Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Apr 1960, p. 15

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a 4 Miss Betty Thomson (left), treasurer of the Business ane Professional Women's Club of Oshawa, watches as Mrs. F. A i presents a cheque for $200 | to Gwyn Kinsey, publicity chairman of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital Building Fund campaign. The cheque goes to RESENTS $200 CHEQUE TO HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN A | the General Hospital Fund campaign is now underway to raise $850,000 by pui scription for the building Wilson, president of the BPWC, Two Centre Firms Given $5 Fines | Two Oshawa Shopping Centre titicn to have jewellery stores in- businesses, Bassett's (Oshawa) ciuded in the closing bylaw. Ltd. and Horwich Credit Jewel- : | lers Ltd., were found to be jewel- 20 FIRMS OPENED lery stores within the meaning of The three firms were part of a Oshawa's Wednesday closing by- group of 20 shopping centre mer-| law by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs chants which remained open the Wednesday afternoon of Nov. 25 to protest Each firm: was convicted of what spokesmen termed an "un- staying open after 1 p.m. Wed- fair bylaw". The group felt they nesday, Nov. 25, contrary to a Were forced to close while de-| municipal bylaw. A fine of $5 partment and variety stores sell-| was imposed in each case. A sim.|In8 the same merchandise re- ilar charge against Cavalier Gift mained open. Shops Ltd. was dismissed As a result of the protest move and the test cases representatives CARRY MANY LINES of several jewellery firms have The two jewellery firms con- in? ' 2tiaon will be tended, in a lengthy hearing ed to change the bylaw March 23, that because of A spokesman for the Horwich changing conditions in marketing firm claimed at an earlier hear-| they were forced to carry many ing that only 15 per cent: of the| other lines of merchandise as/firm's space was occupied by well as jewellery items. Thus|strictly jewellery items. A Bas. they felt they were exempted sett's spokesman estimated 38 from the bylaw covering jewel- per cent of the firm's income was| lery stores. derived from jewellery lines. Magistrate Ebbs, in handing : . down his judgment, said he was/OTHER LINES CITED satisfied the Cavalier store was However, Maxwell Paiter, rep-| a bona fide gift shop. resenting Horwich s, cited 26 non- jewellery lines carried by his| SYMPATHY VOICED store including golf clubs and] Referring to the other firms' electrical appliances, argument the magistrate told the, E. G. McNeely, city solicitor, court: "They can't just come in|claimed the stores carried all the and say, because conditions have jewellery lines and advertised changed, they are not now al/themselves as jewellers. start | 220-bed addition to the hospital. | , East Whitby Council Finds Bylaw Toothless R C Evict The Oshawa Times | Garbage Fir Garbage Firm about the garbage are the biggest rooters for the parks now," he added. Insisting, from time to time, that the only way to solve the current problem is to sit down and discuss it, he suggested that council form a sanitary land fill committee to "police" the opera- tion of Industrial Disposal. He also suggested that council ask for a comprehensive liability ine surance policy on the operation. {black smoke, cannot be forced| "This is the only way to get out of the township under exist-lan agr t,"" he r ted. "In ing bylaws. He, therefore, sug-|Vaughan Township Reeve Johm gested that the township draw up| Perry was listening to the news- the Oshawa |Board Wednesday to discuss pos-| Mr. Fletcher pointed out the] A small arsenal of rifles and 5 controlling agreement with the papers and things, and we had a Ss :|company. lot of trouble until we sat down J] y B. sible sites for a new school to need for new schools when these shotguns was stolen from d fore the children from homes areas are fully developed. He| Goodrich store, 88 King street "We need something with teeth|and discussed the problem. Now built in the new Holshawa sub-|said the existing schools in the west, Thursday night. : in it," commented Deputy-Reeve we get along famously." area are already full. Le Jatrolling Je fremises Neil Smith. A. J. Parkhill, QC, township wm ; | Thompson found that a door on RECEIVE DELEGATION Jolie, el Do You [ave # 2 |the west side of the store had| Shortly alter the special coun-| ; | been unlocked, and that entry had cil meeting convened, council re- MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING | been made to the building. {ceived a delegation from the of-| "Not whatsoever," Solomon ex- The operating manager of the fending company, in the person|claimed. "We have a mutual un- store, Earl Harris, and Detective 0f Lou Goldblatt, the manager. derstanding." IK. Young were called to the With Mr. Goldblatt was Max Sol- omon, of Inflammable Disposal Co. Ltd." of Maple, Ont. Mr. Sol- omon and his company are not connected with Industrial Gar- tpl o : bage and Disposal. Both, as he vai, Me value was estimated pointed out to council, have had at 3567.30. similar problems to those created > Entry appeared to have been iy, East Whitby. blatt said. gained by breaking a window Info| wr. Solomon broke the strained "You dispose of a lot of paint he ge ras 20 x ng Store silence that accompanied the del-|and thinners cans," the reeve a I y Je o Ig a bi De 0! E185 pation into the room by saying: (Went on. "Isn't that like al une in the door between the garage .pyis is the way to resolve prob-|exploded bomb sitting there? East Whitby Township Council members admitted to themselves PAGE FIFEEN| Wednesday night that one of their bylaws is toothless and, reluctant- ly, that they cannot immediately {stop the garbage operations of {Industrial Garbage and Disposal |Co. | Reeve Wilfred Pascoe pointed {out to council that the company, |which caused a furore in the south end of the township last week by sending up a pall of THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1960 SECOND SECTION | As a result of the meeting the| . To Seek Out [planning board has instructed 1g t uns (the city planning department to . {make a study of a large block] 'School Sites of land in the area bounded by Are Stolen e Oshawa/roads and Olive Ave. to deter- School Board, George A. Fletch- Ritson, Rossland and Wilson {mine school requirements and F 0 St er, and Trustee William Minett/locations for a minimum ious] I m ore {met with the Oshawa Planning|@cTe site. | The chairman of th Overcrowding at General Hospital a critical stage. has reache Turning to Mr. Goldblatt, the party immediately concerned with the meeting, Reeve Pascoe asked if he could fence his prop- erty to prevent papers from blow- ing over township roads. "We could do that," Mr. Gold- store. Mr. Harris reported that eight | rifles and shotguns were missing as well as two radios and a wrist Christ Memorial and the store. lems, sitting down with members| "No," Goldblatt replied. "All |of council and talking it over. It's that is crushed down by bull. 4 a no good working through the dozers. It's harmless." Thieves Ri 13) papers. You people are missing| 'You have a stockpile of paper |a big bet. You have a lot of land|there," Reeve Pascoe said. "That ™ that is absolutely useless to youlis a fire hazard." Church Office | yt You develop, OBLEM EXPLAINED Ladhoy : | "We are doing our best to get 'Fili C bi |ATTITUDE CHANGED rid of that," Goldblatt said. 1 ng adDINetl | Mr. Solomon added a resume| He went on to explain that the . of the work done by his company | problem at present with the oper Anglican |near Toronto, pointing out that|ation is that during the winter it Church, at the corner of Hill/the land used for garbage dis-|was impossible to cover garbage croft and Mary streets, was|Posal is now. beautiful parkland.|with fill as it was dumped. He broken into Tuesday night, the| "The people who beefed most said that his company was now curate, Rev. W. J. Goodswan, re-|-------------------------------- [doing its best to rectify the situa ported to the Oshawa Police De- tion. partment Wednesday. "Believe me," he said, "I don't The thieves appear to have 0 uy want trouble with the people in gained entry through the north the township. Trouble like this door y the chirch Which is sel- |can do me harm." dom locked, and pried open a L d F When the delegation left, the mets) fling cabinet in Mr. Good- an or council appointed a committee to ly Missing from the filing cabinet mest pith Jims Sarhage s an insurance wallet, containing T oil a ici | a agreement. The committee fheate Sa eS 2 4 wid urn nes consists of the reeve and proper- Some buried paper matches) committee chairman Robert littered the floor around the cab-| JAYCEES LAUNCH BROOM DRIVE participating in the Oshawa | selling the first broom to His | ing of the campaign, At left is jewellery store." Gordon Duncan, general man- mber: ' He pty he sympathized with/ager of the Cavalier Gift Shops Logie ol the Ostiawa Jun. ! their, position but the only ques-|Ltd., had claimed his stores had| gay launched a broom blitz to tion before him was whether the|never been included with jewel-| raise money to finance their firms operated jewellery shops|lery stores and had never stayed| under the terms of the bylaw. closed on Wednesdays. The only Mr. Ebbs pointed out that rep-/thing approaching jewellery, car- resentatives of both Bassett's and |ried by Cavalier store, was of the Horwich's signed the original pe-/costume variety, he said. Safety Lane next month. Vic | worship Mayor Lyman A. Gif- | Jaycee President Don Lowe. Pratt, chairman of the Broom ied | Blitz Committee, is seen here ford to mark the official open- | No Permits Builder Fined An Oshawa builder, T. Gerald Farrow, 658 Grierson St., was fined $100 for working on two projects without a building per- mit. Farrow pleaded guilty to work-| --Oshawa Times Photo Eve Da Is Washda John Drabyk, 287 Wolf St., was IY Y Y fe $5 Wednesday for keeping At I * nspection {been removed since the informa Every day, is washday at Osh-) The soiled liren from the floors|Ebbs earlier that other people RCAF Station Downsview, visited another the meeting had to be ing at 525 Richmond St. without the hospital daily would make hospital, where it is put in wash-| neighborhood was keeping rab- on the squadron progress since coming Sunday at 7.30 p.m. anda at 221 Beatty St. he admit- - Had Pigeons In AIR CADET NEWS Residence Area] Cadets Praised pigeons in a residential area. The I Th H . ] L 4 |court was told the pigeons have 1] e ospita aun I y tion was obtained. By WINGLESS WILLIE {our NCO meeting. Dates had been Drabyk told Magistrate F. S.!| Tuesday evening FO Tricker of set before but for one reason or 2 | awa General Hospital. is sent down chutes to the laun-|kept pigeons in residential areas. the squadron to inspect the postponed. The meeting will be ® permit, The amount of washing done at|dry on the ground floor of the He also said somebody in his cadets and make out his report held at Mr. Houston's house this! Referring to a damaged ver-| ing machines which vary in/bits. the beginning of the cadet year. sharp. ted, under cross-examination,| lcapacity from 300 pounds to 25 Mr, completing about Ps Der cent of| the spectacular detergent commercial look like a little girl | After the inspection FO Trick- Houston's address 845 piaying house. Between the hours pouads. All tke linen is washed ler complimented the cadets on Mary street. We are hoping to and subjected to - | x : p, * of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., seven days/for an hour, Thieves Leave their appearance. He voiced his/have a good turnout of officers the repairs before applying for| steam at a pressure of 160 pounds hopes of the squadron doing well |and non coms. NCO"s from Ajax the permit. per square inch. a week, the hospital laundry, tall Yed handles more than. 5000 pounds {in the upcoming Annual Inspec- are especially asked to attend sol Mr. Farrow was engaged in The linen is taken from the Sh M k {tion this May |they may see how one is run. nai Wi | Sdn 8 Ssken irom He oe ar S {Hon ) 3 y repairing the veranda of a home| = $ 2 | A door of Cook's Electrical Con of linen. "Handles" is hardly an appro- inl "LASSE SW J J ; owned by Bertha Abramoff which| priate word, because in the bpryy an overhead rail and placed in| CLASSES MELD oli . STIMMING 1 Joronto well, had been struck by an automo-| ern hospital laundry the linen is a0 extractor, which whirls at|struction Ltd. was found by the "1 = lo. paras oe 2S Baty a group of NCO's a Eoin . bile, | seldom touched by hand, the Nigh speed, driving most of the Oshawa Police Department to] Carre on 2 wa " Sune the ps & 8 2 2 operation being almost complete- moisture from the linen - by/have been forced open Wednes 7s period the juniors ha range, Tors Yo an afternoon o 4 at = centrifugal force. day night. Shoe or boot marks the intermediates civil _ defence im ing. : : ly automatic. wore left half way up the door. and the seniors principles of] We will he going in Sgt. Bren- IN. SDS " SHEETS HUGE . MANGLE Nothing appeared to have been fight. During the second period nén's new 1960 automatic-six. He "The amount of linen us Shosis taken from the extractor) stolen Bore ner, David Cook. the juniors had range again, the promises not to charge too much| The amount of linen used in a fy { ae . ] hig andl hospital is tremendous. Hundreds are dried, pressed and folded in|370 Adelaide street, said he would intermediates had drill 'and sen- ior gas. Dress will be civies andy of iarge hospital sheets are used @ fuge mangle. Smaller items| notify police Thursday if any- iors had principles of flight. |everyone is to meet at WO2 Gal-| are ironed aad dried by auto-| thing was missing RCAFA BALL the hard work connected with CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS most is The Oshawa ylaoning Board |Flett, assisted by Mr. Parkhifl, r ded dnesday eve-| uel Which Sppeared lo have been yyyp that city council obtain land| . Ito widen five intersections in con- 2 {nection with new Subdivisions. | Il ge u "FAST" TIME The recommended acquisitions | Nod Slow right turning lane| - to be added to the intersections STARTS SUNDAY lisiore he surrounding land was| High Scores eveloped. Residents of Oshawa, Whit- The cit {gers | The high scores for games by, Bowmanville and sur- [ment i nearing ii played by members of the Osh- rounding districts are re- |vided at the following intersec-|aWa Duplicate Bridge Club at minded that Daylight Saving Viiohs: Ritson and Rossland roads,| Woodview Park clubhouse Tues- Time will become effective (Olive Ave. and Harmony Rd, S.,|day evening were: this coming Sunday. The |Rossland and Stevenson roads | North and South -- Mr. and changeover is effective at |Ritson Rd. and Hillcroft St., and|Mrs. R. B. Davis, 99% pts.; Mrs. 12.01 am. Sunday. King and Keewatin streets. M. R. Clarke and G. Adams, 98; Selene Youd be well The board felt these changes Ns. y J. Rude and 1. Bundle, a vise 0 turn their clocks |ywould complement the over-all|y Siyvan' "w Mr G. A' Rundl $04 Waighes Shead one hou plan for main traffic arteries. a a, wl 81 eA, Rundle embarrassment: as. all: or | 'Ald. Findley Dafoe expressed| East and West -- D. Calhoun joes. and other activities on (doubts that Hillcroft St. would and Bob White, 104: Mrs. Wm. - dt- Sunday will be on Da by nt (ever become a main artery. Wil-|pge and Mrs. R. Morris, 99%: Soins Tome. Bie gi liam Woodcock, chairman of the|nprs, R. Harper and Mr. R. Mor- Vay ATipan(es will DE: OpST board, replied the board's present|rig 91%: Mrs. E. Chant and ating on their summer sehed. Planning may be '"scrimping". |Mrs. Ted Stone, 85; Dr. and Mrs. ules. Ald. Dafoe requested the board |Randel, 84%. "Fast" Time will remain to re-study the major street plan| The lucky draw was won by in force until the last Satur- (f0 See if more similar lanes|Mrs. R. Harper. ; day in October should be recommended and a 26 is the mixed pair b : directive to this effect was sent|{ciainnionship. All members are to the city planning division. |urged to be present. lagher's house at 1.30 p.m. One thing for sure, Gallagher will be This coming Friday the RCAF on time for a change. Association is holding its annual -- ---- ball at 'St. Gregory's Auditorium, For the first time the Air Cadets are playing a part in this affair doing such jobs as ushering. daily, as well as pillowcases Uniforms, caps. masks, gowns towels, washcioths are used by the dozen on every floor of the hospital. and on the maternity and pediatric floors an average of more than 60 babies use laundry has been replaced by a T push-button in the hospital laun- B . dry 0 B | | The entire operation, from the time the linen arrives at the bot-| tom of the chute to the time it is ready to go to the wards, takes slightly less than two hours. enough diapers to fill a clothes line a mile long every day. Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and district who ave celebrating birth- days today: : | ¢ The following cadets, WO2 Gal- lagher, FS Bohaker and Smith, Sgt. Seeley, Cpl. McRae and LAC McMurtry, Smith, Purdy and Me- Lellan are reminded to be at the Is Suggested ¥ R28 auditorium at 8.30 p.m. sharp in full uniform The RCAF Association helps us in many ways so let's all show Motor Hotel | 2ui-ims wre is carefully checked for tears Is Planned Damaged linen is sent to the For Oshawa sewing room, where a staff of A Toronto investment company three with electric sewing ma- chines repairs torn sheets, ete.,! anxious to build a $500,000 motor hotel and restaurant in and makes new linen, such as diapers. Oshawa, the Oshawa Planning Board were told Wednesday eve- ning. In a letter to the board Camac Securities, Ltd.,, requested a change in the zoning bylaws tc permit them to build a modern landscaped development on Sim coe Sf. immediately south of the west lane access road of High way 401. The company requested the zone be changed from R4 to i Murray Vennor, 333 Pine avenue; Tommy Parker, 274 Drew street; Fred White, 198 Oshawa boulevard south; Carole Ball, 306 Kingsdale av- enue; David Highley, 137 Har- mony - road north Arthur Sidsworth, RR 3, Oshawa; Clayton Newnham, 1342 Shar- bot street; Ed. Malachowski, 238 Kaiser crescent; Joanne McCalden, > Dean avenue; Susan Jackson, 689 Emerson avenue; James Bishop, 40 Simcoe street north Brian Allard, 301 Wilson road south: Christine Grimes, 924 Bayview avenue, Whitby; Ste- phen Edwards, 13 Garrard road; Timmy Logeman, 203 Hibbert avenue: Patricia Rozell, 262 Highland avenue Walter Rebot, 291 Wolfe street; Mrs. Florence Peai- son, 86 LaSalle avenue; Gary Zarowny, 24 Rosehill boule vard; James Kerr, Varcoe' road north; William Smith ers, 103 Nassau street The first five persons to in form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four . week period. The cur rent attraction is 'Visit to a Small Planet." Reports bir be received only be hours of 8 am. and 10 am As Park Area The Oshawa Planning Board up and do them a good turn. decided Wednesday evening to oo i ais investigate the possibility of MEETING AT DOWNSVIEW using funds gained from the sale On April 9 a meeting was held |of city-owned property for ac- at RCAF Station Downsview be- quiring open land near Bonnie {tween the. RCAF and Air Cadet Brae Point for park purposes officers and instructors from all Thé decision ae ey ¥ around the Toronto area The; a board Ee wor Sint meeting discussed many prob- capri bi lems of running Air Cadet squad: plan, or be Shiisen Sevelop rons and, all in all, it was a suc- Ne srae bowl, Sub es mitted by Mrs. G, D. Conant. AH The board decided to allow a The chairman of the meeting 1954 ruiing stand which requires was Wing Commander Christie, | he minimum of half-acre lots vho as far as we know, will be when septic tanks are used : the inspecting officer at our An-| Members of the board agreed| nual Inspection this area would be suitable park po NCO MEETING ses It was suggested the city Finally, we're going to have Purchase some of the land. Ald. | Leo Bergeron is in charge of | the hospital laundry, and works| with a staff of 11 to keep a con-| stant supply of crisp, clean linen! in all parts of the hospital. is Judgment Reversed On Food Terminal TORONTO (CP)--The Labor Relations Board reserved judgment Wednesday on a re- quest to consider the Ontario food terminal board a Crown Several members of the board agency vere in favor of such a develop-| Local 419 International Brother- ment. Ald. Walter Branch com- hood of Teamsters (CLC). is bid mented: "It would be an excel-'ding for the bargaining rights of lent thing." {two employees of the food ter "We need it" (minal board was Norman ( ré-| Crown agency employees, such sion planning board decided to[ 38 those at the Workmen's Com- request more information from pensation Board. are excluded the company about the type of from thé Ontario Labor Relations building planned including provi-/Act ' and not allowed to join sion parking space before it unions. R. E. Shibley, represent. would take any action to change ing the food terminal. argued the the zoning bylaw. board is a Crown agency. | Ontario something like Millman's CANVASSERS RECEIVE THEIR INSTRUCTIONS camera giving last- | those taking part in a sale of will be devoted to the con. Walter Branch replied the city King Street Men may soon find itself face to face nual auction sale Wednesday able land for park purposes. totalled $74.50. More) ONE FOR A PENNY tion: in the church basement The Brixham Echoe published for Fred Etcher, chairman of had no money. Hol i 0 d Auction Sale hig the problem. He suggested night TE: vill F. Stirtevant conducted the|the first time Saturday, claim the building fund committee of | minute instructions to Byron | more than 2400 personalized | -f chapel at the core William Woodcock, chairman |§ of the board, stated that the city King Street United Church|® fund be set aside each year AOTS Men's Club held its an. for acquiring low and non-sewer- Receipt Se ihan 60 persons attended the auc. BRIXHAM, England, (Reniers) YOUNG on hday by the | tween the ale, assisted by members of theite be Britain's only newspaver | club. Proceeds will be used for that can be bought for a penny. the Church of Jesus Christ of | Sayers, 11, and Marilyn Sal- | chocolate bars from today | mer of Rossland and Thornton's | Latter Day Saints, is caught | way, 11, who will be among through April 30. Yoney raised | roads. --Times Photo. charitable work of the club. It will appear weekly.

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