Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Apr 1960, p. 8

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S50--Articles for Sale |52--Legal Notices B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat- | teries, Kelvinator refrigerator, tele. vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5.4543. CITY OF OSHAWA each; electric kettles, $4 and $6; 21" Tenders for TV, $89 Phone RA 8-1131 or come in |at our two locations, 19 and 24 Prin treet. Ci ' Asphalting Sealed tenders, plainly F Store, NEW furniture bargains: 2-piece ches- marked as to contents, and addressed to:-- terfielas (airfoam), reduced to <189; 5. piece suite, only $129.50; 36" continental beds complete, only $32.50; any size continental beds, smooth tops, $49.50; ounk beds with spring mattress, o. atboriie step gg ns nd up; Al lece chrome sets, ol 3 ece derman J. Br bed chesterfields, $69.50; chrome chairs oyormen 4: Brody, $5.95 each; chest drawers, unfinished, . ' M $16.95 and gp. Try Community Furni- City Property and Fire Protection Committee, c/o City Clerk, 50 Centre Street, Oshowa. be received not later thon 5:00 p.m. Monday, April 25, 1960, for on asphalt driveway, ot No. 3 ture at our two locations, 19 and 24 Prince Street, RA 81131. Cash or terms. Fire Station, Sommerville Avenue. Full particulars may be sec- ured at the Office of the Fire Chief, 113 Simcoe , Street North, Oshawa. Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted. H. R. HOBBS, Chief Oshawa Fire Department CITY OF OSHAWA Tenders for Oil Burner Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to contents, and addressed to:-- Alderman J. Brady, Chairman, City Property and Fire Protection Committee, c/o City Clerk, 50 Centre Street, Oshawa. New Evidence In Triple Slayin OTTAWA, Ill. (AP) -- Science has produced evidence that two men--instead of one--killed the wives of three Chicago business Executives in Starved Rock State ark. 4 This information was disclosed Monday by Sheriff Ray E who termed it the best lead in the case thus far. Hair samples analyzed by the Eastman Kodak Company in Ro- chester, N.Y., shoved one sample brown, the other blonde. It had been thought earlier that the women were slain by one powerful man of the "lone wolf" type. The victims were Mrs. Lillian Oetting, 50, Mrs. Mildred Lind- quist, 50, and Mrs. Frances Mur- phy, 47. They were beaten to death March 14 shortly after they had set out on a hike in the park. ACOUSTICAN HEARING CLINIC If You Hear But Don't Understand -- Then This Free Hearing Aid Test Offer Is Just For You... SOME PEOPLE HAVE LOST JOBS -- Rather than admit they just don't hear. SOME PEOPLE HAVE LOST FRIENDS Because they § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 19, 1960 Mauve And Green Face Powder GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES Introduced At Fashion Show Fr. John B. Myers invited all members to parish houses to view the newly decorated rooms. CHRIST CHURCH EVE. WA | The regular meeting of the evening branch of the WA of Christ Memorial Church was held recently at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Gpodswan. Mrs. W. J. Howard presided. The minutes and treasurer's re- ports were given. Mrs, Harvey Beadle, icorresponding seeretary, read several letters. Mrs. Donald CLASSIFIED - ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 16) 50--Articles for Sale 50--Articles for Sale GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup-| GENERAL Electric 4-burner stove, in plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent{good condition. Suitable for home or down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond |cottage. Call RA 57842. Street West. RA 5-6511, ._|DOLL buggy, girl's bicycle, one trum- HIGHEST prices paid for used furni-|Pet in case, girl's clothing size 10. RA ture, also sell and exchange. Contact 5-4797. Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince |CHINESE cabinet, like new. Phone RA Street. Phone RA 83-1131. 5-2668 » P KITCHEN chairs, set of four, $20;|78" GURNEY three-piece sectional half sofa, curved centre, bumper, rocking chair, all brand new. RA 8-6053, hi LARGE selection of re-conditioned TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coe Street North. NEVER used, automatic dishwasher, under counter installation, will sell for $185 or best offer over. Call RA 8-6741 after NEW finish for your old asphalt shingle roof, ""T¢ "colored and jet. More than 100 other col- ors may be kad by special order. Even more startling, and rec- ommended only for daring types, would be the mix-match trend-- one red eye and one green, for instance. GREEN FACE POWDER Just to make things more con- fusing, there are the new face pi and dation shades of green and currently DEL MAR GROUP The recent meeting of the Del- Mar group of King Street United Church took place in the ladies' lounge. "The president, Mrs. Donald Cooper, opened the meeting. The theme of the worship service, "Friendship," was led by Mrs. Eric Booth and Mrs. Norma Haire, The secretary gave her report followed by the roll call. A re- port was given on the WA meet- ing by Mrs. Glynis Storey. It was announced that a tour would be taken in place of next meeting. There wiil be a rummage sale in June. The meeting was concluded with a demonstration on make- up by Miss Jane Black. A vote of thauks was extended to Miss Black by Mrs. Douglas Forrester. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Glynis Stacey and her group. By DOROTHY ROE NEW YORK (AP)--Lines for a poet of the strange '60s: "Your eyes are like rubies, your lips are like grass, your skin is like violets, my rainbow lass." This is the new beauty preserip- tion for glamor girls of the space age, and no fooling. Already on the United States market, and highly touted by experts in these matters, are colored contact lenses, violet or green face pow-| promoted by some of the top U.S. der and lipsticks in tradition-| cosmetic houses, and the offbeat shattering shades of green, blue, (lipstick colors, also off and run- violet and yellow as well as the ning. = e range, clock and timer, Westinghouse 'frig. cu. ft. L. Hol- lavender, will , re paint, by Benjamin Moore, will refin- ish your present asphalt give them additional years of wear, and in new colors. See Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King Street West (opposite Dominion Store). PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street, RA 3-7624. GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. not hew Oth an UU p.m., Vionday April 25, 1960, for supply- ing and installing of, an Qil Burner Unit and Storage tanks, at No. 2 Fire Station, Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. ady OF April, 1900, 10 file a statement of his claim in my office at the Town of Whitby, and to serve a copy on the Applicant The address of the Applicant for service is: 130 King Street: East, Oshawa, On- tario. DATED at Whitby this 8th doy of April, 1960. J. M. Roblin, LOCAL MASTER OF CEREMONIES. earing. SOME PEOPLE MISS MOST OF THE FUN Because they hesitate about hearing aids. If you have a doubt ebout your own heating -- Come in durin, this FREE CLINIC DAY -- T your friends about it too, If vou are uncble to ottend this Clinic, phone Mr. Geo. Browne at the hotel for Home Demonstration. OSHAWA GENOSHA HOTEL Thursday, April 21st Hours 1-9 p.m, BATTERIES, CORDS, EAR- Keeps ears healthy and Ask for it. HEARING AID USERS HAVE YOUR AID CLEANED AND CHECKED FREE The World's finest hearing since 1902 ACOUSTICON 67 Richmond. St. W. Toronto Value." | springs, $9; four electric shar Full particulars may be sec- ured at the Office of the Fire Chief, 113 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. back and moth proof, 6 decorative col- ors, large 9 x 12 size very special price $79.50 Ends of wall coverings Clear out price 37c per foot. Wilson Furniture 20 Church Street. WOLLENSAK tape recorder, like new, with extra tapes. RA 8-1510 after 6 p.m. Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted. H. R. HOBBS, Chief Oshawa Fire Department not 7 HP actor, ME tiller, in good condition. Telephone COlfax 3-2152. BABYLAND Bargains! New style smart metal body carriages, converts to car bed, many colors, lowest price in town, $37. Large full panel Roxatone crib, half price, $19.88. Spring - filled crib mattresses, $0.88. Piaypens, $8.88. {High chair, $7.88. Strollers, $5.88. Wil- FREE TEXTBOOKS CHICOUTIMI, Que. (CP)-- Some 2,000 students at 18 schools ONTARIO here will receive their books free starting next term. The school commission agreed to pay 25 per TENDERS FOR cent of the cost of books after [PROVINCIAL PARK |legislation is approved by which| CONCESSION the provincial government will] {pay 75 per cent. | { Sealed tenders clearly marked | "Tenders for Refreshment | Booth Concession, Darlington | Provincial Park" will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 12:30 p.m. Friday, April 29, 1960. A deposit in the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) must accompany each tender. Tender forms ond detailed information are available from the District Forester, Department of Lands and Forests, Lindsay, Ontario. The highesf or any tender not FRESH GENE; clean. linger, 251 Drew, Apt. 2. After 5 p.m. RA 5-0737. BABY carriage, ae deluxe, pastel ue, like new, . Converts to bas- yA sinette, car bed or stroller. Carriage| USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. pad and shopping phasket included. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543. Phone Port Perry, YUkon 5-2529. i BOAT trailer with winch, small wheels, |51--Swap and Barter Wilson, dorcas secretary, gave a B N | n | ights, and licence, $75. C. Cox, RA] report. 3.9893. A oo Tip JUDE, Ne Plans were made for the May|y, "14 hat rosy hues. When it comes to hair, PONY tractor with cultivator and nace, boiler and rads, electric pop. Sale to be held on Wednesday, s i imit. A plough. RA 59826. |cooler, serv-all grill, piping and fit Eyes to match your costume Solar spectrum is the limit. As |e all: Kinds) VB offered | re he Mey Sate color are the latest to hit the|any girl who reads the fashion PAINT, inferior, exierior, $195 gation. 2% © ON Shim Ba vm T 0 convene the Ma ale, 3 | i it', i colors uaran at, gloss. . | 4 Te was decided to have 4 baby-| fashion spectrum, introduced at Inagazines kiows, it's possible fo Oshawa Hardware and Electric, +|52--Legal Notices { sitting department at the May|a recent full-dress fashion show have gd of 213 er, yom Church Street. RA 37624. Sale. Mrs, Glen Drury offered to|in New York. [omer Breen 10 21s ong Di MARCONI "2Lincli> console ielevision, Lond Titles Act a od " + 2 ! » ul y overhauled, ; also i. be in charge of this project. Colors avallalile in the standard change it next day to peacock Th RCA Vitor Dion 'islam win Tie C The next meeting will be atline of contact lenses include:|,, .'o. o.onoe This may be done new picture tube, guaranteed for one IN THE MATTER OF the home of Mrs. F. A. Mcllveen.|yellow; red; pink; Drange} tan- ik oP ange. 1 hair Y means year, $119 Meaghiel's 5 King St. West[ p. ¢ of tor 5, Gamble's Plan, x : ine: ti . r reens, A a SAVE your dollars at Lucky dollar : . Miss Irene Pawson will be the ferine; igor gold; t 8% = th of rinses, or by having a ward- store. fresh vegetables daily Phone City of Oshawa; guest at the May meeting and|from olive to emerald; ree |. b -colored 3 E i fh robe of vari-color wigs. your orders in. RA 5-0432 free deliv- MADONNA GROUP show pictures of 'her trip around|browns, including amber, topaz) "Aqq to the picture the current| oer Yet Ey | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Miss Eva Bruckner presided at|the world. : and espresso; lavender; orchid, secpread use of colored eye- FEET Zen) sige) or Suck Seb, $10 DOWN, delivers a new refrigerator, | that the April meeting of the Madonna | 2 shadow, mascara and eyebrow |Phone YUkon 5-2605. TADEE, washer °F TV. 3 er eent off on; OSHAWA HILLSDALE. LIMITED Group of St, Gertrude's Catholic pencil, and the new style beauty |i" "RCA television console set, walnut coe Street South. Fils: ode on. GpPIECHON. 36 Women's League as group lead- CHILD U S38 Slop traffic anywhere in the With tours Deantiful condition. Tele-| RGGM Dividers that are really different] the Local Master of Titles of . Walter Branch and Wel- | world, sonia on | and smart. $10 down delivers. Several] \y ifi = mn Mrs. Michael The beauty experts argue that|SPECIAL -- 7" mahogany hardboard exciting models to choose from. White for ® certificate of are col ' . : nd y ; | paneline, 4' x 7',and 4' x 8, randomed |Barons' Home Furnishings. 424 Simcoe itle Is land of whic Rudka, were both unavoidably a oO ure our 1 ren there's no law Hat says a Dato grooved, 14% sq. ft. Phone RA 8-1611. |Street South, they claim to be the owner absent. ; : have to have red lips and | €12€| STRETCH your food dollar at Glecolf | NU-WAY Rug Co. has been appointed| In fee simple free from all After the opening prayer, Miss] ; | skin, pink cheeks and the hair na-|supermarket, Ritson Road South, open distributor for Filler Queen Vacuum| encumbrances, except a first Bruckner called on the conveners| ture gave them. After all these|to 10 p.m. every night. We accept wel-|R, 33 mortgage to Goldstein Invest- for their reports. Mrs. Albert ee ey Ie qu y ove {thousands of years, they feel fare 2nd celief voushess. Eo alien G We'll buy it, Re.| ments Limited and Penicka Winterink reporting for welfare women and their public may bel anizations. banquets and lodges. We | (rigerators, washers, pianos,| Enterprises Limited. : | y . '¢ | stoves, etc. For t h offer, con: convener, Mrs. Michael Rudka,| gy CLEVELAND MYERS all, with radio and TV silent. Pro: tired of the same old face. |deliver. Save and shop at Glecofl's {ttl prince Sireet, Phone RA 81131.| Wherefore any other person told of helping a family with nine| 5 bio problem in every family vide outings and trips for the ~ fo AA a ncaa in S. dpiece chesterfield s20;| having or claiming to have children and another with IO with more than one child is for whole family. H T P . t [THREE fooms oi Hymiture nly § A any title to or interest in the babies. Shop convener, Mrs. Rob-|,5 ents to find ways to enjoy| 8. As early as possible, help Ow 10 ram |chome set, bedroom suite, mattress. almost , land or any part thereof is i AR " 3 : ' > » I 3 ana tap amps, pilows, €Lc, ise for the Nearly New Shop and|ca<h Oilld to etjoy the pavenisiiearn to play 'quiet games io OJC NA DIPS [aciivers: "Guaranteed Best : b phir H 5 ana a is brothers and sisters. gether, maybe WwW P= 7 | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe USED parts and repairs for all makes asked 2 assistance oa making] Jealousy is not limited to the/mates joining. By ELEANOR ROSS Street South. TRL |of wringer type washers, % HP motors these goo! 5 Joa Yor I {time when a new baby arrives. 9. Expect much fighting and Possibly no place around the rryok tires with tubes and (5 do sl guarantend Fesonditioned A it Jiai-|1t may arise as the children grow quarrelling. But when one child house is subject to more hs (Tike inn 8 $280, portable" ais Hampton, Co 3-224 Mrs, ames the CWL. drew|older and may coniinue after|is always the underdog or youjand tear and more battering by)... tile ini 530 "Gas engine 6 hp| FLOOR coverings at fremendous sav. son officer fo the « OrCWlihey are grown up, even when|can't stand it, separate them for the elements than wooden exter-|wisconsin, $65, Six air compressor|ings, clearance of last year's patterns attention to the CWL card party| * LY ; Woy | i ini i or steps and open porches. To units, stationary and one portable, from |Many cheerful designs for home and to be held on the evening of [they have children of their own./an appreciable, definite time. | D! ane N Dor ordered|$139 Te bo a I opts for home aa April 20 in the new church hall [Yet it is wonderful when several 10. Aim most of all to be a kind (keep up wi a V Severed AC Volt Ammetér a a ith ae > and called for two volunteers to|children of the same family en-iof catalyst, causing frequent pe- house, these spaces must be Xeptcable, air hoses, torch, 4 -|mats while they last $1.49. Harding help with refreshments. Notice |i0y one another most of the time. riods of fun among your children, in gocd condition and now's andor og pores. 1 heavy quality broadioom, rubberized was also given of a communion SOME TIPS |with their playmates often par-time to get them ready for the; iol "6a "car radio, office cabinet. a | Here are some suggestions: ticipating. season ahead. | welding rods cast iron, portable mantel breakfast for all CWL members Xi wrsell._ how! (Mv ballets 1 d radio, TBM time punch clock, fluores- to be held after the nine o'clock| 1. Keep asking yourself how) (My bulletins, Quarrelling and|oepyip ryEM FIRST |cent "fixtures and bulbs, emery cloth mass, April 24, in the church you would feel in each child's|Fighting and Preventing and Re-|®""" f to be|and discs, electric fuel pump 6 volts ' ? lace |ducing Jealousy, may be had by| Like other surfaces 10 "elzng windshield wiper, punches, gaskets hall. pace. ; ! condi ? Y \painted, porch floors and exter-|and many others, to be sold regardless A prayer was said for the re- Does he feel he is as worthy sending a self - addressed, u.s. oF Leos should be free of dirt, of cost Apply 597 Simcoe Street South pose of the soul of Mr. Peter and as much loved by you as the|stamped envelope to me in care oil 'and grease. These surfaces A 5.9216, at any time. io. "hi 2 1 3 7 aC. - n | ll -------- eminent eiap---------- van der Zwet, brother of Mrs, other children are? I you see he of this newspaper.) ould be scrubbed with water | REGISTE EEE TTY SIT Bert Heemskerk, who died April/does not, you won't change his PARENTS' QUESTIONS d ¢ and after hos. Phone RA 5.6071. Z h e-|feelings by mere talk. You willl Q Where may one get evalua- and a detergent and, aio dnnded eR IRIE) : i a Pred fo se: the stage so he may, tion of TV programs for chil/ing, left to dry. All bare patches we pay highest prices in the city for sen rs. A V { . Slag! nid g vi what- used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- two medals for her grandchildren, |after weeks, months or years, dren? : : shoud be shot soared wis | ture Store, RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South Paul and Sheila, who were re- feel more loved and secure. | Ad Krom) the Nat:onal Assecis- oll dann any lode boards | WINE and cider ra TR rd cently born to Mr. and Mrs. |p, povne SHOULD HELP {tion for Better Radio and Tele-| 4 | solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard-| ons Furniture, 20 Church Street James Sabyan, Jr. AREN; wins less approval and] vision, 882 Victoria Avenue, Los and, unless you are using rust: ware, 8 Church. RA 3.7624 A hi ke i in- * i i 5 nails, le heads with| SAC - - DDING bar s. Re ow prices! Social convener, Mrs. A. Win-| tion Gucide the family, en./ADSeles °5, California, for 55 proof zails, prime 'mer. Badly| GIRLS spring coal, size 9-11, red plaid|Spring - filled matiresses, guaranteed terink, indicated that new con-/% few lavmates and| Cents. an anti-corrosive pri . > |suit, size 6X, in good condition. construction, Reg. $29.95 -- Wilson's veners for the coming year would |J0YS fewer pa : cracked or broken boards should phone RA 5.3627 Sow price, $16.88. Smooth' top high tual i ing |achieves less at play or work, laced es I -- lity mattresses, discontinued _tickings be appointed at the next meeting ™ : i be replaced. LADY'S suit, medium blue, size 16, ! ; then you should strive to help him | 3 ; ; and one of a kind. Serta, Restonic, Monday, May 9, and that the 06M you ; |$15. Lady's coat, beige, fitted, size 16, Beyere " i 4 on Monday, May 9, igain in th directions, or as Ni BOARDS : " 4 : & Beverly, Marshall, Simmons, reduced retiring convener would be in|8aIn In these directions, of SEAL NEW BO! $15, excellent condition. RA 55676 for quick sale from $22, Continental harge of refreshments. The Rey, compensations in other direc: By ESTRELLITA Before nailing down the new|'s3 BSA. 650 CC motorcycle $250, |beds, spring - filled sturdy construction, enare wba £9 : "|tions boards, seal the ends and edges|RA 57233 | mismatched tickings, single sizes, Reg. d id Wh the floor- USED " $44.50, clearance price, $24.50. Bunk and underside. ere the floor-|USED electric hot water tank, 00d |peds, complete with ribbon springs, 2. If one child gels rebuked and FOR TOMORROW NORGE gas range, good condition. T RA 5-9148. BOATS, motors and trailers, wew and and flakier and crackling crisp be- cause they're "AQUAFLAKED" | This is not a day for aggressive ing boards butt against the side condition. Apply 328 Annapolis Avenue. mattresses, guard rail and ladder, 11 vi i i ot ralki Al ic Encycl dia; seven|Roll-a-way cots complete with mat. . {less loved, will feel more Jealous. | theless, produce fine returns if seal the gap with calking com-| doe "Land and iis Lg von tress, $16.95. Wilson's Furniture, 20 ans 1g ay The problem then is gradually|you are tactful and gracious. pound to prevent water enteringlumes "Popular Science". RA 5-813. |Church Street. Di A 1 R 1 | fewer disapprovals and more ap-|give unsolicited advice. | If the porch and- or steps are|type, 12 cu. ft. hold app 1visiona a y |provals, and this won't be easy.| Some personal desires may built above ground, and there|lbs. Call MO 85152. Private. The Oshawa Home League of RESPECT OWNERSHIP [have to be set aside until later in has been a history of the porch|sTovE, ~McClary, apartment size, used. Complete selection. We finance { | A : A phone RA §-1093. |budget. See Dominion Tire Store, ivisi | ience i i {achievement will be more propit- sary to place a vapor barrier ® 2 = Church and Bond. plane o fhe Divisional Rally obedience a Sach Se YO, |over the ground in the form of LAWNMOWER, 21" dcycle rotary; 2.| which 1s to be 18 ! | SA Home Lea ue {punished far more than another, | r g you can be sure he will feel he is|action but one which can, never- of the house, it's a good idea to|ONE plywood flat bottom boat; 30 vol-|Maple or Walnut, price complete, $58. to guide him effectively with | Don't try to force issues and don't|the wood. HOME freezer, good condition, chest| NORGE 1 | - - ; IBegv: i 4 it 3 the Salvation Army is making] 3. Having established effective|the week, when the aspects for paint peeling, it may be neces. ICN duty, our' purser 'zange, Tele-| OL, OWH Se COMLS Ao Tire Hie, e ) Bd | a= i i vi chesterfield, both in good : |55-pound coated roll roofing. Or[Plect Wine 2 3 day, April 26. Fenelon Port Hope, Peterborough, Bowmanville, bourg, Trenton, Belleville, King- operative g ; ston, Gananoque, Napanee, things together with growing sat- Tweed and Campbellford. The rally will be held in the| UAW hall, Bond street east. The grow old enough to take on re-| |respect the right and possessions| For THE BIRTHDAY Oshawa will be host to dele-|of the others. Except for a few| gates from Whitby, Uxbridge, (common : Falls, |have some possession of his OWN. | ntrend Co-/Then the way is cleared for co-| playthings, let each| sharing and doing] isfactions. 4. When some of the children afternoon meeting will start at|quired jobs, don't have these jobs| 2:30 p.m. Supper will be served | Genosha to dele-|SET JOBS at 'the Hotel gates at 5.30 p.m. and the eve- werlap | Have Jim, eight, clear the ning meeting will commence at|table after dinner this week, and| 7:30 p.m Brigadier torial Home League secretary, Julia, ten, help set the table and Ethel Burnell, Terri-|carry food to it. Exchange these | be jobs next week, but don't have| will be the guest speaker at both|both children do the same job to-| meetings and will be assisted by gether Mrs. Brigadier Gennery, The Singers, Mrs. Chris Oshawa Home under the direction Osbourn, Home League secretary of Belleville 3 League | requirements. 5. Take account of age differ-| ence in regard to privileges and 6. Help each 'child cultivate of part in both meetings and the|outside the family. di=tribution of awards and many, 7. fur be meals, when all may participate Make the dinner hour|ingenious, self - reliant and en-|fo it that other interesting items will featured enjoyably | with of August, December. If tomorrow is your birthday, ! Family matters great encouragement under this year's plentary aspects and ro- mance and social activities will highly early November, May. Try to avoid nervous ter sion during early June and, possible, try to get away for af few change of scene could prove| highly beneficial. Late December| if| opportunities which should start A child born on this day will be {floor enamel {handled roller. This saves much stimulating during|bending and kneeling. You 'can also in early|use solvent-thinned floor enam- a-|€ls or you may prefer to use the {enamels ' i i | These days during that period. Al our t may he possible to paint the to prevent lin this connection: early May, all|sary if adequate ventilation is late November and|provided by louvers or other ven- itilators in the side walls below should find|the porch level. The easiest way to apply the is with a long- newer latex (water-thinned) floor now on the market. are odorless, dry in an or less and the tools are cleaned in plain water. will take some playmates of his own age promises some fine new business WATCH YOUR STEP As in the case of any floor- Lead off in family fun at|you off on the right foot in 1961.|painting job, be sure you do not paint yourself into a corner. See either the stairs or | condition. 242 Elgin Street West. |parts, attachments, {teed rebuilt machines. |ice. RA 8.0591 anytime. AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. Prompt service. Free estimates. Order se st may be unneces-|now for early delivery. Chair and table These steps y rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. brushes S, nay of the porch floor and|VACUUM cleaner, repairs, all makes, the next year promises a definite|stens with an asphalt roof coat- in monetary matters--| ino the exception of a brief|soaking the flooring. period in November when a ten-| |deney to splurge could-upset the OTHER WAYS {financial applecart. Best periods| £ i Estimates free. moisture from Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- $15.40 uaran- freezer. FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and For appointment (no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5-3709. | a baking process necessarily accepted. exclusive to. . , J. W. SPOONER Minister of Lands and Forests TORONTO, Ontario. April 11, 1960. a week per family of No down payment. £ £ po The haunting memories 7" TEX-MADE shee of a The finale of the evening pro-,a happy and joyous occasion foridowed with great artistic ability.|house entry are behind you. gram which is open to everyone, -- - CRN TR 0 men and women, will be a olay| by the Peterborough Home| League. entitled "For He Had | Great Possessions', based on the Biblical story of the rich, young ruler. HEE LR SDhistzcton Guaranteed - "I was one of her wedding presents 12 years ago. Every second Monday she'd hang me out on the line (the back-fence gossip I've heard in my time!) The other ladies were always admiring me: 'So crisp and rich" ... "So beautiful, so--* But now I'm boasting. Sorrys The night Johnny was born I went tosthe hospital with them, wrapped around her knees! Talk about nervous fathers--he thought I was a blanket. The years went so fast! Suddenly I was top sheet on Johnny's new grown-up bed and he was taking his puppy to sleep with him. That was when I first began to feel a little tired. Lately I've been resting a lot, but it's lonely on the shelf. Then Johnny dug mé out and made these eycholes and I was sure it was the end of me. But guess what . . . she was mad! She called me a perfectly good sheet! She's going to patch me! I may be just a ghost of my former self, but I'm still a Tex-Made. And we Canadian sheets are pretty hardy." Supplement LT) Family Diet with EE ---------- PARAMETTE" | SYRUP "PARAMETTES" ; 21 Vitamins, Minerals end Trace Elements PAY ONLY Also Special Low Rates for: COMPLETE OFFICES, FACTORIES, STORES, SHOWROOMS CITY FLOOR CLEANERS PHONE RA 5-6746 sheets MADE RIGHT HERE IN CANADA DRUGS 28 KING STREET EAST RA 621 DOMINION TEXTILE CO,, LTD., 1950 SHERBROOKE ST. WEST, MONTREAL Reguler City-Wide Deliveries

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