Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 Apr 1960, p. 8

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EVERY WEEK the Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE serves refreshments at the social meeting of the Golden Age Club and when an anniversary rolls ts a) Rta Coils ons ata S ¢ 1 A PICTURE Celebrating his fourth birth- day today is Thomas James Morton who is seen with his baby sister, fourteen-month-old Calvi) Toman, i around they make a real party of the occasion. Seen enjoying themselves are Mrs. S. J. Scott, Mr. Scott, Mrs. H. Gale, Mr. Frederick Ancliffe, Mrs. D. seated, and standing the host- esses, Mrs. John Houghton, re- gent, Mrs. B. P. Cook, con- vener, Mrs. Edward Bind, mis- TO CELEBRATE A BIRTHDA dren of Mr. Arthur Snelgrove, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morton, Whitby --Photo by Bill Stannett Kathleen Anne. Tommy and Kathy are the children of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morton, Wil- liam street east, and grandchil- n Graham-Morris Maisie Kurga 9 Rites Solemnized Newlyweds, To Live In Oshawa p; pjackstock At St. Andrew's Church, Whitby, on Satur afternoon, April 16, Yoman of Whitby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Toman of Chichester, England, fook as his bride,| Presbyteriz Maisie Kurgan, daughter of Mrs.|ent Ballymoney and the late Robert Kurgan of Northern Ireland, Mr. Kurgan The Reverend officiated The wedding mu was played by Mrs. P. M. Spratt Given in marriage by Mr Laird Standish, brother-in-law « the bridegroom, the bride wore a' full-length gown of pure +. white silk organza with a volum inous skirt appliqued with chantilly lace medal each centred with a silk or The tightly fitted basque bc featured an overlay of chantilly lace fashioned to form a scallop ed square neckline and cap sleeves Her coronet of seed pearls and crystals held he il of silk illusion and she carried a cascade of red roses and white carnations Mrs. Laird' Standish ter o the bridegroom, was matron-of- honor wearing a sheath dress of wedgwood blue silk organza over chantilly lace, the sk accented with a large pouf organza Miss Judv Evans of Trenton was bridesmaid in pale green nylon lined with taffeta with a matching hat and gloves. Both carried cascades of pink and white car- nations Mr. Bernard Standish acted a best man. Ushering were Messrs Allen Fyke and Gordon Curl The reception was held in the @orvair room at the Hotel Gen- osha. When the eouple left a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and the United States the bride was wearing a sage gheen David Mars ( ve s irt i of for shantung Gabriel of pink ros of (lace two-piece dress with , quiet Easter wedding was hite accessories and a corsage colomnized at the United Church nage, Blackstock, on Satur- April 16 at 3 o'clock, when younger daughter of Mr Malcolm Morris of St Williams was uni n marriage with Rov Arthur Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham The Rev ¥ Romeril ficiated he attendants Miss Lorna Ha and Mr t Edgerton » bride was tired in a blue blue The ; Oshawa Ou wn guests were pres- from Trenton and Montreal. newly wedded pair will live par Ruth, and Mrs Royal Wedding Sparks Interest In Bridal Gowns and white accessories LONDON (Reut Thre z, al i Mi Ww Tres corsage of red buds Pride pga HA wer vhite chrysanthemums. display at the London Museum! : 2 > The bridesmaid chose a beige Monday in honor of Princess and haf? i " suit with green and brown ac- M et"s May 6 wedding 3 1 . + cessories and corsage of yellow gowns are part of a show rose bud . dding dresses dating back After ' 300 years Do i : The oldest royal gown -is Prin- ulema cses Charlotte's 1816 wedding COMP ¢ i N dr which is silver tissue Points east. . with a long train M.. and Mrs: Graham will re di Mot . dort Perr Queen Victoria's de in Port Perry contains a deep col vhich lace at navy and and becomingly suit with T'S) rose sses on dinner at the Fl at Bowmanville on a honeymoon ying the to a of bridal gown ar of honiton rs through HOUSEHOLD HINT ut Britain competed to make. Good - looking and serviceable Alongside the gown is a white table pads and stove pads can satin wedding bonnet which she/be made by covering the card wore on her drive back to Buck- board on which shirts come from ingham Palace in 1840 the laundry with aluminum foil Shop WOOLWORTHS First Guaranteed Water-Proof Fabric Washable CAR COATS IMPORTED 36 TO 46 3.98 each Gibson and Mr. Jamse Bryce, | tress of ceremonies. and {club by the chapter. iis rent reduced Jo Aldwinckle, Women's (Uonen, Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 20, 1960 PERSONALS Among those who have already made reservations for the annual Airforce Ball are Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Johnston, Alderman Hay- ward Murdoch and Mrs. Mur- doch, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLaren, Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Cowley, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lepp, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mec- Farlane, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ramshaw and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Vince. | Yiu are invited by the Social | Department to send in any little litems of interest. Wews of teas, surprise parties, showers, anni- |versaries and comings and go-| pgs are ys very acceptable > Mrs. |8n or " 5 {eharge. Please write o wl r telephone] RA 3-3474 local 18. Ww. A retary L. Freeborn, press sec- Mrs. A. E. Johnson, convener| f the Hospital Auxiliary May- {time Dance, held a meeting of| {lier committee at her home last| week. Present to report were Mrs. W. H. Stanley. co-convener,| Mrs. E. J. Reed. Mrs. H. R. Tay-| lor, Mrs. M. L. Morris, | Enjoy Themselves At Birthday Party David Jamieson, Mrs. Did) Nesbitt, Mrs. H. O. Perry, Mrs. About 90 members of the Gold-|T H. Greer and president, Mrs. --Oshawa Times Photo Golden Agers |and Mrs. W. R. Stevenson. en Age Club were entertained by Rp. W. Bassett. They have made| A | r ; sol i ot - 2 > ? 4 whose marriage to Mr. Donald |! J gi st. | the Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE plans for one of the season's gay- Yoh MoGarthy will take plage he club sometime in August on Thursday, to celebrate club's eleventh anniversary. Spring flowers and a birthday cake with candles tered the table for the festivities Ga baskets of candies and| favors at each place added to the festive atmosphere. Mrs the ost and most colorful dances. lar fra. Air Vice Marshall A. L. Morfie, national grand president, was mistress. of the evening. Mrs. ceremonies for{Gregory's auditorium 3ind spoke of auspices of Wing 420 (Oshawa) the first meeting of the Golden RCAFA. Guests of honor will be Age Club held in 1949 and of thea, charter members who have been|Tgronto, president TCAFA; active through the years Honorable Michael M E. G. Storie, accompanied | {fre rs Rosemary Mel as her The N a quartefte fror lines, sang a also led the sing enjoyed by the Mrs. J the Golde: spoke brief] se Four and Mrs. Fernley will receive € with Air Vice Marshall Curtis ist SO and will be assisted by chairman Hid hich vi Knox Hawkshaw and co-chairman, ae 9% dance committee, Mrs. Arthur ene Bilton , regent of : hapter.| Mrs. William Cardinal Sr. cele- poke br y an broaght grea brated her 86th birthday on Sat- ings and good wishes fr ®|\urday, April 16, at i Chapter to the Club. She express- held at a ed the hope that Chapter mem-|sp ono the members of her fam. bers would be serving the re-fuy who attended the arty were freshments at their meetings for|yp. "ang" Mrs William Cardinal | Mr. s. al many years to come. Mrs. Hough-| i 4 ton introduced Mrs. B. P. Cook. Jr., Mrs. Melvina Hardie, Mr. Maurice Taillon, Mr. convener, and thanked her and and Mrs. 4 2 her committee for making and Mrs. Maurice (Joe) Cardinal, party such a success. A and Mrs. Henry Cardinal, day gift was presented to r. and Mrs. John Cardinal, Mr. Arthur Cardinal, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Menard, all of Oshawa, and Mrs, | Mrs. Margaret Wright of To- the ronto. Mrs. Edward Jones of To- |ronto was unable to be present. ar ) P the Sweet sistan n or Mr the Golden Arkle, Cha James Scott, president of e Club, and r Member, cut birthday cake and the party re-|'o" freshments of sandwiches and|An honored guest at the party cookies were served by members|was Mrs. Bruce Richardson, a of the Chapter. Flowers were pre-|friend of many years standing. sented to the oldest lady present.|Mrs. Cardinal was born in St - |Andrew's, Ontario, on April 15, ho i 1874, and has lived in Oshawa SEY a Non 3 ies for 43 years. She has 23 grand- Cabri .L, England (CP-- children and 51 great-grandchil- Because he lived next door to a|dren. In honor of the occasion home for cats and dogs a man /her family presented her with a in this Derbyshire village has had |fleor lamp He complained] pc E. A. Collins, Central the noise of the animals kept his |Area Commissioner, Girl Guides children awake at night. | Association, will attend the Gold {who will Cord presentation ceremony to be held tomorrow in the Col- legiate auditorium, St. Cath- arines. The speaker will be Mrs. D. W. McGibbon, national educa- tional secretary, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, and past president of the Dominion Drama Festival. The members of the Simcoe Hall Teen-age Girls' Club were guests recently of the Dovercourt Boys' Club in Toronto. The girls toured the building and then en- joyed a swim in the pool with members of the Dovercourt Girls' Club. The Soroptimist Club of Oshawa provided the trans- portation which made this trip possible. Distinguished military person- guests and prominent citizens be received by the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel M. C. Finley and Mrs. Finley at thé Ontario Regiment's Military Ball on Friday. Others in the reception line will be Major and Mrs. J. R. Warnica, Major and Mrs. W. C. Paynter, Major and Mrs. D. B. Harnden, WO1 and Mrs. W. J. Milne. WO2 jland Mrs. J. R. Homes and Cpl.| | Miss Arlene Margaret Glowask in Holy Cross Roman Catholic There will be eight, lucky prizes|church on Saturday, April 23; ati 4 a lnipk i | a ' a ,|in appreciation for her work as| ; bicked at half-hour intervals and| was guest of honor at a miscel-|refreshment convener. Lion Nor-| en-/ dancing to Jack Fenton's orches-|janeous shower held at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Roy Spratt [Rosehill boulevard. Gifts includ | | |and household linens. Games pro Edward Bind, vice-regent| RCAFA, is lending his patronage|yided entertainment with prizes| yr, of the Golden Jubilee Chapter, |to the annual Airforce Ball at St.|awarded. Miss Glowaski was also under the honored at a miscellaneous show- the home of her| | er held at mother, Mrs. Phillip Glowaski Vice Marshall W. A. Curtis,|Glen road. The gayly decorated| the|gifts included bed spreads, elec- Starr and|tric clock and numerous house- Fm : : Starr: Squadron Leader A.|hold articles. Assisting the host- by Mrs. A. L. Gunn at the piano,| jackson and Mrs. Jackson. Pres-|ess were Miss Phyllis Glowaski, a an rE ht Miss|iGent Fred Fernley (420 Wing) Mrs. Frank Diskey and Mrs. Ed- ward Mothersill. | ed blankets, lamps, ironing board SOCIAT NOTICES ENGAGEMENT | Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ellis of Oshawa announce the engage- ¢ [ment of their daughter, Marjorie Helen, to Mr. Howard Noble McCabe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noble McCabe of Brookfield, Col- chester County, Nova Scotia. The marriage is to take place in Albert Street United Church on fitted bodice and an ankle-length full skirt. A headdress trimmed with opalescent sequins held her fingertip veil and she carried a nosegay of red and white carna- tions. The bridal attendants were the Misses Judith = Holbrook and Eleanor Anderson, Both wore bal- lerina gowns of romance blue silk organza featuring square neck- lines, loosely pleated bodices and large bows in the back. They| wore flower petal-shaped head- dresses tipped with tear-drop pearls and carried nosegays of pink and white carnations. Mr. Lloyd Tomlinson acted as best man for his brother. Usher- ing were Messrs. George Tom- Mrs. Reginald Pike was re-linson and Lloyd Tindall. | elected as president of thel A reception was held at West-| Humoresque club at its regular mount United Church. For the oc- meeting held at the CRA. _ |casion the bride's mother wore a The other officers are: Vice-iheige silk shantung jacket-dress |president, Mrs. Guy Forrest; SeC-|with a fuchsia pink flower hat. |resary, Lis 25 Wises; The bridegroom's mother was in reasurer, V i ie ided at|"2YY blue crepe with navy blue Mrs. Reg nald Pike presi 8lland white accessories. | Mrs. Mn AL " . spond-|ding trip to Quebec and on their return will live in Oshawa. For | MRS. REGINALD PIKE (President) Humoresque Club Names Officers | The secretary, |Armistead, read the corre lence and reports were given by Ithe A travelling the bride wore a wil-| Miss Patricia McConnell, the low green suit with a pale pink| official delegate for the club, will/hat and gloves and beige acces attend the CCB Conference from|SOTies. {May 10-13 at the Prince George| Out of town guests. were pres Hotel in Toronto. ent from Galt, Guelph, Toronto. | he Bowmanville advisory Cooksville, Niagara Falls and board is providing the entertain- Royal Oak, Michigan. Saturday, May 21, 1960, at twelve o'clock noon ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William J. Davis wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Diane Margrette, to Mr. Stephen Re- mego, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Remego, all of Oshawa. The marriage will take place in Al- bert Street United Church on Sat- urday, May 21 at 2 p.m. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Herman Morris of Oshawa wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy May, to the Reverend Norman Schlarbaum, son of Mr. and. Mrs. A. Schlarbaum of Galt. The marriage is to take place in King Street Pentecostal Church, Oshawa, on Friday, May 13, at 7.30 p.m RECEPTION Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Lee will be happy to receive their rela- tives and friends at their home, 232 James street, on Saturday, April 23, from 2 to 5and 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. Cross, Fretty Bahy If baby is cross or fretty, it is usually 8 sign that something in his or her lide system is "out of order". And in many cases, mild, gentle Baby's Own Tablets can py "put it right". That's the reason more Baby's oder others keep minor a ments olic and upsets, due to need of a corrective, cause baby to be fretful, Clinically and Sums oughly uick- feverish_and restless tested, Baby's Own Tablets are thor dependable. Just see for yourself how e sweet-tasting feeling happy and com- your doctor about them. Get a package at your druggist. ® Mother! For irregularity and miner diges- tive upsets of older child, 3 to 15, Jive clinically-tested Children's Own Tablets |ment and refreshments for the {next social evening. | The Oshawa Lions Club plans| ilto have a summer activity for| |gift to Lionette, The club members presented a| Mrs. Jack Bird, OSHAWA man Gower received a pen in ap-| preciation of his work with the| Blind Club. | THE DAIRY AND AJAX Refreshments were served by "|Lionettes Mrs. Jack Bird and s. Rufus Lambert. Lynn M. Bennett THURSDAY--FRI SPECIALS DAY--SATURDAY Daniel Tomlinson | Exchange Vows | The marriage of Lynn May| Bennett and Daniel Garfield Tom-| APPLE PIE | | BRIDE-TO-BE The engagement is announced today. of Miss Marjorie Helen Ellis and Mr. Howard Noble McCabe. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Ellis of Oshawa and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Noble McCabe of Brook- field, Colchester County, Nova Scotia. The marriage is to take place in Albert Street United Church on Saturday, May 21, 1960, at twelve o'clock noon. linson was solemnized on Satur-| day. April 16, at Westmount Unit-| Date & Nut Coffee Cake 37* A REAL TREAT ¢ TRULY DELICIOUS 39 led Church. | The bride is the daughter of| IMr., and Mrs. Harry Bennett of [Oshawa and the bridegroom is |the son of Mrs. Earl Tomlinson | of Oshawa and the late Mr. Tom- FOR QUALITY FRES Shop at the bakery with the large variety. HNESS and FLAVOUR linsen. The Reverend William Gibb of-| ficiated. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Marie Taylor and Mrs. Morris (Betty) Love: sang. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore embroider- Specials are Also Available At --» BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe Street North ed taffeta styling a long-sleeved Dairy banono 25% o SIZE 4 TO 14x violulnlcHAlclEls COAT &« SUIT SALE! THESE NAME BRAND COATS (MOSTLY FUTURAMA) ARE FROM SIZE 2 TO 14x. GIRL'S SPRING SUITS START FROM SALE STARTS 9:30 THURS. MORNING ugiigd pEEs OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GOLDEN MILE SHOPPING CENTRE, SCARBOROUGH Delicious Banana Splits at these super duper sav- ings! Offer good for limited time only, so hurry! Queen {it BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE GET THE SECOND ONE FOR BRING IN THE FAMILY FOR HE Discover how your favorite sundaes, malts, shakes and splits taste better made with Dairy Queen. That's because Dairy Queen is served fresh from the freezer at the very peak of flavor perfection! ©1960 Dairy Queen National Development Co. 1347 SIMCOE ST. N. (AT TAUNTON RD.) 235 SIMCOE ST. S.

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