Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Apr 1960, p. 7

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ab. AN Ad Th rd » I mm ae TO RECEIVE DIPLOMAS AT GOLD CORD PRESENTATION IN ST. CATHARINES At the annual Gold Cord | awa Guides who have received | this year for the preseatation as | Presentation of the Ontario Girl | their Gold Cords during 1959 | jt was in St. Catharines that the | urn ---- 4 | the Canadian Girl Guides and | istered in 1910. From left | St. Catharines has been chosen | right are Elizabeth Munday, e Colega auditorium, St. Catharines, on Thursday eve- ning, April 21, the above Osh- to 6B company; Marget Morris, | 6A company; Janet Lapp, 12th | company; Judy Whitbread, 6A company; Carol Pearce, 12th | --Oshawa Ween, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 PERSONALS Mrs. Daniel Shutka and Mrs. William Armstrong will represent Cedardale Home and School Association at the Ontario Feder- ation of Home and School Associ- ations convention to be held to- morrow and Thursday at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. | Mrs. Robert Lewis will repre- sent South Simcoe Home and School Association at the Ontario Federation Home and School As- sociations convention to be held tomorrow and Thursday at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Representing the Duke of Edin- burgh Home and School Associa-| Mr. and Mrs. David Lander, tion at the Ontario Federation Brookside Drive, have returned Home and School Associations|from a pleasure cruise in the convention to be held tomorrow Caribbean. nd Thursday at the Royal York| . Hote), shi will be Mrs, Gor-| Following the wedding recep- don Jackson and Mrs. William [ton for Mr. and Mrs. William J Owens. Oliver, the former Miss Louise |Anderson, whose marriage took| Mrs. Glynn Pearse and Mrs. place on Saturday, the bridal William Clark will represent couple left for a honeymoon in Woodcrest Home and School As-|Daytona Beach, Florida, sociation at the Ontario Federa-| tion Home and School Associa-| tions convention to be held] tomorrow and Thursday at the entertained by Miss Helen Murry at the piado. A miscellanegus shower was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Lee, Oshawa, last Thursday. The evening was spent playing bingo with prizes for the guests. Mrs. W. H. Bestwick, Mrs. E. A. Collins, Mrs, Donald Black and Miss Madeline Kelly will be the delegates for the Oshawa Soroptimist Club at the confer-| ence of the Eastern Canadian Re-| gion Soroptimist Clubs to be held in Belleville, April 29, 30 and May 1. | company. They are showing a Guide history scrapbook, the Opportunity Waits West Courtice Home and Schoo! OT TCOUITCITICTITE, Times Photo |, ociation will be represented e Gold Panel Discussion On Discipline Louie Hogarth Grp Teacher Speaks On Visual Aids " At Cedardale H&S Meeting | Thankotfering . Ot Interest At H&S Meeting The meeting of the L Hogarth Auxiliary of fhe Xe . |en's 'Missi i ber Mrs. Walter Johnson was mod-on a child if an explanation was EE Ea held in| erator at a panel discussion on|given as to why the punishment the Church School auditorium. | "Discipline" at the King Street|was applied. Parents should be There was a large attendance for Home and School Association| consistent in administering pun-|the April Thankoffering service, meeting heid recently, |ishment in order to develop a| Mrs. Wilbur Down, president, Members of the panel were well-adjusted child. |welcomed the guests from other| Mrs. Sydney Sharples, who repre-| A child that was always trying|churches and read a poem| sented the parents' point of view,|to be the centre of attention was|'Easter." The worship srevice the Reverend S. C. H. Atkinson, a/not likely being given enough at-/was in the charge of Mrs. Samuel minister's point of view, Mr.|tention at home. A pampered Gibbs and Mrs. George Sanders. Donald Sutton, a former principal |child causes difficulty in the The theme, Watch and Pray. of King Street School, gave ajclass room. Mrs. William Wilson and Mrs. teacher's viewpoint, and Mr.| It was decided that most par-|William Grandy sang two duets, Harold McNeill expressed the ents expected their children to|Beautiful Garden of Prayer and thoughts of a social worker who|live up to the ideals of what | Sweet Hour of Prayer. Mrs. Wil- deals with children. [they thought they should be but/liam Graham accompanied them Mrs, Johnson asked nine ues-|cften failed to take into comsider-|at_the piamo. ttend| tions of the panel, to which she ation their capabilities. Several Savighions, lo. & on received some informative and| At the end of the discussion|Other WMS Thay 2 ering sory amusing answers. the members were given an op-|'<®S Wore Joba Agri a tea It was concluded that discipline portunity to ask questions-of the cus iii a April 20. Mem- was the molding of a child tojpatel and sae ; i i the su accept a proper behavior pattern.| Mrs. Edward Alker introduced bers Were TernInd od. Ja} he SL When the method of discipline | Mrs. Johnson, who in turn intro- (Pg in May. was not working i was time to/ducey fhe Mmetbiers of the panel. make a change. It was usually Mr. John eir expressed the verend Thomas de the fact that the child|thanks of the Association to those jatroducen bi yey who as "and needed disci-|who had taken part in the pro-{spoke on the Resurrection, and plining in a different manner. (gram, |the place women held at that It was agreed that every child] The president, Mrs. Frank Jar-|time. Hurrying to the tomb, at The regular meeting of Cedar-| dale H and S Association was| held recently with the president,| Mrs. Alyn Elliott presiding. | Mrs. Otto Young, Visual Aids convener, introduced Mr. John Pratt, teacher at South Simcoe] School. Mr. Pratt is the audio| and visual aids convener for the| school and explained visual ai Tape recorders, radio p. grams, film strivs, television an: objects such as blackboards, pic-| tures, maps, models are all vis-| Peters' {ual aids used to help students in|Brown's class. their studies. Also taste, feel, sight and hearing are included. | Studies taken show pupils re-| membered 10 per cent of what they heard, 40 per cent of what they saw and 90 per cent of what they do. | Models are another medium. For instance, if a child sees an| animal at the zoo, he will notice| The Reverend S. C. H. Atkinson a0 remember every detail, but if he sees a picture of it, or is told about it, he will soon forget. Moving pictures are best shown for moving objects such as birds, sioner of Adelaide District Girl by Mrs. William Neil and Mrs, | Dorald Thompson at the Ontario Federation Home and School As-| sociation convention to be held tomorrow and Thursday at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. A topic of great interest at the annual meeting of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario was the presentation by the male nurses in the profession entitled "Where are the Men in the House?" Chairman of the male nursing committee, Maunsell Gerrow, di- rector of nursing, Ajax and Pick- Mrs. George Peters will repre- sent Dr. C. F. Cannon Home and Schooi Association at the Ontario Federation Home and School As- sociations convention to be held| The two delegates to attend the annual convention in Toronto on April 21 will be Mr. Daniel Shut- ka and Mr. William Armstrong. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 19, 1960 7 |° BROTHER AND SISTER Children of Mr. and Mrs. | Douglas Wallace, Laurentian | avenue, are Paul Daniel and | Sharon Arlene. Danny, three | years old, and Sharon, eight, | are the grandchildren of Mr. Bert Prince, and Mr. Herbert Wallace, both of Huntsville, - and great-grandchildren of Mrs, Daniel Ward, Peterborough. --Photo by Hornshy Mr, Tom Mungham, Supervisor] of Water Safety for the Ontario Division of the Canadian Red Cross Society, was the speaker at the April meeting of Sunset Heights Home and School Associ- ation. Mr. Mungham urged his listen- ers to have a "water-proof fam- ily" this . Parents must tomorrow and Thursday at the ering General Hospital, ph Royal York Hotel, Toronto. sized that great opportunity awaited the male nurse. One big field is psychiatric nursing. Spe- cial types of work also can be more conveniently done by male nurses -- nursing in construction projects, mining camps and pub- lic health services. Albert Wedgery, RNAO staff member, pointed out that men had been around in nursing a tong time. In 258 AD men in Egypt were organized to nurse and give first aid. And even to- day, male nurses predominate in some countries. In Nigeria, for instance, there are more men than women in the profession. In Ontario at the moment there are 185 registered male nurses. Most of them have been trained abroad. However, four hospitals in Ontario are training men --St. Catharines General, Woodstock General, North York Branson Home and School council will be held on April 19 in E. A. Lovell School. The May meeting will bring the reading of the annual reports by the committee chairmen, and also the installation of the officers for the coming year. The room prize was awarded to Mrs. Lillian class and Mr. Robert Representing Mary Street Home and School Association at the Ontario Federation Home and School Associations conven- tion to be held tomorrow and] Thursday at the Royal York| Hotel, Toronto, will be Mrs. Bruce Sonley and Mrs. James Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gold- smith, Rossland road west, and| Mrs. Fred Graham, Gibbons) street, recently returned from a| five-week vacation in St. Peters-| burg, Florida. Mrs. C. S. Lee, Simcoe street north, and Mrs. James Heffering of Whitby, have returned from a tw holiday in Miami, Florida. Refreshments were served by the parents of Mrs. Alma Wid- meyer's class. Mrs. Donald Leav- itt is the Grade Mother. World Flag Gift Of Committee To Guide House Mrs, W. E. Gardner, Commis- Miss Ruth Hiller. a bride-to-be of April 30, has been the recip- showed anger. When anger was shown for too long a period par- ents should explain to the child atiretary's report, and the treasur- Punctuality and good manners| Lloyd Annis. were some of the most important] Mr, 1. B., Weid ' 8 : ) | Mr. « B. erick things a child should acquire. The|won the parent attendance ng parents' example had a great|yrs, Jarvis asked for volunteers bearing on these. Duties around|ty canvass for the Cancer Blitz the home should be started as | vis, presided for the business. early dawn, Mary Magdalene and Mrs. Harold Davis read the sec-|Joanna and Mary the Mother of Jesus wondered about the stone an early age what caused anger. (er's report was given by Mrs. that would block their entrance. They discovered that the stone rolled away and the {tomb was empty, but an angel | told them to go and tell the others that Jesus would go before them |into Galilee. God had acted in a had been sunmals, or fish. Slides are best/Guide Association, presided at 01 Jationary objects such as anthe April meeting and welcomed early history castle. .. |[Mrs. R. E Wilson, Division Com- Film strips, although an aid, |i isgioner, Mrs, J. C. Stephen- rene 2 subsite Yor a teach-|co, and Mrs. R. S. Hayward, dis- -used. nan ud . Before a film is shown, stu- ois ad of a dents' interest can be aroused by | worid flag for Guide House, the jent of many shower gifts. A linen shower in her honor was held at the home of Mrs. Douglas Lester, Agincourt, who was assisted by Mrs. Fred Saunders and Mrs, William Found. The guests were given the same training as fe- mal students which would in-/man, read the slate of officers|rather than vice versa. On lace General and the Ontario Hospital, Brockville. The RNAO recommended at the meeting that male students be supervise their children or make sure they swim in a supervised area. Parents should see that their children learn to swim and also learn to swim themselves. Mr. Mungham said "Know water- safety and artificial respiration and practise regularly. He show- ed a film entitled "Don't Drown' depicting the various swimming strokes and their advantages, safety rules for boating and the correct method of artificial res- piration. He conducted a brief question and answer period. For Male Nurses Feature Talk At H&S Meeting - : Ea officers to be held at the May meeting. sis It was decided to donate a sum « of money towards the purchase of a record player for the school. Mr. Donald Sutton and Mrs. A. €;~ Clifford will look into the pups chase of this. Mr. D. A. Sutton, the principal, & thanked the Home and School Association for the past year's gifts to the school of a radio and daylight screen. He also mention. ed the matter of children riding bicycles to school, not being too. sure of the safety rules. He asked the co-operation of the parents in this matter. Mrs. Thelma Rowland's and Miss Grace Trull's class won the room counts. mothers of pupils in the kinder- - garten classes, Mrs. R. W. Foi ~ ster and Mrs. Macie] Achmae Th was introduced by towicz, grade mothers, e Mrs. E. .K James and thanked by Mrs. W. J. Howard. Mrs. A. W. Wilson presided. tion. er, gave a report on House." Mrs. R. H. Forster gave Edward Bind, nominations chair- clude obstetrical training. for 1960-61. The minutes and treasurer's re- ports were given. Mrs, Harold Ramshaw read letters concerning the Cancer Blitz, the Jaycette Hydro Show and one from the local Board of Health on fluorida- Mrs. Lewis Lott, social conven- WIFE P Open In ironing lace-trimmed mates ward to the edge of the introduction of the subject, then gift from the group committee of sudy of the film and review sge1pide district, commemorat- soon as the child was able to accepl responsibility. It was decided that praise should always be given when de- served and correction given when necessary Punishment had no bad effect on April 26. : wonderous way and rolled away The next council meeting will the stone just as He can roll be held on April 26 in E. A.laway the stone that is hindering Lovell School at which time Mr.|a life from being full and free in W. Huskilson, BA, BED, will His service. Faith and assurance speak on "Why Home . and|is the great lesson of the Resur- School?" at the next Canadian|rection and Easter is the begin- Association of Consumers' meet-|ning of life everlasting. Mr. A film shown in haste is soon forgotten, but if notes are taken| in review it will be remembered, therefore films can be something! to look at and forget, or if prop-| erly used, something good. | Mr. Pratt showed a film on birds, also a film on his trip to ing the 50th anniversary of Guid- SOCIAL NOTICES | ing. Mrs. Gardner pr ted the flag on behaif of the group com- mittees and Mrs. Wilson spoke briefly, describing the meaning of the component parts of the flag. Mrs. D. J. Bowler and Mrs. L. ling. Mrs. Walter Johnson will | speak on "Consumers, Beware." There will be a bake sale pre- ceeding the May meeting of King |Street Home and School Associa- tion, and the program for the meeting will be provided by the students and teachers, Loreen Stanton Norman Gambell Wed In Brooklin In Brooklin United Church re- | Fleetham closed with prayer. | Mrs. Jack Lowry thanked the [the Maritimes, which he uses in |speaker and all who took part in| his social studies, to show all th {the service. | Refreshments were served by|Quebec. | Mrs. Arthur Howard and her com- | mittee. HOUSEHOLD HINT G. Lioyd gave the secretary's land treasurer's reports and Mrs. ¢| Blake Wall, badge secretary, an- 58 Mr. Pratt closed with slides on| Proficiency and . 10 First Class circle tour to Florida. Mr. Daniel [badges earned. Reports were Shutka thanked Mr. Pratt. given by the representatives of Minutes were read by Mrs. (the 2, 10 Brownies, 10, 16 Guides | historic spots around the city o | 4 y |nounced three Golden Bars, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mathews of Toronto announce the engagement of their daughter, Lois Zena to Mr. Duncan Alexan- der Brodie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Brodie of Oshawa, The marriage will take place on Sat- urday, May 7, 1960, at 2.30 o'clock in Armour Heights Pres- byterian Church, Toronto. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Katheline Ethelyn, youngest cently, the Reverend S. J. Hillier | : united in marriage Loreen Isobel, | teacher of King Street School,|nouse seem larger and more uni- daughter of Mrs. Elizabteh Stan-|was presented with a Home and | fied, paint or paper walls of ad-| ton, and Norman Ronald Gambell, | School life membership pin by :acent rooms in variations of the] Members voted to purchase delivered May 7; also Refugee son of Mrs. Norman Gambell and Mrs, Jarivs. the late Mr. Gambell, all of Brooklin. same color. Miss Velma Kaiser, a retired] To make the interior of your|Harry Blanchard. Treasurer's re-(and 2, 10, 16, 17 Group Commit: port was given by Mrs. Gordon McQuaid. 8/ graduating pins for Grade pupils. Mrs. Adrian Hill read the sick| daughter of Mrs. Fred Fowler of Bowmanville and the late Mr. Fowler, to Mr. Milton Edward Terry, son of Mrs. Wesley Fow- ler of Oshawa and the late Mr. Walter Franklin Terry. The wed- ding will take place on Saturday, lees. The Girl Guide cookies will be Year ends in June, all donations are tc be in by this time. Announcement was made of Mrs. Fred Brown played the wedding music and the soloist, | Mrs. Doris Beaton, sang "Wed- ding Prayer" and "O Perfect] Love." The bride was given in mar- riage by Mr. Adriaan de Jonge. | She wore a gown of silk mist] organza with lace overblouse ef-| fect. The bodice was styled with | long sleeves and a sabrina neck- line and the bouffant skirt was re-embroidered with appliqued chantilly lace. A tiara of seed pearls held her fingertip veil of tulle illusion, and she carried a| bouquet of white roses. The maid of honor was Miss Helen de Jonge and the other| attendant was Mrs. J. Lovelock. | They wore identical gowns of willow green silk ofganza on| princess lines with bell shaped | skirts. Their headdresses match-| ed their gowns and their acces-| sories were white. They carried nosegays of white chrysanthe- mums centred with green. Mr. William Gambell of Maple acted as best man and the ushers | were Mr. Stanley Gambell, Osh-| awa, and Mr. Jack Lee, Brooklin. A reception followed in the church hall. The bride's mother received in a beige lace en- semble with a corsage of bronze chrysanthemums. The bride- groom's mother wore brown on white flowered silk with beige ac- Vv cessories and a corsage of gold! 7 chrysanthemums, | For their wedding trip to Otta-| wa and Montreal the bride wore a light green dress with a| black Persian lamb jacket, white hat and black accessories. | & Mr. Gambell are| * making their home on Bagot| street, Brooklin. Guests were present from Osh awa, Toronto, Woodbridge and King, Ontario. i A wedding of Oshawa interest , was solemnized recently at Shaughnessy Heights United urch, Vancouver, Britis PROPER SHOES Columbia, when Mr. and 1g Many foot troubles result from| John Francis Hamilton ex- wearing ill - fitting footwear| changed ' nuptial vows. The through the growing years of| bride, the former Miss Grace childhood. Wilson McLaren, is the daugh- OSHAWA GIRL WED IN VANCOUVER ter of Mrs. James Adams of Oshawa and the late Mr. Wil- liam Robertson McLaren. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Francis Hamilton of Vancouver. The couple will live in Vancouver. --Photo by Campbell Studio, Vancouver, B.C. convener's report and correspon-|the annual joint meeting May 18 dence. and the regular meeting May 11. June 11, 1960, at 3 p.m. in Albert Street United Church. Free! Marie Fraser's delicious milk drink recipes. Write today! DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto wr om" WHI TE CROSS SHOES HY-GE-NIC Only WHITE CROSS could achieve such slender, tailored lines with such a feeling of foot-free comfort. You will feel wonderful in these smart styles any time of the day and wherever you go. Also look for our collection of Cosmopolians ana. Astral-ettes All are HY-GE-NIC... specially treated Trode Mork Reg'd SST, to "an HY-GE-NIC ase mare 2169 from $1295 to $1395 OTHER STYLES SLIGHTLY HIGHER give lasting shoe freshness. : ' 18 SIMCOE In Downtown Oshawa Goods Satisfactory or money refunded -- Open Friday Night till 9 P.M. ST. S. Refreshments were served by * a report on the ice carnival. Mrs. |ial, iron from the material outer The installation of'doilies, iron from the center outi'=

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