Henry, Tv TV-HI-FI, Kelly TV r TV TV AERIALS RA 5-5121 He ho Aj arl Fowle RA 3-3043 28a--Trailers id acce and ad position with responsibility | Oshawa vancement, Write Box 433 | Times RE ABLE person required for keeping duties in doctor's home, be fond of children. Private room andj bath, Excellent salary. References re- quired. Telephone RA 3-3380. trailer service | Ranges. Lamps. Drain Kits, 9 Tudor St VENTY four sories. I Oil burner jacks, ete WHitehall hour P service Miller, 91 house- aters es, s ax 2:3 5 RA 5-1685 3 3 lard TV ™vV RA 3.9512 RA 5-1179 RA 5-2905 ERVICES RA 5-1179 5 | Rl |re: Re by IS ol Christie 29--Summer Properties EXPERIENCED counter girl wante days only Apply Victory Billiards, |Simcoe Street North CE three furnished cottages, WAITRESS, full or part frigerators and boats Rosen h, | Mr. Campbell, Genosha ply to Box 804, Oshawa Times, Whit. | ------ Po For Sale or Wanted Lake "time. Hotel . Apply J A 5-6369 RA 5-7743 RA 5-3531 HONOR INTERNATIONAL Electric Star Repair LC ma ph: |30--Lost & Found | 2 LADIES WANTED Saleswork. Must be appearance, car top commissions, Part-time of nece OST ALIVE one silver with blue and bout April 8. Please -- Necklace stone RA 3.3460 neat sary, CHARGE CREDIT CARDS ATTENTION T.V. OWNERS SPECIAL with oll wave Complete installa $59.50 and $5.00 your old an- towers ions for for enna. ANOTHER SPECIAL PICTURE TUBES low as $29.95 with one T.R.10, TELEVISION 174 BOND ST. E. RA 8-6781 E ) Antennas Insured $10 per year CALL LEN--RA 5-7844 | Cold 396 SPE 23--Women's Column CIAL! Heat permanents, $8.50 wave $6.00. Page Hairdressing, | Pine Avenue. RA 5-5363 TV TOWER 40-tt. self supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized. No paint. Complete with new Skychief all-channel antenna. Total price, installed and guaron- teed for 1 year, $59.95 T.V. Enterprises 253 DREW ST. RA 3-3553 RA 5-2905 rier. Pho out -02 RE jal regi {choi any pets {will cast {ing TOWERS, ANTENNAS] INSTALLED Repaired and Moved {lent HOU ND BOXER pup, papers, priced for quick sale, 2a 08 DAC BEAUTIFUL minature sheep dog) BOARDING, | BEAUTIFUL [training Broad, FEMALE Boxer. 25--FPets and Livestock PUPS - small "apartment "Ter Telephone COlfax 3-268 sale, male, $5.00 -- size pups for ne RA 3-2802 purebred, with or with RED German Shepherd, fe-| Phone MA 3.3394 HSHUND pups weeks old stered, championship stock, good | ce male or female, red or mahog- | Phone Ajax, WHitehall 2.5405 i collies (Shetland registered. best all-round | city and suburban homes Raynsford. Telephone New 3186 fe le, $50. u for iam le bathing, deflea RA 5-6321 "baby budgies, ready talking strain, Apply 114 EIgin Street East trimming, Waubena Kennels for | Mrs year old. excel-| reasonable. RA one pet, good breeding 15-8640 Residential, apartments tels and sub-division, ANTENNAS ARE OUR BUSINESS LEN AND LOU'S TV ANTENNAS RA 5-7844 T.V. SERVICE . RA 8-5804 mo- etc | [row | RA THR free | prof JONF chile |26--Farmer's Column | PONY TRACTOR. hydraulic equipped, | with {TWE | highway phone MArket 3-2646. 31 --Articles For Rent 227 King St 282 KING ST. W. WRITE BOX 537 THE OSHAWA TIMES RENTALS We believe that you can '"do- it-yourself"" and save lots of time and money, but you cannot afford to own seldom and sometimes expen- sive items. Our aim is to have for you to rent, ot a reasonable rate, every kind of tool or equipment to do prac- tically everything! DISTRIBUTORS FOR: SARNIA SAFWAY SCAFFOLDING in OSHAWA and DISTRICT WE RENT NEARLY VERYTHING -- CALL: (First and Second) Children's Sum- mer Comp, Oshawa Area, running from July 4th to August 27th inclusive. Com- fortable accommodation, Good wages ond Working Conditions. Apply: Kiwanian Reg Lancaster, Hotel Lan- caster, Oshawa. COOKS for Kiwanis used, | | | STENOGRAPHER | Experienced on dictaphone Interesting position Involving clerical duties Permanent work, 5 - day week, all company benefits. 89 BLOOR E ! MO | co- handling patients appointments, Must and long in type of Must ! | | WANTED, experienced painter's help. er for body shop. Top rates. Must be fast and willing to work overtime and shift work. RA 5-6650 immediately. RESPONSIBLE party requires three. bedroom house, in Simcoe 'North ares by June 30. Two grown children. Phone RA 38-5203. MEN, executive type salesmen, $400 per month plus bonus. No experience necessary, extensive one-year training plan. Our qualifications are high. We want only the best for a career position, Write Box 427 Oshawa Times and in- |clude telephone number. All replies | conifidential. | DISTRICT MANAGER OPPORTUNITY CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION has an opening for an ex- perienced Life Underwriter to manage and further develop the Ontario County Area from our Whitby Office Write in sfrict confidence, stating 'Education and exper- ience to: JOHN E. HARRISON, C.L.U, Divisional Manager, 1668 Avenue Road, Toronto 12, Ontario, ARE YOU INTERESTED in establishing yourself in a selling career, with a 'ong established Oshawa industry, This is not a «joor to door or night calling job, but a posi- tion with a bright future, if enthusiasm and initiative are applied: in the right propor. tions. WRITE BOX 718 OSHAWA TIMES giving background, age, pre- vious selling experience. High school education essential. WANTED to rent -- garage, suitable to do body work, no painting, between Oshawa and | Whitby. MO 8-5170. THREE - bedroom hous lo cation, by May 1 or June 1. ho chile dren, Reasonable rent. Phone RA 38-0778 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent SIX - room house on King t All conveniences. Available anytime, $90 monthly. Responsible people only, RA 3-7189. THREE - room, self-contained apart ment, ground floor, also one - room apartment with Kitchenette, second flooe central, adults only. Phone RA 5-3352. THREE - furnished basement apartment, separate bathroom, private home, central. Phone RA 3-9800. FOUR unfurnished rooms, heat, hot private entrance, room, water, very clean, possession May 1, couple only. 203 King Street West, 11 am. to 7 p.m. TWO - room furnished apartment, sink, hot water, cupboards, clean, quiet, cen~ tral, close to hospital, private entrance. RA 8-5984, SIX - room m house, vacant furnished two - room apartment with refrigerator, sink, heavy duty stove. 553 Simcoe South 206. THREE bed ungalow on one acre of land in Jones Subdivision, Taun- ton Road East, close to school and store. Reasonable rent. Apply Terry's Grocery, RA 8-8039. APARTMENT, nice three rooms, self- contained, stove, aerial, working couple preferred, convenient to SGM, immedi- ate possession, RA 5-370. THREE room apartment, modern kitchen, heavy duty wiring, large, clean rooms, central location. One child wel. come. 118 Division Street, FIVE - room house, Kingsdale Avenue, Available May | 1. Call RA 5-3129. NICE, three - room apartment, priv private entrance, stove, refrigerator, heat, |lights, water included, venetian blinds, Required SALESMAN BY large International com- any to commence train- ing. Area covered 50 mile radius, must be neat, per- sonable, own a car, age 25-45. Pay $420 per month or commission plus profit sharing plan. For inferview, write Box 325 Oshawa Times. | | | | |TV aerial, parking. Suit newlyweds. {RA 53-1209. FURNISHED room kitchen and laundry facilities, garage, quiet home, close to | downtow RA | THREE rt | private toilet a ps sink, oil heated, itd jable now. RA 5-1850. MODERN newly decorated three-room apartment, garage, very central, suit. |able for business couple or bachelor, | Phone RA 8-5145; evenings, RA 3.7244 | FLAT -- Three unfurnished rooms, cen- |tral, TV outlet, private home. Tele phone RA 5-48 THREE room furnished apartment, | share bathroom, vacant. Telephone RA |8-5332 after 6 p.m. | WILSON Road North at Lansdowne Dr., Igios: fully equipped, 18 ft. living room, huge kitchen with balcony overlooking {lovely garden, Two large bedrooms, INTERESTED IN AN ADVERTISING CAREER? We have an opening for a smart young single man who is definitely inter- ested in a career that provides more than av- erage interest, The per- son we have in mind must have a pleas- ant personality, = excel- lent health, high school education and a desire to get ahead in this pro- gressive field. APPLY IN PERSON TO THE ADVERTISING DEPT. | { as ~ | THE OSHAWA TIMES | with lots of eupboards, tiled bathroom. Located at 549 Lansdowne Dr. Ime mediate possession. Call Frank Haz- lett, RU 7.9387 after 7. Collect or write 3008 Bathurst Street, Toron WOMAN to share lower | rt. | ment, own room, central, bus stop by Soar; reasonable rent. Phone after § suit "nicely furnished ro om Sound oor, built-in cupboards, oupl 8 Park Road South, |coruamus -- six - Toom house, ne bathroom, not wired for electric stove, good garden, garage, hem house. Only adults need apply. Phone OLiver 5-3995 after 6 p.m. THRE room basement a riment, Park Boulev, [EE I |e | | self-contained, Central North. Phone RA 3-9869. UNFURNISHED apartment, two lar rooms, heated, hot and cold water sup plied, wired for heavy duty stove, lo. cated at 822 King Street East at bus stop. Available, laundry facilities, abe stainers. Phone RA 5-5373. THREE room, unfurnished upstairs apartment. Apply 491 Howard Street or telephone RA 5-225 5-2256. THREE - room apartment, elose te |Shopping Centre, heavy duty wiring, $55 monthly. Adults. RA 5-6117. AVAILABLE immediately, three rooms and bath, with gi Sdigonsl privileges, Brooklin, oL 3-3 TWO room apartment plus bath, pri- vate, furnished. suit gentlemen willing to share; twin beds. Phone RA 35-7854 after 4.30, TWO bedroy itchen, dining roomy living room, fou) piece bath, $96 month- ly, available May 1. RA 5-3735. 38--Male or Female Help Wanted SHORT order cook wanted | night food operation. Apply Mr. Camp bell, Genosha Hotel for _mid- AL -- cosy furnished apartmen for three girls, private bath. Also fure | nished bedroom in clean, quiet home, | gentlemen preferred. Telephone RA © 18-3916 | SIX room house for rent, close to CENTRAL -- cosy 39--Agents Wanted, ladies. Must have .car, good appea nings and one afternoon weekly. All earnings. Bellevil WE require two full or part-time sales. ance and be able to spend three eA | FOUR training and leads supplied. Excellent/Phone MO 8- Write Post Office Box 156, North GM plant, garage. Apply 262 Rit- son Road North HREE unfurnished Ti rooms. Apply 561 ford Street, off Mill. es On - room house for rent, completes 1{ly furnished, heated with gas. Tele- 2605 ms, unfurnished, Apply 539 THREE or four rooms, private bath and SiiEanee. 41--Room and Board ROOM and board for g Ap- ROOM 'and | board for g share, room 3 d. 97 Albert Street. gentleman ROOM entler tinuous Apply 2 NORTH hot water, home n Road South. at Simcoe. nicely fur girl. Teleshone RA 35-8013. ROOM and 1 board for one or gentlemen, close to downtown NGM. Call RA 8-5160 or 29 Elgin East ACCOMMODATION for elderly ladies, separate rooms, conven- STAN'S Sharpening & Rental Service Ww RA 3-3224 King and Burke Sts WEBBING'S HARDWARE RENTAL SERVICE DF TOOLS SCAFFOLDING And Other Construction Equipment. B-H Paint PHOLSTERY AND RUG SHAMPOOER---VAC Apply or write to: MR. GORDON Industrial Acceptance Corporation Ltd. 37 KING ST. E. OSHAWA 37--Male Help Wanted TRUCK drivers. two: carpenters, farm helpers, for im- mediate start, Approximately 40 miles from Oshawa Write Box 430, Oshawa Times or phone HUdson 1-9875, Toron- to | | 1 | Cor | | | | three; mechanics, and Decorator -- If you are craftsman, bondable, married, own a vehicle, and are able to supply local references as to your ability and you want to work, you can name your own hourly rate. Reply stat. ing your qualifications to Box 438, Osh- awa Times EXCELLENT opportunity retired man in collection agency in Osh- awa area, Must be fully experienced in finances and collections. Bondable. Re ply stating experience and references to Box 639, Oshawa Times USED electric hot condition. RA 3-7379 PAINTER a neat. clean, To restore original beauty to SES "water tank, good your furniture and rugs private home, ient to shopping, churches, excellent board, care and companionship. 8-4363, Whitby, ROOM and board in near hospital and NGM. Avenue ROOM, or room and board, for gentle- man, six day week. Apply 15 Maple Street, off Simcoe South, or RA 5-9712. ROOM, annd board for gentlemen. Apply 195 Albert Street ROOM, board if desired, close to North GM and hospital. ROOM and board for gentlemen, TV| privileges, $15 per week, lunches pack- ed. RA 5-8255. ROOM and board for gentleman, close to down tone, Aol 23 Elgin Street Ea -7814 ROOM and board for one girl, home near downtown. ence. RA 8-8478. ROOM and board for gentlemen, single beds TV privileges. Near South GM, 147 Mill Street, RA 5-775 ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen to share, close to N.G.M, lunch packed. RA 27 n_ private home, 328 Annapolis private Every conveni- ROOM and board, lunches pa gle beds, close to South GM. Telephone RA 8-1629 ROOM and board gentlemen, (0 share, separate beds, good meals, TV, "Sunoco Serv. East. RA CLASS a for ice Station, 588 King Street 5-8161 JOIN" Colonial's and earn over $100 per "expanding "sales staff | week. Apply to] North, Whit- OSHAWA --RA 3.4873 bulldozer, spreader. | cultivator and manure plow, mower 3-9006 REE truck loads of fill for taking away. Phone TY 5, pay may have RA 8-1569 acres of at Raglan MO 8.4818 cultivated land on |US Will rent or share [all Whitby RA stud wi and sily it and il swing mare hammer 1 dren's slide set Tele 32--Articles Wanted har | PIANOS -- WANTED -- old pistols and Pho er dollars, alse certain type "47 . factory, 515 Brock Street | by. MO 8.5861 PART time and Saturdays 6 and 7 pm RELIABLE man for service station | evenings bodyman, fo 3.2268 btween will Dial RA 10, any make or size. cash. State make and price. Write Oshawa Times revolvers. close to Fittings, NGM. 252 Arthur} Street, RA 8-0723. ROOM and board, good home | close to North GM, and four corners; 50 garage for rent. Apply 240 Division reet RESULTS for a song. So whether u want to sell or buy, start singing through an Oshawa Times Classified Ad today. Makes mighty sweet music Dial RA 3.3492 help in Whitby. Experienced helpful. | Reply in writing, stating age, exper: |4 ence and salary expected to Box 4 [SALESMAN -- to sell fast moving line |of bookkeeping systems, a must for anadian [every small bus'nes exceptionally RA gh commission, See Don Armstrong, the Hilltop, for details. RA 8-6891. RA ED ice skates sizes. Stan's, 3-3224 e -8388 good shape, any Kind, | corner King and Burk LL pay $10 and up for 1948 ( { 42--Room and Board Wanted WANTED room and board home for gentleman, own suite if required. Write awa Times. bedroom eman, nw Mig Arthur Street or telephone RA "to apartment to privileges. nished room with board for business t wo and MO} Telephone RA 5-2305, | | | private | Albert Street. RA 8 LARGE store, or -- space for rent, $100 per month. Phone RA 3-3898, 2-BEDROOM, QUIET, MODERN APARTMENT 15 GIBBONS ST. APPLY AT: 21 GIBBONS ST. BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 1 ond 2 bedroom apartments, electrically equipped, best location. $85 and up. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 8. RA 8-8676. FOR RENT NEW DUPLEX 5 rooms, brick, 'frig end stove supplied, heated, very central location, close to school and bus, reasonable rent. Immediate possession. Phone Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd, Real- tors, OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally. lo- cated area. Moderate Leases now available. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON | downtown rent in Box 634 isi Phone RA 3-3474

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