Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Apr 1960, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 16, 1960 | ALONG THE LAKESHORE Municipality Seeks Get Rid Of Nuisance b person was killed, another seri- ously injured, approximately $3275 in six Easter weekend accidents investigated by provincial police in this area, 1 Killed, 3 Hurt On Roads Here BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- One Thomas W. Gallagher, 24, return- ing to his home in Downsview for 14 days leave, died in Sunny- brook Hospital early Friday morning, the result of an acci- dent on Highway 115, north of Orono, Thursday night. (See story Page 1.) two slightly in- ured and damages amounted to A Camp Petawawa soldier, broadside by a vehicle driven by Richard E, Noble, avenue, Kapuskasing. Noble was luninjured. was estimated at $1500 and to the Noble vehicle, $1000. OPP Constable Murray C. Joynt in- vestigated. ly $475 in a two car rear-end col- ly road, Bowmanville, p.m. Thursday. GI or A i A SIGE i 5 A 7 ry na The mishap occurred in heavy Easter weekend traffic and in- volved vehicles driven by Wilbert J. Malcolm, 68, RR 2, Janetville and Gerald D. Hamill, 20, Wark- worth. D. to the Mal vehicle was estimated at approximately $300 when it was struck in the rear end by the Hamill car. OPP Constable Jim McDonald investi- gated. In addition, Provincial Police at B ville investigated three non-reportable (damages totaling less than $100) accidents. Mrs. Leacock was apparently ttempting to turn left when hit The Polish National Union Branch No. 7 in Oshawa Extend wishes for a HAPPY EASTER 9 Bowman x vahisl 1 D. to the L Damages totaled approximate- ision on Highway 401 at Waver- at 5.45 Hospital authorities at Oshawa By ANGUS GORDON them in the senior brackets now, (SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE District Editor taking part. |" Hon. Brian Cathcart, Ontario Mi blicity Brooklin Junior Inst Minister of Travel and Pul Port Perry Junior Farmels Club|!$ apparently more Shan, 3 v7 |were responsible for the decor at|tle concerned over the e 3, e 81 the Port Perry High School audi-|Which Canadian banks' policy o torium, "Spring Fantasy" was| charging premiums on U.S. silver: the theme for the dance, and|may have on the tourist trade tribute was paid to the organizing|this year. committee, Grant Parrott of Ash-| He visualizes a big drop in an- burn, Ted Lamb, Port Perry, and ticipated traffic when U.S. tour- Jeanine Werry of Oshawa for the|ists find they cannot use their initiative displayed for this high-{oWn currency here without a pen- light of the Junior Farmer social|alty. He may be right. However, season. [ye here amazed, 3t the awe dis- hi .|playe y Mr. athear! 0! our oA Dutlet Toneh Which Tlow | neighbors, "the richest nation on committee composed of Barbara Phair of Seagrave, Jeanne Pear- son of Uxbridge and Roberta Baird of Blackwater, | 1 NT FOR DURHAM |heard him. a third year| Has Canada really injured the a well known| United States in some manner Pembroke|by asking value for the dollar? g assistant/And are the small storekeepers for in Canada compounding this in| some manner by demanding a) Many townships are reaping te and the nuisance harvest resulting from indifference of earlier coun- cils to proper planning. At least one, East Whitby, is suffering from the location of a '"'nuisance industry" which brings little or no revenue to the municipality, and which is located on land re- quired for residential purposes. Township officials have appar- ently made overtures to the com- pany officials to get them to lo- cate somewhere away from the residential zones, but to no avail. The company, in fact, has polite ly told them they can't do a thing about it. The location was appar-| ently protested by council when| the company first bought the| land, but as there was no zoning|ASSISTA! bylaw in effect, council could not| Robert Cotnam, act with any authority. | student at OAC, and Representations have also been junior farmer in the made from some Oshawa resi-|district will be acting a dents in the area who have com- agricultural representative plained of smoke from burning Durham County this summer. t earth", He described the banks' action as "adding insult to injury", a remark which must now be puzzling many Canadians who could exchange their U.S. funds for Canadian funds on entry and could give them U.S. funds for Canadian on departure. surely would not be too difficult would keep everyone happy. General Hospital, Friday night Mild described Mrs. red cock, 181 Dean street, Simcoe, as "still in the operating room, but in fair condition" resulting from a two-car collision on Highway 115, north of Orono, Friday after- noon. It o set up such a system which PROFESSIONALS PLAN BETTER TRIPS inclusive Independent Travel Arranged We moke Hotel and Resort Reservations anywhere. MRS. MITCHELL Over 25 years' experience selling travel Donald Travel Service WHITBY--~OSHAWA---BRCOKLIN--Ph. MO 8-3304 TORONTO EM 3-8958 roper exchange for their goods? | rubbish, and roads littered with| The appointment will undoubt-(P trash in the area. |edly please ag. rep. Oliver Dal- be As a result of the complaints, |rymple, who for the first time 50 the township council is now seek-| will have a full time assistant for ing ways and means of bringing|the increasing extension work in|; the nuisance under control. It isthe county possible that ways and means mer appo will be sought to control thelbetween smoke nuisance, and make road Brighton. users comply with load regula-| mpnis time, he will work tions. Prosecutions will also fol- sively out of Bowmanville. u psec : a low the littering of roads, while with the an Mr. Catheari, who resides in a rder town, Sarnia, must recall] the days not too long ago when| s of Port Huron, | across the St. Clair|f d their pound off hape of ten cents on| Or does Mr. Cartheart suggest || €X- (that the small businessman in| Ontario subsidize our "richer" bl peighbors to the south to induce | introduced. , _. |ments are some arsonnel| wa wot ages! if Mr. | The council is now seeking in-|o} anges in the extension branch. Co only syggest, tos that = formation from other municipal-| p00 well known veteran agri- SH oe ring Ontario | ities who have managed to either, jira] representatives will bel} gor crossings to solve the prob-| get rid of undesirable industries. |yetiring shortly. They are J. H.|PorC€0 oot) or have managed to institute ajarerntoch of Algoma District; W. yo omparrassed by being it strict control over the operations.| a "Cockburn of York County, who ill Se fhe ind There is such experience avail-lis fairly well known in this area; | to I able, and there is little doubt that); 4 (he popular R. E. White, long|™" Gvernment the department of municipal af-l4ine ag rep, for Perth County. rs fairs and the Ontario Municipal A promotion of general interest p | Board would be in sympathy with|, moneychangers il icipali i i is that of R. E. Bell, agricultural | fhe mujer ia 3s desire | representative of Oxford County to associate director of extension, | JUNIORS AT HOME effective June 1. Bob Bell, a popu- Ontario Junior Farmers had allar figure in the Woodstock area fine turnout for their annual at since his appointment there near- home dance at Port Perry last|ly ten years ago, was formerly weekend. It was something like/zssistant ag. rep. in Peterbor- Old Home Week with many for-/ough County. mer junior farmers, many of - -- JOIN THE FUN AT ARTHUR MURRAY'S SEE FOR YOURSELF how fast ou learn to dance and enjoy ||| nore good times--the easy || | | RICKSH CHINESE FOOD - OM eee ee Be TE ee Le ive Mother A Holiday Too ORDER DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD DELIVERED HOT TO YOUR DOOR Extra Staff for the Holiday Weekend { OPEN: Monday to Thursday until 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday until 3 a.m. Sunday until 11 p.m, 42 KING STREET WEST PHONE RA 81676 | Arthur Murray way! One les- DANCE TONIGHT Modern - Souare TO THE TORNADGS WwW ON CHATEAU RECORDS) CALLER, BOB FOWLER ADMISSION $1.00 RED BAEN ONTARIO'S FAVORITE FUN SPOT on with an Arthur Murray ex- vert will prove it to you. Come | n now for | >ig Special Offer-- Lord Elgin HS | Elects Officers | By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- Lord Elgin Home and School Association held its meet-| ing Monday at the school, with the president, Mrs. G. W. Cur- wood in the chair. The attendance by Mr. Me-| Guirk's roc | Elettion of officers for 1950 took place with the following re- sults: president, Mrs. B. J. Severs; vice-president, Mrs. J. Spellen; secretary. Mrs. D. An- drew; treasurer, Mrs. J. McLel- lan. Installation will take place at the May meeting. The parents stood for a moment of silence in tribute to the mem-| ory of the late Grace O'Connor. It has been decided to purchase and place a set of the Book of Knowledge in the school as a memorial to Miss O'Connor. Mrs. Ivy Gannon, teacher of Grades 4 and 5 at Lord Elgin, gave a talk on her native South Africa, which she illustrated with color slides, taken by her busband who visited Africa in| January. Mrs. Gannon also sang a song, in the Africaans dialect, Refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. J. Jamieson, social convener. WiLL YOU ACCEPTA 3% HOUR Be E TRIAL LESSON ? al ARTHUR MURRAY Open Daily 1 to 10 p.m, 112 SIMCOE S. RA 8-1681 banner was COLORFUL SPECTACLES OF FUN AND DARING HHH FXII Kids Out For Kicks! TH SEE 1001 WONDERFUL SOUNDS AND SIGHTS| COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS AFL LENGTH (554) ANBATED FEATURE OSHAWA § OEE and Patrons SORRY, NO DANCE THIS SATURDAY, APR. 16 TEE OFF BALL THE OSHAWA GOLF CLUB Annual Spung. Dance at THE OSHAWA AIRPORT Friday, April 29, 1960 music by Bryce Brown and his orchestra For Reservations Coll RA 8.8775 or RA 5-3661 Admission $5.00 Per Couple BEAST FROM HaunTeD 0) EE... 1 A! a) W) a a pins ree red Sandalwooa a [) INVITES YOU EASTER Reservations . . . PHONE RA 5-9111 CALL LY DRIVE-IN Starts Monday BOB HOPE IN "PARIS HOLIDAY" -- PLUS "KING OF THE WILD STALLIONS" FREE COMIC BOOKS FOR THE KIDD'ES ON MONDAY 1626 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA Mrs, & Mr. Merrithew (Props.) CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON TONIGHT! BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 7:00 SHOW STARTS AT 7:15 7» Pir ® Zonal, zn DEBBIE REY NOLDS CURT JURGENS - JOHN SAXON ESTELLE WINWOOD Se ear PLUS OUTDOCR ACTION IN COLOR! IURD Ad nite 0 DANCE PARTY DON PIERRE end His Crchestre : 3 3, 4 5 2% PAVILION & $ 4p, OSHAWA of Oo. \ 0 >, > 51 unusul JERRY LEWIS saucering down to Earth JOR BLACKIUAN- EARL HOLMAN: FRED CLARK 5 Fe Sno by Ln fot ut boom Lis Norma Tagnos - [owns 500m ow Meany Giron " TODAY Gout You + A Paranount Prctuse FEATURE AT 1:30 3:30-5:30-7:30-9:35 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE a | MONDAY! ETT 77M gases eee se 008000008 A LAST DAY: "HERCULES" "SPOOK CHASERS" PLUS Ml Mi M0 0 0 0 A i MD LAST TIME TODAY AT 1:30, 3:35, 5:40, 7:45, 9:55 HIS FIRST FILM ROLE! Dick Cuark is with GREGORY RATOFF » Seroenplay by HARRY KURNITZ based on bis play « eniot roses tut ibm | Prodeced and Directed by STANLEY DONEN This Easter, why not treat the family to e deliciuos Dinner. Here, at the Flying Dutchman. Our expert Chefs will be only too happy to cook YOUR Easter Dinner to your individual taste, Decide Right Now to Come and Enjoy our . + « « or Assorted Relish Tid Bits Consomme with Sherry Wine Cream of Chicken Soup Chilled Tomato -- Apple Juice -- or V8 Grapefruit Juice Tossed Green Salad Oil and Vinegar Dressing © ENTREES PANNED COLORADO RAINBOW TROUT, Almondine . . . . . 2.50 ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF, Au Jus 3.00 ROAST ONT. TURKEY, Dressing & Cranberry Sauce 2.50 BREADED MILKFED VEAL CUTLET, Mushroom Sauce . . . 2.50 HONEY CURED HAM STEAK, Pineapple Ring 2.50 GRILLED RIB-EYE STEAK, Onion Rings ASSORTED COLD CUTS, Potaio & Egg Salad POTATOES Whipped, Baked in Foil or Candied Yams Shrimp Cocktail 95¢ VEGETABLES Green Beans -- Glazed Carrots DESSERTS Strawberry Parfait, Rice Pudding, Fruited Grape Jelly, Chocolate Cream, Hot Mnce Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Grapenut Custard Pudding BEVERAGES Tea, Coffee, Milk, Chocolate Milk M4 ing Viton ion HOTELS Highway 401 at Bowmanville Cloverleaf -- For Reservations Phone MA 3-3373 - or p--

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