Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Apr 1960, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 21, 1960 'B M . M " f H 3 Ch . The statement which will be Te M d G 11 S B (warmth to the spacious receptioniers of France fashioned from a Tr bered longest fro . f Rid Hall--h: ff , h ti 'By Marrying Man ot Her Choice membered ics cme mom Mime. de raulle at State Banqueton: of mdes ail tome tiv. were"se craton ofthe Confederation. |Zonda, who spent many weeks in . o like it to be known that I have | da CHILD GUIDANCE Princess Margaret Fulfills Vow [fe = mm Siow S| Resembles The Queen Mother |, Svat & muy ese es ced' ie™ ™ "=" 2 tain Peter Townsend, i bowls formed table appointments, |. an avocado coloring, was - clared to a waiting world in 1955 Parents of Tomorrow By BRENDA MURPHY | She was only 16 when London|when her romance with the air-|By ELIZABETH MOTHERWELL|diamonds, similarly styled * to|along with 24 pastel-blue sugar hai LONDON (Reuters) -- Princess|newspapers carried their first{man ended because he had been| Canadian Press Staff Writer [those worn by the Queen Mother baskets. the highlight of the banquet Margaret will leave behind a gay picture of her in evening dress|through the divorce court. OTTAWA (CP)--A portrait be-lin the Government House por-| The baskets, adorned with flow-menu. ildhood and adventurous bachelor girl-|and furs at a dinner party at the| "Mindful of the church's teach-icame a conversation piece at trait. Ie al e Nn 1 hood when she creates royal his-(Savoy Hotel which she attended|ing that Christian marriage is in- Monday night's state banquet] Mme. de Gaulle, never one to {tory in marrying a commoner without her parents or sister. dissoluble and i of my|welcoming the president of|seek the limelight, wore a gown By G. CLEVELAND MYERS |age of about five or six. These May 6. Her famous gold cigaret holder|duty to the Commonwealth, I|France and Mme. Charles de|of dark plum tone in tulle over "As I see-it, we have been early learnings in restraints and| Not for 457 years has theimade its first public appearance|have resolved to put these con- Gaulle to Canadian soil. taffeta, styled with cap sleeves, siderations before any others." The portrait was a large oil of land worn with a matching stole. ing no v how to bring up requirements are the foundations|/daughter of a British king given|when she was 19. ! gis Bo ou happy, likeable, for his growth in self - control, (her hand to a plain "mister" and STILL LINGERS Queen Mother Elizabeth, coud Mme. Vanier wore a gown of members of the family now, but|self-drive and responsibility. {her choice -- a talented photo-| The Margaret legend that grew FREE LAUNDRY Below the full-length portrait | periwinkle blue chiffon to receive also to be good husbands and| If your child, at two, three or|grapher--is the most striking ex-(up over those years probably LONDON (CP)--Old age pen- the first lady of France was her guests. The bodice, styled on wives, fathers and mothers in thelfive does and gets what he wants|ample of Margaret s unwavering never will be erased. It has sioners int the Paddington istrict seated between Governor-General Grecian lines, was high waisted. and fiokier ond future." when he wants it and, at six,|determination to live her own|lingered, even after the marked)' oh tor leandry done Georges Vanier and Prime Min-/A diamond pin caught the front A A So a mother said near the ond|seven or nine, does only what he|life. |change in her demeanor after gre ° ave by Thiet xy Tone ister Diefenbaker. {panel of the skirt. crackling crisp be- of a course on the pre-school child|feels like doing, he is not having] When Antony Armstrong-Jones her father's death. el LB yerite OF eodnel The striking likeness noted be-| A gown of ivory brocade was| cause they're which I was teaching at Western good preparation to become, bye|tukes the 29-year-old princess to| Her gay youth will be remem- houses tween the' two world - renowned worn by Mrs. Diefenbaker. In al " Reserve University. {and bye, an unselfish, companion-|he his wife, she will be fulfilling bered for flamboyant acts, such » women caused more than pass-|sheath style, the gown extended AQUAFLAKED able mate, or a good parent. |the simplest ambition of any as dancing the can-can in black ing comment, |into a modified train and was ac- START IN INFANCY : {modern girl--to marry the man stockings and frilly dress at a IDEAL KITCHENS Similarit'es were found incented with pearl jewelry. a baking process She had observed that the basic FOR THE FUTURE lof her choice. party, or asking gn orchestra to| LONDON (CP) -- The British|coloring and features as well as| Like the Queen Mother, Mme.| exclusive to. objectives for successful marri-| So when we consider effectivel ou ppoRooFs keep playing untiP 4:30 a.m. be-[Standards Institution is planning|stature. Mme. de Gaulle has anl/de Gaulle is a devoted mother sdithd age, parenthood and wholesome ways of building for early self- IRE hildhood. she has been CAUsé she did not want to stoplan ideal layout for kitchens. Itfivory complexion, and wears her|and grandmother who entertains family life are continuous fromcontrol, self-reliance and respon- Since ¢ a Joo udant. venture dancing. And such quotes as this|says that carefully placed furni-|dark hair in the style of Queen many distinguished visitors. Mar- infancy upwards. sibility, we are considering ways|the most in opens gy ure fatter the birth of Prince Charles: | ure 'and cupboards can save a|Mother Elizabeth. |riage brought the two women into "You are right," was my reply of rearing children for whole. some member 0 i he oye) "am Now I suppose I'll be known as|housewife "a lifetime of frustra-{STRAND OF DIAMONDS {world prominence. to that mother. |some marriage and' parenthood. [1Y Por tals, hie oltey SE Charley's aunt." tion and annoyance." She wore a double strand of! Floral displays gave an added| But I must confess that T my-| My bulletins, A Parent's|Proofs from her more docile elder| ~~ "7 ee a - self had never put this idea quite Prayer, Love and Restraint and |sister, Queen Elizabeth. 1 so clearly, though 1 have been| Educating Your Child in Respon-| On their first visit to the on-| " i sibility, may be had by sending a|don Zoo in 1939, for instance, the aware of it sinee. |self-addressed, U.S. stamped en. nine-year-old Margaret enthus- | astically gave her whole bag of RELATIONSHIP OF PARENTS |yciope to me in care of this news- |i You must have noticed--some of paper.) buns to the elephants--a gesture you have written me that you which drew a lecture from Eliza- have--that T dwell heavily on the PARENTS' QUESTIONS | beth. Margaret was able to ER RE IN MH A A OPE FRIDAY NI HT relationship between the parents| Q. Should we spank our son,|lsugh delightedly as one of the long before the first child is born,|four, when he deliberately hurts elephants reached out and stole| and on the early patterns of these the baby, six months old? the whole bag from her sister's| parents in relation to this child] A. Although spanking him hand. | and others who may be added.|might be good for some other for-| As with most girls, the desire Often have I said that of first im-|biddings, it could, in this case,(to keep up with an older sister portance is the husband - wife, |increase his jealousy. It's betterjwas probably the reason that father-mother relationship just to intercept him. Margaret hurried to grow up. | I've emphasized the child's|-- --- S-- -- ---- need to feel he is wanted and loved, to feel he is understood, appreciated and treated as the precious person he is MUST BE RESTRAINED Ls ke fens. Yet I have also consistently maintained that he can't be loved much without being restrained. I| 0 i 2% «°F ; : i AR 8 7 ; : RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS heve entreated parents to define, | early and later, certain limifa-| tions for him, I have suggested MEMOIRE Slieellve BYS for ironing imu} . pC EEL =A. With the "merry merry month of May" only a few days away, it's time to select Warm-weather Apparel for CHERIE EN the Family, and Home Needs for comfortable Warm-weather living! Zeller's "88c Savings Days" feature For his greatest enjoyment with bis 'paronls and oir Deis "led carefully-selected Special Values to keep Family Shoppers in step with Maytime and Summer. now and later, he must learn PERFUME MIST early that there are eertain things he can't have or do CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS {BR ' : : : ' 7 2 | cu Y y Also I've urged thai he be PURSE FLACON tal LAN } d pr ; EL 3 Ko ; % SUPER-SPECIAL ! trained in respecting certain es-| J OL XC i \ 5 = 8 4 sential requirements, including 4 i h { id PE SC A ' itr % A 4 a SEAMFREE NYLONS conformity to family regulations a 2 ¢ IR Ey Ri 4 and routines. He must do about! Mémoire Chérie, created in Mémoire Chérie 1 ] i ; 4 ) ® BURNT AMBER the home regular chores he is hii Perfiime ALY % 3 8 ! 5 Bn 2 1 [ioe 7 able to do, especially after the France by Elizabeth Arden, eriume 4 a LX 08 és Spa" Ai LRA a ; oni ba ® INTRIGUE was recently awarded the by od 4 Ip : -~ 1 : 2 wa i | : 4 NEWS IN BRIEF || Crond Coupe d'Or by the ~~ (ag (IEA TIVE 5 Ny enitt 1 | AR e BRONZE GLO Comité du Bon Gofit p34 - j 3 "8 f ; _ ) 1 RAS at EIR i 4 § / ® ENCHANTMENT INCENSE BOXES Francais as "the finest ¥ \ V3 i &3. i Zaye y 2 400-NEEDLE, 15-DENIER HOSE-- i ) S MONTREAL (CP)--Some U1] kL ) § * im Hy '\ i 7 : P ome 3,00 fragrance ever created and a 4 2 > ) i 1 y in the Season's new-new 'tone' 4 1 \ $ i shades! So low-priced, Smart-&- F M NN 7: Japanese incense boxes, formerly \ i 2 : oF owned by the late French states-|] acclaimed by France". Now y ; % 3 by EY a owe 7 f ; 4 y g ! i ? . | Ve 3 ad § ey 3 { ; 7 Thrifty Shoppers will be buy BRA PE | have WY 3 : i 4 " ¢ e buying 3 ] i \ Pel , 7 A these Nylons in half-dozen pairs, man Georges Clemenceau M } € , Miss Arde; a8 ME been donated to the Montreal d o nade it (Subs.) Sizes 9 to . n made Jo i Museum of Fine Arts by Joseph || Possible for those who are Vj : % Simard, | not familiar with this a SMART STYLES! ; EE uh = / : AUTHENTIC REPLICA || unforgettable fragrance to 78 4 SALE PRICES! i . : CORNWALL, Ont. (CP)--Mrs. ise . Pn " " LL 1 | Jeanne Minhinnick has been com- | discover by for themselves. i gr "e Nc ARe Lge 3 : € plimented by Ontario Planning[| in a special way. ! ; Swiss drip-dry. cottons, White, RAYON "CABANNA" SUITS 4 i : SIZES 32 to 38 -- "A" Minister W, C. Nickle on her , 7 ronk work as a research assistant at|] A 3 oz. bottle of Mémoire 5 ; - Require Ei np Ircrings SIZES 3 TO 6X in Little-Girl ond Little- (5 Sue Boy styles. Colorful assortment! = And p hn and "'B" cups; circular- the Upper Canada Village near|] Chérie Perfume Mist (5 i Morrisburg. 'Through her devo- | e Mist (5.00 by pa Special . val look "how little" for a 2-pc. Z itch Whi th tion to detail an authentic pic-|] value), plus a flacon of Ad F ) i SKIRTS! SIZES 10 TO 20 -- Suit. Only .... he y stitched. ite cotton : : b broadcloth. Elastic insert ture of life in Upper Canada|] Mémoire Chérie Perf: % B ioe! ovo comes to focus," the MInISEr | (4.00 values. bot (oo ; 0.0 3.98 Voluel Novel prot | SPECIAL! SUN MATS--sizes S-M-L. Pique in my for 88° "00 value) --both for 6.00! y y white, pastels, bright-color trims. Tiny-priced . . at waist. said. J Summer-Smart Cottons! IMPROMPTU PARTIES Special 2.88 an KINGSTON, Ont, (CP) -- Gal- | " i 8 i oa ; FEATURE VALUES loping tea parties have become the fashion at nearby Camden : cl; ¥ : . East. Members of the Camden ¥ Or a "TINIES"' Ti H East United Church women's as- | f $ or -- iny-Priced sociation hold impromptu tea i Pl i parties by picking up fellow-| : CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY ® Novelty members in their cars--and each BRING ET ET 530 SIMCOE STS. % \ Nyl st attend th arty he ga - BE. i | . SS, i " . f » 3 : ylons must attend the party in the garb PHONE RA 3-2245 OSHAWA PHONE RA5-3546 6 she is wearing when she answers L STORES IN ® "'Terylene" SURED, BAR I] BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA ; , OC G\EYNS" | SR LIONS EF | prin LONDON (CP) -- Catherine | Hill was awarded £100 damages . ! Zi Ay «>'|{ ® Open-Weave after she suffered a burned ear | BOYS' y/ 3 3 ] | | under a hairdresser's drier, cd i i RR i aE HOSE SPECIAL ! CRAWLERS ! y Ch 4 (he \ o 4. Cottons SCARF SPECIAL "CRAFTMASTER" NaN ewosseo ravon -- 20 in. | GOLOR-BY-NO, SET ANKLETS -- Sizes 8%2 to | CORDUROY, in kiddie-smort Wash- 88 REA Bw SIZES: 6 MONTHS TO | square, Lovely 2 FOR | SPECIAL! -- 12 popular sub- 10/2. -Great prints, fF § 9 = , Yaron able. Sizes: S, : 7 7 7 Oh Ne "4 18 MO. -- Trimmed | colors in flower jects, 12 pen- (Subs.). . i : cils, pencil tray So Cin: Zeller ) with nylon loce hond | ond novelty Sh, panel prey c 3 PAIR Tiny-Priced! oS & «9 : embroidery, ribbons, prints. Cc Complete for : ; Co s atl Prints and solid colors ¢ in the group. Delight . 22 YD. Of (AM. J) ly |. sul tittle stores for the QL ny J : "Carri Set'! Cool, SKIRT LENGTHS ; f, ar ane wn SPECIAL! SLIPS "BRI7.DRY COTTON PRINTS RRR vee CT | mem ae se -- at a Special Low Price ! Per (Era RRA mer! Cool to wear; easy;to launder skirt-length, only ..eceaeaes [ i SCS Eth OVERSIZE SLIPS -- Acelofe & nylon ® f A ! Sizes 42-50 ; - ' i 74 g 4 3 N rr | Be HARA = GIRLS' and BOYS' SHOES 1.10 SAVINGS A PAIR TELEVISION| gi &17) <x i, Wa ; iz |) ALL PHILIPS TV's SENSATIONALLY REDUCED DURING IRVINE'S Popo: 2 Ww WN "BUYS" FOR THE HOME : Eo Sms RIOT WEEK SALE. SEE THE COMPLETE DISPLAY OF 1960 pramek LE (5 NDAR NEY fA _--- i , PHILIPS 21" AND 23" MODELS AT IRVINE'S LARGE SECOND ofan blll | OMIA | roam russes piiows -- waoiy 356.0 por | 4 Qa FLOOR AND OWN THIS PHILIPS 21" CONSOLE MODEL. 58 Se BERN 2 . | oom rubber: quiied whive covering. Pair... @a88 | NEIL CL ie ond heel. Block and LINEN TEA TOWELS -- Muiti-stripes; with attractive cot- ton decors. Size: 18 by 29 ins. i 88° DURING RIOT 50[5 NRE) | Ne |= wT * bedi 5% AARNE rl N Bd "or DISH CLOTHS -- Cotton striped cloths 10 for 88° 4 > 4 . vo Special i SALE WEEK N22 Ne BOYS' BEDF USE OUR CONVENIENT 0 N L Y eo ORD | LLAY-AWAY" PLAN SPORT SHIRTS CORD JEANS . VISCOSE POPLIN! -- Sizes S, | SIZES 6 TO 18 -- In popular A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE M, Lin a colorful assortment of | charcoal shade, with woven TILL NEEDED TRADE RC popular checl stripes. ""San- . Guaranteed forized"'. 5 poc- . JRVINE APPLIAN CES on 1.88 [min 2.48 | moon TELLER'S LIMITED = Somsscmsms Priced for Extra 50 BOND E. (NEXT TO UNION HALL) PHONE RA 32209 the door, big Savings! needle seams. PHONE RA 3-2297

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