Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 Apr 1960, p. 3

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Name 97 Doctors To Hospital Staff | At a meeting of the board,|employed for a year's training at Tuesday night, 97 doctors were the hospital. re-appointed for another year to] pi STAFF CHANGES et Oshawa. General Hospital| Mrs. George Telford, director | 7 rove _...|of nursing, in her report on the| The board approved fhe 22] school of nursing for March 'said: pointment of a second phar to the staff. The appointment is, "The resignation of Miss Betty necessary due to the loss of a Leask from the position of clini- parttime pharmacist and th e|ca! instructor in obstetrical nurs- growing need for an additional|ing has been received, to be in pharmacist. eifect July 31. A favorable report was made 'Miss Dorothy Redpath, grad- on the publicity and fund raising uate of Oshawa General Hospital| program for the new hospital|School of Nursing, 1959, who has| wing. |been at University of Western THAN VSTE |Ontario in the post graduate, CHANGE ALARM SYSTEM nursing education course, has The hospital board will follow|aocepted the position of clinical | | the suggestions of the fire mar- i structor in Paediatric Nursing" | shal and have the fire alar HE OSHAWA Times, Wednesday, April 20, 1960 J SINGER DIES BATH, England, (Reuters) -- American rock 'n' roll singer Mild Showers For Thursday Warmer. Winds southeast 15. TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- casts issued by the public weather office at 11 a.m. EST. [light winds. lat a few places. Seasonable tem-| peratures were general. ee turbance west of Lake Michigan |derstorms tonight is moving to the northeast and|showers uskasing, North Bay, Synopsis: It was mostly sunny|Cloudy today and Thursday. A {today in Southern Ontario with|few showers Thursday. Not much Cloud was general |change {north of Muskoka and brief pe-| {light today northwest 15 Thursday |riods of rain or snow occurred afternoon. A dis-| Thursday. Widely scattered thun- Eddie Cochran, 21, died im hospi- tal Sunday after being injured in 2 car accident. Gene Vincent, 25, a pioneer of rock 'n' roll, suf- tered a fractured collar bone in the accident and was listed as in fair condition. Kirkland Lake, Timmins, Kap- Sudbury: ORGANIST ' NIGHTLY -- 9-12 NORMAN HOWARD HOTEL LANCASTER in temperature. Winds | White River: Cloudy today and and a few Shursday. Not much |increasing southerly winds ahead of it will cause showery mild |In addition a few scattered thun- [ia id nort |weather in all regions Thursday.|day afternoon. perature. Winds hwest 15 Thurs- | Mother! Forecast Temperatures | {derstorms are likely to occur in {southwestern Ontario. Regional forecasts valid unti 4 midnight Thursday: " Ea id % Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niag- cham ro . a |ara, Georgian Bay, Windsor, Ton "Toronto... EASTERN TOWNSHIPS METROPOLIS BECOMES ANOTHER VENICE [do amiton: Stnmy todas, I renion {creasing clo udiness ion ISt. Catharines which drains a large | flowed its banks in this area Thursday cloudy with a few Hamilton 70 miles east of Montreal. showers and a few widely scat-\zyuskoka =CP Wirephoto tered thunderstorms. Warmer. Killaloe .. Winds southerly 15 today and Earlton .. Is your child irritable, restless and picky with food? If so, the couse may be WORMS. Worms, a common ailment with children con be easily destroyed and expelled with Millers Worm Powder. Used for generations by Canadian mothers, At your Drug Counter. Low tonight, High Sersiay ) Windsor rp 65 St. Thomas . Sher- | floods struck the Eastern Town- | cis river, vernse ships of Quebec. The St. Fran- | section of the district, over- | see cous ussass At Your Drug Counter MILLERS Rochester Beaten By : Springfield ROCHESTER, (AP) Springfield i LT three | goals within two minutes and four seconds of the first period Tues- day night and made them stand up for a, 3-2 Calder Cup playoff decision over the Rochester Americans The win gave the ular season champions American Hockey League, lead in the best-of-seven pionship series Springfield up ww IX] Thursday morning becoming (Sudbury .. west 15 in the afternoon, North Bay Lake Ontario, Haliburton, Tor- Kapuskasing . nto: Sunny, toda Thursday White River ..... ud a 0050 e CITY AND DISTRICT STREETS CLOSED The following streets will closed for construction ay Executive Hoskin avenue closed from Bald- win street to Wilson road. When-| BROOKLIN (Special)--Organi- ever possible these streets will|, ation meetings for Oshawa Ki-| be partially opened to permit|\anis 4-H Dairy Calf Club and| movement of local traffic. Ex-|Ge .hawa Kiwanis 4-H Grain Club treme heavy rains may result in| ere held in the Township Hall, the closing of other streets. Brooklin, Monday. GOOD ATTENDANCE Alvin Blades, assistant agricul Forty-three drivers attended tural representative for the coun- the first April session of the Osh- | ty welcomed boys and girls and awa Traffic Safety Clinic Tues-| their parents, and stressed the day evening. The two-evening!importance and value of 4-H club ciinic will conclude next Tues- work to the young folk, he ex- day evening. plained how it gives training ne RTA | citizenship as well as training in NINE GRASS PIRES ' various agricultural projects. he shawa ire epartmen idav & rv was kept busy during the past Ken Holliday and Ron Werty, 24 hours extinguishing nine grass| Dairy Calf Club leaders discus- fires. Four ambulance calls were | the rules and regulations and e ; answered during the same period | the use of the project book, and by the department. | Bob Holliday, Grain Club leader, " {explained the rules and the use $100 LIQUOR FINE {of field report forms for Grain Arthur J. Knight, 18, of Port|club members. Perry, was fined $100 by Mag-| The election of the 1960 officers | istrate A. S. Mitchell Tuesday|was conducted by Mr. Blades, for having liquor in an un-| assisted by the club leaders. Offi- authorized place. The charge|cers for the Oshawa Kiwanis 4-H was laid by Constable A. H. /Dairy Calf Club are: President, Summers, of the Whitby Detach- {Jim Prouse, Brooklin; Vice-Presi. went "of the OPP, after the ac-|dent, Bill Batty, Brooklin: Secre- cused was involved in an acci-|tary, Carol Nesbitt, Brooklin. dent. Officers for the Oshawa Kiwan- is 4-H Grain Club are: Pr Jack Holliday, Brooklin; Vice- the| President, John Spencer, Brook- {lin; Secretary, Larry Lamb, Co- Next. meeting for the Oshawa Kiwanis 4-H Dairy Calf Club and the Oshawa Kiwanis 4-H Grain | Club will be held in the township (hall, Brooklin, Tuesday, May 3, t 8 p.m. Pierce, vable LLHLEBRSIJIGaaaaS BER C ap-! is course at a university was proved. The extension course part of a two-year correspond- ence course in hospital adminis- tration. The board approved of the prin- ciple of having a University of Toronto administrative resident TV-RADIO COLUMN Chance For You To Writ Your Own Commercials | By CYNTHIA LOWRY Show, he will come from another {room to switch the dia' when he Wrap NEW YORK (AP) -- Do tele- ih Friday night vision commercials annoy you?|hears the star's voice. I know a laved in Sorinztield Are you irked by fatuous smok. 'Woman wit dislikes so intensely = pa oo Ee . yy a. LHI clreary, ruce ers, pounding hammers, skindiv-|2 deiergeni commercial she can't ans ether Ade ata ing shavers Great Danes jump watch the soap opera (which she'd a 2 ) : : " o does like) that surrounds it Springfield scorers in the opel ning ¢ v AFOnS ing into station wagon : epriod Relax. Now you may write The vour own sales message A big oil company plans a commercial-|PaCKaZing agency writing contest extolling its gaso- {out between eight and 12 specials in > a season under a new deal with ath : line Actually, the contest is just 2 A N Digest. Susskind has. Ciesla at 7:55 of the middle a switch on the tried-and-true 'I : e ins Bes Os TE g10m, knocked in by Spring- like brand a because . . ." idea, Soon ma ae 2 Rom of [field defenceman lan Cushenan with the usual vacation trips and this year a i ! the same time| Stan Smrke's seventh playofl automobiles for prizes sresiiny, A aly stream of TV|€0al at 10:39 of the third brought But while it an amusing P! " Leng 2 stoary or am DC the Americans into striking dis enough idea, I don't think it will Sdepiahions o y ninge movies tance, but that was as close as serve to release the pent-up emo- lis new plan Yo ve 20D ol they could come tions of the commercials-weary lions from condensations fro Paille 'was: & stand-out originals, viewer. Indians. He made saves on seven Curiously there Ishots from point-blank range in about a commercia the second period and performed TV shows too--that arouse pas-| magnificently in the wild closing sions never touched by advertise minutes as the Americans tried] Nehru, right, held this jovial ments on ihe printed page. or flip for the equalizer, " " 5 I Bob Hope Show, NBC, 8-10 p.m. ne meeting at New Dathi airport The two leaders got down to a i Bo is io RAR BA Lh -- : - I know a man who is so emo | Windup ior the year. | 126; discharges, 254; newborn tional about The Gale Storm obi Bolin Lei ETE COMIN GC TV ENTS | (me Girl Who Knew Too Much, Spontaneous CAPSULE NEWS OBITUARIES Handshaking Fungus Growth WS, SUSAN BAIRD rk s male, female Mona Freeman. BINGO, Bathe Park, Eulalic Avenue Peace Marchers A: 'sudden Tiaart attack vaised gery, 70; eye, ear, nose a By DeGaulle Kills RCMP Man Thursday, 2 p.m. Euchre Saturday, 8 pm, Whit Mongay, 3 p.m. the death of Mrs. Susan Baird, |throat, 50: treatments, 57; exam-| ; Draw Praise Monday, April 18. Mrs. Baird|inations, 32; casts, 13; physio-|® LONDON (CP) The thou- By DAVE STOCKAND Canadian Press Staff Writer RUMMAGE Sale, Thursday. April 2 King Street United Church ® a Te he was at her home. 209 Brock|therapy treatments, 275. | street south. Whitby, at the time sands of marchers who trudged into Trafalgar Square Monday to, OTTAWA (CP de Gaulle of basement. ot her death. She was 68 years display their united dislike of H- Charles Canada's dead NOVEL BINGO old bombs, got some warm praise honored Tuesday while THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M. from London newspapers. world wars the living at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled "Trafalgar Square Monday ing out to $120 JACKPOT INCLUDED dramatically proved that the) 'spirit and the heart" Door Prize $15 campaign for nuclear disarma-jland ment is a force which politicians| He must reckon with," said The who came to see him. plunged News Chronicle into their midst in measured 'The Aldermaston marchers strides that shook him free of his have set a significant example," |€scort, and was as aloof and re said The Star Tuesday ore as 2 going grandrather " iG » e a ¥ ne magnificent lesson in mag- yp.» | > on 1) The Daily Mirror does not sup- petism took place during: the her home returned port unilateral disarmament but spending the night 1 it il laods noon hour in Confederation bor's. More than it said it "unreservedly applaudsig are where the 69 - year - old 2 z the publi¢ spirit of all those who \ were searching the ; wouiortable: Easter French leader had placed a end parks : Spent an uncomfortable Laster ...eath at Canada's National War it y holiday drawing attention to the|yyam ori) 10, showed ear jangers clear! Con' ds G teak Gens of thie pucles Gen. de Gaulle had seemed VERWOERD UP S : ; about ready to get back into the, PRETORIA (AP)--Primé¢ Min The Daily Sketch said that car that had brought him to the Hendy: % Verwoerd of South "though some may scorn the ceremonial area but instead Africa shot twice the head et marchers' methods, few of us in marched across the square to the pe 2 atiernpted tl 1 our hearts deny the common barriers holding back the erowds. day ATO. was alowed out of bed sense of their mission. Prime Minister Diefenbaker go" iho First ims Tresday. A hot. J others were left in the. lurch pital bulletin said: 'The prime y sude at by the' sudden move. minister ¥ ressing steadily | In seconds, the general was nd favorably surrounded by children who had ts {slipped under the barricade--a DROP FPC HEAD |smiling, crane-like Pied Piper WASHINGTON AP {who stooped low to pat the chil eral 'Power Commissioner {dren and stretched long to touch liam R. Connole "ho has {hands reaching out from far back, X : knowledged backstag natural gas sil being dropped by the in the crowd There were shouts of *'vive de hyst oh hower administration ( SIeria | ional sources said today the 37- | Gaulle" and tears sparkled some eyes in the happy jot. Je for hie ott act eel 98 year-old Connole was told by th TRAFFIC RECORD White House he would not be re LONDON Reuters) More | clasping hands with every person Ha ar term. t 25 {in the noontime crowd of between named for another five-year term than 25,000 cars an hour were 14,000 and 5.000. after current term expires ireaming out of London toda While police were June He denied any wrong for the country and the seasic doing. breaking all traffi $ out the traffic jam already i : - 3 affic records for caused, the visiting leader cut! DECIDE LATER Je Easter Monday national hol have. an across the square for an equally, WASHINGTON (AP Thelsar: id ate Sunday night atisuch an event, emotional getting acquainted Senate foreign relations commit- ae as : perspns had been Iilied Ernest Moore. party along the western barrier tee agreed Tuesday to decide nore idehts ro hgh in before returning to his cai next Tuesday whether to hold a (jee deze of the pi Poin hearing on a bill to authorize di- gq 2 version of more water from Lake Michigan. The bill already passed by the House of Representatives referred to the committee ast year for further considera- tion of Canadian objections JUNE Nova Scotia polls in June May sday ssive | wit S n: ny system changed in the old build. 11 Se ome ce dunt 1. | ing when the new fire alarm sys- [educational program for graduate ton is stalled in the new hos "nurse students, nursing - assist- pia. wing, roi mem: ants and aides in the Paediatric Le 0s h 2vs > at Erith Department. This will include the s E $22; ol i 3 hi ; revenue fund to cover the cost of leation teaching of mew a section unit for the paediatric/ ib ward. ELIMINATE AFFILIATION A favorable revort was submit-l «with the opening of the new Windsor street in East led ob Ble vey Dosbial Yon building and the new paediatric, brooke looked like a canal after department, we hope to estab- March 28. {lish a program for our own stu T0 ATTEND COURSE |de nts and thus eliminate the ne- The application of Mr [cessity of their affiliation at He head 'of the accounts rec Hospital for Sick Children, . recy ronto "Two assistants in medical and surgical clinital teaching, Miss Terwillegar and Miss Bear, will be granted leave of absence for 10 months to attend courses at universities in nursing etueBHon. To date, there have appointments to replace beer Clubs Elect reg in th a 3-1 cham Indians, SEND FLOWERS by Wire Delivery and Quality Guaranteed by the world's most responsible florists Look in Yellow Pages Florists' TeLecraPH Devivery chance fo in 17 years > fifth game has a ts Chine Vers Americans fought back but past goalie Marcel once. The first Roch g0é credited to Han} D2 av vid Susskind's plans to turn could Paille ester Producer get only ses vas R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS 10%2 KING ST. WEST RA 5-1131 for the READY FOR BORDER TALKS business today for the six days of talks on the question.--(AP Wirephoto radio fr from New Delhi) is something = | -- and some Recommended tonight: Ninotchka, ABC, 8:30-10 p.m EST--with Maria Schell, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Gig Young. first of border via on the Chinese premier's arri- val yesterday for talks on their disputed Himalayan borders. Red China's Chou En-lai and India's Prime Minister HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of G for Tm rtoresT Flowers for all occasions 124 Dundes St. West, Whitby MO 8-3324 Whitby Osh week April 220; births -- male "is, female, 21, Monty Wants To See Diefenbaker MONTREAL (CP) Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery We Acknowledge sa'd Tuesday on his arrival from | Britain that his main reason for| 0 coming to Canada was to see| Prime Minister Diefenbaker and| N discuss world problems with him. | Viscount Montgomery said he| jadmires Mr. Diefenbaker. "I think he's a great chap," Tel said in an airport interview. "He| has courage and you can get de-| cisions. I first met him in Paris| . 1 want to see him again and| what he thinks of the prob-| the world." er used articles around the house you can turn them into cash by selling them through | a Oshawa Times Want Ad. Dial RA 3-3492. B.C. of that day's wedding of Princess Sid Margaret and Antony Armstrong Born in Re the CBC said Tuesday varents were the .late Mr. and of tWO with a rare fungus infection. The night. The tapes will provide CBC Mrs. Frederick Farmer. In 1936, reach- iss vear.old father of two children English-- and French language Mrs. Baird was married in Whit- th. the died in hospital of cryptococcus TV coverage of the wedding start hy the late Charles Baird. of his own |, aoformans which doctors had ing about 1 p.m. EDT She lost her husband in 1942 unsuccessfully fought with a re- eS Naan Mrs. Baird lived in Whitby for cently-developed drug flown in ADJOURN CASE 32 years. Previously she had VANCOUVER (CP) A court from Montreal spent a short time in Toronto, earing into the case of unive coming to Canada from Sit ecturer Irene Rebrin, or- fter England. dered deported on security. She was a member and one of it from grounds, was adjourned Tuesday the most active workers for the ie after until Friday to permit a new whithy Baptist Church. She was ne Crown counsel the ipportunity toi z1so chaplain of the Ladies' Aux- men become familiar with the case Branch 112 of the Cana- hore and ATSEINE Legion and a member of Donna IS FOUND Home. League of the Salva- CP) Guillaume, \ N Army the largest French in Canada, was found Surviving Mrs n ending a 48-hour son, Charles W. took him all over/and her sis Amelia, who live Mr. and Mrs. in London, and 10 had offered a The funeral. service will be held spring fever. April 21. at 2 p.m., in own Funeral Home, | 8h AK Ward, pastor of Whithy| \P burch, will be assisted] Somt R. Z er of the Sal- Army. Burial will be in| Cemetery, Brooklin. | Auxiliary, Branch Legion, will today Branch to at- NEW WESTMINSTER, Preside nt (cp) RCMP Constable France geott Monday night lost a battle|Jones, England, her ading, to walked among the people Rummage Sale ST. MATTHEW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH (corner Wilson Rd & Hoskin) SATURDAY, APRIL 23rd 2pm SALE GOOD USED CLOTHING Church, West Every Friday, RETURNS A overt Tues GIRL TORONTO (CP) old girl missing 10-year Bring in the bonus coupons from this month's Reader's Digest and receive 1 Qt. of Quaker State FREE with every oil change. THE CLIFF MILLS | MOTORS LTD. KING AT PARK RD. RA 3-4634 a liary dian 10 lake en up DOG TORONTO ned as see lems of STORAGE WHEAT TO FEED U.S. Government agriculture ex- perts estimate that if all the wheat in surplus storages were turned into bread, there would be enough to supply every man, woman and child in the entire U.S. with more than 450 loaves ! If you are storing no long- the tion west Stobbs, renow Baird are her (Bill) of Whitby poodle Tuesday odyssey whicl the « [6] William Knox reward, blamed EXPENSIVE OKALAND Chester Larson weeds in his pit Sunday and, E it takes to broii F ed homes were ablaze. Wil chief J. E. Byrne "neighborhood dam. than $60,000. He s yard fire set ab in the backyard neighbor ster 1y Northminister Door. Open 1 p.m, St. Mary's Bingo WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20-8 P.M. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL 184 BOND STREET WEST 16 GAMES OF $6.00 1 GAME EACH OF $10, $20, $30, $40 SHARE-THE-WEALTH $50 EXTRA--2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1.00 ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED ( 18 rd ard bai n about u steak, seven Assistant fire estimated the 4 at more the b tail (ree Larson has K ecu 4 time Groveside The Ladies' 112 of the Canadian hold a service at 7.30 p.m in the funeral chapel members are requested end d a of is OBSERVED U.K. HOLIDAY LONDON (Reuters)---Schools at | 2il United States military bases in Britain will be closed on Prin- Margaret's wedding day, it was announced today. do American children opportunit to witness; Maj. Gen. U.S. third air force commander and area commander for the more than 8.700 American servicemen in Britain his 9 cess May 6 still . sorting "Seldom DO YOU KNOW THAT WHILE PRICES FOR THE FABULOUS DREAM HOMES IN . . . Beau Valley RANGE ALL THE WAY UP TO $25,000 Postal Employees Threaten Strike OTTAWA (CP) Cross of Kingston. president the Cana dian Postal Employees Associa- tion, hinted Tuesday that post men may go through with a 24- hour work stoppage if the gov ernment doesn't postmen' salaries within next months Asked by RETURN HOME OTTAWA, (CP)--Prime Minis ter and Mrs. Diefenbaker ar- rived at Uplands airport Sunday right after an Easter trip Saskatoon and Prince Albert The Corporation of the Town of Ajax AJAX, ONTARIO "PROCLAMATION Daylight Saving Time By Council was Dan ol PERHAPS IN HALIFAX (CP likely will go to the The last possibility s election was ruled four by a source close Conservative of a out Tue to Prog Premier Robert L Stanfield. The informant said no authority of a resolution of the of the Town of Ajax, | request' all citizens to ob- Daylight Saving time from You Can Own Your Dream Home For As Little As $15,950 DON'T MISS KING STREET UNITED CHURCH GET THE BEST For Less At raise the hereby serve a eporter to com AOTS MEN'S CLUB AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 7 P.M. CHURCH BASEMENT TOP - BARGAINS! (1 a-H.P, Bieetric Motor) men Monday joint seve sociations pay our "We powers that be through with begging on in we either get our increases lor else." association's decision withdraw from the committee set up by civil service as united action for increases he said are finished going to the in government on knees. We ary From here t on the to action ral federal for hands and announcement of the election would be made Tuesday. Pro- vincial election law provides for the. writ of election to be issued al least 42 days before polling day SPECIAL TV OTTAWA (CP)--Two RAF Vul can jet bombers are scheduled to make special flights to Canada IMay 6 with television video tapes| FLIGHT MODERN UPHOLSTERING 9262 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 2:00 A.M., SUNDAY, APRIL 24th, 1960 to 2:00 A.M., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1960 WM. A. PARISH, Mayor f SEE . . . God Save the Queen RISTOW & OLSEN, REALTORS RA 5-6165 DON HOWE, REALTOR RA 5.7732 HARRY MILLEN, REALTOR RA 8.1679 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE RA 3-2265 ASSOC. TODAY

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